How to clean a brush from eyeliner. How to wash makeup brushes: tips. How to make your own makeup brush cleaning solution

Vitalia Shoda, cosmetologist at Boys & Dolls beauty salon:

“I think it’s no secret to anyone that the use of dirty makeup brushes is harmful, dangerous and fraught with various horrors: from banal acne to all sorts of unexpected troubles. Brushes should be cleaned regularly - at least once a week, and preferably once every 3 days. There are several ways to do this: the brush can be moistened warm water, apply a little shampoo or shower gel and place under a strong stream with the bristles down so that the villi do not become disheveled. And to completely destroy germs, add a drop to the detergent essential oil tea tree or lavender. Also you can take sanitary napkin and, having moistened it with an antiseptic, wipe the brush until there are no traces of the cosmetic on the napkin. Importance also has drying brushes. In no case do not use a hair dryer for this purpose, but let the brush dry naturally.

Anna Mityaeva, Rouge Bunny Rouge makeup artist:

“Brushes are one of the key elements of makeup creation. With their help, mysterious smoky smoky eyes, and clear graphic arrows. Many girls are wondering: how to properly care for brushes?

The first rule is, unless you're a makeup artist, brushes are your personal makeup tool. Try to avoid situations where you use someone else's brushes, except for a visit to professional makeup artist. The second rule is regular cleaning. Brushes accumulate cosmetic residues, skin flakes and sebum secretions. Proper cleansing brushes - this is the secret of their long service.

And now a few simple rules. Exists a large number of professional brush cleaners, both alcohol-based and alcohol-free. What is the difference and which is better?

Anna Mityaeva, make-up artist Rouge Bunny Rouge

Alcohol sprays, shampoos, and sponges can be used to clean synthetic bristle brushes, while alcohol-free sprays can be used for natural bristles.

Is it possible to use improvised means for cleaning brushes? Yes! You can use liquid soap or shampoo. Shampoo is suitable for any type of pile, I recommend soap exclusively for synthetic. Brushes should be washed under warm running water. in a circular motion, or in a glass or any other container (also in a circular motion). You may have seen special rubber mats for washing brushes - in my opinion they can be useful for those who use a large arsenal of brushes every day.

Important practical advice– water should not fall on the handle of the brush, above the metal part. The final step can be disinfected - spray with an antiseptic solution, such as chlorhexidine, with a spray. Pay attention to how you dry your brushes. It is best to do this horizontally, laying them out on a paper napkin. Or use special vertical stands for drying brushes.

Using powder brushes daily makeup, we sometimes notice that the pile is clogged with powder microparticles and the quality of the makeup is deteriorating. After all, a brush, the villi of which are clogged with powder dust, is no longer able to pick up enough powder and spread it evenly over the face. In addition, at frequent use in the villi of the brush, the smallest, inconspicuous particles of the dead epidermis, as well as dust that penetrates everywhere and everywhere, are clogged and remain. All together, this creates an ideal environment for the appearance of harmful bacteria that can cause significant damage to the beauty of getting on the skin. Redness, itching, irritation and dryness, weird breakouts, acne and blackheads - if any of the above are bothering you, maybe it's time to wash your powder brush? If your skin pleases you and does not bother you, you should not wait for bacteria to get in, give your brushes and sponges a bath day today!

Synthetic or natural hair?

To understand how to wash a powder brush, you first need to decide what material it is made of. Synthetic brushes made of nylon and polyester are easy to care for and can be safely cleaned ordinary soap by soaking and rinsing in cool water. The situation is more complicated with brushes, the pile of which is natural. For the manufacture of such brushes, bristles and wool of various fur-bearing animals are used - these are badger, raccoon, sable, kolinsky, silver fox, as well as soft horsehair from pony. Squirrel brushes are considered the best and softest: they provide a soft, smooth and even distribution of the finest powder veil on the face, making makeup matte, elegant and invisible. However, such a virtuoso brush should be cleaned masterfully, trying not to damage the delicate pile. Soap is not suitable for washing natural brushes; more gentle and gentle products are required here.

How to wash, how to dry

How to wash the powder brush so as not to damage it and so that it lasts for a long time and with high quality? Here it is important to choose the right detergent.

Synthetic, nylon and polyester brushes, as we mentioned above, can be safely washed with ordinary soap. The special water-repellent properties of these brushes make cleaning and drying easy and convenient.

Natural bristle brushes require a much more careful approach. First of all, you should not fluff them during the washing process and not damage them so that part of the villi does not fall out. Natural brushes should be washed once every one to two weeks, more or less, depending on how much you use them and how dirty they already are. The water should be warm (but not hot!), and instead of soap, you should take shampoo, its composition is more gentle and will not damage the natural pile. Do not wash brushes under running water, high pressure can damage the brush and break its integrity. It is best to have a special small container for washing cosmetic accessories: fill it with water and place it inside the brush.

No need to try to rinse out the dirt by sorting through the villi with your fingers and fluffing them, such actions will ruin the brush and shorten its life. You should gently and carefully rinse the brushes in water, ensuring that the water itself has washed out all unnecessary and unnecessary. After washing, lightly and gently wring out the brushes, giving them desired shape. To maintain softness, they can be rinsed in a hair balm. This works especially well on squirrel and kolinsky brushes. Dry the brushes by laying them out on a towel. In no case should you use a hair dryer or hot batteries for drying, as well as direct sunlight. Impact high temperature destructive to powder brushes and can permanently ruin them.

Follow our tips and your powder brushes will always be clean and tidy, great helpers in creating the perfect makeup!

It is necessary to take care not only of the face, but also of the tools with which we transform it. In this article, we will tell you how to properly wash makeup brushes and clean sponges. Speaking of assistants in creating the perfect make-up, it is worth recalling that cleanliness is the key to health. Let's add - the health of your skin, because bacteria and dirt that have fallen on the pile can cause pimples, irritation and inflammation.

Why care is so important

Regular return original form allows not only to preserve its beauty, but also to extend the life of tools for creating a make-up. Especially often should arrange " hygiene procedures» those samples that contain natural hair. It literally attracts dust particles to itself and becomes very dirty over time.

If you take care of sponges and brushes incorrectly, the state of your beauty arsenal will deteriorate, which will definitely affect the quality of your makeup and your skin. Dirt on the pile and spongy surface of the sponge - favorable environment for bacterial growth. Therefore, rashes appear on the face, on which insufficiently clean natural or artificial hairs often slide. You can even bring an infection under the skin, neglecting the rules for caring for tools for daily make-up.

Is it possible to wash makeup brushes with soap and how often should I do it?

Synthetics can be cleaned in a soapy solution - this will not affect its characteristics. But natural pile requires special, extremely careful handling, since the use of certain products can cause a change in the quality of applying cosmetics. Choice the wrong way can cause hair to frizz.

Many are concerned about one more important question: how often do you have a “bath day” for makeup tools? The frequency of maintenance depends on what your brushes are intended for:

I wash after each new use - that is, every day. On the artificial pile, especially a lot of bacteria and dust are collected. In addition, fat remains on it with the remnants of lipstick and foundation. If you don't get rid of it, the make-up will fail.

    For powder, shadows, blush

Such tools from the beauty arsenal should be cleaned once a week or as needed - in case of heavy pollution. In this case, you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the pile - not a single hair should fall out. Especially delicate must be handled with the base - if after cleaning it remains loose, achieve perfect lines and uniform shading will be very difficult.

How to clean and wash makeup brushes at home

Let's talk about what they have right now. special means care. Using them is convenient and easy. If you have the opportunity to buy professional cleaners, do so.

How to properly use products intended not only for makeup artists, but also for amateurs? First, let's tell you how not to do it:

    Dilute the cleaner with water and leave the brush in it. Some forget about it for 10 or even 20 minutes. From such careless treatment, the hairs will simply turn sour.

    Roughly rub the tool on a napkin with the agent applied to it. So you fluff the pile, it will lose its shape, many hairs may fall out.

    Apply the product to a damp brush.

    Rub into the hairs, rinse off the applied cleaner.

    Blot with a cloth and give the fibers the desired shape.

If the pile is natural, the liquid is applied abundantly - for deeper penetration and impregnation. Synthetics can be washed as follows: pour a little product into the cap and dip the brush into it. After that, it is thoroughly washed under running water and dried or cleaned with a cloth.

The described method is universal for most professional cleaners. Some argue that additional washing of the pile is not necessary. However, most products contain ingredients that can cause allergies or irritation if it comes into contact with the face, so owners sensitive skin it is better to play it safe and get rid of their remnants on the hairs. In addition, in the instructions for use of some formulations there is a corresponding indication. If it is missing, you can skip this step.

We told you how to properly wash makeup brushes if you have a special liquid for cleaning and disinfecting on hand. But what about those who don't have it?

    You can use a mild shampoo (baby).

    Another option is a simple antibacterial soap.

But don't forget that:

    Lipstick and foundation brushes tend to stick together. So while washing them with professional tool, in water with the addition of shampoo or soap, you need to thoroughly clean the pile with your fingers - to the very tips. In this case, you can not pull the hairs or split them, rub them, press on them - all this leads to deformation.

    In a different way, you should do with tools for blush, shadows and powder. They are only dipped in water with foam, so that after rinsing the head, without touching the pile itself. After the procedure, you can slightly squeeze the wet surface soft cloth. This must be done carefully so as not to deform it.

    How to wash sponges that are constantly dirty? For perfect cleansing they need to be soaked for a few minutes. To do this, prepare a solution in advance from water with the addition of mild antibacterial soap or shampoo, and then put a sponge in it. Then you can gently wring it out to get rid of excess liquid, rinse it under running water, and let it dry in the open air. The sponge surface should be rinsed after each use.

If your skin is oily or prone to breakouts acne, it is worth focusing not only on the cleansing itself, but also on the disinfection of the pile. For this, there are special liquid products, sprays, which should be applied at least 3 times a week.

A good alternative to professional cleaners is chlorhexidine, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Can use it in pure form, and can be added to cooked soap solution or water with a mild shampoo.

A mitten will help get rid of dirt

The latter method may seem revolutionary, but every day it becomes more and more popular. We are talking about the use of special silicone mittens. There are several sections on it - each of them has a different texture and pattern. There are surfaces

    for rinsing and washing the pile;

    for disinfectant solution;

    for deep cleaning;

    for squeezing (only suitable for tools designed to apply foundation).

This unique and unusual product will be useful not only for makeup artists, but also for lovers who want to find a universal and effective remedy. Some people think that the mitten washes without soap, but this is a misconception - you need to apply a cleanser or shampoo on its surface.

Finally, we recall that the quality of makeup depends not only on what cosmetics you use, but also on what brushes you apply it with. At Dream Minerals you will find tools for perfect blending of shadows, corrector, primer, concealer, lipstick, powder, blush, as well as multifunctional options with synthetic pile. The professional components of the beauty arsenal, with proper care, do not deform and can serve you for many years.

For those who want to see how to properly wash makeup brushes - a video describing the main steps.

Do not forget that the tools for creating a flawless make-up must be kept clean - with a dirty pile, it will be difficult for you to achieve a perfectly even application of powder, shadows, foundation or lipstick. Proper care will help to put in order not only kabuki hairs, but also your skin - bacteria and dirt will no longer get on it. Keep this in mind and do not leave the contents of your cosmetic bag unattended.

Makeup has now become a utilitarian thing. Women are increasingly wearing light make-up on a daily basis, and not just for going out. The most budgetary, durable and hygienic tool for applying decorative cosmetics are brushes.

In order for the brushes to cope with their task and serve for years, they need proper care . And it starts with cleansing. How to properly wash makeup brushes and can they be cleaned only with express products? These questions are asked by beauties who use brushes and sponges in their daily procedures.

In this article:

Why is it important to clean brushes regularly?

When asked how often makeup brushes should be washed, experienced makeup artists will say that tools should be cleaned after each use. On them, except cosmetics, dead particles of the epidermis, bacteria and other contaminants also remain.

Even if your brushes are individual, and no one except you uses them, clean them regularly. Bacteria on dirty fibers continue to multiply. And applying with an unclean tool can be fraught with inflammation and clogged pores.

Washing at home

Approach the issue of brush care thoroughly. Store used brushes separately from clean ones.

After applying long-lasting products or highly pigmented products with a hold, clean the brush immediately with a cloth moistened with a disinfectant. This surface cleaning. If eyeliner, cream shadows or Matt lipstick dry on the pile, delicately then it will be impossible to wash them.

If there is no time for normal express brush cleaning, use a better cotton swab for applying a durable product.

Once a week, arrange used brushes bath procedures i.e. deep cleaning. Masters recommend to carry it out according to the following algorithm:

What cleaning products are suitable?

Brush cleaners are divided into three groups.

Express cleaners with disinfection function

They are indispensable for makeup artists, because allow you to quickly clean the brush and prepare it for the next client. Almost every brand that produces brushes also produces such express tools. Professionals recommend products from Manly Pro, Kryolan, Real Techniques, Cinema Secrets.

Deep cleaning products

If you are not averse to saving money, do not rush to buy such cleaners in professional stamps. All of them are almost the same and vaguely resemble liquid soap. Special Fluids for cleaning brushes at home, you can safely replace it with shampoo, baby soap, cleanser, etc.

Products for deep cleaning of resistant products

Wash resistant decorative cosmetics(cream shadows, lipsticks, eyeliners) can only be used with oil products. For these purposes, use a special oil cleaner (from Inglot, for example), a hydrophilic solution, a two-phase liquid or olive oil.

First soak the brush in oily agent, wait until the product dissolves, rinse with water, then wash with shampoo or soap.

Caring for brushes with natural bristles

Natural brushes are much more expensive than synthetic ones., they are produced by luxury or professional brands. They have several advantages over synthetic ones:

Brushes are made from the pile of squirrels, sables, columns, goats, ponies. Small animals have to give up their lives before they can become raw materials for brushes. But ponies or goats are sheared and released. If you are worried about the fate of our smaller brothers, choose brushes from goat, pony or synthetic hair. Natural brushes are recommended to apply only dry textures, as they absorb cream products and use them wastefully.

Natural brushes are finicky in terms of cleaning. They need to be washed in delicate mode! And cream products and gentle cleaning are not very compatible things.

How to clean synthetic brushes?

Synthetic tools are gradually conquering the market for cosmetic accessories. Manufacturers have learned how to make polymer fibers that are as soft as natural pile.

Wherein synthetics are more wear-resistant, durable, budget and environmentally friendly material. Synthetic taklon, nylon, microfiber applicators do not absorb liquid textures. They can be used for cream, blush, foundations, lipsticks and primers.

If you value your destiny natural brush, do not apply long-lasting make-up tints, pomades for eyebrows, eyeliners, etc. For such products, it is better to use synthetic applicators. Cleaning brushes made of synthetics does not require a lot of nuances.

How often should you wash your makeup products?

In order for the fair sex to know how often to wash makeup brushes, experts have developed a convenient schedule. It directly depends on what means you are used to applying them:

How to dry makeup artist tools?

So, now let's look at how to properly dry your makeup brushes after washing. Brushes are recommended to be spread out on paper napkins or a towel.

natural or fluffy synthetic brushes dry so as not to deform the pile. Optimally place them on the edge of the table so that the pile hangs down, or diagonally, with the legs up.

If the brush is very fluffy or deformed, use the Brush Guard (Brush Guard), also protectors are useful when traveling.

Brushes should not be dried vertically with the pile up. So moisture flows inside and destroys the adhesive base. As a result of such drying, the brush can “shed” and even peel off from the handle.

Do not be afraid to experiment, try new techniques, shades and textures, test creative images. And, you can learn how to wash makeup brushes from this article. After all, with proper organization cleaning brushes is not at all laborious and time-consuming. But your tools will last for years, and your makeup will always be hygienic, fresh and tidy.

In contact with

There are several myths about What is the best way to clean makeup brushes? Half accept only professional cleaning products, while the other is content with shampoo. And who is right?!

First way

Baby shampoo or baby soap.

I've been washing my brushes with baby shampoo for years. And for all this time they have not lost their attractiveness, and most importantly, their shape.

First I squeeze out a drop baby shampoo on a cotton swab, then carefully dip the brush into the detergent, and only then “twist and twist” on the palm of your hand until the bristle of the brush is cleared and after that I rinse it with running water.

Outcome: this method is acceptable for “native” brushes that only you use! If you work as a makeup artist, then you definitely need to disinfect your brushes! AND next way For you.

Second way

Special tools for cleaning brushes - Makeup Brush Cleaners

Such liquids are presented by any self-respecting brand. This applies not only to professional, but also to luxury brands, such as: Bobby Brown Conditioning Brush, Clinique Makeup Brush Cleanser, Est?e Lauder Makeup Brush Cleaner and many others I wash my "work" brushes Mac Cosmetics Makeup Brush Cleanser, about which I wrote here

I also wrote about this and even took a couple of pictures

Outcome: The difference between these products is that they contain alcohol, which is necessary for the disinfection of brushes! If you are afraid that alcohol will have a bad effect on the pile, then this is not so. A certain amount of alcohol has long been calculated in similar means and believe me, they are not intended to destroy brushes, but only to disinfect. My brushes know this like no other! I'll tell you a secret that they look better than the brushes that I wash with baby shampoo. Only after such funds does the pile look exactly the same as after the purchase.

Third way

Tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil has been found to have antibacterial property, though not as strong as the previous means.

Add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to a container of warm water, then lower the brush and rinse. You can add one teaspoon of baby shampoo to make sure your brushes are clean!

Outcome: I have never tried this cleaning method, but I heard about it as the most positive way.

Fourth way

Wipes or makeup remover – Makeup Remover Wipes

This method is convenient when traveling when there was no oil, no special product, no baby shampoo at hand! But I'm sure that no girl will forget to take on a trip makeup remover! This is exactly what will help out your brushes.

Dampen a cotton swab with makeup remover, and swipe it a couple of times with a brush until it comes out clean. The same can be done with napkins, using circular movements of the brush until completely cleansed.

Fifth way

The only product that completely removes creamy textures from brushes! It concerns watercolor paints, waterproof cream shadows and foundation cream.

Swipe a couple of times with a brush over the soap, and with the help of circular motions on the palm of your hand, clean, and then rinse with water.

Outcome: I am completely calm about the state of the brushes after this cleaning method, since when working with creamy textures you should always deal with synthetic bristles, not natural ones. Only with this soap I manage to wash the brushes after a creative make-up

And now about the most important thing!

How to properly dry and care for makeup brushes.

1. After you have washed the brushes, in any case, do not put them immediately in a glass, otherwise the water will get into the mounting place and dilute the glue! Put them on a pre-folded napkin on the edge of the table, then no one will hear your cries: “Oh no! My brush fell off!”

2. Wash your brushes at least once a week. If you have rashes and other skin problems, then try to wash them much more often, at least every other day.


They say that brushes that have lost their shape can be brought back to life by holding them in water from 90 ° for about 3 minutes ...

They also say that you can disinfect brushes with chlorhexidine, as one of the cheapest options ...

Conclusion: you can avoid breakage of brushes and premature aging pile! You have the knowledge that will help improve not only your life, but also the life of your brushes

How do you clean your makeup brushes? And what do you think about those rumors that I wrote about above?