The most important periods of the month. Chronology of lunar days

Since ancient times, the change lunar phases humanity paid increased attention... In such a natural phenomenon, people saw mystical processes and firmly believed that the position of the heavenly body directly affects the fate of everyone. With the development of science, many myths associated with the natural satellite of the earth have been dispelled, but, nevertheless, more and more theories of the relationship of some human actions and the monthly cycle are heard.

Concerning physiological processes inside human body and psycho-emotional state, then the influence of the moon on them has long been proven. A good example it can be that each of us on the days of the full moon feels some excitement, sometimes psychological excitement, sometimes leading to hasty decisions or actions. During the period of the end of the lunar cycle, the time of the onset of the last quarter, more often on the contrary, depression occurs, mood drops, in some cases reaching light conditions depression. Such important circumstances force some people not only to closely monitor the position of the cosmic body closest to us, but also to adjust their life schedule to lunar cycle.

The best assistant in this task will be a specially designed lunar calendar, which describes in detail the states of the night star in each of its phases. Such materials are being developed by professional astrologers, based on an analysis of the position of the main cosmic bodies in the firmament. The calendar clearly describes the days when the moon goes through all its phases, and provides recommendations on this matter.

Main characteristics of the lunar cycle

First month summer season, according to astrological data, will become very stressful in both professional and personal spheres. In this lunar cycle, they will often alternate with unfavorable ones, giving events different shades from downright negative to very positive. The main driving forces in June will be personal determination and high ability quickly respond to sudden problems.

Moon phases in June 2018

The most important periods of the month

  • Third quarter (June 6, 2018). The governing sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. The waning moon, as a rule, promises stability and prosperity. Also at the beginning summer month you can not be afraid of sudden changes in fate, especially under the influence of a rather favorable constellation. This period is best suited for building a career, ensuring financial stability and making ambitious plans for the future.
  • New Moon (June 13, 2018). The governing sign of the zodiac is. The birth of a young moon is most often associated with new beginnings and bold deeds... But, according to astrologers, this month one should refrain from such actions. The location of cosmic bodies in the sky in this period does not favor not deliberate actions.
  • First quarter (June 20, 2018). The governing sign of the zodiac is Virgo. Time to make important decisions. These days, the most favorable period of the whole month begins, when you can safely implement long-planned projects. Unfortunately, such a period of carelessness will not last long enough, and already from the 26th it will be necessary to weigh every step.
  • Full Moon (28 June 2018). The governing sign of the zodiac is Leo. Most not favorable timewhen high energy the celestial body is multiplied by the influence of the zodiacal constellation. On such days, frequent mood swings can occur, susceptibility to negative influences increases, and well-being worsens. It is recommended not to get involved in conflicts and try to maintain composure even in the most difficult situations.

Auspicious days

date Moon day Zodiac sign Moon phase
Jun 1, 2018 17, 18 lunar day Moon in Capricorn Waning moon
Jun 2, 2018 18, 19 lunar day Moon in Capricorn Waning moon
Jun 3, 2018 19 lunar day Moon in Aquarius Waning moon
Jun 4, 2018 19, 20 lunar day Moon in Aquarius Waning moon
Jun 5, 2018 20, 21 lunar days Moon in Aquarius Waning moon
Jun 6, 2018 21, 22 lunar day Moon in Pisces Third quarter
Jun 7, 2018 22, 23 lunar day Moon in Pisces Waning moon
Jun 8, 2018 23, 24 lunar day Moon in Aries Waning moon
Jun 9, 2018 24, 25 lunar day Moon in Aries Waning moon
Jun 10, 2018 25, 26 lunar day Moon in Taurus Waning moon
Jun 11, 2018 26, 27 lunar day Moon in Taurus Waning moon
Jun 12, 2018 27, 28 lunar day Moon in Gemini New moon
Jun 13, 2018 28, 29, 1 lunar day Moon in Gemini Waxing Crescent
Jun 14, 2018 1, 2 lunar day Moon in Cancer Waxing Crescent
Jun 15, 2018 2, 3 lunar day Moon in Cancer Waxing Crescent
Jun 16, 2018 3, 4 lunar day Moon in Leo Waxing Crescent
Jun 17, 2018 4, 5 lunar day Moon in Leo Waxing Crescent
Jun 18, 2018 5, 6 lunar day Moon in Virgo Waxing Crescent
Jun 19, 2018 6, 7 lunar day Moon in Virgo Waxing Crescent
Jun 20, 2018 7, 8 lunar day Moon in Virgo First quarter
Jun 21, 2018 8, 9 lunar day Moon in Libra Waxing Crescent
Jun 22, 2018 9, 10 lunar day Moon in Libra Waxing Crescent
Jun 23, 2018 10, 11 lunar day Moon in Scorpio Waxing Crescent
Jun 24, 2018 11, 12 lunar day Moon in Scorpio Waxing Crescent
Jun 25, 2018 12, 13 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
Jun 26, 2018 13, 14 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
Jun 27, 2018 14, 15 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
Jun 28, 2018 15, 16 lunar day Moon in Capricorn Full moon
Jun 29, 2018 16, 17 lunar day Moon in Capricorn Waning moon
Jun 30, 2018 17, 18 lunar day Moon in Aquarius Waning moon

According to astrologers' forecasts, the entire first month of summer will be observed both positive and negative trends... In such a situation, the main fateful factor will be inner strength each person. People who are able to cope with their emotions and maintain constructivism in their actions will certainly achieve success, even despite the whims of the night star.

Day of love, increased feminine sexual energy... The energy of the 17th lunar day contributes to the acquisition of inner freedom, on this day stereotypes break down, you can get rid of bad habits... This is a day of fun, liberation and permissiveness, one of the best for holidays and celebrations. Today you can arrange feasts, friendly parties. It is recommended to drink dry red wine or warmed up Cahors wine - a symbol of knowledge of eternity and ecstasy, connection with movement, joy. On the the highest level this day gives way to higher love .. Day of love, the best for working with all kinds of love energy. You can harmonize relationships - using a pink candle. Attract love energy to life - using the aroma of roses and amethyst. You can remove psychological blockages related to your personal life - with a white or gray candle. This is the best day in order to harmonize the sphere of personal life, conduct various practices in love energy. Jewelry is good to wear with amethyst or zirconium - they go well with the 17th lunar day. Same, good periodto carry out practices aimed at getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body. You can get rid of stereotypes of thinking by meditation and fumigating the apartment with Myrtle's incense. Fortune telling on personal life are as accurate as possible today.

Day reflection. 18th lunar dayare a symbolic reflection of your internal state, the events of the day show that you have worked in the previous period lunar month... This period is dangerous for the destruction of structures. Serious mistakes can be made, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bwork and business. Better to refrain from any social activity. It is necessary to pay attention to the signs that will be shown to us. On this day, you need to fight your base desireswhatever it becomes - the day of the fall. The 18th day can be happy and successful, but they require prudence and restraint. Don't miss today if you want to attract something to life: love, money, happiness. 18th day is the last day of the lunar calendar of energy accumulation, from next day, the phase of active decrease of the Moon and the waste of the accumulated stock will begin .. On the 18th lunar day, asceticism and meditation are useful. It is good to thank for the period lived earlier, you can fumigate the premises with the incense of the Pine. This smell is symbolically associated with the taming of passions. Continues favorable period to get rid of bad habits. Useful today cold and hot shower, especially in the morning. In the evening, it is recommended to light a white candle and put it in front of a mirror, look into this mirror for about 15 minutes, and then leave the candle to burn out - this procedure will cleanse you, add attractiveness appearance and will lay a favorable foundation for the next day's events.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

What to wear?
It is good if greenish-blue and gray colors are present in clothes or additions to it.

Favorable scent - floral.
Talisman stones - obsidian, opal, mother of pearl, citrine. Metal - titanium, bronze, brass.

An intimate script. The moon is in Aquarius, which means unpredictable sex is possible. This is not to say that these days are conducive to an active sexual life, but it is on these days that the most incredible sexual adventures often take place. If your partner is creative, active and not without a share of imagination, then you will be happy to join the process. If not, just dream about something before bed and ... fall asleep soundly.

How to eat?

It is very important to know when to stop in food, since today is the day fatty foods... Alcohol is completely excluded from the diet. It is better to drink cocoa, pear, plum or pomegranate juice.

What to choose for yourself?

Today is a favorable day for starting treatment through non-traditional therapy, provided that the diagnosis has already been carried out. However, you cannot take new medicines today. They respond well to the treatment of venous disease with herbs.

What to do at home?

We recommend rest and recuperation, airing the premises.
Useful: Pour 3 tablespoons of rosemary with a glass of boiling water, wrap it up, let it brew for half an hour, strain, wrap the warm gruel in gauze and put on your face. After 10 minutes, remove everything and apply a greasy cream.

Beginnings will not be crowned with success. Moderate your activity and deal with minor work or household issues. Work without helpers and don't look for allies. Spend money only on the essentials. For relaxation, go out of town alone.

Moon influence on June 22, 2018

9 lunar day

9 lunar day - negative time for new beginnings. It is worth doing small things and not developing vigorous activity. It is better to resolve labor issues on your own. It is not recommended to look for new partners, communicate with superiors, change jobs. The day is suitable for small cleaning in the house and small household chores. It is undesirable to conduct monetary transactions. During this period, it is better to avoid people and contact them only if necessary. Communication with others risks turning into a quarrel or a breakdown in relations. The day is suitable for a small secluded trip or a walk in the countryside.

The waxing moon (phase 2)

The second phase of the moon is a favorable period for starting new affairs, decisions difficult issues, conducting business negotiations and concluding transactions. It is advisable to implement the plans set before the transition of the Moon to the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, go to new level relationships with a loved one, communication with family. In communication, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra is a suitable period for small, current affairs. It is not recommended to carry out large-scale activities and solve serious issues. The moon in this zodiac sign gives energy for collective labor... it perfect timing for conversations with superiors. Auspicious time for housework. Inappropriate period for financial transactions. Good days for relationships, any communication. Therefore, it is advisable to devote them to building business and personal ties. This is a good time to travel.


Friday is not best time for new beginnings. This is an auspicious day for teamwork, communication with superiors, change of occupation. Do not bother yourself with household chores during this period. It is recommended to take time for yourself and your loved ones.

Moon calendar on June 22, 2018 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiacal constellations on that day. It indicates the time of rising and setting of the moon, the degree of its visibility. It contains moon horoscope on June 22, taking into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in the zodiac sign and the day of the week.

Lunar calendar for June 2018 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days... The lunar calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what is in this moment The moon, and what is the phase of the moon. The lunar calendar for June 2018 will be able to assist you in planning your affairs with minimal losses time and effort. The lunar day calendar can help you determine favorable and not auspicious days months. On this page you will find the most accurate and up-to-date calendar of lunar days. You have selected: Lunar calendar June 2018. Lunar calendar calculations are made using accurate astronomical data and the error is +/- 30 minutes. Here you will find information such as the phases of the moon June 2018, the moon in the zodiac sign. Here you can find out when the moon is growing, the moon is waning and find the calendar of full moons for June 2018. New moons and full moons are important data necessary for planning many things (for example, fortune telling by the moon). The lunar calendar for June 2018 will help you in the implementation of any plans and desires. By knowing how to use it correctly, you can help yourself choose the right lunar day for any task. Choose general favorable days with us!

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar in June 2018

Auspicious days - the period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with maximum activity. Days like these are good for new beginnings, decisions important issues and fulfillment of important tasks.

June 4
19, 20
lunar day
Waning moon
(Third phase)

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar in June 2018

Unfavorable days - the period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with minimal activity. On such days, it is not recommended to start new business and solve important issues.

the 9th of June
24, 25
lunar day
Waning moon
(Fourth phase)

June 10th
25, 26
lunar day
Waning moon
(Fourth phase)

Lunar calendar for June 2018 for every day

June 1, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, the waning moon in Capricorn. Do not try to jump above your head, you will not be morally strong enough to redo a week's work in one day. Sacrificing yourself for work is clearly not a good idea, do not buy health for any money, take care of yourself.

June 2, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, the waning moon in Capricorn. Today will be full of well-wishers in your direction, accepting help does not mean being weak. The main thing is not to rush into decisions so as not to run into another trouble. This is exactly the day when you need to measure seven times and only cut off once.

June 3, 201819 lunar day, the waning moon in Aquarius. Today it will seem to you that luck follows everyone but you. In fact, there is some truth in this, but you can find a way out of any situation and beat everything. the best way for yourself. Do not neglect friendship, it is not easy to find and maintain it now.

June 4, 201819-20 lunar day, the waning moon in Aquarius. Great chance stressful situations on this day. Try to get out of the depressed state so as not to become a victim of the circumstances. Do what you love today and do not pay attention to what is happening around, perhaps this way you will be able to avoid the fate of unpleasant stories.

June 5, 201820-21 lunar day, the waning moon in Aquarius. Dedicate a day with nature: go mushrooming or picking berries, have a picnic in the park, or sunbathe on the beach. Great weather and joyful mood today will help to implement these plans. And let the whole world wait, you rest.

June 6, 201821-22 lunar day, waning moon in Pisces. All day you will be overshadowed brilliant ideas, all your affairs will be crowned with success. But in the family, not everything is so smooth, you will not understand even elementary things and take everything the other way around, be careful in your expressions and actions so as not to destroy what you have been building so hard.

June 7, 201822-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Today is an unfavorable day for sorting out the relationship, try not to get into the eyes of people with whom you have strained relationship or unresolved issues. Incredible high risk participation in quarrels and even fights. Keep your emotions to yourself.

June 8, 201823-24 lunar day, waning moon in Aries. A favorable time to improve your body. You can sign up for group workouts, exercise at home, or simply spend more time actively. In relationships with loved ones, you can also acquire new rules or traditions, this will only bring you closer.

June 9, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, the waning moon in Aries. Through trial and error, you will still make your way in society. Do not worry, everyone has mistakes, try to learn how to cope with them, not take to heart and perceive, smiling, otherwise you will have to visit a psychotherapist.

June 10, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, the waning moon in Taurus. The day is full unexpected actions from loved ones in your direction. Someone will try to shift their responsibilities onto your shoulders, but do not have to pull someone else's burden, your efforts are enough for you. Know how to refuse in time, no matter how close the person is to you.

June 11, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, the waning moon in Taurus. Today you will be marking time. Do not be upset, everyone has bad days... Look at this from the good side, why waste energy on something that does not develop, do something more pleasant and useful. A very good time to meet friends.

June 12, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, the waning moon in Gemini. You will be surrounded only by flatterers, this is in your favor. Among the many compliments and praises, behold what will help you become better and stronger than you are. Also a good time for a change of image, as a last resort, just get a new haircut.

June 13, 2018, 28, 29 - 1 lunar day, a new moon in Gemini. On this day, tempting offers will surely await you, perhaps even an improvement in your financial condition. Even if you don’t know something or don’t know how, be resourceful and solve the issue outside the box, this will bribe everyone, thereby proving that you are worthy of special attention.

June 14, 2018, 1-2 lunar day, the growing moon in Cancer. Today is not a very successful day, everyone will get confused and try to prevent the implementation of your plans in life. You should not answer with the same coin, do not deprive your competitors of hope for their success, as a result, victory will be on your side, and you will remain a kind-hearted person.

June 15, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, the growing moon in Cancer. The whole day you will be haunted by quarrels and confusion with your family, it is better to avoid conflicts and try not to exaggerate without that difficult situation in home. It is worth enduring for a while and everything will return to its normal course, but for now, take care of the nerve cells.

June 16, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, the growing moon in Leo. Perhaps today you will achieve your goal, but do not rush to advertise achievements and patrons, there are a lot of envious people around who can frighten off luck. Move on with confidence and sooner or later everyone will notice how you have grown above yourself.

June 17, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, the growing moon in Leo. Make it a habit to contain your anger and irritation, even if you are right - be able to yield. The rest of the day is neutral, you can do any business, today there will be no victories or losses, everything will be ordinary and even boring.

June 18, 20185-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Virgo. Today, you will talk more than you do, which can lead to trouble. Among the many cases and troubles, try to highlight the most important and give them all your attention, patience and skill, otherwise you risk creating a time bomb.

June 19, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, the growing moon in Virgo. The tension is still in the air, you should not do life-changing matters and make important decisions today, because of the intensity of passions you can make a significant mistake. Arrange better romantic evening with a loved one, sit in a quiet and pleasant atmosphere, which is great to reflect on further relationships.

June 20, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, the growing moon in Virgo. A successful day, both at work and in personal matters. Despite this, go back a little to the past and dig deeper into old files, documents and letters, you are clearly missing something. What the hell is not kidding, maybe you will find a better and shorter way to the end point.

June 21, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, the growing moon in Libra. It is worth putting in the forefront today friendly relations... It's time to take the time and chat with true friends, you are missing out on a lot of work and home life. Take a look, the world is changing rapidly, the years fly away, try to have time to enjoy life.

June 22, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, the growing moon in Libra. Do not dramatize, try to find correct exit from a position that will suit all participants. In fact, time will pass, and you will return to this day with a smile, even though now it seems to you that the end of the world has come. An excellent time to start a long-term project.

June 23, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio. Do not pay attention to questionable activities and actions from others, concentrate on achieving your own goals. Make every effort and the stars will help you in your endeavors, which in the near future will make you a successful person.

June 24, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio. Today you can try something new for yourself, there is a lot of unknown things that can greatly diversify boring everyday life. Try to keep up with the times, find the strength to get carried away by something and try to surpass yourself with all your might.

June 25, 201812-13 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Do not stare at what others have and do not envy, learn to appreciate what you have. Today, conflicts in the family are possible due to financial issues... Don't be greedy, sometimes you can please yourself pleasant shopping, not all my life to save money.

June 26, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Today there is a high probability that someone will put a spoke in your wheels. Do not rush headlong into battle, be smarter and smarter, find a way to achieve your goal by bypassing the enemy. Otherwise, today is a quiet and calm day.

June 27, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, the growing moon in Sagittarius. The morning will be full of tender and romantic moments, during the day everyone will surprise you. By the evening, everything will start to decline, it will even become boring, but this is not a reason to be depressed, please yourself to your loved ones pleasant surprisesBelieve me, it will be even more joyful than receiving gifts.

June 28, 201815-16 lunar day, full moon in Capricorn. Your mood is not at the highest level, the feeling that you have not achieved something or simply did not have time to do something will constantly haunt. Do not self-flagellate, sort out your feelings and start working on mistakes. Perhaps everything just seems to you.

June 29, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, the waning moon in Capricorn. It doesn't seem like a bad day, but pay attention to your health. The whole day you will be haunted by weakness and loss of strength, perhaps this is the beginning of some kind of illness, or maybe just overworked. Go to a massage or a SPA-salon, if this is not possible, lie in the bathroom at home and relax.

June 30, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, the waning moon in Aquarius. Today everything will be calm and smooth, no conflicts, quarrels and gossip. A great day to spend time with your child, if you don't have your own, you can visit friends with children or go to orphanage, to please someone with attention and care. Anyway, today everything will turn out in the best way.

The influence of the moon on humans in June 2018

In the lunar calendar for June 2018, various events have specific action on the nature and man around. New moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarters of the moon are considered the time of enhanced interaction between the sun and the moon. it negative days... Favorable lunar days are the days when an aspect of 60 or 120 degrees between the Sun and the Moon is created in the sky. The lunar calendar is a cyclical change of 4 phases of the night star. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days, starting from the length of the 1st day, and also determined by the proximity of the moon to the horizon during the new moon. Lunar days (lunar days) are not always equal to each other in time. This is due to the fact that the completed lunar cycle is about 29.5 sunny days... The beginning of the lunar month, the starting point, is the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day lasts from the onset of the new moon to the 1st moonrise according to astronomical data. It is very convenient to leave your personal notes about the Moon in the Google calendar or Yandex calendar. The cycle in the moon's calendar lasts about 29.5 Earth days - from one new moon to another, going through four phases, called more quarters. A typical lunar day lasts from moonrise until its next rise. A lunar day is longer than a solar day, and the next day's moonrise is always later than the previous day. The moon rises not only at night, but also in the middle of a clear day - probably, everyone has at least once observed both the sun and the moon in the sky.

We really hope that the lunar calendar for June 2018 came in handy and was easy to use! You can be sure that our service provides accurate data, but you should remember that they are calculated to the nearest minute only for the city of Moscow. For other cities, the lunar calendar for June 2018 may produce slightly different data. Just calculate the time zone of your city and find the difference. You will get the exact time of the beginning and end of the lunar day with an exactness of + 10-15 minutes. Lunar calendar June 2018 is the best way find lunar days and moon phases june 2018.

Moon period without course from 09:34

continues in the morning

A good time for negotiations and meetings that require the display of diplomatic qualities. However, you should not make important decisions, it is better to complete what you have already started. People show stability, on the one hand, and indecision, a tendency to hesitate, on the other. These days bring peace and harmony, but do not forget about the manifestation of tact and diplomacy in all respects.

Impact on health:
Keep the bladder and kidney area warm. Perform eye treatments. You can visit the dentist. The area of \u200b\u200bthe thighs, kidneys, bladder, excretory system.

Days of light. The active element is air. Part of the plant is a flower. These days are manifested best qualities fat, which is good for the glands. If you have problems with endocrine system, see what you especially enjoy eating these days. You may find that you are not quite attracted to the foods that are good for you. Therefore, the diet will have to be changed.

Moon in Libra helps to find harmonious partners and promotes communication - this is a time of harmonious and pure love... In such a relationship, sincere feelings and mutual benefit is the basis true marriage... The likelihood of meeting your destiny, your “soul mate” at this time increases significantly.
Perhaps you will be united by a love of art, and the relationship will be shrouded in an aura of romanticism, full of tenderness and delicacy. However, your relationship can very easily become just formal and cold in content if you are too selfish. The relationship you started during this time can only be long-term if you both make it special and uplifting.

Cosmetic procedures:
Libra days are also suitable for visiting the hairdresser. You can dye your hair and have a haircut. Hair removal is not the most best sign... It is beneficial to make face masks. In general, this sign is considered neutral.