How to always be a loving wife. How to be loved and desired by a man? This program is for those who want to get their husband back

2) Do not criticize and do not "nag". If you accepted him as he is and agreed with this, then why can he be criticized and “sawed” for? If you are starting this common women's activity again, then see point number 1. This is as a signal that acceptance has not occurred. In an instant, your man will not stop playing computer or sitting in front of the TV. He will not have ambitious goals or a business plan in the morning. It is very easy to slide back into criticism and accusations. Be alert! I must say right away that it is difficult, but the game is worth the candle.

3) Do not argue and agree with his decisions. I really like the words of O. Torsunov: “Any wife should know this arithmetic: if I give in to my husband, then I get what I wanted to get, if I don’t give in, then I lose everything. Male math is just the opposite. If a man yields, then he loses everything, if he does not yield, then he achieves his goal.

5) Leave the program "I myself". Stop doing and rely only on yourself. If you want to be taken care of, be the one to be taken care of. If you want to be bought gifts and invited to spend joint vacation stop doing it yourself. Feats are a man's business, not a woman's.

7) Be proud of your husband. After all, you are married to this man. So there is something that attracted you to him. We often forget the good and focus on the negative, thinking that if the bad is not eradicated, then it will become even more. But another principle works here - start to notice and celebrate for yourself all the best that is in your husband. These can be character traits, intelligence, any of his achievements, physical strength or endurance.

8) Start showing interest in his affairs. A woman should listen more than speak. This is because the ears are passive and the mouth is active. When we focus on the shortcomings, everything that our husband does seems insignificant to us, we do not respect him, and often do not listen. What matters to us is what we say. Some activities of the husband may seem to us uninteresting, unpromising, and therefore we are not at all interested in them. In fact, we are not interested in our husband. If my husband does this, then it is worthy of respect.
9) Start asking for help, don't be a "comfortable" woman. Some women do not know how to ask, perhaps out of fear that they will be refused, maybe for them it seems a humiliation, or pride does not allow them to do it. We think he can figure it out himself. However, the male mind works according to this principle: if you don’t ask, then you don’t need to. Men love specific tasks, they did it - they received it, in our case, gratitude from us. And this also applies to material purchases. Many women become so "comfortable" that they don't ask for anything at all. This does not mean that you should constantly place orders, but think, if this is the case in your case, then ask for something to give for your birthday, for New Year. How often do we women say that we do not need anything. How often do we save on ourselves.

10) Admire and say how much you appreciate having him by your side. Say you couldn't have done it without him. Thus, you return to the man the desire to do something for you. He understands what is needed and valuable. Have you noticed that in some families a man seems to be on the side, not needed by anyone, like furniture. And who is to blame, who has devalued the most valuable thing in a woman's life?

11) And most importantly - be patient. Give your husband time. All changes will be imperceptible at first.

All this should be from the heart and sincerely, if you deceive your husband and manipulate him, this will give opposite result. Everything here must be real. Then attention, care and love will also be real. Having received such an attitude, a man will not be able to ignore it. You will immediately feel his appreciation and gratitude. Your task is to become one that is impossible not to thank.

Try it and see for yourself. A man will do the impossible for you!

Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

We are all influenced by the thoughts of others. Artists are well aware of this. own experience. They feel the reaction of the spectators present in the hall, even in complete silence. In connection with this fact, one woman decided to conduct such an experiment. She came up with a few phrases about her own irresistibility and put this wording in her head. She mentally repeated it always - when she was cooking, riding in transport, washing. And what do you think? After about five days, she was not allowed to pass on the street with a request to meet. Then she began to formulate about her boundless kindness. And they began to ask her for money on the street. Apparently, her thoughts acted not only on others, but also on her. She could not pass by any beggar, even if it was clear that he would invariably drink the money given. The experiment cost a pretty penny ... but most importantly, it gave experience: it confirmed that appearance really does not depend on physical body but from the thoughts that exist in this body. Therefore, if the thought has such power that it can even dictate the actions of others, then perhaps more attention should be paid to it, and not to the body? Take care of her, care for her, cherish her?

Start thinking that you can do everything, that you will achieve everything, that you are strong and evoke love and respect in those around you - and your individuality will break out into such expanses of happiness that you never dreamed of before.

Try it! For this, of course, you need desire, but it can also be worked out with the help of thought. Imagine what you would like to be, "draw" the project, and then start the "thought structure". Understanding this simple but amazing truth, you begin to look at life differently. What thoughts do we usually send to others? They haven't had time to think of anything against us, and we already suspect them of everything. That is, we are forced to do bad things to us. Life is not preparing any difficulties for us yet, and we are already panicking, thus causing fire on ourselves.

So, choose for yourself the image and ideal that you desire, and inspire yourself with the help of auto-training that you are your ideal. Feel free to choose a romantic, heroic image for yourself. Then look for someone who will perceive this image ....

And now a few important tips for the "body" for women and girls.

If a man's gaze is fixed on your face in order to penetrate into the core of your personality, the figure can also create a favorable impression, causing sympathy or even antipathy ... and if you do not take note of this, then make a mistake.

"Being well-built is everything!" - said one great fashion designer- "You can afford to lose weight or get fat, but at the same time remain elegant."

Do you think that a good physique depends more on nature than on personality? Yes (to some extent), but fashion, like nature, is always 20 years old, so a fit and flexible woman is always more likely to win a competition in elegance.

A pretty woman/girl can always become a beauty. Of the girls "so-so" will always turn out to be pretty, and the "ugly girl" (and there are plenty of examples of this) can always be "charming"! You just need to ALWAYS develop taste, mind, regularly make not at all heroic efforts. One of them is simply eating less. And it is NOT necessary to tell yourself and others that you are denying yourself everything, which means that you are simply not denying yourself enough. It's time for us to learn how to satisfy NOT hunger, but appetite.

AT aesthetic problem marriage, there is one pitfall on which relationships are broken - this is the novelty of impressions: if you are a hundred times slimmer than everyone in the world - your spouse looks at plump ones, you are a brunette - your husband looks at blondes. Become a little more mysterious, a little different.

Female beauty - and in plasticity, and in facial expressions, and in posture, and even in intonation. Master all this like acting, each time (and throughout your life) developing your skills more and more. Stay attractive if you want to be adored. No, this is not mannerisms, not whims "like a little girl", and not even "duty" smiles ... Although, "duty" smiles are better than an eternally dissatisfied face.

The test of UNattractiveness is torture! Do not assume that your goal is to force White light love you the way you are. It's unattainable. It's much easier to try to be a little different. Moreover, the apartment is not a beach, where you can always turn away from an unsympathetic sight. Voluntary disgrace is immoral.

You can be born beautiful and not be happy. But you can be ordinary - and be able to become happy.

From the book a "Complete set of unique editions" Kharkiv 2002

A wife for a husband? This question is asked by many women. No wonder, since they strive to become full-fledged keepers family hearth.

There is no relationship without resentment, discontent, nit-picking and conflicts. As you understand, this prevents the creation of relationships and a happy family life.

5 rules for the best wives

Every girl dreams of getting married, to be loved, understood, appreciated, pleased. True, not everyone aspires to become best wife and knows the intricacies and secrets of family relationships.

I will share five rules that will help maintain harmony and love. I checked these rules in practice, they have the right to life.

  1. Don't be smarter . During a family dinner, do not rush to demonstrate awareness in the field of business, politics, economics. Men love to feel smarter. No wonder they are leaders and heads of families. Let your husband talk about the news, periodically asking ridiculous female questions.
  2. Don't criticize . Women are pressing, trying to remake. As practice shows, nothing good comes of it. I recommend that you love your husband, even sometimes give in and try to accept him as he is. It will change in the future. Refuse criticism, but sometimes a preventive scandal does not hurt.
  3. Do not comment in front of strangers . The best wife adheres to the position of the second half. Speak your opinion in private, with love and without raising your voice. As a result, the husband will change, life will be filled with happiness and joy.
  4. Celebrate Success and Give Praise . There are not many words of love. If the husband is not indifferent, express gratitude for any completed task. Pamper the head of the family with delicious dinners, joint walks, sincere conversations.
  5. Best Womanwise wife . She knows what is important for the family. She feels when and what to say, what to focus on, how much time to spend with the child, and how much with her husband.

Being the best wife is not easy. This is the art that earlier girls learned from childhood. Modern women are able to become a support for a husband. To do this, gather your will into a fist and stick to listed rules.

Video tips

If a woman creates in the house favorable atmosphere, the husband begins to improve, appreciates her and strives not to leave her alone.

In this section, I will share personal experience. I managed to bring out family relationships on the new level.

  1. Respect your spouse . Over the years, love will fade, but respect must be present. A spouse is a reliable support and protection.
  2. Be original . Life is accompanied by boring everyday life. If you woke up before your spouse, go to the bathroom and write on the mirror nice words. He will love the surprise. After the end of the working day, do not sit at home. Take him for a walk or to the cinema.
  3. Look flawless at home, at work and on weekends . If you are going to work, put on a discreet marathon. Hairstyles are enough for home pastime, beautiful dress and painted eyes. If you want to be perfect wife Do not wear T-shirts and robes that do not fit or are faded.
  4. Everyone deserves praise . If the husband did not take out the trash or hang up the shelf, do not remind him of this. Think what he did. Thank him if he washed the dishes, washed his socks, or ironed his shirt. Later you will see that the spouse does the work on time.
  5. Support, be interested in hobbies health, work affairs. If your husband is not in the mood, do not try to find out the reason. Later, he himself will tell everything.
  6. It's hard to find a man who doesn't like sex . A good wife should be an excellent mistress. If you are not in the mood or feel tired, do not refuse your husband. Making love will cheer you up and energize you.

Psychology of relationships

There is nothing abstruse and complicated in the rules. Desire is required to achieve results.

How to Be a Good Wife to a Muslim Husband

Girls don't marry Muslims for no reason. Religion prohibits the use alcoholic drinks, and for a Muslim, family and relationships are a sacred concept.


  1. A Christian woman can marry a Muslim without renouncing her faith. Raise children in Christianity will not be able.
  2. In Muslim society, parents are treated with respect. In such families parent word equate to laws. If the parents oppose the Christian bride, the man will not argue with them and break off the relationship.

Women think about how to find a man among Muslims, but about later life little attention is paid to the spouse. It is not difficult to get acquainted, but before taking a serious step, make sure that you can follow the rules and laws of a Muslim family.

If the above doesn't scare you, read on. I will talk about certain features that are not acceptable for every girl. If the decision is made, act.

Rules of Muslim families

  1. A wife has no right to disobey her husband. Husbands listen to the advice of their spouses, but the last word behind the head of the family. Take your spouse's words seriously and respectfully.
  2. The wife pleases her husband and takes care of the household. These are immediate responsibilities. If you want to get a job, the spouse must give consent. You will have to do household chores: cook, eat, clean the apartment.
  3. Admire the body Muslim woman only the husband can. Therefore, women have to hide body parts and jewelry under clothing. Muslim wives it is forbidden to look at men; when they meet, they lower their eyes.
  4. If the husband wants intimacy, you can not refuse. Exception: illness, hajj, postpartum period and menstruation.
  5. A good wife does not leave the house without her husband's consent. She knows the art of silent walking, she asks permission to visit someone else's home.
  6. A Muslim can have up to four wives. Today it is a rarity, but you need to be prepared. If the spouse decides, he will consult.
  7. Obey your husband, otherwise he will punish you. physical punishment- a last resort, but such situations are best avoided.

It is not surprising if the rules prove to be impracticable and complicated. But if you marry a Muslim and become a good wife, you will get a sympathetic, faithful, honest and devoted family man who does not drink and has excellent moral qualities.

The main thing is that personal character allows you to do this. You can find an approach to a man. Everyone has weaknesses. They will help you achieve your goal. Do not drive yourself into the framework, but act.


Do not demand the impossible from your husband, accept him as he is. The biggest disagreements start when people try to remake each other. Perhaps you want it to match your ideas of what it should be perfect man. But he is a living person with his shortcomings and virtues. It's not easy to accept a partner and accept that they won't change, but if you do, they will be truly grateful.

If you want to be loved by your husband, give him love. No wonder there is a saying: "As it comes around, it will respond." Very often people, when they spend a lot of time together, begin to behave in a similar way. And if you show coldness and inattention to your partner, he does exactly the same. When it seems to you that a partner in relation to you does not behave quite the way you would like, think about it, but how do you yourself behave in a similar situation?

Be yourself. Your husband fell in love with you and proposed to you because he saw something special in you, which made his heart not doubt the choice. It often happens that household chores and everyday life make people forget about the real themselves. It seems that when you leave a career, a hobby or a hobby, you sacrifice it for the sake of your family, but in reality, you sacrifice your family too. When people leave things that are important to themselves, they become uninteresting to themselves, and then to those who love this particular “sparkle” in them. Don't change yourself. At the same time, don't force your husband to sacrifice something for you.

Take care of him, pay attention to the little things. It's not hard to cook for dinner. favorite dish husband, send an SMS in the middle of the working day or buy him a book that he has long wanted to read. These are small but pleasant things that demonstrate your attitude towards him. After such displays of attention, do not be surprised to find a chocolate bar in your purse or something else like that, because who knows what his fantasy is capable of? Such actions allow you to express your feelings without speaking about them out loud.

Everything you do for him, do it for yourself. The care and attention that you show towards your husband should be your joy. You can not do favors and go against yourself, just to please your loved one. But if he feels good from your care, then this should please you. Paradoxically, but disinterested care always mutual.

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  • how to be a loving wife in 2019

Some women inextricably link the concepts of personal and family happiness. If you cannot imagine your life without love, become the most beloved and happiest. Find harmony in union with your man, and success in a relationship will inspire you.


Appreciate yourself. Realize how lucky you are to be a woman. Embrace your own femininity. Self-acceptance, the desire to live in harmony with oneself leads to peace in the soul. Believe me, your man will not appreciate you more than you. How your loved one treats you depends on how you treat yourself. Representatives of the stronger sex subconsciously feel when a woman is critical of herself, when she does not love herself and.

Open up to the man you love. Thank him for every wonderful moment he gives you. Do not torment yourself with baseless suspicions that are the fruit of your imagination. Do not spoil your mood with gloomy thoughts. Some girls tend to think a lot. Do not repeat and live to your heart's content.

Show your partner an example. If you want to be happy in love, be prepared to work on your relationship. When something is missing from your man, go to meet him. No need for reproaches and scandals. Just demonstrate by your own behavior how your young man should behave. For example, if you suffer from a lack of attention, first show concern yourself and sincere interest to a man.

Many modern women guessing about it how to become a loving wife and to be always interesting and desirable for her husband.

And all because most simply forget that the most main man in their lives, their support and hope, their protection and support is their beloved husband, boyfriend, groom, the only native man.

When we take out the garbage, for some reason we try to dress up, and when we are at home, we put on a T-shirt or a darkened elongated robe. At the same time, the hair, as a rule, is disheveled, and the nails become shabby. Jewelry and lipstick are out of the question. What is it like for poor husbands when they meet a princess, and when they come home from work they see a strange, very shabby creature that bears little resemblance not only to a woman, but to a person in general. Of course, the desire to become the best for such a "queen" collapses just at the base, man's hands fall, and life loses all meaning. Despair is so great that men find a way out in drinking, numerous gambling and attention to other women. At the same time, the wife sincerely cannot understand why her betrothed behaves so “dishonestly”!

If in your relationship with your spouse there is, say, a somewhat similar situation, it's time to change all your old habits to “working” new ones.

The following seven good habits will certainly allow you to become the most desirable and beautiful for your man:

1. Habit. Get yourself organized in the morning. You don't have to put on makeup. It is enough to wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on clean and neat clothes.

2. Habit. Cook for your loved one on your own and with love. Men like it when a woman cooks especially for them. And it must be done with love. Even if your spouse does not praise you and is silent, just take my word for it that he feels everything and appreciates you.

3. Habit. Turn house cleaning into a real show! You can also clean up in different ways. You can run out of breath and grumble at your husband. And you can sexually wipe the dust and wash the floors in short shorts. This will not go unnoticed, and your husband will certainly want to help you get free faster.

4. Habit. Guide creative ideas solely for the welfare of the family. You live in a family, and you must think not only about yourself, but also about your soulmate. Do common life more beautiful, and in the future, all your ideas will work.

5. Habit. Respect your husband's friends and family. Even if you do not love the friends and family of your chosen one, never tell him about it. Smile and be kind. They will definitely appreciate it - and therefore your spouse will appreciate it.

6. Habit. Plan a vacation together. Relax together - this adds romance, which is so lacking in a life together.

7. Habit. Allow a man to openly love you.

And now the most important thing! Don't EVER ask a man to thank you for what you've done. Be sure, he sees and understands everything perfectly, but it is important for him to know that everything is done disinterestedly. And as a result, you will get his passion and sincere love!