Types of themed parties. Scenarios for theme parties. Many ideas

If you are wondering which holiday is loved the most, then most likely you will hear: “Birthday!”

The usual feast can be replaced with an exciting themed party.

What topic to choose?

For kids, it's more or less understandable. But what if it is necessary to unite adults and children? There is small nuance: exclusively "adult" topics that children will be bored with, or simply they will not understand what it is about. And between adults and children there are such categories as youth and teenagers – these comrades have generally different interests.

So, when choosing the theme of the upcoming holiday, remember that some "Uncle Petya" may not share your enthusiasm when you want to see him in Carlson's costume. But he will most likely go to the Hawaiian party with pleasure.

Ideas and scripts for themed birthday parties

Pirate Birthday

Suitable for any age. Required condition- everyone should come in the form of pirates: bandanas, blindfolds, large earrings in the ears and nose.

At the doorstep, guests can be greeted by a real captain, inviting them to the table, on which delicacies from seafood are already placed. Well, what else can pirates eat?

Seafood doesn't have to be real: it can be a dough jellyfish, a cake with waves and dolphins, octopus salads ... Although you can surprise guests with tropical fruits as a dessert.

If the party is intended for guests over 18, then stock up on rum as well. Remember the battle cry "Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum"?

Do not forget about the "nail" of the script of this pirate party— treasure hunt! The most real adventure - with a map, a cipher in a bottle, difficulties and dangers.

For "difficulties and dangers" the most appropriate place- special areas where outdoor games are organized - paintball, climbing on a climbing wall, rope towns.

Charm of the East

The East beckons with its mystery and mystery hidden behind the veil of a black-eyed beauty.

Arrange yourself a fairy tale in the style of Aladdin: for example, the birthday boy or birthday girl is Aladdin or Jasmine, respectively, and all the rest are eastern khans, princesses and padishahs from neighboring lands.

It is worth trying to cook some traditional Arabic dishes– e.g. Tabbouleh salad, hummus with olive oil, shawarma or just meat on fire. For dessert - Arabic sweets, which are still better to buy in the store if you have not had to cook them before.

As an entourage - candles, carpets, pillows, light fragrance essential oils. You can arrange a tea party at a low table with a hookah, leading a leisurely conversation, entertain guests with tricks.

But the East is different. These are China, and Japan, and Indonesia, and many more countries, so for a birthday party, you can choose the style of one of them. If this is an unknown exotic country, at the same time introduce guests to its culture.

Do you know how to arrange?
The ideas of such contests can be useful to anyone who throws a party and intends to have fun to their heart's content.

Is your girlfriend's birthday coming up soon? We will advise you.

buffet is one of best solutions for a light snack at a party.
On the page you can find recipes for appetizers for the buffet table.

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

This will definitely be a very unexpected idea, and guests will surely like it. You can start inviting guests from the sixth grade and up to infinity - everyone has read at least one of the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich.

On the table - salted, smoked bacon, for extreme people - in chocolate, borscht with donuts, dumplings, pies with cherries.

Costumes - sundresses, wreaths of flowers, ribbons woven into braids for girls (or maidens), shirts with Ukrainian ornaments for guys (or guys).

It is especially interesting when the participants feel sympathy for each other. You can arrange various contests where boys and girls compete, better mobile, and when everyone has played enough, sit in a circle, light candles and read “Viya” aloud or just tell horror stories to each other.

Topic related to the participants' favorite movie or book

For example, an evening of Sherlock fans. Let all the guests dress up as typical residents of England during the time of Sherlock Holmes, and the hosts of the holiday will need to prepare several difficult and confusing situations for the participants in which they will need to find the key to unraveling some mystical story.

Anything can be on the table: try English cuisine recipes, or serve oven-roasted chicken. That's just "oatmeal, sir!" better not to offer.

Beach party

Everything is clear here - summer, beach, cocktails, beach volleyball, barbecue, barbecue, water pistol battle. And when it gets dark - lie down, admiring the stars.

Of course, this version of the scenario is more suitable for the warm season - go to the nearest city beach or rent a house on the coast of the sea or lake and start the fun!

You can enrich this party scenario by choosing a Hawaiian theme for your birthday guests. Except bright swimwear, flowers and fruits on the table of special paraphernalia and will not be needed.

Is that an unobtrusive sound background with melodies of the ukulele and fun mood invited.

Fairy tale opens doors

Offer guests the attributes of the heroes of traditional Russian fairy tales (caps, masks, helmets, crowns, “heroic” weapons and raincoats).

If we are not talking about children, then it is better to coordinate such topics with the guests. Why? We remember about "Uncle Petya" ...

As a treat - recipes of Russian cuisine: pancakes, pies, pies, homemade dumplings, goose baked with apples. And then - a game of bast shoes, in cities, in Cossack robbers, tags, hide and seek.

Attributes of the holiday and the cost of the organization

In fact, you can afford to organize a theme party even with only 300 rubles in your wallet. For example, imagine that you are treasure hunters. To do this, the host of the celebration must draw a map in advance, bury the treasure, come up with different places where to hide the clues so that they also first need to be found.

Take with you a minimum of food that can be fried on a fire - bread, sausages, vegetables. It will also be very interesting to grab a pot from home in which to try to boil tea!

If you really want to have fun - no financial problems will stop you!

But seriously, the cost of the party is not limited and depends only on your capabilities.

You can buy the most simple products in the store, or order them from a restaurant, turn to the services of "on-site cuisine". And you can rent a cottage, an apartment, go to a paintball site, rent a yacht, a castle - whatever.

As for attributes...

Dyeing for the holiday can be made from improvised materials, or bought in inexpensive stores. And you can rent the appropriate costumes, life-size puppets, dresses.

But still, the main thing is not money, but your imagination and good mood all participants of the holiday, no matter how much it costs you!

Choosing the style and theme for the party will help you short list popular solutions:

These options are suitable for both home parties and anti-cafe parties. For big company big and narrow circle. For an ordinary meeting with friends and a birthday.

Theme parties

Try to arrange such an event at home - it will be fun. Create an atmosphere: accessories, music, appropriate food and entertainment.

Just a little imagination and voila! Your apartment has turned into an underground casino from gangster movies. Why aren't you Gatsby?

Whoever you and your friends are, there will always be topics that will get you hooked. Stilyagi, Oktoberfest, Hawaiian party, pajama, cowboy and so on.

Or maybe arrange a real masquerade? More precisely, its light version. It will be enough for everyone to put on multi-colored wigs or mustaches - and you will immediately want to throw off the burden of problems and a dozen years to fool around and light it up!

Board games

If theme parties are too frivolous for your company, games are everything. Here you have strategies, and logical games, and associative - entertainment for every taste. Even a classic monopoly or twister can cause a storm of emotions. Among close acquaintances, games for guessing associations - "Imaginarium", "Dixit" - go well.

However, the following two games, the undisputed leaders of our hit parade, guarantee you the greatest fun and intensity of passion.


Are you afraid to find out the whole truth about your friends? Invite them to play Mafia. Just don't be surprised when your adored husband kills you in cold blood under the cover of night! BUT best friends conspire behind your back and accuse you of a crime you didn't commit. But maybe you yourself dream of becoming a mafioso and deciding the fate of people? Then draw a card. Who are you today - a civilian or a valiant commissar?

Playing Mafia is an absolute hit for all times and for any company.


As an experienced player, I warn you: with the Crocodile, you can sit with friends until dawn. The most interesting thing is to show and guess films.

Shyness and lack of acting talent for the Crocodile is not a hindrance. And if it’s a hindrance, you know how it is treated, right? A couple of cocktails - and there are more than enough people who want to show the film "Kin-dza-dza" or "Basic Instinct"! And if there are artistic people in your company - consider the evening a success.


If you are a fan of brainwashing or tickling your nerves, visit the quest room. It will be a great start to the evening and will only take an hour or two.

There are also large quests in parks or cottages. You can even try and make the quest yourself, but then you will not enjoy the game.

Retro party or karaoke contest

A disco in the style of the 90s will remind you and your guests of the turbulent youth. Naturally, the music and paraphernalia of that glorious time make the whole atmosphere. It is very intoxicating sometimes to yell under “Hands up”, “Beasts” or Zemfira. Retro parties are a powerful energy booster, they charge you with optimism and drive for a long time.

Beware neighbors!

Shooting a clip

For example, for a birthday or a wedding of friends. The clip will be unique, cool gift. At the same time, you yourself will have a great time. Come up with a script, assign roles, select music. Preparation and shooting itself is a great opportunity to chat with friends and laugh heartily. And the video will remain in memory. And dozens of funny movies.

Professional photo session with friends

Invite a photographer, think over the surroundings, organize a theme party. Thanks to high-quality pictures, these moments will remain with you forever.

bus party

Hire special bus or a limousine for recreational trips around the city. Gather your friends, take champagne, a couple of snacks - and go. You can arrange a tour of the familiar streets.


Invite a professional animator. Magicians, artists, musicians, masters of the bartender show will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, a special guest will require additional costs, but they will not be astronomical.

Saxophonist or happy birthday girl in giant soap bubble worth it.

Master Class

Dancing, baking pizza, making cocktails, or at least brewing. Learn something new with your friends. It's cooler than the whole evening sour at a plentiful table.

A party - great way have fun with friends, especially if there is a period in your life when there is not enough good points and vivid impressions. AT recent times more and more themed holidays began to be held. Unlike ordinary ones, they allow you to plunge into a special atmosphere, bring a certain image to life and dance to original music.

Stylized Parties: Proven Ideas

There are many home party ideas. All of them are interesting in their own way. They can be drawn from your hobbies. Movies about vampires or pirates, Hawaiian motifs, 40s style, uninhabited islands, dudes, Hollywood, etc. The main thing is to use your imagination, and everything will work out.

Nautical themed party

Here you can style all the elements: outfits, decorations, food and drinks, contests, invitations, etc. The predominant colors of such a party should be marine: azure, blue, white and blue. As for costumes, guests can wear vests and peakless caps, as well as rent a sailor or captain costume.

Party food in nautical style should be appropriate: seafood, fish, salads, navy pasta, shell shaped cookies, etc. As drinks, you can offer the traditional drink of all sailors - grog, as well as light cocktails, such as Blue Lagoon or Sea Breeze. From entertainment, quizzes are suitable for maritime theme, tug of war, "The sea worries once", etc.

Hawaiian party

Best for this type of event a private house on the shore of the reservoir. The main decoration of such a party should be Exotic fruits, flower garlands, shells, artificial palm trees, banana leaves, etc. Costumes should be Hawaiian: girls can wear a hula skirt and a coconut bodice, or if there are no such outfits, you can limit yourself to ordinary swimsuit. Men can come in Hawaiian shirts and shorts. For drinks, offer guests colorful cocktails decorated with fruits and umbrellas.

Party Chicago Style

Everyone will like this party without exception: interesting costumes, cards, jazz, prohibition, gangsters, cabaret style... All of these can be used to create a holiday. Costumes should be 30s and gangster themed.

Girls can wear a silk dress, shoes on high heels, a hat or headband with feathers, a fox collar or boa, gloves and many catchy accessories. The hairstyle should be elegant and the obligatory accent is red lips.

It is much easier for men to choose an outfit: a hat, suspenders, a suit, a shirt, a gun, a cigar and wrist watch. The room where the party will be held can be decorated in the style of a cabaret or a casino. From entertainment, cards, roulette, karaoke are ideal.

Theme parties at home


One of the most popular and simple ideas for a stylized party. The main decoration of such a holiday should be the appropriate outfits and music. suits for theme parties should be bright and extraordinary. Fitted dresses are suitable for women. fluffy skirts, bright makeup and babette hairstyle, for men ideal option colorful jackets will become, tight pants and a herring tie. Music should also be chosen in a similar style. Usually, it is rock and roll, boogie-woogie, jazz, twist, blues. Party contests should be funny and active.

Japanese style party

Highly popular topic for parties, which can be easily implemented at home. Large fans, Japanese characters, pictures of sakura, samurai and geishas can be used as decorations. Costumes for such an event are the same for men and women - kimono. Women can make themselves defiant makeup in the style of a geisha, be sure to whiten their face. Hair can be styled with chinese chopsticks. For food and drinks, rolls and sushi, rice, fish, tea and sake are ideal options. Please note that on Japanese parties it is not customary to shout loudly, make noise, sing songs. Everything should be quiet and calm.


At home, you can easily arrange a masquerade. Guests will choose an outfit and hairstyle to their liking: Cinderella, superhero, cat, witch, princess, prince, vampire, angel, etc. Everyone will feel free and comfortable. You don't have to worry too much about decorations, music and food either, as it can be up to you. The main thing is that an atmosphere of joy and fun is in the air. You can hang garlands and tinsel, come up with interesting contests and put absolutely any music.

Themed parties - modern trend holiday industry. A party in a certain style is a great opportunity to show your imagination and your own individuality, as well as show off from the heart! Ideas for theme parties are floating around the Internet. You just need to choose or develop a script and solve other organizational issues so that no trifle overshadows the fun. What should you think about when choosing a theme for the evening? What should you pay attention to when organizing a themed evening? What theme to choose for a children's party and for an adult holiday? Read about all this in our article.

Theme parties for children

We have already written in detail about organizing a theme party for children on our website, so we will only briefly remind you that any theme party for children should be carefully organized and thought out. The very first stage in organizing a themed evening is the planning stage, in which it is very desirable to involve the child so that he directly tells what topic he would like to beat, whether it is a pirate holiday, a disco in pajamas, a costume ball or a dramatization of a favorite cartoon. In addition, the child can help you make original invitations with your own hands, which will indicate the theme of the evening, wishes for the dress code, time and place of the event. It will be great if your child himself will present these invitations in kindergarten or school, especially if the theme party is dedicated to his birthday.

Kids theme parties require a specific decor or even a specific venue! For example, if you decide to spend a holiday in the tropics, choose a water park as a venue or go with your children to a pond, the atmosphere there will be the best way match the chosen theme. Numerous clubs, restaurants, cafes, bowling alleys and gaming areas are at your disposal shopping centers. Of course, for all these entertainments you will have to pay a fairly significant amount, but the huge plus is that you are completely relieved of the need to entertain the children, cook food and clean up after the guests leave. Sports topics are also interesting for children's birthdays, you can hold competitions in sports club, for example.

If you decide to carry out theme night for children in your home, then you will have to take on all the responsibilities for decorating the apartment, cooking and thinking through the scenario. You can read how to arrange an unforgettable one on your own on our website.

Themed birthday party

Theme birthday party lovely gift not only for children, but also for adults! If you decide to please one of your friends with a theme night, then think about the following points.

First, decide on a theme for the holiday. Try to take into account all the features and preferences of the birthday man, because you are friends with him, which means you know him very well. Choice of topics for themed holidays huge! The most popular theme today is retro. An excellent illustration of this theme is the movie The Great Gatsby. Bringing the retro theme to reality is quite simple. As costumes for women, long tight dresses and fancy accessories are suitable - a small hat with a veil, a headband with a feather, beaded and sequins long gloves, beads. A man must come to such a party in a suit and bow tie. Turn on some jazz, dim the lights, hang black-and-white photos or silent film footage on the walls to create a 20s vibe…

The party in the "Dandies" format takes place in the atmosphere of a disco, bright umbrellas, plastic beads and foreign magazines. Invitees must be dressed in dresses with bright prints and wide belts. And men should take a closer look at the trousers-pipes and tight ties-herrings and make a “whipped cook” hairstyle in the style of Elvis Presley.

Themed parties in the style of the disco of the 80s are great. Everyone loves the hits of those years: from young people of 20 to mature 40-year-old men and women! Turn on the music of those years, hang a disco ball from the ceiling - and the atmosphere is ready! As for the outfit, you can come to modern clothes, but dilute the image with plastic jewelry, make up your eyes with blue-green shadows, blush and varnish a huge bang.

A non-standard solution for a theme party is a trip to a chosen country. Choose a country and decorate the evening in a given style. For example, when planning a party in french style, order food in a French restaurant, buy French wine, put the music of Mireille Mathieu, Patricia Kaas, Charles Aznavour in the background, and decorate the hall with photographs of Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

You can choose some famous movie or cartoon as the theme for the party. This is very convenient option, since no one will need to explain the rules of the dress code and their roles. Choose your favorite movie and decorate the evening according to its scenario. The most common party movies are Moulin Rouge, Titanic, Sherlock Holmes, star Wars and even Avatar!

We will not describe all the options for theme parties for a long time, but only list the possible interesting topics. Parties are going well Hawaiian style, pajama party, ethnic parties in african style, pirate treasure hunt parties, 1001 nights style parties, and cowboy nights from the Wild West. You can bring to life the idea of ​​the film "Angels and Demons", as well as organize a vampire party.

Partying well in Japanese, Egyptian, Chinese, Irish, Italian styles. You can arrange a masquerade ball or Venice Carnival. An evening in black and white will look great color scheme Or James Bond style. If you are a fan of beer and football, here is the theme for the party! The interior of a sports pub, a lot of beer, football symbols and, of course, the broadcast of the match in the background - everything you need to hold such a celebration of beer and football!

Theme parties in nature

For spring-summer season Great for outdoor themed parties. Use the holidays folk calendar, for example, Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated in July. What could be prettier girls in white dresses and wreaths on their heads, guys in ethnic shirts, who, holding hands, jump over the fire? BUT beautiful tradition throw wreaths on the river? Nature itself creates the right mysterious mood...

Themed parties in the summer are generally a fertile topic! Can be done in nature sport competitions, themed quests, beat, for example, the idea of ​​a movie about Indiana Jones, have a party in the style of a hippie, and also plunge into the atmosphere of a pioneer camp, etc. Show your imagination, work a little - and you will be generously rewarded for your efforts with grateful smiles of friends, relatives and colleagues, and memories of the holiday will remain in your memory for many years!

Hello friends, I invite you big list theme party ideas for adults! Many parties are already in this section, many more will be added, so check back often!

Do you agree that not only children like to have fun? Adults, you and I - this is also a must!

If you are looking for a birthday script, then you have come to the right place! Yes, in general, here you can find the script for any holiday! Throw a party that neither you nor your friends will ever forget!

So friends, choose any party scenario for adults, there are a lot of them here!

There is nothing worse than a spoiled holiday, and if this holiday is your birthday, then all the more unpleasant to the core. The guests were late, they didn’t have time to buy the cake, the hairstyle was no good, the holiday turned out to be boring, the treats remained on the tables ...

A sad picture, you will not say anything ...

To prevent this from happening, and the holiday went off without a hitch, you need to thoroughly prepare for it. But as? That's right, you need a birthday script and then nothing can interfere with your fun and nothing will spoil your mood.

If you are a completely useless organizer, then seek help from special agencies for organizing holidays, well, if you can’t afford such help, then go to the old ones. good friends for help, and plan your holiday with them.

The choice of scenario largely depends on where the holiday will be held indoors or outdoors, is it an anniversary or just a birthday of a traitor - a man or a woman, and of course, on the age of the hero of the occasion.

One of the script options could be, for example, “A Tale for the Big Ones”, take any old children’s fairy tale, preferably in verse, remake it in your own way, add a little sharp adult humor (but don’t overdo it!) Don’t forget about contests and entertainment, and here your script is almost ready.

Scenarios for anniversaries turn out to be very interesting, as a rule, the hero of the occasion participates in almost all competitions, the toastmaster tells funny stories from the childhood and adolescence of the hero of the day, not forgetting to talk about the achievements of a person.

Anniversaries can also be celebrated in gypsy style- it is very cheerful and bright, with songs, dances, fortune-telling and, of course, competitions.

You can also take the idea musical holiday, where artists will parody pop stars who will go on stage to sing songs and honor the birthday boy.

If the birthday boy or birthday girl is young people, then you can spend a holiday in nature, use the theme of nature and develop this idea - arrange a holiday in the style of ancient Russian fairy tales, where the heroes were mermaids, goblin, water, etc. Or use the theme of the African sultry party, which is also perfect for celebrating a birthday in nature.

So that the guests do not get bored, and they do not constantly sit at the table, you need to use as many contests and entertainment as possible in the script. Ask guests to play congratulatory scene for the hero of the occasion or sing a congratulatory song, arrange a fun children's round dance. The words to the song "Round dance" can also be redone into new way, and it will also be very fun for both the birthday man and the guests.

Another one interesting idea for the script - these are congratulations to the birthday man from different peoples world (Asians, Africans, Europeans).

Invite guests in small groups, dress them up in National costumes, give a cheat sheet with congratulations and to the music appropriate to their nationality, they will have to dance or sing, in general, congratulate the birthday man.

So, most importantly, the birthday script should be fun, interesting, with songs, dances and competitions in which all the guests who came could take part. The guests are satisfied - the host of the holiday is also satisfied, so go for it, fantasize and celebrate with all your heart.