Scheme for analyzing the parent meeting in a dow example. Know the program and features of the school where your child is studying. Make special efforts to maintain a calm atmosphere in the home when changes occur in your child's school life.

Educator: Dear parents! This little dramatization opens our meeting, the theme of which is “Development creativity in children preschool age". Let's now return together to Lesovichok, Arina and Maxim and discuss which of them showed creative abilities, how it manifested itself and whether it will be possible to preserve and develop their creative abilities with such guidance on the activities of children. musical pause There are questions in our balloons. If you got a ball with a question, but you didn’t like the question or you can’t answer it, you can pass it further around the circle. (Parents express their opinions, share their impressions, ask questions). What is children's creativity? How can it manifest itself? Preschool is favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at preschool age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn the world. And parents, encouraging curiosity, informing children of knowledge, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. Therefore, our task is to fully support and stimulate the development of creativity in children. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. In the lives of children, creativity can help out in a wide variety of life situations. Imagination enriches the life of children, makes it brighter, more interesting. Children's creativity is different from adult creativity. The child acts subconsciously, he does not set goals for himself. The child is driven by the satisfaction of their needs in creativity, which gives them positive emotions. In what activities do you think children's creativity can develop? (Visual activity, theatrical activity, constructive activity, etc.). She drew the attention of parents to the success of children in visual activities (exhibition of drawings, crafts, applications, etc.). I invite you, dear parents, to briefly return to the wonderful world of childhood, to imagine that we are preschool children again. A master class “We put our hands in the paint” is being held. I suggested that parents draw a portrait of their child using an unconventional technique - finger painting. At the end of the work, she designed an exhibition of drawings of parents "Children - sweets" Educator: It is known that children are unusually emotional and impressionable. They subtly feel and react to the new, trying to express their impressions in drawings, crafts. They are fascinated by the spectacle of the puppet theater, they easily transform into heroes from read books, performances. It is in artistic activity that the taste of the child, his aesthetic experiences are manifested and creative abilities, independence develop, and horizons expand. And to visual activity was creative in nature, it is necessary to diversify the materials and technique for performing the image. For example: Autumn forest can be drawn with gouache, watercolor, crayons, or you can use natural material, pieces of matter or from different types cereals, etc. She suggested that her parents go to the country of Imagination. Conducted the game "Reincarnation" Explained to parents that for this they have to be reincarnated into a variety of objects. I will tell you one story that happened this summer. And you will help me. The heroes of my story are mom, dad, as well as a kettle, a door, a motor (all items involved in the story). Each of you will get a role to voice. Here you will be a mother, you will be a father, you will be a car alarm, etc. (I told, parents voiced, making sounds inherent in this or that subject). Dobryanka, st. Engels. Summer morning. Still sleeping. A garbage truck pulls up to the house. The car alarm goes off. Mom wakes up. He puts the kettle on. Dad goes to the bathroom. The door creaks. The baby cries even louder. Mom comforts the baby. Everyone is here. It's time for grandma. Everyone gets into the car. Doors slam shut. The motor turns on. The car is driving on the highway. A car drives past at high speed. Gaia's post ahead. Police whistle. Thank God, not us. Turned off the road. Village ahead. The dog barked habitually. The geese cackled. The ducks screamed. The piglets grunted. And suddenly... And now let's tell this story without words. So, Dobryanka, st. Engels, summer morning ... ... It is recommended to play such games with children at home, play out various situations where children develop imagination, fantasy, thinking, which will help you


Compliance with the conditions:

1. Event organization level(solemnity, comfort, lighting, whether registration is organized, is it possible to undress).

2. Parent notification:

A. Deadline for posting the announcement of the meeting.

b. Design (announcement, poster, invitation).

3. visibility(exhibitions, stands, demonstration material):

A. Is it relevant to the topic of the meeting?

b. Pedagogical orientation and value.

V. colorfulness.

d. Brevity conciseness of inscriptions.

4. Meeting level:

A. Time, its expediency.

b. Number of people present.

V. Elections of the secretary and chairman (are they permanent at each meeting; does the secretary know how to write minutes).

d. Who has the leading role at the meeting (chairman, educator, manager, methodologist).

e. Duration of the meeting.

Preparation for the meeting (preliminary work):

A. Making material in the corner for parents (folders - sliders, etc.).

V. Consultations.

V. Does the information about the children of this group sound. Is the role of the family in education emphasized?

d. Individual work with parents (suggestion to study the material, prepare a presentation, etc.).

e. Work with the parent committee (organizational issues, design of visual agitation, etc.).

Message quality:

1. Does the topic fit?:

A. The main objectives of the year

b. The tasks of educating and educating children of this age.

V. The wishes of the parents (questionnaire, conversations, etc.).

2. Pedagogical Literacy Report:

A. Theoretical material (stated in literary language, short or not).

b. Whether specific facts are used.

3. Presentation Form(edification, interview, lecture, reading, confidential conversation).

Conducting the meeting:

1. Behavior of the teacher, demeanor, tone of conversation, contact with parents, free communication.

2. Parents' speech(on topic or not, how many people are trained or not).

3. Level of questions to parents.

4. Are there any parenting questions?(on topic or abstract).

5. Quality of responses to parent questions(who answered correctly, clearly, whether the answer satisfied the teacher, parents).

6. Appeal to parents(by name, patronymic, by surname, generalizing words).

7. Parent activity:

A. Listen.

b. Write down.

V. They ask questions.

d. Speak (on topic or not).

e. Offer solutions.

e. Make decisions.

8. Solution quality:

A. Concreteness.

b. Fulfillment.

V. Are they aimed at improving the quality of the upbringing and education of children?

9. General tone of the meeting.

A. Goodwill.

b. Attention.

V. Mutual respect.

Summary of the meeting:

1. Did the event fulfill the main functions:

A. Did the parents get acquainted with the goals and objectives, forms and methods of raising children in the kindergarten and family.

b. Are uniform requirements for the impact on children in the kindergarten and family established?

V. Did the parents get acquainted with the best experience of family education.

2. Whether the proposed material remained in the memory (availability of handouts for parents).

Conclusions: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Drawing up a summary of the conduct parent meeting in different age groups.

Self-analysis of activity. Reflection.

Acquired the following skills:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gained the following practical experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

GBOU SPO "Yakutsk Pedagogical College. S.F. Gogolev"

Preschool department

Parent meeting in a preschool educational institution

Yakutsk 2015


Paragraph 6 model provision about a preschool educational institution, it is said that one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the families of pupils to ensure the full development of children."

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, adopted on October 17, 2013 and entered into force on January 1, 2014, pays great attention to cooperation with the family.

In paragraph 1.4. "Basic principles of pre-school education" one of the principles of education is the cooperation of the Organization with the family.

In paragraph 1.6. the task is singled out: providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children.

The relevance of the course work is due to the fact that working with the family is an important and complex aspect of the activities of the educator and other employees of the preschool institution. It is aimed at solving the following problems:

Establishing unity in the upbringing of children;

Pedagogical education of parents;

Study and dissemination of best practices in family education;

Familiarization of parents with the life and work of a preschool institution.

All the work carried out in the preschool institution with the family is subordinated to this task. Unity in the upbringing of children ensures the development correct behavior children, accelerates the process of mastering skills, knowledge and skills, contributes to the growth of the authority of adults - parents and educators in the eyes of the child. The basis of such unity is the pedagogical knowledge of parents, their awareness of the work of preschool institutions.

Reach High Quality education of our pupils, to fully satisfy the needs of parents and the interests of children, to create a single educational space for the child, is possible only if a new system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is developed.

Modern trends in the development of preschool education are united by one important and significant criterion - its quality, which directly depends on the level of professional competence of teachers and pedagogical culture parents.

Aralova M.A. writes that the quality of family education, expansion educational opportunities families, increasing the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of their children are the most important problems of modern teaching practice. Their solution is possible under the condition of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical preparation of the family, parents to perform their educational functions. It is these circumstances that dictate the need to constantly improve the level of pedagogical competence of parents, the need and relevance of the organization various forms education. Thus, the main goals and objectives of parental education in preschool educational institutions are determined:

· the perception of the phenomenon of upbringing in the family and preschool education as a social, psychological and pedagogical phenomenon is formed in parents;

ideas about the stages of development of the child's personality are formed;

The principles of interaction between parent and child, parents and teachers, teachers and children are revealed.

The main thing in the work of any preschool educational institution is the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health pupils, their creative and intellectual development, providing conditions for personal growth. The successful implementation of this great and responsible work is impossible in isolation from the family, because parents are the first and main educators of their child from the moment of birth and for life. Doronova T.N. believes that cooperation is the basis of interaction between a preschool institution and a family, i.e. joint definition of activity goals, joint distribution of forces, means, subject of activity in time in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals, objectives and results.

Purpose: to study ways to improve the effectiveness of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents of pupils at parent meetings

Object of study: pedagogical process preschool organization.

Subject of research: forms of work of preschool organizations and families.

1. To study the features of interaction with parents of preschool children.

2. Open the forms of organizing a parent meeting.

3. Study the methodology for organizing and holding a parent meeting.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

The relevance, goals and objectives of the course work, as well as the subject and object of research are described in the introduction.

The first section reveals the theoretical foundations for the interaction of a preschool organization with a family. In the second section, justified different forms work with parents. The conclusions of the course work are noted in the conclusion. The list of references consists of 28 sources.

1. Features of interaction with parents

preschool education parent pedagogical

The main goal of interaction is to create a single space "Family - Kindergarten", in which all participants in the pedagogical process (children, parents, educators) will be comfortable, interesting, safe, useful, safe. Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in the work of the kindergarten, but there is a certain disharmony in the real relationship between educators and parents. Both personal and professional factors can hinder the development of these relationships, which can lead to the formation of personal and professional prejudices, and prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. An analysis of the current situation shows that at the moment there are a number of contradictions:

Between the low level of pedagogical culture and insufficient knowledge of the basics of psychology by parents and the lack of a system for teaching them in a preschool institution;

Between the desire of parents to be active in the preschool educational institution and the strictly regulatory nature of the activities of the institution;

Between the rights and obligations of parents and the inability to use them; - between the need to build work with the family on the basis of interaction and cooperation and the inability of teachers to conduct this work.

At the same time, the idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education was reflected in a number of legal documents, including the "Concept of preschool education", "Regulations on a preschool educational institution", the Law "On Education", etc. So in the main The normative document, on which the modern regulatory and legal framework of the preschool education system is based - the Concepts of preschool education, outlines the guidelines for establishing a trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, cooperation and interaction between the teacher and parents.

Paragraph 30 of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution states that parents are participants in the educational process along with teachers. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child.

The task of a preschool institution is to reveal to parents the important aspects of the psychological and pedagogical development of the child at each age level. preschool childhood and recommend appropriate parenting practices. Educators play a key role in working with parents. They are the main source of information about the child, about the activities of the institution, parents receive psychological and pedagogical information from them. They are the main responsibility. Kindergarten teachers are in constant interaction with parents, making up the inseparable trinity "child - parent - teacher", realizing that the home environment has the main upbringing and formative value. In terms of cooperation with the family, which implies mutual respect, understanding, trust, desired results during the development of a child's personality.

Recognition of the priority of family education, the novelty of relations between the family and the preschool institution is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction". Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. The result of interaction is certain relationships, which, being the internal personal basis of interaction, depend on the relationship of people, on the position of the interacting. The term "interaction", in the context of the interaction between the educational institution and the family, was revealed in the works of T.A. Markova, where the interaction was considered as a unity of the lines of education in order to solve the problems of family education and was built on the basis of a common understanding. The interaction of preschool teachers with parents involves mutual assistance, mutual respect and mutual trust; knowledge and consideration by the teacher of the conditions of family education, and by parents - the conditions of education in kindergarten. It also implies the mutual desire of parents and teachers to maintain contact with each other. At the heart of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is the cooperation of teachers and parents, which implies the equality of partners' positions, respectful attitude towards each other, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities.

Cooperation implies not only mutual actions, but also mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual knowledge, mutual influence. Active joint work of teachers and parents allows you to get to know each other better, helps to strengthen their relationship. highest point The interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family is a commonwealth, which implies the unification of someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests, and implies, first of all, openness towards each other. Thus, main point in the context of "family - preschool institution" - close cooperation and personal interaction between the preschool teacher and parents in the process of raising a child. Parental love gives a person a “margin of safety”, forms a sense of psychological security. Educators are the first helpers of parents, in their hands children become inquisitive, active, creative.

The renewal of the system of preschool education, the processes of humanization and democratization in it necessitated the need to intensify the interaction of the preschool institution with the family. The family is a unique primary society that gives the child a sense of psychological security, “emotional support”, support, and unconditional, non-judgmental acceptance. This is the enduring significance of the family for a person in general, and for a preschooler in particular. Modern specialists and scientists in the field of the family (T.A. Markova, O.L. Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova, V.P. Dubrova, I.V. Lapitskaya, etc.) speak about the same. They believe that family institute there is an institution of emotional relations. Every child today, as at all times, expects from his relatives and people close to him (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother) unconditional love: he is loved not for good behavior and grades, but just the way he is. he is, and for the fact that he just is. The family for the child is also a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, then we must solve this problem "with the whole world": kindergarten, family, community. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in recent years a new philosophy of interaction between the family and the preschool institution has begun to develop and be introduced. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to support and supplement their educational activities. The new philosophy of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution presupposes new relationships. Having their own special functions, they cannot replace each other, so establishing contact between them is necessary condition successful upbringing child of preschool age.

The involvement of parents in the pedagogical process of the institution is called "openness of the kindergarten inside". The cooperation of the preschool educational institution with social institutions, its openness to the influence of the microsociety, i.e. “Opening the kindergarten to the outside” is also today one of the activities of the preschool institution. The new principles of interaction also include the variability of the content, forms and methods of parental education. The modern parent needs to explore both new topics and old ones in a new way. Therefore, teachers need to build work with parents, using various forms education, shaping parents as educators. Since interaction at the present stage is not limited to pedagogical education, it is necessary to clarify and expand the concept of "interaction" with such a characteristic as the ability of parents to reflect. The task of forming in parents one of the components of pedagogical reflection is the ability to self-critically assess oneself as a teacher, one's educational activities, to take the place of the educated person and look at the situation through his eyes.

The main purpose of the family and any educational institution is the development of the child's personality. Parents and teachers are the two most powerful forces, the role of which in the process of becoming the personality of each person cannot be exaggerated. To out small child to grow up a full-fledged person: a cultural, highly moral, creative and socially mature person, it is necessary that teachers and parents act as allies, share their kindness, experience, knowledge with children. Here, mutual understanding, complementarity, co-creation of the preschool educational institution and the family in the upbringing and education of the younger generation are of particular importance. In this context, the family in relation to the preschool educational institution acts not only as a consumer and social customer, but also, which is very important, as a partner. The success of cooperation will depend on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten. The kindergarten is the first educational institution that the family comes into contact with. But the kindergarten cannot replace the family, it complements it by performing its own special functions. At the same time, modern family education is not considered as an autonomous factor in personality formation. On the contrary, the effectiveness of home education increases if it is supplemented by a system of other educational institutions with which the family develops relations of cooperation and interaction.

One of the most common forms of work in this direction is parent meetings. Why do you need a parent meeting in kindergarten? This is the main form of interaction between parents and the teaching staff, which allows parents to keep abreast of the everyday life of the kindergarten, to know what classes are held in kindergarten and what results the children have achieved.

Contacts with parents of preschool children in kindergarten begin from the moment when they bring the medical card of the future pupil, that is, 3-4 months before the child enters the preschool institution. An initial acquaintance with the parents of babies is organized, during which a conversation and questionnaire are conducted, aimed at studying the specifics of the family: living conditions, family composition, the age of the parents, their level of preparedness in matters of education, etc. . In such conversations, it is necessary to find out the child’s habits, behavioral patterns, favorite toys and games, as they affectionately call him at home, what the child already knows how to do, what is still not working, and so on. Practice shows that in order to establish a dialogue with the families of pupils, it is important for teachers to actively use the language of support and complicity, to make it clear to parents that they are being carefully listened to and heard. This is achieved through a variety of communication methods (active listening, eye contact, local compliment, smile, etc.), but not for the sake of meeting the expectations of the family, in order to produce good impression or assert their innocence, but in order to create an emotionally positive atmosphere of an interested conversation, joint problem solving. Teachers, getting to know parents, should be told about the developmental features of children of this age. Knowledge of age and individual features children allows parents to learn how to properly communicate with them, increases responsibility for their upbringing and ensures unity and consistency in the requirements for children from all family members. Special pedagogical knowledge helps develop children's inquisitiveness, observation, the simplest forms of logical thinking, manage play and work, and understand the causes of children's actions. Awareness of parents about the physiological and mental characteristics of children early age helps them not only take care of the health of the child, but also purposefully develop movements, cultural and hygienic skills, speech, and communication activities. In addition, educators conduct tours of group rooms in order to acquaint parents in as much detail as possible with the features of the preschool institution, with the conditions and regime of the group. Be sure to demonstrate where children sleep, play, wash, what cultural and hygiene skills are instilled in babies, which is important for parents to take into account for the proper organization of children's lives at home. The teacher introduces the parents to educational program, professionals who will work with their children. Parents are shown toys, study guides, children's books that the baby in the group will use; in addition, they suggest which toys and aids should be purchased for children, in accordance with the age of the child. This approach to interaction with parents of young children increases their responsibility for raising children in the family, develops pedagogical activity: mothers and fathers strive to communicate with educators, they begin to be interested in issues related to the formation of the personality of the baby, his inner world, relationships with others; sometimes parents admit the fallacy of some of their parenting methods. As a result, a favorable emotional atmosphere is created in relations between parents and teachers, which ensures joint success in the upbringing, development and socialization of young children, and hence the success of the entire preschool educational institution.

Thus, the relations of the children's educational institution with the family are currently based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the educational institution is open inside and out. Awareness of the priority of the family led to a change in social position: a kindergarten for the family, and not a family for the kindergarten; to the emergence of new communication links, more conscious and interested participation of parents in the pedagogical process. At the same time, there is a transition from the concept of "work with parents" to the concept of "interaction"; there is a search for a common language of contact and mutual understanding, recognition of each other's strengths and weaknesses. A child of primary preschool age entering a kindergarten especially needs both maternal support and the care of a teacher. Therefore, the main task of the teacher during this period is to interest parents in the possibilities of joint upbringing of the child, to show parents their special role in the development of the baby. Consequently, effectively organized cooperation between the family and the preschool educational institution gives impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which involves not just joint participation in the upbringing of a child, but the awareness of common goals, a trusting attitude and the desire for mutual understanding. The creation of a union of three social forces: teachers - children - parents is one of the topical issues of today.

2. Form of organizing and holding a parent meeting

The preschool teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees their problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. One of the tasks of communication between the educator and parents is to reveal to parents the important aspects of the mental development of the child, to help them build the right pedagogical strategy. In solving these issues, parent meetings are indispensable, which are an effective form of communication between educators and parents.

However, parents are busy people, they sometimes have no time to talk with the teacher, come to the meeting, or they think that they already know everything about their child. In this case, the teacher must know how to interest parents in the necessary pedagogical information, and then how to effectively build a parent meeting.

It is at meetings that the educator has the opportunity to acquaint parents with the tasks, content, methods of raising preschool children in a kindergarten and family. During the meeting, the main burden falls on the report. This material can also be used for oral and written consultations with parents, as well as other forms of work. The educator is required creativity to the material: search for new examples; the use of their methods of activating parents, aimed at making the audience interested in the problem under study, at the emergence of their associations with own experience raising children, rethinking their parental position. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the need of parents for knowledge.

An important condition for the success of parent-teacher meetings is the definition of a clear schedule for their holding. This schedule is communicated to the parents at the first meeting so that they can plan their work and home time in advance, and not occupy it with any business.

Depending on the possibilities or desire, these meetings can take place monthly or quarterly, at the same hours. After all, teachers themselves are interested in parents acquiring the minimum of pedagogical knowledge that is necessary for effective family education.

Family upbringing is carried out the more successfully, the better both parents are prepared for its implementation: mom and dad. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that they attend the named thematic parent meetings together at the same time.

Parent meetings can be: organizational; current or thematic; final; community and group.

Often, during the preparation for the parent meeting, teachers face the question: how to build a meeting, what form is best to choose? Quite a lot has been written about the forms of holding meetings in the specialized literature. You can use only one form, you can take several at the same meeting. The main thing is not to overdo it, and the chosen topic of the meeting must correspond to the form of the meeting.

Round table. Holding in this form implies the presence of a table, not necessarily round. It is important that he be, and teachers, parents, and guests of the meeting sit behind him. In such an environment, it is common to discuss actual problems upbringing, parents get to know each other. Asking questions and answering them is not necessarily kindergarten teachers. During such a meeting, parents can be united in pairs or trios to discuss any issue or situation.

Conference. The conference brings together educators and narrow specialists, and parents who prepare in advance for a speech on one topic. Everyone speaks with his own point of view, how he sees this life situation. This gives everyone involved in the upbringing of children the opportunity not only to speak out, but also to hear the other person, and then come to a common opinion. As a result, parents accumulate knowledge in the field of raising children and establish trusting relationships with teachers.

Presentation. This form involves familiarity with something or someone. The presentation is prepared in advance. It may be accompanied by illustrations, photos and videos. The presentation can be prepared by both parents and teachers.

Family theatre. The family plays out a situation, a case on the topic of the meeting, then there is a discussion. The situation is prepared together by parents and teachers.

parent mail. Given the busyness, as well as the shyness of many parents, you can use this non-traditional form of communication with the family.

Equip in advance Mailbox, put it in the waiting room, put sheets of paper and pens so that any parent has the opportunity to express their opinion on a particular issue in a short note. Reading and discussion of the notes takes place at the meeting.

Contest. This meeting is being prepared jointly with the parents. Usually competitions are timed to some date.

revelation mask. The problem posed by the mask is brought up for discussion. Parents and teachers jointly select best options solutions to this problem.

School for parents. Basically, this form is needed by young mothers and fathers in order to obtain pedagogical knowledge. Here teachers will lead the lesson, in the role of which will be not only teachers of preschool educational institutions, but also experienced parents.

Videos, slideshows. Watching videos, slides is usually very popular with meeting participants. Parents emotionally react to what they see, there are many questions, remarks, judgments, statements.

Psychological game. Usually such a game takes place with the participation of a teacher-psychologist. A game-model of social interaction is used, in which social attitudes are assimilated and changed. The scheme of the game:

Creation of a game problem situation;

- "living" a problem situation. development of the game plot;


Exhibition. Very often, in almost all meetings, exhibitions are used. Their subjects are diverse: photographs, books, crafts, toys, drawings. The purpose of the exhibitions is the desire to tell about your family, the life of the children's team, as well as to evoke positive emotions. Passive parents who do not participate in the exhibition, viewing the exhibits, listening to the stories of a teacher or parent, become active and the next time they participate in events with pleasure.

parent club ( family club). This form of parent meetings is more complex, as it requires a lot of preparation. Specialists from various organizations related to working with children are invited to such meetings. The club is based on the principles of voluntariness, personal interest, mutual respect. The topics of the meetings are formed and requested by the parents. Club meetings can be held in the form of a round table, an evening of remembrance, a workshop, a living room, gatherings.

Thanks to such forms of organization of meetings, parents will feel like full-fledged participants in the educational process and will learn to be responsible for the results of the upbringing and education of the child on an equal basis with kindergarten teachers.

The participation of parents in the lives of their children, not only at home, but also in kindergarten, helps:

Treat your child as an equal and understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children. The main thing is not the standard, but the personal achievements of each;

To see the strengths and weaknesses of your own child and take them into account;

Show sincere interest in his actions and be ready for emotional support;

Understand that positive results cannot be achieved through unilateral influence, you can only suppress or intimidate the child.

If in the older groups of the kindergarten the parents of the pupils are the allies and assistants of the educator, then in the younger groups they still need to be made so. And for this you need to start communicating with parents even before the child visits preschool.

It is necessary to invite the parents of future pupils to the group and start acquaintance not with a formal meeting at which the teacher will lecture them, but with a friendly meeting of people involved in the life of the child.

Parents will be interested in answers to exciting topics discussed pedagogical situations what to look for Special attention and how to help the child.

Parent meetings bring the teacher and parents closer, bring the family closer to the garden, help determine the best ways to influence the educational impact on the child.

Parents often ignore parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten. They believe that they know their child, his problems and needs better than others. The second reason is that most parents work late at work, so there is not much time left to do household chores, and attending a parent-teacher meeting can ruin all plans for the evening. In addition, many parents think: since the child is still small, he still cannot have serious problems with behavior and communication with peers, and complaints from educators and other parents are the result of unfair treatment to the baby. Communication with the parents of other children is seen by many as optional, and parents often shift the responsibility for conducting various activities in kindergarten onto the shoulders of educators and nannies.

Such an irresponsible approach to the issue of attending parent meetings can threaten serious problems in the future. The thing is that the relationship between parents and children, as well as the process of education itself, should be based on an understanding of the child, his most important needs and desires. At the same time, it is very important to notice emerging problems in time in order to be able to correct the situation before it is too late. After all, it is in the preschool period that the formation of the main personality traits and character of a person, his positive and negative qualities, and also some complexes are formed, from which it is very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Prokhorova S.Yu. writes that it is best to hold non-traditional parent-teacher meetings, following the rule of Confucius: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I might remember. Involve me and I will understand”, translated by modern scientists and expressed in a dry language of numbers: what is heard is remembered by 15%, heard and seen - by 25%, written - by 40%, done - by 70%. Undoubtedly, the use of non-traditional methods of conduct, adherence to the principles of variability of parent-teacher meetings allows achieving positive results in interaction with parents, increasing their pedagogical culture to the issues of raising children.

Parents will be happy to go to the parent meeting, knowing that there will be something interesting, playful: they will hear and see their children in the classroom, in games, in performances. Parents are interested in text materials, recommendations, and advice.

For parents, such meetings turn into celebratory event and do not lose their attractiveness for several reasons:

The relevance of the topics raised at the meetings;

Saturation of meetings with corrective, preventive and educational information;

The opportunity for parents to observe their children and the results of the coordinated activities of specialists, presented in the form of demonstration performances, creative reports.

Such a model of working with families makes it possible to cooperate with parents who do not have a pronounced educational interest, who believe that they have enough knowledge and experience to raise their own children. The number of those is quite large; it is this group of parents that usually makes strict demands on the institution, because they themselves do not want or cannot provide the children with the desired development.

In addition, parent meetings allow you to:

Give parents information of pedagogical, psychological, speech therapy content; improve the pedagogical competence of both parents and educators;

To clearly demonstrate to parents the successes and shortcomings in the development of children, and parents draw conclusions about this on their own, comparing and observing their child in a group;

Demonstrate techniques and methods of working with children;

Invite the family for a consultation with specialists, introducing them to the employees of the preschool educational institution; parents sometimes do not even realize that their problem can become an object of help when specialists are invited to look at one or another family situation in a new way;

Organize express consultations with specialists immediately after the meeting;

Engage the emotional sphere of children and adults by organizing meetings in a festive atmosphere;

Familiarize with DOW requirements, substantiate their content from the position of caring for children; parents learn the tasks of the kindergarten and better understand their role; the work of specialists and educators becomes transparent for parents.

Thus, the content and forms of work with the family in the preschool educational institution should be diverse. Life tasks dictate the need for certain knowledge. And the task of each teaching staff is to be able to be sensitive to the needs of the family and competence in solving modern problems of upbringing and education.

IN Lately the so-called non-traditional parent meetings, which involve the joint presence of parents with children, have become popular. Such meetings are devoted to a predetermined topic, for example, "Be healthy" (about the health of the child). Non-traditional parent meetings are held in a semi-playful way so that the children are also interested, but, in fact, this is a lecture for parents on pedagogy - tips on what to pay attention to in the process of raising a child. Such meetings are indeed very informative and useful for parents, but, unfortunately, traditional forms of work with parents still prevail in most kindergartens.

Consider the types of parent meetings of non-traditional form proposed by T.A. Falkovich.

"Pedagogical laboratory" is recommended to be held at the beginning or at the end of the year. They discuss the participation of parents in various activities. The questionnaire "Parent - child - kindergarten" is being conducted. Either the planned events are discussed, or the past ones are analyzed and the results are summed up. At the beginning of the year, a survey is conducted so that the teacher gets to know the child better, his features. Parents are introduced to the events planned for the year, they listen to the suggestions of parents, what help and support they can provide in the planned events, as well as their wishes and suggestions for the school year. At the end of the year, at such meetings, they sum up the results of the past year, evaluate and analyze achievements and mistakes.

"Reader's Conference". A preparatory stage is carried out before the meeting, where parents are given some task on a specific topic. The prepared task is discussed from various positions. 2 weeks before the meeting, parents are given materials on the topic of the meeting, the teacher asks to comment on this or that statement, highlights the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. For example, a meeting in the 2nd junior group is a crisis of 3 years. Several sayings of the classics are offered and parents comment on how they understand this saying and give their advice on the problem, how they solve it. Most good advice placed on the stand "Piggy bank of family councils"

"Workshop". Not only the educator, but also parents, speech therapist, psychologist and other specialists can speak at the meeting. Together with parents, there is a beating or decision problem situations, elements of training may be present. The topic and the presenter are determined, it can be both the educator and parents, invited experts. For example, take the topic of children's fears. A short theoretical report is being prepared, then parents are asked to give their opinion on the causes of children's fears and ways to overcome them. Further, mini-trainings on self-regulation are held with parents, playing tricks to relieve anxiety and fears so that parents can help their children in case of difficulties.

"Sincere conversation". The meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems (in communication with peers, aggressiveness, etc.). You can conduct a survey on the topic, at the end of the meeting, parents are not given recommendations, but they themselves come to them. For example, a left-handed child. Parents are surveyed to learn more about the characteristics of their children. And to establish exactly what degree of left-handedness in a child is weak or pronounced. The problem is discussed from all sides, experts can be invited. Parents are given recommendations on the developmental features of such a child (non-standard). Parents are offered various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop the motor skills of both hands. Discussed psychological problems associated with left-handedness.

"Talk show". A meeting of this form involves discussing one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways her decisions. Parents, an educator perform on the talk show, you can invite specialists. For example, take the crisis of 3 years. Parents are offered various situations, they need to be considered from different points of view, be sure to argue them. The key concepts of the crisis of 3 years are determined, the causes are jointly identified, then the opinions of psychologists are read out. All positions are jointly discussed. Parents themselves decide how to solve the problem.

In comparison with T.A. Falkovich, S.Yu. Prokhorova identifies the following non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings in the practice of educators. Among them: an organizational and activity game, a conference, a debate, a workshop, joint meetings of parents with children, a meeting - a competition.

In the workshop, the participants part with their traditional roles, and this disidentification becomes the key to co-creation, deep mutual interest. This technology helps to include each parent in the meeting, creates conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of the participants.

The meeting is a business game, it aims to identify during the game the ideas of parents on the designated problem, ways and means of solving it, and also to promote rallying parent team, the formation of friendly and trusting relationship between parents and teachers.

The work of parents at the meeting takes place in groups that can be: “children”, “school administration”, “educators”, “parents”, and in accordance with the name received, the participants will play a certain role in the game. The expert group may be chaired by a school psychologist. Each group prepares its own analysis of the problem and outlines a way to solve it. At the end of the game, a self-assessment of the participants takes place, during which each parent needs to continue the phrase: working with the group, I realized that ...

Meeting-competitions can be held under the following names: “Dad, Mom, I am a Reading Family” or “Dad, Mom, I am a Sports Family”, at which, having received information to think about the importance of parents in educating children to love books and sports, participants can immediately demonstrate their success in these areas.

The workshop not only introduces parents to theoretical concepts, but also teaches social exercises, helps to apply the information received in practice. For example, one of the topics of such a meeting is “How to help a child become attentive”, where participants get acquainted with the concept of attention and its main properties, study and demonstrate games and exercises to develop attention.

As T.A. Falkovich, at parent meetings of an unconventional form, you can use following methods activation of parents: "Brainstorming", "Reversal brain attack, or dressing", "List of adjectives and definitions", "Associations", "Collective recording", "Writing on sheets", "Heuristic questions", "Mini-experiment".

Thus, at present, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular among both teachers and parents. They are built according to the entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, drawing their attention to kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better, because they see him in a different, new environment for themselves, and get closer to teachers. The work carried out by teachers of preschool institutions contributes to the destruction of the usual stereotype and public opinion about the work of a preschool institution only with the families of their pupils, develops a positive public opinion about the institution, increases the demand for educational services for children, ensures the availability of quality educational services, improves the preparation of children for easier adaptation in a new social environment.

Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of organizing non-traditional forms of parent meetings in a preschool educational institution allows us to formulate the following conclusions: the main tasks of interaction between teachers of a preschool institution and the family at the present stage are to increase the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents, involving them in the educational process of kindergarten.

The most characteristic trends in building joint work with the family are: the desire to implement a unified program for the upbringing and development of the child in a preschool institution and the family, the planning of the educational process by the teacher and the educational efforts of parents based on an analysis of the results of diagnosing the level of development of the child.

At present, stable (traditional) forms of kindergarten work with families have developed. Work is carried out in two directions: inside the kindergarten and outside it. Inside the kindergarten, work is carried out with the parents of their pupils in the following traditional forms: parent meetings, consultations, questionnaires, seminars, open doors, matinees, design of information stands, booklets. Outside the kindergarten, a wide pedagogical propaganda is carried out. The forms of this area of ​​work with the family are directly aimed at both convincing parents of the importance of social education and providing pedagogical support and assistance to families in the process of raising children. These can be universities of pedagogical knowledge, film lectures, schools for parents, thematic exhibitions, open days in preschool institutions, parent conferences, etc.

3. Methodology for organizing and holding a meeting

The methodology for organizing a parent meeting should be based on the work of a particular group, the specificity of the material. When preparing for a meeting, consider the following points:

1. Different level of pedagogical culture of parents. Therefore, the teacher must be able to communicate with parents, show respect and tact.

2. Educational issues are discussed at parent meetings, parents receive knowledge in the process of consultations, through visual agitation. Talk to parents about reading pedagogical literature on this topic.

3. The topics of general parent meetings should concern the majority of parents.

Topics for general parent meetings:

1. Discussion of the annual plan of educational work.

2. Plan of summer work.

3. General pedagogical tasks:

- unity of requirements in the upbringing of the child

- the role of the family in the upbringing of the child

- features of raising the first child in the family

- the role of the father in the upbringing of the child

- on the legal obligations of parents in the upbringing of the child.

3-4 general parent meetings are held per year. The head, doctor, nurse, lawyer, parents can speak at the meeting.

The theme of the general parent meeting should be based on annual tasks and contribute to the improvement of educational work with children. The head, the methodologist, the parent committee participate in the preparation for the meeting.

The topics of group parent meetings depend on:

1. Previous work with parents

2. Children's age

3. Results of education

4. Working conditions of the kindergarten

5. Raising a child in a family

6. Interest of parents.

The topics of parent meetings should be discussed at the teachers' council. Depending on the topic, a music director (“Holidays of a child in the family”), a nurse (“Raising children healthy”) may participate in the parent meeting.

Selection of topics for parent meetings

1. Junior groups- "Organization of the life of children in kindergartens and families" (about the education of cultural and hygienic skills, the education of independence, etc.)

2. Middle groups - about the formation of character, education positive traits character (about hard work, honesty, the formation of moral qualities)

3. Senior groups - about issues of mental education.

4. Preparatory groups - preparing children for school, about instilling discipline, etc.

Preparing and holding parent meetings

2 weeks before the meeting, an invitation to the parents to the meeting is posted indicating the topic and the exact time. During the week, educators conduct individual conversations, making them interested in the topic of the meeting, convincing them of the need to attend the meeting. At each parent meeting, registration of those present must be carried out.

The teacher's message should be no more than 20 minutes. and consists of 3 parts:

- the importance of the topic for raising children

- main - about work in a group on a given topic

In the second part, you need to say:

- about techniques and methods that contribute to the solution of these issues in the preschool educational institution;

- critical material with examples;

- give specific characteristics of children in connection with the question posed.

The third part provides examples from the experience of parents present at the meeting.

For each parent meeting, educators prepare visual and illustrative material:

- exhibition of children's works

- thematic exhibition

- slide folder

- toy exhibition

- book exhibition

- showing work with children (classes, play activities, work).

For the parent meeting, it is necessary to prepare speeches by 2-3 parents for 5-7 minutes.

Holding a meeting

1. The meeting is held only if it is fully prepared, the material is selected.

2. The message of the educator should be emotional, aim parents for reflection and discussion.

3. A chairman and a secretary are elected to lead the meeting.

4. Each meeting ends with the adoption of specific measures, the implementation of which can be verified. The draft decision is prepared in advance by the educator together with the members of the parent committee, read out at the meeting, supplemented or corrected by the parents and accepted by the parents. For each decision, responsible persons and a deadline are selected. The next meeting begins with a report on the implementation of the decisions made. If something has not been fulfilled, it is necessary to leave it in force and achieve compliance by all parents.

5. The meeting is held if 30% of the parents are present. If one of the parents was not at the meeting, it is necessary to bring the decision of the meeting to his attention, to acquaint him with the message of the educator. For this purpose, a folder-slider is made out.


To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality needs to be strengthened and developed close connection and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

Parents are the main educators of their children. All other social institutions, including preschool educational institutions, are called upon to help, support, guide, supplement their educational activities.

The above practical material from work experience is necessary for the two systems (kindergarten and family) to become open to each other and help to reveal the abilities and capabilities of the child.

And if the work with parents described above and its analysis are carried out in the system and not “on paper”, then it will gradually give certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” will become active participants in meetings and assistants to the educator and administration of the preschool educational institution, since those an atmosphere of mutual respect will be created. And the position of parents as educators will become more flexible, as they have become direct participants in the educational process of their children, feeling themselves more competent in raising children.

To ensure that communication between educators and parents is not limited to mutual claims, it is necessary to build interaction with parents on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and, most importantly, their experience in raising children. No wonder the teachers of the past - K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy - talked about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Kindergarten teachers can help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on the upbringing of a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, and the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. The teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees the problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He provides assistance to parents in various forms.

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1.1 Stages of the parent meeting

1. Preparing and holding a parent meeting

The effectiveness of the interaction between the family and the kindergarten in the upbringing of children largely depends on the parents themselves and on other adult family members, for the level of upbringing of which the kindergarten cannot be held responsible. However, to know "who the family consists of, who surrounds the children in the family, who influences them, what kind of influence it is (with a plus or minus sign)", both educators and kindergarten should. Only then the teaching staff can properly build their relationship with the child in kindergarten, with his parents and at the same time carry out work to neutralize the bad influence, the negative impact on the child.

One of the main and most common forms with all parents is Parent meetingwhich can take the form of lectures, seminars, etc. The success of the meetings-lecturions ensures compliance with such conditions: their topics are compiled as far as possible non-standard, attracting attention, interesting and sometimes even intriguing.

For example: what parents need to know if their child goes to kindergarten. That's what you call the first meeting. Parents, as a rule, come to such a meeting, as the topic is named specifically, and it interests them. Parents come to this meeting with certain expectations, and if these expectations are justified, then the problem of attending subsequent meetings is immediately removed; interested parents will come to the next meeting-lecture.

At the very first parent meeting, it is advisable to announce the topics of subsequent meetings for a long period, preferably for a year. In this case, parents will be able to imagine in advance how much psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, medical, environmental and other knowledge they will receive, what questions can be included additionally at their request, which specialists it is desirable to listen to (specialists, speech therapist teacher, educational psychologist, exercise therapy instructor, physician, etc.)

An important condition for the success of parent-teacher meetings is the definition of a clear schedule for their holding. This schedule is communicated to the parents at the first meeting so that they can plan their work and home time in advance, and not occupy it with any business.

Depending on the possibilities or desire, these meetings can take place monthly or quarterly, at the same hours. After all, teachers themselves are interested in parents acquiring the minimum of pedagogical knowledge that is necessary for effective family education.

Family upbringing is carried out the more successfully, the better both parents are prepared for its implementation: mom and dad. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that they attend the named thematic parent meetings together at the same time.

It is very important to convince parents that family upbringing is not about morality and notation, but the WHOLE LIFE AND WAY OF THOUGHT OF PARENTS, it is constant communication with children, subject to observance of universal morality, rules of conduct and communication.

Parent meetings can be: organizational; current or thematic; final; community and group.

.1 Stages of parent meeting

Stage 1. Organization of a parent meeting.

This stage, of course, begins with setting the agenda for the meeting and inviting all participants to it. When preparing the meeting, you should also consider organizing the appearance of parents. Practice shows that this part of the work is important.

It is very important to create an atmosphere of anticipation of the parent meeting:

can be held a week before the meeting questioningparents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled out at home, before the meeting and their results are used during the meeting;

invite parents in advance, send personal invitations;

to prepare albums and videos covering the life of children in kindergarten.

Prepare in advance letters of thanks to those parents whose children took part in competitions and exhibitions.

The organizational part of the preparation stages is completed by the design of the premises for holding a parent meeting in it. Here you need:

prepare furniture on which it would be convenient for parents to sit. You can arrange tables and chairs in a circle, put cards on them with the names and patronymics of the parents;

prepare pens and sheets of paper so that they can write down the information they are interested in, as well as pencils, children's work on modeling, drawing, applications;

consider who and how will provide childcare during the meeting.

Stage 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting.

The scenario and conduct of the meeting is the subject of the teacher's creativity. The teacher knows the parents of the group better, sensitively captures their mood. Nevertheless, any meeting should, in our opinion, include 5 mandatory components.

Analysis of the achievements of the children of the group.In this part of the parent meeting, the educator introduces the parents to the general results of the children's activities; from the very beginning it is worth warning parents that they will receive answers to private questions only during a personal meeting.

parent meeting kindergarten

Familiarization of parents with the state of the socio-emotional climate in the group.The teacher shares observations about the behavior of children in situations that are significant for them. The topic of conversation can be relationships, and speech, and appearance children, and other issues. Obviously, parents should understand the mission of the kindergarten as the first institution of socialization, in which the child gets the experience of interacting with other children and adults is very important. Needless to remind you of the need to be extremely delicate, to avoid negative ratings to a particular child, and even more so to a parent. Do not turn this part of the meeting into a list of "childish sins."

Psychologist-pedagogical meeting.It is important to remember that the task of raising the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is one of the most important tasks. It is not bad to offer parents information about the latest in pedagogical literature, about interesting exhibitions, movies, etc.

Discussion of organizational issues (excursions, purchase of allowances, etc.) consists of two components: a report on the work done and information on upcoming cases: we note that it is best to discuss financial problems with the parent committee in advance.

Personal conversations with parents.At this stage, the number one object of attention should be the parents of children with problems in upbringing and development. The difficulty lies in the fact that very often these parents, fearing criticism, avoid parent meetings, and the educator should strive to provide them with a sense of security, to make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help. The tactic of joining is very effective: "I understand you!", "I agree with you!".

Stage 3. Reflection on the results of the parent meeting.

Summing up the results of the meeting begins at the meeting itself: it is necessary to draw a conclusion, formulate the necessary decisions, and provide information about the next meeting. It is also important to find out the attitude of parents to the meeting, it is reasonable to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the assessments and wishes of parents - all this will later become the subject of reflection. The subject of the analysis will also have to be the personal composition of the parents who remained for a personal conversation, the questions of the parents during the meeting, the attendance of the parents, the reasons for the absence, the participation of the parents in the discussion, etc. Information about the results of the parent meeting should be brought to the administration.

The parent meeting itself also traditionally consists of 3 parts: introductory, main and "miscellaneous". Total time holding the meeting no more than 1.5 hours.

The introductory part is designed to organize parents, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, focus their attention, and motivate them to solve problems together. This can be done by posting a topic, a meeting form, or through short games and activities. You can create a specific musical background: the sounds of a guitar, piano, tape recording, which will accompany the words of the presenter.

The main part of the meeting can also be divided into two or three stages. As a rule, this part begins with a presentation by the group educator, head educator or other preschool specialists covering theoretical aspects the problem under consideration. The message should be short, as attention span decreases by the end of the working day. The main thing is that parents are not only passive listeners. It is necessary to ask questions to the audience, give examples from the practice of raising children in the family and kindergarten, analyze pedagogical situations, offer parents to watch video clips of classes with children, games, walks, etc.

Parents should not be reproached or taught. More often you need to use moments from the life of the children of the group as examples. Talking about the undesirable actions of children, it is not necessary to name their names. In the course of their communication, teachers should avoid making claims against parents and children, discussing the personality of a particular child; one should not state the failures of children, the main thing is to work out ways of solving the discussed problems through joint efforts.

Conversation is best conducted in soft lighting. Transitions from one situation to another can be separated by a short musical pause. If possible, the situations under consideration should be staged as best as possible. To illustrate your ideas and considerations, you can use tape and video recordings, photographs and interviews of the children of the group, diagrams and graphs, visually presented theses and speeches. All this will contribute to a better perception of the topic of the meeting.

When conducting this part of the meeting, you can also use the following methods: a lecture, a discussion, a conference, which can also be separate forms of work with the families of pupils.

In the third part of the parent meeting - "miscellaneous" - issues of keeping the child in kindergarten, leisure activities, organizing joint activities families and preschools. It is recommended to think over in advance several options for solving the problem, which will be offered to parents for discussion, to agree with those who can help, take responsibility, etc. Some issues need to be resolved in advance with the parent committee. At the end of the meeting, it is necessary to summarize the meeting by listing the decisions made on each of the issues discussed, recorded in the minutes.

The organization of interaction with the team of the group requires the teacher to comply with certain rules for communicating with the families of children:

the educator in communication with each family must be sincere and respectful;

communication with the parents of the child should serve not only to the detriment, but for the benefit of the child;

the study of families of children should be tactful and objective;

the study of children's families should involve further education of parents and corrective work. The study of families allows the teacher to get to know the child better, to understand the way of life of his family, its traditions and customs, spiritual values, the style of relationships between parents and children.

1.2 Rules for holding a parent meeting

Start of a conversation.

The main task of any informant is to make sure that he is heard, that is, in principle, they listen to exactly what he wanted to say. Most of the methods used are aimed at solving this problem.

The main requirement is that the beginning of the conversation should be concise, effective and clear in content. Here are some tips:

Think carefully and write down the first 2-3 sentences of your speech on a piece of paper. They should sound as calm and clear as possible, even against the background of your understandable excitement.

Introduce yourself correctly (if this is the first meeting). Briefly, but emphasizing those aspects of your status and role in relation to children, which will form the basis of your authority and significance in the eyes of your parents.

Never start with an apology, even if the beginning of the meeting is delayed, there are overlaps and some misunderstandings. One can simply state that the meeting started somewhat differently than planned. An apology will immediately put you in a position of "below" and reduce the subjective significance of your information in the eyes of the listeners.

It is important to start the conversation in silence. Find a way to get attention. It is advisable to do this in a non-standard way. Start the conversation by outlining the very logic of the meeting, its main stages: "From the beginning we are with you.", "Then we will consider.", "At the end of the conversation, we will have to.".

Designate the place of questions and remarks of parents during the meeting. For example, you can say that it is better to ask questions right away, as information is presented. Or vice versa, ask your parents to listen to you fully from the beginning, and then ask questions. You can say that you will answer all the questions that will be asked during your monologue later, but for now, you will fix them for yourself. It's great if, after setting out all the organizational issues, you manage to change the position of the listeners, make it more included, liberated. To do this, bring some recent incident from the life of the group, show something funny or interesting made by children, etc. If the parents don't know each other, be sure to introduce them.

Parent meeting rules.

Rule 1. The topic of the parent meeting should be relevant for parents.

Rule 2. The parent meeting should be held at a convenient time for the parents.

Rule 3. The plan for holding a parent meeting should be known to parents.

Rule 4. Communication between the educator and parents must be tactful and restrained.

Rule 5. The parent meeting should not hang labels.

Rule 6. The parent meeting should be pedagogically useful and well prepared.

Psychologists' advice:

before the start of the meeting, it is better to leave a bad mood at the door;

allocate no more than 1.5 hours for the meeting;

the most pleasant sound for a person is his name: put in front of you a list with the names and patronymics of your parents;

before the start of the parent meeting, announce the issues that you plan to discuss;

do not forget the "golden rule" of pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, end the conversation with suggestions for the future;

warn parents that not all information can be given to children;

thank everyone who took the time to come (especially fathers);

in a personal conversation, evaluate the progress of children in relation to their potential.

And once again - be extremely correct and tactful!

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the family and the kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising a child. Therefore, it is not the principle of parallelism that is important here, but the principle of the interpenetration of two social institutions: it is difficult for a family to manage without qualified assistance from specialists.

2. Development of a script for a parent meeting in a group preparatory to school on the topic "A preschooler is preparing to become a schoolchild"

Purpose of the meeting: To update the knowledge of parents on the problem of psychological readiness for school.

Conduct form: group conversation with discussion elements.

Meeting tasks:

A roundtable discussion on the formation of a child's readiness for schooling.

Describe the concept of school readiness.

Present an exemplary "Personality Model of a First Grader".

To acquaint with the set of rules for parents of a first grader.

The composition of the parent meeting: head of the MDOU kindergarten, parents of the children of the group, educators, teacher-psychologist, primary school teacher.

Stage number 1. Organization of a parent meeting.

It is necessary to prepare personal invitations for meeting participants.

Development of a memo for parents.

Preliminary psychological diagnostics aimed at studying the level of readiness for learning at school.

Decorating the classroom (or assembly hall) for the meeting.

Registration of a book exhibition, which presents literature on the problem of preparing children for school and various manuals.

Exhibition of children's drawings, photographs from school life.

In addition, the preparation for the meeting includes:

.Visit with children of the first September line.

2.Folding folder design "First grader in the family".

.Visiting the ethnographic room of the school museum with children.

.Visiting with children the holiday of farewell to the "Primer"

.Presence with children at the celebration of the last call.

Stage number 2. Parent meeting progress.

parent meeting opens group teacher.

Good afternoon, dear moms and dads! The first school bell in your child's life will ring very soon. There is not much time left, the summer will fly by quickly, and on September 1, your children will cross the threshold of the school to stay here for 11 years. For the first time he crosses the threshold of the class, takes the first step into the Land of Knowledge. The first grade is a serious test, both for the child and for the parents. Here the foundation is laid for future success throughout the school path. The preschooler becomes a schoolboy, and his parents are now the parents of the student.

A child's entry into school is always a turning point in a child's life, no matter at what age he enters first grade. The place of the child in the system is changing public relations, this is a transition to a new way of life and conditions of activity, this is a transition to a new position in society, new relationships with peers and adults. What is especially important to remember for the parents of the future first grader? What should I pay attention to when preparing a child for school? This will be discussed at our meeting.

Discussion Question: Do you experience anxiety while waiting for your child to start school? What are they? (Given that not many parents immediately jump into the discussion, it is useful to additionally conduct a "Basket of Feelings" survey)

Poll "Basket of Feelings".Instruction: "Dear mom and dad! I have a basket in my hands. You have to briefly formulate the feelings and emotions that overwhelm you while waiting for the child's school life. Let it be a variety of feelings: both positive and negative." Brief analysis parental experiences.

Teacher-psychologist.Discussion of aspects of psychological readiness for school.

By the end of preschool age, the child is already, in a certain sense, a person. It is distinguished by a sufficient development of speech, a certain stock of knowledge about the world around, about objects, their properties, phenomena of living and inanimate nature, about people, their work and other phenomena. public life. Children's thinking is figurative, but they are able to understand abstract judgments. There are tendencies to the emergence of arbitrariness of attention, memory, imagination.

Curiosity, inquisitiveness, the desire to learn - these are the very first, most important character traits that need to be developed in a child, preparing him for future life generally. If parents and caregivers combine their efforts and provide the baby with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting, meaningful life both at home and in kindergarten, they will help develop his basic abilities, the ability to communicate with peers and provide preparation for school.

One of the most important outcomes of development during preschool childhood is psychological readiness for schooling.

Psychological readiness for school includes the qualities of a child's personality that help him enter the class team, find his place in it, join in general activities. The life of a student is subject to a system of strict rules that are the same for all students. The main goal is the acquisition of knowledge. The position of the child in the class is determined by his academic success. All these features of the conditions of life and activity of the schoolchild place high demands on different sides personality. For successful study, he needs to form certain volitional qualities: understanding the meaning of educational tasks, awareness of the ways of their implementation, skills of self-control and self-assessment.

No less important than the above is the social readiness of the child for school. This is an ambiguous concept, including:

The ability and desire to communicate with peers (the child's desire to communicate with other children, the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of the children's group, does the child have experience in acceptable (without violence) conflict resolution, etc.).

Ability to build adequate relationships with adults;

Motivational readiness for schooling - in other words, the child must have a desire to study at school. This assumes that your son or daughter wants to go to school, not because an older brother or sister is studying there, and not because you want to show everyone your new bag and school supplies, although there is nothing wrong with these motives. However, you can be sure that your child has reached personal, motivational maturity only when behind his desire to go to school is, firstly, the desire to acquire new knowledge (interest), to realize intellectual activity, and secondly, the need for new social status- the desire not just to learn while playing, but to participate in serious activities, the results of which will be positively assessed by significant adults and other children.

It has long been known that it is impossible to force a child to learn if he himself does not want to, because it is always more pleasant to do something according to own will. Motivational readiness for school begins with good relationship child to himself and faith in the possibility of being better. A great influence on motivation is also what and how parents say about the school, what they encourage in the behavior of the child.

Primary school teacher(brief summary): One of the priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation at the present stage is the creation of equal starting opportunities for children entering school. Parents should know that preschool education is the foundation of a child's development, the basis of his personal culture. Readiness for school systemic learning, there is a complex characteristic of the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to follow certain rules in work, listen to and follow the instructions of an adult, work according to the model, and consciously relate to the performance of tasks.

But do not think that now everything depends only on the school. With the advent of the school, the first grader has new responsibilities. School is a world of new relationships with peers, with a teacher. Your help is needed here. The child still needs your attention and care, interest in his school affairs. There are no trifles in the life of a first grader. He acutely perceives a bad mark and a remark from a teacher, and a quarrel with a friend. But do not abuse your love, do not rush to solve all the problems for the child. Let him show initiative and independence.

Issues for discussion.

Remember your attitude to school, were you afraid to go there or really wanted to?

Was it difficult for you to tell your parents about the bad grade?

Do you expect that your child will please you and will study "excellent" or "good"?

Do you think that bad marks your child will become evidence that you poorly raised your baby?

Do you compare your child's progress with other children?

What is more important for you - the mark or the level of knowledge and the child's attitude to school?

Brief analysisAnd generalizationparents' statements.

Presentation of the results of psychological diagnostics. General recommendations(each parent has an individual result and recommendations).

Opinion exchangebetween those present about the problems of children's readiness for school, discussion of an exemplary "Model of the personality of a first grader" (L.K. Grebyonkina, N.S. Antsiperova "Technology of managerial activity of a deputy director of a school")

game exercise using the method of puppet therapy "Desired portrait of a parent (teacher)".

Target:exchange of experience of social perception of parents and teachers.

The participants of the game are given the opportunity to choose one of the proposed dolls: for parents - "Teacher", for the teacher - "Parent" and endow each representative of society with the most necessary, important, relevant qualities for the successful adaptation of the child to school. The playful nature of communication enhances the dialogue, allows you to go beyond monologue relationships and erases the boundaries of personal orientation.

Model of the personality of the first grader.

A child interacting harmoniously with the environment

Health Personality culture Correspondence of the child's morphological and functional characteristics to the standards of physical development. Developed movement and motor skills. Physical performance. Strong cultural and hygienic skills. Ability to build relationships with adults and peers. The ability to arbitrarily control their behavior, obey the established rules. Discipline, ability to behave in public places. Goodwill in relations with people, desire to help peers. Organized, neat, tidy. Cognitive activity Knowledge The ability to focus on the proposed material, and act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher. The manifestation of activity and interest in educational activities, in the world around. The desire to master new knowledge, skills and abilities. Interest in a positive assessment of the results of their activities. Ability to ask questions and find solutions on your own. Compliance with general awareness age category children. Formation figurative thinking, bases of verbal - logical thinking. Understanding and using in their activities various schematic images (plan, layout, simple drawing). Developed fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination. Correct pronunciation, phonemic hearing, speech (sufficient vocabulary, variety of grammatical forms) Readiness for innovative transformations and creative activity.

A parting word.

Remember that your attitude towards school and your child's studies shapes your child's attitude towards these phenomena. Your calm and joyful attitude towards future school, the absence of excessive requirements for the future success of the child, realistic optimistic stories about the school, a developed cognitive interest in the world around and the child's lack of fear of a possible mistake - all this creates a positive motivation for your child. And, no matter how the objective successes of your child advance, try to create a healthy mood before school, in which he would strive for knowledge, do not overload him with classes, develop his self-confidence, teach him to respond correctly to failures and constructive interaction with peers and adults. Remember, the child must be sure that, an excellent student or a loser, he is still your favorite! Support your children, show them maximum attention!

Summing up the results of the meeting. Reflection. Opinion exchange.

In the course of reflection, parents are invited to talk about what they learned useful during the meeting.

Exchange views on what points remained unfinished or require deeper analysis.

Distribution memo for parents.

Try to create in the family an atmosphere of joyful expectation of the first school day. IN Last year before school, pay attention to how the child behaves in the society of peers, whether he follows the rules of the game; whether he knows how to listen attentively to both peers and adults, whether he can obey the requirements of elders; Is he always kind to those around him?

Not the advanced study of the 1st grade program, but the comprehensive development of the child should become the content of the mental preparation of future first graders for schooling.

Stage number 3.Analysis of the psychologist based on the results of the parent meeting. Drafting questions for future work.


1.Bagdasarova S.K. Psychology and Pedagogy / S.K. Bagdasarova, S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko. - M.: ICC "Mart", 2006.

2.Vinogradova N.F. Is your child ready for school? Councils of the teacher and psychologist. Book for parents / N.F. Vinogradova, L.E. Zhurova; Edited by A.G. Khripkova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992. - 16 p.

.Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school / N.I. Gutkin. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2007.

.Zenina T.N. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Teaching aid / T.N. Zenin. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007. - 96 p.

.Mukhina V.S. A six-year-old child at school: A book for a teacher / V.S. Mukhin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.

.Ovcharova R.V. Practical psychology in elementary school / R.V. Ovcharov. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001.

.Terleeva A.M. New parent meetings: grades 1-4 / A.M. Terleev. - M.: VAKO, 2005.

.Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Middle group / S.V. Chirkov. - M.: Vako, 2009. - 256 p.


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In the previous paragraphs, graduation qualifying work It has been repeatedly noted that parent-teacher meetings held in an unconventional form enable parents to get to know their child from the other side, observing him in a kindergarten; discuss pedagogical problems in a free conversation; help to increase the sense of responsibility for the upbringing of children and unite the team of parents as a whole. In addition, the non-traditional form of holding parent meetings increases the interest of parents in the issues of raising children, significantly increases turnout, and activates parents in solving problems of upbringing. Such meetings are informative and useful for parents. But, unfortunately, in the practice of MBDOU No. 32 in Orel, traditional forms of work with parents prevail. Taking into account the data obtained at the ascertaining stage, the design stage of the study was carried out, which lasted from September to December 2013.

In accordance with the program of empirical research on this stage the following tasks were solved:

1. Development of a long-term plan for holding parent-teacher meetings during school year(on the example of middle, senior and preparatory groups for school);

2. Drawing up scenarios for parent meetings in an unconventional form for different age groups of the kindergarten (middle, senior, preparatory) and their partial testing in accordance with the proposed long-term plan.

Solving the first problem of this stage of the study, based on the analysis of methodological publications by Doronova T.N., Zvereva O.L., Kalina M.A., Krotova T.V., Prokhorova S.Yu., Sanatullina L.A., Startseva N. .V., Stepanova E.N., Falkovich T.A. and others, we have drawn up a long-term plan for holding parent-teacher meetings in the middle, senior and preparatory groups for school. The content of work with parents is reflected in table No. 2 and Appendix 6.

Table number 2. Prospective plan for holding parent-teacher meetings

Age group

Theme and form of the parent meeting

Tasks of cooperation with parents within the framework of the meeting

middle group

"Why do children need a mother" (family living room)

To promote awareness by adults of the role of the mother in the upbringing of the child and in the life of the family as a whole; create conditions for emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organize communication in an informal setting.

"What do I know about my child?" (contest)

Facilitate active interaction between parents and children; create conditions for emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organize communication in an informal setting; to form the ability to critically evaluate themselves as a parent, their educational activities.

"Toys seriously!" (pedagogical training)

Inform family members about the requirements for toys for preschool children; develop a unified strategy for the behavior of parents in choosing toys

Senior group

"Under the protection of the law" (business game)

To systematize the knowledge of parents about the rights of the child and their implementation in the family; reveal the content of legal education; to develop in parents the initiative, creativity in the performance of tasks.

"Rules of the Road" (family living room)

Demonstrate to parents the methodology of educational work with children and the knowledge of pupils on the rules of the road; create friendly environment for joint activities of parents and children.

Features of the development of speech of children of senior preschool age (the game "Lucky chance")

Help parents master the basics of preschool pedagogy and child psychology; form their interest in education as a science. Show the importance of the work of the educator of the speech therapy group in educating the child's skills and abilities.

preschool group

"How to avoid punishment" (talk show "Let them talk")

"Child and computer" (discussion)

Inform parents about the impact of a computer on a preschool child;

Contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents on the use of a computer in the process of development and education of a child in a family

"What do I know about my child?" (game "Through the mouth of a baby")

Encourage parents to participate in the educational process of the kindergarten; create a friendly environment for joint activities of parents and children; to demonstrate to parents that collecting a child's statements is an unusually exciting, interesting and at the same time serious business.

As can be seen from the presented long-term plan, mainly parent-teacher meetings are aimed at solving problems that involve:

1. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents on the issues of raising children in the family.

2. Formation of conscious parenthood.

3. Involving parents in the educational process of the kindergarten.

The proposed long-term plan was tested in part, taking into account the conditions specified in the hypothesis:

Selection of meaningful, interesting information material for parents;

Involving parents in the preparation of the meeting (fill out the questionnaire, bring material from home, prepare a speech, arrange a photo exhibition, etc.);

Inclusion in the course of the meeting of techniques for activating parents (“header of questions”, training exercises, mini-questionnaires, etc.).

Approbation of the developed long-term plan took place as follows. A month before the events in the middle, senior and preparatory groups, an announcement was posted about the meeting, the theme and form of which were asked to be chosen by the parents themselves. Based on the results of a kind of poll-voting, it was decided to hold the following parent-teacher meetings: middle group- on the topic "What do I know about my child?" in the form of a competition, in the senior group - on the topic “Peculiarities of the development of speech of children of senior preschool age” in the form of the game “Lucky chance”, in the preparatory group - on the topic “How to avoid punishment” in the form of a talk show “Let them talk”.

The meetings held included preliminary work with parents. So, the parents of the pupils of the middle group were asked to write an essay of 5-7 sentences on the topic “My child”, and the parents of the pupils of the preparatory group for school took part in a mini-questionnaire, which included only 1 question: are you for the use of punishment in raising children or against ?

It should be immediately noted that the attendance of parents at these meetings was very high, from 70% (19 people in the preparatory group) to 95% (24 people in the middle group). In addition, it is important to emphasize the positive attitude of the parents and their willingness to actively participate during the meeting. Unusually, the meeting began in the middle group on the topic “What do I know about my child?”: The parents sat in the form of a semicircle on chairs, music began to sound, against which the presenter read beautiful poem about children. Since this event was held in the form of a competition, the members of the jury (senior educator and teachers of additional education) were introduced to all participants. After that, the parents performed various competitive tasks. As the observation showed, adults perceived the following tasks most emotionally.

1) Based on the results of writing an essay on the topic “My child”, phrases from parental essays about children were read at the meeting, and other mothers and fathers had to guess which pupil they were talking about.

2) Exercise "Heron", when parents competed in balance with their children (who will last longer on one leg - an adult or a child).

3) "Self-portrait" - parents had to guess their child among children's drawings. Big interest called a master class on making a photo frame for a self-portrait from paper using the origami method. The meeting ended with the awarding of the winning families and tea drinking.

In the older group, a parent meeting "Features of the development of speech of children of senior preschool age" was held in the form of the game "Lucky chance". The preparation of parents for the event was to unite in creative groups according to their liking (8 people each) and come up with names and emblems for the teams. The meeting began with greetings from the teams. So, one of the teams was named "Starlings", because these birds can imitate the singing of other birds and even human speech. During the game, parents participated in 6 games. The first, fourth, fifth and sixth games were the most fun and interesting. Thus, the game “Questions for Players” required each team to answer more questions in turn in one minute. For example, the father and mother of a child are ... (parents); speech correction specialist (speech therapist); What should a child know if lost? (address, phone number, name of parents), etc. The game "Dark Horse" involved a meeting with a speech therapist teacher, who formulated provocative tasks for team members. It was especially valuable at this stage that the speech therapist generalized and supplemented the statements of both teams. However, during this event, parents had to perform quite serious tasks. So, during the “Race for the Leader” game, the teams had to answer questions in 2 minutes, among which there were quite complex riddles: not by measure, not by weight, but all people have (mind); why tongue in mouth? (behind the teeth); what is never too lazy to do? (breathe), etc.

Unusually, a parent meeting was held in the preparatory group on the topic "How to avoid punishment" in the form of a talk show "Let them talk." Parents initially sat down separately according to their position, which they expressed in the questionnaire. On the one hand, those who are for punishment, on the other hand, those who are against it. During the meeting, both halves of the hall actively discussed the most pressing issues in education: Why are you against/for punishing a child? How do you influence a child if he misbehaves? What is the effect of punishment? What are the results of parenting without punishment? What kind of punishment do you think is acceptable? At the same time, the moderator (teacher-psychologist) expressed his opinion during the discussion. But especially significant and even a turning point for most parents was the moment of showing a video interview with children, where they expressed their opinion about punishment in the family.

At the end of the meetings, parents were asked to take part in a second survey (Appendix 7). After analyzing the responses of parents to the questionnaire, we came to the following conclusions. All parents positively assessed the non-traditional form of parent meeting (100%). 80% of adults noted that the main motive for coming to the meeting was the opportunity to choose the topic and form of the meeting, the most significant and relevant for them. According to half of the respondents, such meetings should be attended by the whole family, since it is not only useful, but also interesting. Most of the parents of the middle and senior groups liked and remembered the competitions and tasks most of all, the parents of the preparatory group - the discussion. 45% of the respondents had a suggestion - to always hold parent-teacher meetings in such forms.

These data allow us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of holding parent meetings in an unconventional form, taking into account the suggestions put forward by us. pedagogical conditions.

Modern conditions of activity of a preschool educational institution put forward interaction with parents to one of the leading places. Parents are the main customers of the services of a preschool educational institution, so the interaction of teachers with them is simply impossible without taking into account their interests and requests.

Research results of N.F. Vinogradova, V.N. Grebennikova, T.N. Doronova, G.N. Zvereva, T.A. Kulikova, convince that the most common and effective form establishing contact with the families of pupils is a parent meeting. At the same time, parent-teacher meetings in the traditional form do not meet the expectations of parents. Educators are not always able to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, choose methods; the content of parent-teacher meetings is not sufficiently differentiated.

In the course of an empirical study conducted on the basis of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32" in Orel, the following data were obtained on the organization of non-traditional forms of parent meetings in the practice of a preschool institution.

Questioning of teachers and analysis of pedagogical documentation (the annual plan of a preschool educational institution and long-term planning of joint work with parents of pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups for school) showed that the main areas of joint work with the families of pupils are cooperation with the parent committee, designing visual agitation, conducting work with families at risk, involvement of family members in the educational process of the kindergarten. The implementation of these areas of activity with parents is carried out using the following forms: parent meetings, consultations, conversations, subbotniks, excursions, matinees.

The main form of work with parents, according to teachers, are group parent meetings, which are usually held once a quarter. At meetings, parents are introduced to the goals and objectives, forms and methods of raising children of a particular age group. This may be a report of an educator, a doctor, a music worker, a manager. The results of the work for certain period. The topics of pedagogical conversations and reports at group meetings are determined by the educator in accordance with annual plan kindergarten work. At the same time, the interests and wishes of parents are also taken into account. The work plan outlines those responsible for the preparation, organization and conduct of individual events.

At the same time, the responses of teachers indicate that holding parent-teacher meetings according to the old structure does not meet the expectations of parents. Therefore, at present, more and more often in MBDOU No. 32 they began to hold parent meetings in an unconventional form: a pedagogical workshop, an organizational and activity game, a workshop, a competition meeting.

According to the results of a survey of parents, it was revealed that they play an important role in family education read books (80%); development of creative abilities of preschoolers (singing, dancing) (70%); instilling a desire to work (90%); development of independence and responsibility (90%); formation of skills to communicate with adults and peers (60%); broadening one's horizons (70%); education of perseverance and attention (60%). (Appendix 2).

According to the respondents, a significant role is assigned to the kindergarten. First of all, it concerns the solution of such pedagogical problems as the development fine motor skills (50%); physical development(70%); development of logical thinking (60%); formation of communication skills (60%); ensuring special readiness for schooling: counting, writing, reading (70%).

The majority of parents positively assess non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings (70%). The following motives encourage attending non-traditional meetings of parents: interest in the topic, respect for teachers, an interesting form of invitation; such meetings help them understand many questions that they themselves find it difficult to answer.

At the second stage of the empirical study, a long-term plan was drawn up for holding parent-teacher meetings in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Parents were given the opportunity to choose the form and theme of the events, which made it possible to select the most relevant information for them and interesting shape communication. One of the parent-teacher meetings planned in each of the three age groups was tested taking into account the pedagogical conditions indicated in the hypothesis. In addition, each meeting assumed the participation of parents in the process of preparation for it.

A repeated survey of parents, conducted at the end of the events, allows us to conclude that the organization of parent-teacher meetings in an unconventional form is effective. In particular, the main motive for parents to come to the meeting was the given opportunity to choose the topic and form of the meeting, the most significant and relevant for them. In their opinion, such meetings should be attended by the whole family, since it is not only useful, but also interesting. Most of the parents of the middle and senior groups liked and remembered the competitions and tasks most of all, the parents of the preparatory group - the discussion. Every second person made a suggestion - to always hold parent-teacher meetings in such forms.