How the baby develops after birth. Child development calendar: what your baby learns every month from birth to a year. What can a monthly baby

According to tradition, a newborn baby is called a baby who has not yet turned one year old, but in fact, the neonatal period has a strictly limited framework - the first 28 days of a baby's life. Despite the individuality of each person, the development of the newborn by week has its own specifics.

If you know what points you need to pay attention to, you can track the correctness of the formation of the child's body, detect in time possible deviations and take appropriate action in a timely manner. In addition, special attention should be paid to the conditions of the environment in which the baby is located, otherwise malfunctions of the vital processes of a still imperfect organism may begin.

How to provide conditions for the full development of the baby?

Even if you are preparing with might and main for the birth of the first baby, it is difficult to foresee all the moments, to take into account all the factors. Real learning only begins after the couple has a baby. To begin with, you should make sure that the little one is placed in the most comfortable conditions. Here you should not listen to grandmothers who believe that they know everything better than those around them, you need to adhere to the recommendations developed by experts:

  • The temperature in the baby's area of ​​residence should not exceed 20-22 ° C. At night, this figure should be even 1-2 degrees lower. Overheating a baby is much easier than overcooling, because the metabolism in his body occurs at an accelerated pace. If in the first weeks of a baby's life you do not follow this component, you may encounter diaper rash, increased gas formation, thrush in the oral cavity.

Advice: Special attention condition environment need to be given during the heating season. While a temperature of 25 ° C may seem comfortable for adults, it is unbearably hot for a child. Regular ventilation of the room and adherence to the recommended numbers is one of the most important factors that guarantee the strengthening of the baby's immunity.

  • The air humidity in the room from the first days of a toddler's life and up to 2 years should be 50-60%. Then this indicator will gradually decrease. Again, you shouldn't judge the air quality by your feelings, you need to get a hydrometer.
  • Infants should not be exposed to devices that emit magnetic or radio waves. As far as possible from the baby, you need to place mobile phones, computers, tablets, microwave oven, TV. The bones of the baby's skull in the first weeks and months of life are very thin, so it is not known how such radiation will affect his brain.
  • Breastfeeding is also one of essential conditions correct and full development newborn. Situations are different, but you need to make every effort to accustom your baby to breast milk. Natural product- this is not only the optimal food for the child, but also the basis for the development of his immunity, a factor influencing the formation of microflora in the intestine.

The first week of a newborn's life is the most difficult and critical period, the moment the child's body begins to adapt. It is she who sets the tone for the further development of all systems and organs.

Features of the first week of a baby's life

The first week of a newborn's life may be accompanied by the following points:

  1. On the head, pronounced generic edema is sometimes observed. This is a soft swelling in consistency that resembles a dough, often acquires a bluish tint. You cannot massage it; it is also forbidden to apply various ointments and compresses. After several days of waiting, it will go away on its own.
  2. In babies born naturally, the head can take on a slightly elongated shape. Her condition returns to normal approximately 10-12 days after childbirth.
  3. On the first day, children sometimes develop physiological erythema. Uniform redness skin in response to the adaptation of the vessels to the environment, usually resolves within 12-48 hours.
  4. On the 3-5th day of a baby's life, it can happen. It is characterized by the appearance of hard, red patches that sometimes itch. The phenomenon is considered a kind of allergy manifestation, which develops and grows within a couple of days, after which it goes away on its own. In rare cases, drug therapy is required.
  5. 2-3 days may be marked by the appearance of signs of physiological jaundice. Under the normal course of events, it passes on its own by the second week.
  6. The first stool of the baby is a viscous mass. dark green... After the first bowel movement, bowel movements occur up to 6-8 times a day.
  7. Children of the first two days of life relieve a small need only 2-6 times a day. On the 5-6th day, a stain may appear on the baby's diaper Brown, on which, after drying, a fine powder becomes visible - uric acid crystals. There is no need to be afraid of this, everything will return to normal rather quickly.

In addition, the baby sleeps a lot in the first week of life, wakes up only for feeding, and loses up to 10% of its original body weight.

What are the characteristics of the second and third weeks of a child's life?

In the second week after giving birth, the child sleeps a little less, he has search and grasping reflexes. The breastfeeding process is gradually improving, it is getting back on track. Feces become less frightening, resembling a yellowish gruel in appearance. The weight is already starting to increase, by an average of 150 g.

If the baby's umbilical wound has healed, then you can proceed to the first bathing. Also, the second week can be marked by the development of a hormonal crisis. Against its background, the mammary glands of the baby swell (regardless of gender), sometimes even a mass similar to colostrum is released from them. Treatments this phenomenon does not require, most importantly, not to squeeze out the oozing mass.

For the third week, the child is already gaining up to 200 g of weight, knows how to push off with his legs and grabs his mother tightly by the finger. His gaze is already fixed on his mother's face when feeding. Laying out on the tummy is accompanied by attempts to raise the head. It is during this period of life that many children develop intestinal colic. To eliminate them, it is allowed to use special medicinal teas, some medications.

The fourth week of the period and its features

During the fourth week, the baby's weight increases by another 200 g, 3-4 cm are added to the height, and 1-2 cm to the circumferences. The development of motor skills is noticeable, some babies are able to hold their head when turning on their stomach. The child develops an interest in bright and noisy toys around people.

At this time it is recommended maximum amount time to communicate with the baby, talk to him, turn on calm music. By the end of the month, the baby has a "revitalization complex". He enjoys familiar faces, showing his positive emotions by jerking his legs and arms.

The nuances of the psychological development of babies in the first month of life

In this regard, even newborns develop in different ways, standing out for their individuality and uniqueness in some moments. Do not worry about the child's lack of any skills that the toddler possesses from neighbors or friends. In the first week, it is difficult to achieve any reaction from the baby other than crying. But in the second week, there is a progressive development of all organs of perception. In the first days after childbirth, children may experience active movement of the eyeballs, often they even move to different directions... There is no need to be afraid of this, by the beginning of the fourth week everything should be normalized.

Hearing aid checks are allowed from around the third week. The baby should have a reaction to extraneous sounds (in the form of jerking or turning the head). You need to act carefully so that the baby does not get scared and does not cry. At the end of the month, some children are already beginning to smile and even laugh. By the way, in the early days, such a phenomenon is not considered conscious, it is rather an uncontrolled movement of facial muscles.

In the event of a crisis or simply incomprehensible situations in the first weeks of life, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. You shouldn't solve problems with "proven" grandmother's methods, sometimes they can aggravate simple problem to a serious condition.

The first year of a child's life is very important for every baby. It determines the further emotional and mental, mental and physical development of children. During this period, immunity and the nervous system are formed, the body adapts to the surrounding world. The newborn quickly grows and develops, gains weight and height, and learns new skills. He gradually learns to walk and speak.

Moreover, each age is characterized by new knowledge and discoveries. The norm of weight, height and others physical characteristics rather arbitrary. Each baby is characterized by individual development, parameters and norms that the pediatrician helps to determine and control. In this article, we will look at a child's development calendar by months from birth to one year. And we will find out in detail what a child should be able to do by month.

First month

In the first weeks of life, the child sleeps 60-80% of the time. At this stage, it is important for babies that the mother is always nearby and that breastfeeding is timely. Therefore, it is important for a nursing mother to establish lactation. Particular attention is paid to a premature newborn, who is additionally prescribed special milk formulas.

Despite the fact that the baby sleeps almost all the time, for normal development it is important to pay attention to walks on fresh air... While awake, bathe and take baths, do massage and gymnastics for newborns. In addition, you need to accustom your baby to the day-night regimen.

In the first month of life, the baby is able to:

  • Cry and smile;
  • Recognize the voice, smell and touch of mom;
  • Make micromotions, actively move your arms and legs;
  • Distinguish between bright colors, striped and checkered patterns;
  • Focus on the face of an adult or on a bright, stationary object and follow the moving object. To develop this skill, you can hang a hanging toy in a stroller or over a bed;
  • Pronounce sounds to the beat of the speaker's speech and distinguish the features of sounds;
  • Raise and hold the head for a few seconds while lying on the tummy.

In the first month, the baby is gaining 90-150 grams per week. Thus, by the beginning of the second month of life, the weight of the child increases on average by 0.4-0.7 kg in comparison with the weight at birth. At the same time, during the day, he eats every two hours, at night the baby is applied three to five times.

Second month

The second month is the stage of “revival”, when the baby is already beginning to distinguish the emotions of adults and becomes more active. Towards the end of this period, weight gain is about 800 grams, and growth increases by three centimeters. At this age, the girth of the chest and the circumference of the head of the child becomes larger. In addition, at two months, the baby already knows the following:

  • Raise and hold your head for a short time (10-20 seconds);
  • Spread your arms to the side and roll over from side to back;
  • Walk and pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”, combinations of “agu”, “aha” and “bu”;
  • Focus and hold your gaze on a stationary object, which is at a distance of up to one and a half meters;
  • Follow the objects with your gaze and try to reach the object;
  • Turn your head to the sound source and look for the sound source with your eyes;
  • Grab and hold a light object for up to 30 seconds;
  • Lift your chest for a few seconds while lying on your stomach;
  • Perceive red, yellow, orange, black and white colors.

At two months, the child develops more and more facial expressions of intonation. The baby's coordination of movements improves, there is speech development, development of hearing and vision. However, the baby still does not hear all the sounds, cannot focus on fast moving objects and hold something in his hands for a long time.

Third month

This period is characterized by a meaningful expression of emotions, individual intonations of the voice appear, and the sense of smell begins to develop. Now the baby can recognize the mother not only by touch, voice or appearance, but also by smell. In addition, at this age, a relationship is formed between hearing and vision.

A baby by three months should learn to do the following:

  • Control with your own hands;
  • Pick up and hold toys in your hands, bring objects to to your own person, reach for the hanging toys with your hands;
  • Roll over from back to side, from back to stomach and from stomach to back;
  • Raise on your elbows while lying on your stomach;
  • Confidently keep your head lying on your stomach;
  • Laugh out loud;
  • Fix your gaze on a toy, small objects and large pattern, follow the movement of large objects;
  • Notice the object in the supine position, on the side and on the stomach, in the hands of an adult;
  • Listen to the sound of the rattle and turn your head to the source of the sound;
  • Look at speaking person and listen to music, singing, etc.

The child's height and weight increase. There is an increase in body weight by 700-800 grams, growth increases by 3-3.5 centimeters. The movements of the arms and legs of the baby become more coordinated, and the babies themselves become more mobile. They easily roll over from back to stomach and back.

Fourth month

The development of a child at four months is characterized by activity and increased vitality. The kid responds well to familiar faces, voices and toys, waving his arms and legs, laughing and smiling in response to a person or object that he recognized. In addition, he is already beginning to recognize and respond to his name.

Thus, the baby can:

  • Recognize familiar faces and voices of people who are constantly caring for the baby;
  • Recognize objects and toys, highlight your favorites;
  • Grab and hold objects, while grabbing is no longer reflex, but purposeful;
  • Shake the rattle on your own;
  • Raise on your hands with support on the palms, lying on your stomach. In this case, the baby can hold his head for a short time;
  • Support the bottle while feeding;
  • Pronounce the first syllables and repeat after the speaker;
  • Listen to music and shake your head to the beat, highlight and prefer specific melodies;
  • Distinguish between bright colors and pure shades;
  • Fold and clap. By the way, the old game will help to teach the child to clap his hands.

The weight of the child has an increase of 700-750 grams, the height increases by 2-2.5 centimeters.
At this age, the development of hearing and vision progresses noticeably. For games, they begin to use cards with pictures. By the way, babies at four months old well perceive sounds that imitate the sounds of animals.

Fifth month

At five months, many parents move the baby to the playpen, practice games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. Correct classes will accelerate the development of speech, and the baby will begin to speak sooner. For games, choose brightly colored rattles and musical toys, bags and Stuffed Toys with a special filling for the development of motor skills, rugs and patchwork quilts.

At this age, a child can:

  • Learn toys and melodies, look at pictures;
  • Follow the movements of objects and people;
  • Pronounce sounds and some syllables, try to repeat words after an adult;
  • Grab and hold objects, reach for a toy and touch with your hands;
  • Self-study toys for up to ten minutes;
  • Try to sit up, pulling up on your arms;
  • Raise your arms and legs while lying on your back and examine your own body parts;
  • Distinguish and perceive up to six colors at a time.

Note that after five months, the child's weight and height gain decreases. The fact is that the child begins to lead a more active and mobile lifestyle. In addition, at that age, some babies already have their first teeth erupting. This usually happens at six to seven months. But it's okay if they appear earlier.

Six months

Six months is a turning point for a baby. This is the period of the appearance of the first teeth and the introduction of complementary foods. The child becomes more mobile and independent, tries to sit down on his own. Now the baby can sleep soundly and soundly the whole night. The crumb can already be given cubes and pyramids for the game.

At six months, in addition to the skills already acquired, the baby is able to:

  • Seeks and finds hidden toys or covered objects;
  • Crawls and crawls on his own to the toy he sees in front of him;
  • Operates with two hands at the same time. Can clap hands, pick up and throw objects, shift things from one hand to another and hold a toy in each hand;
  • Knows and pronounces up to 40 different sounds;
  • Opens and closes boxes, stacks items;
  • He sits down with the help of an adult and begins to sit down on his own.

A six-month-old child is characterized by mobility and stability of hands and fingers. He easily recognizes feelings and emotions. At six months, the first complementary foods are introduced. These should be vegetable purees made from natural hypoallergenic products. Zucchini, broccoli, and cauliflower are good options. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon breastfeeding.

WHO experts recommend continuing breastfeeding while the baby needs milk, while lactation continues, while feeding does not cause discomfort to the mother. The recommended age for completing hepatitis B is 1.5-2 years. With the introduction of complementary foods, the number of breastfeeding is gradually reduced and replaced by adult food. You will find a detailed schedule for the introduction of complementary foods for babies.

Seven months

At this age, the baby becomes a real fidget. He begins to distinguish between objects and can point to them. At this age, the baby begins to take the first steps, sits confidently and crawls on its own, including back. Kids at this age love to swim. You can teach your child to swim and bathe, make special baths with sea ​​salt, needles and herbs.

Thus, at seven months, a baby can:

  • Sit confidently with a straight back and crawl;
  • Drink from a mug with support;
  • Get up and stand at the support;
  • Walk with support under the arms or by the arms;
  • Knock and shake, disassemble and break, throw objects on the floor;
  • Hold a toy in each hand and knock on each other;
  • Show where the eyes, nose, mouth and ears are.

By the end of the seventh month, the child's weight increases by 500-600 grams, and his height by two centimeters. Try to keep the floor and toys clean, sterilize items regularly, as a baby at this age loves to try everything and often puts various parts in his mouth.

Eight months

The kid can move independently and freely, sit down, climb, so do not leave the child at a height. He looks at new toys with interest, can recognize dad and mom in the photo, wave after him. At this age, the baby is already trying to eat on its own and begins to understand what they are asking for.

The child performs simple assignments, can bring something and show, easily collects cubes and pyramids, closes the jars with lids. The first ones appear deliberate words... As a rule, these are "dad", "mom", "give", "no" and so on. Eight-month-olds love listening to music, dancing, stomping, and clapping.

The weight of the baby increases by 500-600 grams, the height - by two centimeters. At eight months, the baby's diet must include meat and cottage cheese. They saturate the body with calcium and strengthen bone skeleton, which is still too fragile in the baby. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits, dairy-free cereals... Dishes for babies should be unleavened, stewed, boiled or steamed without spices and seasonings. You can gradually include fish in your diet.

Nine to ten months

The baby can stand up and move on its own, grabbing and holding on to a chair, sofa, bed, playpen or other large objects. At this age, the child learns to walk independently, repeats syllables and simple words for adults and can easily drink from a cup.

Thus, the child is able to:

  • Rises from a sitting position and sits down from a prone position;
  • Stands and walks with support;
  • Tries to climb onto a sofa or chair, open drawers;
  • Crawls and unfolds on its own;
  • Knows how to collect and where to put toys;
  • Tries to reach out to surrounding objects;
  • Emotions are actively manifested and speech develops;
  • Tries to eat with a spoon;
  • Takes small objects, sticks fingers into holes, tears paper and wrinkles plasticine;
  • Knows and understands the meanings of the words “go”, “sit”, “give”, “lie down”, performs light commands.

At ten months, the child imitates adults and animals, independently plays with toys and confidently holds objects in his hands, can flip through books with his fingers and, with the help of adults, play with other children. These kids love to dance, jump and clap their hands. They understand what to do with toys: push the tumbler, roll the car, build a tower of cubes, string rings on the pyramid, etc.

Children can put and move toys, and they are more interested in small items than large ones. They show parts of the face in themselves, in their mother and in the doll, they can pronounce the names of the surrounding objects and animals. Weight for the ninth and tenth months increases by 350-400 grams, height - by one centimeter.

Eleven to twelve months

At this age, the baby is already very large and adult. He actively moves independently, sits down, crawls and stands up, can walk a short distance without support. The child understands simple requests and strict speech, names most of the subjects, learns to speak the first words.

The child tries to show independence every year. He eats himself with a spoon, drinks from a mug, puts on socks and shoes. Children react vividly to new toy, unfamiliar surroundings and a stranger. Interestingly, kids love to be praised, while they understand when they are being scolded, and they know what is "not allowed."

The child knows how to shake his head in the affirmative or negative, to grab the beads. He loves musical toys and colorful picture books. In a year, the baby gets up from a squatting position and walks independently, uses a spoon and a cup, and knows how to chew solid food. Therefore, the baby's diet is expanding significantly. The crumb can be given fish and meat, dairy products and eggs, many vegetables and fruits, cookies. Milk porridge and light meals are being prepared for children.

At one year old, an infant can step over obstacles and squat to pick up an object from the floor. He collects and disassembles toys, knows how to use various subjects(broom, hammer, telephone). An inquisitive kid actively participates in dressing, eating, brushing teeth, bathing and other similar procedures.

A child in a year understands what he is told, repeats the sounds at the TV, adults. At the same time, the baby's own vocabulary is already 10-15 words. In most cases, children already walk independently without support. The child develops a taste and can easily refuse food that he does not like.

We examined the basic development of the child by months to a year. It is rather arbitrary, like physical indicators. Much depends on the upbringing, character and temperament of the child. Let's take a closer look at indicators such as head and chest coverage, weight and height of the baby by month.

Physical development of children under one year old

The physical development of a child by months up to 1 year depends on whether it is a boy or a girl, on the conditions of nutrition, maintenance and care of children. Each has personal developmental characteristics. Therefore, the indicators may differ from the norm for the development of a child up to a year.

Deviations do not indicate problems in the health of the baby. If the baby eats and sleeps well, feels good and is active, there is no reason for concern. However, WHO (World Health Organization) offers parents indicative data and characteristics. Recommended rates are indicated in the table of child development by months for a boy and for a girl.

Physical characteristics of girls under one year old

Age Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
1 month 50,3 – 56,1 3,6 – 4,7 35 – 38,1 34 – 38,1
2 months 53,5 – 59,3 4,2-5,5 36,7 – 39,8 35,6 – 39,9
3 months 56,2 – 61,8 4,8 – 6,3 38 – 42,1 37,3 – 41,4
4 months 58,4-64 5,4-7 39,1-42,2 38,9-43
5 months 60,8-66 5,9-7,7 40,3-43,2 40,3-44,5
half a year 62,5-68,8 6,4-8,3 41,5 – 44,2 41,6-45,8
7 months 62,7-71,9 6-9 40,2-45,5 42-47
8 months 64-73,5 6,3-10,2 40,7-46 43-48
9 months 65,3-75 6,5-10,5 41,2-46,5 44,5-49,3
10 months 66,5-76,4 6,7-10,9 41,5-46,9 45-48
11 months 66,7-77,8 6,9-11,2 41,9-47,3 46-50,5
1 year 68,9-79,2 7-11,5 42,2-47,6 46,3-51,4

Physical characteristics of boys under one year old

Age Height (cm) Weight, kg) Head circumference (cm) Chest circumference (cm)
1 month 51,2 – 56,5 3,6 – 5,1 35,5 – 39,1 34,1 – 38,9
2 months 53,8 – 59, 4 4,2 – 6 37,4-41 35,7 – 40,8
3 months 56,5 – 62 4,9 – 7 39 – 42,5 36,5 – 41,6
4 months 58,7-64,5 5,5-7,6 40,2-43,6 38,6-44,6
5 months 61,1-67 6,1-8,3 41,2-44,6 40,1-45,7
half a year 63-69 6,6-9 42-45,5 41,4-47,6
7 months 64,8-73,5 6,7-10 41,5-46,4 42-48
8 months 66,2-75 6,9-10,7 42-47 43,4-49,1

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Second month

The first month is the neonatal period

The first days are very important for the baby, since it is at this time that the foundation of his development is laid. The body adapts to new conditions and begins to develop intensively.

A child in the first hours of his independent life

In the first hours of its independent life the child is experiencing severe shock.

Indeed, after a nine-month stay in the mother's belly, in which fabulous conditions were created for him (from constant temperature to fantastic security and the necessary supply of nutrition in the mother's body), he finds himself in a completely different world, in which he is forced to do everything necessary to adapt to new living conditions.

To do this, he will need a lot of strength. In the first minutes of life, any microscopic problem can lead to irreparable consequences if not intervened immediately and properly. Fortunately, most of all problems that arise after childbirth are resolved by doctors rather quickly.

The first examination of the newborn takes place in the delivery room.

While the mother is resting, the midwife puts the baby in order: she squeezes and then cuts the umbilical cord in order to separate the baby from the mother's circulatory system, cleans his nose and throat from mucus with the help of a rubber hose.

A minute after birth, the doctor examines the condition of the newborn on the Apgar scale.

Apgar scale

In all maternity hospitals, in almost all countries of the world, immediately after the birth of a child, his health status is determined according to the criteria developed in 1952 by the American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar.

The neonatologist evaluates the condition of the newborn by 5 indicators: respiration, heartbeat, muscle tone, reflexes and skin color.

Evaluation is done one minute and 5 minutes after birth. The baby is not subjected to special tests, it is simply examined and assigned 0, 1 or 2 points for each of the signs.

The assessment of the child's condition consists of the sum of 5 digital indicators. The condition of the newborn is assessed as good with an indicator of 8-10 points, satisfactory - with an indicator of 6-7 points, severe - below 6 points.

The data obtained are included in the history of the child's development. They are of great importance in diagnosing possible late disorders in a child.


Parents should not take the Apgar score literally. It is needed, first of all, by the medical staff to develop the necessary care tactics. A child who has received, for example, 6 points, in the future, most likely, will not differ in any way from a baby who has “scored” 10 points.

The child is then measured from head to toes and weighed. These are very important data, since they are subsequently guided by them to determine the level of development of the child.

After that, the child's eyes are treated with a solution containing an antibiotic. This is done to prevent inflammation of the mucous membranes of the crumbs.

Various precautions are taken to avoid confusing the child. Immediately after giving birth, a bracelet is put on the baby's handle, which shows the mother's name, the baby's gender, date of birth, and possibly other information such as height, weight, mother's fingerprint and the baby's footprint immediately after birth. (This method is more reliable, since the foot lines are different for each person. They do not change over the years, and it is impossible to fake them.)

After all the checks and research on the care have been completed and it turns out that no other measures need to be taken, the child is washed and wiped thoroughly. Then he is wrapped in the first diapers in his life.

If the mother is awake and feeling well, they show her the baby, let her hold and attach it to her breast.

On days 2-3 after birth, it is already possible to determine the individual differences in newborns according to the Braselton Neonatal State Assessment Scale, developed in the United States.

Thanks to a series of tests of this scale, the child's motor and sensory state is assessed, his reactions to light, hearing, a moving object, compliance to comfort, the ability to smile, etc. are checked (a total of 27 indicators).

Newborn developmental norms

. Full-term a child born 38-42 weeks after conception is considered.

The anthropometric data of boys and girls, starting from birth and throughout the entire period of infancy, are somewhat different from each other. Thus, the average body weight of a mature newborn varies in girls from 3000 to 3700 g, and at boys- from 3100 to 3800 g. Minor differences are found in growth. Full-term growth girls ranges from 48 to 52 cm, and boys- from 50 to 54 cm.

In addition, measured circle head of a newborn. It should be 2-4 cm larger than the circumference chest and be approximately 32-34 cm.

The baby may have hair. But it is too early to judge what they will be, since the hairs in the near future will be replaced by new ones, and their color and quality will change.

The same can be said for eye color. In all newborns, they are grayish blue. This is because their iris does not yet contain pigment. After some time, the eyes will acquire their "real" color.

"Transient states"

A few days after your baby is born, you may notice some changes in his condition that may alarm you. Don't be intimidated. Probably, you have met with "transitional states" characteristic of newborns (though not all). However, you should be aware of them.

Transient physiological loss body weight or physiological weight loss

The very term "physiological" itself indicates that this is a variant of the norm, and "transient" - that it is short-lived and passes quickly.

This phenomenon occurs in all newborns and ranges from 3 to 10% of the baby's body weight at birth.

The maximum weight loss is observed by the 3-4th day, and from the 5th day, the child gradually begins to gain weight and by the end of the 2nd week after birth, his weight corresponds to the weight recorded at birth.

To prevent large loss of body weight, you must:

Attach the baby to the breast no later than 12 hours after birth.

Organize correct mode feeding your baby (breastfeeding on demand; if your baby is "artificial" - feed him every 3.5 hours, doing night break 6.5 hours).

Besides breastfeeding, give your baby a drink. A newborn's need for water is about 50-100 g per day. Drink boiled water out of a silver spoon (do not teach him to use a bottle, as this may cause him to give up his breast).

Transient physiological erythema or physiological catarrh skin

Most of all, it is noticeable in 1-2 days of a newborn's life and is associated with the expansion of the skin capillaries due to the low temperature of the environment, which is significantly different from the temperature of the mother's body.

This erythema (redness), having reached a maximum, already from the 3rd day of the baby's life begins to weaken and small pityriasis peeling is visible on the skin, especially pronounced on the baby's palms and feet.

What should be done:

Lubricate the skin with boiled vegetable or olive oil or special baby oil.

Physiological jaundice Jaundice often appears 2-3 days after birth. It usually occurs when there is too much bilirubin, a component of red blood cells, in the newborn's blood.

The presence of this jaundice is evidenced by the yellowness of the whites of the eyes and skin of the baby. Physiological jaundice in healthy newborn reaches its maximum on 4-5 days of a child's life, disappearing completely after 1-2 weeks.

The child continues to eat normally, his urine and feces are normal in color.

What should be done:

Tell your doctor if you experience jaundice. Only a doctor can determine if it is physiological jaundice.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, be prepared for your hormones to prolong the jaundice.

If the jaundice does not improve by the 5th day, if it persists at the beginning of the 2nd week, talk about it. Also seek immediate medical attention if jaundice appears immediately or a few hours after birth.

Sexual crisis

In girls, during the first 2-3 weeks of life, there is a more or less strong discharge from the vagina. transparent mucus; nipple engorgement is observed mammary glands and sometimes even milk secretion. In some cases, the mucus is stained with blood. However, this phenomenon is relatively rare.

Newborn boys may also experience enlargement and engorgement of the mammary glands and swelling of the scrotum.

This crisis occurs due to the fact that in last weeks intrauterine development the mother’s hormones entered the fetus’s body, which did not stop flowing also in the first days after birth during the mother’s breastfeeding with her milk.

What should be done:

Don't worry, a genital crisis usually goes away quickly without treatment.

For girls, wash more often with a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate, squeezing it out of cotton wool.

Transient fever Most often, it also appears on the 3-4th day of a child's life. The temperature of the newborn during this period can reach critical figures (up to 40 ° C). Parents are also afraid of the child's general anxiety, and sometimes even seizures.

This condition can last 1-2 days and is associated with a violation of water exchange. It occurs in children with insufficient fluid intake.

What should be done:

See a doctor immediately !!!


During the first 24 hours and later, up to 36 hours, the newborn produces a dark green soft and sticky substance called meconium. Then the stool becomes more and more light, yellowish-greenish in color, until it acquires a yellowish-golden color, as usual. They resemble a beaten egg in consistency.

Sometimes the bowel movements are green. This does not indicate any deviation, as long as their number and frequency remain the same. Green color bowel movements are caused by oxidation of bile pigments. This oxidation is almost constant if the stool is in a diaper (usually a yellow stool turns green if it is in a diaper for 15-20 minutes).

The number of bowel movements can vary. Often this is one bowel movement after each meal, that is, 6-8 times a day. In a newborn and nursing child who is on artificial feeding, they are usually less common than in a breastfed baby - 1-4 times.

Tell your doctor right away:

♦ if there was no excretion of meconium before 36 hours;

♦ if there was no bowel movement after excretion of meconium;

♦ if the meconium isolated on the first day had a dense consistency and contained whitish grains resembling putty;

♦ if the bowel movements are green, runny, and more frequent than usual;

♦ when the appearance of black, like a boot wax, feces - black feces indicates bleeding in the upper part of the intestine;

♦ if there is blood in the stool

Before the arrival of the doctor:

♦ Continue breastfeeding, but exclude artificial milk formulas from the diet as a supplement;

♦ water your baby frequently between feedings;

♦ if the baby is artificially fed, replace milk with the same volume of soy milk or lactose-free formula, let's drink more;

♦ In all cases, weigh the unclothed baby before feeding and record his body weight.


What should be done:

Replace bottle feeding immediately with spoon feeding (1 teaspoon every 2 minutes).

Depending on what food the child is eating, give him rice water, soy milk.

Call an ambulance immediately.


A newborn's first urination can sometimes be delayed by 24 or 36 hours. This is not a pathology, especially if the child's behavior is normal.

The urine is usually quite rich yellow in color and appears to be opaque. It is not abundant.

What should be done:

If, after 24 hours, the child has not urinated or has not passed urine drop by drop, tell the doctor right away.

Accelerated heartbeat

Don't worry because your newborn's heart rate is very high - it could be 120 beats per minute.

In addition, in the first days of life, the baby may experience uneven breathing. This is due to the fact that the rib muscles and abdominal muscles are almost not involved in the process of breathing, and therefore it may not be deep enough.

Baby's skin is peeling

This usually starts on the 3-5th day after birth.

What should be done:

After bathing, lubricate your baby's body with baby cream or oil.

Baby's head is irregular

The slightly deformed skull is the result of prolonged labor. Don't worry, after a while it will return to normal!

What should be done:

The main thing is to make sure that the child's head is not turned in the same direction all the time.

As soon as the baby learns to roll over, he will begin to change position during sleep, and the shape of his head will quickly become round.

A child has pimples on his nose

The first option: small red pimples with a white head appeared on the cheeks and wings of the baby's nose.

The second option: small white dots were found on the child's forehead and nose. They are usually caused by pregnancy hormones, which cause blockages in the excretory ducts. sweat glands newborn.

What should be done:

In the first option, it is enough to wash the newborn several times with soap (for children, of course).

About the second option - don't worry, within a few days they will go away on their own.

There are tears in the eyes of the child

Scientifically, this is called obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal (dacryostenosis).

The reason is that by the time of birth this duct has not yet fully opened and the tears that wash the eyes have nowhere to “go”.

What should be done:

This problem requires the attention of doctors, so do not postpone your visit to the ophthalmologist.

In addition to the listed transient states in newborns, transient changes in renal function may also occur in the form of uric acid infarction, transient dysbiosis and physiological dyspepsia, manifested most often by regurgitation and vomiting.


Whatever is observed in your newborn from the above transitional states, it should be remembered that for given age they are a kind of norm, and adaptation to life is critical stage that the baby needs to overcome.

A newborn is a maturing personality!

Since the 70s of the twentieth century, a revolution began in developed countries in obstetric practice. Parents wanted to see their children not only healthy, but also happy from birth.

The perception of newborns as primitive creatures was considered false. As a result of numerous studies, it was found that tiny children are complex creatures with powerful intelligence, developed senses, and high learning ability. Just like adults, babies from birth are capable of experiencing different emotions: fear, sadness, surprise, interest ...

Children are born with a sense of beauty and, along with the innate ability to recognize human faces, can appreciate their attractiveness in an adult way. Already 9 minutes after birth, the crumbs distinguish a calm expression of a human face from a distorted one. And a little later - positive from negative. And they like the first much more.

Babies already have a sense of rhythm at the age of 1 day, which helps them to develop. Babies respond well to pitch, melodic speech, and teaching them music at a very early age will help develop these innate abilities.

Within a few days after birth, babies are able to distinguish between faces, distinguish light from darkness, guess the presence of their mother in the room by smell, react to sounds, distinguish between music and people's voices, learn about the world and interact with it.

They are not indifferent to smells, not all of them tolerate them. Sensitive to touch and pain. They do not like sour, salty and bitter, preferring sweet to everything.

Instincts and reflexes that a newborn has

Nature made sure that the newborn baby was not completely helpless. Yes, physically he is helpless, his movements are chaotic, he cannot raise his head. However, he already knows something.

He has an impressive set of instincts and archaic or primary reflexes that help him survive in the air environment, which suddenly replaced the water one. Among these unconditioned reflexes more than 70 are known today. They are needed in order to adapt in the world and survive in it as quickly as possible.

For example, a newborn has food reflex, which manifests itself in the fact that the child looks for mother's breast and sucks it.

Well visible protective and orientation reflexes. The protective reflex is manifested by the blinking of the eyes, the tentative reflex is manifested by the movement of the eyes to the light source. The child reacts unhappily to bright light and loud sounds(wrinkles his forehead, screams). However, the baby is not yet able to follow objects with his eyes.

To watch how it manifests itself grasping reflex, touch the inside of the palms of the crumbs with your finger, and he will grab it. At this age, baby, capturing thumbs hands of mom or dad, well held in a hanging position.

If you gently stroke the sole from your heel to your toes, your toes will swing upward and your feet will turn inward.

Take your newborn baby under your arms and hold him upright over a table or other flat surface. A child can lift one leg and then the other and take "steps"! Walking reflex manifests best after 4 days of life.

Sudden or loud noise and the sensation of falling cause little child stretch your arms and legs, arch your back and throw your head back, then press your hands to your chest with clenched fists. This is how it manifests itself Moro reflex.

The baby sleeps in the frog position: lying on his back, with arms bent at the elbows and raised up, and with legs bent at the knee joints and spread apart.


Reasons for alarm: the baby does not suckle, does not react to light, sleeps with arms and legs extended along the body.

The presence or absence of the most important congenital reflexes indicates the degree of development of the nervous system and brain of the newborn.

Conditions that need to be created for a newborn baby


Parents should treat the child as a maturing person, making it easier for him to adapt to the world around him in every way.

Useful tips

Do not be angry with the baby that he does not yet distinguish day from night and disturbs at night as much as during the day. All this will soon pass.

Do not let the bright light blind your newborn's eyes.

Make sure that all sounds in the children's room are melodic and quiet.

Near the crib, the crumbs should not talk loudly, shout and quarrel.

When the baby is awake, communicate with him - talk in a gentle and affectionate voice, turn on special music for babies. Remember that the baby is very sensitive to your mood, so try to be calm. Smile often.

A baby first of all needs to feel peace, warmth and security.

Children's room


For babies, the room temperature should be 22 ° C. To normalize temperature regime the room and air circulation must be regularly ventilated in the nursery.

In winter, this is done 4-5 times a day for at least 10-15 minutes, preferably in a draft, since the air exchange is 7 times faster. The criterion that the room is already well ventilated is a decrease in air temperature by 2-3 ° C.

In the warm season, a window or window can be kept open at all times.


With systematic improper air exchange and excessive wrapping in children, the body temperature rises, sweating increases, appetite and immunity decrease. As a result, the child's development process can generally be slowed down.

Air humidity

The optimum humidity in the baby's room is 50%. Excessively dry air draws moisture from the body. As a result, the state of health may deteriorate, drowsiness, sore throat, and skin tightness may appear. Children who have very sensitive skin and mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities.

In addition, static electricity builds up in dry air, which prevents dust from settling.

Humidity in apartments is especially lacking in winter, when heating systems, computers, televisions, electric stoves, and household appliances are in operation.

Airing does not solve the problem, as there is little moisture in the frosty air. In order to increase the level of humidity in the apartment, you need to saturate the air with moisture vapor in every possible way.

This can be done using a special device. If you don't have one, use the simple methods of humidifying and disinfecting the air:

♦ hang a slightly wrung out damp thick towel on the back of the chair by the baby's bed;

♦ Place a vessel with water in the child's room, add a few drops of lavender oil - the air saturated with oils is harmful to viruses and bacteria.

How to understand the desires and needs of your baby

Since the baby cannot yet communicate with the help of his voice, you will have to learn to understand his wants and needs by simply observing and listening to him. Your happy and happy baby will be rewarded for your ability to quickly and correctly read his sign language, facial expressions and crying.

How to learn to watch your baby

Imagine watching an alien. This approach will help you get rid of preconceived notions about how your baby should behave.

Observe your child closely for 3 minutes. Even during this time, you can learn a lot about him.

Observe your child in a specific order. For example, consider it starting from the head, pondering what each part of the body (head, top part torso, arms, legs).

Consider the child's environment: time of day, room temperature, lighting, sounds.

Crying tongue

Crying is the only way for an infant up to six months to get life-saving help. If your child cries, he needs an answer.

Babies cry to inform us of their different needs. Each of them denotes a different type of crying. There are basic types of crying that are common to all children and have distinct characteristics. They mean hunger, anger, pain ... But at the same time, each baby is endowed with his own unique cry, which distinguishes him from any other baby.

British scientists, studying the characteristics of the behavior of parents from different countries with crying children the first days and weeks of life, they came to the conclusion that dads and mothers, who practically do not allow newborns to cry, in the future have much fewer problems with children compared to those parents who do not pay attention to a crying child.

The first thing to do is to check if the little ass is dry and comfortable. Then - apply it to the chest, and only after that - try to determine the reason for crying, if it was in something else.

Types of crying

"Change me up!"

The baby cries loudly in pain as urine and feces cause irritation and rashes.

What should be done:

If necessary, wash the baby thoroughly, blot the skin with a diaper, lubricate with oil, change the diaper.

If it's itching, undress the baby, wash, and let him lie naked in the crib on a terry towel.

Change diapers more often. Use a special cream.

"I want to eat!"

Most often, "hungry" crying begins with "inviting" crying of the child. If the mother takes the baby in her arms without offering the breast, the crying turns into an angry cry. And if both the cry of the baby and his search for the breast (the baby “catches” the air) do not make the mother think that the baby is hungry, the baby begins to choke with crying.

Usually, "hungry" crying differs from other "types" of crying by its demanding and persistence.

During "hungry" crying, the baby, if you touch his face, immediately turns his head towards you, starting to look for the breast. And having found her, he sucks with greed, and only after satisfying his hunger with all his peaceful appearance shows how good he is.

What should be done:

Feed him to your breast or give him a bottle if he is bottle-fed.

"I'm suffering from colic!"

If the crying of the baby is sometimes sharp, then mournful, turning into a squeal, and he pulls his legs to his tummy, then he is tormented by colic - spastic pains of unknown origin.

What should be done:

Take the baby in your arms, press it to you, shake it, put it on your tummy.

You can also put a warm heating pad on your baby's tummy or massage it. By the reaction of the crumbs, you can easily understand what works best for him.

"I am tormented by gas in my tummy"

Crying is sharp, loud, the baby twirls and twists his legs.

What should be done:

Pat your tummy in a clockwise direction. Raise the bent legs to the tummy, then lower them. Repeat this exercise several times.

You can also drink crumbs of fennel tea or dill water. All this will help to remove gas and soothe the tummy.

"I'm tired"

Crying is uneven, irregular, its tone and volume change all the time. In addition, the baby also shows other, non-vocal, signs of fatigue: sucking his fingers, rubbing his eyes, pulling at his ears.

What should be done:

Since the baby wants to sleep, then, most likely, he will not like your attempts to play with him, and the baby will turn away. If you try to comfort him in other ways, he will become even more overexcited, because in reality he only dreams of getting some sleep. So put him to bed.

As your child improves their sleep schedule, you will learn how to determine how they tell you when they are tired and when they just want to be left alone.

"It hurts" Usually such crying sounds the same regardless of the nature of the pain, whether it is external or internal. It starts without warning, it is loud, long-lasting and shrill. If the baby is in pain, he will emit a loud, long cry, then pause for a long time, gaining strength for the next. With this cry of the baby, you will probably notice other signs of pain: the child's body will tense, he will pull his arms and legs to him, open his mouth wide, and from the expression on his face it will be clear that he is very unpleasant.

In addition to the above, there are signs that you can use to tell if your baby is in pain: redness, swelling, sensitivity to touch, fever, changes in bowel function (changes in stool color and odor), nausea, rapid, noisy, or labored breathing.

What should be done:

Check for external factors. Maybe a finger or a toe was pinched by a lightning? Maybe he has a rash? Perhaps the clothes are causing him inconvenience? Undress the child and check if everything is in order.

The cry of inner pain is harder to interpret. The baby may have otitis media, and may have a sore throat or stomach.


If this type of crying continues, be sure to call your doctor as soon as possible.

"I got sick"

This type of crying is somewhat similar to crying in pain, but is weaker and consists of a whimpering nasal sound.

The sick baby may be red and hot.

What should be done:

If the temperature remains elevated or other symptoms of illness appear, see your doctor.

"I'm bored!"

Whimpering and crying, which usually stop quickly as soon as the infant is given careful attention.

What should be done:

Already at the age of several weeks, the child is awake for at least 8 hours a day, and he does not want to look only at the white ceiling. He wants his mother and father to take care of him. The most important and favorite incentive remains confidential communication with a close face.

Indeed, no toy can react so well to any wink!

"I don't like this procedure."

The child's angry, disgruntled crying is accompanied by appropriate facial expressions and movements. For example, a child will "grin", arch his back, or turn his head, thereby demonstrating with all his might how much he dislikes your actions.

Usually, such crying does not last long and subsides as soon as its cause is eliminated.

What should be done:

Many children do not like dressing, undressing, swimming, treating a runny nose ... But these procedures cannot be canceled, no matter how loudly the baby expresses his indignation. There is only one way out - try to do everything quickly, and then caress the child so that he calms down.

"I'm scared!"

This is a loud and high-pitched cry. It usually starts suddenly. It breaks off quickly because the baby needs to draw air into the chest. And just as suddenly, it stops.

What should be done:

Some children are very sensitive to noise, temperature, or unexpected stimuli. Perhaps the child is cold. Optimum temperature in his room - 18-21 ° C.

If your baby has a hot, damp back, then he is hot. Change your baby.

Also, the child may be disturbed by too bright light: make sure that the lamp above the changing table or the sun does not hit him in the eyes.

Dummy rules

Let your baby decide whether to use the pacifier or not. Offer him a dummy a couple of times, and you will understand if he needs it. If the baby sucks it with enthusiasm, it becomes calmer and more fun, then the nipple will become your helper. If an outraged infant spits out a foreign object, set the pacifier aside until the right moment... Or you may not need a nipple at all.

A dummy can only be offered to a child when it is necessary: ​​if the baby is agitated, overworked, or if his sucking reflex is too strong. For example, you may need a pacifier while traveling by car, on public transport, while waiting for your turn to see a doctor, during a winter walk, when your baby is teething ...

The dummy should not be the usual means to calm the child. It is much more important to find out the causes of the baby's upset and find a solution to the problem. Remember that the pacifier is there to meet the needs of the baby, not to solve your problems, so it is up to the baby to decide when he needs a pacifier. You should not give a pacifier to your baby at a time when he is calm and can do without it.

When your baby is on a breastfeeding schedule, watch how often you give him a pacifier. Babies who suckle it less often ask for breast, as a result, mothers gradually decrease the amount of breast milk, and they stop breastfeeding earlier.

Always check the pacifier before giving it to your baby. Watch for damage to latex or silicone. If the pacifier is torn, broken, or cracked, discard it immediately.

To prevent the dummy from getting lost, it can be hung on a ribbon with a special clip. Some parents wear a dummy strap around their baby's neck. In no case should you do this, as this can lead to suffocation.

Do not sweeten the nipple with honey or syrup. Sucking on a sweet pacifier can result in oral thrush or caries if the teeth have already erupted.

There should be several nipples in stock. Before giving the pacifier to the baby, boil it for 1-2 minutes. A dirty soother is a health hazard for the baby.

Store the teat on a clean saucer under an inverted glass before use.

Do not keep the nipple in the sun or near another heat source for a long time.

Latex nipples need to be changed once every 2-3 weeks, silicone ones - after 4-5 weeks of constant use.

Do not give a silicone pacifier if your child has teething.


A baby should be weaned off a pacifier when he is 6-9 months old (you can give it only during sleep), and if it doesn’t work out, try at 1 year old. Until 2 years of age, you should not force weaning if you see that the baby is not ready for this.

Situations when it is undesirable to use a dummy

In the first 3-4 weeks of the baby's life, until the feeding regime is established. At this time, the sucking skill is still poorly developed, and the baby first needs to get used to the mother's breast, and then to the nipple. This is because it takes less effort for babies to suck on the pacifier. And if you hurry up with its application, then problems with feeding may arise. If your baby breastfeeds in the same way as a pacifier, he will receive less milk and damage your nipples. In addition, the baby may refuse to breastfeed. Some pediatricians generally do not recommend giving the baby a pacifier in the 1st month of life and advise to compensate for the sucking reflex by more frequent attachment to the mother's breast.

Do not use the pacifier as a substitute for feeding or to extend the gap between meals. This is inhumane towards the baby!

Do not substitute the nipple for the attention and affection your baby needs. If a capricious kid asks for pens, take him, and do not try to calm him down with a dummy.

Carrying a baby (holding)

The importance of holding

Carrying a child on handles is also an element of care, and this must be done!

The famous child psychoanalyst D.W. Winnicott coined a special term for this style of interaction with toddlers - "holding", giving it fundamental importance in the mental development of the individual. This means holding the baby, cuddling him, taking care of him, providing frequent tactile contact.

Life in mom's arms is one of the most important needs for harmonious development... The child is bored to lie alone in the crib. He needs to change his body position and learn about the world around him, observe the life of adults and touch his mother. Skin contact with the mother stimulates metabolic processes in the child's body, regulates the rhythm of breathing, helps to improve the daily biorhythms and hormonal changes of the baby, protects his tummy with its warmth from swelling, eliminates the problems of hyper- and hypotension of children's muscles and helps the development of spinal curves and ripening of the vestibular apparatus during motion sickness.

It is also important that, being in the hands of the mother, the baby sees her face and, in particular, her mouth, sees how she speaks, learns the language "in theory", and this contributes to the early development of speech.

There is such a thing as hospitalism. Children who are given only the necessary care (wash, feed, clean their nose) lag behind in psychomotor development... There may even be a reverse development of physical skills, that is, children who can speak and eat with a spoon, due to lack of contact with their mother, forget how to do this. This phenomenon is often observed in children's hospitals and orphanages.

Carrying a baby in your arms is good for mommy too. "Slingoms" almost never have postpartum depression... In addition, frequent touching increases milk supply and improves understanding between mother and baby.


Learn how to hold the baby correctly, use a sling, a “kangaroo” backpack.

How to carry your baby in your arms without hurting yourself

Your burden is precious, but very difficult, and often by the end of the day your neck and back may start to ache. Therefore, it is important to make this process comfortable for both the baby and you.

You can hold your baby in your arms both sitting and lying down - which is especially important in the first weeks after childbirth. This must be done in such a way that he does not have the slightest chance of falling, hitting, getting burned. This is especially important when you are moving, holding the baby in your arms.

Here are the main points:

"The whole world before your eyes"

Holding the baby upright, press his back to your chest, and your feet to your stomach. One of your hands holds his legs, the other - his tummy. In this position, the load on the mother's spine does not change, but the likelihood of distortions and curvatures disappears. Comfort is also provided for the baby: his head rests on his mother's breast, which relieves tension from the cervicothoracic region, and it becomes easier to hold the head. Feeling the support, the legs occasionally tense and relax, becoming stronger from this. The digestion of the crumbs improves, gases escape more easily.


The baby is in an upright position, with his stomach towards his mother.

"Like feeding"

The baby is in the supine position (as when feeding), on his back ...

"On the swing!"

In this position, the baby's head is in the bend of your elbow, and your hands, supporting his torso on one side and the other, meet under the bottom. In this position, the baby can relax.

"Under the wing of an airplane"

This position is very comfortable and helps the baby to relax, especially if his tummy hurts. Put it on your left hand: feet should be below head level. With your head turned away from you, lean it against the crook of your elbow. Pass your right hand between the legs so that the open palm is on the tummy.


The baby is not yet holding the head, as the neck muscles are still very weak. Therefore, the baby should be held horizontally with support under the head in 2 cases: when he eats and when he sleeps.

The rest of the time, it is better for the baby to be in an upright position - pressed against the body of an adult, facing him or with his back.

How to lift a baby

Remember that for the first months the baby does not hold its head and does not control its muscles. So be careful. Support your baby so that the head does not fall over and the arms and legs do not hang down.

Baby lying on his back

If your baby is lying on his back, place one hand under his lower body. Place your other hand under your neck and head. Raise it slowly, making sure that the head does not tilt back. Gently lower him onto his bent arm so that his head rests in the crook of the elbow.

Baby lying on its side

Place one hand under the baby's neck and head and the other under the lower body.

The baby is lying on his stomach

Make sure your head does not tilt back, then grab the crumb. Lift slowly. Bringing the child closer to you, move your head to the elbow. Now his head is on your hand, and he feels calm.

Bring your hand from below so that at the time of raising it serves as a support for his chin. Support your lower body with your other hand. Lift the baby slowly, turning gently. Press it towards you, bringing your hand forward so that your head rests on the bend of your elbow. Use your other hand to support the baby's lower body and legs.


Benefits of using a diaper

Thanks to swaddling, you can quickly get ready for a winter walk. The procedure of wrapping in diapers or blankets from an experienced mother takes only a few seconds. During this time, the baby does not have time to get tired.

Swaddling can comfort your baby. If it is difficult for him to sleep, if he is crying or sick, the diaper "doubles" the tenderness of your hug, making them softer, stronger and warmer. The purpose of the diaper is, as it were, to "give" the baby intrauterine comfort again: a certain constraint in movement, clearly marked boundaries of space, warmth and security.

It is worth to swaddle the baby mainly before bedtime. And since the first weeks of his life he basically only sleeps, the diaper can be used almost around the clock. In the future, the baby will decide for himself when he wants to fall asleep unwrapped. This usually happens after 3-5 months.

How to swaddle a baby

Many modern pediatricians advise using free swaddling, in which the baby can move the arms and legs. The crumb appears to be in a bag. Moreover, than less clothes under the diaper, the better the sense of touch develops, because the child bumps hands and feet not only on the diaper, but also on his own body.

Free swaddling can be done without hands. It is believed that the baby develops better if his hands are free.

A warm blouse with sewn-on sleeves or with open sleeves is put on the baby (and anti-scratch mittens are put on the handles), and the lower body is wrapped in a diaper and diapers. At the same time, the baby's legs are not pulled out.

If the child is restless, wakes himself up with spontaneous hand movements, then it is better to swaddle the pens at night. Over time, the baby will learn to coordinate his movements and, at the age of 1 month, most likely, he will stop waking himself sharp movements... Although some babies continue to throw up their arms and legs up to 3-6 months.


If you use disposable diapers, choose one that will help spread the legs of the crumbs to the sides. Using gauze diapers, additionally place a folded diaper between them.

Clothes for the little ones

Some parents from the first days dress the baby in rompers and overalls, not recognizing swaddling. However, it has been noticed that newborns who are kept completely without a diaper and are left lying for a long time, swinging their arms and legs, subsequently adapt much more slowly to their hands than those who were gradually introduced to the pens. The child becomes restless, and falling asleep, easily wakes himself up. Therefore, you probably shouldn't give up swaddling altogether.


Note that many babies sleep better when swaddled. Observe your baby and make the right choice.

Also, keep in mind that changing your baby's clothes will take longer than changing.

. What to do if your baby starts crying or worries at this time:

♦ use simple models of children's clothing;

♦ try to dress your baby as quickly as possible;

♦ at the same time talk affectionately with the baby;

♦ try to distract him with calm music or a rattle;

♦ go back to swaddling (possibly temporarily).

Baby sleep

Sleep duration at different ages

If the baby is healthy, feels good, vigorous and active during the day, but sleeps a little less than recommended, do not worry.

Scientists have found that children living in the city need more time to sleep, since their brains are exposed to the aggressive visual environment and the frantic rhythm of the metropolis. Away from factories in the fresh air, children fall asleep faster.

0 to 3 months

Need for sleep

Newborns can sleep up to 18-20 hours a day. Thus, your baby will sleep almost all day long. However, the timing of his (her) sleep is unlikely to coincide with yours.

A month old baby sleeps about 16 hours a day, a three month old - 15 hours. Children rarely sleep more than 3-4 hours in a row (both day and night).

What Happens During Sleep

Most of the time is spent on shallow sleep, accompanied by twitching of the muscles of the face and the movement of the eyeballs under closed eyelids.

In adults, this happens in dreams. A small part of the time is spent in deep sleep, when the muscles of the face are relaxed.

During sleep, a gamut of feelings wanders on the child's face, and a reflex smile is suddenly replaced by discontent. Babies sleep very lightly, but sometimes they do not wake up with noise. When falling asleep and waking up, the baby usually sleeps.

Setting sleep time

Help your little one by instilling good sleeping habits right from the start. For the first 6-8 weeks, the baby cannot stay awake for more than 2 hours in a row. If the interval between laying is longer, then he will be overworked and will not be able to fall asleep right away. Watch your child, and after a while you will already understand when the baby is ready for bed.

Once your baby is 2 weeks old, you can start teaching him to distinguish night from day. Before the night period of sleep, close the windows tightly, turn off the lights and light the night light, turn off the phone, TV.

Bathe the baby. Gradually, this will become a signal for him to fall asleep.

Useful tips

Until the age of 2, children should not sleep on a pillow due to the risk of suffocation.

Place the baby on his back - this is the safest position.

Remove the plastic covers from the mattress, do not use plastic mats.

Cover the child, but do not wrap him up too much - this is harmful. If the room is warm, use a terry towel instead of a blanket.

Your baby will sleep better if wrapped in a sheet or bedspread. Swaddling will not only give him a sense of comfort and safety, but it will also restrict movement that could prevent the baby from falling asleep.

Keep in mind that not all children like to sleep with their arms wrapped up. If your baby tries to free them, don't worry, it's okay. Then it is better to swaddle it so that the arms remain free.

Can a baby sleep in the same bed with his parents?

In my opinion, from birth, a baby should have its own bed, its own cozy nest.

Being close to the child at night, the mother does not fully rest, does not completely relax, since a "sentinel hearth" is formed in her brain, which controls all movements during sleep, so that she does not accidentally harm the child. And after a stressful day of caring for your baby, it is very important to be able to rest at night.

Parents may be unwell. A runny nose, a slight cough are ailments that do not cause much concern to adults. But under these conditions, a large number of pathogens (microbes) that can cause serious illness in the baby.

Harsh odors of perfume, cologne, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, tobacco smoke and other overly odorous substances that are very well absorbed by the hair - adults acquire some insensitivity in the process of life, but they can have a negative effect on a small child, making his sleep restless ...

An adult bed does not meet the requirements for a toddler's crib.

An infant does not need a pillow. "Heavy" adult blankets are uncomfortable for the baby and can cause him to overheat the body, because thermoregulation in newborns is insufficient, sweat glands not fully formed (and until 4-5 months they do not function at all). A crib needs to be washed and disinfected frequently, and an adult's bed is not suitable for this.


However, it is reasonable that in the first months of a child's life, his crib is in the same room and next to the bed of his parents or mother. Then you can immediately respond to the appeal of the crumbs and satisfy his needs.

Preparation for sleep

Is the baby bathed, fed, changed? Already yawning sweetly? Okay, go to bed.


Room Before putting your baby to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. Babies fall asleep more easily and sleep better in the fresh air. The temperature should be 20-22 ° C. Draw the curtains.


Remove from the crib any toys that have "moved" there during the day. To make the baby cozy and comfortable, attach a special soft cover made of a pleasant, dim and not too thick fabric to the inner walls of the bed.

... Doctors advise against putting pillows, bolsters, feather beds and bedspreads in the crib: it is believed that their absence reduces the likelihood of accidents.

Discard pillows and replace with a cotton swaddle spread over two layers. Then the baby's bed will remain clean if he unexpectedly spits up.


You can put on a baby's undershirt or a T-shirt, and then sliders (umbrella combo) or pajamas, and then put the baby in sleeping bag... This - optimal clothing for sleep. True, before putting the baby there, it is probably better to put a diaper on it so that the bag stays dry all night.

Avoid a thick blanket or sleeping bag if the room is warm or your baby's temperature has risen. In these situations, it is better to cover the child with a terry sheet.

Getting in the mood for sleep

The feeling of satiety sets the child up for a blissful sleep. However, he often needs your help. In your arms, the baby is looking for peace and a sense of security, therefore, lulling the baby, be calm and gentle.

The baby can be put to sleep by rhythmic stroking on the tummy. Stroke it without changing the rhythm until the child closes his eyes.

Play the tape recording of the lullabies you listened to during your pregnancy, or better, sing the lullaby yourself. Moreover, a song performed by your mother will calm your baby faster than an audio recording.

Russian traditions. Lullabies

The child was supposed to be rocked to lullabies. The measured rocking of the cradle imitated the movements of a mother lulling a baby.

Lullabies were sung to the baby from his very birth. The soft, tender intonations of the voice of the mother or grandmother, the rhythm of the songs, the content of the poems helped the baby to calm down and fall asleep faster, despite the fact that he did not yet understand the meaning of the words.

Lullabies were sung at a slow pace, in a quiet, gentle voice, in the measured rhythm of a rocking cradle. They had a simple melody with repetitive melodic turns and chorus words ("bayu-bai", "lyuli-lyuli-lyulyushki").

The name "lullaby" comes from the words cradle, wobble. And among the people, such songs have long been called tales, from the Old Russian words "bikat", that is, to lull, lull, swing, and "bayat" - to speak, say, whisper.

The baby listened to lullabies and gradually began to distinguish single words... By the time he was one year old, he already understood the simple plot of the lullaby!

Lullabies not only helped the child master speech and created a feeling of security, happiness and peace, but also gave the child the first idea of ​​the world around him, objects, animals, birds.

Mom sang different lullabies to the baby depending on his mood. If she could not manage to calm down her child, she turned to mythological images - Calm, Sandman, Sleep - with a request to help her in this.

Bayushki, bayu, bayu my baby.

Dream da Sandman

We walked along the street

They went to my Mitenka.

We went to sleep under the head.

Bayushki-bayu, Bayu, my baby!

Gollyushki arrived,

They sat on a cradle

They began to gurk,

They began to swing Mitenka,


Sleep, Mitya, sleep,

Take you down.

Gurcott, gurcott!

And Mitya is a nap,

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Bayu, my baby.

Sleep walks

Near the windows

Sandman wanders

Near the house

And they look:

Is everyone sleeping?

The mother "frightened" the too noisy baby with a gray top, Mamai or a beech, who could come and take the little one:


Go, beech, under the barn,

Don't bother Sasha to sleep!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Don't lie on the edge

A gray top will come

And carry you away into the woods.

And take you into the woods

On a green meadow.

We will protect the baby.

Baby gotta sleep soundly

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I love my sweetheart.

I love my sweetheart.

I'll sing a little song.

I will drive the wolf into the forest,

I will threaten him with a finger:

“Do not go evil wolf here,

otherwise trouble awaits you. "

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I sing a little song.

If the baby was calm, his mother sang him a lullaby, which said how beautiful and handsome her baby was and how strong and good he would become:

And bainki-bainki,

Let's buy boots for our son,

Let's put it on the legs

Let's start along the path

Our son will walk

New boots to wear.

Oh, baiushki-baiushki,

In the garden zayushki

They pinch the grass

Marinka is amused.

And Marina is smart

Yes, very reasonable.

Sleep-sleep, sleep-sleep.

Take you a deep sleep.

To date, scientists have found that lullabies have a huge impact on the nervous system child.

The baby hears the voice of the mother in the womb. After birth, he is surrounded by many different sounds. Some of them disturb, frighten, others calm down. When the baby hears his mother singing a quiet, gentle song, he understands that he can sleep well, he is safe. Through the melody, the baby feels the mood of her mother, her love for him.

In addition, lullabies stimulate speech more actively. The kid remembers words and phrases faster. If you sing lullabies to a child under one year old, then, going to school, he will memorize poetry in a chant - this way they are remembered faster.

German scientists tested the effect on the quality of sleep medications and lullabies. The melodies turned out to be much more effective than drugs, and after listening to them, the subjects' sleep was sound and deep.

How to put a baby in a crib

Now, when the baby is already starting to doze, he can be put in the crib, where a sleeping bag is waiting for him.

You can also put the baby on its side, while placing rollers made of a folded flannel diaper under its sides on both sides so that the baby cannot roll over on his stomach. If the baby is lying on its tummy, the danger sudden death much higher. At the age of three, the child will begin to roll over himself into a position convenient for him.

So, put one hand to the baby under the head and neck, with the other hand support the back. Smoothly and slowly lower the baby and put it in the crib.

Release the hand that supported the back, then, slightly lifting the baby's head with it, release the other hand. Do not pull it out too quickly, with a jerk, so that the head, having lost support, does not tilt back.

Mom's lessons. How to help your child develop

Already in the 3rd week after birth, the newborn begins to form on the basis of unconditioned reflexes conditioned reflexes, contributing to its adaptation to the surrounding world. The baby is ready to "learn".

From the first days of a child's life, the adults caring for him should help the baby to develop. At the same time, it is important to promote the development of precisely those organs and systems that are not yet sufficiently developed in a newborn. And this is, first of all, vision, hearing and muscular feeling, closely related to the intellectual and physical development of the child.

Development of vision

Features of the vision of a newborn

Newborns do not see everything upside down, as was previously thought, but their visual acuity is much lower than that of an adult. And this means that the baby, while awake, needs very good lighting to study the world around him.

The baby is born farsighted. However, he does not see objects that are located more than 1 m from his eyes (only by 3 months this distance increases to 2-3 m). Toys located closer than 15 cm also remain invisible to him. And even those objects that are at the optimal distance for him - 25-30 cm, he sees indistinctly.

The kid sees the world in color. But the determining factor for him is still not the color, but the contrast. At first, he is interested in exceptionally high-contrast subjects, especially the combination of black and white. How easier drawing, all the better. Your child will love large stripes, squares and circles, black on white or white on black.

The child's field of vision is also insufficiently developed, therefore, if the father stands behind the mother or somewhere to the side of the newborn, the child does not see or perceive him.

From the middle of the first month of life, the child is already able to fix his gaze at a distance of 20 cm or more. The newborn's gaze can be attracted by some bright and large toy in his field of vision, or by any source of light.

We teach the baby to fix the gaze

Take a brightly colored toy. Slowly and gradually bring it closer to the eyes of the crumbs at a distance of at least 20 cm from them, making sure that the child notices her and fixes his gaze on her. After making sure that this goal has been achieved, and after that, begin to slowly move this toy from side to side,

and by the end of the first month of life also up and down. The kid himself, tired, will look away from her.

Arrange tours of the apartment with your baby in your arms. Tell him everything you see and show him. If you notice that the baby has fixed his gaze on this object, do not distract his attention with something else until he himself wants to be distracted.

Developing color vision

For development color vision experts recommend hanging in front of the child at a distance of about 30 cm a multi-colored garland, the elements of which should be quite large, and the colors should be arranged taking into account the peculiarities of the newborn's vision. It is best to place elements of red in the center, after red, you should place orange or yellow, and only then green, and blue around the edges.

V last years a variety of mobiles have appeared, which are hung over the baby's bed. The bright toys that make up them help to attract the attention of the child. These mobiles are not only capable of developing vision, but also hearing, if they have ringing metal tubes that emit melodious sounds while the mobile is moving.

Useful tips

Mom's face is the favorite subject for a newborn baby to study. The eyes and lips stand out clearly against the general background and create the necessary contrast. In addition, such an interest is provided by nature: by imitating the expression of mother's face, the baby develops his communication skills.

While you are busy in another room, let the newborn entertain a funny smiling face, drawn with a black felt-tip pen on a sheet of white paper. The picture must be more than 10 cm in diameter.

In addition, black-and-white portrait photographs of parents, grandparents, and other children can be used to stimulate visual skills.

Wear striped or chunky peas more often.

You can make and put on bright beads from multi-colored large buttons, beads, patches, ribbons. Beads will not only entertain him, but also teach. Especially if you use not only different colors, but also different textures of fabrics. The fact is that a baby's vision develops in close connection with touch, so smooth blue, rustling yellow and rough red will give him a lot of new impressions.


To make it comfortable for the baby to get to know you, place yourself at a distance of 20-30 cm from his eyes and grimace actively: smile, frown, be surprised.

Development auditory system toddler

Hearing features of a newborn

The baby easily recognizes the voices of the parents that he heard before birth. In one experiment, newborns were turned on to record the voice of their mother reciting nursery rhymes to them for the first time, and poems that their mother read aloud during pregnancy. It turned out that the newborn child "recognized" from all these verses exactly those that he heard while in the womb.

Having been born, the child immediately distinguishes sounds by tone and timbre. Moreover, it is easiest for him to distinguish high-pitched sounds. Many parents realize this and begin to talk with a tiny high-pitched, squeaky voice that is completely uncommon for adults.

In the first weeks of life, almost all newborn babies flinch at every sudden sharp sound. Sometimes, much to the chagrin of the mother, the reason for this is her own voice. At the same time, the baby can flinch with his whole body, wave his arms, and begin to cry. This happens regardless of whether your baby is asleep or awake, and does not mean that your baby is nervous or highly excitable. Such a reaction is only proof that the baby hears well. By the way, the baby reacts in the same way to bright light, the touch of cold hands. After all, newborns are very sensitive to external conditions.

If he flinches at the sound of your voice, it is only because he is afraid of the unexpected. To prevent this from happening, start talking to the baby from afar, gradually approaching him. Soon he will get used to familiar sounds and stop reacting to them so sharply.

Newborns listen to the ticking of a clock, the rhythm of which reminds them of the beating of their mother's heart.

While still a fetus, your unborn child all the time and constantly heard some noises - from the beating of the mother's heart to the peristalsis of her intestines. Therefore, in the first days after birth, the newborn does not need sound isolation. But one should not go to extremes. You should not create a constant background music in the apartment or drill the walls in the presence of a little one. Loud, harsh sounds can scare a child!

Already in the first month, the baby not only hears the sound, but also distinguishes all sounds in pitch, preferring meaningful speech to a set of words. He usually listens with pleasure to your voice. When you talk to him, he may freeze listening to you. The child is able to find the source of the sound and track where it is being moved.


Your caring attitude to the baby will determine whether he will become "nervous" or in an amicable way sensitive, vividly perceiving the world around him.

How to develop a child's hearing

Talk to your baby in a loving way.

Turn on the newborn classical music and various children's songs. Sing lullabies to your baby.

Holding the baby in your arms, dance with him to the melodies he knows.

Take a rattle with a melodic sound and, holding it at a distance of at least 10 cm from the child's ear, play it with a sound, but only so as not to frighten the baby.

Teach your toddler to find the source of the sound. For this purpose, quietly shake the rattle, which is not visible to his eyes. Then turn up the sound by shaking the rattle to the left or right of the child. The child will soon understand that this sound is coming from somewhere from the side and will begin to look for the source of the sound with his eyes.

Music in the life of a newborn baby

The newborn can also distinguish musical sounds. Scientists from the Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have proved that classical music influences children most favorably. It even alters the enzymatic activity of the cells! For example, for sluggishly sucking newborns, it is best to include melodies at the "Allegro" tempo from the works of Mozart, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Schubert, and easily excitable - at the "adagio" tempo from the works of the same composers.

Rock music is absolutely not suitable for newborns. The child may even be intimidated by her, as well as other harsh sounds, such as a vacuum cleaner or a loud ringing phone.

Thanks to classical music, your baby not only improves his mood, but creates a positive attitude towards everything that happens around him.

Babies enjoy listening to the music of Mozart and Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Prokofiev, Grieg and Strauss. Waltzes and sonatas fascinate them. During pregnancy, you already listened to classical music with your unborn child, which you both liked. Continue doing this now.

Music specially adapted for babies also works well. And also songs from fairy tales and cartoons.

Watch your child's reactions. If the baby looks in the direction of the sound source, waves his arms and legs, hums or even manages to shake the rattle in time, then everything is in order. If the baby does not like the music or he feels the sound as very loud, then the baby begins to move chaotically and even cry, tries to move away from the sound source.

Do not forget that the child loves it very much when his mother sings lullabies to him. He calms down and falls asleep.


At the first signs of a child's dissatisfaction, listening to music must be stopped, then letting him listen to only melodies that cause him a positive attitude.


The importance of toys and play for a baby

Through play activities and different toys the baby not only develops, but also improves its development.

Toys help children from the first year of life to receive visual, sound, tactile information and get to know the world around them.

The baby who is not played with and who does not have various toys despite even breastfeeding and high standards of caring for him, is unlikely to be able to lead a fulfilling life. In addition, a child born completely healthy may even experience a delay in neuropsychic and sometimes physical development!


In the first months of life, and especially during the neonatal period, the infant must learn to concentrate his attention on objects in his field of vision and sounds available to him. You can help him with this by using the various toys necessary to develop these skills.

Toys for babies from 0 to 3 months

Cuff toys (when the baby moves with their hands, they remind him of themselves with melodic sounds);

Large bright toys with big eyes- little men, animals, cars, etc. (it's good if, moreover, these eyes move);

Rattles with handles and rings for hanging (they should be different color and of different shapes);

Toys with a melodic sound;

Mechanical carousel with various toys;


Various dolls with large expressive eyes (dolls must be over 40 cm).


Remember that in the first 10 days of a child's life, your hands and your face play the role of toys (fun and entertainment) for him.

A child of the first months of life enjoys looking at dolls and tumblers for a long time, as well as various animals with big eyes. Moreover, the more these toys will emit some sounds, the longer he will pay attention to them. And even without playing with toys, but only looking at them, the baby feels positive emotions. He even tries to smile at them!

Useful tips

In the first year of life, the baby discovers aesthetic sensations for himself primarily through toys.

From the very beginning, toys should be beautiful, bright, contrasting in colors. For example, such color combinations as yellow and red, green and orange, white and blue will help the baby to concentrate attention, activate the work of visual analyzers in the perception of color.

It is important that the toys are of different textures (silk, fur, wood, plastic). When the baby feels them, his brain function, fine motor skills are stimulated, and thus sensory sensations develop.

Baby Achievements

What a child can do by the end of the 1st month:

The kid notices bright objects, he can distinguish some colors, ornaments, patterns;

The child can copy the simplest movements of adults: pull out the lips, stick out the tongue;

Notices the light source and the ring moving from the side in the direction of its gaze; follows the object with the eyes - the maximum angle of the tracking movements is 45 °.

The child can fix his gaze on the one bent over him human face, mainly in the eyes;

The child can focus his gaze on a stationary object and with its smooth movement;

He shudders or blinks when he hears a sharp sound, tries to listen to what is happening around;

He starts to walk;

The first smile appears;

Lying on his stomach, the baby can hold his head upright for a few seconds;

The body is mostly in a flexed position;

In the supine position, involuntarily brings his hand to his mouth;

The resistance to opening the fist is stronger from the little finger;

The kid stretches, tries to push off with his legs and crawl;

From the moment of birth until 2 months, the baby sleeps about 20 hours a day;

The child can perform various micromovements and make various sounds in time with the speaker's speech ("synchronous interaction").

Weight gain

During the first month of life, the average weight gain in your child is 600-650 grams. And at the end of the neonatal period, a healthy full-term baby weighs approximately 3800-4000 g.

What should alarm you

The kid does not respond to harsh sounds;

He sleeps a little (he is awake between 2-3 feedings) or, conversely, a lot (when he has to be woken up to feed him);

Eats poorly (does not eat up the prescribed amount of food);

In an upright position, he cannot hold his head for a moment;

Does not follow the movement of the light source (electric flashlight, candle) to the right and left:

Does not look into the eyes of an adult leaning towards him;

Doesn't shout at unpleasant sensations(for example, before feeding, when hungry);

Doesn't stop screaming when mom puts him to her chest or hugs him.

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The first year of a child's life month by monthSecond month

Know approximate norms development of the newborn by months important to every mom. This "development calendar" will not only show whether the baby is developing correctly, but will also help to understand what first of all should be paid attention to in each month of his life.

Newborn development calendar by months.

The first month of life.

10-15 days

  • Keeps eyes on a slowly moving toy (the toy moves horizontally) .

20 days

  • He can fix his gaze on a suspended toy or on the face of his mother, who is talking to him at that moment.

1 month.

  • The first smile appears.
  • The kid can already smoothly follow the moving toy with his gaze. Keeps track of a toy that moves vertically.
  • It responds to the sound of a bell.
  • Raises the head for a few seconds while lying on its stomach.
  • Shifts the gaze from one object to another.

2 months

  • The child smiles for a long time when talking to him.
  • He watches his mother, talking and slowly moving around the crib. The kid listens to her voice, singing, sounds.
  • He turns his head at the sound of a musical toy or following the movement of an object.

3 months

  • The kid responds to the cues addressed to him with a smile, sounds and movements of his arms and legs.
  • Bumping into a low hanging toy, the child tries to grab and touch it.

4 months

  • A baby can determine the location of an object by sound.
  • He finds mom by hearing her voice (searches for the source of the sound).
  • During wakefulness, the child rejoices a lot. He is also happy when he recognizes his mother: he smiles, makes loud sounds, makes movements with his arms and legs. The joyful state becomes more prolonged and expressive.
  • The kid purposefully reaches for the toy, grabs and holds it, manipulates it. Feels the low-hanging toy with both hands. Looking for a toy that has fallen out of his hand.
  • The baby holds his mother's breast or bottle with his hands.
  • The child turns on its side.
  • The kid starts to walk.

5 months

  • The kid recognizes close people and reacts to them in different ways.
  • He distinguishes well the intonation of the speech addressed to him (a joyful tone of voice or his mother scolds him or his mother speaks sternly asks, etc.)
  • The child hums melodiously - melodiously draws vowel sounds for a long time. Humming occurs often and for a long time, when the child is in good health.
  • The kid turns from back to stomach.
  • If you hold him under the arms in an upright position, then he rests his feet on a hard surface.
  • The child takes the toy from the hands of an adult from different positions (lying on his back, stomach, being in the arms of his mother). He tries to reach for a distant object.
  • The kid reacts to the new environment and unfamiliar conditions: he may stop smiling when he sees a stranger adult or even cry.
  • The baby lies on his stomach for a long time, resting on his palms.

6 months

  • The kid pronounces syllables (ba, ma, pa, etc.)
  • He loves to deal with objects of different sounds, colors, shapes, textures (soft, rough, hard, rough, etc.).
  • The child turns from the abdomen to the back.
  • The kid begins to recognize his name by sounding.
  • A child can no longer just take a toy from an adult's hands, but also pick it up, lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side, hold and examine it, shift it from one hand to another, and throw it away.

7 months

  • The child babbles for a long time.
  • Independently, actively and for a long time crawls.
  • First, as shown by the mother, and then only at her verbal request, he performs the actions: knocks with a rattle, rolls the ball, takes objects out of the box and puts them back, transfers the toy from one handle to another.

8 months

  • The child loudly speaks various syllables in roll call with the adult.
  • At the request of the mother, the baby performs a memorized movement ("okay", etc.).
  • Crawls a lot, quickly and in different directions.

9 months

  • The kid repeats different syllables and sounds, imitating his mother. Imitates not only sounds, but also the intonation of an adult. The "repertoire" of syllables is constantly growing.
  • When mom asks: "Where ..." he looks for the named item. Can find items located in different parts of the room.
  • The child can, at the request of the mother, perform simple moves- "give me a pen", "goodbye - bye - bye" (wave your palm), etc.
  • The child steps along the side of the crib or along another support, holding on to the handles, trying to climb over the roller.
  • Each toy is used differently depending on its properties: press the keys or roll it, take it out and put it back, etc.

10 months

  • The kid pronounces many different syllables on his own and in calls with his mother, imitating her.
  • He already knows by name the closest people, for example, a brother.
  • If you ask him to give a toy ("give lyalu"), then he gives it.
  • The child begins to play with the adult simple games- “catch up, catch up”, “hide and seek” (hides behind his palms or puts on a transparent kerchief when his mother is looking for him and asks “Where is Katya?”).
  • The kid takes a toy from any position (both from the side and above his head), reaches for it, examines it, trying it on the tooth.
  • He enjoys playing with educational toys aimed at developing fine motor skills - he removes and puts on parts, opens and closes, fiddles with large beads on a thick fishing line, unfastens buttons, etc.

11 months

  • The kid says the first baby word- "mom", "av-av", "give" or something else.
  • He can, at the request of an adult, perform an action familiar to him, for example, swing a doll, roll a ball.
  • The child learns to walk by holding onto objects and moving from one object to another. He walks with the support of both hands, squats down, climbs on low objects, gets up and down freely.

12 months

  • The kid understands several names of close people ("Where is Vanya?"),
  • knows the names of several objects ("give a kitty, a tick-tock clock, a dog av-av",
  • knows the names of several actions (go, sit, stand up, give me a pen, make goodies, goodbye, swing, feed, dance, etc.)
  • The child imitates syllables very easily and simple words spoken by mom. He starts speaking the first words (within 10 words).
  • The kid plays with dice and can make a turret by placing dice on dice. Rolls the ball. Likes to wrinkle paper, iron, insert, i.e. to act with objects.
  • He walks independently without the support and help of an adult in different directions, without sitting down.

It must be remembered that calendar of development of the newborn by months different children differ. And therefore, a lag or a week ahead of these indicators is not critical. But if more than 15 days have passed, and the skill has not appeared, then it is necessary to more closely observe the baby. And be sure to play games with him aimed at developing these skills.

A lot of useful and interesting informationO child development in the first year of life You can find it under the heading. In this section you will find detailed description development of the child in each month of the first year of life, educational games and exercises with the baby, mother's massage with nursery rhymes and much more. You can read on the topic of child development.

How to deal with a newborn

The first days with a newborn. Well, here you are at home. And at home, as you know, walls help. On the same day or the next, you will definitely be visited by both a pediatrician and a pediatric nurse. The pediatrician will check the baby weekly and the nurse will come.

Advice... Write down all your questions in advance and feel free to ask them. The health worker is obliged to answer them, but it makes sense to remember that the doctor is also a person and it is more pleasant for him to communicate with friendly people.

The solemn meeting took place, the guests left, the flowers are in vases, the baby is in his crib. If you've spent a week together, you already know your baby a little. But only now can you start doing everything as it seems reasonable to you. If in the hospital there was a "uniform" - diapers, and the temperature in the ward is 27 degrees, then your baby has become accustomed to these conditions. It is possible that at home he will behave differently, because the conditions have changed.

Your tasks for the first time remain the same: more peace of mind and rest next to the baby, establishing a regime living together, feeding and caring, walking and bathing, massage and gymnastics, the first games and communication in those few minutes when the baby is awake. Remember that communication, muscle activity and conditioning are the three pillars that are the basis for the harmonious development of a child.

The first year of life in general is a period of active growth and development of a child. And it is especially important to create best conditions for the crumbs at the very beginning, when the baby is most limited by external conditions, when from your attitude to little man so much depends. For the development of the brain, the crumbs need an influx of nerve impulses, which is provided by the load on the sensory organs, sensory stimulation, or, simply put, an abundance of impressions from outside world... Impressions of the most varied, in the widest range.

Advice... The baby is small and seems helpless, but the newborn is much more physically strong than we think.

Look at the baby as a person who has to conquer the big world, which means that he needs to be introduced to this world, with the changes in air and water temperatures, with the simplest and most ordinary things, with the immediate environment. You can and should talk to your child from the very first days and minutes. The rhythm of folk pestushki, sentences, lullabies helps the baby to calm down, coinciding with his inner rhythms. The mother's voice makes it possible for the baby to feel that the mother is near, that in this immense world there is an unchanging point of support and protection from everything and everyone.

The baby himself can perform only micromovements, but the more often you pick him up (raise, lower, turn over), the more you move yourself with the baby in your arms, the more his vestibular apparatus works, a sense of balance develops, tense, which means that they develop muscles, the entire musculoskeletal system. In newborns and infants, the physical and mental are so closely intertwined that the language of touch and body movements is for them as important a way of communication as the speech of adults addressed to them.

From the very first days of life, the baby has the ability to communicate with others and feels the need for this communication. In fact, our communication with the child occurs constantly, no matter what we do with him. Whether he is breastfeeding, whether he is swinging on our hands, whether we bathe the baby, give him a massage or gymnastics - in addition to purely practical actions, we conduct a kind of dialogue with him through a variety of signals. The peculiarity of this language is that communication occurs with the help of signals that are unusual for an adult. Sight and hearing "supply" the baby with much less information than his sense of touch, vestibular apparatus, thermoreceptors. An important role is played by kinesthetic sensations, that is, sensations of the position of the body in space, muscle tension, and in general what can be called intra-bodily sensations. Through movements, you can give the baby an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the structure of his body, how it works, how it strains, relaxes and rests, what are its capabilities. The kid gets to know the world around him, learning what is top, bottom, change of direction of movement, rhythm and arrhythmia, speed and amplitude.

If you wish, you can create the most comfortable conditions for your baby for the first few months. But it was in these first weeks and months that the baby's natural mechanisms of adaptation to any peculiarities were launched at full capacity. external environment... If the conditions to which the baby adapts are a room with closed vents, warm socks on legs and limitation of physical activity, then he will adapt precisely to these conditions.

But it is better, overcoming shyness, from the first days of a baby's life to treat him not as a crystal vase, but in about the same way as mothers from those countries where babies spend the first year of their life in close contact with mother and nature.

Advice. If the child does not require this, it is absolutely not necessary to carry it in his arms for hours. And without that, the baby is in her arms very often. If he is calm and happy in the crib, you have the opportunity to do many things.

Rules for communicating with the baby:

Feed on demand, but remember that the digestion period for milk is about two hours;

Do not drink from the bottle (if necessary, use a spoon to drink) and do not use a pacifier during the period of lactation;

Ventilate rooms more often to keep the air fresh;

Walk, starting from 15 minutes and up to two or more hours a day;

Observe cleanliness, but do not strive for perfect sterility;

Bath, not "soar";

Maintain skin-to-skin contact, more often pick up and hold in different positions, including vertically;

Putting to bed with you;

Create opportunities for physical activity baby;

Talk to the baby: to pronounce their actions, read rhymes and nursery rhymes;

With the help of the first toys, stimulate the development of tactile sensitivity;

Stimulate the development of vision by drawing the baby's attention to toys;

Stimulate the development of hearing by arranging small "concerts" - listening to classical and folk music.

Games and toys for a newborn

Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, a young mother, most likely, is not up to games. And the baby spends most of the time in a dream. But there are children who, for one reason or another, cannot sleep. If the baby is feeling well, then he can just lie in the crib, and then it would be very useful to give him the opportunity to look at something more interesting than wallpaper. For example, on a mobile with toys or a garland of rattles. Perhaps for the development of vision and concentration, you will want to hang graphic drawings with sharp outlines (an image of a chessboard, concentric circles, black-and-white photographs) next to the crib in the baby's field of vision.

Advice. The little one and the little one a little older are attracted by novelty, so toys (stimuli to attract attention) should be changed more often, at least once a day.

If you put a bracelet with a bell on the baby's handle or leg, the sound will attract the baby's attention. He, albeit accidentally, with his movements makes changes in the world around him.

You can put a homemade rattle in the baby's palm (the store toy is too large for a tiny handle). Touch your baby's hand to the most different surfaces and materials. Carry the baby in your arms, show everything that surrounds the baby in the house.

Games and toys for a little older baby

If a newborn can be called a sleepyhead, then a little older baby is an "observer" who tries to become a "researcher". The kid stays awake longer and shows more interest in what is happening around him. The kid remains inactive and only tries to control his movements. The ability to look at an object and follow a moving object is present in a baby from birth. His eyesight, hearing and coordination are not yet perfect, but they are developing every day.

The visual apparatus is being improved during the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Advice... Toys are useful for the development of a child's vision, but a trip around the house, the opportunity to see familiar objects from a "new point of view", will also be an excellent stimulation of the visual apparatus.

The child begins to examine “moving” objects, the mother’s face, “finds” his hands, keeps his head longer and longer, lying on his tummy or being in his mother’s arms. Every day he strengthens the muscles of his back and neck. A little later baby joyfully revives, seeing an adult, soon he will begin to roll over on his tummy from the back, leaning on his elbows. The kid is watching more, and you "play", stimulating his activity. Carry the baby in your arms: periodic "change of places" will help the baby to learn new things in the world around him.

The child needs toys that he will look at and touch. To develop the ability to distinguish sounds, musical ear, not only rattles are needed, but also a xylophone and bells. Tactile sensitivity is developed by touching a variety of textures and surfaces.

If your baby is whimpering and anxious, shake the rattle or talk to your baby out of sight. The kid will focus on sound only on a short time, then may start "complaining" again. By one and a half months, the baby will listen to voices, music, quiet sounds. By the age of 3 months, the child will respond with a smile to conversation, turn his head and react differently to different sounds.

The kid is very interested in his pens. He wiggles his fingers, tries to grab the toys. Then he begins to manipulate them. The child tries to pull a fist or finger into his mouth. By the end of the 2nd month of life, he can open and close his fingers. Hand-eye coordination improves, and the baby begins to touch the toys.

Advice. The more developed the baby's hands are, the more his brain develops, the faster and clearer his speech will sound.

At this age, toys are needed not only for looking, but also for touching, and then grabbing. Toys should be kept at a distance arm outstretched child. They must be well secured. It is advisable to use toys of eye-pleasing shades, green, blue, yellow. Choose those that are more comfortable to grip: rings, bells. Rounded objects will slide out of the baby's handle. At 3 months old, the child is already deliberately hitting the suspended toys. He carefully observes how touching the lower toys causes the upper ones to move.

Lay the baby on his tummy more often and leave it longer, attracting his attention with toys so that he can hold his head longer. It is useful to purchase or sew a developmental rug with toys sewn onto it that are comfortable to grip and feel.

In the third month of life, the baby begins to turn on its side. If you show the baby a toy so that he can see it, as they say, out of the corner of his eye, he will turn his head, and behind it his shoulders and torso. Some babies as young as 3 months old may roll from their tummy to their back.

Baby's toys should be varied in color, shape and texture (soft, smooth, rough). When giving the baby toys for feeling, talk to him, repeating the sounds that you heard from him: "aha", "boo-boo", "ah-ah", "oh-oh-oh".

Advice... Give your baby the opportunity to touch and grab not only rattles, but also balls, cubes, scraps, spoons. While the baby's fingers are very awkward, but any games with fingers, massage of pens is the development of fine motor skills, and therefore the speech centers in the brain.

Here are just some of the games you can play with your toddler.

Place small objects of various textures in the baby's palm - a lump of paper or a piece of cloth, a cap from a felt-tip pen, a short ribbon or string.

Place a stick over the bed rail. To her on elastic cord Hang one or two toys at a height of 15-20 cm from the child so that he can hit the toys.

Take the baby's handle with your hand, shake it, stroke it, drawing the baby's attention to his brush. Play with his fingers, massage them gently.

You can knead and stroke his fingers, play with the baby's hands in finger games... Stroke smooth glass, rough fabric, soft pillow, hard brush with your baby's palm.

Offer your baby a toy and help him hold it by holding the handle with your hand. Help your baby to shake the rattle and release his hand.

Attach the balloon to the baby's leg so that the baby can see it. When the baby moves the leg, the ball will move.

Hold the brightly colored toy in front of the baby's face and slowly move it to the side. Shake the rattle to get the baby's attention. If his attention is directed to your face, hold the rattle in front of your face. Then slowly move the toy, making sure that the baby follows it with his gaze.

Position yourself so that it is comfortable for your baby to see your face. Call him by name in different intonations. Try to meet your child's eyes. If he grimaces, repeat his facial expressions after him. Did the kid smile? Smile back at him. If the baby walks, enter into a conversation with him. Listen to it and respond with similar sounds, changing intonation to interrogative or exclamation.

Tie a bell to your baby's wrist. The kid will quickly grasp the connection between the sounds and the movement of the pen.

Talk or ring the bell away from and near your baby. Clap your hands, blow the pipe, ring the bell. Change the tone and volume of sounds. At first, stay close to the baby, so that he can see you. Then move further away, because your task is to attract the child's attention and make him want to turn his head in the direction of the sound.

First conversations with a newborn child

Talk to your baby when you are fiddling with him: bathing, changing clothes, feeding. Accompany any actions with the baby with speech. Sing songs to your baby, read nursery rhymes. Change intonation when talking to your child. A child of the first year of life for successful development most of all needs a close psycho-emotional connection with the mother, on the basis of which trust in the world, a sense of security, and self-confidence appear. If mom is not a "talker in life", then you need to overcome some internal resistance to start one-way communication with a baby who, obviously, does not understand anything and almost does not react.

However, the baby understands our intentions if we take the trouble to explain to the little man what we are doing and why, and do not treat him as an unreasonable creature.

Advice... You can "google" the articles and books of F. Dalto, the famous child psychoanalyst, who, back in the 50s of the XX century, by talking with babies alone helped them to recover, and in the 70s - organized the first "Green Island" - a center where psychologists communicating with babies and older children, but still not speaking, helped parents realize the importance of interacting with babies and learn to understand them better.

Actually, nothing supernatural is required. If you had to look after your beloved old grandmother, you probably would have found it necessary to talk to her. They would say: "Good morning, now we will wash ... Today is good weather ... How did you sleep?" You would read books to her and tell her what is new and interesting in the world. Just because you love her.

Remember, probably from childhood: “Early in the morning at dawn, mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash their faces ...” (K. I. Chukovsky).

Advice... Read Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, he is, indeed, "our everything." There is a study according to which children who listened to Pushkin a lot are more successful in coping with speech therapy problems.

This is not a fairy tale. The fact is that, in addition to heart rate, which we all know about, every cell in the human body pulsates. And the crumbs are tuning the whole body to my mother's voice, to the poetic rhythm. That is why we love certain poets because the rhythm of their poems coincides with ours, it helps to find harmony.

Whenever you approach your baby, talk to him. If he's worried, respond right away. At first, quickly approach him, but gradually lengthen the time between verbal comfort of the child and your appearance at his crib. Maybe the baby will calm down already from the sound of your voice. Sometimes choose the time and come to the crib when the baby has not yet called you. A few minutes of communication will help the baby to understand that his mother remembers him, even if he is not indignant.