How to clean a felt hat at home. We clean hats from different materials (felt, velor, suede, straw) at home - improvised means. How to clean a hat at home

Felt - unique material which is not washable. During prolonged wear or, conversely, long-term storage in the closet, hats lose their original attractiveness. Felt is one of the branded materials. So know how to clean felt hat at home, everyone should. Consider the most effective methods.

How to clean a felt hat at home

They always differed from ordinary hats in their original and bright appearance. However, like ordinary clothes, they get dirty. Of course, you can take it to dry cleaning. However, you can learn how to clean a felt hat yourself. This will save your finances.

It should be understood that felt items cannot be washed. If there are spots, then you should first determine: where could they come from? Only then can the appropriate detergent be selected.

Cleaning felt hats at home begins with dust removal. Using a clothes brush or a vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle, carefully remove dust from the surface of the hat.

A simple mixture also helps. It is necessary to take table salt, ammonia and vinegar. The ratios are easy to remember: 1:2:2. This mixture is necessary to wipe the dirtiest places.

How to clean a felt hat? The methods described below are the most effective:

Method 1. In order to completely remove dust from a felt hat, it is necessary to mix ammonia and vinegar (regular) in equal proportions. Add a part of table salt to the resulting mixture (the proportions are indicated above).

Method 2. If the hat has scuffs that sparkle, you will need sandpaper. If there is none, then a brush and salt can completely replace it. problem place must be processed with any of the aforementioned items.

Method 3. Many use another easy method. To do this, you need to mix ordinary water and ammonia in proportions of 1: 1. Soak a small piece of coarse cloth in the solution and wipe the contaminated area on the hat. Remember that you should not wet your felt hat too much. She may lose her shape.

How to bleach?

How to clean a felt hat if it is white? On light or white things, yellowness appears over time. The hat immediately loses its attractive appearance. To get rid of forever yellow spots, you need to prepare a mixture: hydrogen peroxide - 3 tbsp. l., ammonia - 1 tsp. You should dip the brush into the resulting mixture and gently clean the yellow spots.

It happens that the yellowness has spread to a large area of ​​​​the hat. In this case, semolina will come to the rescue. You can also use regular bran. It is necessary to rub the grits with outer side, and on the reverse - it's good to knock it out. Be sure that after this rescue procedure, the hat will be as if new.

How to remove raindrops?

Rainy weather for a felt hat is not the best best friend. Typically, characteristic marks may remain on the product. How to clean a felt hat at home so that the shape is not lost?

Method 1. Stuff a hat tightly evenly with newspapers. Dry in a dry place, but not very close to a radiator or other heating device.

Method 2. Effectively helps against raindrops next way: it is necessary to hold the hat over boiling water, then smooth the pile with a soft brush. You can also use a regular household steamer. However, bringing too close to the hat is not recommended.

Method 3. Brush your hat with medium degree stiffness, after wetting it in cool clean water.

This method will help not only get rid of raindrops, but also return the original shine to the hat.

Dealing with fat marks

Fat marks are the most dangerous ones that can harm a felt hat. How to clean a felt hat at home? The crust of the dried rye bread. If such a product was not at hand at home, then you can fall asleep greasy spots regular salt.

You will have to fight with the old stain that has managed to eat into the felt old-fashioned way- purified gasoline. It is necessary to moisten a napkin or rag in it and gently soak the place of contamination. Attention: do not wet, but get wet. Otherwise, the pile in this place will be compressed.

Another effective method in the fight against greasy stains: refined gasoline and potato starch. The resulting slurry must be applied to oily areas. After complete drying, you just need to shake off with a brush. In case of residual streaks, moisten the brush in water with added citric acid(juice).

Color matters

Felt products dark colors must be cleaned with a decoction of tobacco: 1 tbsp. l. leaves per 1 liter of water. Soak a cloth in the resulting liquid and gently wipe the stains. The only drawback is the smell of tobacco. For several days you will have to air the hat.

Felt products light shades must be cleaned with bran. They must be rubbed into the fabric, and with reverse side shake out by tapping.

Do not use products that are designed to remove stains from white felt on a colored product. The stain remover must match the color of the hat.

We store it correctly - we use it for a long time

Proper storage is the key to long-term wear. The ideal place to store felt products is a cardboard box. It is recommended to stuff the hat from the inside with paper and wrap it in cloth.

Basic rules for wearing felt hats:

  1. On the long time Do not hang a felt hat on a hook. Otherwise, it will simply lose its shape.
  2. Felt hats should not be worn in rain and snow.
  3. Wipe with a brush in the direction of the pile, then stretch to dry on glass jar.
  4. If the hat has become shabby and has lost its appearance, then steam will help revive youth. After that, be sure to stroke the pile with a brush.

If a the above ways did not help, then chemical agents come to the rescue special means. Stain removers are presented in a large assortment. Read the terms of use beforehand and be sure to follow them. Remember that you can immediately assess a person by the condition of the headgear. So take care of your hats. The main thing is to know how to clean a felt hat at home.

For this you will need simple means, a little time and a certain caution. Dry cleaning is also good, but it costs as much as a hat. There are a few basic rules that you should definitely follow in order to clean your hat at home properly. They are the ones who deserve special attention.

Stuff the crown with a new portion of crumpled newspapers, straighten the brim and leave to dry on a flat surface, for example, on a table, after laying a towel. Smell ammonia it is perfectly weathered, it is enough to leave the dried hat for the night in fresh - preferably frosty - air. In this case, the fields can be slightly steamed with an iron, turning on the most delicate mode and using a napkin or a piece of gauze. In the same way, you can clean a velor hat, handling the pile as delicately as possible.

In no case should you iron such models against the natural arrangement of the villi.

How and how to clean a black felt hat at home

How to clean a black felt hat is not an easy question. On a black background, any pollution is visible no less than on a white one.

Point one: dust brush. Careful processing, including seams, edging and decor, will never be superfluous. Black color is less capricious than any, and you can refresh your look in any of the ways described above.

But what to do with greasy stains? It is not known where, but they even appear on hats, but it is worth cleaning a wool hat properly at least once a season.

It's time to remember school chemistry lessons. In order to get rid of any, even the most difficult spots must be mixed into equal shares magnesia powder (it is sold in pharmacies) and regular gasoline - you can take the one that is intended for lighters.

Lightly rub the resulting mixture into the stain, let it dry, and then simply shake it off with a brush or a napkin, for example, napkin.

How to clean a suede hat at home

Suede, as a true derivative of genuine leather requires its own approach. It gets dirty quite easily, and in order to maintain a respectable and noble appearance of the material, you need to clean a suede hat at home as often as possible. But it is much more delicate.

Hats with complex material textures, such as suede, can also be cleaned using simple and improvised means. Imagine that you can put in order in such ways not only a hat, but also gloves.

What will be needed? Brush - ordinary clothes, school eraser - preferably neutral white color and a simple set from a pharmacy - ammonia and magnesia. Don't forget about bran, soda and vinegar, they can be found in every kitchen. Rubber gloves are a must. With the help of these simple things, you can tidy up any model.

Suede is very capricious, its main problem, which arises literally out of thin air, is glossiness.

Villi, do not forget that this is inner surface skin tend to fall off and stray even from any touch, and any glossiness is guaranteed to promise a stain.

In this case, a clothes brush and a school eraser will help us; pre-clean any suede model with their help. It is important to clean not only along the pile, but also against it. Any stains left? We take out ammonia and gasoline - the one that is intended for lighters, and not for cars, is best suited - it is more delicate.

Clean the model of dust with a brush and delicately walk (but against the lint) with an eraser. In no case should such a hat be wetted, but it is possible to prepare a gentle solution to remove complex stains. Water at room temperature, soap - preferably baby and fragrance-free (it can be rubbed on a regular kitchen grater) and half a bottle of ammonia - two tablespoons. You need to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions.

You will need a soft cloth and a regular sponge for dishes. Rub with a sponge - easily, in a circular motion suede. Do not let it dry - lift the pile up with a brush. And be sure to dry room temperature, and then tidy up with the same clothes brush. Just smooth the villi gently by combing it.

If you find a stain on your hat or just want to freshen up the look, then read how to clean a felt hat at home. Pollution and dark deposits spoil the look of the accessory. return to him previous view help a few simple tricks. Products and tools available to every housewife have additional useful properties.

Stain removal

If you find a stain on your hat and decide to wash it, then discard this idea. Otherwise, it will be corrupted. For products of this type better fit dry cleaning.

The origin of the dirt on the beret dictates how it is removed. In addition, the color of the fabric also affects the choice of method, since the substances used for white accessory, are invalid for black, and vice versa. Otherwise, the processing result will be deplorable. About all the nuances and different ways we will tell further.

Attention! Use stain remover only for colored and white hats. After cleaning on dark clothes, some areas will become lighter, and the color of the paint on the fabric will be uneven.

Removal instructions various kinds spots:

  1. Grease stains and traces of sweat. Usually greasy areas noticeable on the inside of light-coloured berets. White and beige felt must be cleaned with starch or flour. Sprinkle on stains and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the substance will absorb fat. Remove the flour by shaking it off the hat. Glossy dirt on dark products will disappear if treated with ammonia.
  2. Dye. Persistent dyes are well removed by gasoline. For this purpose, you need to take a purified substance, which should be slightly diluted with water. Wipe the soiled areas with a sponge soaked in gasoline. It doesn't need to be washed off. Get rid of bad smell 9% vinegar will help.
  3. Bird markings. Many people have had this kind of problem. Bird droppings can be removed with soapy water. It is important to wash the stain immediately before it dries. Apply the foam to a damp cloth and lightly rub the material. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Lightly rub the dried spot with sandpaper. Removing upper layer, blot the dirty area with a damp sponge rubbed laundry soap. Leave for 20-30 minutes, and then wash off the foam with clean water.
  4. Yellowness. The method is exclusively for white accessories. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove plaque. Prepare a solution: add 2 tbsp to 200 ml of water. peroxides. Soak in composition cotton pad and process the entire felt surface. If the yellowness is strongly ingrained or formed a long time ago, then use a soft brush.
  5. Brown raid. Most often, it appears on dark products due to fading with prolonged wear. You can clean a black felt hat at home with ammonia. Add 2 tbsp to 200-250 ml of water. ammonia and soak a sponge or cotton pad in the resulting solution. Treat the entire surface of the fabric. It is not necessary to wash off the composition.
  6. Dust. If there is no dirt on a light cap, but you want to refresh it, then prepare a simple composition. Grind the bran into a powder and mix with table salt in a ratio of 1:1. Rub the mixture with a soft brush into the material, then remove it. Your headwear will be like new.
  7. White stains. They appear on a felt beret after rain. Recent stains are easily removed plain water. But if white coating managed to dry out, then table vinegar will help to cope with it. It must be diluted with water in an equal amount. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to stains. Rub lightly and do not rinse. AT individual cases such contaminants help to remove hot steam.

Advice. You can restore the faded color of the fabric with the help of special paint in the form of a spray. It is sold in stores with textiles and needlework.

How to clean a velor hat

Felt fabric in its composition, properties and appearance is similar to velor, from which hats are also made. But the materials also have differences, which means that not all methods of processing felt are suitable for its counterpart. To clean a velor hat at home, you need to know the features of the material.

Advice. To make it convenient for you to clean the beret, put it on a three-liter jar. So he won't budge.

Tips for cleaning a velor hat:

  1. Velor is softer than felt, so only soft brushes are applicable to it. Otherwise, the fabric may be severely damaged.
  2. Brush your velor hats weak soapy water. Too much a large number of foam is difficult to wash out of the material.
  3. coarse bristles and sandpaper cannot be applied to such products.
  4. If possible, try not to use loose substances in cleaning velor: flour, bran or starch. The pile on the fabric is too small, and it is not so easy to remove light grains from it. Replace these methods with liquid solutions: ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, gasoline or vinegar.

If a velor or felt hat has decorative trim from a fabric that is also dirty, then it should be cleaned separately from the product itself. fresh spots on the satin ribbons easy to remove by wiping them wet wipe. Wash old dirt in soapy water.

Felt is made from rabbit hair. This material looks noble and impressive. But it is subject to the appearance of a variety of contaminants. To keep the attractive appearance of your favorite hat for a long time, you need to properly care for it. It is not necessary to take the product from felt to dry cleaning.

Spots may appear on a felt hat different origin. They can be removed at home with the help of improvised means. The cleaning composition must be selected depending on the type of contamination.

First you need to clean the felt hat from dust. This can be done with an ordinary clothes brush or a vacuum cleaner turned on at low power.

If the dust is mixed with traces of sweat, then you can use this method:

  • mix table salt, ammonia and table vinegar in a ratio of 1:2:2;
  • stir the mixture thoroughly;
  • wipe the contaminated areas with the resulting solution.

You can wipe dirt from sweat and a brush moistened only with ammonia. After cleaning, the product must be wiped with a dry cloth.

To avoid the appearance of traces of sweat, you must put a piece cotton fabric between the inner leather strap.

How to get rid of grease stains?

Sometimes greasy spots form on the felt hat. In this case, you can offer several ways to solve the problem.

  • mix medical and ammonia in equal proportions;
  • moisten a coarse cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the stain.
  • dilute the starch with water to the state of gruel;
  • using an old toothbrush, rub the mixture into the greasy stain;
  • wait for the treated area to dry;
  • combine 1 teaspoon of vinegar with 100 ml of water;
  • moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution and wipe the dried area against the pile.

After that, the product must be dried, leaving it in a well-ventilated area.

If the contamination is fresh, then you can wipe it with a piece of dried black bread or sprinkle liberally with table salt. Dried grease stains can be removed from a felt hat with refined gasoline.

For this you will need:

  • moisten a rag with refined gasoline;
  • gently blot the greasy stain;
  • remove gasoline stains with water and lemon juice.

Pollution needs to be soaked, not wetted. Otherwise, the pile at the site of the stain will become caked.

After the rain

If the hat does get wet, it is important to dry it properly. First you need to comb the wet felt with a clothes brush in the direction of the pile. After that, the hat should be pulled over a glass jar and wait for the material to dry.

Also, after rain, noticeable marks may remain on the product. You can get rid of them by steaming. To do this, the hat is held over boiling water in a saucepan for several minutes. After that, the dirt is washed off with a brush and the product is dried by pulling it over a jar.

Cleaning dark and light hats

Black felt hats are cleaned with tobacco.

Procedure steps:

  • dilute 1 tablespoon of tobacco leaves in 1 liter of water;
  • moisten a cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe contaminated areas.

However, after such a cleansing, the smell of tobacco will remain on the hat. You can remove it by wiping the felt vinegar solution. Then the product is left in a well-ventilated area.

Light hats become yellow over time. Bran will help correct the situation.

For this you need:

  • rub the bran into the area of ​​contamination from the outside of the product;
  • then knock them out from the back.

Instead of bran, you can use semolina.

You can also use this method:

  • combine 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
  • moisten a clothes brush with the prepared solution;
  • gently clean the felt.

If after cleaning white material faded, then you can sprinkle it with talc or crushed chalk. Then you need to clean off the selected product with a brush, moving against the pile. Do not use products designed to clean white felt on colored hats. Otherwise, untidy streaks may remain on the product.

Storage rules

It's not enough to just clean a felt hat. Be sure to store it properly. To do this, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. You can not store felt hats by hanging them on a hanger hook. As a result, the product is deformed. The hat must lie on a flat, horizontal surface.
  2. There should be no sources near the place where the felt hat is stored. strong odor, as felt absorbs odors well.
  3. It is advisable to store the hat in a thick cardboard box. First you need to fill the product with soft paper and wrap it in a cloth.

By following these simple tips, can be stored permanently original view felt hat. It is important to remember that it requires special treatment and care. Therefore, you need to regularly clean the felt with proven means.

The hat is fashionable and stylish accessory that complements the style and completes the look. Products made of felt will save you from cold and wind in autumn or spring, and straw products will protect you from hot weather. sun rays in summer season. But over time, the hat may lose its presentable appearance and fade, and stains may appear on the material.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the rules for caring for accessories. Let's look at how to clean a straw hat and felt hat at home.

hat care instructions

  • A straw hat is regularly cleaned in summer period and thoroughly cleaned before long-term storage in the cold season;
  • A felt hat is not recommended to be worn in the rain, as the material loses its shape and deforms due to getting wet. If you get caught in the rain, moisten the brush with water and wipe the surface of the product in the direction of the pile and leave to dry. If the hat has already begun to lose shape, you can first hold the hat over a container of boiling water for several minutes;
  • To dry a felt hat, put the accessory on a three-liter jar or a special stand for hats;
  • after rain or wet cleaning straw hat dried white soft cloth or a towel and then put on a semicircular stand. Then it will keep its shape;
  • Try not to bend the hat, otherwise it will lose its shape, and the tarred headdress may completely break;
  • When traveling, stow the accessory in a separate cardboard box so that it does not wrinkle, break and lose its attractive appearance;
  • If the brim of the hat is curled up, carefully press the back of the hat with an iron through a damp cloth. white cloth. Avoid direct contact felt or straws with an iron!;
  • Do not hang the hat on a hook, otherwise it will lose its shape;
  • Straw and felt hat cannot be washed!;
  • Do not use hot water to clean felt and straw hats;
  • Do not use stain removers on dark hats, as they leave light streaks and marks.

How to clean a straw hat

Straw - natural material which breathes and perfectly reflects the effects of ultraviolet radiation. In summer, wearing a straw hat is comfortable and not hot. However, this material attracts dust and dirt well, so it needs regular cleaning.

To do this, after each use, clean the hats with a dry soft brush. You can take the old toothbrush. Gently go over the places where the straw is woven, but do not rub hard!

To clean a straw hat with more heavy pollution, take a soapy solution from liquid soap and water. Or rub hard baby soap grated and mix with water until foamy. Do not use hot water!

Dampen a soft cloth in the resulting composition and gently wipe the product. Tough dirt is cleaned with a brush and soapy water. After processing, the hat is wiped with a cloth dipped in clean cool water and dried with a white cloth or towel.

Pay special attention to the care of a dark straw hat. First remove the dust with a dry brush. Then mix half a teaspoon of ammonia with 1⁄3 cup of water and rinse the headgear with a damp cloth.

Also, a dark hat can be wiped with a steamed piece of velvet or a sponge dipped in vegetable oil. After the procedures, dry the product with a dry white cloth.

Before long-term storage the hat must be cleaned and dried. Ribbons and decorations are removed, washed and stored separately. straw hat stored only in the expanded form. For this, the product is put on a special stand, plastic bottle or a glass jar and leave in a dark, cool form.

What to do if the straw hat turned yellow

Over time, due to frequent wear or prolonged storage in the closet, the straw hat begins to turn yellow. To wash a white hat, restore whiteness and get rid of yellowness, use hydrogen peroxide 3%. To do this, take a teaspoon of the product and warm water, mix.

First, wipe the surface of the hat with a dry soft brush, and then evenly moisten the material with the prepared mixture. When the product is slightly dry, iron the hat with an iron through wet gauze.

Effectively eliminates yellowness lemon juice. Take the juice of one lemon and spray from a spray bottle on the surface of the product. Leave to dry in vivo. Alternatively, you can cut the lemon in half, remove the rind, and rub the lemon slices evenly over the hat.

The accessory is left for 40-45 minutes and then washed with a brush with warm water without excessive wetting. Then the hat is dried with a cloth and ironed through a damp white cloth.

Instead of lemon, you can use hydrogen peroxide 3% and ammonia. Take two tablespoons of ingredients and mix. Wipe the hat with the compound and iron it with a very hot iron through damp gauze or cloth.

How to clean a felt hat

A felt hat will perfectly replace a hat in the cold season, make the image stylish and elegant. However, the felt begins to shine over time. In addition, stains and dirt may appear on the material. To clean a felt hat, use simple methods:

  • You can clean the felt from dust and traces with a solution of salt, ammonia and table vinegar. Mix the ingredients in a 1:2 ratio and wipe the contaminated areas;
  • Greasy places will eliminate a mixture of ammonia and water, taken in equal parts. Dampen a coarse cloth in the resulting composition and wipe the greasy areas;
  • If a light-colored fedora has begun to turn yellow, take bran or semolina and rub it on the outside. Then beat the product from the back, and it will take on a new fresh look;
  • Grease stains are wiped with a crust of dried rye bread or ordinary table salt. You can blot the contaminated area with refined gasoline;
  • Effectively removes grease stains with a mixture of refined gasoline and potato starch. Apply the composition to contaminated areas and leave to dry. Then shake off with a brush;
  • If your felt hat has streaks and white marks, mix lemon juice with water. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and wipe the affected areas.

After wet cleaning, wipe the hat with a dry soft cloth. Keep your hat in a dry and clean place. Perfect for storage cardboard box. Before long-term storage, the hat is stuffed with soft paper from the inside and wrapped in cloth, and then put into a box.