How does toner affect the skin? Frequent use of foundation creates wounds on the skin. Mattifying Foundation

Foundation along with lipstick, mascara and powder has long been a mandatory participant everyday makeup many women. However, there are also opponents of this cosmetic product, convinced that the use of foundation can cause significant harm to the skin. In defense of their conclusions, they even give arguments of varying degrees of veracity, due to which many prejudices have appeared around tonal products that can give rise to doubt in those who have not previously thought about the dangers or benefits of this type of cosmetics.

1. The skin under the cream does not breathe.

This statement is far from the truth. Perhaps, at the dawn of their appearance, foundation creams had such a composition that they lay on the skin with an impenetrable mask, but those days are in the distant past. Modern foundations contain special silicone polymers as a base. These substances are distributed over the skin, forming a fine mesh, which, figuratively speaking, looks like a fishing net. This design allows air to pass through without problems, allowing the skin to breathe normally. In order to deprive her of such an opportunity, the cream will have to be applied in a very thick layer!

2. Foundation dries and dehydrates the skin.

This belief is also rooted in the distant past, when the composition of such cosmetics was far from ideal. Now times have changed cosmetic products have undergone significant changes, they have added oils, vitamins, plant extracts. Tonal creams, in addition to directly aesthetic tasks, also solve many others, including moisturizing the skin. A modern high-quality product can dry the skin in only one case - if it is not properly selected.

3. Belief opposite to the previous one - tone cream increases skin oiliness.

Probably those creams that were held in high esteem by our grandmothers could do this, but modern products can cause high fat content only when they are wrong. For example, normal skin, on which a cream for dry skin is applied day after day, will someday become oily from an excess of oils and other nourishing and moisturizing substances, but this is not the fault of the cream, but of the one who decided to use it.

4. All foundations clog pores.

The veracity of this statement depends on the quality of the cream. The main components of such products are a silicone base and a pigment, fragments of which can be different sizes. In expensive cosmetics, the finest grinding pigment is used, and in cheaper products, its particles are usually larger. In addition, some foundations contain talc, starch, titanium dioxide, and the like, which are not absorbed by the skin. In the heat, with excitement, drinking hot or spicy food, alcoholic beverages and for a number of other reasons, the pores of the skin can expand, and fragments of the cream “fall through” into them along with impurities that have settled on the face. The smallest particles can be removed, and those that are larger get stuck.

When choosing a tone, you need to focus on the needs of the skin and the season. For example, if you apply a cream with a matting effect on oily skin in the summer, then black dots, most likely, will not slow down to appear. Matting provide talc, starch and similar substances that absorb excess fat. In hot weather and without wide pores oily skin expand even more, and the cream will inevitably clog in them. Therefore, if you use properly selected high-quality cosmetics, and cleanse your skin daily and properly, then no clogged pores should not occur.

5. Foundations cause acne.

By itself, the cream, if it is of high quality and properly selected, cannot cause acne. They occur in other cases:

  • if the skin is poorly cleaned of cosmetics.
  • if the cream is incorrectly selected: the type of skin and its needs for different time of the year. For example, inflamed skin, which already has acne, often forces its owners to use a foundation with a dense covering texture for masking. This should not be done categorically, since such a cream creates a so-called occlusive film on the skin. She breaks natural processes: breathing, sweating, secretion of sebum, resulting in even more inflammation.
  • if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, for example, apply foundation with dirty hands or a sponge. It is best if the cream packaging has a dispenser. In this case, you do not have to remove the product with your hands, bringing bacteria into the jar.

6. Foundation creams accelerate skin aging and worsen its condition.

This statement is unfair, because in fact the opposite is true. Skin aging occurs due to the destruction of existing and underproduction new collagen and elastin fibers that provide skin elasticity. The aging process can be accelerated by prolonged stress, unfavorable ecology, excess ultraviolet radiation, bad habits, different diets when the body does not receive enough the elements he needs, and a number of other reasons of a similar kind.

Today's foundation creams are already almost full-fledged skin care products, as they contain a whole complex of vitamins, antioxidants and others. useful substances, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, helping it fight the causes of aging. It is safe to say that now even among inexpensive tonal products it is difficult to find one that could accelerate aging.

7. Foundation cannot mask acne, scars, spots and spider veins.

Everything will depend on the texture of the product and the condition of the skin. Naturally, a liquid fluid that is distributed in the thinnest layer will not be able to hide defects, but this is not its goal either - such products are needed to even out the complexion, give it a rested and fresh look. But creams with dense textures will perfectly cope with the task of masking the imperfections listed above. In addition, do not forget about the existence of correctors specially designed for such cases.

So, modern tonal creams are not only completely safe, but even useful. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, as different skin types have different needs, which may vary depending on the season or the specific situation. Any foundation is applied thin layer to allow the skin to breathe under the polymer mesh and not create an occlusive film, and in the evening it must be removed along with the rest of the rest of the make-up. If you follow these simple recommendations, then the use of foundation will not be a necessary measure, but one of the stages of care. Benefits of the right choice good quality, are indisputable. This is an improvement in complexion and masking of small imperfections, protecting the skin from exposure various factors environment, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, drying pimples and UV protection, in a word, everything that is needed modern woman for beauty.

smooth and fresh skin faces without a single pimple, knot or hitch - a real fetish for makeup artists and ordinary girls who do not think of themselves without make-up. Foundation - the main thing actor magical process to turn the skin into a radiant and smooth, so even those who think that the tonal foundation spoils the skin use it. But is foundation really harmful, or is it an obsolete myth from the last century?

Chemical composition

In the past millennia, ladies used to give a face perfect shade the most insane drugs, including wax, lead, rice flour applied in a thin layer or chalk, and even bird droppings. All these funds not only provoked the appearance of inflammation, but also caused health problems. The first foundation in our understanding appeared in the mid-1930s and was created by the Max-Factor company. Its composition was also not very similar to the modern one. And so the myth about the harm of foundation appeared. And what is included in the composition today?

In modern means to give a face even tone includes waxes and wax-like substances, as well as color pigments (all the same zinc, only in a much lower dosage, iron or titanium oxide), oils and fats (both natural and synthetic), emulsifiers, as well as fiber for compaction, preservatives etc. In addition to the basic components, the composition of the foundation can be added different oils(natural or almost), extracts of the most different plants, vitamins, allantoin, amino acids with antioxidants.

  • Can all this harm the skin? If you have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the cream, then completely.
  • Do foundations cause comedones? This may be true, but only if you use the wrong base, for example, when oily skin you will apply foundation for skin with low sebum secretion, etc. The tonalnik itself does not affect the formation of comedones in any way.
  • Does the cream accelerate the formation of wrinkles? If it is correct, then no. When using modern tonal products with a light texture, which are more like a thin and delicate film than a mask, the skin, on the contrary, breathes. In addition, they protect our face from harmful substances, any UV radiation, and of course, from dirt with dust.

Never destroy the skin with expired or low-quality creams: after them, there can be not only inflammation or acne, but also more serious problems - such foundations are harmful by definition!

How to use

To minimize the harm of foundation, it is enough to remember a few simple rules their applications:

  1. Do not use tonal products in the summer: they mix with sebum and sweat, go rancid and can cause serious damage to the skin. At this time, it is better to limit yourself to light powder. And in hot weather, the pores expand (however, the same happens if you like spicy foods and alcohol) and cream pigments easily clog in them, and these are comedones, acne, red pimples, etc. If powder is not your topic and you don’t like it at all, it’s up to you to decide in the heat: you can replace it with a light fluid or moisturizing cream that has a shade.
  2. Before applying makeup, the face must be cleansed and moisturized. We also remember about cleansers and moisturizing creams.
  3. Before applying foundation, always use a makeup base to even out the skin.
  4. Persistent creams are used no more than once every three or four days. Yes, the temptation to not worry about makeup all day is great, but such products definitely do not allow the skin to breathe and can "help" in the spread of fungi and bacteria.
  5. Study the composition of the cream well before buying. It is best to choose one where the dyes are vegetable or organic. And do not forget that the thicker the tone, the more pigments in the product, and this interferes with the skin's breathing.
  6. No matter how high-quality your “tonalnik” is, it is washed off before going to bed without fail.
  7. Do not apply the product in a dozen layers, turning makeup into a mask. This will make any cosmetics harmful (not just decorative ones).

How to choose the right

Today there are foundations for all skin types and for any of its needs. Your task is to diligently read the label and find "your" cream correctly.

So if:

  • Oily skin

The main task is to make skin covering matte. In addition, the skin needs protection from external factors.

Oil free will be written on the product you need, it will contain quince seed extract, also known as Pyrus Cydonia Seed Extrac and licorice root (ammonium glycyrrhizate), which regulate the secretion of sebum. Also look for Disiloxane, that is, a volatile silicone, and dimethicone, that is, an oil-like substance.

There are also tonal products that control the amount of fat on the skin. They always contain starch, kaolin or talc.

What's in your tonal basis it shouldn’t be, because it’s lanolin, because it pollutes the wide pores of the dermis with increased sebum production.

  • Dry skin

The cream should have a thinner consistency and contain a large number of moisturizers. It's good if it's in a tonal tool olive oil(Olea europaea), hyaluronic acid and tocopherol with retinol.

  • mature skin

The foundation should have a lifting effect and smoothing properties.

The composition contains the above-mentioned retinol and tocopherol, as well as titanium dioxide or Mica, that is, pigments that reflect light. These elements are needed to give the face radiance, to hide dark circles and still hide those flaws mature skin, which most ladies do not like, for example, dark circles. There should be plenty of antioxidants too. These are not only vitamins, but also Arctium Lappa (Burdock) or Glycine Soja (Soy Bean) Oil.

To prevent the aging of the mature dermis and refresh it, the product should also contain sun filters, various enzymes or plant extracts. All this not only tightens the face, but also removes traces of fatigue from it.

Among the new products for mature skin, creams should be noted, the pigments of which are covered with a sheath of moisture.

Modern beauties cannot imagine their life without the use of foundation. Several simple movements make the skin velvety, even, well-groomed. What could be easier to maintain freshness and beauty? However, cosmetologists call beautiful ladies be careful. Is foundation so safe and how to turn your favorite cosmetic product into a reliable assistant?

Most women use foundation only as a concealer. Irregularities, pimples, wrinkles reliably “hide” under a rich tinting layer. Not everyone knows that in addition to masking, a good foundation performs many functions:

  • Defence from external influences. Foundation is a barrier between skin cells and harmful environmental elements;
  • Preservation of the natural balance of moisture in the cells. The product should not dry out the skin. Covering its surface, the cream, as it were, "seals" the cells, protecting them from moisture evaporation, maintaining youth and beauty;
  • Giving the skin naturalness and relief. Via various shades funds can give volume to the cheekbones, smooth out irregularities, visually reduce or increase facial features, even transform a person beyond recognition;
  • Disguise oily sheen, small defects. A quality tool can not only give beauty and radiance. With the help of a foundation, you can reduce inflammatory manifestations, remove an unpleasant oily sheen.

Only high-quality, properly selected tools have such functions. Product Bad quality can cause significant damage to the skin.

How to choose

  1. You need to test the sample on the cheekbones, and not on the wrist. The shade will show up best when applied directly to the face, so don't be shy about applying a test sample to your cheekbones in the store;
  2. The cream should have a uniform texture. Preference should be given light cream with a matting effect;
  3. Foundation popular brands refute the well-known truth that expensive is not always good. Global manufacturers have proven themselves good quality. Their products will be better and safer than foundation of unknown origin.

Another important point- type of skin. Often women with different type skin, having tried one foundation, disagree about its quality and effectiveness. Manufacturers rarely indicate on the packaging which type their products are suitable for. The ingredients will help you figure it out.

Skin type Recommended Ingredients What to avoid General recommendations
Oily skin
  • Excess Absorbent Ingredients sebum. For example, talc.
  • Fatty oils in the composition provoke increased sebum secretion, blockage of pores.
  • You should choose a product with a matting effect, the durability of which is up to 8 hours;
  • When shine appears in the t-zone, you do not need to apply powder on top. The resulting shine should be removed with an antibacterial wipe.
Dry skin
  • Moisturizing ingredients.
  • drying ingredients. They make the skin drier, provoke the formation of wrinkles, irritation, peeling.
  • Preference should be given to liquid tonal products that provide medium-density coverage;
  • Water-gel based BB creams work well.
Sensitive skin
  • Hypoallergenic components.
  • Perfumes, parabens, dyes. They can cause allergies, worsening the condition of sensitive skin.

The wrong choice of foundation can significantly worsen the condition of the skin. It is worth focusing on the type of skin, the composition of the product, the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Application rules

By following simple techniques, you can achieve a cosmetic and healing effect from the foundation.


You need to apply foundation only on clean skin. If there is a need to apply a make-up base, preference should be given to a quickly absorbed product. Daily cream with a light texture will provide a protective barrier, will not allow the foundation to clog pores.

Special fixtures

You can apply foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers. Cosmetologists have long dispelled the myth about the dangers of applying a toning base with your fingers. If the skin of the hands is clean, this method will not bring any harm. The brush and sponge should be thoroughly rinsed after each use.

Application technique:

  • The first portion of the cream should be distributed on the wings of the nose towards the temples;
  • Then the cream is applied to the cheekbones and chin;
  • Lastly, it is shaded on the nose and forehead.

Do not forget about the neck and décolleté. Uniform application help avoid abrupt transitions colors.

How to remove foundation from skin

Women use for this procedure various means. Some prefer micellar water, others use soap or make-up remover. Beauticians recommend using products that are suitable for your skin type for complete cleansing. Perfect for oily skin antibacterial wipes, for dry pink water or make-up remover.

Do not leave foundation on skin overnight. Its components will clog pores, in the morning the face will look tired, aged.

Possible harm

There are many myths that accompany the use of foundation. Women are afraid of inflammation, wrinkles, dryness or, conversely, excessive skin shine. Can Foundations Really Harm Your Skin?

Increasing oily sheen

The cause of oily sheen is not foundation, but the base for makeup. If the base does not have time to be completely absorbed, its components provoke increased secretion sebum, causing an unpleasant shine.

clogged pores

Products with a dense heavy texture can really clog pores. They are recommended to be applied to a short time. Modern tonal creams have a composition that does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe.

Visual highlighting of existing wrinkles and the appearance of new ones

Tonal products that strongly dry or tighten the skin have this effect. Depending on the type of skin, it is better to choose a cream with a light texture, be sure to wash it off at night.

Pimples and irritation

The culprit here will not be the foundation itself, but the wrong cleansing of the face. Remaining on the surface, the components of the cream enter the pores, causing inflammation. Owners of oily skin should be especially careful to wash off the remnants of foundation.


The appearance of peeling can cause the wrong selection of a matting agent. For dry skin, a cream with moisturizing ingredients is needed. Excessive drying ingredients can cause peeling.


Due to the composition, modern products provide saturation of skin cells with moisture, actively keeping it inside. A high-quality foundation cannot cause dehydration and loss of skin elasticity.

Properly selected foundation can instantly make a woman the owner luxury leather and good mood. Proper application will help hide imperfections, leaving the skin hydrated, young and attractive for a long time.

How to apply foundation. Video lesson

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First of all, let's dispel some myths about the dangers of foundation. Many, using foundation, do not even think about why foundation is harmful? And they do it right, because in fact from modern means there is no harm as such.

It is possible that foundation creams of the last century had coarse particles in their composition, but current technologies make it possible today to produce quite high-quality, and sometimes even useful foundations that have the ability to restore skin structure.

The effect of foundation on the skin

The right cream can:

  • Maximum hide small wrinkles and obvious imperfections on the skin.
  • Get rid of excess shine on the skin.
  • Even out the tone of the face.
  • Keep skin fresh maximum amount time.

Keep in mind that high-quality tinting agent can be purchased mainly only in good store, or order from the company, in order to avoid crafts.

Many are interested in whether it is harmful to use foundation in hot weather and what harm can the product cause to the skin? We assure you that you can use foundation in any weather, only the texture of the cream must be selected appropriate for a particular season, for example, foundation is not harmful in the hot season if you use a product with a light texture.

V winter period it is better to use a thicker product, as it will protect your skin from frostbite.

Foundation by type and skin

One of the popular opinions is Negative influence and harm to foundation age skin. Before arguing whether a foundation is harmful to any skin, one must be able to choose it correctly. So, for example, a good tinting agent can perfectly mask age spots, or freckles resulting from improper tanning.

The foundation does not harm dry skin, on the contrary, there are many moisturizing and nourishing tinting agents. Basically, for this type of skin, it is recommended to use tonal base. Thanks to the mineral components included in the composition this tool, harm from tonalka is excluded. The foundation will be harmful only if you leave it on your face at night, being too lazy to wash or not completely clean your skin.

When choosing a cream for oily skin, pay attention to the composition. V this case harm from foundation can be in the absence of a matting effect, as well as the content fatty components. The product must have the presence of moisturizing mineral components, fruit acids capable of normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Familiarize yourself with the composition of a cosmetic tinting agent, choose a product that contains silicone. The property of this component contributes to the formation of a thin mesh on the surface of your epidermis, thanks to which oxygen will continuously enrich the skin.

Foundation as a skin care product

But today, the foundation has long ceased to be just a tonal cream, it, moreover, is able to give the skin the care it needs. So is foundation harmful? As French researchers managed to find out, all those who constantly use different kinds tinted creams, thereby slowing down the aging process - on average, as they found, by 7.5 years. Why has it been achieved similar effect? First of all thanks to the latest formulas, as well as by including active components different kind.

Video: How to apply foundation correctly?


To this day, many do not know what they are depriving themselves of when they say “no” to tint creams. Smart tonal creams are represented today by all major brands, they significantly enhance the effect of those creams that fight age, so the products can be used in a complex way. Beauticians of our time are increasingly saying that foundation should not be treated as makeup. That this is a skin care product that should be used every day.

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Tone cream- one of the most popular cosmetics that allows you to create matte finish, hide small skin imperfections, etc. But some women do not want to use foundation, because of beliefs that have appeared a long time ago. But is foundation actually harmful? Let's figure it out:

Myth 1. Foundation does not allow the skin to breathe.

This is a very old belief, which has long been refuted, because many modern foundation creams silicone polymers are included, which form a thin mesh on the skin that allows air to pass through.

Myth 2. Foundation is not able to hide skin pigmentation, enlarged pores or "stars".

Modern foundations do an excellent job of this task, as they contain the maximum amount of pigments, and at the same time the cream retains a light texture. You can also use auxiliary substances, such as a corrector to hide the "stars". Concealers with impurities of pink, green or purple flowers will help hide a gray, earthy complexion, and a corrector with a yellow tint will help to hide.

Myth 3. Foundation creams dehydrate the skin and regular use worsens her condition.

When foundation creams were just starting to be produced and their composition really left much to be desired. But now the composition of tonal creams has been significantly improved. Most of them include nourishing oils, fatty substances that protect the skin from dehydration, moisturize and nourish it.

But remember that when choosing a foundation, you should take into account the features. For oily skin, you need to use liquid tonal products with a low content of oils, for dry skin - mousse or thick foundation with moisturizing particles, and for normal, any foundation will do.

Myth 4. Foundations accelerate skin aging.

Many foundations contain sunscreens that block the sun's rays, thereby protecting the skin. And creams that contain antioxidants also help to fight.

Myth 5. Foundation causes acne.

As already mentioned, modern foundation creams contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, and there are also salicylic acid and triclosan, which are able to prevent, soothe the skin and eliminate inflammation.

Pimples can appear from a bad foundation, but not from its use itself. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a cleanser or make-up remover.

And also in order to prevent the appearance of acne, you need to choose the right foundation for your skin, taking into account all its features.