Gangster style. The perfect suit is the pride of any gangster. Gangster style wedding

Gangster is a member of the American offshoot Italian mafia. Traditionally, the image of a gangster is associated with mafia clans in Chicago. Now, people of this lifestyle are called gangsters, but thanks to the films The Godfather, Goodfellas, Gangsters, a stereotype of the image of a gangster has developed. strong character a true gentleman who is elegant and uncompromising.

Movie: Only Girls in Jazz

The members of the group observed a certain code of honor, which required them not only to behave in a certain way in society and family, but also stipulated even how a gangster should look. A member of the clan is obliged to dress decently, as in these circles they were met by clothes. They were, in a sense, trendsetters of the time. So let's imagine what respectable gentlemen from Chicago and their girlfriends looked like in the 20s and 30s.

First of all, a good classic two-piece or three-piece suit. Interesting variety men's suits became popular in the "gangster" 30s: double-breasted jackets with broad shoulders and exaggerated large lapels. Trousers - very wide from above and slightly made narrower from top to bottom.
But the main thing is that the gangsters preferred suits made of black fabric, shades of brown to light beige, white, very wide and bright stripe white or gray color: this material became their calling card. It is noteworthy that modern bandits also prefer fabrics with a pronounced stripe. Maybe that's why representatives of the official business world avoid such "coloring". Stripes on a suit of a decent person should be muted, and the distance between them cannot exceed 1 - 1.5 cm.

under the suit classic shirt on buttons. Pants, in those days, were worn with suspenders.
Footwear - lacquered shoes. Sometimes they are complemented by stylish gaiters that are worn over shoes.
Silk tie complete scarf and a silk handkerchief, which is inserted into the breast pocket of the jacket.
Most actual costume We imagine the 30s from photographs of Al Capone. There is also a simple explanation for this: Such a suit always makes a man more mature and solid.

Movie: Borsalino
Hairstyle - combed back with gel hair.
The most important gangster accessory is a hat.

Borsalino belongs to a narrow group of trademarks included in explanatory dictionaries. But unlike Jacuzzi, Pampers or Xerox, which gave the world hot tubs, diapers and photocopiers, Borsalino did not invent borsalino. I just made them better than others.
Most often, under borsalino they mean fedora: a soft felt hat with a silk ribbon on the crown and three dents. When a lady appears, the edges are courteously touched with fingers; when a bank is robbed, the hat is shifted over the eyes.

Giuseppe Borsalino created his first atelier in 1857. At that time, Giuseppe Borsalino (1834-1900), one of the founders modern hat, studied the secrets of production in Italy and France, after which he opened his first workshop for the manufacture of felt hats.

The use of advanced technologies, coupled with the extraordinary abilities of the founder, brought the company success in as soon as possible. So, by 1900, Borsalino produced about 750,000 different hats, 60% of which were exported. Borsalino headwear has reached all corners of the world, even the most remote ones. Therefore, for several decades, the brand has been a kind of international brand.

In 1986 the factory moved to a new, more modern and attractive site in the suburbs of Alessandria.
The old premises were given to the University of Alessandria, and there is also a museum of the history of hats, as a symbol of the world recognition of the Borsalino brand.

Currently Borsalino is at the peak of popularity. Thanks to current trends, hats and other high-quality headwear are again becoming one of the attributes of a fashionable, stylish and self-confident person.
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The second wave of popularity of the hat is associated with Humphrey Bogart in "Casablanca" and "The Maltese Falcon". In the late 1960s, the image of the misanthrope in borsalino was brought to the point of absurdity. Alain Delon from film to film walked the streets of Paris with a gloomy face and a hat with a black bow, turning the necks of ideological enemies.

After the release of the film of the same name in 1970, which starred Delon and Belmondo, Borsalino finally turned into a household name.
The service life of borsalino, according to Indiana Jones, is quite long. But, in a good way, she should end her life with a small hole from a ninth-caliber bullet.

Movie: Borsalino

Founded in 1931 by Apparel Arts, the first magazine devoted entirely to men's fashion, it became the bible of fashion for men for several decades. american men, in the first issue glorified new cut costume, creating the appearance of a powerful torso - a square shoulder line, increased by shoulder pads or stitching, sleeves tapering to the wrist and sharp lapels framing V-neck, visually giving additional width to the shoulders.
True elegance meant a double-breasted jacket with long, wide lapels, four, six or even eight buttons and a square shoulder line, made in charcoal gray, steel or dark blue colors and complemented by wide trousers.

Among gangsters, the fashion for huge initials of the owner, embroidered on the shirt, was widespread. This shocking look was complemented by felt hats. various colors- green, lilac, bright blue, brown and dark gray. New York designers shuddered in disgust at demands to imitate gangster style, but bowed to consumer desires by creating "Broadway Suit".

Typical gangster shoes in a modern design. By the way, inexpensive - approx. 200 pounds of English sterling.

Accompany a tastefully dressed gangster must spectacular woman. Her outfit should be elegant and sophisticated. Men believe that a woman dressed in the style of the 20s-30s of the twentieth century is the sexiest. So let's turn men's heads - dressing in the style of American beauties of that century.

A dress - a small black cocktail dress or, on the contrary, an evening one - to the floor, emphasizing the femininity of the silhouette. Finished with sequins, sequins, rhinestones, beads and fringes. Throw a fur coat or feather boa on top.
The main difference between the hairstyles of the 20s is flat waves from the hair. These years have become a real revolution in hairstyles and fashion. Long hair or carefully fit, or cut off - a bob haircut came into fashion. And now you can often see famous actresses Paris Hilton, Charlize Theron with hairstyles in the style of the 20s.

The outfit is complemented by small hats with a veil (!) Or a headband with a feather attached to it, a miniature hat or rhinestones. Such hats will add chic and luxury to a lady who is going to gangster party or holiday in retro style.

Pearl beads, clutch, short gloves.
Stiletto heels and fishnet stockings complete the beauty look.
Put a small pistol behind your garter or in your purse. You can hold a long lady's mouthpiece in your hands (even if you don't smoke) it's just another accessory. After all, the ladies of those years began to invade purely male (until then) territory: they sat behind the wheel of a car, took off into the sky on airplanes, and began to smoke.
If you describe in a nutshell the outfit of the gangster's girlfriend is chic and sexy.

And now the highlight of the season. The invariable attribute of the mafia is the Thompson machine gun
He was called trench broom and controller, Chicago typewriter and piano, waterer and educator. The subject of national pride of America of the "roaring twenties" forever entered the history of the development of automatic small arms and the annals of the coolest gang wars of the 20th century. The "trade engine" became the most powerful argument in solving business issues during the era of Prohibition and the Great Depression ...

In 1916, Captain John Thompson began developing new weapons by founding the Auto-Ordnance Company. He received a patent for a system for slowing down the recoil of the shutter with the help of friction, which he later used in his other submachine guns. In 1919, he presented the first samples of his software, and the first production model appeared in 1921. It had a vertical forward fire control stick, a partially ribbed barrel, and a high rate of fire. In 1921, the Thompson M1921 submachine gun received its final design: a barrel with transverse cooling ribs, two pistol grips for fire control, a wooden butt, a sector sight with a full diopter, designed for firing up to 600 yards (548 m). Shops - box-shaped for 20 and 30 and drum - for 50 and 100 rounds.

However, the idea of ​​such weapons in the army for a long time remained unclaimed. Initially, they were used by American gangsters and the police, quite widely using submachine guns in their showdowns. Only in 1928 command marines The United States, which participated in the intervention in Nicaragua, purchased several thousand modified Thompson M1928 submachine guns to reinforce its units.

Legendary Chicago gangster Al Capone wore a hat everywhere. So to make you look like a gangster, you need a "Chicago-style" felt hat with a medium brim and a kink at the crown. Depending on the color of the suit, the mafia hat can be black or white, a stripe is possible. A "Chicago-inspired" hat is the most important thing in creating a brash gangster look.
White gloves and a cane give a special chic. The costume is also complemented by a watch (preferably on a chain), a cigar as large as possible and a small revolver or Thomson submachine gun (by no means Kalashnikov).
Gangster is a style that can be called in one word - expensive.

Bright, dynamic, dangerous - this is how you can briefly describe the gangster style of clothing. A male gangster is always dressed in a stylish and very expensive suit, with a headdress and accessories. His companion prefers lush and chic dress. Together they are invincible!

How it all began

The word "gangster" in most people is associated with the criminal circles of the 20s, 30s and 40s of the XX century in the United States. Gangsterism originates in 1919, when the United States banned the production, sale and transportation of alcohol. Despite this, the use of the "forbidden fruit" did not stop. Alcohol could still be purchased for a lot of money. And this was done by gangsters, who got rich very quickly and turned into really wealthy people- "cream" of society.

Possessing immodest capital, representatives of mafia circles considered it their due to dress impeccably and respectably. So there was a certain style of clothing that all gangsters adhered to. Surprisingly, Chicago criminals can be safely called trendsetters in high fashion.

gangster style– perfection in details

The style of gangsters implies great freedom of choice, but the main criterion for dressing up is pretentiousness and high cost. Smooth materials, expensive fabrics, genuine leather and the presence of a stylish outerwear- it's so expensive, pathetic and so gangster-like!

Dress code for men

- Flawless suit. To imitate a gangster modern man you need to forget about negligence in clothes forever. Classic two or three, double-breasted jacket - here perfect choice!

- White shirt. The beau monde of that time preferred white or plain, perfectly ironed shirts made of smooth, high-quality material. Occasionally, in gangster fashion, it was customary to wear thin vertical striped shirts.

- Bow tie or tie with shiny threads. The butterfly was used on very rare but solemn occasions. More everyday choice- a dark-colored tie, sometimes with shiny threads that gave shine and charm to the image of a gangster.

- Accessories. Many brilliant, beautiful, and most importantly - crazy expensive accessories. Suitable for gangster style big clock, stylish cufflinks, expensive rings and everything that "enriches" appearance owner.

- Patent leather shoes. Carefully polished shoes genuine leather with big round noses were in great demand among Chicago mobsters.

Dress code for a woman

The gangster girl is his support and inspiration for new victories. Her appearance should complement the image of a criminal authority.

- Dresses. Dresses - necessary part wardrobe for a gangster companion. Depending on the occasion, you can choose a cocktail or floor-length dress. The color of the outfit should be dark or black in order to look just as stylish and expensive against the background of your man. Evening dresses are chic, embroidered with sequins, rhinestones and beads. The silhouette of the dress is mostly fitted, straight.

- Decorations. Following their men, flappers (as they were often called for looseness in clothing) chose the most expensive jewelry with real or simulated diamonds. Feathers, embroidery, miniature hats and handbags made the appearance of ladies theatrical and unusual.

Bright makeup. This is an indispensable attribute of the female gangster style. Thanks to cherry or red lipstick and black eyeliner, the mafia companions looked even more feminine and sexy.

The modern image of gangsters is very dramatic, but, unfortunately, not as expensive and dangerous as the style of the criminal predecessors of that century. You can still stick to the gangster style. The main thing is not to forget about important details, which will add entourage: large cigars, suspenders, silk scarves and hats. An extravagant look, self-confidence - without this it is impossible to imagine a gangster style!

Gangster style that was respected bad guys and who admired gorgeous girls originates in the 20th century. In the 30s, it was very relevant, combining elements retro style, pathos, majorism and licentiousness.

For men

Young people who choose this trend wear formal suits with an element of a kind of "zest". The clothes are formal: white or light-colored shirts with a clean tint without the addition of different ornaments and patterns. Dark jackets and trousers, which are decorated with an element in the form of light, usually white, stripes with a sheen.

Naturally, suits should be combined with hair, shoes and a tie. The last accessory should be dark, preferably black, or a color close to it. Its difference from the traditional version is that this tie is made with shiny fibers called lurex.

Cufflinks are an integral part of this image. Their material depends on financial situation gangster and his status in society. The higher the status, the more expensive material. Usually it is gold or gilding. Watches also speak about the importance of a gangster in society: the more voluminous and richer they look, the more influential a person is.

The final element of the image is shoes. Shoes must without fail shine, which means that the gangster style means exclusively patent leather shoes. They should be with a rounded nose, so their owner looks more solid. In order to complete the image, you must wear white gloves, a hat and be sure to have a cane with an engraving.

For women

Gangster style for women is distinguished by elegance, lightness and femininity. You need to use only two types of dresses: black short or luxurious evening dress with rhinestones and sparkles. In order to add zest to the image, you can choose the option with a small fur strip in the neckline.

Shoes are also worth looking at patent leather, like men, but only with thick heels or stilettos - it all depends on the girl's personal preferences. Also, an essential accessory for women should be a small hat, which can be decorated with a fluffy large feather. The addition is a fur cape. It should look rich and beautiful. Instead of a cape, a silk scarf is suitable, but it must be worn exclusively under a black dress.

Goes well with any of the dresses. fit necklace of diamonds or pearls. When there is not enough money for originals, fake highest quality great replacement for them. If a woman prefers earrings, the stones should be precious, and it is desirable that they be from the class of crystals.

It happens that among sorority there are opponents of dresses. Them fit short top and shorts with high rise v white stripe. To this outfit, you need to add suspenders, thanks to which the image will look complete. Be sure to include elements of masculine style in clothes.

Evening activities

An integral part of the life of people who have chosen the gangster style are theme parties. There is an opportunity to arrange such a holiday today.


Depending on where the party will take place, you need to choose the proper attributes. There must be retro-style scenery, that is, photographs with famous gangsters of the 30s or any paintings in the same direction. You can use pictures of night cities in which the gangster elite was located.

It is worth emphasizing that these decorations must be in black and white. Tables and chairs can be decorated in the decoupage style, since only in this area there is an outline of those times. Also, in the form of small decorations, it is best to use some old props. For example, artificial revolvers, smoking pipes, a few cigars or a couple of boxes from them, maps and other antiques.

Photo for memory

Gangster-style party means no alcoholic beverages in any form. To maintain the image, it is best to use a camera that should look like an old one. Your best bet is an instant camera. Even if it is modern, then nothing will stop you from decorating or pasting it under the style of a mafia. Meeting guests with such a camera will take them to the last century, because this is exactly what needs to be achieved. In addition, the pictures that will be taken can also be given to guests at the entrance. The most important thing is not to forget about the music and the snack table.

Musical preferences

As for the musical theme, jazz and blues are best suited here. This music should be played quietly so that you can communicate with each other. It's good to have live sound in such an atmosphere. You can order a musician, mostly a guitarist or a saxophonist - he will emphasize that a gangster-style party is taking place here. In addition, live music will provide more active communication and a free atmosphere, and the host of the event will be held in high esteem.

To entertain guests tired of small talk about the essential, it is worth turning on rock and roll or tango. Each person is unique, respectively, and each dance is different. You can have fun and learn something new.


Snacks should also match the theme. There can be no festive salads on the table. Only fresh food: there must be vegetables, meat and several types of snacks. You can bake some of them on a fire, for example, potatoes.

Meat delicacies should be juicy, big size and excellent taste. In the 30s, people who preferred the gangster style of clothing were very fond of the bloody steak, which was the decoration of any feast. At present, thanks to modern technologies, it is not difficult to find suitable recipe such a dish and cook it deliciously. Here you can dream up with snacks, there are no special restrictions.


Naturally, for a party you need to pick up the right outfits. Gangster style will suit everyone, the main thing is to choose exactly the clothes that match the theme. Men must dress in formal suits with white stripes. They can be both narrow and wide. Mandatory hat with wide brim, round-toed patent leather shoes, and a rare revolver to complete the look.

But for girls there is a variety of outfits. The main thing is to ensure that the image is based on such important attribute like a gangster style dress. Jewelry and accessories should look rich, no matter how much they cost. We must not forget that shoes must be selected exclusively with heels.

small Cocktail Dresses or long evening dresses. Fur inserts and fur accessories. The dress looks perfect on the floor with open back. Short dress complement the stockings with an arrow at the back. abundance precious stones welcome, their perfect imitation is also suitable. TO exquisite outfit high heeled shoes are required. Mouthpiece - spectacular accessory for luxury gangster girlfriend. Such an image is guaranteed not to be left without attention at any party. And what about everyday clothes?

Gangster style in casual wear

To follow gangster fashion every day, a mafia woman should try on the outfit of her patron. A dark two-piece or three-piece suit with a vertical light stripe is must have gangster style. From the pocket of a double-breasted jacket, a piece of a handkerchief should look out, matching the color of the whole set. Bright plain shirt silk or satin. An indispensable accessory that will complement the look is suspenders, which can be either black or any other color.

Another good addition is a tie - solid color interspersed with shiny threads that make the fabric glossy. By the way, the tie is firmly established in the wardrobe of modern fashionistas. Whether long or short, tied in a classic or creative knot, this accessory gives you plenty of ways to express yourself.

Patent leather boots with a round toe are perfect for this look. Preferred colors: black, white, brown or a combination. Closed-toe high-heeled shoes are also not excluded.

An iconic element of gangster clothing is a wide-brimmed hat with creases. The hat can be made of felt and decorated with a wide colored ribbon. Gangsters were especially fond of soft Felt hat with three dents - borsalino.

Gangster style. Club version.

For creating sexual image gangster style fit black suit in pinstripe fabric: cropped shorts and top with deep neckline. Men's suspenders will be the highlight of this look. High heels and a hat complete the gangster look.

Excellent study guide for beginner fashionistas will be Hollywood films about the famous gangster Al Capone. Luxurious outfits in which the actresses of big movies shine and Rod Steiger or Ben Gazzara dressed “with a needle” will surely inspire modern beauties to create a memorable gangster image.

The article was prepared specifically for the site:

To be a real Depression-era gangster, you need not only courage and luck - you will also need a raccoon coat, a girl in a boa and other intricate things.

Style - as you know, this is the unity of the main ideological and artistic features of a work of art or the distinctive features of a person, which he adheres to both in clothes and in behavior, but style is not limited to this alone. Everyone understands this definition as something that is his own, close only to him. There are a great many styles, but not all of them will suit a real mafia. Remember, the opinion of you is made up of many little things. Therefore, each person must always remain on top, not forgetting that his every step can be decisive.

mafia clothing

Any clothing demonstrates your attitude towards others. Especially mafioso clothes.
"In clothes, try to be elegant, but not a dandy; a sign of grace is decency, and a sign of panache is excess."

mafia clothing should be comfortable, elegant and neat. Comfort is the main criterion, if you want to impress someone then wear a suit.

Some tips for choosing clothes:

Wool fabric will do.

The glasses must be either Oliver Peeples or Armani or Ralph Lauren.

Like many years ago, for a self-confident, conservative man, which is the majority of the representatives of the VIP group, cufflinks are still relevant today. And, above all, for evening wardrobe. It is they who determine the style, emphasize the sophistication and sophistication of the men's toilet.

A plaid or other patterned shirt of the shade you like is suitable. Classic shirts are not excluded.

Pants must be of a straight cut and of such length that they go down to the boots with a small fold. A few folds on the trousers of a classic cut are also made at the waist. One of the features of a successful man's suit is perfectly ironed trousers with even arrows in the center of each leg.

Today, the width of the tie should be 6.5-8 cm. The tip of the tie should reach the belt.

If you have chosen suspenders for your wardrobe, then it is better that they are fastened with buttons, and not fastened with clips. You can also attach a chain of some precious metal to the costume.

Socks should be comfortable and one shade lighter or darker than trousers.

Combination loafers will do. All kinds of embellishments are encouraged.

Of course, all the clothes of the mafia are not limited to this, the list shows only some examples. Designers don't make costumes clothes for mafia. This image is given to clothes by the people wearing it.

Appearance has great importance in anyone's life, and it's hard to imagine a dirty, sloppy person who could watch his actions.

Double-breasted jacket with buttons

Gangster fashion trendsetter Al Capone, despite his obesity, preferred frivolous single-breasted jackets made of thin fabrics - in the "roaring 20s" this style was the complete opposite of thick woolen armor, which went to Sunday mass godfathers before the First World War. However, His Majesty double-breasted was inexorably replaced - the driving force male fashion of that time, with 6 buttons, wide lapels, high waist and straight tails without cuts. The bandits liked the "Kent" model, named after the younger brother of the Prince of Wales, Prince George, Duke of Kent, because of the longer lapel that reached the waist - the design created the illusion of harmony and growth, which was important for short gangsters (others on the streets just didn't survive). But more importantly, not one Thompson submachine gun, but two, fit behind two sides.

Hat "Borsalino"

In 1857, Giuseppe Borsalino founded a hat factory in Alexandria, Italy. For the next hundred years, the best classic men's felt hats - the obligatory pommel of every decent man - were pressed from the wool of the Belgian rabbit by her. In honor of the legendary hat, they even shot the gangster film of the same name with Delon and Belmondo.

Boots with lacquered leggings

There's nothing to be done, this strange thing will have to be put on your legs in order to bypass the face control at the Cotton Club. In the 1930s, patent-leather leggings fell out of fashion completely, but at the beginning of the decade, "old school" gangsters still wore them as a memory of pre-Crisis raspberries.

Thompson submachine gun

The Roaring 20s Kalashnikov is the legendary Tommy Gun, or Chicago typewriter, submachine gun designed in 1916 by Captain John Thomson. In the American army, the novelty remained unclaimed for a long time, but the civilian population and the police used it very actively during Prohibition. In fact, as it turned out with the start of Lend-Lease deliveries of the Tommy Gun to the USSR, it was impossible to shoot through even a couple of padded jackets with a "typewriter". And those, we note, were also at the disposal of the gangsters.

Bulletproof vest

The most practical thing dressed as a gangster. In the early 20s, the first light bulletproof padded jackets appeared in the equipment of the police and military - pressed cotton vests. Prior to that, I had to go to gang wars in metal chain mail. Naturally, bootleggers immediately got a novelty, which forced the police to switch to weapons of a larger caliber and lethal force including automatic.

Ford "eight"

In 1932, the market was released new model"Ford" - Ford B. It was completed with a heavily modified 4-cylinder engine, however, a powerful 8-cylinder unit began to be installed in the "model 18", which outwardly did not differ from "B". "Eights" were produced before, but on a separate order, the eighteenth model became the first mass "eight" in the history, whose torque was immediately used by a criminal element in its favor (a standard eight could reach speeds of 120 km / h). The Ford Museum has a letter from John Dillinger thanking the auto magnate for a job well done. Some consider it a fake, but the fact that the elusive Dillinger has become even more elusive on the new Ford is a fact of history.

raccoon coat

In an unheated Ford in the cold season it was chilly even in a double-breasted suit, a double-breasted coat and a bulletproof vest, so in the 20s all the lucky owners of Fords could be easily identified by a raccoon coat, and if a raccoon coat was crowned with a borsalino, and varnished leggings were illuminated from below - in front of you was a 100% gangster. Naturally, a more or less successful bootlegger and bank robber could afford something more decent than a raccoon, but such important factors, as volume and weight: in a light raccoon coat, more like a coat, it was easier to manage the levers, reload the “car”, and when gasoline and bullets ran out, cross the Canadian border on skis.

Glasses "Foster Grant"

The only one who managed to establish the production of sunglasses on an industrial scale was Sam Foster, who founded Foster Grant in 1929.

Diamond from Jachersfontein

Finally, pebbles. In addition to the obligatory cigar and borsalino hat, Al Capone set another gangster standard - a diamond tie pin from Jachersfontein, an old South African mine that supplied unique blue sparkle diamonds. In 1971, the mine was closed, but every real gangster still dreams of having a blue beam from his silk tie, "like Al Capone."

girl in boa

Double-breasted buttoned jacket, raccoon coat, borsalino, lacquered boots, ford eight, jachersfontein pin, tommy gun and Foster Grant glasses would be a waste of money if next to these treasures was not a cheeky young lady adorned with a boa, a hat with a plume and a mouthpiece sticking out for smoking tobacco. With the onset of the Great Depression, the girls began to look more modest, but the poses that they took in front of their gangsters remained the same.

A few tips for mafiosi. :)

How to wear mafia clothes:

Wear light-colored suits during the day, dark ones in the evening.

In a formal setting, the jacket should be buttoned up.

You can completely unbutton your jacket buttons during dinner or while sitting in theater chairs. Rising, it is necessary to fasten on the top button.

Keep your evening dress in perfect order at all times.

The same applies to shoes, socks, cufflinks.

The suit must be comfortable.

Don't always follow fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than fashionable and bad.

Carry two handkerchiefs with you. The first "working" one is in the pants pocket. The second - always absolutely clean - in the inner pocket of the jacket.

A bow tie, intended for official celebrations or major holidays, is worn only with dark suits.

A tie for an evening suit is best chosen from natural or artificial silk.

If the tie is made of quality material, then the knot is untied when it is removed.

If the tie is made of inexpensive material, then the knot can not be untied, but the tie can be removed over the head.

Mafia clothes are always in fashion! :)