Christmas is a family holiday: how fun it is to celebrate Christmas with your family. Christmas is celebrated as a holiday that comes from childhood. Game "In warm mittens"

A Christmas tree is shimmering in the corner, a Christmas abundance of salads on the table, meat dishes... Many of the treats have already been eaten, gifts have been presented, and a lot of fragrant delicious Christmas mulled wine has already been drunk. More and more often, conversations about everyday life, work break out at the table and, therefore, it's time to remind guests of the magic of this night - the night before Merry christmas. The best way to do this - to arrange a fortune-telling session. It is no coincidence that there is great amount Christmas fortune-telling, designed to lift the veil over what the coming year has prepared.

You will need

  • For divination by the shadow
  • - candle;
  • - metal tray;
  • -matches or lighter;
  • - newspaper.
  • For divination with wax and milk
  • - saucer;
  • - milk;
  • - wax.
  • For divination by a log
  • - Vacation home;
  • - woodpile.


  • Shadow Divination Give each guest one newspaper sheet... Let all those present crumple their leaves at random, mentally making a wish - to find out what the newborn year has prepared for them. Start your fortune-telling. To do this, place the tray against the wall, which will serve as a kind of screen. Place the guest's crumpled piece of paper on it and set it on fire. After it burns out, place a candle behind the tray so that the shadow of the burnt paper falls on the wall. By the configuration of the shadow, one can judge what awaits the owner of the piece of paper in the coming year. When interpreting the result, show imagination and trust your intuition.
  • Fortune telling in wax and milk Prepare a saucer, some milk and natural wax... Pour milk into a saucer, gently melt the wax (you can do this in a tablespoon by putting a piece of wax in it and holding a candle over the flame) and start guessing. Aloud or mentally ask a question about the future of the new year, and then pour the wax into the milk. After that, proceed to interpret the result. If the wax formed a figure resembling a cross, then this means illness, a wreath - an imminent marriage, an animal - an ill-wisher. Let each guest repeat the fortune-telling (be sure to stock up on wax from the calculation so that there is enough for everyone), with the help of those present, interpret the result. Time will fly by.
  • Divination by a log If you are out of town, and among your guests there is unmarried girls, then tell fortunes on the log. Let each one go to the barn and in the dark pick out a piece of wood. After a piece of wood is brought into the house, it is judged by it what it will be future spouse fortuneteller. If the bark is smooth and thin on the log, but it itself is even, then the future spouse will be beautiful and young. A piece of wood with peeled bark hints at the poverty of the future husband, but if the bark is thick and rough, the marriage partner will not look good. A cracked log warns of the advanced years of the upcoming newlywed, and a gnarled one - of the fertility of future spouses. Each twig on such a log will "tell" about the little life that the spouses will bring into the world.

How to entertain guests at Christmas

I love my friends very much.
Unfortunately, I can't meet often, but I get great pleasure from every party and, just the same, a positive charge.
Do you know what kind of parties I dream of throwing? Intellectual, playful, romantic, fortune-telling, philosophical .......
Tired of just coming, eating, discussing life's difficulties and leaving. Let's give ideological orientation our meetings!
So, tomorrow I am expecting my friends for a Christmas meeting.

1. Furnishing:

Plays a disc with Christmas songs. In the living-dining room, candles are burning everywhere. The table is beautifully set (more on that later). From the aroma lamp you can smell the smell of juniper or pine needles.

2. Meeting guests:

Why not take advantage of the gypsy tradition: a glass of alcohol (according to your taste) for the guest right from the door. For example, a glass of cognac should be served with lemon slices, half of which is sprinkled with sugar and half with instant coffee. Looks creepyly smart and festive. Cognac with sugar, coffee and lemon will give a positive energy boost to the guests, as well as relieve the feeling of awkwardness at the beginning of the meeting. It will be great to immediately wish your friends a Merry Christmas in poetic form... This will add solemnity to the holiday.

Merry Christmas, I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness and health, good to everyone,
Holiness, slyness - to the extent that everything
Joy, good luck. Bad - nothing!

3.At the table:

Before filling the plates with treats, have guests guess which word is hidden under each salad bowl. The theme of the words, of course, is Christmas (Jesus, Virgin Mary, Bethlehem, Joseph, holy spirit, shepherds, star, magicians, incense, gold, King Herod, Egypt). Whoever guesses, gets a small present. I suggest giving church candles.
Fill your glasses with champagne. Give a beautiful Christmas toast:

Merry Christmas! Congratulations!
We honor this holiday in Russia.
After fasting for many days
We are waiting for the star of Christ to rise.
Finally our Savior was born
The centuries-old Sage teacher!
And on Christmas Eve the people celebrate
Waiting for when it comes
Jesus Christ to our land,
To save people and make them more beautiful

Off the true lost track
On the road to righteous news.
There was Christ once on earth,
He left us a memory of himself.
If he lives in your heart,
That keeps and brings happiness to you.
We wish you to remember and Christmas -
Let twenty centuries have already passed, -
How Christ helped all people,
I wished you the best as we are now!

While the guests are satisfying their hunger, it will be interesting to read to them birth story
Jesus Christ.

“This is how Jesus Christ was born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they were married, it was discovered that Mary was expecting a child from the Holy Spirit. Joseph, her betrothed husband, as a righteous man, decided to break off the engagement, but secretly, so as not to expose her to shame. When he planned this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to marry Mary,” he said. “The child she is carrying is conceived by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will call Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins. ” All this happened to fulfill what the prophet said: “And now the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, He will be called Immanu-El”, which means “God is with us”. Joseph, awakening from his sleep, did as the angel of the Lord told him: he took Mary as a wife to his house.
In those days, under the Jewish king Herod, the Roman emperor Augustus commanded that a census be carried out throughout the earth. All went to the census, each to his own city. Joseph also left the city of Nazareth for Bethlehem. He went with Mary, his intended wife, and when they were in Bethlehem, it was time for her to give birth. She gave birth to a first-born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in a cattle nursery, because there was no room for them in the hotel.
There were shepherds not far from those places, they lived in the field and guarded the flock at night in the pasture. An angel of the Lord appeared before them, and the radiance of the glory of the Lord illuminated them. Great fear gripped them, but the angel said to them: “Do not be afraid! I carry you good news... Today your Savior was born - the Anointed One, Lord! " And suddenly the heavenly host appeared next to the angel, praising God: “Glory to God in the highest heavens! Peace on earth to the people whom He loved! " When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds began to say to each other: "Let's go to Bethlehem, let's see what happened there and what the Lord told us about." They found Mary with Joseph and the baby lying in a manger. When they saw him, they told what they had been told about this child and returned back, glorifying and praising God for everything that they had seen and heard.
Eight days later, when the time came to circumcise the child, He was given the name Jesus.
After Jesus was born, Magi, or, as they say, astrologers, came to Jerusalem from the east. “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? They asked. “We saw His star rise, and we came to pay Him honor.” King Herod, hearing about this, was in turmoil, and with him all Jerusalem. Gathering all the senior priests and teachers of the Law, he asked them where the Anointed One was to be born. “In the Jewish city of Bethlehem,” they replied.
Then Herod, secretly summoning the astrologers to him, found out from them the exact time of the appearance of the star, telling them: “Go and find out exactly about the child. And when you find Him, let me know, I will also come to honor Him. " The Magi hit the road. The star they saw rising moved in front of them until it stopped over where the child was. Entering the house, they saw the child and Mary, His mother, and kneeling down, bowed down before Him, and then presented Him gifts: gold, incense and myrrh. Having received in a dream the command not to return to Herod, they set off for their region by another road.
After they left, the angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph and says: “Get up, take the child with his mother and run to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to find the child and kill Him. " He got up, took the child with his mother at night and went to Egypt.
It's time to open up mentally to each of the guests. We propose to make a collective toast. * For me personally, it is important ... *. Everyone pronounces the actual for him (on this period life) toast (in turn).
It turns out very soulful.

4. Now is the time to get to know each other better. I propose to reveal the secrets of number numerology birth of everyone, and make sure that the date of birth influences our character. (Use the information on my website in the Fun club section. Numerology.)

5. Funky toasts.
Each one is given one cool toast... So let's smile.
(Use the information on my site in the Fun club section. Congratulations and toasts.)

6. Horoscopes for 2011. ( They are also on this site in the Fun club section.)
It's time to move a little. Hide zodiac horoscopes in a secluded place. Guests should find scraps with destination clues.
After everyone has risen from their seats, it is foolish to sit down right away. Let's
dance. I suggest using a dance medley. Incendiary and

7 time for mysterious divination.
- fortune telling on the book (possibly the Bible or a volume of Pushkin's poems)
(Each one in turn asks a question to himself and names the page and line number above or below)
- divination by personal belongings
(Everyone puts personal things in the groats. These can be rings, chains.
Then with closed eyes pull out a thing at random. If you pull out your thing, then the year will be extremely successful.)
- divination by shadows
(On paper we write the question that interests us. We crumple the paper, burn it,
and then we try to see some figures on the wall. Perhaps they
will tell us the answer).
- divination on wax
(It is necessary to shake each candle into a tablespoon. Then we heat the spoons over the candles until the wax melts. Pour the wax into a previously prepared bowl of water. Using our imagination, we guess from the frozen figure what awaits us this year.)

8. Further, the course of the party is determined by the general mood of the audience.... Will need to try different variants:
-game * Crocodile * (guests take turns trying to explain the names of the films, for example.)
-game * Guess the hero * (the name of the fairytale hero is hung on the back of the participants of the holiday, but it is kept secret from him. Everyone describes this hero.
It's funny.)

9. Presenting Christmas gifts.

P.S. Let's see what I get tomorrow.

Movable thematic contests for Christmas, they will strengthen the spirit of the holiday and give everyone present good mood... Quizzes and comic riddles will maintain a cheerful atmosphere. Board games will unite everyone at the festive table. Entertainment will make Christmas an unforgettable experience.

    Game "Fulfillment of desires"

    To play the game, you need to prepare the requisites in advance - matchboxes or just pieces wrapping paper and put different small items: carnation, button, female stocking, a piece of fur, a key, a bottle cap, a spool of thread, etc.

    The packed things are put into a hat, from which you need to pull one at random. The task of the players is to turn on imagination and make a forecast for the future for themselves on the subject that they come across (for example, fur - buying a fur coat, cork - a fun pastime, etc.).

    Several men are participating in the competition. "Solokha" is chosen from among the female guests and packs the participants in bags. On a separate table, you need to prepare a glass of alcohol and something from a snack for each participant.

    The task of the participants is to hold the bag with both hands, jump to the table, drink a glass of alcohol, have a snack and come back. The most agile man wins the competition.

    The Night Before Christmas Game

    Up to 9 people participate in the game. It is based on a funny tale by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas". If the participants have forgotten it, before the game, the presenter can remind them of the colorful heroes of this fairy tale: Solokha, Devil, Dyak, Vakula, Tsaritsa, Oksana, Ekaterina, Golova, Puzaty Patsyuk.

    Stickers with the names of this or that character are attached to the forehead or back of the players so that everyone can see all the stickers except their own.

    "Characters" take turns to come forward, and all other participants mimic and gesture to represent the hero fairy tale which is indicated on the sticker. The task of the player who has stepped forward is to guess the name of the hero he represents. An incentive prize is awarded to the one who guesses the fastest and the one who portrays the character of the fairy tale most expressively and funny.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 4-5 people each. To carry it out, you will need 2 long sticks with a felt-tip pen or marker attached to the end, as well as 2 sheets of Whatman paper.

    At the command of the leader, each of the participants on his sheet must depict beautiful snowflake... Drawing in this way is not very convenient, so the snowflakes are funny and funny. The winner is the team whose " art»Is closest to the original.

    Several children participate in the competition. It is carried out in the form of a relay race. The task of the participants is to run around the Christmas tree (chair, chip) as quickly as possible while holding a spoon with a "snowball" made of cotton wool in their mouths and come back. The main condition is not to lose the precious "snowball". If the snowball falls, the participant returns to the start. The winner is the one who comes to the finish line first.

    Participants are divided into 2 teams. The broom and the mask of Baba Yaga are used as props. The presenter explains to the children that the Snow Maiden is in trouble - she was imprisoned by an evil wizard. Only Baba Yaga can help, since she has the most quick remedy movement - broom.

    The competition is held in the form of a relay race. Having put on the Baba Yaga mask and "saddled" the broom, children from both teams must run around the chair and pass the requisites to the next participant. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.

    All children who are present at the festival participate in the competition. It is held in 2 stages: 1st - "Making snowballs", 2nd - "Playing snowballs". To organize the competition, you will need newspapers torn in half.


The hall is decorated with garlands, stars, there is a red Christmas candle on the window, the tree is decorated with white and blue balls. Sounds "Ave Maria" by F. Schubert.

It was winter

The wind blew from the steppe.

And it was cold for the baby in the den

On the side of the hill.

The breath of the ox warmed him.

Domestic animals

Stood in a cave

A warm haze drifted over the manger.

Doha shaking off bed dust

And grains of millet

Watched from the cliff

Asleep at midnight

Dal the shepherds.

And next, unknown before,

More shy than the bowl in the window of the gatehouse.

A star flickered on the way to Bethlehem.

The growing tree glowed above her

And it meant something

And three stargazers

They hurried to the call of unprecedented fires.

Gifts were carried on camels after them.

And donkeys in harness, one little grass

Another, we walked down the mountain with steps.

It was getting light. Dawn, like specks of ash,

Swept away the last stars from the firmament.

And only the Magi from the countless rabble

Maria let her into the opening of the rock.

He slept, radiant, in an oak manger.

Like a month, a ray in the hollow hollow.

He was replaced with a sheepskin coat

Donkey lips and ox nostrils.

We stood in the shadows, as if in the gloom of a barn,

Whispering, barely finding words.

Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left

He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,

And he looked back: from the doorway to the virgin,


B. Pasternak "Christmas Star"

The Magi have come.

The baby was fast asleep.

The star shone brightly from the firmament,

A cold wind shoveled snow into a snowdrift.

The sand rustled, the fire crackled at the entrance.

The smoke came out like a candle. The fire swirled

And the shadows were getting shorter

Then suddenly longer.

Nobody knew around

That life will start counting from this night.

I. Brodsky "Christmas"

1st presenter.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and
a joyous day for many people. It was on this day that the son of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after another church holiday- Annunciation (April 7), when an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced good news that she will give birth to the Son of God.

2nd leader.

The first time Christmas was celebrated in Russia in 988. It is on this holiday that a strange combination of Christian and pagan rites is observed. Traditionally in Russia, even before the adoption of Christianity, at the end of December there were pagan holidays... “In order to turn Christians away from the godless pagan games,” the church fathers decided to celebrate Christmas on December 25th. But everyone knows that Russia is a country where the unification of the incompatible is possible. And to this day, at Christmas, we have people wondering, caroling, putting on fancy dresses, masks. It is almost impossible to list all the customs and games. Each of holidays scheduled by the minute.

1st presenter.

Preparing for the holiday thoroughly, a few days before Christmas all work stopped: it was believed that otherwise a year will pass in hard work, without rest. 6 weeks before the start of the holiday starts strict fasting... People with wealth were revered as a duty these days to help the poor. They set up almshouses and prisons and gave alms.

2nd leader.

On Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - food was not allowed until the appearance of the first star, which marks the birth of the Savior of the world. When this Christmas star rose in the sky, everyone was in a hurry for festive table... There must have been some hay or straw on the table. Until midnight at the table, they usually ate lean, "Christmas kutya", and only after - soft, the great Meat-eater began. Turkey with apples is considered a Christmas dish. But it is not so. Do you know the dishes you ate on Christmas?

Viewers respond

1st presenter.

On the eve of Christmas and on the day of the holiday, they dressed in everything new, and even changed several times so that they would be renewed throughout the year. Christmastide begins on January 8 and lasts 12 days until Epiphany. According to ancient belief, on Christmastide, the newborn God wanders the earth and sends out generous gifts; what you ask for in prayer, you will receive. It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires... Christmastide was accompanied by its own customs and rituals - Christmas festivities, Christmas carols, generosity, fortune-telling at Christmas, New Year and Baptism. Christmastide was a time of rest, games, entertainment, festivities.

2nd leader.

On these days, carollers walked around the courtyards, praised Christ, sang ritual songs, wished happiness and prosperity to the owners, and collected gifts. But there was one secret - they came only to those houses, on the window of which a candle was displayed ...

The presenter lights a candle on the window, at this time there is a knock on the door. Solokha appears.

Hello dear guests! I came to you for Christmas gatherings. I want to congratulate you on this magical, wonderful, an unusual holiday! May all your wishes come true! You know that on Christmas Day miracles can happen, unusual guests appear ...

A knock on the door. A boy enters with a sack of oats.

I sow, I blow, I sow,

Merry Christmas, I congratulate you!

Be ugly, wheat,

Peas, lentils!

On the field - in heaps.

On the table - pies.

I sow, I blow, I sow,

Oats, rye,

By the grace of God!

At the words “I sow, I blow, I sow,” the boy throws 3 handfuls of grains from the bag. Solokha gives him a gift. The boy leaves.

Well, the first guest came to the light. By the way, the grain that you have collected must be preserved, it will bring happiness to your home.

And here the guests with carols have come to us!

Enter the mummers, in front of a mechonosha with a beard and mustache, wearing a sheepskin coat worn inside out, laughing to collect gifts.

Come in, dear guests!

Everyone goes to the center of the room, singing a carol.

Kolyada, kolyada! And there is a kolyada

Christmas Eve!

Kolyada came -

Brought Christmas!

And God forbid that

Who is in this house:

His rye is thick,

Dinner's Rye!

An octopus is like an ear of him,

From the grain of his rug,

Half-grain - pie!

Would the Lord endow you

And live and be,

And wealth!

And create for you, Lord,

Give you, Lord,

Cattle, belly,

a cow with a calf,

a sheep with a lamb,

horse with foal,

pig with piglet!

Open the chest

Serve a piglet!

Though a pancake, even a fat wedge,

At least cookies, at least jam.

For us for a treat!

Yes, we sang

you are great

For fun, for fun.

Mehonosha, where is the bag?

Get some pie!

And lamb, and candy,

And a dime for gingerbread.

Solokha presents the mummers, invites them to gatherings.

1st presenter.

Dressing up in masks and fancy dress was an indispensable condition of the Christmas holiday. This tradition is also very ancient. The Church did not encourage such dressing up, and then masquerade lovers had to “cleanse themselves of filth” by bathing in winter rivers (on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord).

2nd leader.

And also on Christmas, they organized performances, performances. All household members took part in them. Children and adults made costumes for themselves, learned roles, made decorations.

And we offer the introduction to all people to surprise.

Scenes from Nikolai Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" are played out - from the words "Now let's see what the beautiful daughter is doing when we are left alone ..." to the words "Wait, I'll open it myself ...". Then, from the words "The devil, meanwhile, was seriously softening at Solokha's ..." to the words "Having said this, he left the hut ..."

1st presenter.

On the night before Christmas, as well as on Christmastide days, the girls usually wondered. Before the baptism of Russia, fortune-telling was part of the pagan worship. They tried to eradicate this rite, but nevertheless it has survived to this day. The word "fortune-telling" comes from the name ancient goddess happiness oas. How many knows what methods of fortune-telling existed?

The guests talk about how they used to guess in the old days.

2nd leader.

The national memory remembers many signs. It was believed that all the dreams seen on Christmastide week would definitely come true.

1st presenter.

To avoid various troubles, it was forbidden on Christmas Eve and the first day of Christmas to sweep the floor, throw out the garbage, it was impossible to sew, otherwise it would be born blind, and weaving bast shoes would be crooked. It was believed bad luck, if on January 7 a woman enters the house first, it means that all year round the women of this house will be sick.

2nd leader.

It is believed that the tree is an integral part of the New Year. This is not entirely true. Setting up a tree is a Christmas custom. Since ancient times, a tree has been a symbol of peace among all peoples. The symbol of paradise is the evergreen spruce, which is customary to dress up on Christmas night and leave it during all Christmas time. By the way, the Christmas tree differs from the New Year tree in that it was decorated exclusively with white and blue balls.

1st presenter.

And, of course, what is Christmas without gifts? The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is associated with the Gospel legends about the gifts of the Magi. As you know, gold, frankincense and myrrh. But this does not mean that we should give

gold and others expensive gifts... The main thing is that the gift should be made from pure heart... Most often, at Christmas, they give figurines of angels, beautiful postcards, books.

Small gifts are presented to all those present.

2nd leader.

Well, that’s the end of our gatherings. We say goodbye to you, peace to whoever is in this house. Until next time, until new holidays.

Larisa Matveeva

Target: Give an idea of traditional celebration Christmas and Christmastide, an idea of ​​the traditions that have come to us from time immemorial.

Preliminary preparation: on the preparation of the musical repertoire for the holiday, the distribution of roles between parents ( mummers: bear, rooster, fox, goat, repertoire with children (ritual songs, games).

Equipment: projector, screen, presentation, magic chest, Christmas star, animal masks, predictions in kinder surprises, hoop, fish winders,

felt boot, loaf, tape recorder.


Hostess: good evening Dear guests

We gathered in the hall today to introduce you wonderful holiday Presentation: « Nativity» .

Slide 2. During the reign of Emperor Octavian Augustus, a nationwide census was taking place among the Jews; therefore, the Most Blessed Virgin and the righteous Joseph had to go to the city of Bethlehem in order to add their names to the list of subjects.

Slide 3. In Bethlehem, they did not find a single free space in city hotels. In a limestone cave intended for a stable, among hay and straw scattered for feed and bedding for cattle, among strangers, in an environment devoid of not only earthly "grandeur, but even ordinary convenience, was born "God-man", "Savior of the world".

Slide 4. Star lit up. There was silence. Israel The people of God were asleep. Only a few shepherds in the field were guarding the sheep. Suddenly a bright light spilled over. They were frightened, horrified. “Do not be afraid,” the Angel said to them, I proclaim to you great joy that will be to all people, for today “a Savior was born to you in the city of Bethlehem, who is Christ the Lord”

Slide 5. It is from this great holiday that Christmastide begins. V Christmas evenings in Russia, festive festivities were held - crowds of mummers walked around the courtyards. People dressed up in various animals, put on masks and always carried with them a homemade star as a symbol of what is in Christmas night in the city of Bethlehem, a star lit up in the sky, in honor of birth of jesus baby... The mummers sang magnificent songs in which they glorified the owners, wished them good health, rich harvest.

Slide 6. A traditional dish Rozhdestvenskaya supper has a lot different names, but most people know it as Kutia. This is a lean dish made from wheat and barley grains in the form of porridge, with the addition of sugar, nuts, honey and other ingredients. The main message of this tradition remains the wish for well-being, since the grain from which kutia is prepared symbolizes fertility, honey personifies wealth, and walnuts- power. kutya is usually attributed to relatives and blood relatives as a symbol of family unity. And this primarily concerned the godparents.

Slide 7. В Christmas Decorated Christmas Tree, covered the table with a white tablecloth, cooked Tasty food, gave gifts to children, which they hid under the tree, went to visit.


It has come Christmas

We have been waiting for him for a long time

Christmastide is celebrated by the people:

Has fun and sings.

Children sing a song: "New Year".


On this winter evening

Smoke hovers over the chimney

The moon shines above her,

And the hut is full of guests.

There are red girls here,

Coloring girls are sisters

Good fellows around,

And the hostess at the table.

Get-togethers here with us,

We called you here

Play, have fun

To embark on a Russian dance with a soul.

One-two, one-two, the game begins!

A game is played with a ball in a circle.

Children roll a ball to each other singing (to the melody of the song "Ah, you, seni ...").

Let's stand together in a circle

We will roll a ball

Who will freeze the ball,

That one will dance for us.

The hostess. (at the end of the game)

Here the ball rolled,

He stopped at the gate.

The creaky door “sings”….

Someone is coming to visit us.

A group of children is advancing towards the center of the hall. In the hands of the one in front of him is a star.

Under the cover of a starry night

Slumbering Russian village

All the way, all the paths

White snow covered.

Here and there lights on the windows

Like stars are burning.

Runs into the fire in a snowdrift

A crowd of guys with a star.

There are knocking under the window.

Your Christmas ”is sung.

And here the children came “Christmas carols came to us on Christmastide”.

They go to the room with a song:

Kolyada, kolyada

Give me some pie

Or a slice of bread,

Or half a dollar money,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb.

The hostess treats the children to roe deer (cookies, which are put in a bag to the fur, and the children leave.

I have a chest where such things are kept that will be in time for our parents. A contest game “Dress up - Rite” is being held.

Who will dress faster as a "mummer" (bear, fox, rooster, goat).

After the competition, the parents sing christmas song:

Hostess, happy holiday,

With Christ merry christmas.

Don't let it break

Serve whole,

Shanga yes hoof, does not break,

A silver penny is thrown.

The hostess. I will treat, I will treat the carolers. (Puts the treat into a bag).Svyatki people celebrate, get into a round dance.

Do you want to tell fortunes and find out your fate? But play with me first.

The game. "Little fox is a fox."

The fox stands in the center of the circle, eyes closed. Children go in circles and sing (to the melody of the song "Whether in the garden, in the garden ...")

We walk in circles

We are calling the fox

Children stop and whoever the presenter points to asks: "Fox-fox, where am I?" The fox should, without opening his eyes, go up to the one who asked the question, touch and to tell: “Here you are. "

At the end of the game, Fox goes around the circle with the chest, where the kinder surprises are, with the image of predictions, and gives each child to take out the egg with the prediction from the chest.

Goat comes out.

And what girls gathered today are beautiful, like princesses. I’ll go and choose a princess for myself.

Is carried out by r. n. game “There was a goat in the woods. "

The goat went through the woods, through the woods, through the woods.

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Let's jump with you, jump, jump.

Yes, we kick up, kick up, kick up with our legs.

And wave our hands, wave, wave,

And we will dance, dance, dance merrily.

At the end of the game, the Goat “reads” on the “rings”. Children roll the hoops, where the “ring” will roll, from there the princess will wait for her betrothed-mummer.

The Rooster comes out.

And now the game is like this, for attention, friends:

As I say - clap-clap,

You are kicking - top, top.

And I will say - top, top,

You hands - clap, clap!

At the end of the game, the Rooster listens to children's poems.

Who fell asleep under an oak tree.

And covered yourself with a casing?

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh, be quiet, don't make noise.

Is it a bear sleeping?

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! this guest in one sitting,

If he wakes up, he will eat everyone.

The guys tiptoe up to the Bear sitting in the corner. The bear wakes up and catches up with the children. Pulls out sticks for the game.

There are sticks at the ends of the ropes,

They are called "winders".

At the end of the rope there are fish.

You wind the rope fast.

The one who winds up first

Receives that gift.

The game “Winders” is held. At the end of the game, the Bear pulls his felt boots on the rope.

This fish?

What a marvel!

We need in winter

Saves us from frost,

It warms me up in the bitter cold.

Came here for a reason

Let's guess with her, friends?

"Brides" (girls)- Throw a felt boot, in turn for the "outskirts", "suitors" (boys)- they catch.

So we played nicely.

And where there is bread and warmth, there is good to live. The hostess brings out the loaf.

Lumpy, nostril,

And ruinous and hunchbacked,

And tasty, and red, and round,

And black and white

And sweet to all people.

And to all people handsome,

Children. - loaf.

We can't all sing glorious songs

Not all kind words can be said.

Our evening went well.

You love to play Christmastide.

Thank you all from the hostess,

For smiles and for laughter,

And for the games and for the dances,

We thank everyone.

Everyone is invited to tea.