Day makeup of a 40 year old woman. The right lipstick tone. Cleansing and moisturizing are important

How beautiful and well-groomed a woman is does not depend on her age, but on the ability and desire to take care of herself. Not everyone is gifted with a winning appearance from nature, but purely natural data help out in youth - gentle firm skin hair and nails not yet affected by risky experiments

Age after 40 is a time when beauty does not depend on what nature has given you, but on what you can do for yourself to look your best. The period of bold experiments is over, the stake is on ensuring that natural healthy look became part of everyday look... It is not flashiness that is held in high esteem, but elegant restraint, not reckless adherence to fashion, but the choice of high-quality decorative and medical cosmetics.

It will take patience, experience and self-respect to master the art of makeup that is appropriate for mature age... There are now many tools available to avoid early appearance signs of skin aging on the one hand, and hide those imperfections that inevitably appear with age, on the other. Anti-aging makeup plays a significant role in this.

Benefits and Features

To choose the right cosmetics, you need to know the features of makeup after the age of 40. First of all, all products should be of high quality and hypoallergenic, since the skin no longer regenerates as quickly as at 20 years old. Makeup after 40, which is rejuvenated, is based on the following rules:

  • Lighter tone cream will help to restore the fresh and radiant appearance of the skin lost with age. The cream should be lighter conventional means, as a rule, by 1 tone. The light texture will help to distribute it more evenly. The cream should have water base and a high SPF factor. Another trick is to use reflective tonal basis that compensates for the lost natural radiance of the skin. It is advisable to use a corrective agent under it. greenish tint, which will help hide the dilated vessels.
  • Blush should be chosen in a delicate natural shade: beige, light pink, but not bronze. It is better to choose a creamy blush, thanks to which the skin will receive additional moisture.
  • It is better to use loose powder. It masks wrinkles well and muffles greasy shine.

  • The eyeshadow should also be lighter and less bold than before. Too much bright colours, on the one hand, attract attention, on the other, they reveal fine wrinkles and eye strain. Light golden or silver shades refresh the face quite well. Purple or blue colors play a cruel joke with you, emphasizing dark circles around eyes. Chocolate or red tones will make your eyes look sore. Eye-catching pearlescent shadows and sparkles will look sloppy.
  • It is advisable to use mascara, eyeliner and pencil in an ash or coffee color. When applied, blend them well, this will help to deepen the look. Paint over the lower eyelashes only at the outer corners of the eyes by about a third.
  • Do not get carried away with plucking eyebrows, it is enough just to correct their shape. The thickness of the eyebrows should be medium. The outer edges of the eyebrows should be at or slightly above the corners of the eyes so that the expression on the face does not become sad.
  • Before applying lipstick, carefully draw the contour of the lips with a pencil. The pencil should only be slightly darker than the lipstick.
  • Make-up should be applied in ascending lines, to avoid a dull look on your face.

The advantages of such makeup are that in addition to the decorative and corrective effect, anti-aging cosmetics improve the condition of the skin, are more comfortable to use and allow you to create elegant image effective means. The tranquil range makes anti-aging makeup ideal for business style... Correctly placed accents will make it quite expressive also as an evening make-up.

Types of make-up

Creation technique perfect makeup It may sound daunting, but the result is usually worth the effort. Everyday makeup solves 2 main tasks: it corrects or masks skin imperfections that have appeared with age and creates a gentle, calm image.

Correctly applied daytime makeup will help a woman look fresh and younger every day, add natural radiance to the skin, and correctly place accents in the image that a woman creates for herself.

Daytime make-up is distinguished by restraint and seeming simplicity, hiding careful work on the appearance. Calm matte tones do not accentuate individual details, but create the feeling of a healthy, radiant face, skillfully illuminated by the play of light and shadow. It is necessary to apply daytime makeup in very good lighting in order to correct its brightness and shade compatibility.

Evening makeup is also distinguished by restraint. It should not be overloaded with catchy shades and excess of details. Expressiveness is created by choosing its main range - warm gentle tones... Nevertheless, in the evening a woman can afford to seem brighter and more solemn than in the daytime.

The general tone of the make-up is chosen in accordance with the color of the hair and eyes. Blondes will look attractive and mysterious if they choose purple, deep blue or silver tones. Warm brown tones good for brunettes with dark skin... The brown-haired woman is refreshed by olive and coffee shades.

The gamut of evening make-up should not be overly bright. At the same time, monotonous faded colors will not adorn a woman. Right choice is somewhere in between.

For the effect to be complete evening make-up must be applied after using products with a lifting effect, for example, special mask for mature skin.

How to choose cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics for 45-year-old women, you should keep the golden mean and give preference to high-quality products with a moisturizing and tightening effect on the one hand, and having matte pastel shades, with another. With age, the range of products expands, the main function of which is to correct skin imperfections (correctors, concealers, special tonal products). They not only help you look younger, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, slowing down its aging.

The choice of cosmetics in adulthood should be carefully considered. Not always fashion brand will be the best remedy for you. It is important that it is suitable for your skin type, does not cause irritation and that you like it.

Anti-aging makeup tricks are to choose correct shade and texture cosmetics... Natural range, lack of excess shine, creamy texture and moisturizing ingredients - these are the main characteristics of age-related cosmetics.

If at 40 it is still possible to hide minor imperfections in appearance with the help of foundation and concealer, at 48 this task is not so easy to solve. It is necessary to apply masks with a tightening effect, a complex of special anti-aging agents, adjust the diet, excluding fatty and sweet foods from it, drink more pure water.

At home, with experience and patience, some shortcomings can be ironed out without resorting to radical means... For example, with drooping eyelids, using a lighter shade of shadows as the main background and a darker shade to highlight the fold area and the outer corner of the eye will help. As with any age, you should not apply too thick a layer of shadows: they roll, clog up in folds and give the impression of sloppiness.

It is also not recommended to apply mascara in a thick layer that sticks lashes together. If you draw up the upper eyelid with a charcoal or chocolate color along the line ascending to the outer corner of the line, you can visually lift the upper eyelid.

The inner corners of the eyes can be brightened with a transparent base. With help matte eyeshadow A light pastel shade applied below the eyebrows can restore expressiveness and freshness to this area of ​​the face. It is not worth applying dark brown or purple shadows on the upper eyelids - the look becomes heavy, and the overall impression becomes painful.

How to apply correctly?

Striving to create your perfect image, women after 40 years of age apply anti-aging makeup step by step, observing the following rules:

  • you need to do makeup only after cleansing and moisturizing the skin special means 40+, preferably with a tonic, anti aging cream or a tightening mask;
  • all funds that are used on preparatory stage must be completely absorbed;
  • the translucent base must be evenly and thinly distributed over the skin of the face;
  • dark spots and the vessels should be masked with a corrector;
  • foundation should be applied in even short strokes;

  • if the skin of the hands and face is warm, the cream will lie smoother;
  • small wrinkles and circles under the eyes can be masked with concealer;
  • the result obtained is fixed with the help of loose powder;
  • the protruding part of the cheekbones is set off by gentle cream blush;
  • light shades of pastel shades should be applied to the upper eyelids; more dark tone select the area above the crease of the eyelid, which will help to make the look more expressive;

  • the upper eyelid must be emphasized with ash-gray arrows, raising the line at the outer corner;
  • tint eyelashes with dark gray or brown mascara using a curling brush;
  • outline the lips with a contour pencil along their natural borders;
  • apply matte lipstick in 2 layers; if this everyday makeup, you can use glitter.

The choice of the range is determined not only by taste, but also by the color of the eyes and hair. If we are talking about shadows, then the expressiveness of the eyes is achieved due to some difference between the color of the iris and the tone of the shadows themselves. For example, show all the beauty brown eyes can light turquoise and golden shades... Blue and lilac shadows naturally and fresh look at the owners bright eyes and skin. Brunettes look impressive enough without shadows.

Correct color for blondes with dark eyes - bronze or beige.

Makeup Secrets

Makeup artists know many secrets of how to visually rejuvenate a face, even if the signs of age are quite noticeable. Make-up is applied in stages, and anti-aging and decorative products should complement each other.

Years take their toll, and this must be reckoned with. The first signs of wilting are shown by the face: the contour sags, the lip line "floats", wrinkles become deeper, rosacea (vascular "stars"), pigmentation - brighter and more noticeable. It is possible and necessary to deal with these troubles using all possible means of the anti-age series. The main "weapon" of ladies of all times and peoples is decorative cosmetics. We propose to consider makeup after 40 years, which is rejuvenated... Naturally, in each specific case, it is important to focus on the type of appearance, the degree of grooming, and other nuances. However, makeup artists have developed universal recommendations, following which proves that age is not a hindrance to beauty.

Revision on the dressing table is the first step towards everlasting youth

We will not list the entire arsenal in detail. necessary funds care, it is a separate and serious topic... Let's dwell specifically on decorative cosmetics. So, to make an anti-aging make-up, you need:

  • primer (aka base / base);
  • CC cream (moisturizing + SPF + tone);
  • concealer + concealer stick;
  • powder ( perfect option- friable, with a light texture);
  • blush - palette of light fresh shades;
  • pencils for lips, eyes and eyebrows;
  • glossy moisturizing lipsticks;
  • colorless shine or balm;
  • mascara from the "2 in 1" series: fluffing and lengthening;
  • shadows that match the color of the eyes.

For special occasions, a highlighter comes in handy.

We throw it away or give it to our daughters-granddaughters without regrets: liquid eyeliner, bronzer, pearlescent shadows and blush, dark lipsticks.

It is also necessary to take care of the availability of "tools" for applying beauty, such as:

  • several high-quality brushes (wide soft for blush, separately for shadows and lips);
  • tweezers, comb, eyebrow stencils;
  • sponges and puffs;
  • eyelash curler.

All this impressive arsenal requires considerable expenses, since all cosmetics must be fresh and of high quality. Alas, beauty cannot do without sacrifice.

Makeup after 40 that is younger: little tricks and rules

The preparatory stage is carried out at least half an hour before applying the "war paint", this is the correction of the shape of the eyebrows. Make-up artists recommend making the arcs "blown out", not too thin, pinching regularly. It is also important to pre-moisturize your skin. If the eyes are red, use special drops (Vial, Vizin).

Remember, casual make-up techniques and evening option radically different, but in both cases, the rejuvenating makeup is as natural as possible.

Now let's move on to the sequence of applying cosmetics.

1. Use a primer during cold seasons, off-season and for special occasions. Availability quality basis will protect from smudging and shedding of blush / eyeshadow / powder. However, in the exhausting heat, an extra layer of "plaster" is useless.

2. When applying a youthful daytime make-up for women 40+, it is recommended to process the skin in the following order:

  • mask rosacea and pigmentation with concealer;
  • under the eyes - a corrector;
  • on the T-zone - CC-cream;
  • on the cheekbones - peach blush;
  • fix the result with powder.

Be sure to thoroughly shade all the lines with a sprinkler. Make sure that your face does not turn into a mask. For special cases Use a highlighter with reflective elements to help hide wrinkles and distract attention from sagging cheeks and a double chin.

3. It is recommended to visually raise the corners of the eyes. In everyday situations, arrows are enough, clearly traced in gray or brown pencil... Mark an insufficiently clear line of eyebrows with a pencil. In the evening, use additional shadows: 3 tones of the same color. Darken the outer corners of the eyes, lighten the area under the eyebrows. Apply a medium-intensity shade to the moving eyelid. Paint your eyelashes thoroughly with mascara. Make sure that the hairs do not stick together, remove the lumps. We remind lovers of colored mascara that after 40 years, only soft shades are allowed.

A little trick: curl your eyelashes with the tweezers for a bold look.

How to look at 40 by 30? How to avoid the sight of an intelligent old woman? Makeup is a weapon available to every woman, but you need to remember about the nuances. You can't dye at 40 like at 20, because the skin is already different. Correctly performed makeup for 40 summer woman allows you to hide age changes, therefore, its features will be discussed.

Women usually dye the way they used to when they were young. And the youth of the present forty-year-olds was quite bright, and the makeup is usually appropriate. it big mistake... At this age, you need to change everything in it: from cosmetics to technology.

Makeup for 40-year-old woman provides an absolute change to the approach of skin toning. First, no creams with reflective particles: they focus on wrinkles. As, in general, and too thick. In no case should the color of the tone be darker than the natural one, but on the contrary - a tone lighter. It is recommended to use mineral powder (again without reflective particles), light shades, loose. This combination will make the skin look velvety, radiant, and light shades will add youth.

Do not neglect blush, but you should also use them in reasonable quantities. A light blush on the cheekbones will add naturalness and youth to the image.

Feather transitions between in different shades tonal means and skin must be carefully, otherwise the face will seem drawn, like a geisha.

If pigment spots are already noticeable at this age, correctors should not be neglected. Special shades will hide skin imperfections and, accordingly, age.

The main rule is no flashy tones. Makeup for a 40-year-old woman is not the same as for a young girl. This is the priority of the noble pastel shades and muted tones. Dark shades should be used only to emphasize the line of the eyes, while shading them as much as possible. And no clear lines (arrows and other delicacies), it is better to choose soft contours... The structure of the eyeshadows should be friable, and the shadows themselves should be matte, without shiny elements. This will give your eye makeup a natural look, while the matte particles will visually mask wrinkles.

After 40, the eye contour changes somewhat, and not in better side, therefore, you need to forget about your favorite eyeliner and the habit of outlining your eyes with a pencil. Especially with a contrasting pencil. If you really need to, color to match the shadows or beige will help to highlight the eyes. For the same reason, to build up huge fluffy eyelashes also not worth it.

After 40, the contour of the lips also floats, they begin to appear around mimic wrinkles, the skin is dry. It is from the point of view of overcoming these problems that the makeup of a 40-year-old woman for lips is built.

Be careful with bright lipsticks, because it is they who instantly pay attention to the lips, which are not always in perfect condition... It is also bright, and especially dark colors visually reduce lips, so such shades after 40 should be avoided. But flesh, light pink (but not bright!) Colors will add light to the face and hide imperfections. In addition, if suddenly your light lipstick will flow, it will not be as deplorable as if scarlet did it.

You need to have as many lip pencils as lipsticks, and their color should be tone-on-tone or slightly lighter. More dark shade pencil is able to visually thin the lips, create the effect of "retired at the opera."

And finally, a little advice: because of the flabbiness and fatigue of the skin, fine wrinkles, makeup often "flows" and does not last as long as 20-year-old girls. Therefore, do not forget to periodically glance in the mirror and correct defects until they become noticeable to others.

Only men (although not all) let go of youth painlessly, women experience the aging process acutely and do their best to delay it. Fading skin and wrinkles have not yet lifted the mood of anyone, some ladies, having discovered the first signs of aging, fall into deep depression. However, no matter how much one would like, it will hardly be possible to stop time. But to learn how to properly care for mature skin, and correctly apply makeup after 40 years, every woman can do it.

As they approach their 40s, most women begin to actively fight the signs of aging: they sign up for the gym, stick to the most strict diets, update the wardrobe with youth clothes, stop sparing money for expensive creams, and sometimes they decide to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Some women quite successfully fall into the trend and look harmoniously and stylishly among young girls, while others do not succeed so well and others perceive them as “young pensioners”.

Lucky for those women who know how to take maturity for granted and inevitable life stage... Otherwise, life will be darkened bad mood and endlessly growing complexes. Because in order to keep your physical and mental health women after 40 years just need to start (ideally, of course, continue) to take better care of the skin and be more attentive to the process making make apa. To "hide" age, you don't need to paint your lips with red lipstick fashionable among young people and eyes with insanely green or blue shadows.

When there are too many cosmetics

One of the most common make-up mistakes after 40 years is the excessive amount of cosmetics on the face. If an 18-year-old lady can still be forgiven for such an impulse, then grown woman must understand that pounds of cosmetics are unlikely to make her face more attractive. Makeup after 40 should focus on the most attractive object of the face. If the eyes are shining and expressive, make them the main, if the lips are still sensual and sexy - make them stand out. As you know, both eyes and lips cannot be highlighted at the same time.

Another unacceptable nuance - too much bright makeup... When the skin ceases to be elastic and wrinkles appear, bright and saturated shades can further highlight and emphasize them. It is also worth carefully applying the foundation: if there is too much of it, it will clog even into the smallest folds of the skin and highlight all age defects.

Makeup in adulthood should be markedly different from what you wore ten or twenty years ago. The structure of the skin, its type has changed, and fashion trends... Therefore, when choosing makeup, you should seek advice from professional beauticians, make-up artists, or at least carefully study the articles on this topic.

Correct makeup after 40 years

When choosing makeup after 40, first of all, it is worth taking into account age-related changes on the face, and not fashion trends. The main task of makeup after 40 is to hide flaws and emphasize advantages.


In adulthood, you should give up tanning beds, creams and powders with a tanning effect. They should be replaced by aristocratic pallor and naturalness. Light tonal means will give the face freshness, mask age spots, and visually reduce the depth of wrinkles. You need to distribute the foundation with a thin layer, carefully shading so that there are no borders and visible transitions.

Additionally, hide wrinkles will help loose powder... It will also visually make the skin more velvety and smooth. The powder should be identical to the tone of the foundation. The face must be abundantly covered with powder, and its excess should be brushed off with a wide clean brush or a puff. You need to cover the entire face with powder, including lips, eyelids, eyelashes. The powder will be an excellent base for further makeup.

Blush is also essential for mature skin. Makeup artists recommend replacing the pinkish blush, which set off young skin, with calmer and more natural beige or peach shades.


There is no place for bright lipstick in makeup after 40 years. It would be a pity, but you will have to part with red and pink lipstick. They will be replaced by warm and neutral shades, which can be noticeably saturated. Do not forget about contour pencil for lips, it will help to correct and emphasize their shape. In addition, with a pencil, lips look younger and more attractive. It is better to apply the lipstick in two layers, removing the excess with a napkin. The last layer, depending on preference, can be covered with gloss or powder.


Now the shadows are becoming required element eye makeup. Without them, the eyes will seem dull and expressionless. However, it is important to know which shadows will ennoble the image and which will disfigure it. Bright shades, as well as with lipstick, are no longer needed. Now it's worth choosing from deeper and more saturated tones. It is worth taking a closer look at pastel shades, as a rule, in makeup after 40 there are often shadows of coffee, unobtrusive brown, restrained blue, deep beige colors. Dry eyeshadows are ideal for mature skin, they spread easily and hold firmly.

The contour of the eye in makeup after 40 should stand out with a thin and clear line. If the line is drawn along lower eyelid, it should be shaded. If the outline is highlighted on upper eyelid, then the line should be perfectly thin and even. Black eyeliner should be replaced with brown or gray.

Choosing mascara, you should also give preference brown... It is recommended to apply it not thickly and only on the upper eyelashes. If there is an urgent need to highlight lower eyelashes, then one gentle sweep of the brush will be enough.


Every day in the evening it is necessary to carry out the make-up removal procedure. Decorative cosmetics does not have the best effect on the skin, and if it is not removed even at night, then all attempts to slow down the aging process will be in vain.

Video lesson "Day makeup for women over 40"

Suvorova Nadezhda

How to look young after forty. Indeed, during this period, the skin begins to lose elasticity, and wrinkles become noticeable. They will help to maintain tone proper nutrition and cosmetic procedures and decorative cosmetics to hide the problems that have arisen. If you master the art of applying anti-aging makeup, you will always look younger than your age.

Skin care after 40 years

How effective your makeup will be depends on your skin condition. If you see an oily sheen or peeling on it, then you will look unkempt, which will only add years. Therefore, it is important to choose the right care for your skin type.

More often in women after 40, the face is dry. After washing, there is a feeling of tightness and you want to apply the cream sooner. This is due to the fact that less is produced with age. sebum, the upper layers of the dermis become thinner and more sensitive. This provokes the appearance of the first wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes and lips, which will become more noticeable over the years. Skin color also changes. It becomes uneven, pigmentation spots appear.

These problems will appear much later if you pick up proper care after the skin after 40 years:

Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser. It can be foam, mousse or milk. They do not contain aggressive ingredients and do not dry out the skin.
Apply in the morning after washing.
Do it 2-3 times a week.
Visit a beautician, do mesotherapy, biorevitalization, photorejuvenation.
The day cream must contain UV protection.
The composition of the care anti aging cosmetics are included hyaluronic acid, fruit acids, vitamins A and E, oil grape seed, and herbal extracts.

The condition of the skin is influenced by the lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol addiction, lack of sleep and stress all lead to premature aging.

You can't do without makeup at this age, but observing the rules for care, use decorative cosmetics will be reduced to a minimum.

What is age makeup

Age-related makeup is different in that it not only makes a woman brighter, but also performs a number of other tasks: it gives the face freshness and well-groomed, looks natural, does not add years and, if possible, rejuvenates.

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and sags. From this, the corners of the eyes and lips gradually go down, the expression on the face becomes tired and sullen. Solve the problem will help correct application cosmetics that visually lift facial features.

Another feature of age make-up is that it does not tolerate mistakes. Therefore, choose high-quality cosmetics that will not flow or wear off at an unnecessary moment. Don't skimp on decorative items. Let you have a few of them, but they will not let you down.

Makeup rules after 40 years

In order for makeup to visually diminish your age, you need to adhere to the rules for choosing and applying cosmetics:

The less makeup on your face, the better. Thick layer foundation will hide all skin imperfections, but with the slightest movement of the facial muscles, it will gather into folds. The foundation should be light and weightless so as not to create a mask effect.
Choose lipstick, eyeshadow and blush matte shades... Glitter and shiny textures are inappropriate after 40 years, they look unnatural and vulgar.
Pigmented spots and dark circles under the eyes need to be masked with a corrector. Otherwise, they will give out age.
If you can see on your face spider veins, they can be hidden with green concealer.
Naturalness should be in everything. Make up eyes and lips in natural shades (peach, olive, beige).

It is equally important to give correct shape eyebrows, they should not be too thick or thin.

After forty years, the woman has already found herself, achieved a lot in life, became a mother, reached heights at work. Harmony and tranquility reign in her soul. And the makeup should reflect the inner state.

Makeup mistakes after 40 years

Wanting to look younger, women are choosing the wrong tactics. They dress vulgarly, dye brightly and do youthful hairstyles. But all this only betrays their age, and sometimes adds several years. To avoid looking ridiculous, avoid following errors in makeup after 40 years:

Don't use pink eyeshadow and lipstick. This color gives innocence to young girls. But in adulthood, it strongly contrasts with the color of the skin, highlights its imperfections, including wrinkles.
Do not line your eyes with black pencil. Better to choose a gray or olive shade.
Do not use mascara on your lower lashes. This makes the look heavier.
Don't use bright colors in your makeup, they will draw attention to your face.
Be sure to apply shadows. At this age, the skin of the eyelids sags, and this defect adds years. Hide it will help correct technique.

Don't ignore the neck and décolleté area. Here the skin loses its elasticity most quickly, so it needs to be covered with a tonal foundation.
Always use a peach or beige... Skin after forty lacks natural freshness.
Do not use glitter or mother of pearl. They like bright shades, attract other people's glances. In addition, they have a tendency to clog into wrinkles and make them noticeable.

When choosing your makeup, avoid dense and oily textures. They will create a film on the face that will highlight the imperfections. Light tonal foundation, silk eyeshadow and blush, mascara and Matt lipstick- this is all that is needed for a daily make-up.

Eye makeup

Eye makeup should be a daily ritual for you. Without shadows, you will look dull and tired. To properly highlight the eyes, you need to use 2-3 shades of the same color. This will mask the overhanging eyelid and give your look a shine.

When choosing colors give preference to coffee, beige, olive, brown shades... To help your eyeshadow last longer, treat your eyelid with a makeup base before applying. It is better to choose loose or dry eyeshadows, as creamy ones roll down and wear off over time.

If desired, you can highlight the line of the eyes neat thin arrow... Use a pencil instead of eyeliner, and brown, gray or olive instead of black. If you want to bring your lower eyelid down, remember to blend the line.

Buying mascara should be taken seriously. Do not choose waterproof agent as it makes the lashes thinner. Use it only as a last resort. Buy for every day brown ink, and black for publication.

Lip makeup

Glitters and bright lipstick for lips in makeup after 40 years are inappropriate. Choose matte texture and muted deep colors... They will not clog and produce fine lines around the mouth. To make the make-up last longer, use a pencil that matches the color of your lipstick. If there are a lot of wrinkles, then it is better to refuse the contour.

After 40 years, the skin on the lips begins to dry intensely, so before applying lipstick, it should be moisturized.

Light lipstick will make your lips look pale and painful. Dark will reduce their volume, which will not add attractiveness. Therefore, it remains to search the golden mean in neutral shades. Don't use hot pinks, purples, scarlet and crimson colors.

The most successful shade for age-related makeup is light red. It will suit all women without exception. It is also recommended to use beige, flesh and peach lipsticks with a pinkish tone.

Add volume too thin lips foundation will help. Apply a small amount of to the middle of the top and lower lip and blend. You can use a drop of lip gloss instead of cream.

Nothing makes a woman so young as a beautiful and snow-white smile. Therefore, monitor the health of your teeth and visit your dentist periodically. Yellow bloom neutralizes the effect of any competent age-related make-up.

Face makeup

Correctors will help to hide age-related changes in the face. Light shades distract attention, while dark ones, on the contrary, attract. Therefore, tint the nasolabial folds, the corners of the lips and the lower eyelid with a light corrector, and highlight the cheekbones with a dark one, giving the face an elongated shape.

The color of the foundation should match the skin tone or be slightly lighter. This will help to visually refresh the appearance and hide the wrinkles that have appeared. Do not choose products with a dense texture, they should be weightless and not felt on the face. For these purposes, a base with a satin texture is excellent. Apply it in one thin layer.

Then powder your face a little. If you overdo it by accident, brush off the excess. For powder, the main thing is that it does not clog the pores, therefore, preference should be given to a composition with minerals.

Avoid using highlighter and pearlescent textures. The face should be matte to look as well-groomed as possible.

Mature skin is more likely to be dry, but there are women with bold type... For them, the main thing is that the shine does not spoil the makeup. Therefore, you need to choose high quality matting agents.

Blush will help to give your face a toned look. They should be applied to the cheekbones along a line running from the chin to the ear. You do not need to highlight this area, just a little bit of funds to create a play of light and shadow. For women over 40, calm beige and peach shades are suitable.

Day makeup

To do beautiful make-up for every day, adhere to the above rules. It may seem that it is too difficult, but when applied in practice, everything will turn out to be much easier than you thought.

To create a make-up you will need:

corrector for dark and light shades;
tonal basis;
lip contour;
Matt lipstick.

The main rule of creation day makeup after 40 years - this is the absence of bright and flashy colors and light-reflecting textures. The best part is that this makeup is suitable for any outfit, as it contains exclusively natural neutral shades. You don't have to puzzle every day which palette to choose today.

A restrained and elegant image is what a woman should strive for when she overcomes the forty-year mark. So she will emphasize her natural beauty and will avoid many mistakes.

evening make-up

Evening makeup after 40 years differs from daytime in several touches. Adding them to your usual make up, you will get a bright and perfect image:

Use a graphite shade. Draw with them the line of growth of the upper eyelashes, outer corner eyes and lower lash line 1/3 of its length.
Under outer edge eyebrows apply an ivory shade.
For evening makeup will fit Red lipstick. Put a pearlescent or transparent gloss on the middle of the lips.
Optionally. But you need to do this with dark gray or dark brown shadows, so that it is convenient to shade. The clear lines that the eyeliner displays look sloppy on the skin that has lost its elasticity.
Powder of a dark shade will help to visually tighten the face. Apply it on the cheekbones, along the hairline on the forehead and on the tip of the chin.

V evening makeup the main thing is to focus on the eyes or on the lips. If you highlight both, you get a vulgar and flashy image.

January 5, 2014 5:29 pm