Why isn't he doing homework? When is the best time to take lessons? We fight fatigue

How force the child to do homework? In order not to have to control, persuade, swear last words- in general, to perform all those unpleasant actions that can turn a parent's life into a real hell. I have already written about motivation and will write again - the topic is burning. And now let's try to deal with the situation when the child does not want to do homework. Or does, but through the sleeves.

The problem is very common, but there can be no single recipe. Since the reasons can be very different - lack of educational motivation, too much workload, weakness of the body or nervous system, personality traits of the child, parenting style, ... Each specific case must be analyzed separately. But there is one trick that can help. If not all, then many. I share 🙂

We do not consider the situation when the child categorically declares that he did not care about lessons and school in general (this is a separate conversation). Suppose that he does not particularly argue with you - yes, you need to do your homework. But he doesn't want to do it! Can't collect himself, puts it off, whines, thinks out urgent things for himself, persuades you to "wait a little more", gets distracted, cannot concentrate. In a word, homework stretches for several hours. And then it turns out to be completely unfulfilled.

How to teach a child to do homework. First of all, discuss with your child when it is convenient for him to do homework. How much time it will take. Let him appoint "hour X". A lot can change if a child is given the right to choose.

If it seems to you that the child is suggesting nonsense (and let me start doing homework at 9 pm), set a framework - say, homework should be done by 8 pm. What time do you think is the best time to start?

Teach your child how to organize studying proccess. Have you heard of time management? – The thing is extremely useful not only for adults, but also for children. In my opinion, one of best inventions in this area is the Pomodoro technique. Don't let the "frivolous" name put you off. Hiding behind him effective remedy problem solving with lessons.

Francesco Cirillo is no longer a student :)

The technique was invented by an Italian student named Francesco Cirillo, who himself had academic problems. Francesco experimented a lot - and so he tried to study the material, and that way. One day he noticed that best results achieved when the learning process is divided into 25-minute intervals. Gradually, observation turned into a real time management strategy.

How the Pomodoro Technique works:

Yes, interest Ask Why is this sequence of actions called the Pomodoro Technique? And the fact is that Francesco used a timer in the form of a tomato. And he liked it so much that he called the tomato not only his invention, but also working intervals of 25 minutes.

By the way, why exactly 25 minutes? - As it turns out, this optimal time for continuous work- you manage to do a pretty decent piece of the task and at the same time do not get tired.

Finally some subtleties of the Pomodoro technique:

  • In no case do not interrupt during the Pomodoro (I remind you that the Pomodoro is a 25-minute work interval). If you had to get distracted, then start the timer and do the tomato again.
  • If the task is too long - more than 5 tomatoes, then divide it into several tasks
  • If you have completed the task, and the timer is still ticking, be sure to check your work, think about it - in a word, sit out the tomato to the end. Usually it is at this time that brilliant ideas come to mind, blunders are found and the most important things are added.
  • During the rest, it is better not to sit at the table, but to warm up - walk around, run around.

If all of the above is explained in detail and colorfully to the child, then most likely he will want to try it. And if you use a special program for the implementation of the tomato technique, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: increase the child’s motivation and save him (and yourself) from having to manually set the timer each time.

Pomodairo: As you can see, I have a "Write an article" task. Performed:)

All you need is to download the program Pomodairo. In it, you can set a list of tasks, change working time and rest time (by default, these are 25 and 5 minutes, respectively), set the number of tomatoes needed to complete each task, select a sound alert and view statistics.

Finally, I will briefly list Benefits of teaching your child the Pomodoro Technique:

  • The child will learn to clearly set goals, break the task into components;
  • The learning process will be structured the best way. Gradually, the child will begin to work within 25 minutes without being distracted.
  • Homework will be done much more efficiently and faster.
  • The child will learn to competently manage his time and organize educational activities.
  • Increased academic performance (as a side effect)

PS: By the way, the Pomodoro technique is perfect for preparing for exams 🙂

What do you do when a child doesn't want to do homework?

Often children do not want to do homework, and the parent has to force them not to do it at all. pedagogical methods. To avoid conflict in this situation, you must first determine the reason for the unwillingness to work. Knowing the reason, it will not be difficult to determine the correct motivation.

Causes and their elimination

Children often do not show much desire to do homework, when:

  • Tired.
  • They could not fully master the material, so they are not sure that they will cope.
  • The task is not interesting to them, and they do not see the point in doing it.
  • They are used to doing homework with their parents.
  • They are lazy: pathological laziness is very rare, so you should not make such a diagnosis if the child at least does something with enthusiasm enough for a long time.
    Having identified the interfering factor, proceed to its elimination.


Children spend a lot of time at school mental labor- at least three hours with a teaching load of 4 lessons per week (high school students "work" even longer), and if they also extracurricular activities, then even more. Therefore, after classes, they should rest. Having recovered physically and intellectually, children will learn the material better and faster, make notes more accurately.

It is desirable to assign to the performance of tasks certain time. Ideally, from 3 to 6 pm, as the brain functions better at this time. You should start with the most difficult tasks first, leaving the easy ones for last.

To reduce fatigue during the day will allow compliance with the regime of work and rest.

note , proper nutrition, moderate exercise stress(sports) good sleep help prevent fatigue and avoid stressful conditions. Strict compliance regime moments promotes self-discipline and independence.


In modern textbooks, there are usually no explanations for the wording of the text: it is assumed that the children will independently come to some conclusion in the lesson. If the student does not understand, then it will be very difficult for him to figure it out on his own. Negative statements of parents and teachers about the wrong actions also contribute to the development of uncertainty in their own success.

What to do in this case:

  • Praise more often (but do not praise!) - there is always a reason for which you can praise the child.
  • Offer to first try to complete the task on a draft , and if he can’t cope, help (the main thing is that the child knows that he will be helped if necessary).
  • Criticize less (ideally, avoid such statements altogether).
  • Offer to work with a tutor if it is not possible to give the child necessary knowledge(for example, in a foreign language).

Do not solve difficult tasks for your children . They still do not understand how to solve them, but they will conclude for themselves that their parents will be able to do any task for them. As a result, adults do homework even for high school students!

Not interesting

The child is not interested in doing homework when he does not realize its necessity. In this case, what role does homework play in the learning process.

You should not resort to threats: “If you don’t do your homework, they will put a deuce!”. Such statements will only be effective for elementary school student(especially if love and respect for good grades are brought up in the family). As they grow older, the value of the mark decreases, then parents change their motivation, suggesting that students “get paid”. From the point of view of psychologists, such behavior is fundamentally wrong. Instead of warmth and support, parents offer their children financial (or material) rewards, which can lead to a conflict situation.

It will be more correct encourage good study, for example, going to the cinema, a trip out of town. But to make this not a condition (“You will study well ...”), but a consequence (“You finished the quarter well, therefore ...”).

No independence

Disorganized children do not like to do tasks at home. It is difficult for them to force themselves to do anything, to organize their leisure. To avoid scandal when performing homework should be taught gradually to independence.

Here it is important for the student to explain that doing homework is his responsibility, and parents will not always be able to help, so he must do it himself.

It is desirable to show in practice the consequences of his decisions:

  • Completed the task quickly – there is more free time that can be spent on the game.
  • Made by myself - parents managed to cook during this time tasty dish or repair a broken bike.
  • Didn't want to do it on time - spends free time on it.
  • Parents had to control, standing by - the student will do instead of them what they did not have time to do (wash the dishes, tidy up the room).

Not immediately, but gradually the child will understand that it is better to do homework immediately and independently.

What should you pay attention to?

The following situations slow down the completion of homework:

  • Wrong example

It is possible to demand organization from children only if the parents themselves are collected. If a mother constantly puts off some things for “later”, then the children will behave the same way.

  • Large loads

Sometimes adults shift some responsibilities onto children (“When you do your homework, wash the dishes!”), Forgetting about his right to rest. Of course, the student will delay this bad moment until the last.

  • Impatience and criticism

Constantly pushing the child, humiliating their dignity with constant criticism (“Like a turtle!”, “It's just as easy as you can not understand!”), It is impossible to achieve good results. With age, the student will stop doing anything at all (“I’m stupid!”, “I still don’t understand!”).

In the process of monitoring the completion of homework, the following rules should be followed: “Everyone makes mistakes, not everyone can find and correct mistakes.”

Should not be given great attention grades, because their value is gradually decreasing. It is better to motivate by the fact that homework, as well as training in general, contributes to self-development and self-improvement .

You can often hear how the parents of a schoolchild lament: the child refuses to do homework, delays with them, or approaches the lessons very slowly, or even in general - receives one deuce for unfulfilled homework. What to do in such a situation? How to teach a child to do homework? A cloud of thoughts is swarming in my head, reinforced by modern pedagogical literature for parents: will it be right to do homework with the child or should it be completely his independent work? And if you do it together, how exactly? Is it possible to force a child to do homework or will it harm him? And, of course, I would like to get an answer to all these questions not by trial and error, but by accurately understanding the consequences of each educational act. Today system-vector psychology allows you to do this: to accurately understand your child and find the exact, the right approach to him.

Why does the child not want to learn lessons? What is the cause of children's laziness?
How to force or stimulate a child to learn lessons?
If the child does not do homework on his own, what should I do - teach with him or force him to individuality?
The child does homework too slowly - how to speed up his actions? The child is very superficial about doing the lessons - how to make him be more responsible?

The history of pedagogy is a very interesting thing. If we analyze how children were taught before, or rather, how they instilled in them a love of knowledge, then their hair stands on end. From ancient times, corporal punishment was used by parents, educators, and teachers. Everyone knows very well that just a couple of centuries ago, in every school there were bunches of rods and a special bench on which children were flogged. It was an absolutely normal practice that was considered perfectly correct, the kind that ultimately makes children smart adults.

Children were considered, one might say, as the property of their parents, and they could punish them in almost any way or entrust this right to teachers and educators. Moreover, study was reduced to cramming, severe discipline and suppression of the child's personality, no one considered his interests and requests. The rejection of corporal punishment began only in the 18th century, it was then that the first attempts arose not to force, but to interest children in learning. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was one of the first to formulate the principle free education children. He said that the teacher should only guide the child, exert an indirect influence on him, guide his interests as if on the sly. adult organizes surrounding reality and the child, driven own desire follows development.

If Rousseau were alive today, he would probably be terribly happy. After all, modern teachers strongly recommend that a child is not something to be beaten, but in general you can’t force him to do something that he doesn’t like. They say that it harms the psyche, hinders its development, and so on. If it was normal for our dads and moms to get a butt for lessons not learned and a deuce received, today such an action is considered almost criminal.

But the question arises - what then to do? After all, all parents know very well that children, give them free rein, want to have fun all the time, play on the computer and go out with friends, that is, to mess around, but to work - to learn lessons, to do homework - this is all a forcing process, so to speak. And it often comes to a situation where the child does not obey, is on his own mind, is naughty, screams, makes some demands, and so on. At such moments corporal punishment and a couple of pretty slaps don't look so bad, do they? “To flog you well, then I would have learned my lessons for five, I wouldn’t have to blush at the parent meeting, you know ...” - we think to ourselves. Rage, anger, resentment, misunderstanding of our own children seem to overwhelm us. What to do? How to make a child learn lessons, study, do what is required?

How to make a child learn lessons?

The child refuses to do homework - do you know this situation? Not surprising, because children who would study with enthusiasm, without any stimulus or educational tool, do not exist in nature. Agree that it is much more pleasant to play, run and jump for your own pleasure, do what you want, than work. But doing homework is a real job, often very laborious for little man. It is not surprising that the child does not want to do this, especially if the lesson is too difficult or the topic is not at all interesting to him. In order for a child to study and study well, it is necessary to make an effort - and this requires an incentive. Having found this incentive, a reasonable parent will help his child.

When the words "incentive", "encouragement" are mentioned in a study question, most parents are sure that they already use it. “Ah,” they say, “we know all these rewards. We have already tried so many things, we have experienced all the advice from popular magazines in life, but they do not help! But the fact is that most people simply do not understand what kind of encouragement will work with their particular child. Trying different approach they often make mistakes.

Some praise the child, buy him good toys for high marks, but it's more like training. Other parents are sure that their own example is good incentive- they do their homework together with the child, in fact it turns out - for him.

The real incentive for children lies in themselves, in their innate desires. Every child by nature has a potential and the main thing is to unravel it, acting through its properties, and not in the opposite direction. By pushing the child, putting him on the path of interest, you can teach him to teach the lessons for real, as it should be. Only then will learning be enjoyable.

Different children learn lessons in different ways

In reality, of course, one cannot expect a child to study well on his own, grow up and eventually become smart, good man. All positive properties- neither more nor less, but the result of work, formation in childhood. Parents should guide the child from the very early age. This can be done only by understanding the psychology of the child, his innate characteristics, his inner talents.

Today, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows you to understand your child in this way. Having determined the vector set of the child, having understood it, one can accurately understand his innate desires and embarrassment in educational process will be much less.

The problem with learning lessons arises not only because of the properties of the child, but also because of the contrariety of its internal properties with the vectors of the parents. With the best intentions, we, adults, perceiving a child through ourselves, often make fatal mistakes in education, which ultimately leads to problems at school, in education.

Another example is a child with an anal vector. Indecisive, he is afraid to start a new business, he is not confident in himself, since his desires are to do everything perfectly, he is a perfectionist by nature. Lessons, as a rule, children with an anal vector do with great pleasure, but long and hard, as it may seem from the outside - slowly. A parent with an anal vector, as a rule, internally understands the aspirations of his baby, similar in vectors to himself, and helps in everything - instills self-confidence, gives as much time for lessons as needed, and is never in a hurry. And here is the parent with the skin vector, opposite in properties. Saving time, he always does everything quickly - this is his main value. Seeing that the anal child does not cope with homework immediately, on the move, he pushes him, demands quick decision, literally drives, blames for sluggishness, tries to discipline and limit time. Such pressure only aggravates the situation, the anal child does not know how to do it quickly, he must do it qualitatively. His reaction to the acceleration is natural - he begins to slow down even more, to be even more afraid of everything new. So the most obedient in the world, anal children, become stubborn themselves, and even aggressive.

Each child needs a certain reaction to his actions. skin child you need to teach self-organization, instill discipline that will accompany his entire future life. But the anal child cannot be disciplined, and he does not need it. It is important for him that his parents are interested in his studies, praise him for his successes, and help him do his homework. The result is always bad when the parent does what is best for themselves, and completely does not notice the inner needs of the child. So, the skin-visual mother may not be interested in all this at all, she will be happy to discuss the boys in the student's class and the relationship between the sexes. The child received a three - it does not matter, she is sure, this is not happiness. Such an attitude towards the mother is an insult to a child with an anal vector.

A lot of tips on raising children with different vectors in the article "How to love your child? Not Janusz Korczak, but better".

Children with sound and visual vectors are capable of learning. These vectors belong to the information quartel, and this is a burning passion for knowledge. Normally, the sound engineer and the viewer learn simply because they like to learn new things, to understand different issues. Almost all sciences are created by spectators and sound engineers in their developed states. But you can also make ignoramuses out of them if you force them to study, shout, beat you for bad grades, force you to work for high marks, manipulate toys or entertainment, and so on.

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Any problem can be solved only when you know the causes of its occurrence. Often the process of doing homework leads to a conflict between "fathers and children." The reason is often related to age-related changes in child development. Behind everyday worries, parents do not notice how children are changing. Moms and dads are perplexed: “What happened to our baby? With admission to school, the child has changed a lot. He began to grimace, clown around ... ".

Consider the features age development child 6-9 years old

Psychologists conducted research, studied changes in the character and behavior of younger children. school age and gave it a name age period— “crisis of 7 years”. But you don't have to be afraid. According to psychologists, this is the third crisis that a child is experiencing. A crisis is not something that can happen with "wrong" raised by children. This is what should happen to every child in the transition to a new stage of his development. What happens to him during this life period?

A child of 6-7 years old strives in every possible way to demonstrate that he has already become an adult, that he knows and understands a lot. He wants to constantly participate in adult conversations, express his opinion and even impose it on others. Children of this age love to wear adult clothes, often try on mom's shoes or dad's hat, girls, when mom is not around, try to use her cosmetics. As a rule, all this causes dissatisfaction of parents, they constantly pull the baby, urging him to "behave decently." Thus, parents wittingly or unwittingly suppress the child's need to feel like an adult and respect himself. At this age, the child begins to understand what it means “I am happy”, “I am upset”, “I am angry”, “I am kind”, “I am evil”. There is perseverance, stubbornness, a desire to act independently. A familiar situation: the child wants to help, starts washing the dishes. “You don’t know how, don’t touch, you’ll break!” Mom screams. Or it happens like this: the child washes the dishes for the first time, tries very hard, but the dishes are not washed very cleanly. Mom snatches a plate from him and starts washing herself, saying: “Give me, I’ll do it better myself ...” Not getting the opportunity from adults to be independent, to express their opinion, the child begins to grimace, act up, attracting the attention of adults in ways available to him . This is because adults in their internal perception the baby, as a rule, lags behind his real development, that is, he seems to them less adapted to life than he really is. Unconsciously, parents strive in every possible way to protect him from the difficulties and vicissitudes of life. There is a rather significant gap between the child's perception of himself and his parents' perception. This is one of the reasons for children's "laziness", unwillingness to overcome difficulties, to achieve everything with their own efforts.

The result for parents is disappointing: knowing the capabilities of their child, they sadly begin to notice his passivity, a decrease in interest in knowledge. The child begins to ignore everything new, it decreases cognitive activity, the protection of overcoming self-doubt is blocked. At this age, children are already analyzing their actions.

What to do in this case? How to help your child do homework?

Method number 1. Help your child become independent

Not getting the opportunity from adults to be independent, the child argues like this: “I don’t know anything, I can’t do anything, and the demand from me is small!” This is very comfortable position. The desire to do something independently, to strive for something, to overcome the difficulties encountered along the way disappears.

As a result, at the beginning school life the child cannot or does not want to complete tasks without outside help, asks parents to sit nearby and control him, often seeks help at the beginning of the task, when he has not even tried to comprehend it. This means that the child has strong addiction from adults, their control and constant help. Feels inability and unwillingness to make an attempt to get textbooks and notebooks out of the portfolio, find a record of homework in the diary, read the assignment carefully and think about its implementation.

To prevent the child from undesirable behavioral manifestations of the crisis given age, important:

Help the child to show their abilities everywhere and in everything;

Provide assistance only when you are sure that the child cannot do this task;

To check that any business started by him was brought to an end;

Trust him with all household chores, even if the quality of their implementation does not quite suit you;

Do not forget to praise the child for a job well done - this will make him feel confident;

To form in the child a sense of success and a desire to move towards the goal - tell him more often: “You can do it”, “You will definitely succeed”, “If you think and try, you will definitely solve this problem”, “You are smart and capable, you just need to try, make an effort."

Method number 2. Don't hurt with love

It is not known who experiences more stress when a child enters school - himself or his parents. caring parents they do everything consciously: they choose a school, teachers, school supplies etc. Very good! This is where we should stop. But no! Parents “go further” - they collect a portfolio, seat the child for lessons, solve problems instead of him, read aloud to him assigned for independent reading story. All these actions are aimed at the benefit of the child, parental feelings absolutely sincere. Everyone is pleased when his efforts make life easier for the child. As a result, the children justify themselves to the teacher: “Mom didn’t put it,” “Dad didn’t.”

Excessive guardianship, care and love hinder the development of self-control, independent thinking, the desire to think and make efforts to solve educational problems, and most importantly, a sense of responsibility for completing lessons is not formed. It is easier for a child to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of parents who are happy to share it with him, at least in primary school. And later this is fixed as a habit, and the child deftly manipulates the behavior of parents, receiving regular help in preparing lessons and in all other matters in completely harmless ways. In many families we hear: “Just don’t cry, now we’ll do everything.”

To avoid such troubles, “direct love in a peaceful direction”, start small: give the child an assignment, during which he was well aware of his role and was responsible for fulfilling the duties entrusted to him. The child's duty may be cleaning the room, caring for plants, washing dishes, etc. Among the household chores there will be many that he can already do.

Be patient, help the child with advice at first. If the quality of the execution of the assignment does not satisfy you, do not try to redo it right away, give him the opportunity to feel responsible for the execution of the assignment himself. Point it out without being tedious negative emotions and extra words. Use neutral statements: “You must have been in a hurry ...”, “Perhaps you did not notice ...”, “Try like this ...”. And be sure to praise your child.

Your praise will be perceived as a pleasant reward for an uninteresting, but necessary work. He will understand his importance in the family, that he can be an assistant and will cope with any assignment of adults! Support and praise inspire new achievements, stimulate action, help the child open up, increase his self-esteem.

It is in such interaction that the sense of proportion in rendering assistance is determined - to do not for the child, but together with him, only directing to right direction his own efforts!

Doing homework is hardly one of the activities that delight a child. But he already has experience doing home errands. This experience will help protect the child and parents from negative attitude to this activity.

So that homework does not cause rejection in the child, it is important to remember:

Any means of providing assistance should benefit the child, should form new learning skills, develop opportunities, and not accustom to inaction and passive contemplation of parental work;

Reasonably limit your help to the child. Watch how the child is trying to cope on his own, and only direct his thoughts and actions without being introduced into the process itself;

. "turn on" the labor activity of the child;

Develop adequate self-esteem.

Method number 3. Develop an interest in learning

The development of interest in learning is a complex multifaceted process. On the one hand, children are naturally curious, on the other hand, it is no secret that many of them are passive when studying at school, showing little interest in school subjects. Let's try to figure out why. What is the role of parents in developing a child's interest in learning?

AT preschool age the child asks a lot of questions. During the day, parents hear many times: “what?”, “how?”, “why?”, “why?”. In this regard, most parents for some reason believe that their child will be an excellent student. “My Petya is a very smart and quick-witted boy, I think that he will study the best in the class!” they say happily. When it turns out that the child is not coping with school requirements, many parents feel disappointed and deceived in their expectations. A hail of reproaches falls on the child’s head: “restless”, “you don’t try”, “blunder”. But after all, not only the parents, but the child himself assumed that he would study well. The child is very worried if he does not live up to the expectations of his parents. The desire to learn, to learn something new disappears from the very first days of training, anxiety appears.

This is one of the reasons that keeps the child in gaming fantasies, which does not allow to grow up, firmly fixing the fear of overcoming difficulties and learning new things. It must be remembered that the attitude of parents towards their daughter or son should in no way be changed in connection with their school successes or failures. Moreover, parents should try to emphasize the temporary nature of these failures and show the child that he is still loved no matter what. Some parents note: the child does not want to painstakingly acquire subject knowledge - he likes to do only what he is interested in. To the greatest disappointment of the parents, this happens quite abruptly, defiantly, and to learning activities the child does not show diligence.

How does it happen? Where did the desire to learn and learn new things go? After all, he wanted to go to school, but when he did, alas. The child says: “Learning is not interesting at all, it’s boring! You have to sit, constantly do something, but I want to play!” He realizes that he will no longer be allowed to play serenely, as before, neither at school nor at home. Parents repeat daily: “Did you do your homework? Get down to class!" All this seems to the child a constant nightmare. And he begins to dream about a carefree preschool pastime, remembers everything that was - the world of games and exciting adventures! According to psychologists, it is in younger students that an interest in learning new things is laid. The results in studies, the desire to do homework depend on the level of cognitive activity. Where is the mechanism that includes interest in learning educational knowledge? Here, parents need to be patient and wait, since cognitive activity in children at this age is formed at a slow pace and only if the child's assimilation of the curriculum does not cause great difficulties. cognitive activity the child is very slowly replacing the playroom. Therefore, most often we see a not very happy picture: children continue to play actively instead of diligently studying. school subjects! AT school bag do not forget to put your favorite toys along with the textbooks.

For development cognitive interest children:

Bring variety to their lives. Visit museums, art exhibitions, theatrical performances, just walk around the city with your children. All this renders positive influence for development cognitive processes younger schoolchild: the volume and concentration of attention are significantly expanded, the child masters simple, but necessary for him, methods of memorizing and storing information in memory, is significantly enriched vocabulary, skills are formed to formalize their judgments, explanations, justifications in a verbal form;

Teach your child to find necessary information. The child asked a question. Do not spare time, do not leave the answer. At first, find the answer with your child in the encyclopedia, reference literature. Attach him to encyclopedic knowledge. So you will create conditions for the development of cognitive interests in the child, he will strive for reflection and search, there will be a feeling of confidence in his abilities, in the capabilities of his intellect. In the future, he will cope without your help. Gradually, the child develops developed forms of self-awareness and self-control, the fear of erroneous steps disappears, anxiety and unreasonable anxiety decrease. This increases the cognitive and creative-search activity of the child, creates the necessary personal and intellectual prerequisites for successful course learning process at all subsequent stages of education.

Important to remember!

The development of cognitive interest in a younger student first occurs through adults - parents, teachers. In the future, the child himself begins to show interest in a particular subject. What is laid down by adults gradually sprouts in the mind of the child.

It should not be forgotten that the development of educational interest is a multilateral process, it is closely interconnected with the personality of the teacher, his ability to interest children, to creatively approach the presentation of the material. Therefore, one must really look at this problem understanding that it's not just the baby.

Hello dear readers. I think that almost all parents of schoolchildren faced a problem when a child does not want to learn lessons. This is a fairly common situation. Therefore, this article will be very relevant. You will learn what reasons may cause unwillingness to do homework, as well as what to do about it, how to help the baby.

Possible reasons

Some parents, faced with the problem of a child's unwillingness to learn, may not even suspect that they provoke such behavior. The main thing is not to scold the child, try to understand the situation, find probable causes and solve them. Let's look at what is most often based on the reluctance to do homework.

  1. Usual laziness. However, it is worth assuming this reason for your baby if you have noticed his unwillingness to do something or finish what he started before. If he refuses to do only homework, the reason is not laziness. We need to look for other options.
  2. Fear of mistakes. The kid may worry that he will not cope with the task. As a rule, after observing such a student, you can see that he spends a lot of time reading one lesson. But after that, almost nothing remains in my head. The entire learning process is accompanied severe stress and unrest.
  3. Difficulty understanding a particular subject. Perhaps this was not the case before and problems arose with new topic. If you see that the kid does not want to complete one lesson, besides, everything was in order before, most likely the reason is a misunderstanding of the subject.
  4. A way to get attention. The child may not do the task on purpose so that the parents pay attention to it. Especially often this happens with children who do not receive the love and affection of their parents. In particular, when they are constantly at work.
  5. Reluctance to do homework on their own. Some children need your help and support. Such kids are happy to do homework in the company of their mother, but they absolutely do not want to do it alone. Here you need to be careful, in no case do the tasks for him, but only explain and guide.

My son tries to do his homework without my help. But he is very happy when we sit down together for books. He wants to show how smart he is, how easy it is to solve math problems, or how quickly he can learn a verse. Praise and my approval are very important for my son. That's why I always set aside time to do his lessons. Sometimes he himself tries to explain topics to me and tell me how and what to do, he presents himself as a teacher. Instead, I don’t have to do homework, but I always help if there are difficulties in completing assignments.

  1. Spoiled. Perhaps the child was allowed to do many things in childhood. Now it is difficult for you to get your baby to move away from the TV or stop playing on the computer. It is very difficult to sit down for lessons.
  2. Fear of criticism. Perhaps your toddler is worried that the task he completed will be criticized, he will be called "stupid" or "ignorant." Such fear cannot be born in a vacuum. Probably, the kid has heard this before from his parents or from the teacher.
  3. Strong stress. Children who grow up in dysfunctional families either they often hear scandals at home, or someone offends at school, they cannot concentrate and start completing tasks. It is difficult for them to concentrate because of the accumulated unrest. Often, and positive emotions do not give the opportunity to get together and begin to perform the task.
  4. Problems with the teacher. There are situations when a child regularly brings home deuces and categorically refuses to do one lesson due to the fact that the teacher is biased towards him.
  5. The presence of an irritant. A child may have difficulty doing homework if there is a roar or music is playing at this time, or even if the mother is vacuuming, the younger brother is crying.

How to act

If the child does not learn the lessons, what to do becomes the main question of the parents. Let's look at the options.

  1. Instill in your child a taste for success. Tell him that upon receipt good grades, for doing homework, he will be praised, set as an example. But it's so nice, stimulates even better to learn. Remember that it will be very useful to him in life.
  2. If your kid does not have enough strength to complete all the lessons perfectly, then you can direct the main efforts to your favorite subjects. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the child will not be an excellent student or he will have triples in the report card. This is much better than wasting the baby's nerves and your own, forcing you to do all the lessons correctly.
  3. From a child, especially adolescence, parents may hear something like “why should I even go to school and study.” The main thing here is to orient yourself in time and explain to your “student” that he does this primarily not for you or teachers, but for himself. Tell us how, thanks to your studies, you were able to successfully enter the university, graduate from it and find Good work. But in the future it will be useful to your offspring.
  4. For a junior student good example will be a story told about some child or fairy tale character which, thanks to excellent study was able to achieve great success. Children love these stories.
  5. A first grader can instill a love of doing homework by doing them in game form. and numbers, depicting them on a piece of paper in the form funny characters. Read books, acting out whole scenes.
  6. Explain to the child that you can not take your mistakes to heart. He just learns from them. And someone else's criticism should be perceived normally and considered as a way to improve one's knowledge and avoid mistakes in the future.
  7. If the child is in a very depressed or, conversely, excited state, first calm him down, talk, let the baby speak. Only then sit down for lessons.
  8. If problems with doing homework are based on the presence of distractions, make sure that they are not. It is important for the child to concentrate correct execution tasks.

How Not to Do

  1. Do not label your child. Parents commit deep mistake if they tell their baby that he is "stupid" or "lazy". With your statements, you make him believe in your failure. By such actions, you will not achieve improvements in his behavior. In addition, you seriously injure his psyche, which will manifest itself as he grows up.
  2. Do not use blackmail, yelling, or physical violence to do homework.
  3. Don't overpraise the child. Often, frequent praise can lead to the fact that the baby begins to feel like a superman, exalts himself above other children. At one fine moment, he decides that there is no more need to study. He's the best anyway.
  4. You cannot say that you will be "very pleased" or that you are "very disappointed". The child must understand that he is doing the task not to please or upset his mother, but for himself.
  5. Do not exceed the allowable guardianship. You can not do the lessons instead of your baby. Help with homework should be certain age, gradually reducing their participation. But it’s not worth driving the child away even if he has difficulties with completing, for example, tasks in chemistry or exercises in English.
  6. Do not often motivate the baby with material gifts. Everything should be in moderation.

Perhaps the question arises in your head, how to get a child to learn lessons? Most importantly, do not forget that this must be done without scandals and the use of force, and, of course, taking into account individual features and physical abilities baby.

If you want your child not to lose the desire to study and do homework conscientiously, you should set correct routine day and stick to it daily.

  1. It is important to do homework only in good mood and positive emotions.
  2. Do not force your child to do homework immediately after returning from school. The student should take a break from lessons and writing for at least an hour. Feed the baby, if necessary, put him to bed or go for a walk with him.
  3. Take care to ventilate the room. Increasing the level of oxygen in the room will greatly improve the performance of the brain.
  4. Teach your child to do the most difficult tasks first, gradually moving on to the easy ones.
  5. If a young schoolboy does not cope with the implementation, help him, tell me, explain, but do not do homework instead of him.
  6. It is advisable to complete all tasks before 19:00. After this time, the performance of the brain is significantly reduced, it is much more difficult for the child to memorize or perform exercises.
  7. Remember not to or yell at him. There will be no effectiveness from your actions, in addition, the psyche may suffer.
  8. Do not allow the child to eat during the lessons, at most you can offer him something to drink.
  9. Do not remain indifferent to the questions of the baby. Answer them.
  10. Show special interest in the child's life outside the apartment. Don't forget to visit parent meetings make contact with the teacher. Be aware of all school events, do not forget to talk about it with your child.
  11. Remember to take breaks between lessons. There is no need to strain the psyche of the baby for two hours, he already spent half a day at school. Let them do a third of the tasks and a short break, then another third - they can, for example, watch a cartoon, and then the last third.
  12. Be sure to praise your child for successfully completing homework.
  13. Allow your "student" to spend leisure time as he wants.

Now you know how to teach lessons with a child. Remember that by force and threats you will not achieve anything, but only aggravate the current situation. Parents should find out in time what is the reason for this behavior and help the baby cope with it. And do not put excessive demands, do not expect excellent marks in all subjects. Let your child learn the way he can. Do not focus on his failures and do not forget to praise his successes.