Proper breathing during contractions and attempts. How to push properly during childbirth. The need for proper breathing during childbirth

Breathing - necessary for life physiological process. It occurs reflexively, and few people think that it can be used to control other body processes, even treat some diseases. There are situations when it is simply necessary to control your breathing, and childbirth is one of them. Proper breathing greatly facilitates the process of childbirth, relieves strong pain, helps a woman to restore strength, and the baby - to be born sooner.


Why is it important to breathe properly during childbirth?

Voluntary breathing during childbirth exacerbates pain and lengthens the process. With proper breathing, a woman has the opportunity to relax and give the body a rest. Applying techniques correct breathing during contractions, the main task is achieved: the diaphragm does not interfere with childbirth, but, on the contrary, accelerates them, greatly easing pain. Proper breathing during childbirth helps to avoid fetal hypoxia, saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is necessary to start practicing proper breathing long before childbirth in order to bring it to automatism. A woman should develop a behavior model that will greatly facilitate the birth of a child.

Breathing technique in different periods of childbirth

The birth process consists of three main periods:

  • opening of the cervix, or the period of contractions;
  • exile, or the birth of a fetus;
  • the birth of the placenta, or the postpartum period.

The breathing technique used in each of the periods is different and is aimed at alleviating the condition of the woman.

Breathing during contractions

The opening of the cervix is ​​the longest and most painful period, accompanied by contractions. Contractions are involuntary contractions of the uterus. They are required to open uterine os through which the child will pass. Thanks to them, the fetus moves.

The contraction period consists of three phases:

  1. Latent. The contractions are not painful, in most cases they are felt as a slight sipping in the lower abdomen, lower back. Many people compare this state of affairs with premenstrual syndrome. The latent phase lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Active. It is characterized by a rapid opening of the cervix, the intensity of contractions, soreness and a smaller gap between them. Lasts 3-4 hours.
  3. deceleration phase. Often absent in multiparous women and some primiparas. Lasts until full disclosure cervix, on average from half an hour to 2 hours.

Contractions are characterized by regularity, occur at regular intervals. The greater the opening of the cervix, the more intense and longer they become, and the gap between them decreases. Significantly reduce pain during childbirth during contractions, proper breathing helps.

Latent phase of contractions

Slight pulling of the lower abdomen in the latent phase causes more discomfort than pain. However, at this moment, the woman begins to realize that the “X-hour” is approaching, and most of them are overcome by fear. the main task during this period - to calm down and start going to the hospital.

Relaxing breath

It will help you overcome your fears and tune in to upcoming birth. Breathing should be slow and deep. You need to inhale quickly through the nose, counting to three, exhale slowly through the mouth, counting to five. At the same time, fold your lips with a tube. On exhalation, doctors advise “singing” vowels, for example, the sound “y”. When practicing yoga, using this technique breath, chant the mantra "om".

On initial stage training is recommended to use a small mirror. It is substituted to the mouth on exhalation at a distance of 15-20 cm. The mirror should not fog up immediately (this is too sharp an exhalation), but gradually, evenly. As soon as it becomes possible to exhale correctly, they do without paraphernalia.

Active phase of contractions

It is characterized by constant, growing contractions. The most important thing during this period is not to suppress the pain, not to strain, not to pinch your legs and stomach. Such actions can bring relief, but it will be temporary and unnecessary, and overexertion will only weaken the body ahead of time. In addition, strong tension interferes with the proper opening of the cervix. Often, doctors in such cases anesthetize and stimulate labor, which is also highly undesirable for mother and baby.

By focusing on breathing during childbirth, a woman is distracted from the pain. Oxygen enters the organs and tissues in the required volume. As a result, the muscles contract better, and the child does not experience hypoxia, which often occurs already at the initial stage of childbirth.

At the beginning of an active fight, relaxing breathing is applied. It should not be forgotten that the inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation. This technique makes it possible to relax the muscles, focus on breathing, and not on pain, and calm down.

Important to remember: It is undesirable to shout during fights. So breathing is held, and oxygen in a smaller volume enters the fetus.

Breathing like a dog

When the contractions become longer, it is necessary to breathe shallowly and often, without tension, inhaling and exhaling through the open mouth. The strength of inhalation and exhalation should correspond to each other, as well as their duration. This only works rib cage, the stomach remains calm and relaxed.

Such breathing during childbirth resembles that of a dog in hot weather. The technique dulls acute pain sensations, helps to concentrate on breathing. In addition, this avoids attempts, which in the first stage of labor lead to cervical rupture and injury to the fetus.

Even breathing

When the fight loses its intensity, that is, at the end of it, and until the beginning of the next one, the uniform breathing technique is used. Breathe slowly and evenly, inhaling and exhaling through the nose or through the mouth. Each woman herself determines the duration of inhalation and exhalation, usually it is enough to count up to 4. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach is not tense.

This technique allows you to calm down and relax. Some doctors, instead of even breathing, advise returning to relaxing breathing during this period.

Breathing while pushing

Pushing is the most important period childbirth, in which muscle contraction occurs, and the fetus moves directly through the birth canal. They occur when the head passes the bone ring of the pelvis and is already in the vagina.

At this moment, it is necessary to listen to the obstetrician in everything: he will give recommendations on how to behave so that the baby is born as quickly and painlessly as possible. Only he, according to the state of the woman in labor, will determine how to breathe, when to push, when it is necessary to rest.

"Breathing the Candle"

The general principle of breathing during childbirth during attempts is to inhale as deeply as possible, but not quickly, but as calmly and slowly as possible. On a long exhalation, the pressure of the entire volume of air is exerted by the diaphragm on the uterus. At the same time, the tension should not be allowed to go up to the head, otherwise the vessels on the face and in the eyes will burst. For one fight, it is advisable to push three times.

With proper breathing with attempts, the baby is born quickly. Sometimes 3-5 attempts are enough, each of which lasts no more than a minute. If the woman in labor does not have enough strength, then the obstetrician allows you to take a short break between attempts to rest.

After the birth of the head, breathe freely, like a dog. This will not allow the baby's head that has already appeared to go back.

Video: How to behave during the period of attempts

Breathing in the postpartum period

Separated from the walls of the uterus, after a while the placenta is born. This usually happens half an hour after the baby is born. Cramping pains resume, but in this period they are not intense, weak and short-lived. Here it is enough to push, using the “breathing on a candle” technique, and the so-called children's place comes out of the uterus. As a rule, the moment of attempts is determined by the doctor.

Proper breathing is not as easy as it might seem. It is not enough to read the theory the day before the birth, it is important to study all the nuances, ask the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in detail, and even better go to courses where, under the guidance of a specialist, the woman in labor will be taught all the subtleties of breathing during childbirth. He will also give recommendations on how to perform the exercises, indicate the permissible load.

You need to train every day, starting from about the 12th week of pregnancy, then in the process of childbirth, the woman in labor herself will be able to distinguish all periods, and each of the techniques will be applied in a timely manner. When exercising, the room should be well ventilated so that enough oxygen.

  1. You can perform exercises several times a day, controlling your well-being. If during training a woman feels unwell, then it is worth postponing classes and resting. However, this does not mean that you need to leave the training, it is enough to reduce its daily duration.
  2. If dryness occurs when breathing with an open mouth, touch the palate with the tip of the tongue. If necessary, moisten lips with water, rinse your mouth.
  3. When training breathing with attempts, you can’t push: this can provoke uterine tone, which leads to premature birth. It is enough just to hold your breath, counting up to 10. Later, the duration of holding your breath can be increased to 20-25.
  4. After exercising, restore breathing by breathing calmly, in the usual way.

There is the concept of hyperventilation, the symptoms of which are darkening in the eyes, dizziness, it may seem to the woman in labor that she will now lose consciousness. In this case, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath or, joining your palms, bring it to your face and slowly breathe into them.

Video: Yoga trainer on proper breathing techniques during childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women

Many expectant mothers have heard that during childbirth it is necessary to breathe properly. However, not everyone gives it great importance, preferring to free time for such pleasant activities as, for example, buying a dowry for a baby, arranging a nursery and the whole house according to new needs. At the same time, you can hear a lot positive feedback from women to whom the knowledge of proper breathing has greatly helped during contractions and attempts. Therefore, it is desirable for every pregnant woman to learn at least the basics of breathing techniques, and in best case bring them to automatism, so as not to forget anything in the hospital.

Proper breathing during childbirth extremely useful for both the mother and the baby. You need to start breathing correctly at the very beginning of the contractions, and not when they become very painful. This will help you immediately tune in to the right mood and save energy for attempts at those moments when many women just want to scream in pain. Indeed, during the cry, women not only physically exhaust themselves, but also hold their breath, which is very unfavorable for a defenseless child, who already experiences great stress during the birth process. In addition, during the cry, the release of stress hormones into the blood increases, the muscles tense up, which can increase the duration of labor.

Pros of proper breathing during childbirth

  • Improves gas exchange and increases blood flow.
  • Significantly reduced chance of developing oxygen starvation fetus.
  • The cervix opens more easily and less painfully.
  • Saved physical forces.
  • You can increase the pressure.

Breathing technique during childbirth - where to learn?

Many midwives tell new women in labor how to breathe. However, not everyone does this, and women, even at the very beginning of the fights, are no longer able to concentrate so much that for such a short time learn what to train for at least a couple of months. Therefore, you should think about this issue in advance.

In each antenatal clinic various educational lectures are periodically held for expectant mothers, the schedule of which can be found at the reception. In addition, there is big choice various private classes in preparation for childbirth in schools for pregnant women, which is the most ideal. However, if these two options are not suitable, then you can train proper breathing on your own, and this article is designed to help with this.

How to breathe during contractions?

Breathing technique during contractions is aimed at easing pain and contributes to the early opening of the cervix. At the beginning of the first stage of labor, while the contractions are even more or less tolerable, you should breathe slowly and deeply: inhale deeply at 1,2,3, exhale at 1,2,3,4,5,6, in the process of breathing you must definitely use And abdominal muscles. The exhalation must be 2 times longer than the inhalation. This means that you need to exhale more slowly and smoothly through your mouth, pursing your lips with a tube. Inhalation and exhalation, in general, should be enough just for a fight, if not enough, then they should be made longer. There is also psychological moment- focusing on the account, the woman in labor is distracted from the pain.

Gradually, the contractions intensify, become longer and more painful, and reach their peak by the time the cervix is ​​fully dilated. Accordingly, it is necessary to change the breathing technique. There are several options for breathing to relieve intense contractions. One of them is based on such a physiological process as the production of endorphins - hormones, under the influence of which the pain threshold is significantly increased. To achieve this effect, you can use frequent shallow breathing during the fight, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. The strength and frequency must be adjusted individually depending on the state of health and in proportion to how the intensity of pain increases during one contraction, while being careful not to develop hyperventilation of the lungs. Only light feeling dizziness, which occurs due to the intake of more oxygen. This process It just stimulates the release of endorphins.

Breathing while pushing

It happens that the attempts are a little premature, and then, if the midwife asks not to push, the following will help to restrain the attempt. breathing technique: breathe quickly and superficially only through the mouth, as if a dog would do it, which is hot, and at the end of the attempt, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. The meaning of such breathing is that the diaphragm begins to move quickly up and down, which interferes with the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

An attempt is usually effective on the same wavelength as a contraction, so the midwife commands to push when the next uterine contraction begins. The correct breathing technique is also of great importance here: after inhaling as much air as possible into the lungs and not exhaling it, push, then exhale slowly and smoothly. Each attempt should take place exactly according to this scheme, then it will be quite productive. And in no case should you sharply release air from the lungs after an attempt, otherwise all efforts to move the child to the exit will be in vain, he will simply move back along the birth canal, to where he was before the attempt. Similarly, it will happen with a sharp cry of a woman in labor. While the fight lasts, it is necessary to repeat the attempt again, if the fight is over for a short time, you should relax and even use these few moments for rest. At the same time, you need to try to breathe as calmly and measuredly as possible.


While practicing the technique of proper breathing during pregnancy, it is worth remembering such important nuances:

  • You can’t fully push in training, only the slightest tension or even imitation of tension in the abdominal muscles is appropriate, just to understand how you have to work in childbirth.
  • Frequent deep breaths are dangerous for the development of hyperventilation of the lungs, the first sign of which is severe dizziness.
  • Breathing between contractions throughout labor should be even and calm, somewhat deeper than usual.
  • Any rapid breathing you need to complete with a deep breath and a slow exhalation through the mouth.

And do not forget, no matter how scary and painful you may be, the baby inside also experiences both fear and pain. It is in your power to make this path easier for him, so try to remain calm and in no case forget to breathe!

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important. It helps to simplify the process of the birth of a child and provide him with a sufficient amount of oxygen. The speed of the birth of the baby and the strength of the attempts depend on correct use existing techniques.

Contraction training Support
Expectant mother Symptoms of false
don't panic fights

Proper breathing during childbirth makes it possible to relax at the initial stage. At this time, you need to take deep breaths. They can even replace an analgesic for intense, painful contractions.

Any breathing technique during childbirth should be rehearsed in advance. This will greatly facilitate such a responsible event. Learn all kinds of techniques, consult with your doctor to make sure you are doing everything right. Extra training will make you feel more confident, relaxed during childbirth.

Why breathe properly

Even during pregnancy, you need to work out the correct breathing, which will come in handy during childbirth. If you train every day, then by the end of the 9th month, a woman will be able to help her baby be born.

Practicing correct breathing

The ability to breathe properly is necessary to calm down, relax during contractions, and also keep muscle contraction under control. Moreover, you need to breathe properly in order to.

  1. The muscles of the uterus received a sufficient amount of oxygen. In this case, the contractions will not be so painful, since it is hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that causes pain.
  2. Make pushing more efficient. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus helps the baby to be born. If a woman simply draws air into her cheeks, the baby will not move.
  3. Protect the child from birth trauma, control attempts.
  4. The child did not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The baby's head was born softly.

Use during contractions and childbirth different techniques breathing. Do not neglect them if you want the process to be as painless as possible. There are even special courses where expectant mothers are taught correct behavior at the most crucial moment of their lives.

Among several techniques, there is the most popular called "candle". It is used during the entire birth process.

How to act with attempts

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important in the first period, when contractions begin. Usually a woman goes to the hospital when the contractions are not very strong and are manifested in the sipping of the abdomen. After some time, they become permanent, begin to repeat regularly. During this period, do not try to suppress pain in yourself. No need to strain, scream, because this will not bring relief. The pain will not become easier, and the body will get very tired, exhausted. Therefore, during childbirth during labor, focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Many girls who are experiencing their first pregnancy begin to tense up during contractions, and this suppresses birth process interferes with the rapid and proper opening of the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use medical preparations to stimulate tribal activity. During childbirth, improper breathing will not lead to anything good. The fruit will not required amount oxygen, which can lead to oxygen starvation. And this usually affects the well-being and development of the child. Moreover, maternal misbehavior can cause perineal rupture.

Doctors will help you in this matter

As soon as the cervix has dilated by about 4-5 cm, active phase. Proper breathing during childbirth during this period is very important, because uterine contractions become very strong and can cause severe discomfort to the woman in labor. Contractions last about 20 seconds with a break of up to 5-6 minutes. At this time usually amniotic sac breaks and pours out amniotic fluid. Due to this, the contractions are intensified, and after the outflow of waters they become longer and stronger. At this time, try to apply the following types technician:

  • "candle";
  • "big candle"

During contractions and childbirth, the use of the “candle” technique can cause slight dizziness. This happens because the respiratory center of the brain is oversaturated with oxygen, endorphins begin to be produced. Of course, in the event that during regular contractions and childbirth you control your breathing.

Endorphins are “happiness hormones” and therefore reduce the sensation of pain. "Candle" is a frequent superficial sighs. You need to inhale through the nose, and quickly exhale through the mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle that is in front of your lips. Breathing in this way should be constantly until the fight is over. Through the release of endorphins, this method acts like a natural anesthetic.

During childbirth, there is another technique - the "big candle". This is a forced version of the usual "candle". Also during the fight, you need to alternate inhalations and exhalations, but you need to breathe with effort. The exhalation should be through practically closed lips, and the inhalation should be as if you are trying to inhale, and your nose is blocked. This method it is used during childbirth and frequent contractions, if proper breathing using the “candle” technique does not anesthetize enough. If you breathe in this way, then the pulse will even out, and the body will have time to rest before the onset of the next contractions.

How to breathe during childbirth

When the baby's head begins to press hard on the cervix, one of the most difficult moments. A woman wants to push, then do it early. During childbirth at this moment, a competent breathing technique will help you survive dangerous period prevent the development of various complications.

As much as you don't want to push, listen to the midwife, do only what she says. During childbirth, there are several correct techniques:

  • "variable";
  • "locomotive";
  • "candle";
  • "tight".

“Alternate” breathing is carried out as follows: you need to take a deep exit, and then a series of short breaths, exhalations for about 4-5 sets. For the last time, you should fold your lips with a tube, exhale deeply to the very end. During the full opening of the cervix, when the baby's head passes through the hole, you need to breathe with the "train" technique. The uterus is very excited, so the contractions last about 40-60 seconds. At the same time, the interval between them is very short - sometimes less than one minute. You need to “breathe” the fight, for this a combination of “candles” and “ big candle».

If you depict the fight graphically, you get a wave. The fight begins with weak sensations, which begin to grow, reach maximum power, and then fade away. The “engine” accelerates and intensifies simultaneously with the sensations that a woman in labor experiences during a contraction. First you need to apply the technique of "candles". When the fight intensifies, like a locomotive that is picking up speed, you need to intensify your inhalations and exhalations, and then move on to the “big candle” technique. As soon as the fight reaches its peak, it is necessary to accelerate the inhalations and exhalations of the “big candle” as much as possible. When the contraction begins to subside, breathing also calms down. The train pulls up to the station, where it stops to rest.

Support for a loved one

Do not confuse the techniques that you need to breathe during childbirth. If you go astray and do not listen to the doctor, the process will become noticeably more complicated, and will cause even more pain and inconvenience. Actually last step(except for the placenta extraction stage), when the cervix is ​​​​fully dilated and the baby is born, the woman must attach maximum amount physical effort. That is why you should try to stay relaxed and calm state so as not to waste your energy.

If during labor and delivery you use correct technique breathing, this will allow you to spend your strength as efficiently as possible. In order not to delay the birth of a child, you need to use special labored breathing. As soon as an attempt comes, you need to inhale as deeply as possible, and then begin to exhale. In this case, the exhalation should be directed to the perineum. You can not push in the head and eyes. Please note that such straining is unlikely to do without consequences, and efficiency will tend to zero. You will only suffer and spend a lot of energy, but this will not help the child at all. Exhale the air as if you are using it to move the child to the exit.

This full deep breath must not be weakened or interrupted. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. If you push and feel that there is not enough air, you need to gently exhale it to the rest, then re-gain the maximum amount with a deep breath and exhale. If during childbirth the exhalation will correspond to the technique of correct breathing, then it will begin to put pressure on the uterus and diaphragm.

The duration of one push is about a minute. During this time, you need to make three straining exhalations. At this moment, the “candle” breath is just required. You inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. If during childbirth your behavior and breathing is correct, attempts will be as effective as possible. As soon as the head is shown, it is necessary to breathe very slowly, like a dog, and in no case rush things.

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While carrying a baby, few of the expectant mothers think about the process of the birth of a child, but as they approach, there are worries about how you can help your baby and reduce pain in labor. The right breathing technique will help to alleviate pain during the moments of uterine contraction and opening of the uterine pharynx.

The importance of proper breathing during childbirth

Full breath at the moment uterine contractions allows expectant mother it is easier to endure pain, since it, first of all, concentrates not on one's own sensations, but on a full inhalation and exhalation. Thus, the process of opening the cervix is ​​faster and less noticeable. In addition, oxygen is needed for the normal functioning of muscles and other organs. If oxygen enters the muscle fibers in not enough, then, accordingly, the contractions will be less productive, and the delivery process itself will be long. With insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues and internal organs at the time of contractions, the child experiences hypoxia, and this can adversely affect his further state and health after birth. To prevent everything possible complications, a woman in labor should breathe properly during uterine contraction and the straining period.

Breathing technique during cervical dilatation

Women who are preparing to give birth to a child are sent to the hospital when regular contractions appear. At first, the pain from uterine contraction is not very pronounced and increases only as the cervix opens. In order to make it easier for a woman in labor to endure pain, it is necessary to learn simple rules:

  • do not scream during a fight in this way, you only waste your strength, the baby experiences a lack of oxygen, and the pains become stronger;
  • at the time of uterine contraction, it is necessary to try to relax as much as possible, since clamping slows down the opening of the cervix;
  • during the fight, take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through your mouth;
  • use the count as you inhale, mentally count to five, exhale to six. The account at the time of uterine contractions does not allow you to be distracted by your own feelings, concentrating only on numbers, respectively, the fight goes faster and more inconspicuously.

As the opening of the neck increases, the contractions will increase and then you will need to breathe differently. During the fight, breathe often, taking a short breath through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, while folding your lips into a tube with your mouth. From the outside, such breathing may look like a train, but it is it that allows you to save strength for the straining period and at the same time saturate organs and tissues with a portion of oxygen.

Some women in labor make the mistake of intensifying the contractions, they begin to breathe shallowly and often, breaking into a cry because of the pain. This behavior is not only exhausting, but also leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the placenta, pelvic organs, and this is fraught with increased pain. Sometimes the baby's head begins to descend into the birth canal with an incomplete opening of the pharynx. At this moment, the woman in labor feels pressure on the intestines and begins to push hard. It is absolutely impossible to do this, since such behavior is fraught with strong breaks tissues in the cervical region and massive bleeding. At such moments, it is very important to breathe correctly and follow the instructions of the midwife exactly:

  • change the position of the body, for example, squat down or a special birth chair;
  • try to overcome the desire to push as much as possible, at the time of the contraction, you need to breathe often and shallowly with your lips, folding them as if you are going to say “y”;
  • when the contraction stops, breathing should become deep and slow (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth), this will help to gather strength and deliver the baby the portion of oxygen that he needs so much.

Breathing technique in the pressing period

After the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the baby's head descends into the birth canal and the second stage of labor begins. At this moment, intensive work begins and the woman must carefully listen to the midwife and accurately follow all her instructions. Remember that at this moment it is much more difficult for a baby than for you, and how quickly and painlessly he will be born depends only on your efforts.

As soon as the contraction begins, the woman in labor takes a deep breath through her mouth, holds her breath and begins to push into the perineum, pushing the baby out. Then he exhales, again takes a deep breath through his mouth and repeats the same actions. For one fight, such actions are done 3 times, usually already at 2-3 attempts, the baby's head is born. When teething the fetal head, it is strictly forbidden to push on the contraction, as this can lead to serious birth trauma. The baby must make a turn, after which the shoulders are born. Now the woman is allowed to push a little to help the baby's body slide out of the birth canal.

A pregnant woman is recommended to prepare her body for childbirth from the first trimester, for this you should learn the technique of correct breathing movements. Knowing how to breathe during uterine contractions and directly during the birth of a baby, a woman can significantly alleviate labor pain and prevent many complications from the fetus. Breathing exercises useful for expectant mothers, but before starting exercise, you should consult your doctor.

While you're still carrying your baby, you should get advice on how to push and breathe properly during labor.

What are pushes?

Attempts are muscle contractions in the area abdominal cavity, which begin after sufficient opening of the cervix and contribute to the promotion of the baby "to the exit", that is, his birth.

Pushing is the second stage of childbirth. They are preceded by the first stage - contractions.

The result of wrong attempts

Wrong attempts can lead to undesirable consequences both for the mother and the baby.

Due to incorrect attempts, the birth process is delayed, the woman is quickly depleted, uteroplacental blood flow may be disturbed, the baby may suffer from hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the child may suffer a skull injury, and the mother may have a uterine rupture

Why does a woman in labor not feel like pushing?

In the process of being born, the baby squeezes internal organs mothers. When the intestines are compressed, it seems to the mother's body that he is experiencing the urge to defecate. Therefore, involuntary attempts may occur.

Also, mommy cannot know if the cervix has dilated enough or if the baby has advanced enough so that she can start pushing again. These processes are supervised by a midwife.

When to start pushing?

You need to start pushing when the doctor tells you to. This will happen after the cervix has opened sufficiently, that is, it will be opened enough for the baby to pass through it without getting injured and without injuring the mother. By the time the push starts, the baby's head should be lowered into pelvic floor women.

How to restrain premature attempts?

To hold back your efforts, you will have to focus and relax. Pushing is a controlled process, unlike contractions. You can relax your abdominal muscles and not push.

At the same time, you can help yourself with the help of breathing "like a dog": quick short breaths and exhalations.

How to push and breathe properly during childbirth?

When the doctor or midwife says to push, you should take a smooth deep breath, while the air needs to be drawn into the stomach.

After exhaling, which should last about 15 seconds, repeat the steps from the beginning. Within one attempt, you will need to do this three times.

It is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles. The gluteal muscles and muscles of the face at this time should be relaxed.

During attempts, you can not quickly and abruptly exhale the entire amount of air gained, as this can either lead to squeezing the baby's head, or to pulling it back instead of moving forward.