How to properly apply eye shadow on your eyelids? Cream eyeshadow, baked eyeshadow, mineral eyeshadow, loose eyeshadow - how to use eyeshadow? Smoky ice makeup. How to use eye pigments

Women usually do not like crumbly shadows, but professionals use them with great success, because the crumbly structure has unique qualities.

Loose shadows are the most versatile because they mix perfectly and allow you to create new shades. You can mix matte and shimmery shadows to adjust the degree of “shine”, or mix incompatible colors to find the right tone.

Loose shadows let you be wrong because their texture allows you to fearlessly apply one layer on top of another, correcting mistakes and achieving the desired result.

Loose eyeshadow blends easily thanks to its ultra-soft structure. It makes it possible to create smooth transitions one tone to another, make makeup bright or subdued.

Loose shadow ideal for hot weather, because weightless pigment particles do not clog into the folds of the skin, even at high temperatures.

Loose eyeshadow suitable for all skin types... Their structure is rather dry, so it absorbs excess secretion on oily skin. Low density shadows does not allow them to lie down on dry skin in a thick layer and take away moisture.

To all of the above, 90% of women will answer - the most main drawback loose eyeshadow the fact that they are crumbly! Such shadows not only crumble upon application, covering the cheeks and clothes with colored pollen, but also crumble, it is worth opening the jar.

That's right, it is really extremely inconvenient to use loose shadows, not knowing how to do it. When not the eyelids, but the cheeks are covered with dark blue, and not the eyes, but the floor under the feet, sparkle with a silvery shimmer, it is not crumbly shadows that are to blame ...

Professionals can easily cope with a free-flowing substance, because they know several mandatory rules.

Rule one: the right tools.

Falling off during the application of the shadow means only one thing - the wrong tool is selected!
Do not apply loose eyeshadows with a regular applicator or a brush that comes with the product. You can just as well paint a fence with a toothbrush and be indignant that Oil paint lays down poorly and splashes in all directions.

Loose shadows should be “picked up” with a small natural bristle brush, the length of which is a little less than a centimeter. The most important thing is that the bristles are beveled, that is, cut along an oblique line.

Another suitable tool is the cone-shaped applicator, which looks like a pointed felt-tip pen.

Rule two: immediately remove unnecessary.

No professional will even bring a brush or applicator to their face until they shake off or blow away excess shadows. Actually, that's why nothing ever comes out of the hands of stylists.

Rule three: good defense.

Before applying friable eyeshadows, make-up artists generously "type" on a large flat brush friable transparent powder and "put" it on the cheeks and skin under the eyes.

Even if pigment particles get on the skin during eye makeup, they can be brushed off along with the powder, leaving no residue.

I affirm that the crumbly structure of the shadows is not a minus at all. The real disadvantage is the incompatibility of loose cosmetics with contact lenses... It is also inconvenient to "transport" the shadows. At least I don't recommend carrying them in a bag.

Pigments have long been used in the creation of professional makeup, and recently they have become available for home use, and immediately became very popular. And it is not surprising, because no eyeshadow can compare in brightness and durability to pigments.

What it is

In fact, a pigment is a colored powder that is very, very finely ground. Initially, it is he who is added to the cosmetic base to obtain eye shadow, lipstick or nail polish. It is the pigment that imparts this or that shade to the product. However, later the colored powder itself began to be used to create make-up, similar to how it was used in antiquity.

By themselves, highly pigmented powders that leave a bright mark on the skin or fabric are not a modern development. Ancient people used the first iron oxide pigment for cave paintings, and in the early Minoan era in Crete, purple was mined from snail shells. Of course, today pigments are mainly of synthetic origin, but the principle has been preserved.

How pigment differs from shadows

So, the main difference between these eyelid products lies on the surface - the pigment is much brighter and richer than the shadows. However, these are not all the differences. Pigment for the eyes is a concentrate of color, you need very little of it to get bright makeup... Shadows, as a rule, are applied in a translucent layer. By the way, the economical consumption of pigments prompted manufacturers to release it as an independent product for professional makeup artists - they need a lot of cosmetics, and dry pigment for the eyes, which requires very little, allows you to save a lot.

And one more difference, so beloved at first by professionals, and then by those who paint on their own - the pigments mix perfectly with each other. This allows you to create new shades of cosmetics that are unique and right for you. In addition, the pigment can be added to an existing cosmetic product, diversifying its palette. For example, adding glitter or metallic pigment to your usual eyeshadows will give you an updated glitter eyeshadow with a new property.

Secrets of using pigment in eye makeup

If you decide to try the pigment, then you should not think that you will limit yourself to buying only one jar. First, you need a dedicated brush. Recall that the pigment is a dry fine powder, and it is better to apply it on the eyelid not with a finger, not with a sponge, but only with a brush. Moreover, it should be flat, tightly packed, wide and quite rigid. A soft brush will not allow you to pick up pigment for the eyes, but a wide flat shape allows you to apply it correctly on the eyelid.

It is also better to choose a brush made of a combined or artificial material, since a natural one may not pick up enough pigment on the pile. But to blend the already applied dye, you can use a fluffy natural brush.

You will also need a primer. This is a special substance that allows the pigment to adhere well to the skin and stay on it for a long time without smearing or rubbing off. You may also need a special gel to help you mix shades.

How to use eye pigments

Although the pigment resembles a loose eye shadow, it is worth remembering that it is much more concentrated and requires careful application and some practice.

First of all, apply the primer to the eyelid, and then take a little pigment from the jar with the correct brush and brush off the excess on the edge of the package. Apply the product without smearing, but hammer it into the skin with light patting movements. This is what a wide and flat brush is for. This technique will avoid shedding of the pigment.

Even if you only use one shade for your eye makeup, you will need to blend it to make the border invisible. To do this, take a clean, soft brush and work as you would with regular eyeshadow.

How to choose

First of all, carefully read what is indicated on the product jar. Pigments permitted for use on the eyes must be labeled accordingly. You should not use the product for the eyelids whose purpose you doubt, since some pigments are quite aggressive, and applying them near the mucous membrane of the eye can be hazardous to health. Usually these are neon and very bright acidic shades.

In addition, pigments have different effects when applied to the skin. They are:

  • Satin - with a slight uniform shine, reminiscent of that of silk or satin fabric.
  • Shimmery - with fine sparkles in the composition, which create depth and shine of color.
  • With a metallic effect - silver, bronze, gold shades that allow you to get an effective dense coating with a metallic sheen.
  • Matte - without any sheen.

Despite the fact that initially pigments have a very good ability to create a dense, bright coating, today you can find powder pigments on the market. They have a more transparent application and are designed to create a semblance of haze on the finished eye makeup.


Today, eye pigment can be purchased at any beauty store. Some of the most popular are products from the American firm MAC. They are used professional makeup artists all over the world, and they have many adherents among makeup lovers. They are perfectly applied, shaded, do not slip on the eyelids and have a rich palette. The most famous and versatile of these are Vanilla and Naked. By the way, due to their neutral light shade and magnificent shine, they are often used as a highlighter, for example, for application under the eyebrow.

Another well-known pigment manufacturer is Inglot. This brand is known for the fact that you can buy as many refills and jars as you want, and then create new compositions with them, store in magnetic cases and combine as you wish. Glitter pigments for the eyes of this brand are also distinguished by the richness of shades, especially the presence a large number the most interesting duochrome shades, that is, those that combine two different colors that appear under different lighting conditions.

A more affordable product is NYX pigments. They have a rich palette from neutral light and beige to deep dark or bright shades with a chic shine of iridescent particles. They last long enough than only a high-quality expensive pigment for the eyes usually boasts. Reviews, however, note the inconvenient packaging and the capricious nature of the colored powder - it is quite difficult to apply it accurately, especially for beginners.

Examples of makeup using pigments - daytime option

Start driving the light pigment into the black eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye, stretching the color throughout the eyelid. Then add a second color and blend the border between them. The third is to the outer corner of the eye towards the temples, remaining within the contour previously drawn with shadows. Don't forget to apply pigment to the lower eyelid as well.

Next, it remains only to touch up the drawing with a clean brush, remove the loose particles with a napkin and paint or glue false eyelashes. You can also add concealer by masking the under-eye circles and highlighting the lower eyebrow contour.

Pigments for permanent makeup

Let's say a few words about the pigments used in the eye. Unlike conventional cosmetics, they have a gel or semi-liquid form and consist of the actual pigment, water and glycerin.

In eye tattooing, the technique of filling the space between the eyelashes with color is mainly used (which makes the eyelashes visually darker and more magnificent without the use of mascara) and the drawing of arrows on the upper eyelid (imitation of a pencil arrow). Also, tattooing will help give the eyes more beautiful shape or to correct the lowered outer corner of the eye.

Pigments for permanent makeup mostly have black-brown, less often blue, green, gray shades... The beauty of modern professional tools is that the master can mix shades and choose the perfect one for each color type.

Beautifully and skillfully applied makeup is an art. And an important part of it is the ability to correctly shape the eyes with shadows. It is they who create a mesmerizing look - expressive and seductive. Therefore, every girl needs to know how to apply shadows correctly. With their help, you can not only highlight the eyes, emphasize the depth of color, but also correct the shape and even visually change the cut.

According to their properties, they are divided into dry, liquid and cream. Thanks to different texture and consistency, you can get a wide variety of makeup - be it natural (daytime) or festive (evening).

  • Dry. The most popular and widespread. Stored for a long time and do not roll into lumps. Compact and easy to use, easy to apply and shade. Loose dry are very economical.
  • Liquid. Are composed of liquid wax, therefore dry quickly. They are used only for the mobile eyelid. They look impressive and shine. Waterproof shadows of this type have saturated color, lie down easily. Ideal for bright evening looks.

Make sure your cosmetics are hypoallergenic. Before buying, check the composition for availability harmful components... Pay attention to the expiration date. Don't skimp on the health of your eyes!

General rules

1. First, cleanse and moisturize the skin around the eyes.

3. Tidy up your eyebrows. They should look well-groomed. Pluck excess hairs, lay with gel (if necessary), draw with a pencil.

4. Apply base primer and lightly dust the eyelids with powder.

5. Highlight facial features with a highlighter, bronzer, foundation, blush (as needed).

6.Using concealer, mask under eye circles.

7. And of course, prepare different types brushes: large - for applying light shades; medium-sized - for applying dark shadows on certain areas of the eyelid; small hard - for shading shadows or eyeliner; a brush with a thin, hard bristle - for the fine lines of the painted eyelids.

Before many people use the usual base or do not use it at all. It’s in vain. There is a separate, independent product specifically for eye makeup - a base under the eyeshadow that ensures the durability of the make-up. The quality of the makeup depends on the base on the eyelids. The special base for the eyes has a dense texture, as a result of which the shadows do not roll and lay down evenly.

The perfect match: how to match eye shadow

For a competent make-up, professional make-up artists advise to select them, taking into account the color of the eyes. This is necessary in order to emphasize the shape, saturation and depth of the mirror of your soul.


Almost all shades are suitable for brown-eyed girls. Brown, beige, bronze, gold tones look charming. Perfectly sets off purple, lilac, green, gray, blue, blue, metallic. Emphasizes saturation favorably brown eyes shades of warm colors(peach, pink). Definitely not - to orange shadows.

Blue, gray-blue

Add tenderness to blue-eyed girls warm colors brown, beige, gold, sand, cream, copper, gray colors... It is not advised to use pink and purple eyeshadows. The first create the effect of tired eyes, the second - tear-stained.


The depth of the emerald eyes is accentuated by warm tones. Pay attention to pearlescent, gold, brown and greenish shades... Olive and copper shades look great. Blue and pink tones... To avoid tired eyelids, do not use eyeshadows with glitters in a silver shade.

How to apply eye shadow step by step

The main task is to learn how to correctly apply shadow on the eyelids. The key to a beautiful eye make-up is the use of a pair of shades of shadows that are harmoniously combined with each other. For day makeup 2 colors are enough, for evening - 3:

  • basic (applied to the movable eyelid, smoothes the skin);
  • light (lighter than the base, applied under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye);
  • darker (optional). Suitable for evening make-up and creating a mysterious look.

We design the upper eyelid

  1. Under the eyebrows and on inner corner apply light shadows to the eyes, and a dark one on the outer corner.
  2. Light tones under the eyebrows set off well and visually open the eyes.
  3. To smooth out all the transitions and borders, be sure to shade the shadows. Remember this important rule - it applies to any makeup in which they are used.
  4. You can apply the main shade of shadows to the entire area of ​​the movable upper eyelid, or you can just use a neat arrow with an eyeliner or pencil.

Look at the photo for the step-by-step application of eye shadow.

Making out the lower eyelid

  1. In daytime makeup, the lower eyelid does not need to be let down. It is enough to lightly apply beige shadows along the lash line.
  2. To create an evening lower eyelid, it is better to decorate with shadows - apply either an outline color or a base shade. To make the bottom outline look nice and smoky, remember to carefully blend the clear borders.
  3. After the eyeshadow is applied and shaded, start painting the lashes with mascara. Do this slowly.

Natural / Day Makeup

The more natural the makeup, the more effort is required. Highlighting the eyes with the help of shadows, you need to remember about harmony, they should not be catchy. Therefore, a light daytime make-up is performed in natural colors - from light beige to brown. We propose to consider step by step a classic example of makeup.

  1. Take, for example, two shades of sandblack eyeshadow: lighter and darker.
  2. First, paint the upper eyelid area and brow line with light colors.
  3. A darker tone should be applied along the movable eyelid. Blend. Or draw a thin line with a pencil or eyeliner, followed by shading.
  4. Dye your eyelashes with mascara. Your daily makeup is ready.

Evening smoky ice

Festive makeup has a lot different techniques execution. Great idea for a beautiful evening - the application of loose shadows of a dark color with sparkles. But the most popular make-up is considered to be the well-known and popular smoky ice. Smoky effect can be performed in different style: light, dark, monochrome or color, you choose. Matte eyeshadow works best. But if you have a pencil shadow, it will be even more effective. To get the “right” haze, you need good shading. Perhaps this is the most important thing in this technique. It is she who reveals all the beauty and charm of makeup. Use any shade - brown, black, purple, etc.

  1. Start according to the scheme described above: cleansing, moisturizing the face, giving the eyebrows a well-groomed look.
  2. Apply a base under the eyeshadow on the eyelids.
  3. Close your eyes and draw a line with soft black pencil from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  4. Contour the upper and lower eyelids. Paint over the highlights of the skin between the lashes. Blend the border of the pencil with a soft brush.
  5. Use a flat brush to apply the dark shadows of your choice to the movable eyelid.
  6. Decorate the place under the eyebrows with a light shade. Using a feathering brush, starting from the outer corner of the eye, soften the border of the shadows. Work the eyelid carefully, blending the shadows.
  7. In some techniques for performing such makeup, the lower mucous membrane is well painted over with a pencil.
  8. The final stage is the application of mascara. Paint over the cilia thickly, preferably in two layers. Smoky Ice provides a smoky eye effect with thick, voluminous lashes.

  • It is advised to start with the eyebrows. Then - shadows on the eyelids, and only then proceed to the design of the line along the lower eyelid;
  • the transitions of shades of shadows should be soft and translucent. They must be shaded well;
  • remember: light shadows visually make the eyes look larger, dark ones - smaller. True, good shading corrects this matter (for example, using dark shadows in smokey-style makeup, ice does not diminish, but on the contrary, opens up more);
  • for expressive look carefully draw the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil, followed by shading;
  • if you do not know how to perfectly apply the eyeliner arrows, use a pencil shadow. With it you will get soft and even lines;
  • use quality eye makeup brushes. For example, the brush that comes with the shadows often does not create the desired effect;
  • the foundation for the eyeshadow is the cosmetic product that should be in your cosmetic bag. It "holds" the shadows, as a result of which they do not roll, do not crumble. With such a base, any make-up will be stable and even;
  • compact powdery eyeshadows are perfect for classic daytime make-up, for evening - creamy ones, using a black pencil.

The video below is an example of a simple, but spectacular makeup on every day.

  1. Oily, creamy eyeshadows are recommended for those with dry skin and for those who wear contact lenses.
  2. If you have drooping eyelids: Apply shadow only to open eyes. Otherwise, the makeup will hide behind the crease of the eyelid and "get lost". A dark tone is applied to the outer corner.
  3. For narrow eyes. If there are dark shadows, then only on the outer corners of the eyes. Ideally, pearlescent shadows. When creating a path, paint over outer edge thicker.
  4. For owners of round eyes, matte shadows in smoky shades are suitable. Dark shadows make them look narrower.
  5. To those who almond shape eyes, any type of makeup is suitable.
  6. For deep-set eyes, use matte shadows. No eyeliner recommended. Visually widen the eyes will help the application of light shadows on the upper eyelid and its fold.
  7. If you have wide-set eyes, your goal is to visually reduce the distance between them. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, in the middle of the eyelid - a tone darker, and on the inner corner of the eye - the most dark color... Use a pencil.
  8. With closely spaced eyes, the outer part of the eyelid should be highlighted. Raise the corners of the eyes towards the temporal part with the help of shadows of a dark color. Be sure to shade well.

Frequent practice will help you to achieve success in makeup. Try different variants, experiment. Only in this way will you learn to paint no worse than makeup artists. And don't discount the quality of your cosmetics.

Makeup is a very important part of any fashion female image... With its help, you can complete the image and skillfully place accents in it. It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and therefore most often it is the eye makeup that is given the most attention. Many women try to highlight their makeup with shadows - and thus diversify their fashionable image... In order for the eye makeup to be beautiful and perfectly complement the image, you need to know how to apply shadows correctly.

Features of eye makeup

Eye makeup is a very long and painstaking process. It must be done correctly and accurately, taking into account all important rules. Main feature This makeup is that with its help you can visually change the face, correct the shape of the eyes, transforming them.

  • Eyes can be made visually larger or smaller... Often, makeup artists use different shades shadows in order to enlarge the eyes.
  • Also, if you have fairly deep-set eyes, you can easily adjust this as well. With the help of such cosmetics, you can achieve many visual effects - for example, change the position of the eyes on the face. Having made up your eyes correctly, you can visually arrange them or, conversely, narrow them.
  • Another feature of makeup using shadows is that with help correct technique application, you can hide such age problem like an overhanging eyelid. It can be hidden, and the face will look more youthful, and the skin around the eyes will be tightened.
  • Feature of makeup with eyeshadows is that they need to be applied to a special base. This is very important rule... It must be observed so that the cosmetics do not roll off on the eyelids. This is especially true for eye makeup in hot weather.

Eye shadow makeup can transform your appearance and radically change your appearance. Therefore, it is important to follow all the recommendations of makeup artists and the basic rules for applying shadows.

Types of make-up

With the help of shadows, you can make all kinds of eye makeup.

Very unusual appearance make-up is a permanent make-up. This is a tattoo shading that is done by a specialist in a salon or clinic. Its feature is durability. With a special needle, pigments are injected under the skin, which color it. Your makeup will look just like your regular makeup, but you won't have to renew it every day. You will save yourself the hassle. But this makeup is not very popular, since not all women can decide on such a procedure. That is why many of them use ordinary cosmetic shadows, with their help you can create a wide variety of types of makeup.

You can purchase a pencil eye shadow... These products are very easy to apply and create a wet makeup feel. You can also do very light makeup while using loose eyeshadow. They fit very well on the skin, while they do not roll off at all, even if you do not apply a special base under them. They are great for any type of makeup. Such products are universal, but they must be applied with a special brush so as not to spill under the eyes.

The most popular eye shadow makeup is smoky eyes... This interesting makeup is a combination of light and dark shades, ranging from milky to black (with a predominance of tones of the latter). Such a make-up includes exactly this color scheme, and all shades smoothly blend into each other. This is usually pretty dark view makeup, which is most often used to create a stylish evening look. It is perfect for a party or other special occasion.

Some people prefer to do a monochromatic eyelid makeup using eyeshadow. Often it ends thin arrows along the century. This make-up is quite simple and versatile. Some people prefer to paint only the upper eyelid, but all makeup artists recommend coloring the lower eyelid as well, as this is an integral part of eye makeup with shadows. If you are doing a light daytime make-up, you can apply such cosmetics only on the upper eyelid.

Among the varieties of makeup with shadows, make-up with shading is distinguished., which is a neat distribution of colors and a softening of the borders between different shades... You can also highlight ordinary makeup without shading, which is brighter and more catchy. As a rule, makeup artists do not recommend dyeing eyelids without shading, since such makeup does not look harmonious and is only suitable for creating a daring look.

How to choose cosmetics?

The choice of eyeshadow will only depend on your desire.

You can buy baked eyeshadows that have a fairly dense structure. They are compressed to a very high quality and are exposed to various temperatures during creation. That is why they are usually pearlescent. They are very comfortable and easy to apply, they have a texture that does not roll down on the eyelids. The baked texture can make application very easy and quick.

The most common type of eyeshadow preferred by women is powdery eyeshadow.... As a rule, these are three-color shadows, but you can also use a palette with two colors. Usually palettes with two or three shades of shadows differ in that the tones from the same set are included in the same color scheme. They need to be used together, gently blurring the lines between them. There are palettes for daytime makeup, as well as for evening makeup. Some sets also include contrasting colors, but it is assumed that such shades will be used together - to create a striking image.

Many manufacturers produce palettes with 10, 12 and more shades. This is a very versatile kit that can be used to create any kind of eye makeup. Powder eyeshadows can be matte or glossy... It is best to opt for eyeshadows with a subtle metallic sheen, as they tend to adhere better to the eyelids. Some girls choose liquid eyeshadow, which can be presented both in a round jar and in a tube with a special brush.

A feature of such cosmetics is that before applying it, it is imperative to apply a base for the shadows. Otherwise, they will roll down very quickly, gaps will appear on your eyelids at the folds. This kind of eyeshadow only works well on a dry matte base. They should only be chosen if you plan to buy a product that will act as a basis for them. As a rule, these types of shadows are presented in a variety of bright colors, and all shades are very beautiful and rich.

This cosmetics is perfect for any special occasion.

How to apply correctly?

Eyeshadow is a cosmetic that must be applied correctly in order to achieve desired result... It is best to use step by step instructions, gradually applying different shades of eyeshadow on the eyelids. To learn how to beautifully highlight your eyes with shadows, you need to read the instructions for using such cosmetics.

The most in a simple way An application that beginners can also use is the darkening of the upper eyelid near the crease. At the same time, the inner and main parts of the eyelid are brightened, the gaze becomes more open, and the eyes become expressive. A couple of tones of this type of cosmetics will be enough for beginners, but to create a brighter professional makeup three colors must be used. A palette of three shades is perfect option for evening makeup.

To make perfect makeup with shadows, you need to adhere to a certain scheme..

  • First, you need to apply a base matte product to your eyelids. Its role can be fulfilled tone cream with a dense texture, as well as powder. The base is designed to even out the surface of the eyelids and relieve them of shine.
  • Then you need to start applying - from the outer corner of the upper eyelid(from the line that separates the movable and fixed parts). In this case, the eye should be half-open. To do this, you only need to use best brushes... This type of cosmetics is applied with special brushes or sponges along the entire fold. Note that this will be the darkest part of your makeup (excluding the arrows if you plan on drawing them).

  • After that, you need to move on to using a lighter shade of shadows, which need to cover the middle of the eyelid. It is better if these are light pearlescent shadows of the base shade. It is also important to use cosmetics that suit your type of appearance. This color should form the basis of your eye makeup. In addition, it should be combined with the eyeshadow that you put on the line between the movable part of the eyelid and the upper one. Try to choose a color that will lighter than the first 1 or 2 tones.
  • Then you need to take the lightest shadows that are in your palette.... They need to process the corner of the eye, which is in contact with the bridge of the nose. You should also apply them under the eyebrow to make the look more open. Instead of light shadows, you can also use a highlighter. Glitter eyeshadows are best applied to upper part century, and dark shadows it is recommended to paint a line along the crease or a line along the eyelid.

  • The next step is to bring harmony to your image.... To do this, you need to carefully shade the shadows, making the transitions smooth and softening the lines. This creates a subtle gradient effect that looks very feminine and romantic. You can stretch the shadows upward or to the sides - depending on the shape of the eyes (especially if you want to correct their shape). Some women apply eyeliner first, but this is wrong, because it is better to paint the eyelids with a pencil over the eyeshadow. The line can be thin and clear, or it can be wider, with feathering. You can emphasize hair color and eye tint by applying a line of the same color along the eyelid. This option is perfect for brunettes and brown-haired women.
  • By blending a line along the eyelid drawn with eyeliner, you can create the effect of haze or smoky eyes.... This makeup is very fashionable and relevant, it is perfect for creating an evening look. To make the eyes wider and the look more expressive, it is also necessary to make up the lower eyelid. His outer part should also be darker (compared to the inside). The line along the lower eyelid should be very thin.

Try not to use very bright shades, otherwise you may get the effect of fatigue or the appearance of circles under the eyes. You need to choose lighter and lighter shades.

  • After that, you can proceed to applying mascara, and then - lipstick... It is important to observe next rule: if you have brightly highlighted the eyes with shadows, it is better to make up the lips with a light shade. All makeup artists recommend focusing either on the eyes or on the lips.

Makeup Secrets

Makeup artists use important rules thanks to which they create real masterpieces themselves.

All masters recommend applying shadows on a matting base, since this way eye makeup lasts longer, and cosmetics lays down smoother and does not roll off during the day. In addition, such a base allows you to accurately convey the shade of the shadows. Makeup artists recommend using only high-quality eyeshadows. famous brands, since such funds do not crumble and do not form lumps.

Another rule that must be followed is that the shadows must be shaded. So you can radically change your makeup and improve it. Makeup artists believe that feathering is the main step in the process of applying eyeshadow, they do not recommend neglecting it. Very interesting secret shared by makeup artists: If you are not sure if any types of eyeshadow are compatible, you can purchase a makeup palette in which all colors will be uniquely combined. As a rule, they are presented in a palette of two to four colors. Makeup artists prohibit using more than 4 different eyeshadow colors when creating makeup. Otherwise, you can ruin your makeup, making it very flashy and vulgar.

So, the shadows need to be shaded, and all borders and transitions between different colors you need to make it soft and smooth. Such makeup will look restrained and harmonious.

All makeup artists agree that to create day make-up great compact powdery eyeshadow as they have a very light texture. For such a make-up, and are perfect loose shadows.

If you want to create evening look , then for makeup it is better to use t yeni pencil or cream eyeshadow because they have a softer texture and more pronounced shades. They fit well on the eyelids and allow you to do bright accent before our eyes.

Another secret that makeup artists share is that they don't use liquid eyeliner when creating eyeshadow makeup. They usually replace it with eyeliner, as it is much more convenient to apply to the eyelids painted with shadow. Plus, it can be easily shaded to create a hazy effect. This helps to hide puffy eyelids.

All experts recommend choosing shadows in accordance with the type of appearance, as well as choosing them for a specific occasion (and it is necessary to decide whether specific shades are appropriate). Makeup artists advise do not resort to bright makeup with shadows in daytime and also do not use "poisonous" shades. Otherwise, you can create a sickly appearance and add pallor to your face. For evening out they recommend picking shiny glitters.

Common mistakes

Women who do makeup for the first time or for hastily, very often make mistakes when creating a make-up with the help of shadows.

  • One of the most common such mistakes is that they shade shadows insufficiently... So the ladies spoil the makeup, making it more vulgar. It is necessary to smooth out the transitions between shades, bring the make-up to the ideal. To do this, you need to use a special applicator - a sponge, which usually comes with an eye shadow (or a special brush).
  • The next mistake when applying eye shadow is that women do not know the measure. They put a lot on the eyelids, and their makeup becomes not elegant and natural, but vulgar and catchy. This rule can only be violated if you are going to any theme party... The number of shadows will depend not only on the thickness of such a coating, but also on its area. Try not to apply the shadow to your brows. It is better to leave a small gap between the eyes and eyebrows, otherwise the makeup will be ruined.

How to choose correct makeup and what kind of eyeshadow to use - very topical issues... You will find the answers to them by reading this article.

Eyeshadows have become an integral part of ladies' dressing. Depending on the color and saturation of the shadows, you can create absolutely any, even the most fantastic image. However, not all girls know how to navigate huge selection shadows and their shades. This article will help you learn how to choose the right shadow.

What kind of eyeshadow are there?

Eyeshadows come in several types.

Depending on the consistency:

  • cream
  • crumbly
  • mineral
  • liquid
  • baked
  • pencil shadow

Depending on the structure and nature of the color itself:

  • matte
  • pearlescent
  1. Which shade to choose depends primarily on the specific situation. For example, for everyday wear, they will do quite well. crumbly or mineral shadows
  2. But shadows with creamy texture will create extra shine and the effect of pretentiousness of the image. It is better to save them for special occasions.
  3. Shadow pencil have a rather fat structure and are not suitable for owners oily skin century, although they are easy to apply
  4. But liquid shadows are becoming more and more popular. They are also easy to apply, but you need to be extremely careful with them, as with cream eyeshadows - an unnatural shine can turn out that does not paint at all
  5. Baked Shadows always pearlescent and have a uniform consistency, fit well, without lumps. These eyeshadows are ideal for long-term wear as they will not crumble

How to apply cream eyeshadow?

Cream eyeshadow is one of the most available funds for creating festive image... They are suitable for dry and normal skin of the eyelids, but with oily skin they can roll off. There are certain rules for applying cream shadows:

  • you need to apply cream shadows on well-cleansed skin, otherwise there is a high probability that the shadows will lie unevenly and after a couple of hours after application they will clog into the folds of the eyelid
  • to apply creamy shadows, you must use a special base under the shadow, but not powder or foundation. Eyeshadow ingredients can react with powder and cause unwanted effects.
  • It is highly discouraged to use a brush. With its help, shadows with a delicate creamy structure can only be smudged. These shadows are applied with your fingers.
  • do not mix any other, for example, loose, with cream eyeshadow. Because of different structure you will only ruin your makeup

How to apply loose eyeshadow?

Loose eyeshadow has an unpleasant feature. Despite the fact that they fit very well on the eyelid and can mix with each other, creating a gradient, they easily clog into the folds of the skin, creating the effect of an aged eye. To avoid this, the following rules must be observed:

  • cleanse well and degrease the skin of the eyelids before applying loose eyeshadow
  • on the clean skin lid, apply a base under the eyeshadow or concealer. This is necessary so that the shadows do not roll.
  • first on the entire eyelid, as well as the inner part of the eye and the fixed eyelid, apply matte shadows of the same shade as your skin. This will create additional bonding of the eyeshadow to the skin of the eyelids.
  • always wear makeup starting with the lightest color
  • Always blend the borders of the eyeshadow for a more natural look

How to do eye makeup in stages?

Make it right and beautiful make-up not difficult for the eyes. Moreover, his techniques almost always coincide.

  • before starting work, cleanse the skin, apply the base under the eyeshadow on the eyelid
  • then apply powder or concealer to your face to hide blemishes
  • after the work on the skin is finished, you can start making up the eyes. To do this, apply the lightest shade in your makeup palette to the entire shadow area. Or just beige. V in this case beige matte shadows are taken
  • the fold under the fixed upper eyelid is darkened more dark shade from the same color scheme. In the photo - warm brown
  • the upper bounds highlight beige shading
  • under the eyebrow lighten even more light color than the previous one to create the effect of deep-set eyes
  • the same shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye as under the eyebrow
  • then, using eyeliner, carefully draw arrows
  • finish makeup usually with mascara or false eyelashes

This is the simplest application technique. natural makeup for eyes. Nevertheless, it is very relevant, especially now, when naturalness is in fashion.

How to remove eye makeup correctly?

There are two ways to properly remove eye makeup:

In the first case, it is necessary to cotton pad drip a few drops of oil and remove makeup by simply swiping a cotton pad over the desired places. Then you need to wash your face with plain warm water and remove excess oil with cotton wool or a towel. This method is considered sparing, but is not inferior in its effectiveness. traditional method... In addition, it nourishes the skin of the eyelids, preventing it from aging prematurely.

Suitable oils for makeup remover:

  • grape seed
  • almond
  • coconut
  • peach
  • apricot
  • wheat germ

The method of removing eye make-up with the help of special products for this purpose is considered traditional.

  • Moisten a cotton swab or disc with makeup remover and apply the disc or swab over your eyes. Take off your makeup in a minute
  • or a slightly different way: moisten a cotton pad with a makeup remover, and then remove makeup from the eyes with massaging movements

After using the makeup remover, be sure to wash your face with water and wipe it down with toner.

What kind of brushes do you need for eye makeup?

There is now great amount makeup brushes. They are sold in whole sets, and the price for them is often exorbitant.

If you are a beginner, you only need 4 brushes: a regular eyeshadow brush, a feather brush, a flat brush, and a beveled eyeliner brush.

  1. Blending brush. Needed to create a high-quality gradient. Blurs the boundaries of a color. Suitable for both light and dark shades
  2. The flat brush is suitable for working with a moving eyelid. Most often, the inner corner of the eye is highlighted for her.
  3. The angled brush is primarily used for applying eyeliner or liquid shadows... When buying, pay attention to the fact that the cut of the brush is even. The quality of the line depends on it
  4. The eyeshadow brush is a basic brush, it is not difficult to buy it, it will serve you for a long time. Don't skimp on it. Buy the nicest of budget options... The quality of your makeup depends on it. This brush is ideal for highlighting the crease under the upper eyelid.

What color of shadow suits blue eyes

  • For blue eyes various cold shades are suitable. First of all, it is pink, silver and purple.
  • If you want to do a bright eye makeup - choose the color of aqua, turquoise or indigo. This will make your eyes brighter and more expressive.
  • Muted brown shades are also suitable for blue eyes, with a preference for a muted brown (also called taupe). This will create an attractive haze.
  • Owners of blue eyes can safely experiment with pink shadows of all shades: from pale pink (almost white) to bright pink, and even the color of fuchsia in blue-eyed beauties will look spectacular. Of course, such makeup is festive and not suitable for everyday wear.

What color of eyeshadow suits brown eyes?

  • The owners of brown eyes are very lucky. By nature, their eye color is very expressive and it is always noticeable, in contrast to gray eyes, For example
  • To add even more charm to brown eyes, use cool browns, olive, sea and blue shades.
  • When choosing eyeshadows, brown-eyed beauties should pay attention to the shade of the skin and hair. But anyway a safe bet there may be brown-olive and dark brown shades
  • Black, purple, green and even yellow shades can also favorably emphasize the depth and brightness of brown eyes

What color of eyeshadow suits gray eyes?

  • The gray color of the eyes is quite beautiful, but not always expressive. Very often it is simply not visible, and the eyes look colorless, empty
  • To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right shade of shadows. Most often, silvery, gray, greenish and pink-purple shades look spectacular on gray eyes. Warm browns can be used in some cases.
  • Blue and blue shades shadows are also suitable for owners of gray eyes. This will make your eyes look brighter, but nevertheless much more harmonious.
  • In some cases, gray-eyed girls can do without bright shades altogether, but simply lighten the inner corner of the eye and apply eyeliner to the movable eyelid

Makeup in the style of "smokey ice" will look great.

What eye shadow suits green eyes?

  • Green eyes are the most beautiful and mysterious. All shades of brown are suitable for them. Makeup in warm peach tones looks very fresh.
  • In some cases, smokey ice makeup will look good.
  • The use of blue, pink and red shades is not allowed
  • But the rich plum shades green eyes fit. The look turns out to be mysterious
  • Green eyes are very bright in themselves, so there is often no point in highlighting them somehow. How easier makeup green-eyed beauty, the more she will attract admiring glances

Makeup with golden shadows

Gold eyeshadow can be matched to almost any eye color. There are so many shades.

Here the rule applies: what lighter than eyes, so darker shade golden shadows and vice versa. Owners of brown eyes should choose a light gold shade, and blue-eyed girls should choose a dark gold color.

Makeup with golden shadows looks very impressive and festive. However, if you do not overdo it with mother-of-pearl, then it can quite come off as a daily.

Owners fair skin you should be careful with golden shadows. The darker the shade you choose, the redder the eyes will appear and the overall look will be painful.

Makeup with purple eyeshadow

Makeup with bright purple shadows looks very impressive on brown eyes.

In general, the darker the color of the eyes, the more saturated shade purple should be chosen.

Much depends on the shade of purple:

  • plum shade - green and gray eyes
  • muted purple - gray and blue-gray
  • pink-purple will suit brown
  • red- or black-violet - to the owners dark eyes and dark skin

Not worth it in quality everyday option use purple... Since it is very intense, it is more suitable for the evening.

Eye makeup with green shadows

Green eyeshadows are suitable for hazel, hazel, olive and gray eyes.

It is worth remembering that almost no one suits a bright green shade or light green.

How brighter color the eye, the more muted shade of green eyeshadow is worth choosing.

Smoky green eye shadow suits almost everyone, and dark green is closest to brown eyes.

Eye makeup with black and white and black shadows

Black and white makeup suits any eye color. It all depends on the saturation of black and its amount.

Such makeup can be used both as evening and as everyday. It is done very simply, according to the standard scheme given at the beginning of the article.

To make sure that black and white makeup the eye is universal, below are a few photos.

Eye makeup with silvery shadows

  • Makeup with silver eyeshadows is more suitable for going out
  • This makeup will suit the owners of light dim eyes. Most often these are gray or gray-blue eyes.
  • Green-eyed girls should refrain from this type of makeup.
  • Depending on the color of your skin, you can get different effects. A girl with light skin, silver makeup will add a touch of mystery, make the look and image very light
  • For owners of dark skin, silvery shadows will give an open look

Eye makeup with pink shadows

  • The color pink is very moody. It is difficult to say exactly who will suit the pink eyeshadow. A lot depends on the shade
  • However, we can say that it is unlikely that pink shadows will look impressive on green eyes. If only there is a goal to add contrast
  • On blue and brown eyes pink color looks pretty good. But again it all depends on the shade

The right makeup for eyes with a drooping eyelid

There are certain rules for overhanging makeup:

  • you can not use pearlescent shadows. Choose matte shades... Especially for the inner corner of the eye.
  • makeup for the impending century is done strictly on open eyes... Because the fold under the upper fixed eyelid will have to be drawn by ourselves.
  • shadows need to be shaded very carefully
  • avoid creamy eyeshadow. They can lie unevenly and cannot be shaded.
  • be sure to create a gradient to visually lift the eyelid
  • arrows are also drawn on open eyes
  • highlight the area under the eyebrow. This will lift your upper eyelid.
  • do not use very dark shades
  • be sure to make the moving eyelid lighter so that it can be seen
  • generously color the upper lashes, directing from to outer corners eye

Eye makeup base

  • Not a single shadow will stick well on your eyes if you don't choose the right base.
  • You can use concealer as a base under the eyeshadow. V individual cases powder will do. But the foundation will surely be hammered into the folds of the skin.
  • Ideal - a branded foundation under the eyeshadow. It can be found in specialized stores... Since she refers to professional means, then it is usually not cheap. But with it, your shadows will never begin to crumble, and your makeup will be fresh even after 8 hours of wearing.

The right makeup for small eyes

To make small eyes visually larger, you need to follow these rules:

  • do not use eyeliner on the lower eyelid
  • highlight the immobile upper eyelid, the area under the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye
  • don't use very dark shadows
  • be sure to darken the crease under the upper eyelid
  • draw neat arrows only on the upper eyelid
  • dye only the upper lashes. The lower ones can be painted rarely and only from the outside of the eye.
  • the lighter shade you choose, the more your eyes will appear

Eye makeup with arrows shadows

  • It is quite easy to draw arrows with shadows. To do this, you need to use special brush, which was mentioned earlier in the article. This is a beveled brush
  • You need to use such a brush in the same way as regular eyeliner or with a pencil. The only caveat is that shadows may start to fall, be prepared for this.
  • These arrows look much more natural than eyeliner arrows.

Video: Makeup for the impending century