Nice forgiveness from the guy. How to ask a guy for forgiveness if you are really to blame? SMS apologizing to the girl for the insult

Sorry, I was wrong
Sorry for the stupid words
Forgive me for that act
You just let him go.
Do you remember: I love you,
And I pray for forgiveness.
Forgive me, my love.
Sometimes I'm stupid.

Beloved, my precious,
Please forgive me
You are very dear to my heart,
You are my life, my destiny.

I'm sorry that I offended you
I know I poisoned my soul with pain
I scold myself for the hundredth time again,
You are my favorite best.

Please, let's make up with you
Let everything be as before
I live one dream now
I live with hope!

My beloved, forgive me
That I offended you
I admit my guilt
And I beg your pardon!

I ask you to forgive me
You are my half
I admit my guilt
I don’t want to be in the litter with you!

I want to walk with you again,
Laugh with you, fall asleep,
Talk to you for hours
Silence with you, joke with you!

Because of my character you suffer,
Please accept my apologies
And I won't get tired of repeating to you
I love and adore you!

I'm afraid of losing you
Please forgive me
Give one more love a chance
Understand me dear, forgive me!

Let's not fight,
Let's make peace with you
You don't have to deal with the war
I don’t have enough strength for it.

I beg you, forgive me, it is not necessary
It is in vain to take offense at me
I really, really need you
I feel very bad without you.

My dear, beloved, the best,
Forgive your silly fool,
I ask you, do not be offended
I admit my guilt!

I offended you ... I'm sorry!
Maybe we will forget our quarrel?
Don't be angry, darling, don't be sad!
Do we love each other anyway?

I want to look in your eyes
I will not quarrel, I promise!
I really want you to say:
"I love you and I forgive you."

I ask you to forget
Give me forgiveness
And start from scratch with me
I'm sorry, I know!

And I admit the blame
I beg your pardon
You mean a lot to me
I love you very much!

We will forget all the insults
We will not quarrel with you,
We will always live in the world
Never swear!

Please accept my apologies
Let me in again into your heart
I will never betray
Sorry, I beg you!

I misbehaved
It's just ugly
And offended you
I'm unfair.

I know what was then
Very unpleasant,
All the words that I blurted out
I take it back.

Baby excuse me
From now on I will be wiser
Remember i love you
I'm just insane.

You don't talk to me
And again you are silent, you are silent,
It's too bad without you.
I love you so much!
Talk and don't be silent
I love you understand!

I'm to blame, I confess
Now I'm only angry with myself
After all, I am to blame for the dispute,
Please forgive me!

I'm sorry, please, and don't be angry
And rather smile at me
And give your warmth
And may everything be fine!

May we always have peace
Don't be angry, forgive me soon
I will hug you tight
My dear, I love you!

I hurt you and I hurt you ...
Why - I myself do not understand at all!
After all, I loved you so much,
And I can’t stop loving you!

Forgive me, my love, I ask
Do not take offense at me for a long time.
I have already punished myself painfully,
So you have to spare me soon!

Love, like an eraser, erases and forgives everything,
And keeps feelings forever.
So let's show we love in practice
Forget and forgive hurtful words!

Earning forgiveness is perhaps one of the most difficult arts that every person tries to master in the process of relationships with other people. Perhaps someone easily manages to say the difficult and hiding word "sorry". However, more often than not, a request for forgiveness is a real feat for a person, for the accomplishment of which it is necessary to overcome difficult obstacles erected by pride, feeling dignity and the fear of finally ruining the close relationship. As Renata Litvinova said in her book Possess and Belong, “if you love, forgive everything, everything, everything, and this is stronger than you”.

And, probably, you should not be afraid that the person to whom you are really guilty will not accept your apology and excuse. After all, if he truly loves, then he will forgive everything. Otherwise, you will simply be able to draw appropriate conclusions about this person's feelings for you. Be that as it may, forgiveness is not a category for which words alone are sufficient. We all know that forgiveness in word and deed is often the exact opposite.

The "fight" strategy for forgiveness

Most often in life we ​​have to apologize and make excuses to loved ones. Mutual grievances accumulate, some actions seriously injure. And now your loved one begins to move away, or even slam the door altogether with the intention of leaving forever. If love for a person is really strong, or if you need to hear the cherished “forgiveness” to clear your conscience, you begin to wonder how you can earn the forgiveness of the offended side.

Young people have long developed thousands of tricks and methods in order to get forgiveness from the ladies of their hearts. Some of the guilty guys begin to chant serenades under the windows of their beloved, others rush to jewelry or flower shops, and still others rush to organize a romantic surprise. If we turn to films and all kinds of TV series, then young people sometimes even decide to kidnap their ladies and hold them hostage until they manage to beg forgiveness.

Be that as it may, men, in comparison with women, often have more financial opportunities and perseverance to soften the heart of an offended lover. But what about the girls who, through their own stupidity or due to circumstances, fell into the disgrace of their young people? Is there any hope to see in the eyes of a loved one old feelings, regain lost trust and restore old relationships? You can be sure of one thing: if you are already thinking about how to ask a guy for forgiveness, the first step towards reconciliation has been taken.

If, for some reason, there is a breakdown in the relationship between two lovers, it is best for the guilty half not to rush to ask for forgiveness. Psychologists advise to wait a while until the passions have subsided somewhat.

After all, otherwise, having come with a request to change her anger to mercy, the girl risks hearing such unfavorable words from her other "half" in response that it will be difficult for her to forgive the rudeness she has heard. Many people are already on own experience realized that some time must pass for the conflicting parties to feel their gap, to fully realize that they can lose. It will be easier for a guy to forgive his girlfriend when the memories of the suffering that his girlfriend of life has caused him will slightly walk around.

In the event that you initiate a truce, be prepared that the side offended by you, even agreeing to forgive, will begin to recall past grievances. It is necessary to be prepared for such provocations and try not to be led by them. Otherwise, a new scandal is inevitable. In the end, if a person continues to remind of his grievances, then perhaps he has not yet forgiven not so much you as himself, since in any conflict situation all parties are always to blame.

Sometimes, in the process of apologizing, it can be helpful to evoke sympathy from the offended party. If a guy is in some way offended by his girlfriend, then she must explain to him the circumstances that forced her to commit an unseemly act that offended her young man. The story can be embellished by colorfully describing not only the facts themselves, but also the emotions and experiences that the girl herself experienced at that moment. In the end, if a guy is really dear to you, then he himself will be happy to cling to your words in order to find an excuse for his beloved in his own eyes. And romantic young ladies can try to ask the guy for forgiveness in verse.

It will also be useful to talk with the young man about how much pain your quarrel brought you, what you felt at the moment when he left and other such things. Experts in the psychology of influence advise to start the phrase with the words "when you are", then you name some action of your loved one and describe own feelings and the emotions caused by this action.

You can also try the “three yes” rule by first asking your beloved two questions, to which he will definitely answer positively, and then ask if he forgives you.

Leaving everything aside psychological tricks and tricks, then you can ask a guy for forgiveness not only with words, but also with actions, verses and even a look. Some couples in love reach a truce in the same way as the heroes of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", who, almost killing each other, ended their duel with passion. Other people, after conflicts and quarrels, simply try to pretend that nothing happened. However, if the reason for the offense was really very serious, then forgiveness has to be earned with the same surprises, gestures of attention and other actions that raise you in the eyes of your beloved. And remember that if you decide to ask a guy for forgiveness, the text of your apologetic speech is best "written" not by genius poets, but by life itself and your heart.

67 977 0 Hello! In this article, we will tell you how to ask for forgiveness correctly, because sometimes just saying “sorry” is not enough. To be forgiven, you must genuinely show that you admit guilt, regret, and repent. And how to do this, we will tell you now.

How to properly ask for forgiveness so that you will be forgiven after that

An effective apology should look like this:

  1. You are expressing regret;
  2. You are explaining your wrong action;
  3. You acknowledge your responsibility;
  4. You voluntarily confess;
  5. You offer an independent correction of the situation;
  6. You are asking to be forgiven.

The most important components- it is to admit responsibility and offer to independently correct the current situation.

Professor Roy Levitsky conducted research. Here's what he says:

“Our research has proven that the most important thing in an apology is an acknowledgment of responsibility. Accept that the fault is entirely on your side and that you made the mistake, not someone else. "

The next most effective strategy after accepting your guilt is to offer to fix the situation.

“Apology alone will not accomplish anything, because it is useless by itself. Therefore, you must express your willingness to mend what is broken. This will reflect the fact that you have accepted responsibility for the damage caused, ”says Roy Levicki.

It is also very important to express regret and remorse, to explain what you were wrong about. And only in the last place you need to ask for forgiveness, - the professor warns. You can do without this step.

Research has shown that if you change the point of view of the person you hurt, you will reduce the damage done. In this case, you should do the following:

  1. The first step is to eliminate personally unpleasant moments.
  2. Further explain your action, name the reason. But don't make excuses for this!
  3. You must back up your apology with a real action. Show the person that you have changed.
  4. Then you must reestablish a relationship with that person.

Examples of apologies

Sometimes enough ordinary word I'm sorry, but most of the time it isn't. Therefore, prepare in advance all the phrases that you are going to say. You can even write them down on a piece of paper if you're afraid to forget.

Here are some examples of how you can beautifully ask for forgiveness:

  • “(Name), forgive me for doing this to you. I miss you madly, you know how dear you are to me (a). Tomorrow is a new day, and I don’t want you to be missing from it. Every second spent with you was and will be unforgettable and unique. I very love you. Let's start all over again? "
  • “Life consists of mistakes, we learn from them. So I stumbled, made a mistake. But I will not make excuses, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me and that I am afraid of losing you. This fear turned my head, so I was wrong. Please do not judge, but understand. I apologize!"
  • "I know that I am very guilty, but I ask you to understand me and forgive me!"
  • “Life is too short to waste it on grievances! Please forgive me! "
  • "Sorry, I was wrong!" - despite its simplicity and banality, this is a very important and effective phrase in an apology.

You can also beautifully apologize in verse. Of course, it is advisable to write this verse yourself, so that the words in it are truly sincere, from the very heart. But for those who do not have talent for this or just inspiration and ideas, we will give a few examples of how to ask for forgiveness in verses:

"There is no rest in my heart,

It breaks out of the chest

For what I did to you,

Forgive me, darling, forgive me! "

“My heart hurts,

There is no rest for me

While we are at odds

I can't help but think about you ...

Please forgive me! "

How to improve relationships if you have a falling out

With a friend / girlfriend

There is no perfect friendship. Sometimes resentments, quarrels, griefs still occur. You do not need to immediately put an end to your relationship, you can still fix it. Most often, friends do not insult on purpose: without thinking, she was rude because of bad mood, got into my own business, interrupted, etc.

Maintaining a relationship is only worthwhile if friendship for you means loyalty, honesty, and mutual assistance. Any other friendship would end sooner or later.

In order to ask forgiveness from a friend or friend, first you need to know exactly the reason why he or she is offended. Talk to her / him to resolve the issue and maintain friendship. Explain, say that you did it not out of malice. But it doesn't have to be an excuse, you just have to state your motive. Apologize for hurting her / his feelings.

If the offended person is your friend, emotional, romantic and kind, consider giving her a verse apology. Examples are given above.

If your apology hasn't been accepted, don't be discouraged. You did your best.

With a loved man

How to ask a girl for forgiveness

Often from male mistakes their loved ones suffer. The shoals cannot be avoided, but you can learn a few simple ways, to apologize to your girlfriend or wife so that she stops being angry and will forget your mistake forever.

  1. Wait for the girl to cool down. You do not need to immediately go into an open flame. This will only make the situation worse. Women walk away longer than men. In a day, the angry young lady will cool down and understand that your act was not so terrible. That's when you need to come up with an apology.
  2. Do not follow the rule that “ best protection- attack ". If, instead of apologizing, you start reproaching the girl that she is also not without sin, you can create problems even more serious than the original ones.
  3. Repent.
  4. Prepare in advance beautiful speech... It is desirable that it contains sweet words and compliments.
  5. Don't hum, don't slow down, don't stutter. The girl will be angry. If you have forgotten the words - think out on the go, say that it is hard and lonely for you without her.
  6. Don't forget to buy big bouquet and a gift when you apologize to your beloved. Approach the choice of a bouquet with a soul, you do not need the girl to think that you are saving on her and do not take the situation seriously.
  7. If your act is serious, and your girlfriend will not forgive you so easily, try to apologize in an original way. For example, apply to her for work with huge bouquet flowers to make her colleagues jealous (and at lunch they will talk about how wonderful and romantic you are), or prepare her personally a gourmet dinner.
  8. When asked why you did this, which is asked by 90% of women, answer this way: "I was stupid!" or "Because you are a fool!"

How to ask a guy for forgiveness

Every girl knows how to apologize to a boyfriend or husband - you need to calmly explain about the situation. After all, usually this is just a minor conflict that arose out of the blue.

Here are some tips and phrases:

  • Express regret. Admit it is your fault, not the circumstances or other people.
  • Make peace in person, not by phone, not by SMS. While doing this, look the man in the eye. Your eyes are the best way to show how sorry you are. Don't hold back your tears.
  • If you haven't been forgiven the first time, give the person time to calm down. Perhaps then he himself will take the first step.
  • Make amends. Give him a gift that is valuable to him. And when giving it, say: “Darling, this is for you. Forgive me. I love you very much!".
  • Choose the right time and place. For example, prepare it for a man favorite dish and apologize during dinner.
  • Stop in time. You don't need to make excuses for a long time, it will start to annoy.

With parents

Remember: a parent will always forgive you. They are the dearest and closest people to you. Friends disperse, the girl may not forgive, but mom and dad will always be with you. They will forgive you everything - what you said without thinking, that you do not call them due to lack of time.

Apologize for not paying attention to them. Call them every day to find out how they are doing, how their health is.

The phrase comes to mind: "Parents are not chosen."

First, you need to understand that you are not always right, that you are also wrong. If you notice your parents' flaws and don't see yours, it will be difficult to ask for forgiveness. Parents are also imperfect. They only want the best for you, but they don't know how to do it right.

For example, you didn't follow a rule that your parents set. First of all, be honest with them. Do not belittle your own guilt, do not make excuses or lie, otherwise you will make yourself more serious problems. By being honest, you will prove that you are trustworthy despite your mistakes.

Admit that you made your parents worry. Therefore, it will be correct to ask mom and dad for forgiveness. Put it this way: “I'm sorry about what happened. From now on I will behave more decently, I will follow what I say. Sorry"... Show that you are ready to receive the appropriate punishment. Mature people should always be held accountable for their actions.

Rules: what else is important to consider, besides the words of forgiveness

  1. Look the person in the eye.
  2. Don't hold back your emotions. I want to cry - cry.
  3. Call the person by name.
  4. Be honest and sincere.
  5. Don't try to beg for forgiveness right away. This may take time.
  6. Put yourself in your place offended person, understand his feelings.
  7. Accept the person's reaction after your words.

Why might you not be taken seriously or sincerely and rejected an apology?

  • You are not serious

To take your apology seriously, it’s best to choose the right setting for it. If you mumble “so are we friends again?” While bursting into laughter at a party, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously. It is better to choose a place where, in a quiet environment, you can explain yourself, showing your feelings.

  • You are insincere

If you don't admit your guilt, your words will sound insincere. The opponent will treat them with distrust. He will think that you are not going to apologize at all, and will only get more angry. An effective apology should address the feelings and needs of the offended person.

  • You are not sure of your words

You do not understand your mistake, but you are trying to somehow improve the relationship. Most often it looks like this: "Forgive me, but I do not know what I did." The use of words such as "but" and "if" make the addressee treat them lightly.

  • Wrong time

An apology won't work if you shout out that you're sorry during a fight. You will not be heard or taken seriously if you are still swearing. This is due to the fact that when a person is experiencing negativity, they will not listen to you. So you better wait for both of you to calm down.

  • Forgiveness by SMS

It is unlikely that you will be perceived sincerely if you apologize via SMS. If you meet in person, you are more likely to be forgiven. So you can convey your feelings not only through words, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

Psychologist's advice on how to properly ask for forgiveness and make peace with loved ones.


Making a mistake when apologizing can lead to the person becoming angry only more. So watch what you say. Don't make the following mistakes:

  • Do not make excuses and do not look for excuses for your actions.... Otherwise, it will look like you do not regret what you did. A person will notice this, and it will be very unpleasant for him. Your apology will be rejected.
  • Don't blame the person when you apologize.... Words such as "It's my own fault!" or "It's all because of you" is discouraged. Saying something that damages a person's self-esteem will ruin your path to reconciliation. You will talk about all this later, if you manage to maintain this relationship.
  • Don't overdo it. Don't overemphasize your remorse.... The person will think that you are faking it. Better to be more honest and sincere than dramatic.

How are phrases you say when you ask for forgiveness are perceived

Everyone perceives your words differently. It depends on many things: character, upbringing, mood. A person can also react both positively and sharply negatively.

Sometimes the phrases you use for forgiveness are perceived as an important part of sociocultural norms. And if, after several failures in building relationships, you start to get bored with SMS and calls, your words will be perceived as a way to attract attention to yourself. In this case, it is recommended to pause so that your phrase appears to be a deliberate step.

In life, people rarely get along without disagreements and quarrels. Offensive words, ugly actions, misunderstood statements - all this can cause discord in the relationship of even the strongest couple. Girls are often impulsive, men are touchy - and now there is a slamming of the door, steps that fade around the corner, tears of resentment, anger. Girls usually think about how to ask a guy for forgiveness after a while, having already admitted their guilt. How can you convey your remorse to your other half?

Quarrel with a boyfriend: the first step

If a quarrel occurs with a person with whom the relationship has not yet reached the stage cohabitation, the girl is left alone with her thoughts. Now she will not only have to admit her guilt, but also figure out how to convey this to the young man. Phones are the easiest to use, but who can guarantee that the offended party is willing to pick up the phone? What other options can there be that do not require a personal meeting?

Step two

The next stage involves personal communication, ideally a meeting. And the girl herself will have to organize it. How to do this while living far from each other?

Here they can come to the rescue mutual friends... If they welcome reunification, they will most certainly not refuse to facilitate the meeting. You can do without strangers if you know the habits of your loved one. For example, he can go to the gym in the evening or walk the dog. In general, the point is to be with him in the same place and at the same time. Next - it's up to the ability to speak and prove your repentance. If a man sees the continuation of the relationship, he will surely melt.

And now about the aforementioned "heavy artillery". If you have enough courage and confidence in your abilities, you can try to organize romantic date... Cafes and restaurants are not particularly original. Perfect option can be borrowed from the movies - the heroine sneaks into her lover's apartment, candles, romantic twilight, seductive underwear ...

Before asking a man for forgiveness in this way, you should think carefully about all the details. An important point- how to get to his house. Friends can help here. The main thing is that there are no illegal ways to enter! The second condition is that the guy must live alone. Unexpected arrival of mom or little sister is unlikely to be a pleasant addition to a romantic setting.

In general, the ways to beg forgiveness are limited only by the girl's fantasy and courage, the character and views of the young man. The latter must be taken into account so as not to overdo it and not to scare him away for good.

I understand, the word is not a sparrow, it flew out - you cannot catch it. And so, quite by accident, such offensive words flew out to you. Forgive me, please, I realize that I told you nonsense, but it was not at all out of spite. I love you. You best guy on the ground. Let's make up, my kitten, and forget that day forever.
Honey, I beg you very much -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't stand long partings
And I'm already tired of being offended ...

Darling, I feel so empty in my heart, because next to you. I know I’m to blame. You have a patient, angelic character, and I took advantage of this, and undeservedly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, do not hold any more grudge against me. Let's make up and be together again.
Forget all the words you said before
Forgive me, I behaved badly ...

If a couple lives together

Living together solves many problems. When two people have to constantly intersect, sooner or later they will be forced to talk to each other. But it is better not to wait a week or longer for the beloved to thaw out, but to ask him for forgiveness as early as possible, choosing the right moment.

You can start with the same apology message. letter to in this case would be an inappropriate option, but you can use notes that are easy to put in your pocket or bag.

Again, there should be no problem with romantic surprise, because housing is at the complete disposal of the girl, while her other half is absent.

Worst case- if the man is gone. The stronger sex is rarely inclined to react in this way to simple domestic quarrels, most often he does this when he suspects treason or knows for sure about it. It will be much more difficult to beg forgiveness for such an act. And we still need to think about whether it is worth establishing relations from which one wanted to escape “to the left”.

If so, then you need to arm yourself with patience, let the man come to his senses, feel that he lacks a soul mate. At the same time, it is not bad to improve relations with his friends, periodically take an interest in the affairs of a loved one, talk about how difficult it is without him and how foolish it was to believe that there could be someone better. This may gradually melt the ice, but it will take a long time.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person... So I, not at all from malice, offended you, and now I just can't find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't be angry with me anymore. This quarrel has become great lesson for me.
I breathe with you
I burn with you,
I live next to you
I'm dying without you
Forgive me, I beg!

My thorny hedgehog, stop snorting.
It will hurt, but I want to hug you.

Darling, life is mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no more pain than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But, the only person who does not make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and all that I don’t do is only because I’m afraid of losing you!

Fear of losing you, and turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me harshly, but understand. I apologize for what I have done. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness too! Forgive me dear.

Quarrel with her husband

There are conflicts in married couples... On the one hand, it may be easier to solve them, because a man and a woman are tied by strong bonds, responsibility, duties, perhaps even children. They will not part forever due to the fact that someone raised their voice or gave free rein to their nerves. But it will be all the more difficult for a man in such a situation to forgive treason.

What can be done? The best way for a woman is to show what she is good wife how she loves her husband, looks after the house, cooks, gives all her strength to raising children. Seeing all these efforts, the husband will most likely find the strength to forget the grievances, to try to save the family.

How to ask your loved one for forgiveness in this case? Better not to be smart and not invent anything. The ideal option is when enough time has passed for the passions to subside, come up and hug. This simple gesture is often more eloquent than hundreds of words.

It is not even worth talking about the fact that a man is unlikely to forgive a repeated betrayal, therefore, it should not be allowed.

What you should never do

  1. You can't threaten. "I will kill you", "I will kill myself" - all this testifies to an unstable psyche, and it is better not to mess with such girls.
  2. Tears are a bad weapon. Boys don't like messing around with crying girls.
  3. Blackmail. Secrets should remain secrets, not become a way to tie a man to you.
Love is trust. If you do not undermine him, then you will have to ask for forgiveness only for little things, which is sometimes even pleasant.

Unfortunately, in the relationship between a young man and a girl, everything is not always cloudless, and sometimes disagreements occur between lovers. If you understand that you are guilty for the conflict, then it would be most reasonable to admit that you were wrong and apologize.

How to apologize correctly and when to do it

If you understand that not only your chosen one is to blame for the misunderstanding or quarrel that has occurred, then, of course, you need to apologize to him. Surely, like any other person, he feels resentment and hopes for some explanation or at least a partial admission of his guilt. It very rarely happens when in any quarrel only one person is guilty, and the ability to admit this fact is often very helpful. harmonious development relationships. If you do decide to apologize, then it is important to do it right so as not to provoke new wave dissatisfaction with each other.

Not "we" or "you", but "me"

When you start a conversation with the person you want to apologize to, talk only about your feelings and your attitude to the situation. That is, you do not need to start with something like: “You and I were wrong”, “You yourself know what provoked me”, “If we…”, “If you…” and so on. It is important to assume your part of the responsibility nevertheless: “I did the wrong thing in this case,” “I should have warned you,” and the like.

Show that you are upset.

Show to a loved one that you are worried about the situation that happened and would like to fix it. He must see that for you in the first place is not your own ego, but harmonious relationship in your pair. Your upset shouldn't look like an offense against him personally - you are generally worried that not everything is going well in your relationship.

Suitable environment

Of course, it is important that your apology is not made in passing, and not on the run or in front of witnesses. In order to achieve rapport with a loved one, it is important to choose the right atmosphere. Better to start such conversations in private, in calm atmosphere... At the same time, a man should not be tired or in a hurry somewhere. It is also desirable to apologize after all personally, and not by correspondence or telephone. However, this already depends on your personal preferences.

Is it worth apologizing to a man at all

Of course, you can and should apologize to men too, when appropriate. That is, you should not do this with or without reason, but if you are really to blame, then your apology will only expose you to the best light... You will show yourself to be a person who is able to admit your own mistakes and take responsibility for them. Also, the chosen one will understand that his feelings are important to you, you pay attention to various little things, and prefer to solve problems, rather than wait for them to be resolved themselves. Some women consider apologizing to a man as a kind of humiliation, and this rather speaks of some of their personal complexes. Of course, how the lover reacts to your admission of guilt also matters. If he takes steps forward and shows interest in resolving your contradictions, then this is one thing, but if, after the apology you brought, he begins to humiliate you or in some way mock you, then this is a completely different case. In the second situation, perhaps you shouldn't hope that your relationship can have a really happy future.

Apologizes to her husband to improve family relationships

If grievances have accumulated over the years and do not feel guilty

You should analyze your relationship with your spouse, and understand from what period in your relationship problems have arisen. Also think about whether you can somehow resolve these conflicts, and if this is not possible, whether you are able to come to terms with the situation that does not suit you. Talk frankly with your husband, and try together to understand why you are unable to achieve harmony in your family. Ask your husband what exactly he is unhappy with, and what is his vision for solving this problem. In turn, convey to your spouse what you do not like, and ask how he sees the development of the current situation. If your husband is dear to you, and you do not want to ruin your family, then be attentive to his words. It is possible that he is seriously upset by something in your behavior or offends, but at the same time you do not feel guilty. Explain to the chosen one why you are convinced that you are right and for what reason you are sure that he has no reason to be offended. If your arguments seem unconvincing for the chosen one, and you understand that the current situation really hurts him, then it makes sense to apologize, at least with these words: "Sorry that you have to experience such emotions, I really didn't want it to upset you." Express empathy for your loved one. Don't dismiss his grudges as stupid or irrelevant. Let him know that you understand the reason for his worries, and it is not easy for you that there is a place for such emotions in your family. Be responsible. Don't apologize as if you are doing a favor to someone you love. Let him see that you regret the offense inflicted on him, and at least partially take the blame on yourself. The phrases are appropriate: “I am sorry that I did this”, “I understand that I offended you with my act” and so on.

How to ask a guy for forgiveness

In my own words

If you have seriously offended a young man, then you should feel responsible for it. In this case, it is completely inappropriate to apologize with other people's verses or by sending any sentimental songs to social networks... Most guys will find such an apology extremely frivolous and most likely insincere. If you really want the young man to no longer be offended by you, and the problem has been resolved, then by all means talk to him personally. Let it even be a conversation on the phone, but you need to convey to him in your own words that you are seriously repenting and want everything to work out in your relationship.

If I screw it up a lot and I am to blame

In this case, apologies in your own words are also no less important, so that the guy understands the sincerity of your regret about what happened. However, it is important to understand that if you really made a lot of mistakes and upset your chosen one very much, then apologizing to him may not seem enough. Most likely, his trust in you is now very undermined, and he does not know what to do. To make it easier for him to forgive you, promise that you will certainly correct the situation and leave behind the reasons for his grudges. If he didn't like flirting with other guys, then you should promise to stop doing it and keep your word. There can be a lot of situations, and if you are aware of your guilt and value the relationship, you should take responsibility for what happened, and not allow this problem to reappear in your relationship.

Apology to your beloved in sms

Rarely does a man appreciate an apology via SMS - it is better to do this in person, however, of course, there are exceptions. If you know for sure that your beloved is now on edge and does not want to hear you at all, then the SMS may be quite appropriate, it may be something like this: “Forgive me for this act, I am very sorry about what happened. I want to talk to you as soon as you're ready. Love you". After some time (several hours or days), it depends on the character of the chosen one and the degree of your guilt, you can try to call the guy and bring him to a conversation. If he rejects your call, wait another period and try again to contact him or meet. Perhaps he will remain adamant, in which case there is nothing left for you but waiting - he appreciated your perseverance, and he will contact you when he is ready.

Forgive me darling: for lies, treason, for stupid behavior

How to apologize to forgive

If you want the man to forgive you, be sincere with him and show that you are sorry about what happened. The first step is not only to apologize, but also to explain. Tell him why you decided on this or that unseemly act. Also let him know that you yourself are frustrated with this behavior and will do your best to prevent this from happening again. If you want to cry during your speech, then allow yourself this, but note that your tears should not cause rejection - this means that you do not need to cry, sob excitedly, and incoherently express yourself. Quite quiet and almost imperceptible tears are enough - this is likely to have a more positive effect. Do not demand or expect the person to forgive you immediately after you want to. Most likely, it will take him time to realize and think about what happened, as well as reflect on your apology. Tell the chosen one that you understand that he is offended and it is not easy for him to forgive you. Note that you are ready to take a break and wait for him to make a decision. Thus, you will demonstrate respect for the opinion and feelings of the beloved.

How to let someone know they can trust you again

It will not be superfluous to ask the young man what he sees as the development of events. Ask him what you can do to improve your relationship so he can forgive you. If his requirements seem to you quite logical, and you value the relationship, then it is better to meet the guy and do as he asks. Show him that he no longer has reason to be upset about the situation that caused you a fight. If it was about cheating, you need to completely exclude the possibility of contact with a person who has become "the third odd" in your couple. Don't expect your partner to take your word for it, that you won't be in contact with that guy anymore, even if you have to meet regularly. In this case, you will simply postpone your breakup, so initially think about how valuable your relationship is to you. young man that you really appreciate that he found the strength to forgive you. Say that he is very dear to you, and this situation helped you realize how you do not want to lose him. Pay close attention and care to your loved one; it is important that this situation truly be a thing of the past. If you do not want your relationship to be unhappy, then it is important that the chosen one actually forgives you, and does not manipulate your feelings of guilt for many months. Tell him that you are very upset about what happened, are ready to change and take care of your relationship, and also give him as much time as he wants to think about whether he can forgive you. If he constantly reproaches you with the situation that has happened, then there can be no talk of any full-fledged relationship. In this case, it will most likely be more appropriate to part for a period, and individually think about whether you can have a happy future together. Do not assume that after your apology, your lover should trust you for granted. If you notice that he is trying to somehow test you, do not express your irritation or incite conflict. Be tolerant of this behavior, and put yourself in its place - most likely, you would behave in the same way. These checks are likely to fizzle out soon after the man is convinced that there is no reason to worry and you can truly be trusted again.

Beautiful apologies in poetry and prose

This type of apology is appropriate only if you yourself are writing prose or poems - then you may well present your story in your work, express remorse and ask for forgiveness. If you decide to use the skill of another author, it is unlikely that it will be appreciated. The person whom you offended is not waiting for someone else's words and thoughts - it is your apology and your vision of the situation that are important to him. By sending a verse or an excerpt of a work with an apology found on the Internet, most likely you will only make it worse - few will consider such regrets to be sincere. You should learn to take responsibility for the mistakes you make - apologies in your own words (even in prose) are much more appropriate in this case.