How to teach a child to count examples within 20. We get acquainted with relationships and mathematical operations. From changing the places of the terms

Mathematics. How to teach adding and subtracting numbers.

What should a child be able to do before learning to add and subtract?

What we just did not count - and the steps in the entrance, and the Christmas trees in the yard, and the bunnies in the book ... It looked something like this. "How many bunnies? Point with your finger. One, two, three. Three bunnies. Show three fingers. Good girl! That's right!" At first, my son was not interested in counting; he liked searching more.

The game of hide and seek is also not superfluous: "One, two, three ... ten. I'm going to look. Whoever didn't hide, I'm not to blame!" At the age of 3, we could not count to 10; instead of numbers, we uttered unknown words with a similar intonation. But later, due to the fact that it was often required to show the number of fingers, the numbers were associated with the number of objects.

Knows numbers

I don't remember any special exercises that we would do. Everything happened in a flash.

"Which floor are we on? On the second. Look, here's his number written on the wall. "2". Show two fingers. Well done."

In the elevator: "What floor does grandma live on?" - "On the 3rd" - "Which button should I press?" - "This one" - "I didn't guess a little. Here's a three."

In the store: "We have the key to the box at number 9. You see, there is a tag on the key. On which box is such a number written?" Something like a wardrobe number.

In line to the doctor: "What is the room number? Here's the number." - "Two" (as far as I understand, at random) - "No, this is the number "5". Show 5 fingers. Good!".

"When is dad coming?" - "In an hour. Look, now the short arrow is at 6. When this arrow is at the 7th measurement, right here, then it will come."

"Please switch to Channel 1. Bring the remote control. It says one. Press this button. Thank you."

Experts say that children should learn to count as early as kindergarten, it is important that the classes are interesting, and a child of 3-4 years old wants to count himself. As soon as the first knowledge of numbers and counting is obtained, it will be easier and easier for the baby to consolidate new knowledge about addition and subtraction.

The first steps of the child in the account should be supported by adults. For example, you can ask the baby to find one or more items, voicing their number. You will also need to teach the baby to understand what is "more", "less" and "equal".

Before the child learns to add and subtract, you need to teach him to simply count, then teach him to pronounce the account out loud, then he must learn to do it in a whisper, but only last step there will be an account in the mind, and out loud the baby will only pronounce the result.

You can count not only at home, it is quite possible to teach a child to count on a walk. For example, you can count how many cars are parked in the yard, then try to complicate the task and count how many of them are red and how many are gray. You can count the animals you meet, the birds, the trees, and everything that catches your eye. So the child will learn the process of counting, reinforcing it visual images, and one step closer to the goal to learn how to quickly count in the mind.

Any teaching of a child to count should take place in the form of a game. Specialists can help you here. counting sticks or ordinary identical objects, these can be pencils, buttons, felt-tip pens. Begin classes with a preschooler by learning to count to five. Once your child is able to count quickly to 5, you can try to teach them to count to 10.

Try to explain to the child what the number consists of. This is easy to do with sweets, for example, a child has four sweets, if he shares with his mother and gives her one, then he will have three sweets. You can explain to the child the process of subtraction, that if he had 4 candies and if one is removed, then there will be 3.

You can use sticks and rulers for counting.

Try to teach the baby and addition in the same way, change the number of sweets in places so that the child understands that the amount does not change from changing the places of the terms. So you can very much up to 5 and up to 10, and also consolidate your addition and subtraction skills.

Be sure to explain to the child the concept of "zero", it is much easier to do than it seems. Just lay out a few counting sticks in front of the baby and do a few additions and subtractions with them, and give an example when three sticks will be subtracted from three sticks. Remove all sticks from the table and explain that in this case there will be nothing left, that is, there will be zero.

In teaching a child to count, the main thing is regularity and no coercion, classes should be daily and fun, so that the baby understands that quickly counting numbers in your mind is a lot of fun. Try to give your child simple and well-remembered examples, so he will remember the numbers much faster, here pieces of paper with numbers can help you.

Learning Numbers for Toddlers - Number and Number 10

While you are teaching your baby to count within 10, you must explain to him what the number 10 consists of. He must understand that ten can be obtained in different ways by adding 5 + 5, 3 + 7 or 8 + 2. As soon as the baby can add and subtract numbers up to ten out loud, try asking him to do it in a whisper, and then in his mind.

To teach a preschooler to count to 20, use the same method as for teaching to ten. Give the child an example of adding 8 + 4. The number 4 is not enough to ten 6, we will take them from 8. 2 will remain, and then the ten must be added to two, so you get 12.

Do not forget that you need to teach a preschooler to count first on visual aids, then go to cards with numbers, then to verbal counting aloud without benefits, to counting in a whisper, and only then mental counting. Until the child learns the first level of knowledge and does not bring them to automatism, do not move on to the second.

Once a preschooler can easily count to 20, you can turn the count into exciting game, offering the baby to add and subtract different numbers that he meets on the street. These can be numbers of houses, cars or numbers on advertising posters.

Complex numbers like "245" decompose into simple ones, ask the baby to calculate how much 2 + 4 + 5 will be out loud or in a whisper. So the child will be able to hone counting skills in the form of a game in the mind and easily learn how to add and subtract numbers up to 20.

Not bad can help in teaching a preschooler to count up to ten and up to 20 the usual ruler with divisions. Here you can visually show your child addition and subtraction and you can teach him to quickly count up to 20. Ask your child to add 4+4. Find the number 4 on the ruler and go to the right from it with your finger, since we are talking about addition.

for toddlers - Amazing building - Addition - Learn to add numbers

We need to add 4 more, so we need to take 4 steps. Try subtraction in the same way, just take 9-5 as an example. Find a nine with your child, leave your finger on it, and count 5 steps to the other. Stop your finger on the number 4. So you can very easily and visually teach your baby to count, add and subtract up to 20.

Many parents doubt whether the child needs to go to school, but you, as a parent, must evaluate the abilities of your child, perhaps it will be too much work for him. You should not turn the life of a preschooler into a continuous math lesson, there are many others interesting activities. The score should be an interesting and exciting game, not a duty.

The question of how to teach a child to quickly count in the mind is asked by many parents whose children have already reached the youngest school age. Parents should understand that interest in the account should be started as early as possible, in the form of a game, so that the baby understands what it is. interesting subject- mathematics.

In order for the account to give in to the first grader much easier and easier, it is imperative to teach the baby to add and subtract numbers in a column. Teaching a child will be easy, for this you need a little patience, the desire of the baby, a piece of paper and a pen.

At the beginning of training, focus only on addition. Ask the child to write down the numbers on a piece of paper so that the ones are above the ones, the tens are above the tens, and the hundreds are above the hundreds. As soon as the numbers are written down, draw a line under them.

Explain that addition must begin with the units that are written at the very end. If the sum of the digits is less than ten, then you will need to immediately write it under the line. If more than ten, then write the units under the line, and remember the number of tens or write them on top of the example.

Now it will be necessary to add tens, but they will also need to add the ten that we remembered when adding units. Hundreds and thousands add up just like tens.

Column addition of whole numbers

When a first grader remembers how to add numbers, try solving subtraction examples. Explain that you need to write the numbers in the same way, and if the number of units in the reduced is greater than in the subtracted, you need to “take” a dozen.

Teach a first grader division. To do this, write down the number that you divide on paper and separate it from the divider with a corner. The result is written below it. Remember that long counting takes practice. Engage with a child who will go to first grade a little, but regularly. Make sure the examples are correct.

Oral counting for a student

There are several types of mental counting and it is very important for a student who goes to the first grade to master each of them.

Fluent auditory counting develops when counted by a teacher, parent, or classmate. The main load falls on memory, but at the same time the baby will quickly get tired, so you do not need to practice this account for too long.

Visual oral counting can be done with the help of tables, posters and notes on the board. So it will be much easier for the child to perform mathematical actions, and mathematics will be absorbed much easier with visual aids.

A combined account can be conducted using different methods. The class can show the answers on cards, the teacher can ask the children to conduct a peer review, the exercises can be given in the form of a game, a quiz, a maze, etc.

round numbers

To explain to a child the concept round numbers, you can use the usual long ruler. You can explain that a ten is made up of ten ones, two tens are made up of twenty, and so on.

Tell a kid who goes to first grade that in order to count something in tens correctly, you need to use the principle of counting by units, you do not need to pay attention to zero. Try to count in tens and don't forget to write zero.

Three digit numbers

It often happens that when first graders get to the topic of three-digit numbers, they get scared. So that the child quickly understands what's what, try to present the material to the baby using tables.

hundreds Dozens Units
3 5 1
2 3 8

Let's solve the example 351+238 using the table. We will need to fill in the empty row

We paint the number into digits and carry out the addition. We get a simple count within ten.

hundreds Dozens Units
3 5 1
2 3 8
5 8 9

Similar actions can be done with subtraction and with the transition to tens.

Get to know the numbers right

Introduction to mathematics begins with counting. The child learns to count and memorize numbers. This usually happens at the age of 5 - 6 years. At this stage, it is important to form in the child the idea that the number denotes a group of objects with a certain amount elements.

To do this, you need not just teach him to call in numerical order, so he will simply memorize number series. It is recommended to use the method of studying the number, which is used in grade 1. She's next.

Stage number 1. Motivation

Any activity with a child should take place in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. If possible, turn your classes into a game, give preference to practical actions with objects. Start the activity with a bright event - give the child 2 candies, inflate 3 balloons, draw some objects with chalk, etc. Your task is to interest the baby.

Stage number 2. Item Count

After the child's attention is focused on a specific object, invite him to count the objects. It is necessary to ensure that at the same time the baby does not miss objects and does not confuse numbers. Usually children are in a hurry and make inaccuracies. It is important that the child follows the correct algorithm “pointed to an object - named a number - moved to the next object - named the next number, etc.” At first, perform these actions together with the baby - show yourself how to count, and let him repeat, point to objects, and he must count them and vice versa.

Stage number 3. Number Games

When the child recounts the elements and names the final number, you need to fix it. Suggest:

  • count the objects again, but in a different direction;
  • put as many circles in front of you as there are objects - count them too;
  • draw the same number of sticks on a leaf;
  • look around (or at the picture) and say what items are the appropriate number;
  • finish (report) objects so that they become the right amount.

Stage number 4. Introduction to numbers

Only after that should the child be shown the number and explain what it means. Many experts recommend coming up with associations "What does the number look like." This will help the baby remember the number and will be useful for applying eidetic techniques.

Stage number 5. Consolidation of a stable chain of the relationship "number of objects - number - number"

There are many didactic games for this stage. Let's describe some of them.


Make “knuckles” - dots on one half, numbers on the other. During the game, the child needs to count the points and select the desired number.


There is a number written on the aquarium. The child needs to put fish in the aquarium, on which the required number of scales (dots, dashes, sticks, etc.) is drawn.


On matchboxes numbers are written, and the child must put the right number of beads in each. Egg cartons can be used in the same way.

Mathematical Lego

It is necessary to make a playing field on which circles with written numbers are located. The child must build a turret with the required number of details on each circle.


Make a tree layout with a pocket at the bottom. A card with a number is inserted into it. The child must mold the required number of apples from plasticine and stick it on a tree.

As a result of such training, the child will not perceive the number as an abstract concept, but will associate with a specific number of elements. This is the main foundation for developing computational skills.

Getting to know relationships and mathematical operations

It is equally important to form in the child the concept of the relationship "more", "less", "the same". This should be done only on the basis of practical actions with objects. A child aged 5-7 years has almost no developed abstract and logical thinking, so he will only understand what you explain with a good example.

To compare groups of objects, it is recommended to teach the child to make pairs - one object from the first group corresponds to one object from the second, etc. He must understand that he needs to compare by the number of elements, and not by their size. You can specifically select such tasks in which there will be a smaller number of large items than those that are smaller. In the future, it will be possible to explain to the child that more in the number series is further than the smaller.

Be sure to invite the child to perform with objects certain actions and look at the result, draw conclusions. For example, ask to put 5 circles in front of you. Then put in a few more. Ask your child what has changed and why? You must lead him to the conclusion that there are more circles because you have added circles. Similarly, explain that when objects are removed, there are fewer of them.

Similar exercises should be carried out at almost every lesson, changing actions (something was eaten, someone flew in, brought it, etc.). The child must learn to understand the mathematical essence of ordinary actions.

After a while, you will need to change your approach. Now you must offer the child tasks in which he himself will need to make sure that the objects become more or less. Ask what other actions will increase or decrease the number of items.

This work is a preparation for familiarization with the operations of addition and subtraction. When you see that the child has mastered the essence of actions well, it's time to introduce him to the plus and minus signs. Usually this is done on the basis of a fairy tale. Think of any story that has a big, fat Plus character who likes to be given gifts (or visits, etc.). Be sure to think of his image and draw.

Your task is to ensure that the child learns that the "+" sign denotes the action of addition, when objects are added and there are more of them. Similarly, familiarization with the “-” sign and the subtraction action is carried out. It seems to adults that it is easy and simple to learn, but some children confuse the signs "+" and "-" for quite a long time and do not know what actions they need to perform, so they make a mistake. In this case, you need to practice using the image of a large bold “+” sign and a small “-” sign directly in the examples.

Learning to solve examples within 10

Now it's time to move on to how to teach a child to count examples. The main rule is practical actions and repeated training. Ideally, the child should memorize the results of all examples within 20. However, it is very difficult to achieve this through rote memorization. It is better to do this on the basis of performing various interesting exercises. Working on their solution, the child will gradually remember all the answers in the examples. We give a description of such games.

Table up to 10

Very effective use of cards - tables. It is divided into two rows of five cells each. Also included with this card are 10 tokens. The child puts the required number of chips in the cells, then adds or removes a few and counts the result.

With the help of such a table, you can not only solve examples. The child is gradually deposited in the memory visual image each number and in the future it will help a lot to do the calculations in your mind.

Counting on fingers

Traditionally, the child is often asked to count examples using the fingers. This is very convenient because this method can be applied in any situation. Therefore, some experts are categorically against teaching children to count on their fingers. They argue that after this it will be difficult to teach the child to count examples in his mind, because he will continue to count "in the old way." Practice shows that this is not so. Children easily switch to oral calculations as soon as they can do it faster than "manually".


Also popular is learning to solve examples on accounts. With the help of this technique, the child also forms a visual image of the number, which will help to make calculations in the mind.

Hand Calculator

You can make a homemade calculator with your child. For this you need cardboard box and two disposable cups. The bottom of the glasses must be cut off and attached to the side wall of the box so that they do not reach the bottom of the box. Between the glasses on the wall, write the sign "+", and below the sign "=".

To count an example, a child throws as many beads (pasta, buttons, etc.) into the first glass as the first number shows, and into the second glass as the second number. After that, he counts the total number of beads in the box.


Clothespins can be used to form computational skills. As a basis, you can make any cardboard templates(sun, flower, emoticon, face, etc.). The child will solve examples by attaching and removing clothespins. This activity is more interesting for him than the simple use of counting material.


To develop the child's ability to do calculations, many teachers use a ruler. First, on the ruler, you need to find the first number from the example, and then move to the required number of divisions to the right (if "+") or to the left ("-"). The number at which they stopped is the answer in the example.

This method is based on the knowledge of the number series. It is shown in many 1st grade math textbooks. With it, you can easily explain how to add and subtract the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 by jumping or jumping over the numbers.

Interactive games and simulators

As well as other presentations and materials on the topic:

  • , and many other materials on the site.

How to count within 20

  • cards - tables;
  • counting sticks;
  • abacus;
  • knowledge of the composition of the number.

The child needs to be explained the principle of obtaining a result in such examples, in which the first number is first rounded up to 10, and then the final calculations are performed. At first, this also needs to be done on the basis of practical actions, and only later proceed to solving examples based on knowledge of the composition of the number. As a rule, children do not master this topic very well, so do not rush to move on to oral calculations.

At the end of the work on developing the ability to solve examples within 20, children are invited to memorize addition and subtraction tables for each number. This helps to streamline the knowledge that they receive during the training exercises. TO present moment the child remembers the results of many examples well, can easily reproduce them, and it will not be difficult for him to cope with such a task.

To teach a child to count examples, it is necessary to alternately offer him different ways getting a result. Subsequently, he will choose the most understandable and accessible method for him and will be based only on it. There is no need to impose any solution options on the baby, give him the opportunity to do the calculations himself in a way that is easier for him. The main thing is that the answer is correct, but how the child received it does not matter much.

All about the benefits of mental counting for development, the main methods of mastering mental counting for children of preschool and primary school age. Games and secrets of successful classes.

From the rest of the living world, a person is distinguished by intellectual superiority. In order for it to become obvious not only to oneself, but also to others, the brain must be constantly trained. One of the methods of brain training is mental counting.

The best age to start learning

Most experts believe that best age is a period of 3 to 5 years. By the age of 4, the baby is easily able to master elementary arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction). By the age of five, a child can easily learn to solve simple examples and tasks.

Preparation for training

First of all, the child must form the concept of number. For a toddler, this category is an abstract concept. At first, it is difficult for a child to explain what a number or figure is.

Anything can be chosen as a training material: favorite cubes, balls, Stuffed Toys, cars, etc. It is important that the baby understands that you can not only play with them, but it is possible to count them.

This should not be in the form of a boring and intrusive lesson, the child simply will not understand it. Everything should look like a game, as if "by the way."

It is important not to miss the time when the child perceives everything as an exciting game, then learning will become a pleasant experience for him.

Do not forget the main thing correctly - classes should be interesting and bring pleasure!

How to teach?

  • Teaching a child the basics of mathematical counting should take place only in game form and if desired, the baby.
  • Learning to count should be carried out in a fun way and continuously (every day). The visual and tactile memory of the baby is involved.
  • Classes should be built in a clear algorithm and have a system. Suppose, first, the understanding of “one” and “many” is consolidated, then “more” and “less”.
  • It is important to explain the difference between the concepts of "greater than", "less than", "equal to".
  • In a playful way, for example, going down the stairs, teach the child the ordinal score from 1 to 10;
  • Show the child on objects how the spoken numbers correlate with the actual quantity;
  • Try on elementary life situations explain to the child how the number of objects increases or decreases, for example, another car came to one car, two cars came out, etc.

Learning to count up to 10

Required in everyday life the child to introduce an understanding of quantity, this requires constantly focusing on objects, with a mention of their number.

It is useful to learn counting rhymes with a child, verses in which numbers are mentioned.

To teach a child to count from 1 to 10, it is necessary to use various teaching materials.

Currently, there are many animated educational videos in which, in a form understandable to the child, favorite cartoon characters play and teach the child to count.

Used here visual memory child, information is also perceived by ear.

Expert opinion

Simulating actions cartoon characters, the kid learns to count. You should also study printed manuals.

It can be helpful in preparing for learning to count up to 10 by making learning material together with your child. You can cut out circles or cubes together, and then count them. Joint creative tasks in addition to education, they contribute to family reunification.

Simple tasks will help the baby not only depict the above numbers and form an idea about them, but also train fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and attention.

Learning to count up to 20

Except mechanical way memorizing further counting, using the same methods as those used when studying counting from 1 to 10, the child needs to explain the concepts of “ten” and “one”.

Expert opinion

Klimenko Natalya Gennadievna - psychologist

Practicing psychologist at municipal antenatal clinic

Everything should be in the form of a game, not a boring activity. To do this, you can take 20 sweets and 2 boxes. It is necessary to offer the child in one box, counting aloud, add 10 sweets.

An adult must tell the baby that this is called a "ten". Having moved an empty box to the box with a “ten”, you need to put the rest of the sweets in there one by one, and say the count aloud: 11, 12, 13, and so on up to 20.

This game can be accompanied by a demonstration of cards on which the numbers being studied will be depicted.

It is important to explain to the child that after 10, all numbers will consist of two digits.

The first of which is "ten" (the first box of sweets), and the second one (the second box of sweets).

The child must understand the system by which all the numbers go one after the other: 11 after 10, 12 after 11, etc.

We need to continue to actively use educational cartoons, counting rhymes, songs, coloring pages with tasks, etc. - all that was used in the study of counting from 1 to 10.

When the child has an understanding of “tens” and “ones”, then you can master the count further up to 100.

Remember to pay attention to others

Teaching methods at different ages

For children 2-3 years old

It is necessary to instill in the child in a playful way an understanding of the account and the initial skills of applying it to objects. For example, we count fingers on one pen, we ask you to bring one, two ... items. We instill the concepts: "a lot", "little", "big", "small".

For children 4-5 years old

You need to use the desire of the baby to help parents in household chores.

Putting the toys together in a box, you can count them or ask the child to serve one or more plates from the table.

Gradually, the baby should form the concept of “one” and “many”, “less”, “more”, “wider”, “already”.

Also, unobtrusively, the baby needs to be introduced to the understanding of the shape of objects: a round ball or square cube etc.

Contact training is much more effective, at this moment the baby feels the object, several zones of perception of the object are turned on and learning is easier.

Toddlers compare "many" and "one". Different objects need to be compared in order to develop an understanding of their properties, without overloading the baby with the characteristics of the object. Gradually, the child must unite miscellaneous items on one basis (small - large, long - short).

Widely used in the classroom playing tricks And didactic games(it is proposed to superimpose objects on pictures, sample cards, etc.).

For children 5-6 years old

Children learn to compare adjacent sets element by element, that is, compare sets that differ in the number of elements by one.

The main methods are superposition, application, comparison. As a result of this activity, children must learn to establish equality from inequality by adding one element, that is, increasing, or removing, that is, reducing, the set.

For 1st grade students

First of all, the child learns to count in groups of 2, 3, 5, gradually he is led to an understanding of the decimal system of calculus.

In this age great attention given mental arithmetic, for which learning methods with a game bias are used.

The technique allows the operation of addition and subtraction within 100 to be brought to automaticity, moreover, in the mind.

The most interesting tricks

  1. A child of preschool and primary school age gets tired quickly, so the ability to count must be taught in a playful way.
  2. The kid may not learn the material for a long time, you can not be nervous and scream, insult the child.
  3. The child should be encouraged for success with praise.
  4. Classes should be regular and frequent, with a clearly defined goal.
  5. You need to choose a training method based on them individual features child.

How to learn to quickly count in the mind of an adult

  • Learn to focus on the details and mentally pronounce them.
  • You should solve elementary problems without resorting to a calculator. math problems, for example, in a store. Mathematical operations have their own characteristics, but they are not difficult. You need to figure it out once, and then train. This should happen systematically 5-10 times a day.
  • master simple techniques mental arithmetic and set yourself daily tasks to train your brain. There are many on the Internet mobile applications with brain training tasks.

IN next video a mathematician will tell you about how you can learn to count in your mind.

Some kids can't keep up school curriculum. It is especially difficult for babies, who often get sick. Or inert children - those who need more time to learn new things than classmates. How to teach a child to count within 20? Read on for tips for parents that will definitely help!

The main method of counting within 20, studied at school

Before proceeding with the explanation of the algorithm, it is necessary to prepare the ground - to focus the child's attention on the knowledge that he will need.

We study the numbers of the second ten

Prepare sets of identical items - up to 20 pieces. Invite the child to count ten items and put them in a row from left to right, as we write in a notebook.

Explain to the baby that ten is another ten, or “twenty”.
Play with a dozen - put another item on the first row and tell that it is one - or one. We put "one" on "twenty", so one" on "twenty" - it will be eleven.

We select a number, correlate it with a given quantity - put it next to it.
Do the same with different numbers, build rows of "two-by-twenty", "three-by-twenty" and so on, until the child understands the principle of forming numbers from 10 to 20.

We learn the algorithm for the formation of hundreds

We lay out ten sticks, remember that this is a dozen or “twenty”.

We lay out the second row and say that these are two "twenty", that is, twenty.

In the number "Twenty" there are twenty units or two tens - this must be understood. Don't forget to select the appropriate numbers.

In the same way, we form the number 30 (40, 50, 60, 70, 80 - in order, it is possible not in one day).

We compose the numbers 40 and 90 in turn, but we focus the child’s attention on what these numbers have unusual names forty and ninety. They need to be remembered.

As a result, the child must understand the rule - they count in tens in the same way as in units, but with the prefix "twenty".

When the baby learns the number (10), the name and composition of the number 10, tens need to be tied into bundles. Together with the child, count 10 sticks and “pack” them. In the future, you will use the concept of "ten" without counting the sticks.

You: TWO...
Child: ...TWENTY!
You: THREE...
Child: ...TWENTY
Child: Forty!

For mental counting, it is useful to add and subtract numbers by tens: four tens plus two tens, we get six tens.

In addition, counting in tens (10, 20, 30 - up to a hundred and vice versa) will increase the recognition of the number and improve the child's orientation in such concepts as tens and a hundred.

We count within 20 without going through a dozen

Since the first-grade child is still dependent on substantive activity(actions with objects), for classes, sets of identical objects for counting are required, which can be picked up and counted in detail. For counting within 20, cubes are most convenient. They can be built in several floors, providing the best perception of the material.

How to teach to count to 20 correctly? Until the baby has mastered the ratio of ten = ten units, you should not consider “heaps” and bundles. It is better to build a decimal series over and over again. Most likely, the student will learn this axiom in a couple of lessons.

We build a row of 10 cubes and put three more on top (and we remember that a row in mathematics always starts from the left end). We remember that this is THIRTEEN.

Nearby we line up the number 14. We tell you that you can add 13 and 14 very quickly if you add tens separately separately: One ten and another ten - will it be ..? -Two tens, or "two - twenty", TWENTY! We will add the units separately - three and four, it will be 7.

As a result, we have the numbers 20 and 7 (in parallel with the explanation, we operate with cubes). Twenty and seven is TWENTY SEVEN!

Thus, we work with tens within the first hundred.

An unusual assistant in learning to count

So that the child can see the number series from 0 to one hundred, offer to consider a tailor's centimeter. In fact, a centimeter is a large soft ruler that is convenient to store. With the help of this simple device, the baby will easily perform difficult exercises for him:

  • Count from tens to 100 and from 100 to zero
  • count from 87 to 93 and vice versa
  • prove which number is greater or less (less than the one that we say earlier when counting and the one that is written to the left - closer to zero)
  • perform simple addition and subtraction
  • repeat the ordinal count (first, second ... hundredth)
  • improve math vocabulary

We count within 20 with the transition through a dozen

How to teach a child to count double figures? When adding and subtracting numbers with a transition through a dozen, it is necessary to be able to explain to the student that one of the terms is expanded in such a way as to add another term to 10 and add the remainder to it:

Let's take 17, this is ten and seven, we write:

(10+7)+5, leave the number 10 alone and work only with units:

How many seven is missing before 10? (here the composition of ten will be very useful to us) - three are missing. We paint the five as 3 and 2 (the composition of the number 5), we get:

As a result, we have an entry:

This is a dozen and a dozen - two tens, and even 4 units - twenty-two.
When subtracting, we work according to the same algorithm.

Perhaps the baby will not understand right away. Feel free to use the tables "Composition of the number." Having learned to understand the principle of adding a number to ten, a student can easily do it orally, without tables.

While counting, give Special attention terminology. Learn the names of the digits, fill in the digit tables. Decompose the number into digits orally and in writing.