Summaries of role-playing games taking into account gender socialization for children of the middle group of kindergarten. The importance of play in the socialization of a preschooler "

Elovikova Olga Stepanovna,


first qualification category

MBDOU d / s No. 29 "Zhuravushka" city of Surgut

Middle preschool age.

Program tasks:

Educational area "Socialization"

To form the idea of ​​children about the theater, as a form of art, its purpose.

To acquaint children with professions (artist, director, costume designer, decorator, musician) and theater premises (auditorium, stage).

To expand the knowledge of children about the profession of an actor.

Develop interest in theatrical and playful activities.

To educate children to love the theater.

Educational area "Communication"

To form the ability to correctly and clearly answer the questions of the educator.

Enrich the vocabulary by lexical topic"Theatre".

Activate speech activity children in the selection of verbs, adjectives.

Educational area "Cognition"

Consolidate knowledge of color, geometric shapes.

Educational area "Reading fiction»

To shape emotional attitude to literary works.

Introduce verbal art through poetic rhymes, riddles.

Educational area "Music" To form the ability to listen to musical works (fragment) and correlate with literary images. Develop emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature.

Improve the ability of children to coordinate the actions of their character with the music. To develop the ability to convey an image in motion with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and plastics.

Educational area "Physical culture"

Provide optimal locomotor activity during educational activities.

Educational area "Security"

Introduce the rules of conduct in the theater.

Preliminary work:

Conversations: What is theater? When and why was the theater invented? How the theater is arranged, what premises it has. Who works in the theater.

Vocabulary work: Finger, desktop, shadow, puppet, playbill, reincarnation, puppeteer, make-up artist, costume designer, director, musician, decorator, curtain, dramatic, ballet, opera, scenery, make-up, role, actor, mask, audience, auditorium, theater box office, stage, orchestra.

Equipment: laptop, tape recorder, masks, theatrical chest, models, signboard "Theater box office", poster, tickets, easel.

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- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

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Aida Nikulnikova
Abstract role-playing games taking into account gender socialization for children middle group kindergarten

Primary occupation children preschool age- a game, in it spiritual and physical strength child. In addition, play is a way of assimilating social experience, peculiar to preschool age. In it, children reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Playing a role, the child performs a certain social function differentiated by sex.

I believe that the teacher should not only play differentially with girls and boys, but also lead playing together, in which all children participate at will, since very often boys and girls play roles in games that are not characteristic of the roles of adult men and women. For example, a boy wants to be a teacher in kindergarten and the girl is a builder.

In my work, I took following methods and techniques for leadership role-playing games of middle preschoolers: reminder, questions to children, assessment and analysis of activities children... During plot-role play I introduced children with various professions, the activities of people of a certain profession, I looked at illustrations, paintings with children, read works of art. When carrying out work on education children taking into account their gender features, I propose to pay attention to following:

On an attractive game material and game paraphernalia in order to attract children to be reflected in the game socially approved images of male and female behavior;

Sufficiency and completeness of materials for games, during which girls reproduce the model social behavior of a woman - a mother, and for boys there is an opportunity to play a male model of behavior.

By developing this plot role-playing game was taken into account the need to create such Wednesday in which boys and girls would have the opportunity to combine their socially gender roles ... This method of organizing the game allows children to master the experience of male and female behavior in the family and society, learn to interact, negotiate with the opposite sex, build long-term benevolent relationships.

As a result of such a game, I noticed that girls have a desire to be caring, economic, and boys want to be "Knights", show responsibility.

Educational area « Socialization» .

Targets and goals:

Formation of children experience gender relations through game activity;

Learn children act according to the chosen role with taking into account gender differences;

Teach yourself to create a game Wednesday, will unite in group, develop gaming


Enrich your vocabulary;

Meet children with the rules of conduct in a certain social situation;

Foster respect for adult work.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", « Construction» .

Plot role play for boys "Construction"

Materials and equipment: wooden cubes, constructor with large details, cars, toy men.

Preliminary work: a conversation about the work of builders, drivers of special equipment, consideration plot pictures

I. Organizational moment:

Guys, in our a lot of dolls live in the group... But they don't have their own home. How to make them have their own home? (build)... Who builds houses? (builders).

II. The main course of the game:

Guys, let's build a house for our dolls. But in order to start construction, we need building materials. What materials are needed for construction? (bricks, concrete, cement).

Where can you bring these materials? (on a dump truck, concrete mixer)... Let's pick the drivers for these cars and let them start bringing everything.

Construction can now begin. In order to build walls, we need bricklayers. Now the dump trucks will unload the bricks (cubes) and you can start building. Let's decide who will be the builder.

When the walls are high enough, bricks and cement can be fed to the builders using special machines. What are their names? (tower crane, truck crane).

When erecting walls, it is necessary to leave openings for windows and doors.

The walls are ready. The most final stage work - roof construction.

How big and beautiful house we have built! The dolls will be comfortable and fun in their new home. And while you were building the house, our dolls were preparing for the housewarming and cooking holiday dinner!

Plot role play for girls "Holiday dinner".

Materials and equipment: doll dishes, doll furniture(table, chairs, tablecloth, toy household appliances, dolls, aprons and kerchiefs for girls.

Preliminary work: a conversation about homework women, dishes, furniture, household appliances, considering plot pictures, reading fiction, various game situations, individual work.

I. Organizational moment:

Girls, we are building a house for your dolls. After the completion of construction, it is necessary to arrange for everyone a holiday of entry into new house... What is it called? (housewarming).

Let's make a festive dinner. What is needed for this? (dishes, hob, kettle).

First, let's prepare the first course. What are we going to cook? (borsch, soup) (pot)... What are we going to cook for the second? (cutlets)... What kind of dishes do you need for this? (frying pan)... What are we going to drink with? (with tea)... What should you make tea in? (in the teapot).

Now you need to set the table nicely. How to make your table look festive? (put a tablecloth, put napkins)... Let's set the table properly. What kind of dishes will we put for the soup? (deep plate and spoon)... And for the second course (dinner plate and fork)... And for tea? (cup, saucer, teaspoon).

Well, the table is set, dinner is ready. You can invite guests for a housewarming party. Girls, invite the boys to dinner, because they tried, they built a house for your dolls.

III. Game situation "Meeting with guests"

The girls invite the boys to dinner. They offer to sit down at the table and try the dishes in a certain order days:

Please try the borscht.

Did you like the cutlets?

Is the tea sweet enough? Etc.

The boys thank the girls for lunch.

IV. Exit the game.

Girls, boys loved lunch. But we need to put our table and dishes in order. How to do it? (wash the dishes, put them in the closet).

Boys, dolls thank you for your new home. But the construction site needs to be put in order. How to do it? (take away the remaining building materials, drive the equipment to the garage).

Children tidy up group room , put toys back into place.

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"What is socialization of a preschooler?
The importance of play in the socialization of a preschooler. "
(Speech at the teachers' council 2015 - 2016)

Educator-psychologist MBDOU No. 31, Apatit
Khristyuk Valentina Pavlovna

Positive socialization of the preschooler
the path of its successful development!

From the first days of its existence, a person is surrounded by other people. From the very beginning of his life, he is involved in social interaction. A person acquires the first experience of communication even before he learns to speak. Man is a social being, his progress depends not only on biological, but, above all, on social laws. Therefore, it is formed only in the presence of social conditions of life. In the process of interacting with other people, he receives a certain social experience, which, being subjectively assimilated, becomes an integral part of his personality. The personality develops and improves under the influence of other people, adapts to the fulfillment of specific duties in society, bears a certain responsibility for its behavior, actions and deeds. This process is called socialization, the main content of which is the transfer by society of socio-historical experience, culture, rules and norms of behavior, value orientations, in addition, their assimilation by the individual.
Socialization (from Lat. Socialis - social) is the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilating and reproducing the culture of society.
Successful socialization presupposes effective adaptation of a person to society and, at the same time, the ability to resist him in those life collisions that impede self-development, self-determination, and self-realization.
Positive socialization is the child's ability to interact with the people around him, to build his behavior and activities, taking into account the needs and interests of others.
Target positive socialization mastering by preschoolers of initial ideas of a social nature and their inclusion in the system social relations society.
Elements of positive socialization
emotional well-being of the child; positive attitude to the people around; communicative competence of a preschooler; development of children's social skills.

The main directions in the work on the positive socialization of preschool children:
1. Actualization of the priority tasks of personality education
2. Compliance with the principles of developmental education. 3. Pedagogical activities on complementarity of educational areas.
Special attention should be directed to the formation of a humanistic orientation of the child's personality, which involves the establishment of a balance of personal and social needs, moral regulation of their behavior, taking into account the interests and rights of another person. an unconditional component of the surrounding world. And it is very important to form precisely humane ideas in children about friendship, kindness, honesty, and justice. This problem should be solved taking into account age and individual characteristics preschoolers.
Today, the task of child development is put forward in the first place; this is the modern strategy of Russian pedagogy. The teacher must organize this way joint activities with preschoolers so that it is aimed at shaping them cognitive activity and independence, the development of abilities. The process of positive socialization of the child's personality is organically combined with such types of children's activities as motor, play, cognitive and research, productive, artistic and aesthetic. It is important that in the process of joint activities with the teacher, the child assimilates not only moral, ethical ideas, but also masters the methods of action, learns to manage his activities.
Since the social development of the child's personality is an integral component of communicative communication, cognitive activity, moral education, then the solution of the main pedagogical tasks in this direction is carried out in all areas of educational activity. This approach provides diversified development. Thus, modern approaches to the problem of positive socialization of preschoolers are aimed not only at the formation of a certain amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also presuppose the development of the basic qualities of the child's personality, the formation of his general culture and social adaptation in society.
Play acts as a means of socialization of preschoolers, it is the leading activity of preschool children.
Play is the only central activity of a child that takes place at all times and among all peoples. Play is the practice of a child's development, in play, a child develops as a person, he has those aspects of his psyche that will subsequently determine the success of his educational and work activities, the success of his relationships with people. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, emotionality, activity, the need for communication, a sense of collectivism, dedication, humanity, and so on are manifested. In addition, play is a way of assimilating social experience, peculiar to preschool age. NK Krupskaya wrote: “For children of preschool age, games are of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is serious form education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the environment. " Through play, the child enters the world of adults, mastering spiritual values, assimilates previous social experience. V early age children receive initial ideas of a social nature and are included in the system of social relations through solving the following tasks:
development of gaming activities,
familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults,
the formation of family, citizenship.
Play is a source of development of the child's consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling the relationship between a child and an adult.
Thus, play at an early age is a means of social and personal development of a child, it presupposes the formation of a positive attitude towards himself, social skills, the development of play activities, communication with peers. Preschool age (from 3 to 7 years old) is the period of mastering social space human relations through communication with close adults, as well as through play and real relationship with peers. At the age of three to seven years, the child's self-awareness develops so much that it gives rise to talk about the child's personality. And at this age, the child begins to master "a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society," which means he is involved in the process of socialization.
Play is the most important means of socializing preschoolers.
Currently specialists preschool pedagogy They unanimously admit that play, as the most important specific activity of a child, should perform broad general educational social functions.
Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested. The game is the first school public education child, "the arithmetic of social relations", as LS Vygotsky described it.
Already at an early and young age, it is in the game that children have greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with peers at will, to implement and deepen their knowledge and skills. The older the children get, the higher their level is. overall development, the more valuable is the game (especially pedagogically guided) for the formation of amateur forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves or organize games with rules (didactic, mobile, find partners, set a goal and choose the means of realizing their ideas. more in conditions preschool education, requires the child to be able to establish relationships with comrades. In these informal children's associations, different traits of a child's character, his habits, interests, ideas about the environment, various skills, for example, the ability to independently find a way out of those that arise in the game, are manifested problem situations, guided by well-known norms and rules of behavior, or the ability to independently organize real (and not imaginary) work activities to solve game tasks... In the game, the child's need to interact with the world is formed and manifested, intellectual, moral and volitional qualities develop, and the personality as a whole is formed. For example, in the game, such a quality of the child's personality is formed as self-regulation of actions, taking into account the tasks collective action. The most important achievement is a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also rebuilds his intellectual sphere in essential ways, since in a collective game there is an interaction of various ideas, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal. It has been proven that in play, children get their first experience of collective thinking. Play is a true social practice of a child, his real life in the society of peers. For example, a game in which children reproduce in a visual-figurative, effective form, the work and relationships of people, not only makes it possible to better understand and experience this reality more deeply, but is also a powerful factor in the development of thinking and creative imagination, education of high human qualities.
Quite often the game serves as a pretext for communicating new knowledge to preschoolers, for expanding their horizons. Games guided by adults teach children to correctly evaluate social phenomena, to foster a certain attitude towards these phenomena and positive features character. The game enables the child to actively participate in the affairs of adults. The game has social basis... And children's games previous years, and modern games convince us that they are connected with the world of adults.
The reality surrounding the child is diverse, and only certain aspects of it are reflected in the game, namely: the sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people. As studies by A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, R. I. Zhukovskaya show, the development of play during preschool age occurs in the direction from object play, which recreates the actions of adults, to role play, which recreates relationships between people. In the first years of a child's life, interest in objects, things that others use prevails. Therefore, in the games of children of this age, the actions of an adult are recreated with something, with some object (a child prepares food on a toy stove, bathes a doll in a basin). A. A. Lyublinskaya very aptly called the play of kids "half-play-half-work."
In the expanded form of role play, which is observed in children from 4-5 years of age, relationships between people come to the fore, which are carried out through actions with objects, and sometimes without them. Thus, the game becomes a way of isolating and modeling (re-creating in specially created conditions) relations between people, and therefore begins to serve the assimilation social experience.
The game is social and in the way it is carried out. Play activity, as proved by A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V.Davydov, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, is not invented by a child, but is asked by an adult who teaches the child to play, introduces socially established methods of play actions (how to use a toy, substitute items , other means of embodying the image; perform conditional actions, build a plot, obey the rules, etc.). In any case, play represents an attempt by children to organize their experience, and perhaps play is associated with those moments in children's lives when they feel safer and more in control of their own lives.
Observing the play of children, you will notice that not all children know how to play. It sounds incredible, but it is. The main obstacle to the development of self-reliant creative play is the wrong upbringing at an early age. Unaccustomed to acting independently, the child needs the help of adults when faced with the smallest difficulties. The second obstacle to the development of games is unfavorable living conditions when the child is isolated from others. The games of such children will be miserable in content, "monotonous", fragmentary. If the provider finds out why the children are not playing, they may try individual approach gradually include the child in general games. Mainly when such children constitute a minority in the team, it is very good if the teacher in the group of playing children includes such an unsociable child so that he merges with this group and accepts Active participation in Game. In this way, antisocial manifestations in the behavior of the child can be eliminated. At the preschool educational institution we use the following children's games:
folk games... Folk game, performing various educational functions (developing, cognitive, entertaining, diagnostic, corrective) serves as a means of introducing children to folk culture... Educators use folk games in combination with game situations and additional playing techniques... This allows the child to:
- to master the experience of correct behavior in the game and organizational skills;
- to cope with negative experiences (anxiety, fear, self-doubt), constraint and indecision in communication, with the inability to stand up for oneself;
- as we have already said, activity is an important condition for introducing children to social reality... In folk games, the child has a great opportunity to actively act, learning the world mastering relationships between people. While participating in folk games, it is impossible to remain passive. Folk games are based on plots familiar to children. They ignite, have children, awaken the imagination. Children, passing games to each other, master them, make their own changes. Here takes place children's creativity... Children are all different in character, temperament. For example, the leading girl in the game "Yablonka" will depict the content of the song with her movements as she imagines it. Thus, she conveys her attitude towards what she portrays. It can be various emotions, and expressive movements corresponding to the lyrics of the song. In folk games, each child has the opportunity to show their individuality, to express themselves. Almost all folk games are figurative. And in the game, the image is almost never static. In the game "Geese and the Wolf" according to the plot, the geese try to run home, and the wolf catches them. The actions of the wolf and geese are opposite to each other, they constitute the whole essence of the game. Children learn to be careful, attentive. Each child fulfills his assigned role. Thus, he is active in the game, he is a participant himself.
Round dance games.
Round dance games have a positive effect on the development of children's communication skills. A round dance is an amazing type of communication, it is inseparably made up of play, dance, song, elements of dramatic action. A round dance game is a collective action created by the transformation of each participant into his own image. In the process of emotional communication in a round dance, we help children to portray different emotions and feelings: upset, crying - rubbing their eyes; fun - jumping for joy; offense - turn away. V round dance games, which are an effective means of developing the expressiveness of facial expressions and pantomime in communication, we contribute to the cohesion of children. In the process of a round dance game, we teach children to follow the sequence in the performance of actions, to play the role that fell by lot, and not the one they would like. " We regulate the behavior of children in round dance games due to the presence of clear rules of the game and invariable principles of behavior in game situation
Role-playing games ("hospital", hairdresser, shop, etc., which in turn develop potential opportunities children; is crucial for the mental development of the child; is a form of modeling by a child of social relations; possesses unique features, a kind of structure, specific features that distinguish it from other types of games.
Theatrical games are one of effective means socialization of a preschooler in the process of comprehending the moral implication of a literary work, participation in a game that creates favorable conditions for the development of a sense of partnership, the development of ways of positive interaction. ("Turnip", "KR. Cap) Due to the fact that each literary work or a fairy tale has a moral orientation, theatrical games contribute to the enrichment of social experience. Insofar as positive traits encouraged and negative ones condemned, our children, in most cases, imitate kind, honest characters, thus expressing their attitude towards good and evil. We help the child see the world through the eyes of the character, understand the motives of his actions and empathize with him. we teach to coordinate our actions with the actions of our partner: listen without interrupting, respect each other and conduct a dialogue correctly. Through theatrical games, we develop creative potential, attention, imagination, thinking and memory of children.
Outdoor games act as a condition for the development of a child's culture. In them, the child comprehends and learns the world around him, his intellect, fantasy, imagination develops in them, social qualities are formed.
Didactic games contribute to the social and moral development of the preschool child: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. (Magicians, call tenderly).
Thus, play as a means of social and communicative development of children contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality capable of living and working in modern society.

In accordance with the “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution,” ensuring the social and personal development of children is one of the tasks of preschool education.

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education also include "socialization" as an area focused on the development of intellectual and personal qualities of preschoolers.

About the need social education great teachers and philosophers of the past also spoke: Socrates and Plato, Ya.A. Kamensky and I.G., Pestlozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko and V.A. Sukhomlinsky, but they understood it somewhat in their own way: they believed that the path to the creation of the foundations of the personality was possible through conversations about justice, truth, honor, duty, beauty, Motherland, courage, loyalty, etc.

The problems of social and personal development and upbringing of preschool children are rooted in the changes that are taking place in our society and state.

In the context of the continuing instability of the socio-economic and political life of the country, the number of children in difficult living conditions continues to grow: the number of divorces and the number of single-parent families, the conditions for keeping children are deteriorating, there are families with ill-treatment with children suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Statistics show that almost 50% of the country's child population (about 18 million) is in the social risk zone. There are 573 thousand orphans in our country. Annually in Russia there are about 100 thousand children in need of guardianship. Unfortunately, children who do not have a positive experience of family life often repeat the fate of their parents.

In kindergarten, teachers face the following problems: there are babies with communication disorders, with increased shyness, anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, insecure children, etc. The reasons for these violations can be very different, but all these violations interfere not only with others, but also to the children themselves.

These data indicate the importance and necessity of carrying out work on the social and personal development of children in a preschool educational institution.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 38


Prepared by:

MBDOU number 38

Rubleva L.I.

2012 r.


for the formation of a culture of communication in preschool children

"Life in the forest"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Educator. Imagine that you are in a forest and speak different languages... But you need to communicate with each other somehow. How to do it? How to ask about something, how to express your benevolent attitude without saying a word? To ask a question, how are you doing, we clap our palm on the palm of a comrade(show). To answer that everything is fine, we bow our head to his shoulder; we want to express friendship and love - we gently stroke the head(show). Ready? Then they started. It is early morning, the sun came out, you just woke up ...

The teacher unfolds the further course of the game arbitrarily, making sure that the children do not talk to each other.

"Good Elves"

Educator. Once upon a time, people, fighting for survival, were forced to work day and night. Of course, they were very tired. The good elves took pity on them. With the onset of night, they began to fly to people and, gently stroking them, tenderly lull kind words... And people fell asleep. And in the morning, full of strength, set to work with renewed vigor.

Now we will play the role of ancient people and good elves. Those who sit on right hand from me, they will play the roles of these workers, and those on the left - elves. Then we will switch roles. And so the night came. People, exhausted from fatigue, continue to work, and good elves fly in and lull them to sleep ...

A wordless act is played out.


Educator. Do you know how chicks are born? The embryo first develops in the shell. After the allotted time, he breaks it with his small beak and crawls out. A large, bright, unexplored world opens up to him, full of mysteries and surprises. Everything is new to him: flowers, grass, and pieces of shell. After all, he had never seen all this. Let's play chicks? Then let's squat down and start breaking the shell. Like this!(Show.) Everything! Smashed! Now let's explore the world around us - get to know each other, walk around the room, sniff objects. But keep in mind, chicks do not know how to talk, they only squeak.


The teacher seats the children around him.

Educator. Have any of you ever seen an anthill in the forest, inside which life rages day and night? None of the ants is sitting idle, everyone is busy: someone is dragging needles to strengthen their homes, someone is preparing dinner, someone is raising children. And so all spring and all summer. And in late autumn, when the cold comes, the ants gather together to fall asleep in their warm house. They sleep so deeply that they are not afraid of snow, blizzard, or frost. The anthill wakes up with the onset of spring, when the first warm Sun rays start to make their way through thick layer needles. But before starting their usual working life, the ants throw a huge feast. I have such a proposal: we will play the role of ants on a joyful day of the holiday. We will show how the ants greet each other, rejoicing in the arrival of spring, how they talk about what they have dreamed all winter. Just don't forget that ants can't talk. Therefore, we will communicate with gestures.

The teacher and the children play out the story with pantomime and actions, ending with a round dance and dances.

"Shadow play"

Educator. Have you noticed how, on a bright sunny day, your own shadow follows you incessantly, exactly repeating, copying all your movements? Whether you walk, run, jump - she is with you all the time. And if you are walking or playing with someone, then your shadow, as if making friends with the shadow of your companion, again repeats everything exactly, but without speaking, without uttering a single sound. She does everything silently. Let's imagine that we are our shadows. Let's walk around the room, look at each other, try to communicate with each other, and then together we'll build something out of imaginary cubes. But how? We will move very quietly, without uttering a single sound. So here we go!

Together with an adult, children silently move around the room, look at each other, shake hands. Then, following his example, a tower is built from imaginary cubes. The success of the game depends on the imagination of the teacher.

"Animated toys"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Educator. You have probably been told or read fairy tales about how toys come to life at night. Please close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what she, waking up, does at night. Have you presented? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy and get acquainted with the rest of the toys. But again, we perform all our actions in silence, so as not to wake up the elders. And after the game we will try to guess who was depicting which toy.

At the end of the game, the children, at the teacher's request, tell who was playing whom. If someone is at a loss, the adult suggests once again, walking around the room, to show his toy.

Games for the development of the emotional and moral sphere

and communication skills in older preschool children

"Name yourself"

Target: to teach to introduce oneself to a collective of peers.

Stroke: the child is asked to introduce himself, giving his name as he likes, as he is called at home or as he would like to be called in the group.

"Call affectionately"

Target: foster a benevolent attitude of children towards each other.

Stroke: the child is offered to throw a ball or pass a toy to any peer (optional), affectionately calling him by name.

"Magic chair"

Target: to educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle children in the speech of children, sweet words.

Stroke: one child sits down in the center on a "magic" chair, the rest say kind, affectionate words and compliments about him. You can stroke the seated person, hug, kiss.

"Transfer of feelings"

Target: teach to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Stroke: the child is given the task to convey a certain feeling "along the chain" with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and touches. The children then discuss how they felt.


Target: teach the ability to transform into objects, animals, depicting them with the help of plastic, facial expressions, gestures.

Stroke: children take turns thinking of a certain "image", depicting it without naming it. The rest guess, giving a verbal portrait.

"My favourite toy"

Target: develop the ability to listen to each other; describe your favorite toy, noting its mood, behavior, lifestyle.

Stroke: children choose which toy they will describe without naming it and talk about it. The rest guess.

"Gift to a friend"

Target: develop the ability to non-verbally "describe" objects.

Stroke: one child becomes a “birthday boy”; the rest, “give” him gifts, conveying their attitude towards the “birthday man” with movements and facial expressions.


Target: teach to negotiate and interact in a peer group.

Stroke: one child is a sculptor, three or five children are clay. The sculptor "sculpts" the composition from "clay", arranging the figures according to the conceived project. The rest help, then together they give the name "composition".

"Magic flower"

Target: teach to express your individuality, to introduce yourself to other children in the group.

Stroke: children are asked to imagine themselves as small sprouts of flowers. At will, they choose who will be what flower. Further, to the music, they show how the flower blooms. Then each child tells about himself: where and with whom he grows up, how he feels, what he dreams about.

"Multi-colored bouquet"

Target: learn to interact with each other, getting joy and pleasure from it.

Stroke: each child declares himself a flower and finds himself another flower for the bouquet, explaining his choice. Then all the "bouquets" are combined into one "bouquet" and arrange a round dance of flowers.


Target: develop the ability to manage your emotional state, relax, talk about your feelings and experiences.

Stroke: children in comfortable positions sit around the candle, stare at the flame for 5-8 seconds, then close their eyes for 2-3 seconds (the candle goes out). Opening their eyes, they tell what images they saw in the flame of a candle, what they felt at the same time.

"Sunny Bunny"

Target: continue to foster a friendly attitude of children towards each other, to develop an atmosphere of warmth, love and affection.

Stroke: children are offered with the help of a mirror to "catch" " sun bunny". Then the teacher says that he also caught the "bunny", offers to pass it in a circle so that everyone can caress him, keep warm with his warmth. When the "bunny" returns to the teacher, he draws attention to the fact that during this time the "bunny", treated kindly by the children, has grown and no longer fits in the palms of his hands. "Bunny" is released, but everyone catches particles of its warmth, tender rays with their heart.

"Pyramid of love"

Target: foster a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Stroke: children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Each of us loves something or someone; we all have this feeling, and we all express it in different ways. I love my family, my children, my home, my city, my job. Tell us who and what you love.(Children's stories.)Now let's build a "pyramid of love" from our hands. I will name something favorite and put my hand, then each of you will name your favorite and put your hand.(Children build a pyramid.)Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Is this state pleasant to you? Look at how high we got the pyramid. High, because we are loved and love ourselves. "

"The Magicians"

Target: continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Stroke: children are asked to imagine that they are magicians and can fulfill their wishes and the wishes of others. For example, we will add courage to Volodya, agility to Alyosha, etc.

Games for the development of communication skills of preschool children

We develop the ability to cooperate:

We teach to hear, understand and obey the rules

Bunnies and fox

Children (bunnies) gather at one of the walls, one child (in a fox mask) hides behind a "bush" (chair). The teacher stands at the opposite wall and counts loudly: "One, two, three, four, five, the bunnies are out for a walk."

Children run out into the middle of the room and start jumping merrily. A minute later - another teacher continues: "Suddenly the fox runs out, she will catch gray hares."

All the bunnies scatter, the fox is trying to "catch" someone, but in vain. The teacher adds: "The foxes did not fall into the paws - the bunnies all ran away into the forest."

Choose another fox, the game repeats. Such play is an elementary form of dramatization, to which children are gradually led. It is necessary to ensure that they act in strict accordance with the verbal instructions of the educator.

Owl - owl

Children are shown an owl (picture, photograph), they are told about it. One child is an owl; the rest are forest birds. The owl sits on a tree (chair, box, etc.), birds run around it, cautiously approach it.


"Owl is an owl, big head,

Sits in a tree, turns his head,

Looks in all directions.

Suddenly she flies ...

At the last word (not earlier), the owl "flies" from the tree and begins to catch the birds. The captured bird becomes the new owl and the game resumes.

Even toddlers are happy to play this game. They still do not know how to catch each other, but they happily run around the hall, waiting for a signal (clap their hands, exclamation “stop!”), At which they must stop.


The game is played in a circle. Participants choose a driver. He gets up and carries his chair out of the circle - there are one fewer chairs than the players.

The teacher says: “Those who have ... ( blonde hair, red socks, blue shorts, braids, etc.) ”. After that, those who have the named sign should quickly get up and change places: the driver at this time is trying to take the vacant seat. The player without a chair becomes the driver.

Platter game

The players sit on the floor in a circle. One child goes to the middle of the circle, puts a plate on the edge, spins it, calls the name of some child, and returns to the circle. The one whom he named must have time to touch the plate while it is spinning. Spins it up again and names the next player. Those who did not have time to reach the plate and pick it up are eliminated from the game.

We learn to control movements and work according to instructions

Cold - hot, right - left

The teacher hides conditional subject(toy), and then with the help of commands such as "Step to the right, two steps forward, three to the left" leads the player to the goal, helping him with the words "warm", "hot", "cold". When children learn to navigate in space according to the verbal instructions of an adult, a plan diagram can be used.

Beat the transformation

The leader in a circle passes objects (ball, pyramid, cube, etc.), calling them by conventional names. Children act with them as if they were objects named by an adult. For example, a ball is passed in a circle. The presenter calls it an “apple” - the children “eat” it, “wash” it, “sniff” it, etc.

Mountain path

Before the game, children read S. Marshak's fable "Two rams" and conduct a conversation on its content.

Why do you think there was a misfortune with the rams?

What qualities killed the rams?

Think and tell me: was there a way out of this situation?

What, in your opinion, should the rams do?

Then the game begins.

Educator ... Imagine that we are high in the mountains. Before us is an abyss, through which we must cross. You will go towards each other (remember the rams). Your task is not to fall into the abyss. Remember that you are walking along a very narrow path and a narrow bridge over an abyss.

A chasm 2 m wide, a bridge and a path 25 - 30 cm wide are bounded by a rope or outlined with chalk.

Children split into pairs and, moving towards each other, cross the abyss.

The results are summed up: “Which pair passed the best? Why?" Activity, attention to a partner, mutual assistance, options for solving the problem and the choice of the most suitable one, as well as the execution time are assessed.


The teacher uses images from geometric shapes as samples. Before the start of the game, together with the children, he analyzes these images, distributes the children into pairs: one is blindfolded, the other is not (he is “the eyes of his pair). Next, a blindfolded child draws on paper, listening to the “eye” commands: “Right, left, up, down, left ...” (commands are given based on the sample). Then the children change roles, the game is repeated.


The sea king is selected with the help of a counting ringer. He monitors the immobility of the "sea figures" and " magic wand»Removes the offender.

The presenter says: "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure - freeze!"

Children, frozen in any position, are waiting for the signal: "Otomri!"

We cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other

I do not have

The teacher prepares in advance plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships (in systemsan adult is a child, a child is a child, a child is the world around), and the pattern “I shouldn't” (for example, the image of the sign “-“).

The child lays out near the template those pictures that depict situations that are unacceptable in relationships between people, between man and nature, man and the objective world, explain their choice.

The rest of the children act as observers and advisers.

Beasts in the swamp

All children of the group are playing. They are "beasts" that have fallen into the swamp. Each has three tablets (three sheets of paper). You can get out of the swamp only in pairs and only on the boards.

One of the players had two planks broken and sank to the bottom. To prevent him from drowning, he needs help - this can be done by his partner (his “couple”).

Every child should be a victim and rescuer.

Both the willingness to come to the rescue and the proposed options for salvation are assessed.


Objects - obstacles (chairs, cubes, hoops, etc.) are laid out and arranged in the group. Children are divided into pairs: leader - follower. The follower puts a blindfold on his eyes, the leader leads him, telling him how to move, for example: “Step over the cube”, “Here is a chair. Let's go around it. " Then the children switch roles.

We develop the ability to actively listen:

We learn to communicate on the verbal and non-verbal levels, to identify emotional condition other people, express their feelings

Pantomimic sketches

Children are offered to walk like a little girl, a boy in good mood, an old man, a child who is just learning to walk, a tired person, etc.

Tales inside out

Puppet or table theater based on a famous fairy tale.

The teacher invites the children to come up with a version of the fairy tale, where the characters of the heroes are changed (for example, the bun is evil, and the fox is good), and show with the help of a table theater what can happen in such a fairy tale.

Reflection of feelings

Children unite in pairs, agree who will be the “speaker” and who will be the “reflector”. The teacher whispers in the ear of the "speaker" a phrase like: "Mom came for me." The speaker is emotionally repeating, and the "reflector" must determine how his friend feels at the moment when he uttered the phrase.

Developing auditory perception


The telephone operator is selected with the help of the reader. He thinks out a word and gives it to the first player (in his ear, in a whisper), he goes along the chain to the next, etc. When the word reaches the last player, the telephone operator asks him what word he “received through the call”. If the word is named incorrectly, the operator checks each player and establishes where the connection was broken.

Word chain

The driver is selected. He comes up with and names three to five words, then points to any player who must repeat the words in the same sequence. If the child copes with the task, he becomes the driver.

Pack your suitcase

Children are invited to go on a journey. What is needed for that?

Put your things in a suitcase: "Think: what do you need to take with you on the road?" The first traveler names one object, the second repeats and names his own object. The third repeats what the second traveler named and names his own. And so on. Condition: you can not repeat.

The game can be complicated: the children list all the items that the previous players spoke about and name their own.


1st option. A poem is read to children, they repeat the last word each line.

2nd option. Children are divided into two teams: "Echo" and "Inventors".

The “inventors” agree on who will say which word on a certain topic, pronounce the hidden words in turn and ask the players: “What word did Kolya say? Sasha? Etc.".

Mutual citation

“We are going to play this game. I will knock my knees with my palms twice and say my name twice, then I will clap my hands in the air, saying the name of one of you, for example, "Vanya - Vanya". Vanya will first knock on his knees twice, calling himself, and then clap his hands and call someone else, for example, "Katya-Katya". Then Katya, taking over the course, will do the same. And so on. It is important not to look at the participant you are calling, but to pronounce his name into space, looking, for example, in the other direction or at the ceiling.

We teach to ask open and closed questions


A dialogue is established between the participants in the game and the driver.

Driving. Ding, ding, ding!

Children. Who's there?

Driving. Postman.

Children. Where?

Driving. From Ryazan.

Children. And what are they doing there?

Driving. They dance (sing, laugh, swim, fly), etc. (children depict the actions named by the driver).

"Yes" and "no" don't say

The game involves two teams. The teacher offers one of the teams to choose a "volunteer": he stands in front of another team, whose players "fire" questions at him for a minute. The "volunteer" should answer them, observing the rule: "Yes and no, do not say."

If a player utters one of these words, it will mean that the opposing team has outsmarted him and he must return to his place. If the player holds out for a minute and does not utter the forbidden words, then the opposing team recognizes itself as defeated. The "volunteer" receives a token. Then the teams switch roles. At the end of the game, the chips are counted: the team with the most of them wins.

What is your name?

The participants in the game come up with funny nicknames(bubble, hairbrush, pen, etc.), then the driver asks questions. Answering them, you can only call your nickname. You have to answer quickly. Without thinking, in no case should you laugh, even smile.

For example, the driver approaches the one who called himself a broom and strictly warns: “Whoever makes a mistake will get caught! Whoever laughs will have a bad time! ". This is followed by a dialogue like this:

Who are you?


What did you eat this morning?


What can you ride?

On a broomstick. Etc.

This continues until the player laughed. If the player laughed, he must give up the forfeit and leave the game.


There is a chest on the table with an object in it. They call one child, he looks into the chest. The rest of the children ask him questions about the color, shape, quality, properties, etc. of this object until they guess what is in the chest.

Rule: all questions should be answered only "Yes" or "No".

Picture gallery

Children are invited to look at the pictures they already know and make the one that they like best. Then all the children sit in a circle, one child is called. He says: "All pictures are good, but one is better."

With the help of questions, children try to guess which picture this child liked. If she is guessed correctly, the child says: “Thank you everyone! It really is she - a picture called (names). "

ABC of why

Ask questions so that their first words begin with each letter of the alphabet (in order). The player who loses first, who forgets the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?

Hippopotamus - who is this?

Are there wolves in our forests?

Where do hedgehogs winter?

Who brings up children?

Does the spruce look like a hedgehog?

Is Ruff a bird?

Where is greed manifested?

Why does a fox need a tail?

Is the iris a flower or a candy?

Where do birds fly in the fall?

Do you like animals?

Can you offend little ones?

Is night part of the day or time of year?

Are the clouds running or floating?

Do you help your parents?

Looking forward to your new toys?

Is a dog a friend of man?

Do you often ask adults questions?

Is it always useful to study?

What do they do with felt-tip pens?

Did you have a good rest in the summer?

Where does the heron live?

Do you often read books with adults?

What balloons can you decorate with?

Whose children are the puppies?

How many floors are in your house?

Is Yula a toy?

What are the colors of apples?

Pum - Pum - Pum

“Now we're going to play the Pum-Pum-Pum game. Pum - pum - pum is some kind of item that is in our group. "

Choose a child who must guess the object. Children ask him questions to guess what kind of "pum - pum - pum" is.

Questions can be, for example, the following: “Why did you ask this pum - pum - pum? What is it for? Is this pum - pum - pum big or small? " Etc.

The one who asked for the item must answer the questions in full sentences.

We teach to paraphrase what has been said (keeping the main meaning)

What did i say

An adult asks the children: “Listen to what I am going to say now. The dog is running. A trickle runs. Water runs from the tap. What did I say? " Leads the children to the conclusion: "You said that a dog, a stream, tap water can run."

Each child is given three object pictures. The teacher's thought will be paraphrased by the child whose pictures will be discussed. For example, “Put your things down. Put your hands together. Lay down the wood. A duck is swimming. A man is floating. The ship is sailing. The plane is flying. A bird is flying. A cloud is flying. Table leg. A mushroom leg. Furniture leg. The doll's ear. Cat's ear. The eye of the needle. " Etc.

Explain to Dunno!

The teacher says: “Dunno does not understand what I am telling him. Let's help him. How can you say otherwise? Labor feeds, but laziness spoils. Knowing how to start, know how to finish. Dunno lies, and Znayka runs far. " Etc.

Listen and repeat

Two or more children can play. In the first game, the teacher takes on the role of the leading educator. When the children learn the rules of the game, anyone can become the leader.

The teacher selects one child with the help of a rhyme to transmit information to the children. The child listens attentively, delving into the content of what has been said. Then he is asked to convey to the children the essence of what was said to him, but in other words.

For example, “I will read interesting story about the traveler ant. - "The teacher (name, patronymic) will read us a story about the travels of the ant."

You can complicate the game by using poems, fairy tales, stories, small in content and volume.

We form the ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the statement, summarize

Mirror of Movement

One child is a "mirror", all the rest briefly close their eyes or turn away. The teacher silently shows the "mirror" any exercise or series of actions. Children open their eyes, and the "mirror" tells in detail what actions should be performed (reflected). If more than half of the children correct actions do not work, choose a new "mirror".

Investigation in progress

Two children (detectives) are selected with the help of a rhyme, all the rest are witnesses. They see how the teacher, unnoticed by the detectives, hangs some plot picture on the board, for example, "Fire in a high-rise building." Witnesses testify about this, but not directly, but indirectly, for example: “I smell smoke. It's getting hotter. Someone is shouting loudly. Car sirens are heard. Red cars are arriving. " Etc.

On the one hand, witnesses must testify in such a way that detectives do not immediately understand what exactly is happening; on the other hand, they cannot give false testimony.

As soon as the detective decides that he understands what the matter is, he says: "I have an answer." However, if he says that it is a fire, but does not guess that it is a fire in a high-rise building, the answer will not be accepted as satisfactory. Every detective has the right to put forward his version three times.

The detective has the right to "stir up" the group by saying, "I want to know more." After two minutes, the other participants become detectives.

List of everyday situations for the game: "The car has a punctured tire", "She is happy to read the book." Etc.

Searching for meaning

Children are introduced to the fables of I.A. Krylov and are offered to retell their content, to find the meaning hidden in them, to hold contests for the search for meaning, and to stage a fable.

Bad mood

The teacher explains that each of us has Bad mood... We must learn to understand true reason this and react correctly and bad behavior person, and his statements. For example. One boy came to kindergarten in a bad mood and said angrily to his friend: "I will not play with you." He thought a little and very calmly asked: "Do you want to play with other children?" The boy's mood immediately improved, because his friend did not argue with him, swear, did not take offense at him, but simply understood him.

The educator then suggests choosing a child who can show a "bad mood". The rest of the children should try to react correctly, starting with the phrase: "You mean that ..."

We teach to use such a technique of active listening as the development of the interlocutor's thoughts

I will start and you will continue

An adult says unfinished sentences from NN Nosov's story "On the Hill". The child should complete the sentence using figurative words and expressions. For example. “It was a clear day, snow in the sun ...(sparkled, sparkled, shimmered, shone).Misha got on a sled and rushed off the mountain ...(a bullet, a whirlwind, so it was breathtaking).The sled turned over, and the boy ...(flopped, thumped into the snow, flew head over heels).Kolya really wanted the mountain to turn out. He worked ...(tirelessly, tirelessly, in the sweat of his brow) ".

We play with a fairy tale

The teacher introduces children to G. Rodari's fairy tales from the cycle "Tales with three ends": "The Magic Ram", "Big Carrot", "Sly Buratino". Draws their attention to the fact that each of them is not finished, but the writer came up with three different endings so that the children could play with them. He offers to listen to three options for the ending and choose the one that you like best, or come up with your own ending and draw illustrations for it. You can invite children to come up with a funny, sad, or instructive ending.

You can end the game with an exhibition of drawings.

And that's good and that's bad

The teacher invites the children to look at the pen with two caps. “This cap is white - it means good, this cap is black - it means bad. If the handle is turned upside down with the white cap, you need to say "good", if with the black - "bad".

A topic is selected in which children are able to distinguish between "good" and "bad" (season, animals, household appliances, etc.).

For example. The theme is "Forest". The handle is turned with the white cap up ("The forest is good, because it purifies the air"). We pass the pen to Anya, turning it with the black cap upwards, Anya must explain why the forest is bad. For example, "The forest is bad because you can get lost in it." Etc.

We teach to process information:

We develop the ability to understand each other, delve into the essence of the information received

Through the glass

Two children are asked to convey some information to each other with gestures, imagining that one of them is on the train, and the other is on the platform, i.e. they are separated from each other by glass, through which no sound can penetrate. Possible Topics messages for transmission: “I'll call you when I arrive,” “Write me a letter,” etc. After the game, it is advisable to discuss how correctly the children understood each other, whether it was easy for them to do it.

A toy shop

Children are divided into two groups - "buyers" and "toys". The latter guess what kind of toy each of them will be, and assume postures characteristic of them. Buyers approach them and ask: what kind of toys are these? Each toy, upon hearing a question, begins to move, performing actions characteristic of it. The buyer has to guess what kind of toy they are showing. The one who has not guessed leaves without a purchase.

Mystery evening

It is more expedient to start with external signs surrounding objects, for example: "Large, round, striped."(Watermelon.) Then you can add functional signs: "Noises, grumbles, swallows, cleans everything at home."(Vacuum cleaner.) After that, you can offer "figurative" riddles such as "Painted rocker hung over the river."(Rainbow.) Incomprehensible words must be explained.

Buratino's journey

Children are shown Pinocchio (a doll) and are told that he is an avid traveler and will now tell about where he was and what he saw, and the children try to guess which rooms of the kindergarten he visited and when (in winter, summer; morning or evening) it It was. So, Pinocchio was where the children roll up their sleeves, soap their hands, dry themselves, unbutton their buttons, take off their clothes, fold them, stretch, make the bed, calm down, rest, sleep; dance, sing, listen, stamp, circle, bow; marching, crawling, squatting, crawling; bend, unbend, jump off. Buratino was in kindergarten when the children come, greet, undress, change their shoes, enter the group; have dinner, thank; dress up, say goodbye. Leave; swim, sunbathe, walk barefoot, pick berries; skiing, sledding, making snow women.

Guess and Draw

Carlson (doll) comes with a wonderful bag. It contains different interesting subjects, about which he will make riddles. Children must guess them and draw the answers.

Note. You can offer children from one to five riddles on the same topic at once. Riddles can be taken from the book by Illarionov Yu.G. "Teach children to guess riddles." M., 1985.

Conceived action

One of the players (driver) leaves the room. The rest agree on what he should do (for example, brush his teeth, sweep the floor, look in the mirror, etc.). The driver is offered a hint, for example: "You do this every morning." He tries to guess and depict the intended action.

We develop the ability to establish logical, cause-and-effect relationships, make inferences

What is it like

The adult agrees with the children that they will use only comparisons to describe the conceived object or living being (according to outward appearance, actions, etc. with similar and well-known objects). A driver is appointed who leaves the room and stands outside the door while the children think of something or someone. Then he comes back and from the descriptions - comparisons trying to guess what the children are up to.

I throw you a ball

Children stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, naming the person to whom they are throwing by name, and say: "I throw you a candy (flower, cat, etc.)." The one to whom the ball was thrown catches it and answers something like this: "Thank you, you know that I like sweets (I like to play with a kitten, I like to look at flowers, etc.)."


The teacher selects pairs of pictures: a nest with an egg - a bird; a boy in bed - he comes with a briefcase; small mushroom - big mushroom; grandmother knits socks - socks are tied; the boy is dirty - the boy is washing in the shower; clear sheet paper - drawing on a sheet; toys are scattered around the room - the room is in order; the girl balloon- a girl without a ball. The teacher puts the pictures in order and tells the first story: “There was an egg in the nest. A chick hatched out of it. The chick has grown up and learned to fly. " Children are invited to tell a story using the same pictures, but starting with the second of the pair. Possible option: "A bird flew, made a nest, laid an egg."

Why? And therefore!

First an adult, then the children themselves ask "tricky" questions: "Why does the cat often wash?"; "Can an elephant live without a trunk?" And so on. For the most convincing and plausible answer, the child receives a token.

“I don’t ...” - “But I don’t ...”

The driver asserts something implausible from his point of view: “Children teach adults”; “Quiet hour was canceled. And so on. Children must come up with such conditions under which this statement becomes possible; stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The thrower says any phrase about himself, which begins with the words: "I do not ...". The respondent, catching the ball, must answer: “But I don’t ...”. For example, "I remember to brush my teeth in the morning." “But I don’t wash my hands before eating.”

We develop the ability to argue our point of view

What would happen if ...

A Fairy comes to the children with a magic wand (toy) and says that she can turn them into whoever they want, but they must justify their choice. Options. “If I were an artist, I would paint ...”; “If I were an artist, I would play a role ...”; "If I were a flower, I would please ..."; "If I were a teacher, then ...".

It happens - it does not happen

The teacher selects object pictures, calls two children: the first child takes a picture and comes up with a fable.(The crocodile flies.)The second must prove that this cannot be so.(A crocodile does not fly, it has no wings.)The first proves that it can, but under certain conditions, and calls them.("No, he is flying: he is being taken in an airplane.")


They lay out in front of the children different subjects(sticks, cubes, geometric figures etc.). Children ponder what can be made of them. For example, one child says that sticks and mugs can be used to make a typewriter. Children say in unison: "Prove it!" The child should tell how he will do it, and lay out the figure he has invented.

We learn to construct "Text for another":

We develop the ability to express our thoughts accurately and concisely

Word artist

Children (in turn) conceive of someone from the group and begin to draw his verbal portrait, without mentioning the name of this person. Previously, you can offer children an exercise on associative perception: “What animal does it look like? What piece of furniture? " Etc.


One child is a “seller”, the rest of the children are “buyers”. On the counter of the "store" are laid out various subjects... The buyer does not show the item he wants to buy, but describes it or tells what it can be useful for, what can be made of it.

The seller must understand what kind of product the buyer needs.


Children choose two or three librarians and are divided into two or three groups (each group is "served" by one librarian). The child retells the content of the book he needs, but does not show it. The librarian, according to the description, should guess which book is in question and give it to the child.


A child is selected who takes one object picture and, without showing it to others, examines it for several seconds. Then the picture is removed, and the child must accurately (without distortion) describe the picture, starting with the words: "I want to introduce you to my best friend ...".

We develop the ability to give a benevolent assessment to another

The Snow Queen

The teacher offers to remember the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and says that she has a proposal: Kai and Gerda grew up and made magic glasses through which you can see all the good that is in every person. The teacher offers to "try on these glasses" and look carefully at each other, trying to see as much good in each as possible and tell about it. The adult first puts on the "glasses" and gives a description of two or three children. After the game, the children say what difficulties they experienced in the role of contemplating how they felt. The game can be played several times, noting that each time the children managed to see more good things.

Option. You can invite the whole group to "put on glasses" and take turns looking at each participant in the game.

Let's build a city

One child is an "architect". His task is to tell the “chief of construction” (children choose him) what city he wants to build. The construction site manager, taking into account the characteristics of each child, assigns roles and explains to everyone. What should he do. When the construction is completed, the boss thanks everyone for their work, and the architect assesses the compliance of the building with his intentions.

We learn to install " feedback»When interacting with other people


Four children are "signalmen", the rest are observers, the educator is the sender of the telegram, one child is the recipient of the telegram. The signalmen and the recipient of the telegram go out the door. The teacher invites one signalman and reads the text of the telegram to him once. The first communicator, in order to better remember the text, can ask clarifying questions. Then he invites a second signalman and gives him the text he heard; the second to the third; the third to the fourth; the fourth - to the recipient. The recipient retells what he heard to the observers and asks: did he understand everything correctly?

Sample text.I am leaving on flight 47. Meet at 13.00 Moscow time. Don't forget about candy and flowers. See you. Your friend.


1st option. Children are paired up. They are given an assignment to talk about a topic like “My favorite time of the year ”(“ The best day ”,“ Birthday ”, etc.) and remember what the interlocutor said. Children communicate within 5-7 minutes. Then, at a conditioned signal, the conversations stop, and the children, having exchanged pairs, tell each other what they heard from the previous interlocutors.

2nd option. "Negotiation". Children are divided into two teams. The topic of conversation is chosen by themselves. Condition: do not interrupt each other. Within 5 - 7 minutes, the teams communicate on the chosen topic and make a conclusion, which is reported to the teacher or child-observer.

Games to overcome negative emotions, anger

"We swear at vegetables"

Target: teach to overcome negative emotions, anger.

Stroke: the presenter offers to quarrel, calling each other not bad words, but vegetables.

"Draw an animal"


Stroke: the presenter offers to portray evil (good) animals, growl, move like animals. First, it is better to portray some predators (tiger, wolf), and then “kind” animals (kitten, puppy).


Target: develop a sense of trust in loved ones.

Stroke: children become in pairs, one is blindfolded, the other leads him around the room.

"Didn't share the toy"

Target: teach children to get out safely conflict situations find a compromise solution.

Stroke: children are provided with different bright toys, which can be disassembled, there is a solution to conflict situations, all versions of children are discussed, how the younger and older brothers and sisters would behave.

"Go away, anger, go away"

Target: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Stroke: the presenter offers to drive away this mood. Children shout: "Go away, angry, go away!" evil person then lie relaxed on the carpet listening to music.

"Glue rain"

Target: regulation of movements in the team; development of social trust.

Stroke: children stand behind each other and hold the shoulders in front of the one standing. In this position, they overcome various obstacles:

Get up and down from the chair;

Crawl under the tables;

Go around the "wide lake";

Get through the "dense forest";

Hide from wild animals.

Throughout the game, children try to avoid unhooking from their partner.

"Pay attention to another"

Target: development of the ability to express your positive attitude towards other people, to teach to show and accept signs of attention.

Stroke: children stand in a circle and take turns saying something pleasant to one of the participants in the game. Signs of attention can be noted for personal qualities, appearance, skills, demeanor, etc. In response, the child says: “Thank you, I also think that I ... (repeats what was said to him, and then reinforces with one more praise in his address). And I also think that I ... "

"Find a friend"

Target: teach children to feel and experience, develop communication skills.

Stroke: children are divided into 2 groups. One group is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room, then offered to find and get to know each other. You can recognize with your hands, feeling your hair, clothes, hands. When a friend is found, the players switch roles.


Target: development of social activity of children.

Stroke: to all the participants, the presenter puts in his hands "in confidence" from a beautiful chest (button, brooch, bead, etc.), clamps the children's fist. The participants walk around the room and, consumed by curiosity, find ways to persuade another participant in the game to show him their secret. The presenter monitors the process of sharing "secrets", helps everyone to find a common language.