Feng Shui and the name of the company. We create a logo for a feng shui company. Successful company names: examples of feng shui

It is known that the teaching of Feng Shui has a great impact on business. In this regard, it is necessary to correctly determine what should be the logo of the company, what kind of sign. We can say that the whole business of the company will begin with this, because as you name the ship, so it will float. The name can turn out to be successful and unsuccessful, favorable, harmonious or repulsive.

The doctrine of Feng Shui is based on harmony, which must be included in the name. new firm, in the perspective of the development of future directions. Everything will depend on whether the owner wants the prosperity of his company or whether it weighs on him.

Do not neglect the help of relatives or close friends in coming up with the name of the company. They have known you for a long time and want only the best, so write down their options first and compare them with yours. People and you yourself will suggest names that come from your very soul, so they will be charged with positive energy and bring happiness. You can book a table in a quiet, cozy place for two and sit down to think about it. Order your favorite dishes and maybe in the silence of harmony it will come to your mind suitable name.

According to Feng Shui, the repeated names of companies act as some kind of mantras charged positive energy... Therefore, the company should be called euphonious phrases or a word that is constantly heard. It is very easy option solving this problem. A business name should be clear in meaning and easy to pronounce.

According to the doctrine, the company should be called a word of 5 letters or less. A vowel would be better at the end. This name is easy to remember and pronounce. The logo of the company should be brightly colored, but something simple should be depicted on it.

A very important element in business development is the company sign. Often called the face of the company, it represents the spirit and cohesion of the company, introduces the field of entrepreneurship development. The proportions, graphic elements and dimensions of the sign should be in harmony with each other, and the letters should be clearly visible and readable.

Leading Feng Shui experts advise painting the sign at three different colors symbolizing prosperity, development and growth. For the same purposes, experts recommend the number 5, which is a symbol of the business started.

An important role in the creation of the sign will be played by the material of manufacture from which it is made, as well as its safe and durable fastening, proportions to the size of the door and the structure of the office itself.

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Feng Shui is Chinese geomancy... Literally, the name "Feng Shui" translates as "wind and water", but in reality it is a teaching about how the mysterious forces of the earth work, ensuring human health, prosperity and good luck. Feng Shui is a science and art that helps guide, balance and harmonize these forces, known as "qi", for the benefit of man.

The origins and origins of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a science and art, the origins of which go back centuries. Feng Shui teachings originated in Ancient China more than three thousand years ago and, passing from generation to generation, continued to develop and improve up to the present day. The task of Feng Shui is the correct placement of objects in the living space of a person, which allows you to control the life force (qi) for the benefit of people.

The scope of Feng Shui extends to household items, furniture, rooms, dwelling houses, workplaces, land plots, cemeteries, etc.

Feng Shui is in no way a collection of prejudices and superstitions, and also does not contradict the dogmas of any famous religions, traditions and customs. This teaching borders on such spheres of human activity and knowledge as diplomacy, ecology, politics, geography, astronomy and design. Feng Shui data are consistent with the findings of scientists working on the problems of terrestrial magnetism, astrophysics and psychology. The only difference is that the principles of Feng Shui sometimes turn out to be beyond logical explanations and remain a mystery to the uninitiated.

Feng Shui techniques are applicable at a wide variety of levels. They cover a wide range of areas human life and are able to adjust the development of states, cities, communities, families and individuals. As for individuals, Feng Shui can reach the highest degree individualization, depending on personal requirements, wishes and criteria of the person. The philosophical base of Feng Shui is also extremely extensive: it includes all the canonical Chinese concepts of qi energy, based on the concepts of the I Ching (the creation of which in 3322 BC is attributed to the legendary Chinese sage Fu-Xi), and on the principle Tao, described in the treatise of Lao-tzu "Tao-te-ching" (1122 BC). These two books are the key to understanding the silent dialogue between Man and Nature, carried out by means of invisible forces that govern the Universe and have a decisive influence on our destinies, bodies and minds. These two forces are Tao (the fundamental substance of the Universe) and qi (the cosmic breath of life).

Qi - the cosmic breath of life

The teaching of qi is the main component of Feng Shui. Qi is the life force that animates animals and plants, heaves mountains on the surface of the earth and carries the waters of rivers along winding channels. Qi is the very essence of life, its driving force. And all objects in the world - mountains, rivers, trees, people, animals and stones - "inhale" qi and "exhale" it, thereby influencing each other.

Qi is at the heart of all traditional Chinese arts, from acupuncture to feng shui and kung fu. The manifestation of qi includes such different in nature phenomena as energy driving waves in the ocean; the energy of the fertile land that martial artists use when striking; the forces that an acupuncturer brings to life; aura of a person. Feng Shui specialists determine the direction of the best Qi flows that allow a person to live calmly, harmoniously and happily.

Qi is all-encompassing and elusive. It comes and goes, moves in all directions, but never disappears without a trace. A person perceives Qi flows from the sky and from the earth. The Chinese character qi has two meanings - cosmic qi and human qi. The first relates to air, steam, gases, weather and the forces of nature; the second - to breath, aura, behavior and personal energy of a person. Human Qi Experiencing strong influence from the qi of heaven and earth.

Human qi is formed by the influence of cosmic qi. If the qi weakens, then the water stops flowing, decay and desolation sets in, and luck leaves the person. For a person's qi to improve, it is necessary to be close to the source of cosmic qi; while the latter should flow unimpeded and smoothly. The flow of cosmic qi must be in balance. If it is too strong or too weak, it has adverse consequences.

The vital qi breath is a person's aura, his true self, his soul and energy. Some people are able to see qi. The power of qi motivates us to take action and influences our relationships with other people. Every movement, every deed of a person affects both himself and his environment. People are attracted to each other and repelled like magnets. According to the Feng Shui teachings, people are sensitive not only to human qi, but also to the qi of the environment. Thus, atmospheric qi forms human qi, thereby determining the fate of an individual. Feng Shui masters strive to direct harmonious flows of qi to a person and ward off harmful qi from him (or transform it into useful qi).

The eight main types of qi are listed below:

1. Qi vitality(favorable).

2. Happy qi (auspicious).

3. Smooth qi (auspicious).

4. Fluctuating qi (neutral).

5. Qi of evil power (unfavorable).

6. Unhappy qi (unfavorable).

7. Suffocating qi (unfavorable).

8. Dead qi (unfavorable).

I Ching and Ba Gua

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used the text of the I Ching, the classic Book of Changes, to predict the future. The main idea of ​​the I Ching is constant cyclical changes taking place in the Universe. The "Book of Changes" presents the Universe as a whole, and all objects - as being in constant change.

Yin and yang - the two primordial forces that govern the universe - symbolize harmony. They are opposite to each other. Yin is dark power, yang is light; yin - passive, yang - active; yin is female, yang is male. All things in the world contain yin and yang to varying degrees. Yin and yang constantly interact, creating cyclical changes. Yin and Yang merge with each other in the universal state of Tao, which possesses one nature and continuously creates. The practice of Feng Shui is based on the teachings of Tao - Taoism in its esoteric and popular forms.

The symbols of the "Book of Changes" embody cosmic power and energy. Yang power is represented by a continuous line (_____), and yin power is represented by an interrupted line (__ __). On the basis of the great polar symbols of yin and yang, four double symbols and eight trigrams developed. (Later, eight trigrams evolved and turned into sixty-four hexagrams of the "Book of Changes".)

Eight trigrams make up what is known as ba gua. There are two types of ba gua locations - ancient and modern.

The ancient ba gua scheme reflects the original arrangement of the eight trigrams, and modern circuit represents a regrouping of the ancient version and includes parallels of trigrams with seasons, months, flowers, natural elements, etc., as well as with family members.

Five elements

More than three thousand years ago, the Chinese have already established the order of the Five Elements (Wood, Soil, Fire, Water and Metal) - forces or substances that describe all phenomena and properties in the Universe. These five elements are a manifestation of the constant interaction of the yin and yang forces.

The five elements influence each other, generating and destroying each other in a fixed sequence. The cycle of generation is as follows: fire generates soil (ash), soil creates metal, metal produces water (melting, liquefaction and evaporation), water nourishes wood (plants need water), and wood promotes the life of fire (burning).

Fire - Soil - Metal - Water - Wood - Fire.

The cycle of destruction of elements takes place in a different order: wood damages the soil (roots destroy the earth), soil impedes water (absorbing it), water extinguishes fire, fire destroys metal, and metal chops wood.

Wood - Soil - Water - Fire - Metal - Wood.

The Chinese associate these five elements with periods of time, cardinal points, substances, human senses, colors (paints), psychological states, etc. Here are the correspondences of the elements to the cardinal points, seasons and colors:

Element - Side of the World - Season - Color

Wood - East - Spring - Green

Fire - South - Summer - Red

Soil - Center - Autumn equinox- Yellow / brown

Metal - West - Autumn - White

Water - North - Winter - Black / Blue

The five elements also have strong analogies in human anatomy: Wood- liver, bile, spleen; Fire- heart, brain; The soil- stomach, large intestine, small intestine; Metal- lungs; Water- kidneys, genitals.

Five elements and a 60-year calendar cycle

About a thousand years ago, the Chinese emperor ordered scientists to develop a 60-year cosmic cycle Chinese calendar, as well as the system of "ten heavenly trunks" and "twelve earthly branches" (Chinese signs of the zodiac).

The "Ten Heavenly Stems" have the following names: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui; and the "twelve earthly branches," or signs of the zodiac, are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

The relationship of the five elements, "ten heavenly stems" and the zodiacal signs is as follows:

Element - "Ten Heavenly Stems" - Signs

Feng shui compass

The world's first compass was invented in China, where it was named "luo-pen". It has become a traditional Feng Shui instrument used to establish cosmic harmony on Earth.

The structure of the luo-pen compass is quite complex. It consists of concentric circles drawn around the arrow, on which the symbols of all the elements of the Universe are indicated. To calibrate the compass, Chinese characters are used, which makes it even more difficult for the uninitiated to handle this device.

Since the use of the luo-pen compass is the most important and most difficult component of feng shui, the author gives here the imposition of luo-pen on the scale of a modern compass.

Classic dwelling location in Feng Shui

Almost all Feng Shui experts agree that the ideal place to build a house is the protective "armchair" shape of the hill, which is also called the "dragon guarding the pearl" or "the mother hugging the child." This shape ensures that four powerful animal symbols - the forces of the earth - are correctly positioned around the house: the green dragon, the white tiger, the black turtle and the red phoenix. The land plot and the house should be located with a facade to the south, and from the rear they should be protected by a high mountain (black turtle). Then, on the right, west side, the house will be guarded by a fierce white tiger, and on the left, east side - by a green dragon (the side of the dragon should be slightly higher than the side of the tiger). The lowest part of the dwelling and the plot of land - the facade facing south - is the side of the red phoenix, a kind of "bench", standing at the feet of the "chair".

The turtle, tiger, and dragon all absorb and emit their own qi, and can also pick up auspicious qi flowing through the phoenix. Ideally, the house should be located in the middle of a black turtle mountain (i.e. not too high or too low) and gaze over the phoenix with an imposing, regal gaze.

If the ideal location to build a home is not available, contact a geomancer. He will determine what needs to be done to bring everyone into balance. earthly forces to achieve harmony and tranquility.

Placement, orientation and center point of the house

The lion's share of all the debate between Feng Shui specialists falls on the problems associated with the key points of the home, with the placement of furniture, the orientation of parts of the house and with its center point.

The arrangement of furniture in a room can affect the qi of the entire dwelling. Sometimes it happens that the interior of the house is created extremely aesthetically and it is pleasant to look at it, but the inhabitants are still unhappy, since the qi flows into the dwelling remained unbalanced.

The orientation of the bed and stove is considered very important in Feng Shui. Many people question whether the geomantic influence is related to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the head and legs of the sleeper. Likewise, confusion arises about the orientation of the cooker and cooker. We will discuss and clarify these problems below, in the relevant sections.

And finally, one of essential elements Feng Shui is considered the focal point of the house. A house without a central point is unfavorable for the inhabitants, since the center of the dwelling equates to the heart of the owner of the house. A person without a heart is deprived of life and energy; likewise, a house without a central point will not bring good luck to the inhabitants. The central point of the house should be taken care of and kept clean. Do not place a column on this point, do not place a tree there. The center point should not be on the toilet, kitchen, toxic waste tank, and swimming pool.

Designers quietly sigh and roll their eyes when they hear from a client a request to make them a "feng shui logo"; on the Internet you can find offers from feng shui consultants who offer services for developing the company's corporate identity. Does feng shui have anything to do with creating a logo and company name? Yes and no.

First, you need to figure out what feng shui is. (Before humming - we know, they say - read this paragraph to the end). It is not safe for a serious consultant to use this word - here feng shui is often perceived as entertainment for housewives. This opinion is based on the abundance of stupid books and programs offering to put frogs, paste over with bills money trees etc. As a result, the winner is the one who knows what real feng shui is and applies knowledge of the Chinese life sciences in business, even without advertising it. Classical feng shui is the science of the influence of the surrounding space, macro- and microenvironment, on a person. Knowing the principles of feng shui (many of which are very logical), you can find the most successful place, in terms of energy, in order to then make the most of its benefits. First of all, we are talking about landscape forms, and secondly, about the features of architecture and planning. Sorry, no ducks and frogs.

Thus, it becomes clear that classical feng shui, which studies the movement of energy in space, cannot say anything about which name is better for a company, or which logo to draw. It is better to turn to professional designers, knowledgeable in psychology perception. As an experienced fengshuist, I can say that the concept of a “feng shui logo” is, in a sense, a hoax. But only in some.

Feng Shui is only part of the Chinese life sciences. And knowledge of some of the principles of Chinese metaphysics can really be useful to the creators of corporate identity.

For example, it is possible to apply quite successfully the correspondence of the type of business and its character to a certain geometric shapes and flowers. This conformity is determined by Wu Xing, the cycle of generation and control of the main elements. This way you can achieve more accurate associations that arise when looking at the logo. If you break through the rejection of unfamiliar terms and do not take too literally the phrase "wood gives rise to fire", it becomes clear that this system describes the basic effect of color and shape on perception.

The square is perceived as something stable and stable, the wave - as constant change and movement. An up ponytail looks more optimistic than a down ponytail (by the way, feng shui has nothing to do with it, these are observations from graphology). With the use of color, everything is also quite logical - most fish and seafood companies intuitively use blue and black colors and wave-like shapes associated with water in their corporate style. The addition of red suggests boiled crayfish or peppery dry fish, and, therefore, the use of the element of fire looks quite natural.

You can also refer to the so-called "line of feng shui", which describes harmonious combination sizes. In fact, this is an expression of observations accumulated over many years, what sizes human brain perceives as harmonious and which are not. No mysticism.

Thus, some of the findings of the Chinese life sciences can really be used when designing a logo. But do not count on a miracle when a "consultant" promises you incredible business growth, if you make business cards using colors favorable to your gua number or suggests choosing a name for the company "according to the principles of feng shui." Rather, it is a reason to think about whether you have chosen the right consultant. And a professional designer is a must.

Good luck!
Natalia Tsyganova

Brand Strength II

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My last article on logos found a very lively response among site visitors.
Thanks to everyone who left their comments on the site, and to everyone who wrote me private messages.
During this time, about ten specific recommendations on the development of logos, and almost so much have so far refused my help, perhaps precisely because it is compensated, but it cannot be otherwise - this is the law of the preservation of all that exists.

The most interesting eventPV-Bank whose logo prompted me to do this mini-review changed its logo to a more neutral one! This makes me extremely happy, like any increase in positivity in this best of worlds!
The new logo for this bank still does not take into account some very important energetic moments, and was clearly designed by the same designer who designed the previous logo. I would recommend executives spend a couple hundred dollars on a consultation Feng Shui specialist and a few hundred dollars for a more creative designer and get a brighter and more positive-speaking logo.

So, we continue this an interesting topic description general principles in choosing the graphic image of the company.

The Chinese are very meticulous in choosing the name of the company, which is also part of the Feng Shui.
Strictly speaking, a Feng Shui master is not involved in the development of corporate identity, for this there are specialists, usually graphic artists or designers specializing in corporate identity. They will develop a logo, the style of writing the name of the company, the design of the company's website, and a Feng Shui specialist will complement their work in order to add energy support to your business to the aesthetic completeness.

The choice of a picture for a company logo is subject to several rules.
The company logo must be made in accordance with general concepts about harmony and balance.
When choosing a color when designing a logo, one should take into account the element of the birth of the owner of the company, the element of the birth of the company, and based on this, choose the color and shape for the logo.
Keep in mind that the logo represents the business and you as its manager. The person who manages the process must be suitable for the process, and not vice versa, which means that the energy of the manager must support the energy of the company along the cycle of Creation.
In addition, certain colors correspond to certain types of business, for example, gold and red are suitable for restaurants, as food is cooked on fire; metal shades are suitable for the jewelry business, etc.
Some forms are more favorable than others, so anything that may seem unbalanced, incomplete, or disharmonious should be avoided (this includes crosses, triangles, and downward arrows).

Feng Shui considers advertising as part of what surrounds us.
Whenever you look at the elements of advertising design, you already subconsciously begin to understand whether you like it or not.
First of all, everything happens here at the level of interaction of the five main energetics,
There are five different types energies, they are called " The Five Elements”, And if they are in harmony with each other, and all five are present, none of them dominates, and there is not one missing, then the advertisement will be perceived by people as something very pleasant.
You need to really wake up the customers, because you are selling something completely new, you have very little space, because there is a lot of information to fit into a small ad. Then, perhaps, you have to go a little beyond harmony in order to create a special effect that catches the subconscious, arousing curiosity.
But usually, especially in large advertising, the most important thing is to establish harmony. We need to make sure that people are pleased and that they want to spend more time reading what is written there. If you do something aggressive, then people will look at it, feel aggression and immediately go to the next page, they will not read what is written there.

Next very important thing so that the harmony created in the ad design somehow correlates with what you are selling with that ad.
That is, everything should correspond to each other, logo, packaging, showcase. Everything you use must match the product. So that there is no energy mismatch.
If you want to sell something, you usually know what type of people your customers are.
Then, with the help of the harmony of the five elements, you can, by very carefully selecting colors and shapes, create something especially effective for those people whom you want to reach.

The most important thing in advertising, in business cards, letters, letterheads, in everything that represents you outside world that you are really showing yourself.
You start with a logo that suits you in every way; not just Beautiful design who will represent the wrong company or the wrong person.
That is, there must be a certain correspondence between the person and the way she sells her ideas, her goods, or something else.
If you have created this level, people will look at it and they will have an idea of ​​what may be talking about even before they read the text itself. For example, a logo should depict something comparable to what you are selling. Even if it is graphic design or typographic printing, there must be something in the design that links it to the product being sold. And it should always be in harmony with you, with the one who sells it. If you are selling something that you are not in tune with, you will not be successful. That is, we need to establish this kind of harmony between you and your product. Or between you, your company and a product.
Then you can start to manipulate in order to meet the special needs of special customers. Then you will be able to create such advertising that will reach your customers, and not other people, and your customers will not immediately flip through, without reading, the page with your advertising.

Look at the logos and advertisements of the world's most successful companies and you will find some similarities.
First, they usually present themselves very calmly. They never shout loudly about themselves, but declare themselves as something completely normal. If you are really good, you do not need to shout, flaunting yourself, people will find you.
Second, the product should always be a little expensive, if it is not expensive, people will not believe the quality. And never advertising is done in a flashy colors or form, there is always something soft, smooth.
Take, for example, the big car manufacturers, Coca-Cola, the creators fashionable clothes like Versace, wherever you look, they all have something in common.
And if you stick to these rules, then you will be very productive in the long run. If you are going to start a business for 20-30 years, then you need to adhere to general rules working all over the world, multiplying the positive and joy, giving good mood and benefit.

Remember the dictum of the notorious Vrungel about a boat that will float as you call it? Agree that the choice of a catchy and immediately engraved name is already half the success in the prosperity of any business. And the office for the provision of real estate services is no exception.

Choosing the name of the real estate agency

So, you are a businessman, your field is deals in the housing market. But what to call a real estate agency if creativity not too much? Or is it just that nothing comes to mind?

In this case, there are simple algorithms for generating a suitable name. Let's consider the main ones.

The magic of foreign language pronunciation

Not everyone is fluent in a foreign language. Having picked up a sonorous foreign language name, the owner of almost any business can add mystery and ambiguity to his own sign. The phrase should be short, uncomplicated, consist of 1-3 words, more or less understandable to the average consumer, and be pleasant to hear.

At the subconscious level, he should associatively evoke the motive of recognition in potential clients. People going to the agency for the first time should feel that this place is already familiar to them.

It is important to take care that the name of the real estate agency, even a foreign one, does not turn out to be a random meaningless verbal set. There will always be a meticulous client who will not be lazy to analyze the true meaning of a word or phrase. And the case may end in serious failure.

Direct associations

This is the simplest and most straightforward way. Its essence is in the direct indication of the field of activity of your office. The majority of such signs. This includes numerous "City Properties", " Square meters" and " Housing issues". Classics of the genre -" Own Home "or" Mortgage Agency ".

The advantage of such a name is that the client has no doubts about where he ended up. Agree, opening the door under the sign "Your Home", you are unlikely to expect to get into a pharmacy or antique shop. back side- mediocrity. With such a name, you will not stand out from the numerous and sometimes very creative competitors. And as a result, advertising costs will rise.

Complicating the task

Indirect associations

If you designate your activity with any beautiful and sonorous word like "Elite", no one will grasp its meaning without decoding. For example, the name "Guarantor" alludes to commitment and quality, but does not say anything about the specific area of ​​the services offered.

Something personal

You can call the agency beautiful female name or, for example, "Ignatiev and K" - by the name of the owner. This option is not bad, but one should not forget that it is more suitable for a small town, in which there are few famous personalities. In a metropolis, it is difficult for an ordinary client to keep such a name in his head, since there is no association with a specific person. In this case, the fight against competitors will have to be accelerated in other ways.

What else can you think of

You can sit down with your business colleagues and produce brainstorm... Or can you calculate the desired option by a trivial search in the slightest degree suitable words and their combinations. You can order beautiful name for a real estate agency in a specialized naming bureau - there are many of them now. In short, there are more than one or two ways to come up with a sonorous and satisfying name for your business.

What else should be taken care of in this difficult creative endeavor?

Feng Shui to help you

It is no secret that now it is very fashionable to conduct almost any business with an eye on the postulates of feng shui. What does this mean in our case? For the successful development of a case, you should know the element to which it can relate. And this depends on the functions that your agency will have to perform.

These, by definition, include preserving and protecting clients' homes and caring for people. Generally this moment can be attributed to the element of the Earth. Its manifestation should be played up both in the name and in the interior design.

Among other things, you should use it when developing a website design, choosing advertising banners, etc.

Another element that may also work is Fire. Its task is to support the Earth. The colors of these two elements should be chosen as yellow and brown (for the Earth). Fire includes all shades of red in nature.

How it works

If you use these colors in the interiors of the agency premises, it will influence the subconscious of clients in the right direction. Against the background of such an impact, a person who enters the office can more easily relax and trust a professional realtor.

If feng shui elements are applied in the design of outdoor signage, it will attract more customers from the street. The fact is that such advertising acts on an unconscious level and can induce even those who are not currently planning to buy or sell a home to visit you. A person may suddenly want to familiarize themselves with complete list services provided. Such people are yours

If you use feng shui technology when choosing the name of a real estate agency, you should be guided by words that evoke pleasant associations with comfort, safety, reliability and warm home... At the same time, it is especially not recommended to experiment with complex names - this does not contribute to customer confidence.

Thoughts on a note

What other advice can you give to a newly minted businessman racking his brains over what to call a real estate agency?

Here are some useful tricks. Do not use words in the title that do not relate specifically to your niche. For example, if you are targeting a more or less wealthy audience, the slogan "affordable housing" will only harm yourself.

The opposite situation is that ordinary buyers will most likely be scared away by the sign "Elite Real Estate".

Try to avoid abstract names that do not carry a specific meaning. Always keep your image in mind target audience... Try to consider as many services as possible that you are going to provide - rent, sale, or both.

Well, if nothing comes to mind at all, you can always invite a competent consultant who, for a reasonable fee, will help you choose the right name for the real estate agency.