How to tie a thick scarf beautifully. Visual photo instructions on how to beautifully tie a scarf, scarf and tippet (17 photos). French bun complicated

AT women's wardrobe scarves are used not only as an accessory that performs a practical function (protection from the cold), but also as a decorative element.

The uniqueness of this element is that it can radically change the image and make the bow exclusive! If you are limited in funds, you can represent the same ensemble in a new way, changing just one element - a scarf.

This little detail makes the lady elegant, sophisticated and stylish. Regardless of fashion trends, this part of the wardrobe is combined with jackets and coats.

Varieties of scarves

To quickly learn the technique of tying, you first need to know about the classification of the accessory. So, you can choose such models.

  • Baktus - modern type shawls, but of a more modest size than traditional model. This scarf is worn at an angle in front and tied at the back of the neck. It covers the chest, which is especially important in winter.

  • A shawl is a well-known detail in the wardrobe, which is a large square shape handkerchief. It is folded in the middle to be worn on the shoulders.

  • Boa - cape made of fur. The fashion for them came relatively recently, but many fashionistas already have an accessory. It is traditionally worn on the shoulders.

  • Stole - scarf large sizes, which is a cut of rectangular matter. The stole is cotton, knitted, silk or woolen. It is used to protect against the cold, and also as an addition to clothing.

  • Arafatka - a scarf made of linen or cotton fabric with a geometric pattern. It is usually worn as a scarf around the neck or headband. This option is in demand among lovers of hiking and fishing.

  • Snood - on this moment is the most popular type of scarf in the form of a rectangular scarf with sewn edges. Ladies use it as a decorative element or as a cape for hair.

  • Sling - a scarf used to carry children instead of a kangaroo bag.

All these scarves allow women to create unique looks.

Rules for using a scarf as an addition to a coat or jacket

With an expensive elegant coat, it is customary to combine square scarves that fold in half. Then they are applied to the neck and tied in a knot at the back, and the tips are sent in front. You can use another solution: the ends are laid out closer to the line of the shoulders.

Long scarf The ik can be wound like a collar, making one or two loops around the neck. The ends are left hanging in front, or one is left in front and the other in the back.

How to tie a beautiful scarf on a coat when it is narrow? This product can be combined with any type of clothing to create a stylish look. The scarf is folded in half and thrown over the neck. The ends of the scarf are pulled through the loop and pulled close to the neck.

The image will be elegant if one end of the scarf is left in front, and the other is thrown over the shoulder. With light accessories, you can come up with interesting and complex knots. The scarf is also rolled up in the form of a tourniquet and made several turns around the neck. The ends should be hidden under the turns.

A voluminous and wide scarf is called a plaid scarf. Its shape is able to reach the real parameter of the plaid. To combine it with a coat, the scarf should be folded at an angle and thrown over the chest with the resulting triangle. The ends are crossed on the back, brought forward and tied in the form of a knot. To create a harmonious ensemble, you need to take a voluminous scarf-plaid. This option easily copes with the role of a cape in the fall or a coat.

Stylish looks stole in the form of a braid. Half of the material is made out with rings, where the remaining free end is threaded. Having put on such an original stole around the neck, it must be straightened by threading the end into any ring.

A snood scarf is often worn instead of headwear. This accessory is easy to use. It is enough to wear a snood around the neck in the shape of a figure eight. In this case, one of the rings remains on the shoulders, and a hood is made from the other. This style looks exclusive and stylish.

What to do with a scarf if the coat has a collar?

It all depends on the shape and size of the collar. Small accessories allow you to create a loose loop from a thin scarf. A stylish option would be if there is a knot at the end, and the other end should be threaded through it. You can drape the accessory with a brooch or a flower.

Under the coat, it is worth using models created from light, flowing fabric. A warm scarf can be narrow. It can be wrapped around the neck in several levels, and the ends left free. This option will look very stylish if the coat is not buttoned up.

The square scarf is folded diagonally and tied like neckerchief. The accessory can be beautifully laid on the shoulders, and the ends can be released back.

When the width of the canvas allows, it is wrapped around the neck twice. The right end is tucked behind the turns of the scarf on the left. As a result, a stylish drapery is obtained in front. It is very difficult for women who have a short neck to come up with stylish option tying a scarf. To visually lengthen the neck, the scarf is simply wrapped several times around it.

How to choose the color of the scarf for the coat?

Some subtleties will help to avoid mistakes in the selection of a color palette. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that the scarf should not merge in shade with outerwear, since in this case it will not fulfill its purpose. leading role, which comes down to acting as the dominant of the image or adequately "balancing" it.

If the coat is of a strict cut, you should limit yourself to pastel colors or rich colors. For connoisseurs romantic style and casual directions, you can safely buy scarves in bright colors.

Accessory in a cage - a stylish addition to the spring or winter wardrobe. When choosing a multi-colored product, you should adhere to the rule of "three colors".

We hope you find our tips helpful. Ladies, experiment and invent new ways to use accessories to diversify your look and make it perfect!

How to tie a scarf on top of a coat or jacket? A photo

This option involves choosing an accessory that best suits the coat. The method of tying depends on the type of material. A voluminous and warm scarf does not like intricate knots. It is simply wrapped around the neck, forming a pair of loose loops.

Ksenia Skvortsova

06.10.2015 | 43103

Step-by-step instruction which will teach you how to tie your favorite scarves quickly and beautifully.

If I were given the condition to choose just one accessory that I can buy for the rest of my days, I would probably stop at scarves. Of course, I'm unlikely to ever be faced with such a choice. Well, let's say it's purely hypothetical.

Why scarves? They make it easy to complete any outfit. They do not pull, do not press, do not rub. Don't stress problem areas, eventually. They can continue to be worn, despite the rounded belly due to pregnancy, plump hips, and so on. In a word, scarves will never betray you and will not leave you!

That's just tie them beautifully - a big problem. At least for me personally. For people like me, we offer step-by-step instructions.

1. French knot

This way to tie a scarf looks complicated, but it's actually very easy to repeat!

  • Fold the scarf in half.
  • Throw it over your shoulders.
  • Pass one of the free ends of the scarf through the hole on the other side.
  • Repeat the same with the second end, but from the bottom, thread it under the "loop".
  • Adjust the length to your liking.

2. Lucky knot

  • Wrap the scarf around your neck.
  • Tie a loose knot at one end.
  • Pass the free end into the knot (first over and then under the loop).
  • Tie the knot tighter or looser at your discretion.

3. Scarf collar

  • To turn your favorite scarf into a scarf collar:
  • Fold the scarf into a triangle.
  • Tie the corners diagonally (bottom right to top left and vice versa).
  • Wear a scarf around your neck.
  • Wrap again.
  • Tuck in the protruding ends so that the knots are not visible.

4. Reversible scarf

  • For this option, you will need two scarves with different prints at once.
  • Fold two scarves together back to back.
  • Gently wrap the folded scarves around your neck so that the loose ends hang down.
  • Adjust the scarves so that two prints are visible at once.

5. Cape

The easiest way to drape a scarf is to simply drape it over your shoulders! Words are superfluous.

6. Harness

  • Take a long scarf and wrap it around your neck.
  • Continue wrapping the scarf around your neck while twisting it into a rope.
  • Tuck the ends of the scarf inside.

7. Snood with ponytails

  • Wrap the scarf around your neck.
  • Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot in front.
  • Adjust the scarf so that the knot is under the scarf and the ends hang down neatly.

8. Scarf bolero

  • Throw the scarf over your shoulders like a cape.
  • Tie the ends of the scarf at the back.
  • Pull the scarf down to cover the knot.

9. Classic knot

  • Fold the scarf in half.
  • Wrap it around your neck.
  • Pull both ends through the loop.
  • Tighten the knot.

10. Scarf necklace

  • Drape a long scarf around your shoulders.
  • Tie a loose "half-knot" (that is, just wrap the ends around each other).
  • Wrap the left end of the scarf over the right end and pull it through the knot.
  • Do the same with the left end.
  • Repeat until the scarf is finished.
  • Stretch the "pigtail".
  • Tie the ends of the scarves together.

11. Harness with ponytails

  • Wrap the scarf around your neck.
  • Wrap the resulting loop with the free ends of the scarf to get a tourniquet.
  • Adjust the ends of the scarf so that they hang down neatly.

12. Double loop

  • Wrap the scarf around your neck twice from front to back.
  • Tie the loose ends into a knot near the neck.

Sourced from

Fashion How to tie a tippet to look stylish?

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Fashion and style

Take note of this master class, which will teach you how to make stylish scarves-collars with your own hands in a few steps.

Beautiful scarf or neckerchief - great addition for a stylish look. But how to tie a scarf so that it is both a fashion accessory and warm in cool weather?

There are many ways to tie a scarf, and today we will cover 5 of them, accompanying fashion tips a series of informative photos.

Even the most everyday things will be transformed beyond recognition if you beautifully tie a scarf or scarf over a coat, jumper or shirt. But for a new fashion accessory has taken its rightful place in your stylish images, it must have a list of important qualities.

How to choose a scarf

  1. When choosing a fashionable scarf, first of all, pay attention to its composition: only a thing made of natural material, such as cashmere, will truly warm. But if you are not ready to iron the product every time before going out, then choose a scarf with a small content of synthetic thread - such a scarf will wrinkle less when worn and washed.
  2. To beautifully tie a scarf around your neck, it must have sufficient length and width. The rule for choosing the size of a fashionable scarf is this: it should not be much shorter than the span of the arms and reach the distance from the chin to the chest in width.
  3. Another important criterion when looking for a new thing, the color should become. A scarf tied around the neck is located directly in the portrait zone, which means that its shade must match yours very closely in order to decorate the face, and not expose imperfections and age-related changes. Don't forget about , no matter if you choose fashion scarf in bright or muted color scheme.
  4. And the last thing: you must initially clearly decide what clothes the novelty of your wardrobe will be worn with. If you intend to wear with a scarf, then the scarf should be made of a dense heavy material (for example, wool). If a trendy scarf is to be worn with a shirt or jumper, it can be made from lightweight knitwear or viscose.

How to tie a scarf


curly knot

1. First, fold the scarf in half lengthwise and throw it around your neck.

2. Passing your hand through the loop formed on one side, pull one of the two ends of the scarf hanging from the other side through it.

3. Turn only the loop once and pull the second free end of the scarf through it. Straighten the ends, lay the beautiful knot.
4. Straighten the ends, lay a beautiful knot.

The advantage of this method of tying a scarf is its versatility: it is easy to fit into such a knot as very voluminous scarves and stoles, as well as very thin scarves and scarves.

How to tie a scarf


A la tie

1. Throw a scarf around your neck and tie a loose knot at one end.

2. Wrap the free end of the scarf once around your neck.

3. Pass the free end of the scarf through the knot tied at the other end.

4. Raise the knot to the level you want by pulling it up slightly in the same way as a tie is tightened.

This way of tying a scarf is best suited for thin fabrics and is more suitable for wearing with a dress, tank top, jacket and blazer.

How to tie a scarf



1. First, throw a scarf around your neck with the ends back and bring them to your shoulders.
2. Wrap one end of the scarf twice, passing it through the center section towards the inside (towards the face).
3. Repeat this technique with the second end of the scarf.
4. Straighten the ends of the scarf, gather them to the center and pull them up as you see fit - they can be the same length or hang asymmetrically.

This easy way to tie a scarf is perfect for silk and other lightweight scarves and shawls and is the perfect complement stylish look with a shirt,

How to tie a scarf



We already talked about that in a separate article. And today we propose to consider a way to tie an ordinary scarf so that it turns into a scarf-pipe (infinity scarf).

1. Throw the scarf behind the neck so that its ends hang down in front, and tie them tightly double knot. Tighten the ends as much as possible and make sure the knot does not untie.
2. Twist the resulting ring once in front of you so that it forms a figure eight.
3. Throw behind the neck that part of the eight that remains in your hands so that the knot at the ends is behind.

4. Unfold the scarf so that it forms two equal-sized rings, and make sure the knot is securely hidden at the back under the scarf.

This way to make your own snood is suitable for both very thin silk scarves and cashmere stoles. If the scarf is made of very dense bulk fabric, you can tie its ends not into one big knot, but tie the corners in pairs into two knots.

You can also make a snood with your own hands by slightly sewing together the ends of an ordinary scarf with threads to match the product.

How to tie a scarf


scarf necklace

The basis of this method of tying a scarf is the usual Milanese knot, somewhat transformed in order to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of chiffon or silk beautiful scarf. It is such a summer scarf - long, with a bright print, that will look most advantageous as a necklace and decorate with dignity fashionable image in casual style or more elegant smart casual.

1. First, twist the scarf by twisting its ends in opposite directions.

2. Connect the ends so that the scarf itself can wrap itself into a tight tourniquet.
3. Throw the resulting tourniquet around the neck and thread free edges scarf into the resulting loop.

4. Straighten the edges of the scarf. You can leave the edges in the middle or move them closer to the shoulder.

There are ways to tie scarves, scarves and scarves great amount. Today we have considered with you only 5 of them. However, now you know how to tie a scarf beautifully without extra effort and create a fashionable accessory with your own hands, which will be an excellent finishing touch to a stylish look.

In the wardrobe of every woman there are sure to be several scarves made of different materials, which in most cases lie in the closet as a "dead weight" because not everyone knows how to combine them correctly with other clothes. How fashionable to wear a scarf, and with what elements of the wardrobe can it be combined into fashionable and stylish ensembles? In fact, a scarf is simply an indispensable accessory, and not only during the period of autumn dampness or fierce winter frosts. , which may have different shape, length, density, etc., can be matched to almost any item of clothing for any season. However, it is not enough to know how to wear a scarf and what it is best to combine with, you also need to be able to tie it beautifully. Let's try to deal with these questions.

Varieties of women's scarves

A real fashionista will always have a wide variety of “scarves” in her wardrobe. With this well-known and understandable term, most women are used to designating elements of the wardrobe that are very diverse in form, rules of wearing and purpose. Therefore, before starting to search for an answer to the question “how beautiful it is to wear scarves”, you need to decide on the terminology and divide them by type.

So, the important components of a stylish basic wardrobe fashionable modern woman are the following types of "scarves":

Pashmina is a scarf made of natural cashmere in dark and light neutral colors.

Plain cashmere or wool scarf in any dark color.

Cotton shawl.

Summer scarf.

Pashmina is handy product very similar to a shawl, which, regardless of the season of wearing it, can emphasize the femininity of its owner and add elegance to her image. It is important that such an accessory does not contain materials such as polyester, viscose or acrylic. To give softness to products made from natural cashmere, up to 20% of natural silk is introduced into the composition.

Cashmere and wool scarves are very warm and comfort accessories keeping you warm and looking stylish. It is best if this element of the wardrobe is made in discreet universal shades, but taking into account the overall color scheme of the wardrobe. When choosing such an accessory, it is important to take into account your build so that it does not look too bulky or, on the contrary, very tiny.

Cotton stoles are a versatile piece of clothing suitable for creating an image at any time of the year. The tippet can not only insulate the image if necessary, but also act as decorative element for a stylish finish.

Summer shawls stylists are allowed to wear anywhere and with anything. The most important thing in wearing them is to correctly place accents.

How to wear scarves is shown in the photo below:

Shades, materials and sizes of women's scarves

Choosing this element of the wardrobe, and tormented by the question of how to wear women's scarves, you need to remember that the selected material should be suitable in its shade to the tone of the face and hair color, otherwise, with inept selection, this accessory will only emphasize the flaws, for example, dark circles under the eyes.

Also, when planning to purchase a new fashionable scarf, it is important to know that experts recommend giving preference to products that are made from such natural materials mentioned above, namely from silk, wool and cashmere. As a last resort, you should choose products containing some amount of viscose - crepe de chine, chiffon, crepe satin, crepe georgette and twill. While synthetic fabrics must be decisively abandoned, as they “breathe” very poorly, which leads to a feeling of discomfort in the neck in the form of irritation and redness.

As for the size of the chosen accessory, there are also several nuances here. So, scarves that are long with a small width, for example, 30 cm x 140 cm, are perfect for wrapping several layers around the neck. Wider products are perfect for warming the shoulders and chest in a cool period. If you want to create a stylish and voluminous knot on the neck or in the décolleté, then you need to choose a small accessory measuring 90 cm x 90 cm. A square scarf with a side length of 70 cm will help to create beautiful flower or a ring, and on the head it can be tied in the form of a bandage.

How beautiful to wear a scarf with a coat, jacket, jacket and dress

Every woman knows that it is not enough just to buy a beautiful and fashionable scarf, you also need to be able to tie it correctly in order to make the image harmonious and emphasize your individuality. How to wear a scarf in style so that it fits perfectly with the selected items of clothing and looks elegant?

How beautiful to wear a scarf with a coat, jacket, dress or jacket? The first thing to do is to learn how to tie this accessory. There are several ways beautiful tying scarf around the neck and creating beautiful knots on it.

The most popular nodes include:

Standard node- the simplest version of the knot, during the creation of which the scarf is thrown over the neck, and its ends are tied at once between each other. It can be located both in front and behind or on the side.

french knot- to create such a knot, it is necessary to fold the scarf in half, wrap it around the neck and thread the ends into the loop formed from the addition.

Special bow knot- great for the most light and not wide scarves. Makes the look soft and feminine.

Knot-harness- to create it, you must first wrap a long scarf around your neck twice, while twisting the ends of the scarf into a tight bundle and forming a knot.

loop knot- it is formed in the middle of the scarf, after which the ends of the scarf are wrapped around the neck once.

In addition, there are such varieties of knots as European, round, figure-eight knot and ascot knot, which can complement a wide variety of images.

The most important thing when choosing suitable method tying a scarf, take into account the shape of the product itself, its size, the texture of the fabric from which it is made, its purpose and, of course, the type of clothing with which it is planned to be combined.

How To Wear a Trumpet Scarf With a Collarless Coat - Fashion Looks

Trends modern fashion recommend that women wear shawls, scarves and stoles with a wide variety of wardrobe items and this does not mean at all that a scarf is suitable only for outerwear. How to wear a trumpet scarf, tippet, shawl or other type of accessory? It is fashionable to combine scarves of different types and warmth with dresses and jackets, jackets, down jackets and everything depends on the season and the type of wardrobe.

Not sure how to wear a scarf with a collarless coat? You can simply leave the accessory untied, just put it around your neck, and place its ends beautifully between the floors of the coat. In this case, the image will turn out to be very light and free. You can also tie a French knot or just put on a scarf with the ends back, twist them there and throw them forward, passing them in front under the loop and pulling them out.

The photos below will help you better understand how to wear scarves with a coat:

For a down jacket with a stand-up collar, a scarf tied in the form of a loop is suitable. To do this, you need to fold it in half, put it on collar zone and pass the ends through the loop. If the scarf is long enough, you can wrap it around your neck several times and then stretch its free ends under the belt of the down jacket.

How To Wear a Scarf With a Leather Jacket, a Trenchcoat and a Blazer

How to wear a scarf with a leather jacket? It is best to twist it like a tourniquet and throw it over the collar area. The free length must be brought forward, then passed under the loop and left to fall in beautiful folds. If you want to decorate the jacket with a scarf, then you need to wrap it 1-2 times around the neck and fasten the ends with an elegant brooch. You can also tie it in a knot and throw one end behind your back, and leave one end to fall forward.

Want to learn how to wear a scarf with a raincoat? Under a raincoat made of rubberized fabric, which stylists often call a raincoat mac, is best fit thin scarf made in coarse knit. Such a scarf can be wrapped once around the neck and left in front. long ends. By tying a scarf with a beautiful Milanese knot that visually lengthens the neck, you can get a very stylish and elegant look. With a short cotton raincoat, you can combine a fur gorget, which favorably emphasizes femininity. With a fitted trench coat, you can wear a delicate silk scarf for the warm season and a smooth cashmere scarf for the cool season.

One of the most fashionable combinations is a jacket and a scarf, so every fashionista should have such an ensemble in her wardrobe. How to wear a scarf with a jacket so that the image is fashionable and relevant? A voluminous collar, a shawl and even a wide scarf look good with a casual jacket. Knitted scarves with unusual knitting also look very stylish with jackets. For an ensemble with classic jacket it is better to choose smooth silk scarves.

How To Wear Beaded Scarves With Dresses and Sundresses

How to wear a scarf with dresses and sundresses? If the dress is decorated with a V-neckline, a scarf in the ascot knot will look beautiful. For this, it is best to use a square scarf. It must be folded diagonally into a triangle, then the top of the resulting triangle is left in front, and the entire remaining length is crossed first at the back, then thrown over the shoulders and tied from the ends small bow. For dresses and round or square cut A bandana scarf is suitable for the neckline, while the wide part of the accessory should be at the back, and the narrow ends at the front. They need to be tied in a simple knot.

Special attention is paid to the so-called scarves-beads, which are simply indispensable when composing ensembles with dresses. How to wear beaded scarves? There is nothing easier - just combine them with the color and texture of the elements of your fashionable ensemble. This fashionable accessory will not only attract the attention of others, but also make the image incredibly elegant. You can wear around your neck and tie a scarf-beads different ways: can be wrapped around the neck or tied in front in an expressive bow.

How to wear long scarves (with video)

To tie a wide scarf beautifully and fashionably, you need to bring its ends behind your back, while positioning it middle part on the neck and pulling it slightly forward. Next, you need to lay the middle part on the neck with a neat drapery, cross the ends from behind and throw them forward. After that, you just need to tie a simple loose knot.

You can also flip the ends wide scarf forward, and spread its middle part on the shoulders and back. At the same time, the ends of the scarf must be tucked in front under a narrow belt and straighten the folds.

How to wear long scarves and look fashionable at the same time? A long scarf, thrown ends forward, can be twisted into a tight bundle, shift the braided ends back and disguise them under the drapery of the scarf.

A warm knitted scarf can be wrapped around the collar area several times, and its ends can be hung over the chest. Further, the ends are twisted several times in front until knots are obtained, then they are thrown back and tied. The knots are disguised under a scarf.

The video below will help you understand how to wear scarves:

How to wear scarves-collars on your head and photos of transforming scarves

For those who are interested in the question of how to wear a scarf on your head, such a fashionable recent times an accessory like a scarf collar or snood. This version of the scarf just won the hearts of fashionistas and became obligatory element wardrobe of the modern woman. How to wear a scarf collar? Such products, as a rule, are made of warm materials, as they are designed to be worn in the cold season. A snood or scarf collar is a ring of fabric of various diameters and widths.

How to wear a scarf collar is shown in the photo below:

Depending on its size, the snood can fit around the neck in one or more turns. You can fold it in a figure-eight and throw it over the collar zone, or throw it over your head, and spread the free part over your shoulders like a shawl. Depending on how the scarf is worn, the collar may be more insulated in the neck or at the back of the head.

The video below will help you better understand how to wear a scarf collar:

Bought fashion novelty transformer scarf and don't know how to wear this wardrobe wonder? You can also wear it around your neck and head, cover your shoulders and arms with it, it all depends on your imagination. Depending on how you wear it, it's perfect for both casual clothes as well as a business suit. It can be thrown over the head and wrapped around the shoulders, getting a warm winter set. Or you can create a bolero by threading your hands at the ends and tying them on your back. Summer Options transformers can be used as a pareo and mini sundress.

Scarf- an accessory that is often overlooked, but in vain! After all, such a thing is able to emphasize the individuality of a woman as much as possible, while giving the image a special charm. Initially, scarves were used solely for the purpose of warming and wrapping up in bad weather. But over time, this product has surely “climbed” onto the catwalks of fashion shows and has become an integral part of most stylish bows. Scarves always remain relevant, only change fashion trends, colors, ways of tying. Based on this, it should be concluded that people with a sense of style should have several different types scarves. And today we will talk about the trendy trends of 2018 in this direction, as well as teach you how to tie scarves and stoles in the latest fashion.

The main thing in the article

Fashion scarves: the main trends of 2018

What do designers suggest to wear in 2018? As for flowers, bright, juicy, saturated colors are popular. More adherents classic options offered to try on scarves white color and pastel colors. As for the print, geometry, floristry and animation are acceptable.

What else surprised fashion shows? Let's try to understand the main trends of 2018.

Fashionable knitted scarves: stylish styles for autumn and winter

Designers offer lovers knitted scarves many options and bows with their use.

And oddly enough, knitted scarves worn by our mothers and grandmothers are back in fashion. They are worn with puffy jackets and business suits. Consider the options for knitted scarves that will be popular in 2018.

Bright patterns on long scarves.

Large volume knitting.

Long scarves with braids.

Colors for light and warm scarves: fashion trends for the fall-winter season

The gracefulness of a woman's neck is perfectly emphasized by such an accessory as a scarf. Consider color palette, which conquered the catwalks, and will be relevant in the autumn-winter season.

As mentioned above, in fashion bright colors. It is worth paying attention to such shades as:

  • purple;
  • orange;
  • acid yellow;
  • bright red;
  • green;
  • saturated blue;
  • blue;
  • light green.

We should not forget about the classic calm shades. Black, white and their combinations are still relevant and will complement any look. Do not give up gradient models, they will be popular this season.

Scarf-shawl: what to wear and how to combine?

Many women prefer such an accessory as scarf. These models are made from different materials, starting with silk, chiffon and woolen warm models.

With what and how to wear such models? Let's figure it out.

Scarf tippet and 10 ways to wear it

Scarf tippet - this is practical thing+ fashion accessory. It is versatile because it can be combined with anything. For some reason, there is an opinion that the stole is a thing autumn wardrobe, but we will try to dispel this myth and convince you that the stole can be worn in spring and summer with short shorts. Therefore, in the closet there should be at least three types of stoles from different fabrics with cheerful prints for any time of the year. Consider 10 most popular ways how to wear a scarf.

Method number 1. The easiest way to wear a tippet is to throw it over your shoulders so that the ends hang down on both sides.

Method number 2. Throw a scarf-stole over your shoulders and throw one end behind your back.

Method number 3. Leave most of the stole (long) hanging down the length of the body. We wrap the other end around the neck and throw it over the shoulder. With your hands form a rounding around the neck.

Method number 4. Tie a stole in the form of a scarf, wrapping the neck twice. Leave the ends of the scarf hanging down on both sides. Also, the ends can be hidden under a triangle on the chest.

Method number 5. The stole can be tied like a scarf collar. To do this, it must be folded into a triangle, put on the neck, the triangular part should be on the shoulder. The two ends of the tippet can be wrapped in a circle or left hanging.

Method number 6. Throw the stole over your shoulders. Close the halves on the chest and gird the entire structure with a belt. In this method, the tippet is used as a coat or poncho.

Method number 7. For this method, you will need a light scarf-stole. Its ends are tied into a tight knot and put on like a collar, making a loop twice. Neatly hide the knot in the folds.

Method number 8. Scarf-stole from light fabric put on your neck. Fold one end in half to collect this half, get fluffy bow. Wrap the center of the bent edge with the second end and lay it beautifully in a bow.

Method number 9. From a light stole, you can build a beautiful jabot. To do this, we hang the stole around the neck. We tie a knot, starting the end from under the bottom. We stretch the end to the middle (not all), it turns out a loop, and carefully adjust it in the form of frill folds.

Method number 10. Fold the stole at the corner and throw the corner over the shoulder. Wrap one end after the other and bring them under the hanging corner of the stole, fix them there.

How to wear a scarf with a jacket and coat?

Scarf collar (snood)- one of the latest "fictions" of clothing designers. After he "broke" into the world of fashion, every fashionista acquired such an accessory for herself. Snood - great option transform your image in the cold season. Choosing it as an addition to a coat or jacket, you get an original, interesting look.

W harp collar with jacket. Here are three options for how best to wear a snood with an inflated jacket, leather jacket or down jacket.

You can wear snood not only with jackets, he can also complement a strict coat.

Scarf with coat: original ideas for a stylish look.

How to choose and with what to wear a snood scarf?

Scarf-snood or the magic of infinity. How to choose it correctly? First, do not forget that this accessory is designed to be worn near the face. So, when choosing such a thing, one should take into account the possible “consequences” of wearing a scarf.

  • Do not buy an accessory without trying it on, as it can later make your skin paler and make you look sickly.
  • Able to give the face brightness such shades as pink, red, peach.
  • For owners of bright blue eyes a solid blue snood will help to attract even more attention to them.
  • Choose such a scarf for the wardrobe that you already have, since you probably won’t buy yourself new outerwear for a snood scarf. The scarf should be in harmony both in color and in texture.

As you know, there are a myriad of snoods. These are knitted, and silk, and even fur models. In such an abundance, you can easily "get lost" and get confused, so we'll figure out what to wear. certain models snood scarves.

  • Light snood, completed from chiffon will complement summer look. It will look organic light dress, T-shirt and shorts or jeans.
  • Silk or satin snood will bring its own flavor to the strict office outfit. It can be worn with a pencil dress in a restrained color, and with a classic strict shirt. But remember: complementing a strict image, you should not choose flashy colors. Best in business image fit soft pastel shades with an unobtrusive print.
  • Knitted "rings of infinity" is an option to supplement outerwear or warm sweater. It will gently wrap around the neck and will effectively complement the autumn look.
  • Knitted scarf-snood. The most popular model. Models are in high demand coarse knit. They are warm and will be able to warm in any bad weather. They are usually worn over warm winter clothes(jackets, coats, raincoats). Such a scarf can be used as a hood in extreme cold.
  • Fur snood is one of the latest in fashion. It will perfectly complement and give a rich look. leather jacket. Many fashionistas use this fur accessory with a knitted blouse or turtleneck.

How fashionable to tie a scarf?

For some reason, a large percentage of women do not pay attention to how the scarf is tied on them. Although with envy on the street they look back at the girls for whom it is the scarf that creates the overall style and brightness of the image. Let's look at how you can fashionably tie a scarf so that it does not just hang around your neck, but creates a stylish bow.

And a few more ways in the pictures, see below.

10 fashionable bows with a scarf

Introducing 10 fashion bows using different scarves. We look and choose the image that is right for you.

Fashionable scarf: knitting a simple knitting model with a diagram and video

In order to knit a fashionable scarf, you will need:

  • 3 skeins of the same yarn different shades(colors must be combined with each other);
  • knitting needles, depending on the yarn (their number should be indicated on the packaging of the skein);
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

Knitting process:
On the knitting needles, cast on 13 loops of one yarn and knit it with an elastic band 1X1 2 meters in length. See the rubber band diagram below.

Repeat the same steps with the remaining two skeins. You should get three ribbons different color two meters.

Weave a braid from these strips.

Sew the ends or make a large brush.

And finally, we suggest watching a video on how you can knit an original scarf without knitting needles and a hook with your own hands.