Mini nursery is an adaptation studio for kindergarten with English. Kindergartens in Russia

What do we mean by group? short stay? This is an analogue of a kindergarten for the smallest with its own daily routine, so this place has a beneficial effect on general development baby. Responsible for order and leisure in the short stay group experienced teachers which alternate activities with entertainment programs, so that children never get bored, as it can be in kindergarten.

In a short stay group, your child is introduced to the basics of behavior in a group, lays the foundations further development, learn to adequately perceive the world. That is why you need to choose it with special responsibility, carefully.

If you decide to send your child to the mini kindergarten "Childhood", then you understand what he needs and how to lay a reliable foundation for successful life in future. We will make every effort to ensure that your child can easily master the account and the alphabet, develop comprehensively, easily find mutual language with peers, and with all this you will not part with your beloved child for the whole day.

Short stay group

Mini kindergarten "Childhood" was created for crumbs from 2.5 years. The kid visits the garden 5 days a week, the daily stay is only 4 hours. The days when to visit the short stay group are chosen by the parents at will, focusing on their workload and plans. In our mini kindergarten, all groups are optimally staffed, they are not overcrowded, which means that your baby will be given enough attention. There are only 8-10 people in each group, so educators are always able to take into account the wishes of parents and find individual approach to every child.

We have created ideal conditions for your children!

Our mini kindergarten is harmoniously designed. Comfort, coziness, a healthy microclimate and a favorable inviting atmosphere reign in it. Toys, manuals, furniture, equipment are absolutely safe for health and meet the highest standards. All rooms are equipped for children. Each of them is designed for a specific type of training. We have everything you need to make learning fun and active classes, as well as diversify leisure activities to the maximum.

Mini kindergarten "Childhood" is:

an interesting and spacious children's room with toys for the development of logic, creative and abstract thinking;

safe gym with modern sports equipment for the little ones;

Mini-garden in ZAO (Kuntsevo).

mini garden This is a group of short stay children. From 9 am to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00 the kids are in the club. During this time, the kids are engaged in special developmental programs. Under the guidance of a teacher, new developing and entertainment programs: comprehensive development, reading fairy tales, puppet show , modeling, drawing,lego construction, role-playing games as well as classes in speech development And reading, knowledge of the surrounding world and many many others.

We spend physical education sessions, massage breaks, music breaks together. We learn funny, educational songs and poems and many, many more interesting things.

In our mini-garden, children will never be bored. In each group we have no more than 7-8 people, due to this we achieve the maximum result in the development of your children.

Our classes take place in game form. Role-playing game V children's team very important, from childhood it is important that the child learns to communicate with each other. Our teacher will always help the child to easily enter the game and make friends with other children.

We have carefully considered the time spent by children in the club and the alternation of games and developmental activities, each new day the program logically continues the previous one.

The mini-garden is open on weekdays (from Monday to Friday) from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15:00 to 19:00.
In groups no more than 8 people.

We have a group of mini nurseries for children from 1 to 2 years old in the club (no more than 5 children in a group). And a mini-garden group for children from 2.5 to 6.

Our teachers will be happy to tell you about what successes the child has achieved during his stay in the kindergarten. After each class, the child returns home with a few crafts, drawings, and a completed worksheet. And also every few months we arrange matinees and reporting concerts.

All our classrooms are equipped with video cameras, ventilated after each class and are disinfected twice a day.

To visit the mini-garden, you need a certificate from the pediatrician about the possibility of visiting the garden by the child, as well as negative tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs.

Mini-nursery in the club "Magic-Country" is a 4-hour lesson for your children aged 1.8 to 3 years. Classes in our nursery are held twice a week in the morning from 9.00 to 13.00.

During the lesson, children will plunge into the world of new and interesting, will learn finger games, do useful exercises, perform exercises aimed at preventing flat feet, dance, learn something new on thematic cognitive activities and make handicrafts.

We have planned our classes so that the little ones have time for free play and for classes in a special organized Montessori environment. Classes in our nursery will help children easily pass adaptation period before going to kindergarten.

The development of the baby becomes the most successful, as in our classes the child enjoys his own activities. Every day, the baby strives to learn something new, acquiring good habitstudy with pleasure! And so that your kid has enough strength for all this - in the middle of classes we have a tea party!

In the morning group, the second breakfast consists of fruits, tea and biscuits.

The studio includes an English class. The course takes place in a creative, relaxed atmosphere. Conducted by a wonderful certified Montessori teacher and experienced mom- . It harmoniously combines multimedia technologies with the Montessori method of developing babies.

In the classroom, Natalia sets such tasks for the kids, thanks to which the principle is laid, according to which the children themselves come to understand where they made mistakes and how they can be corrected.

Natalia helps kids realize that everything around has its place. Being engaged on his personal table or a small rug, the child understands where the boundaries of his territory are.

Sometimes, children need to connect with someone from the group, so they get social communication skills. IN joint work children exchange information, and also show care, understanding and respect for each other.

All this allows the child to feel more comfortable in the team and tune in to the learning mood.

In the classroom, the kids play a variety of games aimed at:

  • development cognitive processes(memory, attention, thinking);
  • sensory development (orientation in color, shape, size and other properties of objects);
  • development fine motor skills and hands;
  • speech development;
  • development of creative activity (drawing, modeling, application, design).

Hurry up to register - places are limited!

The practice of building a successful career for a woman is not new for a long time in Europe or America, while in Russia such a trend has been observed only in recent decades. Young mothers no longer want to stay on maternity leave and do not consider the birth of a child as an obstacle to continuing work and their own self-affirmation. Moreover, now there are much more opportunities to successfully attach your baby than before. Hundreds of non-state preschool institutions open every year across the country.

Private nursery in Moscow

Our capital is the largest economic hub in Russia, and work here is more highly paid than in other regions. Therefore, it is not surprising that families of any income strive to send the child to a nursery as soon as possible and return to work.

In addition to municipal kindergartens, there are several hundred non-state preschools in Moscow. educational institutions. Such a number is easily explained, the queues in ordinary institutions are exorbitant, it is very difficult to get there, while private nurseries and kindergartens accept everyone, the only question is the monthly cost.

Prices for educational services for preschoolers in Moscow

How much you pay for your child's stay in a private institution depends on several factors. Most budget gardens offer only basic educational services. In this case, the price per month for private nurseries starts from 16 thousand rubles.

More than 25 thousand rubles. parents will pay for more advanced educational activities, with the inclusion of additional classes that contribute to early development babies, as well as Better conditions accommodation, enough landscaped area for walks.

Those who can pay more than forty thousand rubles a month for a private nursery, of course, have the right to expect an appropriate attitude towards their children. Educators in such elite kindergartens emphasize the formation of such qualities of the child as the ability to think and make their own decisions; are selected individual sessions for every baby.

Kindergartens for early childhood

Even in Moscow, with its great opportunities, it is quite difficult to find a private nursery from the age of 1. More serious care is required for young children, and therefore not all entrepreneurs take such a risk. It is easiest to find groups with hourly stays, most private gardens provide such services.

But there are such institutions, although they accept children there, mostly from the age of one and a half. Accordingly, the price of a private nursery for young children will be higher - from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Budget options for paid kindergartens in Moscow

Payment - from 28 000 rubles.

Payment - from 30 000 rubles.

Works from 8.00 to 19.00. An hourly stay is also possible. In groups of no more than 8 people, classes are held English language, a speech therapist works, creative contests are held.

IN Soviet times such a form of preschool as a children's nursery garden with groups for the little ones, was quite developed. Today, there are significantly fewer such state institutions, despite the queues in them. But over the past few years, private nurseries and home kindergartens have appeared, which accept babies from a year old. However, this does not save many parents.

Too many difficulties parents have to face if they decide to send the baby to nursery garden. The most common of them: frequent illnesses, constant tears (babies have difficulty “breaking away” from their mother), nutritional difficulties (some at this age are still breastfed or formula fed, others have allergies or certain food preferences) and adaptation (moreover, better environment in the family, harder baby getting used to kindergarten). Plus, it’s corny scary to leave such a crumb, not knowing what kind of care he will actually take.

In addition, if we are talking about a private kindergarten, a nursery or a home kindergarten, then often they have certain conditions for accepting babies into groups, including at least accustoming a child to a potty, weaning, the ability to hold a spoon, a fork and a mug, etc. But after all, not every one-year-old baby knows how to do all this ... So it turns out that many parents are significantly easier sometimes stay at home with the baby certain age and engage in home education, rather than giving nurseries to kindergarten.

Where can I find an alternative to a nursery garden?

Before looking for an alternative to a nursery, you first need to understand why you would like to leave a child in it. If it’s time for you to go to work, there is no one to leave the baby with, and a nanny is too expensive for you, then, probably, the state nursery garden will be the most suitable option for you. True, in this case, you should not place too much hope on this institution in terms of education and upbringing of your child, most likely, you will only receive supervision.

But if you are primarily interested in educational process baby, and at the same time you still have the opportunity to attend classes with your child, it is better, perhaps, to prefer a developing center. Classes in such centers are usually held for children from 8 months to 6 years. And besides, regardless of the age of your crumbs, here you can always find a program that will meet all your requirements.

We grow and develop together with Montessori

The network of children's developing Montessori centers "Constellation", where literally everything is subordinated to the interests of young discoverers, for its part, is ready to offer you a number of developing programs for the smallest.

If the main thing for you is to raise your child happy, free and successful, to teach him to be independent, inquisitive, independent, disciplined and proactive, then our developmental programs based on the popular Montessori system will be for your baby the best option And great alternative kindergarten nursery. After all, we create everything with special care and love. the necessary conditions for the development of the creative, talented personality of the child, we help him to explore this world with joy and pleasure, to acquire new knowledge and skills, to acquire fundamental qualities for further development.

Montessori Development

The "Mom and Baby" groups were created for children from 8 months to 3 years old. In them, kids, together with their mothers, do not just play with toys, but go through a whole educational process under the guidance of a teacher, while gaining their first knowledge and experience by no means randomly, but by special technique using a large number unusual and very high quality educational material.