Scenario of artistic amateur dedicated to the Day of Energy. Energy Day meets the country. And at our holiday let smiles. Glad's affectionate fish


attracting the attention of students and the formation of active life position to the work of the CCRES.


  • Collect and analyze information material on the topic of energy saving;
  • Attract the attention of pupils to the issue of energy use, energy saving and energy;
  • Create motivation for saving resources and energy;
  • Involve pupils B. useful activities Energy saving.
  • Populate the activities of student authorities.

Children: It was the case in the evening, there was nothing to do ... Galka sat on the fence, the cat climbed into the attic ... and said Boria's guys, just so ... - I want to be a charm.
Loads are different to carry.
- I want a doctor to become cool.
I will treat all the medicine.
Delicious as candy.
I ate him - no diseases!
- I want to become a pianist.
Wonderful artist.
Music with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart

You are with me, friends, do not argue
I want to be the first in sports.
Puck I score - trifle,
I play "Spartak"!
Grandfather: Quieter, children! Be calm
All professions are worthy!
Let the Council reign in them,
So as not to Gus in the apartments light.

Children: Grandpa, tell us,

Who did you work before?

Grandfather: Those who brings light to the house
Dedicated to the plot. (On the motive of the song "Do not marchs, we are not ..." Sings a group of guys)
Not stamps we, not carpenters,
But there are no bitter
We work in energy
And just people give light.
Sometimes on the sky dark blue
Suddenly the clouds will gather (slightly)
But we connect their line (yes),
And the light is poured down (down). We give light in the apartment every
And send you heat (easy),
We solve the task of an important (yes)
And serve people well (good)!
Grandfather: I also studied at school, everything worked, not lazy. I have grew up! Here 17 came, immediately in the head entered, where to work me, friends?!My mother "Mathematics", in accounting - Fanatic
Pull out, will fold and multiply.
Everyone will decide and will help everyone.
My dad welder is difficult
Metal cooked, and not soup.
Find on the light of him maybe
Among iron or pipes.
And I wanted like that wizard Useful people be always Give them more light, joy and just their heat.I noted, one day in a fairy tale

How borrowing The process of amazing miracles: All devices come to life if they include them.
Electricity, as a mother, let's not whom to him.
Children: 1. Energy - the resource is most valuable in our time.
We can not live without energy creation!
2. and a friend be such a person good -
3. You can cut off the light, so do in the movies!
Energy - the industry is the most important
Without her, nothing will twist.
And today to live us in the world like
Without victories and wonders of electricity!

Chastushki: 1. Ecology is in order if the current flows in sufficiency.
Transformers are murmur, the current goes to the destination.
2. On the plants, the recovery, in the offices of the pillar.
From customers there is no penalty, current is not time for stagnation.
3. Children in schools do not miss, meet the day with the boarding school.
Baby in the gardens blooms, the current on the light bulbs is.
4. The same and elders helps, the TV includes them,
And houses, amazing artist.
Grandfather: Peace of Peace has energy
With a plus quality and quantity and therefore I am a wizard, the electricity manager.
Children : 1. I also want to be a wizard!To light all in the family he warmed up to dad hot dinner, and mom is a night series.
2. And the Christmas trees of the New Year, so that the light shine everywhere, and so that we do not freeze the flower in the apartment! one.
Agree with the truth is simple,
Not a single poet with a little, -
Energy is needed like no one
Well, where are we without heat and light?
3. Bee of work factories and cars,
institutions, health and trams,
Without everything that you will do tomorrow,
If there is no energy - do not know!
4.And she - as a golden key
to the door opening the possibility
Manage the design of any
And keep her reliability in her hands.
5. Summary - motion. And the movement of the essence
Forever in energy hidden.
Let nothing overshadow our way
We are open in energy open.

Grandfather: Energy business is a hot deal,
They need to own, so that blood boils.
So that there were warrets not only at home, and so that the soul was filled with heat. (song)

Mark the day of energy in an interesting festive setting will help the script for An energy worker's day. The plan consists of congratulatory speeches, contests, especially interesting competition "Employee Characteristics".

Energy Day - the beginning of the celebration

Leading: good evening, dear employees Kirsi RES.

It's nice that after the busy everyday evening, a professional holiday finally gathered a friendly team of energy together.

December 22 - the shortest light year. It is on this day that the energy sector celebrates a professional holiday!

There are many things in the world -
Important and unimportant,
And the energy of the lot -
Carry the light into the house each!

Your work is heavy,
Not in envy everyone
Not everyone under

Collapse such "Mahina"
For you, energy!

*** Drink ***

Every year Russia marks
This day is in the frosty December.
He rightfully takes place

In the festive calendar.
And wine glasses filling,
Slavy all the light giving people!

Your work is valued, and everyone understands
No warmth and light of life is not!
You wish you more clear days,

Wanted to live in peace and good
So that in the soul the grief did not fade
Contrary to frost and winter.

Host: Today, the holiday of wires,
Pillars, and lanterns,
And illuminated cities,
And warm batteries

Electrographs, and irons,
Substations and networks
Covered with light space

In a solemn moment.
And in general - a holiday in people
Light governing us.

*** Fanfare ***

And here is a solemn moment. The word for congratulations to the Kirsi RES employees is provided by Rudakov A.A.

(word, letters)

Agree with the truth is simple,
not a single poet with a little, -
energy is needed like no one
well, where are we without heat and light?

*** Drink ***

Host: We continue solemn part The chiefs of the divisions of the Kirsi RES are invited for congratulations to the microphone.

(word, chastushki)
*** drank ***

Host: Dear assembled, I read you some standard phrases from the characteristics of the staff, and you call the representative of your team, which this feature is best suited.

Dynamic worker ________________________ Always somewhere

Possesses representative skills _________________ Cool lying

CommunicationBlen ______________________________________ Many flutter on the phone

Signaged __________________________________________ Supports every drink

Independent worker _____________________________ No one knows what he does

Quickly thinks _______________________________________ Always ready for excuses

Rationally approaches difficult tasks _________________ Able to shove a difficult job on other

Has a leader skills _________________________________ at meetings yelling louder than all

It has a sense of humor _____________________________ knows a lot of bad jokes

Represents a greater value for the company _____________ is usually to work on time

Calm character ________________________________ sleeping in the workplace

These characteristics have true valueSo I read!

Vedas: Speak in the people: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest."

It is impossible to shoot it, and sometimes I want it! But the main thing is that the salary every day becomes more and more, and did not run into the forest! Let's drink for the work that is much less salary!

*** drank ***

Host: So, the Lord Energy, the disco is announced! Now the best compositions will be performed. And who solved it? You yourself.

So, the 1st tour of the dance ordered ____________________. Dance under their dull.

(dance block)
Host: Main on the evening What? Right, do not drop degrees! I ask everyone to the table and again fill the glasses.
You can drink everything!

It is necessary to know only
When and with whom,
For what and how much!
Today for the energy in full!
Gifts for the word "Energy"

Hold festive concert to professional holiday "An energy worker's day"
How wonderful flashes billions of lights!
And warmer on the heart from radiant light!
And becomes us in the stock edge of the fun,
When our planet sparkles so!

Leading: And it becomes only from the thought of warm,
That we come home, drink a cup of tea,
By the fireplace cropped, and under the light of the lantern
We completely labeam at all.
Host: Hello dear friends! We gathered here today to celebrate the most holy holiday in a year!
Leading: Holiday and light, holiday comfort and comfort - Energy Day!

Host: The whole world is shrouded with wires,
They are so difficult to calculate!
Heat and light - you are created by hand
Energy. Thanks we say to you!

Leading: It's no secret that a person is one of the most advanced and smart creatures on the planet, so nothing surprising is that every year, a month and even the day, all new and new inventions appear. Quite a little time passed from the moment the first caveman He learned to be managed with a stone, to produce the tools of labor, managed to get the fire and conquer it, and here we are already using such a blessing of civilization as electricity.

Host: Submit our life with you without electrical Energy No longer possible. Electric power industry covered all spheres of human activity: industry and agriculture, science and space, our life. One of its most remarkable properties is the ability to turn into almost all other types of energy: thermal, mechanical, light, sound, etc.

Leading: Who may argue that electricity is one of the main driving forces of progress. And it is no longer impossible for us to even imagine our home without refrigerator and television, computer, iron, and indeed - even without a light bulb. And everything we see on the street - sparkling shop windows, lights, traffic lights, exists due to electricity.

Host: Humanity about electricity for the first time thought another 300 years ago. But how our world has changed during this time! People literally tamed electricity.
What are these people? Who are they? The country should know his heroes in the face. These are our multiple and favorite energy. Today is your holiday! Holiday filled with sparkling light and radiant warmth. Restlessness and energy holiday.

Where b we did not go where we did not go,
But the truth for everyone in everything is alone:
For us, the planet lights burned
Those people that do not know rest and sleep.

Friends, with energy in the world we live,
Energy is in everything!
Congratulate the glad, and the words are our clean
People who with energy on "you"

Together: Happy Holiday, Dear Energy!

Host: On our solemn eventdedicated to the professional holiday "Day Energy" (our today's holiday "Energy Day" visited)
There are honored guests: ..

Leading: And also we are glad to welcome.

Host: In our hall today people sit with a special tempering, whose difficult labor and high mastery are worthy of deep respect and gratitude. No matter how difficult conditions are, they do not retreat before difficulties and do not give up. They bring the work started to the end. These are managers and employees of the energy industry!

Leading: S. welcome word You want to contact you.

Host: Word for greetings and congratulations is provided ..

Leading: the scene is invited.

Host: Energy Day is a national scale holiday. And this is said without excellence. After all, our comfort and our convenience are fully dependent on your work. And for good work It is customary to say not only "Thank you."

Leading: on the day of the professional holiday for conscientious work, High professionalism is awarded with diplomas / diplomas ..

Presentation of government awards

Host: We continue to honor those who

Leading: For impeccable service for the benefit of all living in our republic, for selfless work we are talking hugely thanks and are pleased to continue the awards ceremony

The current generation of power engineers adequately continues the traditions of its predecessors and teachers. For all the achievements of our energy sector, there are accumulated experience and wisdom of many generations of engineers, builders, designers, scientists. Our young workers help experienced colleagues who have been devoted to this difficult one for many years of their life, but light labor.

For technologies and progress, people stand for achievements and success. And this is not just people, but owners of golden hands and a dedicated heart, this is a quick mind and an excellent reaction. These are those who deserve respect and gratitude from all of us.
Take this musical gift ..

Dear power, we all appreciate your work, respect
Happy holiday today congratulations!
Congratulations to those who give us comfort and light!
No warmth and light of life on the planet there!
On the stage.

We say Thank you to those who gave us light, comfort, warmth.
We say Thank you to those who give us good.
Live happily and peacefully for many years,
Not knowing the cold, breakdowns, different troubles!

Host: Under your stormy applause we want to invite to this scene ..

Leading: Energy! How proudly sounds! Energy - the wonderful word, full forces, cheerfulness and energy. Full labor, intense and complex, from a simple worker to the head of the highest level.

Host: In each team there are people who enjoy continuous authority, deep respect and love colleagues due to their high professionalism, hard work and conscientious attitude to business

Leading: Leading such a responsible process, as obtaining, transferring and maintaining energy, not all may not, but only people with organizational talent, which owns a high excerpt and understanding of people. With such managers, we only go to success and no cold is scared.

This is not another "Red Date" in the calendar

This day is a reminder of the original unity of the interests of energy and everyone who is related to light and warmth.

All those who make their contributions to this glorious industry.

Host: This is a comprehensive feeling of joy from involvement in a large and important case.

Leading: This is a great opportunity to get together together, look at each other in the eyes and say "Thank you."

After all, the general joy is a joy doubly!
After all, the total pride is pride for everyone!
We are links one inseparable chain!
it common holidayOur common success!

Host: Meet, expensive energy and guests of our holiday. Especially for you on the scene.

Leading: Among the strong and strong hands Power engineers are weak female handles, but no less persistent and selfless in their work. No less professional and energetic. Thank you our beautiful and charming. Thank you tireless workers and connoisseurs of your business.

Host: Can a holiday cost without surprises, without smiles and happiness in the eyes?! Take this musical gift from us

Leading: Energy - these are people by weight of gold, because they have golden hands, and most importantly - golden hearts! Where they work - the territory of good deeds.

Give light - as it is symbolic!
But at all is not everyday and not prosaic!
Give light - what a bright profession you have!
Carry warm in the house, the hearts of all of us.

Leading: Let us get this again in this holiday Congratulate you, respected energy, with a professional holiday!

Host: with the holiday of light, heat, coziness!

Host: Thanks to your coherent and clear work in our homes and enterprises there are light and warmth, without which it is impossible to submit our life. Your profession is truly noble and constructive. Today is your day, your holiday!

Leading: we want to tell you thank you for in the heat and in the cold, rain and snow, day off or a holiday in the trench on the knee in water, warming cold metal with your warm handsYou ensure the stable energy saving of our republic.

Host: "Let there be light!" They say. And every day you create miracles of durability and heroism. Thanks to the conquerors of the vertices and air networks, thanks for the uninterrupted work, for the fact that we can make yourself a cup of coffee, and comfortably settled around a warm battery, read your favorite book under the bright light bulb.
For you on the stage protruding.

Leading: In honor there will always be the one who is devoted to the work, who is faithful to his urgen, who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Dear power, let me clean Heart once again congratulate you with beautiful holiday And wish you good health, happiness, and burn - but not burn!
We congratulate you who give us comfort,
After all, it has become impossible without energy without energy.
Thanks we say to power engineers. Firework!
For non-residential labor, the light and reliability!
Final song

© заZagolovok 1ўў-head chair 315

A cooler with a prize is put on the floor. The master reads the text:

I read the story,
A half dozen phrases,
Just hear the word three
The prize immediately take!

Dreams of a boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, at the start not the fuck,
And wait for the team
"Once, two ...." START!

Once pike we caught.
Want to fry, and inside
Small fish saw,
Yes, not one, but as much as ... FIVE!

When you want to remember the text,
Lit and on the night repeat.
- And how many times? - You ask me?
- And once, and two, and better .... SEVEN!

One train at the train station
For three hours we had to wait ...
Well, that, friends, you did not take a prize,
When was the opportunity to take?

Only a real AC
The driving will show the class!
Motor transport is cool!
Here command - science!

There are three driver in the northern networks. This is Zalaev Vasily Vasilyevich, Ireich Andrei Andreevich and Mitrofanov Vladimir Yakovlevich.

1. Test with fiery water. 3 men give glasses with vodka. We say: in two glasses, the water is nanitis. And only in one - vodka. Who does not know. On the team, everyone starts drinking liquid through the straw. The one who has nanite vodka should not show the look and drink also not firing. And we will try to determine who is nanite vodka, and who has water. (5 straws, 5 stacks with vodka)

2. We invite 4 men. Need to cut the most beautiful and original snowflake. (4 scissors, 4 napkins or pieces of paper)

3. Frosty wind. Get up on both sides of the table, in the middle of the snowflake. We try to blow off the snowflake from the table. From whose side, the snowflake will fall, the player is considered to be a loser.

What and where to buy?
Who needs and what?
Note Nut Il Bolts?
The supply is solved!

And heads the economic part of Krotov Nina Ivanovna, the storekeeper and the secretary.

Without repair in general
It is impossible, as always!
Because in repair-brigade
Know where they decide when!

(Song "Do not cry, Monterka")

1. The winds from the mountains were poured, the collection of monetrates:
Again they shifted somewhere wires.
Folding dry bucks in the marching nodule,
The wife of a little bit sometimes sometimes.

Do not cry, Monterka, will rain,
Wind subsides, you just wait.
Starting today my day off.
So the fate of the rock is mine.

2. Our chief Engineer a supporter of extreme measures
He can never be reached.
Therefore, always ready for work,
To get paid sometimes.

And today we have a feast
Men offer chorus to repeat the phrase: "Kukarek, Dzin Laa." Choking with ladies glasses. Ladies choir say: "Wonderful, boom boom" and send air kisses next to sitting cavaliers.

And today we have a feast. Isotrop pants to holes, Elas-Pali, Poplar.
Kukarek, Dzin-Laa.
And today we have a feast. And where is the feast, because the world is there. And a pleasant hearing noise.
"Wonderful, boom boom"

And we have a day today, we are talking together together. And we can not miss everyone
"Kukarek, Dzin Laa"
And we have a feast today, drink, of course, not kefir. But we have a sharp mind!
"Wonderful, boom boom"

And today we have a feast. Who on the feast costume sewed? Who got a snitch?
"Kukarek, Dzin Laa"

Crochet: Guests all answer "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

Which of you is now ready to drink a glass to the edges?
Which of you funny songs will enjoy all of us together?
Which of you, tell me Brothers, will undress in dance?
Which of you in a suit new so similar to Kazanov?

Which of you, swaying the mouth, will tell the anecdote here?
Which of you, tell me brothers, will be under the table?
Who for the clever conversation will drink a stack of neighbor?
Who of you, tell me brothers, will hang out tomorrow

Japanese ambassador
Ambassador - My Pants - Japanese, I am from the city of Osaka, call the Sivaki Yakujaka. I arrived in Russia on Energizer Fight! Japan mother!
Translator - an authorized ambassador of the Japanese state Mr. Sivaki specially arrived in Russia to visit the bottom of the energy!
Ambassador - I wish you, gentlemen worker: Be funny, you never care and successfully worker! Japan mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes wealthy, health and success.

Ambassador - worker! (so I am easier than anonymous). Let you appreciate the boss and pay more salary and pensnyak. Japan mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes. In order for your work to be appreciated.
Ambassador - I know: Russia is an agricultural paternal. I wish the harvest to be weathered, the bananas and idiot grew! Japan mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador wishes you success in your hobby - growing cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes.

Ambassador - I'm serving my homeland. Japan mother!
Translator - congratulating you with a professional holiday, Mr. Ambassador leaves us.
Ambassador - I long stayed in Russia, but the customs are all learning. I went. But he could not hear, so that they would tell me: "On the drying!". Japan mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador is delighted with Russian customs, but forgot that they offer a guest leaving the house?

Ambassador pour stack

Ambassador - what is your one? Cognac? Or maybe a waterman? Is there always in such Tariak? Japan mother!
Translator - Mr. Ambassador Says, cheat from their homeland, Sake's vodka drink from tiny cups.
Ambassador - I will not be a task, and better a congratulation, perhaps all of you kissing and sake a volley drink!

Tale of "little things of life"

Male - I am Macho, work - yes he is lying, head - and not so saw, wife - where did you hang?, Girl - I'm your pussy, flowers - best gift! Family friend - everything is fine, girls!

Tipsy a man is coming From the job. He has a slightly spinning head. In his hands for his wife, he carries flowers. Suddenly a man sees beautiful girl. A man gives flowers to the girl. Girl goes With a man to his home. A man tells his wife that was at work. Here the family comes from the bedroom. Men do not like it. He hits a family friend on the head. A furious wife glows a man with flowers on his head, hugs a family friend, kisses him a broken head and leaves the house with a friend of the family. A man stays with a girl. But he is very tired of work, so immediately falls asleep. Falling on the pillow head. Morning came. Flowers are lying under the bed, the man is terribly hurting their head. He is trying to remember: "Where did this come from ugly girl? ". A man escorts the girl out of the door, throws flowers into the trashal bucket, substitutes his head under cold water and goes to work.

And every family is necessarily baked New Year's cake, where many different surprises are hidden. And we prepared such a pie for you, take a piece of pie and find out what awaits you in the new year.

(Test - Quest: On a big beautiful tray lies beautifully painted under the sheet's cake dense paperwhich consists of small squares - pieces of cake. On the inside of the square - drawings - this is what participants expects:

heart - love,
Book - Knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
The key is a new apartment,

sun - success,
letter - Izvestia,
Machine - buy a car
Man's face is a new acquaintance,

arrow - achievement,
hours - change in life,
Road - trip,
Gift - Surprise,

lightning - Tests,
Glass - holidays, etc.)

Vedas: Hello, dear friends! Very good, the most kind, most exciting and long-awaited holiday will come .... / Robust knock at the door, an electrician is included /
EL: Sorry, please! I here yesterday I immediately revealed and the screwdriver left. Can I look
3rd: Well, only faster. / El inspected / - Well, found?
EL: no yet.

3rd: remember where you have seen it last?
El: I stood yesterday yesterday. I had a screwdriver in my hands. There is just Ivanov / Deputy on the household of this organization / went, well, I dug it from surprise and dropped it. She, thank God, did not crash.
3rd: What, screwdriver?

Em: uh .. and yes. She has a newest design, glass, with a metal spout.
3rd: ah, nose!
EL: Yeah. I raised her, and only opened ...
3rd: screwdriver!?

EL: by itself. She was in such a plastics chapel. I opened it, it means, and Trofimich says ..
3rd: What Trofimich? Screwdrore brother?
EL: No. My partner. Says: "Let's soon, and then the wires are burning"
3rd: What a nightmare!

EL: Still! Only we accepted him ..
3rd: What accepted?
EL: I say, - began. For work began. Just waved for a hundred ..
3rd: What a hundred?

EL: Volt, of course! Voltage, it is measured in volts. So, just shuddered ...
3rd: And how shuddered why!?
EL: And you try, accept 100 volts! We have in my head slaughtered! Here Baz is a short circuit. I began to lengthen it immediately, and I attached a screwdriver. In general, the light was lit, but there is no screwdriver.
3rd: Your partner took.

El: Yes, he could not, the hands were busy. He drew a snack.
3rd: What did he hold!?
EL: snack. Clip such - the wires to eat. Locking snacks, and snack snacks. / Clicks the teeth, 3rd stepping /
3rd: Well, enough! There is no screwdriver here, look elsewhere. / El sighing goes to the exit, along the way, looking back, says the hall /

Eh: Hey, men! If you find a screwdriver here - drink it for my health. / goes /

Africa is a hot scorching sun, impassable jungle and temperamental, incendiary dances. I declare African dance marathon.

(Dance compartment for 20-30 minutes. During the dances, you can choose the best "leader" of the tribe, dancers and hand the prize - a New Year's loophole bandage (tape of tinsel.)

I ask here to go through strong, bold and clever men (up to 5 people). Your task: Holding right hand Behind the back, one left, holding a deployed newspaper for corner, collect her in a fist. The fastest and most sensitive is the winner. The winner pronounces toast.

(Competition is held.)

December 31, the Japanese are underdeveloped general cleaning, and with the battle hours at 12 o'clock in the morning, go to bed to stand before dawn and meet new Year With the first rays ascending sun. Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is reading the thoughts of another person. So, we are in the salon of the famous Japanese magician (the role of which I will perform), and we will be able to hear the thoughts of any of the guests.


Song for the Day of Energy

On the motive of the song "Not the Kochigars we are not ..."

Not stamps we, not carpenters,
But there are no bitter
We work in energy
We just give people a light.
Sometimes on the sky dark blue
Suddenly the clouds will gather (slightly)
But we connect their line (yes),
And the light is poured down (down).
Electroseri - repairmen
And engineers of thermal networks -
We are all working with energy,
We warmly warm people.
In the work of thermal power engineering
Do not spend a lot of extra words (yes, words),
Ready to quickly give energy (yes),
After all, our motto: always ready (be ready).
You believe us that "energy",
We translate as "warmth" and "light",
Such a friend people faithful
You will no longer find no!
We give light in the apartment every
And send you heat (easy),
We solve the task of an important (yes)
And serve people well (good)!

Here is what I found on the day of the energy in the network

Congratulations on the Day of Energy:

On the day of energy we wish
All are good, friends!
Big happiness in life personal
Rejoice with hearts.
In houses warm, light from light,
Fly in space ships.
Thank you! And glory in this
All Energy Energy!

An energy worker's day

My dear does not like warm cottages -
Be preferred where it is difficult.
He pulls through Taiga and Tundra
Power lines.

Once a week writes in writing.
I inform him all the time:
The lights are turned off in the evenings
And no one knows - why.
Replies: "So it can not be.
If you are paying for the light,
And do not spend money all for dresses,
You can't disable light. "
Meanwhile, the neighbors go to me,
Roughly expressing and grumbling:

"We know, your dear - power engineer,
And because of it, we do not shine
Light bulb of native Ilyich. "
From the calls of people unfamiliar
I did not live on earth -
Light, they say, turn off in their horrors.
Spit on everything, left home
And disappeared into the irresponsible Mol.

Purpose: upbringing creative abilities, skills and skills of collective creative activity.

Form: KVN.

Preparatory work.

The program of the competition is being developed, teams (7 people from each group) are formed, consultations are held for participants and members of the jury, leading are selected. Registration: Posters "Hi to KVN participants"

"Happy energy", balls, 2 tables, chairs, handles, white sheets of paper, 6 glasses, 2 black box, magnetic starter, relay.

Song Song for the Day of Energy "Non-Kochigars We:"

Good afternoon dear friends! We did not accidentally incorporate this song, because we are not marching and not carpenters, but electricians and kipsoes.

Today, our cheerful KVN is dedicated to the professional holiday "Energy Day".

1 student

Energy - the industry is the most important
Without it, nothing will twist.
Here from the age small people,
Mandatory work!
What is civilization?
Then a long time is not a question - nonsense.
"People's work plus electrification
All human labor processes! "

2 student

And today to live in the world as
Without victories and wonders of electricity?
Peace of Peace has energy
With a plus quality and quantity!
Let naive my arithmetic,
Smile! It's time today!
Congratulations on your energy day!
You health, good luck and good!

And now we will present our teams.

Team "Electrician"

Team "Kipovalets"

And it will help us to appreciate their performance our durable jury

(Presentation of the jury)

1. Andrei Viktorovich Gogolin

2. Sergey Vitalyevich Asicrites

3. Elena Vasilyevna Byvsheva (Guest of our game)

4. Garik Maryric Student Groups 632

5. Dmitry Pankratyev Student Groups 632

So, all assembled, everything is in place, you can start our festive KVN.

Each team will present its business card of the team.

I ask the captains to approach the table and take tickets. Do not be scared, there are no tasks there. You see - these are just numbers under which your business cards will go. Business cards are estimated at 10 - 30 points.


I ask the jury to set the first grades.
And on the stage, the group 632 gives you a musical pause.

Music pause (rap)

Great guys read "rap"? Did you like it?

But we go to the 2nd round.

Guys, imagine that you have an exam on electrical engineering or physics tomorrow, and there is no time to memorize these terrible physical laws. Maybe these laws were forever crashed into our memory if their authors guessed to set them out in the Rap style.

Captains come to the table and take two laws.

The law of Kulon.

The strength of the interaction of two electrical charges is directly proportional to the product of charge modules and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

1st Act of Thermodynamics

The change internal energy Systems when moving it from one state to another equal to the amount of work internal forces and the amount of warmth

1st Faraday Law

The mass of the substance released during electrolysis is directly proportional to the number of electricity flowing through the electrolyte

Ohm's law

The strength of the current in the section of the chain is directly proportional to the voltage at the ends of this section and inversely proportional to its resistance

While our guys think about the task, and we will listen to the chastushki - tips from nonprofessional.

Musical pause

Girls come out sing a chastushki:
If suddenly the light is repaid,
The lamp does not burn,
So this is your neighbor
Cut down the chopper
If the wire is cage,
Under the legs of raw.
So quickly find the way
From the native world
If the meter is rosell
And in the eyes flashes
It means that your network is
All house heated

If the fingers are not enough
Put twenty in two hundred
Then you will have to doctors.
Sure. Contact
If you got up to pass
Under the layer of Lepas -
It can rolling current.
We will be as a repa.

Word for the jury

Competition of questions and answers "Erudite"

Scale Pallets

No. p / p Topic Name Number of points Earned points
And shines and warms 10 20 30
Name of scientist 10 20 30
Oh, these funny animals! 10 20 30
Note by car enthusiast 10 20 30
Terrible phenomenon 10 20 30
miscellanea 10 20 30

And shines and warms.

If you are attentive, then, probably, noticed that incandescent bulbs burn out most often when turned on

Question: Why is the moment of inclusion most dangerous for incandescent bulbs?

Answer: The resistance of metallic conductors grows with increasing temperature. But the thread of incandescent lamp is not heated immediately. When it is turned on, it is not enough of its resistance, so a larger current proceeds in the initial moment.

The inventor of many devices used in the lighting networks. Is the legendary Thomas Edison, "old man", so called his colleagues. Almost unchanged for us, a switch, an electrical cartridge and an electric lamp reached us. True, in the last spiral today is made from tungsten, the material that in the time of Edison was not known.

Question: What caused the filament of incandescent in the Edison lamp?

Answer: The first incandescent threads were sewing threadsCoal covered. They could be in a decayed form for forty hours. In search of a more durable thread, Edison tried everything that contains carbon: food, resins - in total score, six thousand varieties of plant fiber. The best result showed bamboo. The charred fibers of this bamboo and were incandescent threads in the lamps produced by Edison Corporation "Edison Jeniral Electric Company".

30 points.

Question: For the protection of electrical networks, various kinds of fuses are used. In everyday life, this is most often a traffic jam.

Question: What can cause their failure?

Answer: The reason for increasing the current in the chain can be either a short circuit, or too much electrical appliances included in the network.

Name of the scientist.

Question: Who has discovered the law of global gravity?

Answer: I.Nyuton

The law of interaction between two charges was experimentally established in 1784 by the French military engineer. He was all his life in military service and scientific research was engaged in free time. Now this law is the name of its opener. The law states: "The force with which two charged bodies act on each other is proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

Question: What kind of scientist and the discovery of what law are we talking about?

Answer: Charles Augusteon Pendant. The law of the coulon.

This discovery had great value For the development of applied electrical engineering. His author is German school teacher, Son a locksmith, who dreamed of glory and career of a university professor. However, the book containing a description of theoretical conclusions and experimental studies was greeted by ridicule. German Education Minister expressed this: "The physicist, preaching such a heresy, is not enough to teach the natural sciences." After that, Rukhnolo and the future and the present: the author lost even the positions of school scientist. For six years, a scientist lived in poverty, experiencing a bitter feeling of disappointment. Over time, his works received fame outside of Germany, and after that, compatriots were forced to recognize his merits. Finally, in 1849, a year after the publication of his book, he received the post of professor of the University of Munich, which was held for five years, up to death that followed in 1854.

Question: What kind of scientist and the discovery of what law are we talking about?

Answer: About George Simone Ome and the Law, which is today his name, told in the question.

Oh, these funny animals!

There are no bodies among birds. They well learned the lesson about and behavior on high-voltage lines, and poorly learned to mature age Do not live.

Question: Does the current passes through the body of the bird sitting on the naked wire of the high-voltage power line?

Answer: Yes, it passes, in the form of a quiet discharge, but due to the smallness of the discharge current, the bird does not feel it.

Indian tribes living on the shores of Amazon and her tributaries, in the places of Ford each shore hold on horseback riding. When someone is overjugged to the opposite bank, he drives the horse in front of him, and he himself goes next. It makes the return path in the same way.

Question: Why did the Indians elected such a kind of crossing

Answer: In Amazon and her tributaries, the most powerful of all known electric fish is inhabited - electric eel. These fish have special organs for the accumulation of electrical energy. The Indians are injured at the beginning of the horse so that the eel is discharged on it, after which it is safe for themselves, since for charging, the Helm takes for some time.

The rights were Hamlet, arguing that there is such a lot in the world, ": which did not dream of our sages." But sometimes these are problems from funny turns into very unpleasant.

Question: What specific problems have spent the builders of power lines in tropical countries?

Answer: The first is how to protect them from monkeys, which, imitating montters, easily climb on the support poles and, playing with wires, cause short circuits. The second - how to secure the power lines from the elephants, turning the supports.

Note by car enthusiast.

Before charging the battery, the driver discovered that the electrolyte level in it below the norm

Question: What should he do: add distilled water or finished electrolyte?

Answer: You need to add distilled water if the electrolyte level was below the norm due to evaporation, and the finished solution, if the electrolyte was stuffed

Question: Why do the battery have as close as possible to the starter, and not in another, more convenient place, and connect their thick copper tire?

Answer: To reduce the voltage drop on the supply wires.

Q: Why are acid batteries, not alkaline, alkaline, although the latter is easier and stronger?

Answer: Alkaline batteries are not used in vehicles, because they have a large inner resistance and the voltage on them is highly dependent on temperature.

Terrible phenomenon

Question: When the lightning lifting is dangerous for the building

Answer: When bad is grounded

Question: Why during a thunderstorm you can not lie on earth?

Answer: Finding into the ground, the discharge current of the lightning branches and diverges along the ground surface. If you lie on earth, then with a close discharge of the zipper between your head and legs there may be a deadly potential difference. It is better to squat in this case and the head is low, and the potential difference between the tangency points from the ground is Mala.

Question: What can I explain the rule that exists in climbers: during the night high in the mountains, all metal objects must be collected and arranged separately, away from the camp?

Answer: The climbers come so that in the case of a thunderstorm, the discharge of lightning passed longer from people, since Lightning more often "hit" to the place where metal is located

Question: sign of the horoscope, but is found in the rivers near Moscow.

Answer: Cancer

If you believe the ancient historian, during the campaign of Alexander Macedonian to India, the officers of his army are much less likely to sore gastrointestinal diseases than soldiers. The food and drink were the same, but the dishes were different.

Question: What kind of miraculous metal was made by officer's dishes and what property does this metal possess?

Answer: Silver, it has bactericidal properties.

In 1803, the Englishwoman of March Wilhot wrote from Russia that the habit of Russian unpleasant wont kissing in both cheeks

Question: Why did this Russian custom cause surprise and hostility from the British?

The ratio of foreign ones to such behavior of Russian is due to the fact that the British is not intended to kiss when meeting and farewell or kissing a hand.

Music Pause (Eden)

Game with spectators.

As you know, in hard situation Always come to the rescue. We did not leave this golden rule without attention and now provide fans the opportunity to help your teams to dial points.

Six glasses (focus - joke). There are six glasses on the table, the first of them are filled with water, the following three empty. Make one move so that empty and full glasses alternate. Only one glass is allowed to take in the hands.

Answer: From the second glass, we pour water into the fifth.

Leading:The word is provided by the jury

The girl writes on the board the result of 1 round

Word jury

The word jury. Results of 3 tours.

But another game is not finished all ahead.

Competition "Black Box"

Two boxes are made. They lies the device. The task of the competition participants is to tell about the instrument that lies in the box, selecting successful expressions using it in practice. After the story, the team of rivals should guess what a thing lies in the drawer.

Game with spectators

Competition "Create the Word".

Make balls! In each bundle - 10 balloons, in each inflated ball is picked up 1 letter. Your task is to pierce these balls on my team, remove the letters and fold the words that are directly related to our holiday. The plunger team of fans brings 10 points to their team.

We present the word teams. (The team begins, which received additional points from fans).

Well done, but for now, the jury considers and sums up the results of the past contests

Music pause. (Eden)

The word jury.

Thank you. The phonogram sounds.

Competition of captains.

"Forward to the victory"

Eat 3 sausages, drink a glass of juice through the tube, clean the banana and eat it. The captain will bring 10 points to his team.

The word jury.

And here we approached the final contest - " Homework - "My fabulous profession."


Greeting for kip.

Kip to be honorable
But not easy to work
Good since at work
The team is lucky
Design automation
And mounted then
Run faster to work
What is behind these all
Labor persistent and surround
And for creativity space
Tests to us successful
So that the gap does not disappear
Let Honor and respect
She sees Kipovets always
And problems without a doubt
Resolve without difficulty
We are tactical, energetic
We are sports and smart
And we go on an ecolative - life
Perform all dreams
We are called kip
Not mistaken
We strive for the joy of victories
We do not know the grief we and troubles
Wish we want good luck

Fairy tale - tale tell us for you
Let flying across Dolu and Niva,
We will behave from Pushkin Tale,
Only new motives
Three maidens by the window
Spoke in the evening
Pickup first maiden

1 sister

I was the queen
Then on the whole cord
I prepared a feast
Pies would be hit
And for the king's father
Medovukha presented

2 sister

I was the queen
I would illuminate the light
Light bulbs visited everywhere
Electric rifts
You would have the Virgin Chase
And for royal whale
Generator would find

3 sister

And I would have studied all the instruments
Automation included
Tension measured
Knowledge. In royal walls
Recruited, gained
And over three years
Straight. Right in elite
That m would automatics studied
At seminars answered
Everything is studied and then
Engineer became me

And where would it be supplied?
Ride in Surgut Neftegaz
And then I would
Sponsor for the father - the king was
The temple would be erected together
In the dome would have rolled
Stunning sober
Rose b from all sides

Only wrapped in time
The door was quietly crane
And the king includes
The sides of that sovereign
At all times
He stood for a fence
Speech last
He loved him

Tsar - Batyushka

Hello, red Maiden.,
You learn Master
And modest and cheerful
And I missed everyone
Well, beautiful girl,
Case nice to study
In this life, our essence
Start B. good way

Here is a fabulous end,
You decide who are well done!

Greetings of electricians.

Nowadays without electricity
People definitely not live
Exorbitant number
We need buildings to highlight,
Candles of electrical appliances
I have long been replaced
Lanterns, traffic lights,
Streets are lit.
Electricity Great
The world was launched by
Target, multiple,
Communicated like a human race.
In fact, not to aesthetics_
This work is too complicated.
Only our energy.
As always, do not let down.
All check transformers
All measurements will be approved
Wires and insulators
Presumptures will be fixed.
And, checking the tension.
Will watch out
What power supply
Helped people live

In the dark kingdom, in the dark state, there was a king. And the king had three daughters. The kingdom was dark, and the only source of light was kerosene lamps, rays and candles.

Tired of the king to live in the dark. And he decided the king to issue his daughters to marry, in the hope that someone from the groom would turn the dark kingdom into a bright.

And what did it happen to see themselves.

The scene muted by the light.

One of the guards with a candle comes to the scene. Inspecting the scene.

Guard number 1:

There is no one here. Eh, if we find attempts on the royal peace, we will torture.

Guard number 2:

What, Mitrofan?

Guard number 1:

Yes, it seems no one!

Guard number 2 makes the throne. Coming the king and advisor. Sits on the throne with the words:

Advisor when we have light in the kingdom? Why did I wish you for the sea, for the mountains, at three nine lands? And then, so that you learned to the wisdom of science electricity. A whole of gold spent on it, and darkness remained darkness. Probably you will have to execute you.


Oh, the king - I remembered the king. When I was behind the seas in the King of Louis, I learned that his princesses are performed in his court. Or maybe we get married your daughters, maybe a princess is among her husbands?

So do it. Well, call my daughters!


Martha, Taisia, Akulina! You king - the father is calling!

Princesses come out. Marfa is the eldest, Taisia \u200b\u200b- the middle, Akulin - Sharp.

Called the king - father?

I decided to give you my daughter to give away. (Knocks the staff on the floor)

Here you are onions and arrows, shoot where the boom will fall, there and look for a husband?

(The eldest daughter takes the bow, shoots, cry out).

Output operator computers. A box is tied to the leg, "computer" is written on it).


The socket is damaged, the cord is damaged.

But you are won, the groom is prominent, we lived without a socket and still live.


What other bridegroom? Repair me a rosette and cord.

Yes, let's go to our kingdom, what a socket, my father will buy you, only there is no electricity, how will you work?


And you Martha - Tsarevna? Well then let's go.

Oh and cold!

(Shoots from Luke, Creek, Cook)

Who ruined me the oven in the stove? How am I now buns a stove?

Let's go to our kingdom, my father will buy another slab to you. Only here we have no electricity, but for now you will be my fiance.

On the throne, the king, next to the adviser, behind the throne there are two guards. Included eldest daughter With your fiance.

Who are you?


I, Stepan, OPM operator. Here's your daughter spoiled me the electrical network.


They say there is such a miracle "Internet", he knows about everything, so find out when there will be light in our kingdom?


And where do you connect the computer?

And we thought you would do it?

Well, from my eyes!

(Enters the average daughter)

And who did you led us? Will you be such an operator too?

I am a copper cook!

We have such a good enough! From my eyes! One hope for sharul.

(Junior daughter enters without a groom).

Where is the groom!

Did not find! He fired, the arrow fell not know where.


I know what to do. There is a wonderful distance in one city, where they are taught on the electrician and they say they can handle electricity. Maybe the arrow fell there. Shoot again.

(Akulina shoots. Crackle, explosion. Outside the electrician).


Who brought out a transformer?

Do not swear, good person, Help us better, in our kingdom of darkness. Make it light!

(On stage two guards, king, adviser, younger daughter and electrician).


Hello king, I am an electrician. You have a dark kingdom. I will help you make it light. Sure, i'm not a wizard I'm just studying. Care? behind the scenes, the knock, crack, and better music.All are happy, sing a song!

This is how this older story ended, and since then we have anywhere else and if without it, then dark we will

Musical pause.

The word jury. Summarizing. Rewarding participants.


  1. What state in his title contains a degree of letter? (Cuba)
  2. There are numbers of 0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. What is more: their amount or work? (sum)
  3. TO unique numbers attributed the same figure. How many times the number has increased? (11 times)
  4. What will the crow to do, having lived for three years? (live 4th)
  5. Name five days of the week without calling numbers and days of the week? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
  6. What makes the watchman when two sparrow sit on his hat? (sleeping)
  7. What state contains a horse in its title and two "I"?
  8. Is there November 7 in Australia? (there is)
  9. You are a pilot of an aircraft flying from Havana to Moscow with two landings in Algeria. How old is the pilot? (You are a pilot of the aircraft, pilot so many years - how much and you)
  10. In the title of which product used only two letters of the alphabet? (MU MU)
  11. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)
  12. What happened on February 31? (nothing, February 31 no)
  13. What city took place the first Olympic Games? (Athens)
  14. Usually the month ends with 30 or 31st. In which month there are 28th number (in all)
  15. You go to the unfamiliar room, which is darkened. It has 2 plates: gas and kerosene. That you will challenge first (match)
  16. What end the day and night? (Soft sign)
  17. What disease no one has ever sick on earth? (Nautical)
  18. Two times to be born. Dies once? (hen)
  19. Is it possible to bring water in solid? (it is possible when it freezes)
  20. Fantulo 67 ostrichs. 9 killed a hunter. How much is left? (no, ostriches do not fly)
  21. What is easier: Iron or Song Pud? (equally)
  22. Books carried a hundred eggs to the bazaar, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? No one
  23. He was a grandmother to Moscow. To meet her three old man, in the old men in the bag, in every bag - for the cat. How much went to Moscow? (One grandma. Old men meets her)
  24. What is the name of the struggle in the hands? (Arm wrestling)
  25. Troika horses ran 30 km. What distance shed every horse (30 km)
  26. What are the first "computing devices" used in antiquity people? (fingers)
  27. Mamneda had 10 sheep. Everything except 9, died. How many sheep remains? (nine)
  28. Name the name of the friend Sherlock Holmes (Dr. Watson)
  29. The last name of the postman from Prostakvashino. (Pechkin)

Contest structure

Tour Tour name Content Evaluation criteria
1 Business card Alternately, each team presents its business card. Greetings from 10 to 30 points.
2 Rapa laws Teams are set out in 2 "rap" law Competition is estimated from 10 to 30 points
3 Competition of questions and answers "Erudite" The team members respond to the questions of the host (game in sectors, each sector has questions from 10 to 30 points) teams are responsible alternately, choosing the cost of answers Competition is estimated from 10 to 30 points in each sector. Only 6 sectors, the team should answer 3 questions in each sector (the issue of the question is choosing the command itself)
4 Competition "Black Box" Competition participants must guess what a thing lies in the box. The story of the things that lie in the box is estimated (from 10 to 30 points). After the story, the team of rivals must guess what kind of thing (50 points)
5 Competition of the captains "Forward to victory through the stomach" Captains must eat their lunch, who is faster Estimated in 50 points
6 Competition "Homework" "My fabulous profession" Participants present their profession in the "fabulous world." Humor is evaluated. Performance, clothing, love for profession (from 10 to 50 points)