How to learn to paint at home. How to make up beautifully: tips and instructions. How to do evening makeup smoky eyes

How should I paint?

Correct makeup decorates any lady. There are two main types of makeup: daytime and evening, and each of them has its own characteristics. Knowing the basic rules for applying makeup will help you look great in any situation. You will find some helpful tips below.

How to paint correctly during the day

Daytime makeup is usually subtle. It is intended to emphasize natural beauty women, refresh her look and hide flaws. This makeup is perfect for office style and will look appropriate even with the strictest dress code.

Day makeup rules

  1. Take care of your skin condition. Small problems can be corrected with a corrector or powder, but you should not forget about the cleanliness and health of your face. Use creams and masks that are suitable for your skin type and do not forget to wash off cosmetics at night - give your skin a rest.
  2. Your look should be as natural as possible. Avoid bright, flashy colors. In daytime makeup, it is better to focus on the eyes than on the lips.
  3. Less is more. It is this rule that should be used when applying daytime makeup. Otherwise, you risk looking vulgar. Shadows without mother-of-pearl natural colors, quality mascara that doesn't crumble throughout the day, a lightweight powder and an almost translucent lip gloss - that's all you need.

Evening makeup: how to paint for celebrations

Evening makeup is more complex and expressive than day makeup and has its own rules:

  1. Makeup should be in harmony with the rest of your look: hair, clothes, perfume.
  2. The main focus should be on either the eyes or the lips. If you highlight all parts of the face brightly, the image will be unnecessarily heavy and flashy. Most often, the emphasis is on the eyes to emphasize the expressiveness and mystery of the look.
  3. Take care of make-up fixing products: these can be various sprays that prevent cosmetics from spreading on the face, or wipes that absorb excess sebum.

How to make up for a holiday?

Beautiful evening make-up can be easily done in just 7 steps:

Cosmetics color palette

Even if the cosmetics are of high quality and the makeup is applied neatly, but its color palette does not suit you, the whole image will seem inharmonious. Therefore, when doing makeup, both daytime and evening, be guided by the color type of your appearance.

There are 4 main color types of women: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Their knowledge will help you figure out how to paint.

A change in hair color can very often lead to a change in the color type, and therefore color palette your cosmetics. You can read about how often you should change your hair color in the article.

All girls can make up their faces, but not all do it right. Therefore, sometimes there are face masks, faces glued to the neck, dry faces and other misunderstandings. How to learn to paint in order to avoid the main mistakes that most girls made? In fact, this process is not so difficult, but as in any business, to become a pro, you need to train.

Makeup rules: day and evening

Some girls confuse day and night, or don't see much difference. Most often this applies to evening makeup, which can be seen during the day. Less commonly, daytime makeup at night. However, day makeup less awkward at night than in the evening during the day. And so, before learning how to learn how to paint, let's determine once and for all where daytime makeup ends and nighttime makeup begins.

For daytime or natural makeup, use light shades shadows, blush, lipstick. Natural makeup as nude as possible, that is, it looks more like highlighting the contours of the face than full-fledged makeup. Used translucent shadows, glitters, blush for contouring and instead of shadows. Acceptable daytime makeup, or those shades that are ideally combined with the skin color type. Among them are blue, green, gold, brown tones... But they should not be saturated, with abundant shimmer. It is best to use matte eyeshadow.

Blushers and correctors in daytime make-up are welcome, but extremely light, translucent. No face sculpting is necessary for daytime makeup, especially with a tanning effect. The color of the blush should also match with, which means that if the girl's natural blush is closer to peach, then this will be the shade of the blush. Scarlet or red blush serve exclusively for carnival makeup, or should be applied as easily as possible, almost imperceptibly.

Day makeup has not been presented for a long time, so you can safely draw them. Depending on the shape of the eyes, the arrows can be very small and thin or, on the contrary, thick and wide. Of course, the obvious overkill, which does not correspond to either the shape of the eyes or the occasion, immediately catches the eye. There is no need to compete with your friends, who have the brighter arrows. Leave such competitions overnight.

Daytime lipstick, as mentioned above, should be light. But, they expanded the boundaries of the color to red. Choosing a red lipstick that will go and beautify is not always easy. The main thing is not to give up trying if you really like the way she looks on other girls and really want to try it on your lips.

Evening makeup includes everything that was not mentioned above. These are bright, juicy, dark, shimmering shades of shadows. This is bold eyeliner, smoky eyes, long arrows and arrows of different interesting shapes... These are bright, rich blush, darker correctors. And also, lipsticks of any color and with any effect.

Of course, all of the above does not mean that you need to hide your face under a layer of defiantly bright makeup. Evening makeup can be almost monochromatic, simple, but with the right accents.

In any case, dark eyes, too active contouring and dark lips remain for the evening, and during the day it is enough to emphasize the natural beauty without hiding it.

How to apply makeup

Well, it's time to tell you how to learn how to paint, where to start and how to end. Let's limit ourselves to daytime makeup using arrows and lipstick instead of gloss.
Run your fingertips over your face before using a base or foundation. There should not be any roughness, otherwise tone cream and the powder will immediately set them apart. To make the face smooth, it is enough to steam it, make a scrub or peeling, moisturize well and wait 15-20 minutes until the cream is absorbed.

Bumps can now be corrected. In the case of oily or combination skin first apply a mattifying base to your face. In addition to the fact that the foundation will fall on her better, it will also help to keep the makeup longer.

Base, correctors, powder

The tonal is applied as thin as possible, and its color should be close to natural shade skin, or be translucent and adapt to your shade. For application you can use:

  • fingers- under their warmth, the foundation will be applied to the face quite evenly;
  • tassel- for foundation, they are of different sizes, thanks to which it is convenient to apply foundation with them not only on large areas of the skin, such as the cheeks, but also on the folds of the nose, between the eyebrows, under the eyes;
  • beauty blender- it will not allow you to overdo it with tonal, applies it to the face with a thin layer, is easy to use;
  • sponge- actually an early ancestor of the beauty blender, but no less convenient, and also does not allow you to turn your face into a mask.

Remember to keep the foundation thin. In order to dispense the application, squeeze the cream onto your finger, covering the pad, and then apply with point movements small dots on the face. Once you look like a fly agaric, you can rub the foundation with your fingers, brushes, or sponges.

You can use a corrector to accentuate your cheekbones. The shade should be chosen for two or three tones. darker than shade skin or foundation. More dark corrector turns your face into a skull study guide.

The corrector is applied in a light layer under the cheekbones, along the edges of the forehead, near the nose and, in some cases, on the chin or on the lower cheekbones. It all depends on specific form faces.

The concealer is shaded with fluffy large brushes, which are also used for blush. No clear lines should remain, only a slight shadow.

Blush is chosen in accordance with the color type and for daytime makeup should be light and translucent. Brightly highlighted cheeks will definitely not decorate, and under daylight they can also create a completely undesirable effect or look much brighter.

To apply the blush correctly, it is enough to portray an embarrassed smile, when the corners of the lips are raised up, and the lips themselves are slightly compressed. Rounded cheeks only need to be brushed a couple of times with a blush brush. Do not overdo it.

How to paint eyes

First of all, it is worth knowing exactly your eye shape, size, bulge or sunkenness. Also, remember that if there is bruising or dark circles under the eyes, they need to be masked with a light corrector.

Large beautiful eyes look great if nature so decides. But enlarging them with arrows or with the help of smokey eyes is not the best way for daytime makeup. First, ask yourself how many times have you heard compliments about your eyes, while not wearing makeup or only with painted eyelashes. If compliments are frequent, emphasize natural beauty eyes with natural shades of shadows, thin short arrows, mascara with a suitable brush. But, if such compliments are not heard at all, it is worth not only highlighting the eyes, but also doing it differently than usual.

Sometimes girls hide the beauty of their eyes behind abundant discharge or by changing the shape. In most cases, these are unjustified maneuvers. The lowered corners of the eyes can be raised with arrows. Bulging eyes can be tinted with dark shades of beige. At sunken eyes use light shades. Find your eye shape in the video of the day makeup master class and repeat it on yourself.

The general rules on how to paint eyes with daytime makeup are as follows:

  • If there is no special base for the eyeshadow, use a base for the face. When applying foundation to the upper eyelid, run your fingers over the eyelids to collect the remains in the crease of the movable eyelid. Thanks to this, the shadows will not roll down in a couple of hours.
  • The shade of the eyeshadows can be from light beige to dark beige, golden, peach, with a reddish tint. Other colors are also selected - from light to medium saturated.

  • Paint over the movable crease of the upper eyelid with darker shadows. The look will immediately become more expressive and deep.
  • Apply a thin layer of blush or light shadows under the eyebrows. Thus, the eyes open up, become fresher and clearer.
  • On the lower lid, apply 2 shades of eyeshadow to highlight the inner corner of the eye and darken the outer one. If you only apply one dark shade, then blend it up to half of the eye to the outer corner, while not touching the inner one.

  • Arrows can be applied to both the upper and lower eyelids, but in the case of daytime makeup, it is better to limit yourself to the upper eyelid only. In order to draw a neat little arrow, you can use a variety of tools, from a stencil to a tablespoon. Don't be afraid to use brown, gold, or other blonde eyeliners, as this will add a natural look to your makeup.

  • Brows. You can use a dark brown soft pencil, dark shadows (if you are dark, then match your hair color), special ink for eyebrows. Black eyebrows suit blondes, but without fanaticism. They look especially impressive with slightly overgrown dark roots... Brunettes should use a black pencil or eye shadow. And remember: do not draw the beginning of the eyebrow at the very bridge of the nose; do not pull the tip of the eyebrow up to outer corner eyes; if you overdid it, use cotton swabs and remove the excess.

How to paint lips

If glitter is used for daytime makeup, then eyeliner is not required. If lipstick is used, it is better to highlight the contour with a pencil one tone lighter or the same color as the lipstick. But don't use a darker pencil shade. This is only acceptable for evening make-up with a town hall.

Do not go far beyond the contour of your own lips, otherwise it will be too noticeable. Avoid contouring the inside of the lips, as this can reduce them. It is ideal to outline the lips, protruding 1-2 millimeters above the natural contour.

To make the lips shine, you can apply a transparent gloss over the lipstick. But, this is a very short-lived effect and it will have to be corrected during the day.

In order for the lipstick to retain its color for a longer time and remain on the lips, it is recommended to apply a napkin to your mouth after application and lightly powder your lips through it.

How to learn to paint on video

Most easy way How to learn how to paint is to open a video with your favorite makeup and follow the advice of a video blogger or make-up artist. If a lot of brushes are used in the video tutorial, some intricate tonal, shadows, correctors, do not be upset that you cannot repeat such a make-up at home. In fact, the use of tools such as sour or sponges depends on personal convenience. If it is convenient to do everything with your fingers, do so.

Another thing, brushes for shadows. Standard brushes that go with any palette make it difficult to paint anything worthwhile. And here are the brushes different sizes for eyelids can transform the application of makeup, make it more interesting and professional. Therefore, it is worth considering purchasing a couple or more eyeshadow brushes.

If matching colors, which were indicated in the video, in this moment not in a cosmetic bag, write down that you liked them so that when you go to the store you do not have to rack your brains for a long time which palette to take. Use the available colors that are as close as possible in shade to the video tutorial, or also work well.

If some point in the video tutorial is not relevant to you, just skip this step. Girls under 25 years old can generally not pay attention to the correction of the skin around the eyes when the model from the video grown woman... Likewise, women over 30 should understand that they cannot skip some stages in makeup if the young model from the video did not mention and show them.

Look different videos, mix techniques, add your own, be beautiful! And everyone who does not yet believe in the power of makeup should definitely watch comic videos below, how you need and do not need to make a make-up.

Fashion for naturalness does not give up positions. However, this is not a reason to ignore makeup: it allows you to look all the same natural, but at the same time distract attention from the flaws in appearance, and make the advantages more noticeable. Mastering make-up techniques is a great advantage: you will know which technique is right for you and in which case, much better than any makeup artist who sees you for the first time.

The main rules of any makeup

Before starting to study specific techniques, get acquainted with the basic rules that beauty gurus always adhere to.

When doing makeup, you need to take into account many details - first of all, the features of your appearance. This is the shape of the face, and the skin tone, and the color of the eyes, and, and even the shade of the hair. All this together predetermines the choice of cosmetics and accents that can be done with it.

If you take a closer look at yourself, you will understand what you would like to draw attention to. The merits are best emphasized either with color or with a shine effect. But imperfections are either masked or taken into the shadows - so that they are not striking.

Basically, in makeup, one main emphasis is made - either on the eyes or on the lips. In everyday looks, the choice depends on the merits of the appearance. If we are talking about evening make-up, then you can be guided by what kind of outfit you have. For example, a make-up with scarlet lipstick will perfectly complement a red dress.

You should focus on naturalness even if you plan to create makeup like Hollywood star... There should be no mask effect, sharp lines after shading shadows and many other flaws. If everything is done professionally, then even wine lips look oraganic.

How to learn how to paint correctly at home: a step-by-step explanation

Start simple and gradually build up the challenge. You should not start mastering contouring and other complex professional techniques if you do not yet know how to apply foundation correctly (so that it is not noticeable). First, you need to pay attention to those beauty knowledge and techniques, without which even the simplest makeup cannot be created.

Prepare the skin for make-up - moisturize and nourish it. useful substances... To do this, use your usual care products: serum, oil or cream.

Moisturizing face cream with SPF 30 Ultra Facial Cream, Kiehl "s ©

This is followed by the application of tonal means. This is already a special art. There are various tools and techniques that can transform a layer of cream into a "second skin". Pay attention to - this is a technique of "driving in" the cream with patting movements, which allows you to achieve not only natural, but also long-lasting coverage.


It is performed depending on what requires "corrections": sometimes it is necessary, sometimes - to narrow the forehead, to give clarity to the chin line. All this can be done with makeup. But most often, at the stage of correction, expressiveness and sculpturality are added to the facial features, highlighting the cheekbones - they draw diagonal strokes under them with blush or bronzer and carefully shade them.

They cannot be ignored - it is the shape of the eyebrows that "holds" the face and determines its expression. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that they always have a graceful curve and look neat. To do this, they need to be lightly tinted and carefully laid with the help of a gel. In this case, it is important to know when to stop and not to draw again - most often the correction requires only a couple of strokes.

Almost all girls (even those who prefer to go without makeup or teenagers) dye their eyelashes from time to time. But many do not know how to do it correctly. With a brush with mascara, you should "stretch" the eyelashes, moving from the very roots to the tips in zigzag movements.

Face makeup from scratch: instructions

Based on the basic rules and basic techniques, the first step is to master the daytime makeup, so that you look perfect on weekdays.

Moisturize the skin with a cream, if desired, use a primer to even out its relief.

Apply foundation, trying to drive it into the skin, so you won't see the marks from the brush, and the coating will turn out to be resistant.

Pull in your cheeks and "stretch" the blush diagonally along the cheekbone. Blend the color so that no borders are visible.

Comb your eyebrows with a brush, emphasize their shape with a pencil or shadows (you need to apply them without strong pressure) and fix the result with a transparent gel.

Apply primer to your lids, followed by a layer of neutral eyeshadow. Draw a line along the lash line with soft black or brown pencil for the eyelids and blend it with a dense brush. Then apply mascara.

Apply a drop of clear balm over the center of the lips.

How to learn to dye your eyes and eyebrows beautifully?

If everything is very individual with the eyebrows (someone needs to designate their contour every time, someone just needs to comb them with tint mascara, which at the same time fixes their shape), then the main options for eye makeup are relevant for everyone.

  • Smokey ice... In this make-up, the most important thing is to create a haze effect around the eye contour. Thorough shading of the shadows is most important here. It allows you to achieve smooth transition between shades.

  • Arrows... They focus on the shape of the eyes, make the look more expressive. It is difficult to learn how to draw straight graphic arrows, skill comes with experience, but after a few workouts you will be able to draw graceful lines.

  • Cat eye... It's a mix of arrows and smokey effect. This technique allows you to visually stretch the shape of the eyes, creating an alluring effect of the "cat" look.

Beautiful lip makeup

  • Even with bright makeup lips will not be difficult if you make it a rule to first outline the contour of the lips with a pencil. This will save you from possible mistakes. When filling the path with color, the hand will no longer flinch.
  • If you want to master a more neutral make-up, pay attention to the effect of kissed lips - for this it is enough to apply lipstick with your fingertips or with a brush, patting movements so that a translucent layer of the product remains on the skin.

Professional advice is indispensable for beginners. There are always makeup consultants in cosmetic stores who are ready to answer your questions. Video tutorials from reputable beauty gurus are also very useful. Below detailed lesson to create beautiful makeup from make-up artist Yulia Sizykh.

How do you learn to paint? Write a comment.

Buy everything you need for good makeup... You will need a foundation to smooth your skin. For fatty like it will do matting agent, dry skin needs a foundation with a moisturizer. Choose cosmetics with a long-lasting formula, it does not spread and does not require frequent correction... Loose powder is needed to fix the makeup, and a mild lotion or hydrophilic oil to remove it.

A natural shade of blush will help freshen up your face. Buy a set of two matching colors, lighter and darker. Pale pink blush is suitable for pale skin, coral or peach blush for dark skin. Choose a soft, creamy lipstick to match, perfect for daytime makeup. To shape the eyes, you need cream or powdery shadows, pencil and mascara. Combined products are also very convenient, for example, shadows in a pencil. They are very easy to use by creating different variants makeup.

Makeup techniques for beginners

Apply foundation first. You can spread it over your face with a brush, sponge or fingertips. It is important to choose the right shade of the product, it should merge with the skin, as it were. Apply the tone from the center of the face to the periphery, rubbing it thoroughly. Let the cream soak in and powder your face with a fluffy brush. Choose a loose powder with reflective particles, it looks as natural as possible.

Smile and apply a dry blush to the fullest part of your cheeks. Apply blush with a fluffy round or flat brush, brushing in a comma, from cheekbones to temples and then to chin. If the color is too bright, muffle it with powder.

Apply a layer of cream or dry eyeshadow on your eyelids. Apply powdery pressed eyeshadows with the applicator, and the creamy product is convenient to spread with the pad of your finger. Don't paint complex multi-colored landscapes, mono makeup looks much more sophisticated. For all over daytime look beige, pearl gray or gray-green shades are suitable. With the same shade, accentuate the lower eyelid at the very roots of the eyelashes. This technique will visually enlarge the eyes.

Apply one or two coats of mascara to your lashes. Choose black, dark brown or dark gray for a lengthening and curling effect. Move the brush from the roots of the lashes to the tips, keeping it parallel to the eyelid. Paint over the short eyelashes in the corners of the eyes with the end of the brush.

Finally, paint your lips with lipstick or gloss. You do not have to draw a clear outline of the mouth, apply lipstick from a stick or drive it in with the pad of your finger. For daytime makeup, use soft pinks, beige or reddish tones with light moist shine.

In any cosmetic store now there is such a variety of cosmetic products that it is easy for even an experienced person to get confused. How can a beginner be here? For those who first decided to apply "war paint" on themselves, there are some useful tips.


Makeup tools.
In choosing tools for applying makeup, quality matters, but you should not be too zealous and buy up all the most expensive. There will be enough puffs for compact powder, loose powder brush, medium blush brush, small eyebrow brush, eye shadow sponges and a few sponges. Try to buy brushes with natural pile, they apply makeup better and are more practical to use.

Color palette.
For your look to be perfect, you need to choose the perfect color for your skin tone. Determine which color type your appearance belongs to and make a choice based on it. Warm colors skin fit: gold, peach and red-orange shades. Cold tone the skin is combined with silvery, lilac, purple and all shades of blue.

Light transparent layers.
It is always easier to add a missing piece than to fix an existing one. Therefore, do not make the mistake of most beginners - do not put thick layers on your face, do not make a semblance of a mask on your face. Do your makeup in good natural light with thin, invisible layers of makeup.

Necessary cosmetics:
tonal basis
corrector if necessary
eyebrow pencil
lipstick or lip gloss

The foundation.
For perfect makeup need well-groomed skin... Do not be lazy to take care of your face. After thoroughly cleansing, be sure to use a moisturizer. If the skin is clean, then the base may not be needed. A light powder and concealer will be enough for problem areas... When buying a foundation, go for light, moisturizers. Use clean sponges and brushes. Shade the base well along the chin, temples and forehead - no borders should be noticeable.

First, style your eyebrows with a special brush. The color of the eyebrow pencil should match their natural color and blend in with the color of the eyeliner. Apply eyeshadow, on upper eyelid draw a thin line starting at inner corner eyes, towards the outside. Then apply mascara to your lashes. Before that, you can twist them with special tweezers.

Apply the cream blush after the moisturizer, but before applying the powder. All other types of blush are applied over the powder. To determine the place of overlap - smile wider - apply them to the most prominent places. In order not to look untidy, carefully blend the borders of the application. When choosing a color, be guided by natural colors.

Start with lighter shades of lipstick, so your inexperience will be less noticeable. If you want to try brighter dark colors then use a lip liner that matches your lipstick perfectly. Do not forget that daytime makeup means light, light makeup shades, while evening makeup means brighter and more intense ones.

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Makeup can be invisible and very bright, complex and simple. Whichever option you choose, it is important to follow the sequence of steps and apply cosmetics correctly. Having mastered basic techniques makeup, you can quickly put yourself in order and always look great.

Skin preparation

The key to a beautiful make-up that will last as long as possible is well-hydrated, smooth skin... If it is uneven and prone to grease, treat your face with a mild exfoliant several times a week. Before applying cosmetics, wipe the skin with an alcohol-free toner or thermal water and then apply a moisturizer, gel, or emulsion.

If you want to look especially good, use a special makeup base. You shouldn't apply it every day - this product is more suitable for a party or other important event. Opt for a lightweight silicone base - it absorbs quickly and leaves your skin perfectly smooth. In addition, this tool can slightly illuminate the face, remove excessive redness or an earthy tint, hide enlarged pores and wrinkles.

Hide bruises under the eyes, burst capillaries, acne marks and scars with a thick creamy concealer. Apply in small portions and use your fingertips to gently hammer into the skin. Apply foundation or powder on top. Excessive skin shine can be dimmed with transparent loose powder, means warm beige colour will give the face a shade of light tan.

The next step is blush. If you are using a powder, apply it over the powder, and cream and gel blushers are applied underneath. Blend the shade thoroughly to keep it looking natural. Choose a blush color depending on your skin tone, hair and general makeup range.

Eyes and lips

Pay special attention to eye makeup. Apply base eyeshadow on the eyelids. For everyday makeup usually use calmer light shades, in the evening bright and dark remedies with a fine shimmer. To make the shadows easy, apply them with a brush, for more bright color use a slightly damp applicator. Apply a soft, creamy eye shadow with your fingers.

It is not necessary to apply multiple shades of eyeshadow to the eyelids. Today, mono-make-up made in one color is especially relevant. To make the eyes look larger, line the lower eyelid in the same tone and blend the lines well. For evening make-up on the eyelids, you can draw arrows with a pencil, felt-tip pen or liquid eyeliner. Those who cannot draw can use the arrow stickers.

Be sure to paint your eyelashes. For the day, use lengthening mascara, in the evening the product with the effect of false eyelashes looks very beautiful. To make the mascara perfect, brush from roots to ends, carefully combing through the lashes.

The final stage of makeup is lip tinting. V last years in particular popularity has gained shine, suitable for creating a fresh daytime look. Use non-sticky easy remedy that does not flow or collect in the folds of the lips. An alternative to gloss is lipstick. It can be applied with a brush, stick or even your fingertip. The last way will make the makeup slightly sloppy - today it is fashionable.

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Tip 4: How to find an eye makeup remover

The ability to apply makeup for a woman is quite important. After all, this way you can emphasize the eyes, highlight the lips, hide flaws and emphasize the advantages. However, it is not enough to be able to apply cosmetics, you need to remove it competently from the face, including the eyes. And first of all, you need to find the optimal makeup remover.

Removing cosmetics from skin serves several important purposes. First, it removes decorative cosmetics so that the skin can breathe. Secondly, it helps to maintain the health of the skin, because the remaining cosmetics are clogged in the pores, causing inflammation, acne and many other troubles. The skin around the eyes must be cleaned with special care, because it is thin and delicate.

Naturally, the success of such a procedure as cleansing the skin of the face and eyes, including, directly depends on the make-up remover. And you need to choose it with special care and attention. After all, what suits one person may turn out to be completely wrong for others.

When choosing an eye makeup remover, you need to take into account several nuances: age, season and, of course, skin type. There is one universal way suitable for all skin types and at any time is the cleansing wet wipes... They are especially convenient when traveling and on the road. These napkins are usually made of soft tissue and are impregnated with a cleansing lotion that is suitable even for sensitive skin... In addition, they have a corrugated structure, due to which they more efficiently remove the remnants of cosmetics. The only thing is with waterproof ink it is difficult for them to cope.

Make-up removers are widely represented on store shelves. All of them can be conditionally divided into 2 types, those6 that require rinsing with water, and those that act independently dry. It is believed that the former are more suitable for ladies with oily skin, the second - for women with dry.

The list of makeup removers includes the following drugs:
- gels, mousses and foams;
- milk or cream;
- lotion on oil based or a biphasic agent;
- butter.

The first group of products usually comes with a dispenser. It is enough to press on it to get one portion of the drug, which is enough to cleanse one eye. The gel is usually a thick liquid, while the mousse is a foam. These are usually a cleanser and toner in one. When using them, it should be borne in mind that they are poorly suited for women with dry skin, because contain soap base which additionally dries the skin.

Milk and cream help high-quality cleansing skin around the eyes for ladies with dry and thin skin... They act gently without causing irritation and additionally moisturize the skin. Similar funds very effective for removing water-resistant make-up.

Two-phase products must be shaken thoroughly before use. One part is oil, the other is water. The combined action of the drug allows you to remove makeup more effectively, because oil quickly but gently dissolves persistent cosmetic substances cosmetics. In addition, the oil nourishes and softens the skin, as well as has a positive effect on the condition of the eyelashes, nourishing and strengthening them.

The oil itself is also excellent remedy for removing eye make-up. There are special oils with a note that it is for eye make-up remover. But you can use the usual vegetable oils: peach, olive, etc. To cleanse the eyes, just apply the oil on cotton pad, apply it briefly on the eyes, and then with gentle but confident movements remove the mascara from the eyelashes.

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Makeup is a decoration that makes it possible to change images, hide flaws and emphasize advantages, as well as a kind of way of self-expression. The ability to paint is not a gift, but a skill that can be developed.
If you see a beautifully and neatly painted girl, be sure: she also drew once jagged arrows or didn’t know what shades of shadows suit her - this is a matter of time and practice. In this article, you will learn how to learn how to paint from scratch and what ways to master it. female art exists.
Before wondering how to learn how to do makeup, you need to honestly answer to yourself how much time you are willing to spend on it and how often you are going to apply makeup after getting the initial skills.
If you only need a full-fledged make-up a few times a year for especially special events or a photo session, then perhaps optimal solution will use the services of a makeup artist. This will save you not only time for training and searching for information about cosmetics, but also the money that will be needed to purchase it.
If you need makeup quite often or just want to be able to do it yourself, there are two options that will help you learn how to paint - these are specialized courses and selfeducation... Let's look at both in more detail.


Be prepared for the fact that before you understand how to learn how to paint correctly, you will have to study and "filter" a considerable amount of information. But how do you know everything you need?

Thematic sites

Here you can learn basic knowledge about color types, rules for applying cosmetics, types of structure of the face and eyelids and decide what will suit you and what will not. If you don't know where to start, pick up the makeup photos you like the most and try to repeat them.

One-time visits to the makeup artist

With selected photographs of images, you can also visit the makeup artist several times. Watch how he colors you and memorize the cosmetic products that are suitable for you.

Review sites

Sites like can help you save a lot of money if before buying one or another cosmetic product or tool, you will refer to the experience of those who have already used it.

Youtube video

Here you will find visual tips, lessons that are aimed at showing how to learn how to paint beautifully for beginners and not only. Step by step instructions from videos are more descriptive than articles on websites, so they are easier to repeat.

Beauty Blogs & Makeup Artist Blogs on Instagram

Here you can also find reviews and useful tips and also find out where to learn to do makeup for yourself in your city.
The advantage of self-mastering makeup skills online is the absence of training costs, and the main disadvantage is that the trial and error method is often delayed. This is a waste extra money on unsuitable cosmetics. Another drawback is the lack of control and error correction, which can only be obtained by training under the guidance of a professional.

Courses with a make-up artist

If it seems to you that all of the above is too time-consuming and energy-intensive (and this is actually a slow process), there is Alternative option how to learn how to do makeup for yourself - self-make-up courses from a make-up artist. In addition to practical makeup skills, you will receive a set of theoretical knowledge on the structure of your face, the choice of cosmetics and tools for applying it (brushes and not only). Is not general recommendations, but only what suits each individual client. Even if you will be studying in a group or in pairs, the number of students is calculated so as to give maximum attention to everyone.

Since this knowledge is conveyed by the teaching make-up artist, it represents a conveniently structured concentration of his experience - which means it will be better remembered. A definite plus is that such courses will not take a lot of time - for example, an individual course from the Beauty Aura school with the development of knowledge on oneself lasts only 2-4 hours. Details about the course, its content and cost can be found at
Choose the most convenient and interesting way for yourself, learn, shine, inspire! Good luck!