An unusual New Year's scenario for high school students. Funny New Year's scenario with a modern twist for high school students


There are quite a few beautiful holidays,

Everyone comes in their turn.

But in the world the most good holiday,

Most the best holidayNew Year!

He comes on a snowy road

Having swirled snowflakes round dance.

The beauty of the mysterious and strict

Fills the heart of the New Year!

He gives us faith in a good case,

On the first day and in a new turn,

Helps to get better

To all the people of the world New Year!

Louder laughter and more joyful hugs.

And the chime of the clock flies from all earthly latitudes.

We are all brothers to each other!

On the planet holiday - New Year!

Song:"Light it up"


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a princess.

A dramatization from the fairy tale "12 months".


Your highness, it's time to do your homework.


Phew, how boring. Constantly lessons, lessons. Well, what about this time?


Your highness, today we will write a dictation. So let's get started.

Dictates: The grass is green, the sun is shining.

Princess: Enough, I'm tired of this study. I want some entertainment. (thinks). I came up with. It is necessary to issue a decree so that my subjects make some kind of film.

herald announces the decree of the princess.

Her Majesty the Princess asks to create a New Year's Eve for her subjects, interesting film for a generous reward.


- And, first of all, we suggest that you watch the play "Ivan Ivanovich Changes His Profession" only in a new way.

Imagine an ordinary high school student who, out of old habit, bought crackers in advance and ......, but then you will see everything for yourself!

Senior student:

ABOUT! New Year is coming soon! I bought a clapperboard, we'll shoot at the New Year's Eve. Let me try one.

(Pulls the string, the clapperboard explodes
A man who looks like an astrologer appears

Senior student: - Who are you? Where did it come from?

Wizard: -From your firecracker, dunce! I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can perform any one Your wish.

Senior student: - Not a fig to itself, and why one desire? In fairy tales, wizards grant several wishes.

Wizard: -You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, limits have been cut, energy potential only enough for one wish per month.

Senior student: - Yes. You have to think about what to order. No matter how much money I order, it will run out someday. Need power. In, I came up with, I want to be a big boss.

Wizard: - As you wish. Abracadabra, sim salonym. Now you are the king.

Senior student: -How is the king? What are you? I asked you to be the director.

Wizard: - You see, I'm actually from the 18th century, and I don't know who the director is, but I know the king.

Senior student: - Ugh, you're a dick! The director is the leader of the company. Let's fix it soon.

Wizard: - I can’t, the limit is over, I can only next month.(leaves)

Senior student: “Hell, what are you going to do. Well, I'm not a damn thing in this royal business. Anyway! As the song says: Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked. So, I'm the king now!

(The song suddenly creaked the door like in a fairy tale)

Happiness suddenly in silence
Knocked on the door
Can't you come to me
I believe and I don't believe
Snow fell, dawn floated,
drizzle autumn
So many years, so many years
Where were you?

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked
So out the king I am now
I didn't dream about it
What should I do if I knew
Learned something somewhere at school
Just forgot everything
If only it wasn't in vain
Everything in the world was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Here it is, here it is
Happiness without an answer
Got to be a king
Me in this world
The one who waits will take everything down,
No matter how life beats
If only everything, this is everything
It was not in vain

(The royal servant runs in, he is also a clerk-clerk. Falls to his knees, beats his head on the floor .. The wizard has disappeared.)

Royal Servant: - Oh, the tsar-father, they didn’t order to execute, they ordered to have mercy, where did your majesty disappear, and there are no royal clothes on you, the infidels did not undress, your majesty, oh, they didn’t order to execute.

Tsar: -Yes, okay, get up, what's your name?

Royal Servant: -Lord have mercy! No memory lost. They call me Fedka the tsar-father, with your royal mercy I serve as a clerk and assistant, they have not forgotten.

Tsar: -Yes. Something has become with my memory, nothing but sclerosis.

Royal Servant: - You just order the king-father, we will cut off this Sclerosis in an instant.

Tsar: - Oh, and darkness! You are an unpaved village. No one needs to be executed.

Royal Servant: -Ah, the Queen, how she yearned for you, the king-father, in her room toils, she cried all her eyes!

Tsar: - Queen? In Dela! I wonder how she is? Come on, beauty! Let's call her here!

royal servant This minute my lord, this minute...!

(The royal servant leaves, the queen enters. )

Queen: -Oh! Thank God for the living tsar-father. For three whole days he disappeared and not a word or a breath, so we did not care what to think.

Tsar: - Disappeared, but I did not disappear, Where then is the real king?

(Turning to the Queen) - I was absent on state affairs, mother, I was on a business trip, to exchange experience.

Queen: - You are all in business and in worries, the king father .....

Tsar: - Well, you think it's easy for us kings. There is not enough money, Inflation, taxes, meetings, press conferences, consensuses, ugh, you must have turned something wrong .. Well, how are things at home?

Queen: - Yes, it's time to marry the sons of the princes. Adults have become!

Tsar: Crazy, I also have adult sons!

Yes, I'm still young.

(Addressing the queen. ) -Well, let's call them here.
Three princes enter, line up)

Tsar: -Yes. The king had three sonsapproaches the elder , pats on the shoulder ) - The elder was smart,

(fits in the middle,) middle son and so and so, (to younger) The younger one is not stupid. That's what my sons, it's time for you to get married, go look for brides. How is it in a fairy tale? Well, you go to the merchant's yard, you go to the boyar yard, and you know in the swamp for a frog.

Junior prince: -Yes, I don’t want a frog, then run after it in Far Far Away kingdom, help out from Kashchei. I'll look for something else, more interesting.

Tsar - Well, go, go. The new year is coming soon, we should make arrangements for the ball. Fedka, let's order there that the New Year be in the first category, there is Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, order it.

Royal Servant: -Oh, they didn’t order the execution, the king pardon, father, we are in trouble. All the heralds in Rus' galloped off to look for you, there is no one to send for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Tsar: Oh, if I were in my time, now I would order at least two Snow Maidens with Santa Claus on the Internet.
(a girl with pigtails appears, dressed very modernly)

Tsar Who are you?

ICQ: ICQ I am an instant message - a product of new technologies!

Royal Servant: What? What product?

Tsar: Quiet! The people are not educated! Here is the class! Here you are, then we will call Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!
Well… and what are you standing for?..

ICQ: So send me!

Tsar: Well... so... go already... otsedova...... in the end!

(on the stage of the Snow Maiden, preening, Aska appears)

Snow Maiden: And who are you going to be? Where did it come from?!

ICQ: ICQ, I'm an instant message - a product of new technologies! You Snegurki message.

Snow Maiden: (indecisively) What product?

ICQ: Product new technology! You, along with Santa Claus, are urgently expected in a fairy tale to celebrate the New Year.

Snow Maiden; What? Both? Ah, we have been waiting for this message for a long time!

ICQ: The message has been delivered, I will hasten to inform about the delivery ...

Snow Maiden: So what are you standing for? Run!

ICQ. Yes, send me!

Snow Maiden: Well, get out of here!

ICQ Another thing, I'm already running!

(Aska runs away)

(There is a conversation between the Snow Maidens Snegurochka 1 and Snow Maiden 2.)

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up? A!

Snow Maiden 2: How where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Santa Claus to congratulate children on the holiday, to give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: And why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? After all, we are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I must go. Why do we need a junk like you on a holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Look at yourself better, I’ll also get a present for the holiday! It would be better if it snowed!

Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you can’t erase such a gift as you, as you draw, you can’t turn it off with any bulldozer, you won’t go around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my elder sister, the Veteran Snow Maiden! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Listen! Let's call him! Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!(3 times)

Snow Maiden 2. Well, why are you yelling fool, you work the old fashioned way. According to modern it is necessary. Learn!(knocking on the door) Hear. Grandpa, it's good to snore! The corporation is waiting!

Snow Maiden 1. Wow! It worked!

(Sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back).

Father Frost: I almost slept whole year, although there is a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate on the holiday, give gifts.

Snow Maiden 2. Grandfather, well, everything is fine, we have heard about it a hundred times.

Father Frost. And why are you so rude and gloomy today, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1: Why, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Father Frost: What for? I have already received gifts. Look at the whole bag!
(Puts the bag in a conspicuous place).

Snow Maiden 2: Grandpa, don't worry! The fact is that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1: And my centuries-old experience, seniority, you do not take into account at all? Just imagine, you will come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children will not recognize you, they will still be frightened. And I'm a completely different matter!

Father Frost: Granddaughters, do not quarrel!

Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandpa! It's a shame indeed. I've been waiting all year whole month I prepared congratulations, dressed up ...

Snow Maiden 1: Been dieting all day...

Snow Maiden 2: And you did make-up all day, smeared wrinkles ...

Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me... Yes, I...

(Santa Claus grabs a bag and runs away, and the Snow Maidens rushed after him)

Snow Maiden 1. 2 . Grandpa, wait for us!

(The king and queen are sitting, flirting)
(Aska appears with a comical step )

ICQ: I would like to inform you that the message sent by you has been read by the addressee… read… read…

Tsar: I hear! Not deaf! Class! The process has begun, we will wait for dear guests!

Queen (walking around Aska) She's kinda weird though!

Tsar: Don't worry, it's not real, it's electronic. Well, go away! Do not interfere with state affairs!

Tsar Hey Fedka, come here!... Listen. Is there a magician in our state? Ah, so I forgot something?

Royal Servant: But what about, the king-father, there is! .... only he is very mean?

Tsar. So what are you standing for. Bring the miser here!

(An old familiar wizard appears)

Tsar: Yeah, I see, you're an old friend again.

We have already called Santa Claus with the Snow Maidens ourselves, and you let us organize something fun, festive, magical!

Wizard: - I can't, I told you the limit is over.

Tsar - That's bad luck, well, come up with something.

Wizard: -I don't know, just next year!

Tsar: -What!!! I'm not going to babysit you. I give you 20 minutes, think about what to do, if you can think of it, I will order you to be executed.
The wizard bows out, sons appear with brides,
the eldest and middle son-bride have modern fashionable clothes. And the younger one has a whole harem from the East, all in veils.)

Tsar: Wow! Here are the sons with their brides!

Senior prince Here, meet the Tsar-father, this is Zemfira. Singer!

(Zemfira bows and sings.)

I was looking for you
for years
looking for you
dark courtyards
magazines, movies
among friends
the day I found
lost her mind

looking for you
at night-chami-chami-chami-chami ...

Tsar - Yes, of course, a little extravagant, but how do you know how to live.

middle son: (introduces his fiancee) Here is the tsar-father, my Allochka, recaptured from Kirkorov or from Galkin, well, oh well, in general, it doesn’t matter ... from whom.

(Tsarevich and Alla Borisovna also sing)

Be with me boy fluffy bunny,
Fragile baby or don't be with me.
Be with me a master, be with me a gangster
I'll be a girl, or don't be with me.

Be or don't be, do something.
Be or not be, be or not be. (2 times.)

Tsar - Well, you give a son, but she is already good for your grandmother.

Alla Borisovna: (Indignantly) But even though you are a king, I ask you to be more polite with the prima donna, by the way, I look younger than your queen.

Tsar: - Well, God be with you, live as you want. (Refers to the third.) And what is your team?
Younger son: - Yes, I want to start a harem tsar-father, come on Gulchatay, Zulfiya, and the rest, Lord, I already forgot how, open your faces, show yourself to the tsar-father.
harem dance belly dance )

Tsar: - Well, you really are a fool or not a fool, On the fig, you have so many of them! - I suppose there are as many mother-in-laws?

Younger son: Well, yes, mother-in-law, nannies are still on the road, they will arrive tomorrow.

Tsar: - Well then, deal with them yourself, don't go complaining to me.
(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear)

Tsar: Oh, here comes Santa Claus! and even two Snow Maidens?

Father Frost: Forgive me, tsar father, I raised my granddaughters poorly, and I don’t want to tell you how they cursed. They don't want to give up on each other!

Tsar. Yes, God bless them, let them both be at the feast, than neither.

(The wizard returns)

Tsar: Well, magician-sorcerer - not funded, did you come up with something?

Wizard: -Yes, sure! Here she knows what to do next.

G.N.P. Yes, I know, but why so rude! Honestly! Ugliness!

Well, everything worked out for the tsar, the Tsarina is nearby, the sons found their chosen ones, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, even with two they appeared on time! But the holiday does not end there, but continues! Let's, dear artists, all in unison congratulate the people on the upcoming New Year! And you, dear audience, applaud our artists, they played great! And let's continue our entertainment program! (Chorus congratulations!)

Alice's wonderful dream


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Red Queen

White Queen




A girl is sitting on the stage at the computer, pretending to fall asleep. She eventually falls asleep at the table. The lights go out in the back and a video screensaver appears on the screen. Then the light comes on and Alice finds herself alone in the middle of the hall.

Alice: Where am I? Where is my computer? I don't understand something. Awww. People. And where is the rabbit?

Bunny: Well, actually, I'm not a rabbit, but a bunny.

Alice: Bunny, could you tell me where we are?

Bunny: I could not, I am in a hurry, and you are delaying me.

Alice: But I just asked where I am and that's it, be so kind as to answer.

Bunny: yes, yes, answer ... (looks at the clock). Oooh, what time is it, I have to run, I'll be late... (runs away)

Alice: Well, that's great. One single talking rabbit and he ran away. Stop, he's talking. I'm going crazy. So where's my phone. I'll call my mom and dad and they'll pick me up.

Cat: (climbs out from behind the Christmas tree) And here the network doesn’t actually catch it.

Alice: Aah, how you scared me. Are you talking too?

Cat: I also cross-stitch.

Alice: Some kind of nonsense. People, please help!!!

Cat: I wouldn't scream like that if I were you. And even the Red Queen can be disturbed. oooh... I have to go.

(the queen appears on the stage with her retinue Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden)

Crown Queen: So, girl. And what are we doing here?

Alice: I myself would like to know the answer to this question. And why do you have Santa Claus and Snegurochka as servants?

Queen Queen: Don't you dare question the Queen!!!

Alice: But I was just asking.

Crown Queen: Oh right? Head with the player!!! Frost, deal with her, but for now I'll go and have a cup of tea. (leaves)

Alice: It's just some crazy house.

Snow Maiden: Girl, you urgently need to run away from here, otherwise the queen will execute you.

Santa Claus: But where will she run away. There is nowhere to hide from her gaze.

Snow Maiden: how is it where? At the white queen. Grandpa, we must call her here.

Santa Claus: But you can only get to it through a fairy tale.

Snow Maiden: Well, grandfather, you can hit with your staff and transfer it to a fairy tale.

Santa Claus: Of course I'll try, but my magic doesn't always work. Creeble rake, shovel boots. Click on your foot, click on your foot gray dog. Boom!!! Does not work!

Snow Maiden: Well, try again.

Santa Claus: Creeble rake, shovel boots. Click on your foot, click on your foot gray dog. Boom!!! (8A enters the stage with a fairy tale, Alice, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave)

Number 8A

White Queen: Is someone showing a fairy tale here? I feel a fairy tale spirit here ... Or is it someone's socks ...

Alice: Sorry to interrupt you from such an important matter, but Santa Claus told me that you can help me get out of here.

Bel.Queen: I can do anything, but I will help you if you help me.

Alice: Well, yes. Who would doubt that. What should be done?

Bel.Koroleva: You see, I used to rule this whole kingdom, everything around was bright and colorful, but then my sister took away my crown and now everything around is gray and nondescript.

Alice: Why do you need this crown, do you really not live so calmly? Come on, you just let me go and that's it?

Bel.Koroleva: You just don't know how it used to be here. But wait, now I'll show you how it used to be here.

Room 8B class

Alice: I understand that I will not get out of here soon. Where is that nasty rabbit? He will help me. Rabbit, hey rabbit.

Bunny: what is not clear? I'm not a rabbit, but a bunny. Will you be pleased if I call you a boy?

Alice: I don't care what you call me. Just send me home.

Bunny: But I don't care. Girls, for example, are much better than boys.

Alice: Why is that? The boys are fine too.

Bunny: but now we will check who is cooler. I need 10 beautiful girls.

Alice: And I have 10 strongest guys.

Bunny: Now let's check who is cooler here. Your task is to dance the girls.

Alice: only the main condition is that it should be a team dance. Those. no one where, but synchronously. Ready? Go!

dance competition

Bunny: Have fun from the heart.

Alice: Yeah, now tell me how to get out of here?

Bunny: Are you talking about getting out? (Looks at the clock) Hare mother!!! I have to go! (runs away)

Alice: Well, fine, I'm left alone again.

Cat: No, not alone. I'm always here. And I watch everything.

Alice: Stop scaring me already. I can still be a stutterer. And anyway, I'm allergic to your wool.

Cat: And I'm not an ordinary cat, I'm a Cheshire cat. My wool is hypoallergenic.

Alice: Yes, the weight is equal to me what kind of wool you have, help me get out.

Cat: I can't do this. But I can make sure that you are not bored here.

Alice: Well, at least you're of some use.

Room 10 class

Crown Queen: Frost, where are you, girl?

Santa Claus: So we give her this, that ... Head off her shoulders.

Queen Queen: Oh, well, that's just wonderful. Snow Maiden, I got bored. Entertain me with something.

Snow Maiden: How to entertain? Can you tell a story?

Crown Queen: Fu, a fairy tale. What an abomination. This is to my sister about fairy tales, please. And I want something interesting. Any competition.

Snow Maiden: Maybe cricket?

Santa Claus: So we are, for the last time all the flamingos have been exhausted, there are no more left.

Snow Maiden: Then maybe in hockey?

Crown Queen: Well, let's play hockey.

Snow Maiden: Then I will ask the 10 most active guys in this hall to come to me.

Competition "Hockey"

Alice: When this is over, will I ever get home?

Bunny: We must hurry. There is very little time left...

Alice: Oh rabbit. You promised to help me get home.

Bunny: Yes, I'm not a rabbit, but a bunny. And I have no time to send you home. We need to hurry. (takes her hand and leads her somewhere)

Alice: what's the hurry?

Bunny: Gaze at one great performance. (Takes Alice away)

Room 9A class

Bel.queen: Girlaaaa, girla.Are you still here?

Alice: Yes, I'm here, here.

White Queen: Are you going to help me? Or don't you want to go home?

Alice: Well, why don't I? I want of course.

White queen: Well then, get me a crown. (leaves)

Alice: yeah, a crown. Where can I get it?

Cat: And I know where to get the crown.

Alice: And where is it?

Bel.Koroleva: Cat, get out of here. Nothing to suggest. She has to figure it out herself.

Alice: At least tell me.

White queen: I love fairy tales. (leaves)

Alice: Wow. She loves stories. Well, who will help me organize this fairy tale?

Cat: Well, I can.

Alice: Oh, kitty. Help me, right? And I'll scratch your belly.

Cat: Well, for this I am ready even to the ends of the world. Are you telling a story? Let's do it now.

Fairy tale

Alice: Here, the crown. Come on, send me home.

Bel.Koroleva: What kind of crown is this?

Alice: How are you? The crown is like a crown.

White Queen: This is not the right crown. I need the one on the Red Queen.

Alice: How can I get it?

BelKoroleva: Well, how do I know? You need to go home, not me. That's it, I'm going to eat jam.

Alice: Well, where can I get it?

Santa Claus: What, did these queens really drive you?

Alice: not the right word, now I need to take the crown from the queen.

Snow Maiden: But it's practically impossible.

Crown Queen: What are you whispering about?

Santa Claus: Yes, about nothing, we are thinking how to entertain you ...

Crown Queen: Ah, I love that. Let's do it. How will you entertain?

Snow Maiden: And now we will check which of the ladies present is the real queen.

Queen Queen: Well, it's clear to a fool that I am. Well, if you want to check, then let's check. How are we going to check?

Santa Claus: We have a magical pea. Now let's take 5 beautiful ladies and see which one is the queen.

Snow Maiden: Your task is to sit on a chair and booty to determine what you have on the chair.

Princess on the Pea.

Snow Maiden: Well, since we have another queen, let's give her the crown.

Santa Claus: Queen, let your most precious crown be worn for a while.

Crown Queen: Well, if only for a while. Will you give it to that winner?

Snow Maiden: Well, of course she, not the white queen.

Santa Claus: In the meantime, go take a nap. Probably tired.

Red Queen: Exactly, I'll go lie down. Wrapped up completely. (Gives away the crown and retires)
Santa Claus: Alice. Aliiiisa.

Alice: I'm here. Well, did it work?

Snow Maiden: Yes, run quickly and take this crown to the white queen. Just hurry up, the red queen may suspect something. (runs away with Santa Claus)

Alice: Thank you very much. Okay, now I'm definitely going home.

Cat: And I'm a girl in your place, I would not give this crown to the white queen.

Alice: Why is that?

Cat: But the amount does not change from a change in the places of the terms. (Leaves)

Alice: Hm. Strange. What did he mean?

Bel.queen: O. girl. What are you doing here?

Alice: Yes, I brought you a crown.

White Queen: Really? Well, give it to me soon.

Alice: Yes, someone here told me that you are not a kind queen. That if I give you the crown, then the whole country will also be under your terrible government.

White queen: Well, what are you a girl. It is not true. I'm all white and fluffy. If I was evil, I would be dressed in black.

Alice: Yup. Found a fool. Until there is evidence that you are kind, I will not give you the crown.

Bel.queen: All right. Good queens can control the elements. Now I'll show you how I do it.

Dance of Snowflakes 9B class

Alice: Okay. Here is your crown.

White Queen: Well, finally my crown!!! (thunder sounds)

Crown Queen: What have you done, you stupid girl. Why did you give her the crown?

White Queen: Be silent!!! Now I will rule!

Alice: But you promised to send me home, you said that you are a good queen!!!

White queen: Do not dare to talk to the queen without permission.

Santa Claus: What's going on here? What's that noise?

White queen: Ahhh, the old man came. Traitor. Head with a playee!!!

Snow Maiden: No. Do not touch him!!!

Cat: I told you Alice!!!

Bunny: Let's go girl, we need to run, time is short!!!

Red Queen: Give me back my crown

Bel.queen: Head with pleeee!

Alice: Wow!!! Stooop!!! (everyone falls silent) Well, is it really impossible to live peacefully? You are sisters! Make peace already. And where are you constantly in a hurry bunny. After all, you can miss everything in the world.

Snow Maiden: And I think I know what to do. You just need to reconcile everyone.

Santa Claus: But how to do it?

Bel.Koroleva: I think I know what's wrong. It's all about the crown.

Crown Queen: Exactly, because when she is on her head, her mood immediately deteriorates and she wants to harm everyone.

Bunny: Yes, yes. There is already so much time. It needs to be thrown away immediately.

White queen: Eh, she wasn’t! (throws the crown, a magic sound sounds)

Cat: How are you? Better?

White Queen: A lot!!!

Alice: it's good that you made up!!

Santa Claus: Oh, because the new year is coming soon, we urgently need to send you home. To do this, repeat after me: crib-crab-cucumber. End of travel! (The lights go out, everyone except Alice leaves the stage. They take out a table, a chair and a laptop for her. She takes her initial position)

Alice: (wakes up) Yeah, well, I’ll dream about this ...

Cat: Yeah, dreams are different ...

Alice: So it wasn't a dream?

Bunny: Well, why are you sitting? It's time, the time has come.

Alice: Time for what?

Santa Claus: how for what? For New Year's greetings.

Snow Maiden: We are waiting for miracles, we believe in a fairy tale,
We are friends, we love, we create...
Bel queen: And on this good winter holiday,
When the lights around are burning

Crown Queen:
When the tree is brightly lit
Fireworks fire every hour

Bunny :
May happiness come to us for a long time,
May joy not leave us.

May all wishes come true
Sadness-longing will leave without a trace.

Father Frost:
Love, warmth, charm,
Miracles magical for ages!

Snow Maiden: Bunny, what's wrong with your leg?

Bunny : Well, how what? Time to have a blast!!!


Scenario new year holiday For high school « winter fairy tale»

New Year's music

Presenter 1: Good evening! We are helpers of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! We welcome all those present!
Presenter 2: Those who came to this hall in order to have a great time...
Presenter 1: Get a lot of positive emotions and recharge your batteries for the whole next year...
Presenter 2: Throw off all the worries and routine of the past year...
Presenter 1: Relax and enjoy the company of friends...
Presenter 2: And most importantly: carry out Old year and welcome the New Year 2016!!! (Leave)
The sound of a motorcycle, a whistle, a scream is heard. Baba Yaga appears on a broom, slows down, making a sharp circle. Considers the situation and those present.
Baba Yaga: So, are we getting ready for the New Year? So, a cool party is planned? Uh-huh ... And I was invited? - No. Without me, then you are going to celebrate? Well, we'll see about that! (Rubs hands) . Looks like planchik is ripening!
He sits on a broom and winds it up like a motorcycle (the roar of a motorcycle is heard). Starts accelerating to fly away. A kikimora Glasha in rags runs towards her. Collides with a broom, crash into each other and fall to the floor.

Glasha stutters.

Glasha: Wai! Wai! Guard! Guard! What is it? (stuttering)

Baba Yaga:(Recovering) Fathers! Whom did this impure bring? Yes, this is a kikimora Glasha!

Glasha:(lifting each other). H-h-hello, po-po-friend! (High fives to each other)

Baba Yaga: In general, what are you stuttering about?

Glasha: (stuttering) I walked myself, did not touch anyone, I see a bag on the road. She looked - no one around, which means no one's bag. Grabbed and run. As soon as I turned behind a pine tree, when suddenly, as if from under the ground, Santa Claus appeared. “Give it back,” he says, “the unfortunate thief, the bag!” And I told him: “There is nothing to insult me, I didn’t steal, but I found it! It means that I’m not going to give it away! ” And as soon as he hits with his staff, I dropped the bag out of fear, and as soon as I run, I began to stutter. Yagulya, help me, I'll die, stuttering.

Baba Yaga: Well, it's possible. (Conjures) Shushara-mushara, bumbatz! Well, let's check out my work!

Glasha:(Screams without stuttering) Healed! I feel healed!

Baba Yaga: So, offended, offended you, unfortunate. And I know how to take revenge on a bearded man. Let's do this: you take on ... (whispering in Glasha's ear) and I first ... and then the two of us ... Understand? Forward! (sits on a broomstick)
Glasha: (incredulous). Listen, what is it?

Baba Yaga:(Getting down) Ahhh, meet me. So, I saved up some money and purchased my personal forest transport - ME-TLO-CYCLE!!!

Glasha: SHO Sho?

Baba Yaga: Metolocycle. (Glasha looks at it). I even have a remedy for you. Hold on. (Puts on helmet.) You are my beauty!!! (Glasha is embarrassed).

Baba Yaga: Well, let's fly! (They sit down, the sound of the motor, both shake on the broom). Ready?

Glasha: As? (Does not hear)

Baba Yaga: I say are you ready?

Glasha: Yes, go ahead.

Baba Yaga twitches along with the broom. Glasha flies off her and falls.

Glasha:(scratching ass) You know, when I said "get on with it," I didn't mean it that way.

Baba Yaga: Had-didn't have, hold on, come on! (Sit down on the broom again, the sound of the motor, shaking) On your marks! Attention! Start acceleration!

Glasha and Baba Yaga fly out the door.

Music. The Snow Maiden and assistants enter.

Snow Maiden: Hello, hello, hello!
Glad to see you today
IN Holy holiday New Year!
We wish you a New Year
Fun for a hundred years ahead!
And I have prepared for you new year surprise, but I'll show it to you when Santa Claus comes. We have very little time left, and we have not yet checked whether everything is ready for the New Year. Have you forgotten the good mood? I'll check now.
Very upbeat music


All follow me, repeat
Smile, don't be bored!
Raise our hands up
Let's clap loudly, louder than all! Three four! Once! Two! Three!
We do like me, with our feet,
And now with your hands
And clapping over your head!
We repeat everything after me!
Snow Maiden: Well done, I see you good mood, you are perfectly prepared for the meeting of the long-awaited holiday of the year. The most important thing is to wait for Santa Claus! In the meantime, we will not waste time in vain.

Presenter 1: We need 2 male volunteers. (Get out) Our The contest is called "Crumple the Newspaper".( Unfolded newspapers spread on the floor in front of 3 players.) Your task is to crumple the newspaper on a signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist. The second hand behind the back. The winner is the participant who gathered the newspaper into a ball the fastest .... Ready? Three four!
Music. Prizes

Presenter 2: For our next competition we need 2 girls who can count well.(Get out) Contest called"Can you count?"(There are 2 chairs in front of the girls, show them 2 opaque bags) You need to sit on the bag that contains the candies. And while the music is playing, feel how many sweets are under you. The one with the most accurate number of candies wins. Ready? Started!

Music. Prizes are the same sweets

Contest "Find Me"

Snow Maiden: Something of our Santa Claus is not and is not. OK! Let's play further! We need 4 volunteers: 2 boys and 2 girls. (Leaders take out and arrange students in pairs) Listen to the task: my assistants will now hide 2 toys in the guys' clothes, and we will blindfold the girls. A boy will stand opposite you, a toy is hidden in his clothes. She needs to be found. Whoever finds it the fastest wins. (Leaders blindfold and hide toys in socks) Ready? Get started!


Snow Maiden: (referring to the same couples) And now a task for you guys.Contest called "Declaration of Love" . It is believed that "all ages are submissive to love." When a person is in love, he confesses his love. Everyone does this sooner or later. Now we are going to practice. It just so happened that the first in love is most often explained by representatives of the male half of humanity. Show how they do it. Stage, choosing a certain voice, a declaration of love, which he addresses to his peer ...

· three year old;

· 12-year-old teenager;

· 30-year-old man;

70 year old old man.

Snow Maiden: So member 1...

The sound of bells

Snow Maiden: Hooray! The bells are ringing. Our Santa Claus is coming! And let's call him to come to us faster. Let's? Three four! (They call Santa Claus several times)

Father Frost: Hello! Hello! Hello! (Sad)

I guys old grandfather I'm already five thousand years old!
In January and February I walk the earth,
As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise!
When I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!
But now I'm very kind and I'm friends with the guys,
I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!
Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, why are you so sad?

Father Frost: You see, granddaughter, I didn’t see the old stump, how Baba Yaga stole the New Year from me with her kikimora. What to do now, I have no idea.

Snow Maiden: Don't be sad, grandpa. We'll come up with something. Our dear assistants, while we will amuse Santa Claus, you think about how you can return the New Year. (Leaders whisper).

Snow Maiden: I throw a cry - we need 2 volunteer guys who are ready to make Santa Claus laugh and have acting talent, at least in the rudiment . (Boys exit) Here is your first task: (Assignments are announced in turn by the presenters)

Participant 1, laugh with a haughty laugh;
- participant 2, laugh with an ingratiating laugh;

1- laugh with enthusiastic laughter;

2 - laugh with an ominous laugh.

Now go like:

1- gorilla in a cage;

2 sparrow on the roof;

1- stork in the swamp;

2- chicken in the yard;

1 - a girl in a tight skirt on high heels;

2 - old granny;

1- guy in front unknown girl;

2- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song. (Alla Pugacheva's song sounds)

Snow Maiden: Well done! (Prizes) Something our grandfather is not cheerful. Come on, assistants, tell me what you think!

Presenters: We consulted and decided not to return the New Year to us without Baba Yaga and kikimora. You need to call them.

Father Frost: Well, it's possible, I have a magic whistle. Now they will rush in instantly!

Whistle. The rumble of a motorcycle. Baba Yaga and a kikimora burst in on a broomstick.

Glasha:(shouting) Brake! Brake! (Crash into opposite wall and fall)

Baba Yaga: Brake, brake. So, you have a brake pedal in the back. Why didn't you slow down? (Rise)

Glasha: (Takes a broom and twirls it) Yes, it is better not to go into these details.

Baba Yaga:(To Santa Claus) Well, what do you need, Frost - a red nose?

Father Frost:(slyly) Wanted to see you!

Baba Yaga: (Also cheeky) And I'm not interested in Santa Clauses for 300 years!

Presenter1: Well, give the New Year!

Baba Yaga: Will not give it back!

Host 2: Give, I say!

Glasha: Figushki! Figushki! (twirls the muzzle)

Snow Maiden: Okay, Granny Yagulechka, what do you want in exchange for the New Year?

Baba Yaga:(thinking) I want to hold a competition with Glashka. Allow me - I'll think about whether to return the New Year to you.

Father Frost: Okay, go ahead!

Glasha: So, friends, we have today
Merry Christmas holiday.
Let's all, as they say,
Play, laugh, have fun!
Baba Yaga:
And so, friends,
We can't do without competition!

Baba Yaga: Well, my good (rubs hands) I especially love boys, I like those who have strong legs. Who will be the 3 chosen volunteers? (Boys come out) Now Glasha will lay out 3 balls in front of each of you, you will be blindfolded and twisted, put in front of the balls. You will need to reach the balls and crush the ball with your foot. You can help with your hands, but you must burst the ball with your foot. (They blindfold and twist the presenters and the Snow Maiden)

Ready? Three four!

Baba Yaga and Glasha are handing out prizes.

Baba Yaga: Okay, respect the old lady. I'll bring you back the New Year! (Goes to the door and conjures) Shushara-mushara, oh-ba-na! (Brings out the New Year)

New Year ( Primary School):

I am New Year! I am a holiday!
And I wish you
Blossom and not get sick,
Wear new clothes
And be happy all year
Cheerful and beautiful!

May the New Year
will enter your house,
Snowdrifts of laughter will bring.
Fun, music, poetry,
Sweets and delicious pies.
Hope, success and victories,
And kindness for many years.

Father Frost: My nephew has been found! I improved. Okay, you are forgiven, Babak Yozhka and the kikimora Glasha. I invite you to our last competition which I will conduct personally. We need 6 participants who know how to have fun. (Come out, preferably 3 girls and 3 boys) Our latest and traditional the competition is called "Dance". I will tell you what to do, and you will do it to the music.

So, task number 1. Each of you has your own dance "chip", a signature, but simple dance movement. Dance elements should not be repeated. Think for half a minute. You will now take turns showing them, and the participants will repeat. Each subsequent participant comes forward, shows his movements and repeats all the previous ones to the music. Begin. Participant 1… (Baba Yaga and Glasha also repeat the lines on the sides, the rest of the "actors" clap)

Father Frost: And now task number 2. (Music will play different styles for each task)

We just dance.

We sit on chairs. (All "actors" substitute chairs for the participants from behind) .

We dance with the whole body, sitting on a chair.

We dance without using our legs.

We dance without using our legs and arms.

We dance with our shoulders and head.

We dance only with eyes and eyebrows.

Father Frost: And now the audience will determine the winner with applause. Applause to participant number 1 ... Rewarding

Father Frost: And it's cozy in your class, however. (Looks around the class) Probably the best teachers in this school.
What do you wish for the New Year?
Well, probably less worries.
Student obedience.
To keep promises!
Presenter 1:
You taught us good for a year,
They put their soul into us
We wish you a New Year
May you be fabulously lucky!
Host 2:
There will be happiness in personal life,
Live well for a year
Without sadness and worries
Avoiding all the hassle.
Father Frost:
It's time for us to say goodbye.
Yes! We didn't get bored today
Celebrating the New Year together!
School friendly family.
But it's time for me to go
I lingered a little.
Thanks for the welcome -
Thanks to all! I say.
Try new things
See and know
And if you give the word
Always keep it!
Snow Maiden:
Looks like it's time to say goodbye to everyone.
Now everyone needs to say goodbye.
We wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful, sonorous laughter!
More good friends and girlfriends
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!
New Year:
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!
The chime of the clock sounds over the sky.
In the windows, the light is not extinguished by the city.
We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Always be happy in life!
Host 2:
Leave sorrows to the old year.
Forget anxiety, resentment, trouble.
Only health, success and happiness
We wish you a Happy New Year! (TOGETHER)

Baba Yaga and kikimora Glasha fly away on a broom bike to the roar of a motorcycle ...

Felt boots.

Theatrical performance.

Snow Maiden (runs out). Now, now Grandpa. I'll just start New Year's Eve and I will come to you! Hello dear friends! I almost missed it! So many things to do, so many worries before the main and most beloved holiday - I just go off my feet.

Snow Maiden. I'm here, grandpa! So Grandpa is also nervous. But he has a different reason - can you imagine, he decided to marry the Snow Woman! He dresses all day, gets ready, then the sash is not tied, then the mittens cannot be found ...

Santa Claus in slippers. Snow Maiden, where did my boots go?

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, they are standing under the bench!

Father Frost(bends, looks) They are not under the bench! They are nowhere!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't worry. Your boots will be found. Let's better evening let's start the audience with a holiday congratulations!

Father Frost. Granddaughter! What do you say? How can I open a holiday in slippers? Yes, I won’t go anywhere without boots! Until the felt boots are found, don’t even call! (leaves).

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't be angry. I'll find your boots right now. Dear viewers, our holiday TV program is opened by ____________________________________.

Have an interesting viewing, and I will go to Santa Claus to look for felt boots.

Snow Maiden. You know, I'm very worried. There are really no boots. Where could they go? She herself put them under the bench today, but now they are not there ... And Grandfather rested: I will not be without boots holiday program hold and dot. What good and the truth will not work, and we will be left without a New Year. What to do? Shouldn't I call the police? And what? Let them look for (dialls the number) Hello! Police? Santa Claus lost felt boots, and we can't find them without you! Please come quickly! They said they would come and even with a dog. Will wait.

Policeman. Were the police called?

Snow Maiden. They called a fellow policeman! Our boots are gone! We can't find it anywhere.

The dog rises to the stage, shakes hands with the snow maiden.

Policeman. Don't worry, citizen, we'll find it. Come on, citizens of the audience, show us your legs. Mukhtar, let's smell (looks around) Mukhtar! To me!

Dog. I'm not going to sniff anything! I already see: there are no boots here.

Policeman. How are you talking to me? I know who? I am an officer of the law! Come quickly to me!

Dog. Yes please! (goes to the policeman)

Policeman. Search!

They walk around the hall, find Baba Yaga and bring her to the stage.

Baba Yaga. Let me not go! Where are you taking me? Let go! Yes, I will report you to the police! What do you want from me?

Policeman. It was you, citizen Baba Yagavalenka, who was stolen from Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga. What boots? I never wore them! I now dress in fashion, here. (shows) For once, as a normal pensioner, she came to watch the program - and they set the dog on me! 9dog) what hatched? Oh, don't sniff me, I'm not tasty!

Policeman. Yes, citizen. It's clear that it's dark. Come on, let's write the protocol.

babayaga. Snow Maiden, but it's not my fault!


Snow Maiden. I'll go and see how Santa Claus feels there. And your attention is invited to the following New Year's TV program ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

Outraged Baba Yaga drags a policeman

co hands tied and a gag in the mouth.

Baba Yaga. Come here, villain! Now I'll take care of you! Snow Maiden, where are you? Come here!

Snow Maiden. What's happened? Oh, Baba Yaga, why did you tie up a policeman?

Baba Yaga. You look at his feet. A? He stole the felt boots himself, but dumps on me!

Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, in my opinion, these are not those boots.

Baba Yaga. How are they not? Call Santa Claus for identification!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather! Come here! Look, are these your boots?

Father Frost. (leaves, examines boots). No, these are not mine ... (leaves)

Baba Yaga. The error came out. (takes out the gag)

Policeman. Do you know what a citizen is? You will answer for this. I'm against you ... I'll start a case against you!

Baba Yaga. Go, go, start.

(policeman leaves)

Baba Yaga. Snow Maiden, he will not find these felt boots for you. He will write the protocol until next year.

Snow Maiden. What to do? What to do then Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga. What to do, what to do... You have to search. Eh, they didn’t let people celebrate the holiday! Okay, Snow Maiden, go calm Grandfather, and I'll conduct an investigation myself!

(Snow Maiden leaves)

Baba Yaga. Mukhtar, where are you? (whistling)

Dog.(reluctantly exits). What do you want?

Baba Yaga. Not for you, but for you! Well-fed, but not educated! Let's go look for boots. (pulls on leash)

Dog. What more! Will not go! I'm tired!

Baba Yaga. You will go, you will go... You will rest when you find felt boots. And well - face! (running screams). And you, dear viewers, while watching the program ________________

___________________________________________________________________________ .

Baba Yaga(brings out Auntie in felt boots and with a large bag). Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden! Come quickly, we found boots!

Aunt: Guard, guard! Save people! They are robbing! In the middle of the day! Oh, the dog is not biting? Where are you taking me?

Snow Maiden. Hello. Why are you screaming like that. Baba Yaga, where are the boots?

Baba Yaga. Yes, look, you see, you got it on.

Aunt. What. These are my boots! I followed them to Yaroslavl to the felting factory!

Baba Yaga. Let's figure it out! Snow Maiden, call Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, come here quickly.

Father Frost. Oh, how many people, and I'm barefoot! That's a shame...

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, these boots are not yours?

Father Frost. No, not mine again. You, my dear, excuse them. I just want to get married, but without boots, how? Here they are all knocked off their feet. Go to yourself, they won't hold you back anymore.

Aunt.(preening) And I'm in no hurry! 9 pushes Baba Yaga in the side) What a cute Dedok! Wants to get married! And marry me! I'll give you these felt boots! Want?

Father Frost.No thanks! Don't want! Granddaughter, I'm leaving. (wants to leave)

Aunt. (blocking the way to Santa Claus). Where? If you don't want to get married, buy something from me. Here, a sports suit, here are sneakers ... (rummages in a bag, Santa Claus runs away in a panic). Hey, where are you? And you, grandma, don't you want to tinker? And we will find a new dog.

Baba Yaga. Holy, holy... Go here! Once upon us!

They run away. The aunt runs after them.

They bring out the Janitor with a broom.

Baba Yaga. Let's go, let's go dear!

Street cleaner. As?

Baba Yaga. Mukhtar, bark him louder.

Dog.(shouting into the janitor's ear) We followed you!

Street cleaner. Lots and lots of snow...

Baba Yaga. Why did you steal boots?

Street cleaner. Yes, yes, the frost has already bound the river ...

Dog. Give me boots, period!

Street cleaner. Uh-huh, I sprinkled everything with sand ...

Baba Yaga. No, I can't take it all anymore.

Street cleaner. As? Meth, honey, met... (sweeps)

Baba Yaga Snow Maiden! Father Frost! Come here!

Snow Maiden. Oh, Grandfather, they found another felt boots!

Baba Yaga. Look, Santa Claus, here he is a thief! And then everyone sins on me!

Father Frost. And these boots are not mine, Baba Yaga. Oh, granddaughter, you found bad detectives.

Baba Yaga. It's all you, Mukhtar, to blame! He is tired, you see! He's too lazy to sniff. Well, quickly sniff Grandfather, and so that you are no longer mistaken! (the dog sniffs and grabs his nose). What again?

Dog. The nose is frostbitten.

Baba Yaga. Ouch, sweetie! Come on. (to the janitor) And you went too.

Street cleaner. As?

Baba Yaga. Haven't fallen off yet! Go-go! (takes away the dog and the janitor)

Father Frost. Everything, granddaughter! The last time I went out to the people in slippers. Now, until the boots are gone, and I won't be here either.

Snow Maiden. All hope for Baba Yaga. Dear friends and don't be sad. In the meantime, look at the program _____________________________________________.

The music includes boots with raised hands,

behind them is the triumphant Baba Yagai Dog with a gun .

Baba Yaga. Here they are, pigeons! They are looking for them here off their feet, and they ride down the hill with snowflakes.

Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, Mukhtar, finally.

Baba Yaga. They?

Snow Maiden. Very similar, but I don't know for sure.

Dog. Let Grandpa sniff!

Baba Yaga. Yes, call Grandpa.

Snow Maiden. He won't go. I was angry that we still bring the wrong boots.

Baba Yaga. Are these not his?

Dog. These are definitely grandfathers. I guarantee.

Baba Yaga. He guarantees... No, it is necessary for sure, so as not to be mistaken. How would you check them?

Snow Maiden. Grandfather's felt boots were magical. Not only did they speak, they could sing too!

Baba Yaga. Let's check it out! Hey, you runaways, can you sing?

Felt boots. But what about

Baba Yaga Go ahead and we'll listen.

Valenki (sing).

We played with the snow

Well, the holiday is coming.

Oh, probably to us from Grandfather

Frost will hit!

Grandfather is tired and before dinner

Lie down on the bench to lie down,

And we quietly from Grandfather

Run away for a walk!

Snowflakes threw us

Snow powder!

Even if we were not scolded -

We're good!

Don't look at what we have

The mittens are small!

We were made to order

We are big boots.


We even dance!

We are not for warmth,

We are for the entourage! (dance)

In vain are we singing,

Are we stomping in vain?!

Why in this room

Nobody slaps us?!

Father Frost(runs out) It's them! My Valenki! I recognized them by their voice! And if my boots were found, I promise you that New Year's disco will take place!

Snow Maiden. Our story with felt boots, which caused so much commotion, ended successfully. And I sincerely wish you that in the coming year your troubles will be resolved as happily as we have today.

Baba Yaga. And let true friends always come to your rescue!

Dog. Let your hair be thick, your paws strong, and your scent excellent.

Father Frost. May your hearts be filled with joy.

All Happy New Year!

New Year's song.

If the windows shine brightly

Buying all gifts

Serpentine, toys, confetti,

If it smells delicious

From a green lush Christmas tree,

So the New Year is on its way.

If we rush on a sled

Through the snowy meadow

Or we fly along the rink with an arrow,

If the carnival spins

And for a century will make us friends,

So it's yours and mine!

Chorus: Coming to us soon

merry new year,

May the whole planet have peace and

bring happiness!

Let the snow sparkle!

Hello, kind person!

New a wonderful year holiday,

He is a merry fellow and a prankster,

Gives people happiness without end

He covers everything with snow

Everywhere the Christmas trees are lit,

Filling hearts with joy.

Chorus: Coming to us soon

merry new year,

May the whole planet have peace and

bring happiness!

Let the snow sparkle!

Hello, kind person!

May good luck await everyone in the New Year!

If children's laughter funny

Heard in palaces and schools

And a bright star shines

If songs, dances are everywhere,

If everything around is like in a fairy tale,

So the New Year is here!

Chorus: New Year has come!

This is very good!

So we will be together

Until next winter!

Let the years fly

Never be sad!

We wish you all good health!!!

Celebrating the New Year in high school should be non-trivial and fun. After all, the guys studying in grades 9-11 hardly believe in Santa Claus, so you should approach the preparation of the script with great responsibility. Be sure to include modern jokes and outdoor games with prizes. And then all schoolchildren will be satisfied with the evening spent. Here is one example possible behavior celebration for such an audience.

Captive Santa Claus

Leaders take the stage. This is a girl and a boy evening dress and strict formal attire. Leading: Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to this fabulous hall! presenter: Today is a special day, because very soon we will all celebrate an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday. Of course, it's New Year's Eve! Leading: Let's spend it in such a way that it would be possible to remember this for another whole year, and it's not a shame to put it on YouTube. presenter: Yes, we are waiting for such adventures that the video of the holiday will gain a lot of views. And all of us will become real stars of the Internet! Leading: I propose to start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree. One of the high school students enters the stage with a canister and matches. high school student: What should be lit here? This is us right now. presenter: No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine with bright lights. And for this you need real magic. Leading: Well, or at least a garland and a socket of suitable power. Let's call the school electrician and the physics teacher, I think they can help us. Let's guys three or four electrician, electrician! presenter: Do not forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need fairy-tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus! The hosts with the guests present at the holiday begin to call Santa Claus. The song of the group "Disco Crash" "New Year" sounds, and Baba Yaga enters the stage in a rocker bandana and leather jacket. A Santa Claus costume is thrown over her shoulders. In her hands she carries a large red sack and a staff. Baba Yaga: Hello my irises! I'm funny, oh, that is cheerful grandfather Frost, I brought you gifts, we will light it together - celebrate a nasty holiday.

presenter: Something tells me that you are not a grandfather. Look at you! Where are the good wizard's business, quickly speak. And then we will find control over you in an instant. Baba Yaga: No! I am that same magician, I just met with Santa yesterday, celebrated a holiday, so I look bad. Guys, do any of you believe that I'm real? Some of the guys sitting in the hall will definitely shout in jest that they really believe in it. Baba Yaga: Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I will give you a present. You will be alone, sitting among these goofs full! Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such frightening toys can be bought at any souvenir or children's goods store. Baba Yaga: Something you, my dear, I see, are not satisfied? Ali did not like the gift. So I'll tell you how you can cook a delicious soup out of these delights. He, by the way, is not ashamed and on the table festive guests submit. You take a large cauldron, add salt to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black pepper ... Leading: So, let's stop this circus. You, grandma, better become the administrator of one of social networks and there is a culinary public lead. There will be a lot of subscribers for sure. presenter: That's it, and don't talk your teeth to us. Where is Grandpa doing? Nobody here believes you! Baba Yaga A: I have proof. Now my granddaughter will do. They call her Snow Maiden. A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a snow maiden costume, enters the hall. Leading: What's with your granddaughter's hair? And she doesn’t look like a snow maiden somehow. Baba Yaga: All this is a cursed subculture. My yacht turned into punks. It is she who is without a Mohawk now, otherwise she will come out, it used to be in an open field, and the birds, out of fear, all fly south ahead of time, and some generally fall upside down with their paws. The bear, and he did not touch her, but the hares with squirrels said that when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw. presenter: Well, if you continue to claim that you are real, let's light the Christmas tree. Santa Claus can do it. baba yaga: One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. Knocks with a staff, nothing happens. kikimora: Let me try. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Nothing comes out, probably the batteries are dead. Come on, crank it up, damn thing. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! presenter: Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! We will call the guys from the audience for help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you will tell us where your grandfather and gifts went, and if you do, you will celebrate the New Year with us. Two guys are invited from the hall, the presenters invite them to participate in a tug-of-war contest. Baba Yaga, along with Kikimora, of course, lose and fall funny on the floor. kikimora: It's all because of you, you old hag, I told you, tie a fly agaric stew three times a day, otherwise Koshchei will be for you at such a pace handsome prince seem. Baba Yaga: Good good. We'll tell you where your beloved wizard is. But we also have our own conditions. Leading: what, I wonder - a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads? kikimora: No. You will need to answer all of our questions correctly. Would you like to take part in the quiz? Then we will tell you how to save the holiday. Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:

  1. We had a dog with Kikimora, and so she was tied to a rope, the length of which was as much as eight meters. Once she managed to walk as much as three hundred meters. How did it happen? (The rope was not tied to anything but the dog).
  2. What is heavier: a kilogram of coniferous needles that remain after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilogram of lead? (Both have the same weight).
  3. What is the main difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus? (The main difference is not in clothing and appearance, one is a Russian fairy-tale character, the other is American).
  4. Two birch trees grow in a snow-covered field, each of them has seventeen cones. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches).

Baba Yaga: Well, you answered the questions, now you can give the wizard to you. Both villains leave the stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. He sits on a chair, tied to it with tinsel. In the mouth fairy tale character bump sticks out. The leaders untie the old man. Father Frost: Oh, you, evil spirits of the forest. What did you think! Give me back my staff and my fur coat immediately! For the fact that you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys, I will freeze you. Ice cold, snow whirlwinds, rather here. Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff and both villains freeze in place. presenter: They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will take a promise from them that they will not behave badly anymore. Do you agree, dear guests? Father Frost: Well, well, granddaughter, be your way. It’s just that I’ve become old, I don’t have any memory at all, I bewitched them, but I don’t remember how to return everything back. Now... Melt, melt and don't freeze again. No, it doesn't work. Freeze, freeze, wolf tail. Also not that. It's like a completely different opera. presenter: How can we be now? Maybe someone knows this spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start beating, and our uninvited guests still in a stupor.

Father Frost: My granddaughter knows the spell, but she went to the beauty salon in the morning and still hasn't returned. Let's call her together. The presenters and the whole hall loudly call the Snow Maiden. A modern melody sounds and the granddaughter of Santa Claus enters the hall. For this role, select pretty girl model appearance. Father Frost: Where have you been, granddaughter, so much has happened here? Snow Maiden: What happened to you again, grandfather? So I was late for the spa, I sat in line for three hours at the hairdresser, I almost got into a fight with Cinderella. And the nail art master wanted to rip off a double price from me in honor of the holiday. Leading: O times, o manners! Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains, we freed him with the guys, and now he froze them, but forgot how to unfreeze them. Snow Maiden A: Well, you do. Well, grandfather, you amaze me. How about calling your foreign partner, with whom you exchanged experience yesterday so that it was not fate that you barely made it home? He takes out his phone from his pocket and pokes at the buttons. Ale, hey, Santa, how do I blow doo? Oh, so you understand Russian? Great, so you walked yesterday! How can we unfreeze two villains? I got it. Thank you! smack! Listen, grandfather, Santa says that they need to be warmed three times with a staff. Father Frost: Oh, right, I keep forgetting how this spell works. Approaches the villains and hits them on the head with a staff. After that, Baba Yaga and Kikimora thaw. Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, it’s just that no one loves us, so we decided to celebrate the New Year at least once in a good company. kikimora: Yes, she lies. We're just in the background beautiful Christmas tree in fashionable clothes they wanted to take a selfie, but they could not light it up. Father Frost: Well, okay, jester with you. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Hits the staff on the floor and at this time lights up colorful lights Christmas tree! Baba Yaga and Kikimora take out the phone and run to her to do fashion photo. They make funny faces and pose. Leading: That wonderful moment has come. Very soon, Christmas trees will light up in millions of homes across the country. People will cut salads, open champagne and celebrate this magical and most beloved holiday! presenter: We wish all of you to celebrate this holiday in the circle of truly close and beloved people. And most importantly, be happy!