Scenario of a traditional wedding. Scenario of a classic wedding. Suitable scenarios for the holiday

8h00-9h30m. The arrival of a stylist-hairdresser, work on the image of the bride. Classical is recommended for Russian style Wedding hairstyle and make-up, the wedding dress is selected according to the figure, but the style implies fluffy skirt and lace. Color wedding dress in Russia it was red, but due to mixing different cultures, it is assumed that White color traditional and festive at the wedding.

8h30 Delivery of cars to the groom's house (usually three cars are enough: a black Mercedes for the groom, a white Lincoln for the bride and a minibus for guests, but you can limit yourself to two wedding cars).

8h30-9h00m. Decoration of cars with flowers and ribbons (the hood of the Newlyweds' car is decorated with a bouquet of flowers and ribbons, other cars are decorated only with ribbons and balloons).

9h00-9h15m. Blessing of the groom by parents (if the groom and parents are believers, then a good tradition at the wedding is to read a prayer before the road).

9h15m-10h00m. The road from the groom's house to the bride's house (the groom, the witness, the groom's friends, and parents and relatives go to the bride at will). It is advisable to allocate time on the road with a margin so that once again do not be nervous.

10h00m. The groom's arrival at the bride's house, which is accompanied by loud car horns and, if possible, playing a musical instrument (bayan, guitar).

On the porch of the house (entrance) the wedding delegation is met by the bridesmaid and bridesmaids. Two girlfriends block with help satin ribbon the entrance to the entrance, and the witness holds a tray in her hands, on which there are three caskets, one of which contains scissors. (For organization wedding ransom bride, you can invite a folk ensemble or toastmaster).

The witness turns to the groom: - According to the old Russian tradition, the groom must pass 3 tests and earn the favor of the bride. The first test is to cut the ribbon with the magic scissors that are inside one of the three boxes. The first attempt costs $5, the second $10, the third $20.

After the groom's first wedding test, the witness talks about the second: - Climbing the stairs to the apartment (room) of the bride, the groom must make promises on each step (if the bride lives on a high floor, then promises are made on the steps of the last 2-3 flights).

For example: - I promise to give flowers to the bride every Saturday. If the groom skips a step, then for each unspoken promise 5 c.u. At the end of the second wedding test, the witness brings the groom to the door behind which the bride is, and announces the third test: - 10 identical paper hearts, on one of them is written the name of the bride. The groom must find a heart with the name of the bride. Each wrong attempt5 c.u. A wedding is a wedding!

Then, everyone raises glasses of champagne for the happiness of the newlyweds and goes to the wedding palace.

10h30-11h30. The road from the bride's house to the marriage palace.

11h30-12h00. Preparation for the wedding ceremony, interview for the video film.

12h00-12h30. Wedding ceremony.

12:30-1:00 pm Witnesses, friends and relatives congratulate the newlyweds, then general photo for memory and again a toast in honor of the young. The groom, to the applause of the guests, takes the bride out of the palace in his arms, and together with the guests go to church.

13h00-13h45. The road from the wedding palace to the church.

13h45-14h00. Preparing for the wedding.

14h00-14h45. Wedding ceremony.

14h45-15h00. Congratulations and a toast in honor of the divine conduct that united the newlyweds.

15h00-17h00. Walk. The newlyweds drive up to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where they release two white doves, which symbolizes peace and love in the family, and this ceremony also contains a deep exoteric meaning. Then the newlyweds go for a walk on Red Square, and by doing so they pay tribute to the city of Moscow and our ancestors. Also, there are many more to visit. beautiful places, for example: Poklonnaya Gora, Novodevichy Convent, observation deck on Sparrow Hills or one of the estates in Moscow and the Moscow region.

* An important factor is the time of the walk, it must be correctly calculated. Approximately 1 hour on the road and visiting one of the walking places within Moscow on a day off, and 1.5-2 hours on weekdays. The walk can be described in more detail in the wedding scenario.

16h30. Invitation of guests to the restaurant (Parents of the newlyweds come to the restaurant in advance). Guests should be invited to a restaurant (cafe, banqueting hall) 30-40 minutes before the arrival of the newlyweds.

Wedding banquet.

17:00 The wedding cortege arrives at the restaurant. On the porch, the newlyweds are met by: the toastmaster (a professional artist or the most active and cheerful of the guests), the parents of the bride and groom, and guests. In the center are mothers, along the edges of the father, and guests in a semicircle. The mother of the bride holds an icon in her hands (if "young" believers), the mother of the groom holds a loaf with a salt shaker on a painted towel, the father has two glasses of champagne. The toastmaster distributes to all guests a handful of sweets, wheat (millet, rice), small money.

Toastmaster (host): - We meet our "Young", may God carry them in his arms!

Guests shower the bride and groom with sweets, wheat and money, which symbolizes good luck in life, beautiful children and wealth. Then, to thunderous applause, the newlyweds approach their parents.

Mother of the bride: - I bless you for this union and may your family be strong and friendly! He crosses the newlyweds with an icon and kisses the bride and groom.

Groom's Mom: - By ancient custom so that your house is a full bowl, taste bread and salt.

Tamada (host): - First you need to salt the loaf. Whoever salts more will play the solo part in the family! Now break the loaf. Whoever breaks more will be the head of the family! Now bite off the piece that you broke off. Whoever bites off the most will be the first ... (after a pause) yield in all disagreements!

After the "young" have tasted the bread and salt, the toastmaster or folklore ensemble sings the song "My Charochka", and dads bring glasses of champagne to the newlyweds (the father of the bride to the groom, the father of the groom to the bride). The newlyweds drink champagne and throw glasses over their left shoulder for good luck. Glasses are broken, and a flurry of applause is heard. Then the toastmaster invites everyone to go to the center of the hall and asks the guests to congratulate the newlyweds and present flowers.

*In the continuation, the folklore ensemble can perform the traditional wedding song"Oh, this wedding."

5:15 p.m. The toastmaster (host) invites the newlyweds and guests to the table and talks about the seating rules for wedding table(the table is usually placed with the letter "P" or the letter "T").

Toastmaster (host): - Dear friends I ask everyone to festive table. At the head of the table sit "young", next to the witnesses, then parents, grandparents and close relatives, then friends and acquaintances.

After the newlyweds and guests have taken their places, the toastmaster continues:

Dear friends and guests, I ask you to fill your glasses and draw your attention to our young couple.

In Russia, this is how it is, at the wedding, guests drink wine,

Let us support, here gathered together, the custom of the first Russians,

For the happiness of the bride and groom, let's raise our first glass!

Tamada together with the guests: - Advice, yes love!

Toastmaster (host): - At our celebration (wedding) there are people to whom our newlyweds literally owe their lives. These wonderful people led the newlyweds life path, worried about them and shared joys and failures. These people are the parents of our "young". And I am pleased to give the floor to the groom's parents - the patronymic names of the parents.

Groom's parents toast.

And now I am pleased to give the floor to the parents of the bride - the patronymic names of the parents.

Musical break - 10 minutes (people eat).

Toastmaster (host): - Many wedding ceremonies and traditions change over time. Literally some 20-30 years ago, everything was different. And in our hall there are people with great life and family experience, these are the grandparents of our "young". It is to them that I now want to give the floor.

Grandparents' wedding toast.

Tamada (host): - After the wedding, the newlyweds often have disagreements about who will do what at home. To prevent these disputes, the distribution of family responsibilities will now take place.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to go to the center of the hall, where there are 10 balloons, in which 9 pieces of paper with the duties of "young" are invested, for example: I will give birth to children, I will raise children, I will earn money, I will spend money, I will drive a car, I will clean the apartment, I will bring coffee to bed , I will wash the dishes, I will go to rest. 100 USD is placed in the tenth ball, whoever gets this ball will be the family financier. Also, there is a tradition that these $100 should be kept and sealed in a frame, and they will bring good luck in prosperity and in the family business.

The newlyweds take turns piercing the balloons and reading out their family obligations.

6:15 p.m. Dance of the newlyweds - the toastmaster invites the newlyweds to the first a wedding dance. After the dance of the "young", the toastmaster announces the dance of the witnesses and the dance of the parents.

18h30 Dance break - 30 minutes.

19h00m. Tamada invites the newlyweds and guests to the table.

19h10m. Serving hot snacks.

19h20m. Tamada (host) announces the start of the official ceremony of congratulations and presentation of gifts to the Newlyweds. This rite in the common people is called "ceremonial detour".

Guests come up to a young family, congratulate the bride and groom, give a gift and raise their glasses to the happiness and health of the newlyweds. There is also another version of the "ceremonial round" at the wedding, when witnesses with a tray in their hands go around the table clockwise, while everyone is presented with a glass of wine and collect gifts. On average, the "ceremonial tour" ceremony lasts about 30 minutes, based on 50-60 guests.

*Tamada only coordinates the "ceremonial detour", but does not participate in it himself.

19h50m. Before the musical break, in order to prepare the guests for dancing, the toastmaster holds a competition, which consists in the following: the "host of the program" invites 3-4 pairs of participants and gives each pair one balloon three-quarters inflated. A pair of participants, without the help of hands, pinches the ball between themselves. Cheerful music sounds, for example "lambada". The task is to make the balloon explode during the dance.

20h00m. Dance break - 45 minutes.

20h45. Tamada invites everyone to the table.

21h00m. Serving hot, light music sounds.

21h20m. Tamada provides 2-3 toasts at will.

9:35 p.m. Toastmaster: - Dear newlyweds, the sages say that love brings together, it is true. But, in order not to be unfounded, I invite you to the center of the hall and ask you to move away from each other by 10 steps. Now I ask each of you in turn to take steps towards meeting your betrothed and betrothed, while calling each other affectionate words.

When the newlyweds join in an embrace, the toastmaster proclaims: - Love truly unites!

* Games, tests and competitions - they really enliven the wedding scenario, but don't be zealous! A wedding is not a TV game or a quiz!

21h50m. Dance break - 30 minutes.

22h20. The host invites everyone to the table and announces the culmination of the wedding program. Is distributed solemn music, and they bring into the hall the wedding cake.

The newlyweds cut the cake, try it themselves and treat the guests.

22h30. Dessert.
22h45. Tamada talks about the tradition of the wedding bouquet and garter, and invites the bride and groom to the center of the hall. Then, the toastmaster invites to the center of the hall unmarried girls, it is to them that the bride throws bridal bouquet, and after that unmarried men who fight for possession wedding garter. According to tradition, those who caught the bouquet and garter will meet their love within a year and then play a wedding.

22h55. And ends wedding evening the official speech of the newlyweds, in which they thank their parents, friends and relatives for helping to organize (hold) the wedding and come on this significant day to congratulate the newlyweds.

23h00m. End of the wedding program.

But there is not always money for the holiday. Note that you can earn money for a wedding celebration by trading on the Forex currency market.

Classic weddings always look beautiful and harmonious. Despite the latest trends in the creation of original wedding scenarios , it is a classic wedding that will always be bright and memorable.

After registration at the registry office and a walk, the newlyweds drive up in a wedding cortege to the place of the banquet. On the steps they are met by the groom's parents with a loaf and salt.

Leading: We offer you, dear newlyweds, to break the loaf to find out who will be the head of the family. If you do not want to, then you can solve this issue yourself every day of your life together.

The newlyweds thank the guests for their participation and good advice and offer to share the loaf with them.

Father of the Bride: Dear guests, according to the old custom, when two families come together, they share together holiday meal. We invite you to the table.

Guests enter the hall, and a red ribbon appears in front of the young people or the door closes.

Host: Here is your first obstacle, but not the only one in life. Remember that every decision must be made on family council then all obstacles will be overcome by you together.

To the solemn music, the young people enter the hall together, where they are met by guests with flowers and.

Leading: On this solemn day, two families became related, and each of you had new relatives. Let's get to know each other better and give the floor to close friends of the family.

Host: kind wedding tradition is considered to be a gift to the young. We all know that giving gifts is as rewarding as receiving them. Parents, congratulate the newlyweds.

Host: We've all been looking forward to this holiday, and this event was the most desirable for the parents of our lovely newlyweds. Let me thank you for raising such wonderful children and bow low from everyone who has gathered in this hall.

Guests stand to drink for the parents of the newlyweds.

Moderator: Please wait a minute! Today, many congratulatory telegrams. Here are some of them: I will arrive with a gift on time. Stork. Please learn the language family relations. Foreign language.

Let the rest of the guests read other telegrams. The author of the most original telegram is given a gift.

Host: And now a wedding waltz sounds for the bride and groom. First day family life do your marital dance.

After the first dance, other guests join the newlyweds on the dance floor. The pause lasts about 25 minutes, after which everyone sits down at the table again.

Host: In the old days, there were many ways to find out about the character of a girl and a guy. And we also have the opportunity to understand whether the newly-made spouses are ready to “eat a pood of salt”. Dear guests and relatives of the bride and groom, ask questions, and let the young people answer.

Sample questions: What are the bride's favorite flowers, what size shoes does the groom wear, what color are the mother-in-law's eyes, what football team does the groom support, etc. The facilitator needs to record the number of correct answers.

Host: This is just a game and you should not be upset, because the results are comic. And since then, all relatives who helped the young are given honorary titles. The groom's father is the father-in-law, the groom's mother is the mother-in-law, the bride's father is the father-in-law, the bride's mother is the mother-in-law, the bride's sister is the sister-in-law, the groom's sister is the sister-in-law, the groom's brother is the brother-in-law.

Leading: At all times, all peoples had special treatment to the fire. Fire is a symbol of home, hearth and life. We ask those who gave birth to beautiful newlyweds to light candles as a symbol of a long married life.

Mothers light candles and with their help pass the fire to one big candle, which is found in young people.

Leading: May the fire of parental warmth be in your hearts all your life, and your feelings for each other will never go out.

Newlyweds: Dear guests, we want this day to remain in your memory forever, so we want to give you small souvenirs.

After the presentation of gifts, a melody sounds, and married couple performs a farewell dance.

We also note that interesting wedding articles can be read on this site.

Young people come to the venue wedding banquet. The road along which they will walk is covered with a long carpet path. It should lead from the place where the newlyweds' car will stop to the very table.
Sign: in order for the wedding to go well, before going to bed on the eve of the celebration, the bride should put a mirror under the pillow.
At the entrance to the banquet hall, the newlyweds are greeted by the groom's parents with bread and salt. The bride and groom break off a piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it. The meaning of this ceremony is to wish young people wealth.
On the way of the newlyweds to the table, the guests form a kind of tunnel of hands: standing on both sides of the path, they hold each other's hands, raising them. The newlyweds must pass through this tunnel, which symbolizes the road to happiness.

A sign of good luck: an odd number of guests should be present at the wedding.

At the end of the tunnel, the bride's parents meet the young with a cup (glass) of wine, from which the groom first drinks, and then the bride. Then the groom drinks what his chosen one did not finish (as a sign of respect for her), and breaks the glass on the floor. The newlyweds walk along the broken pieces to the table. The bowl is a symbol of unity. It is smashed for happiness and passed through the fragments as a sign of farewell to the past.

Sign: so that there are no quarrels in the family, after the marriage, the young should look in one mirror.

From now on, all the obstacles that you will face in life, you will overcome together. And the first hurdle you have to overcome right now. If you do this, then you can handle the rest.

The groom must take his beloved in his arms and step over the ribbon.

The witness invites guests to the table:

Please come to the table, dear guests! May you have fun.

The guests are seated at the table.


Let's raise our glasses to the young!

Guests uncork bottles of champagne, pour the drink into glasses.


Dear guests! Let's not forget why we're here today. And we gathered for the sake of the newlyweds. So let's wish them to go through life only together. Let their hearts beat in unison!


Let bad weather not overtake you in life,

Let only happiness accompany you.

We raise glasses for peace in the family,

We wish you boundless love.

So that there is more sense in your life,

All the guests will now shout loudly: “Bitter!”

The guests pick up the call of the witness, the young kiss each other. The guests are having a drink.

Before our eyes, a miracle happened today - was born new family. But the family is not only love, but also a duty, respect and reverence for each other. This our newlyweds still have to learn. And to make it easier for them, the witnesses will now read to them the “Moral Code of the Family”.

Witnesses in order:

You, husband, always love your wife,

And if you scold, then forgive.

You can't do without tact

You don't get mad at her jokes.

You are not in court, not a prosecutor,

Very fast for accusations

Don't be, otherwise it's a shame

Resolve a family dispute.

Wife, claims, reproaches

Any marriage is shortened.

Do not humiliate, do not criticize your spouse,

Even though it will be very, very difficult.

Don't make decisions for your spouse

Decide together, not each other.


Happy wedding day, family, congratulations

Good luck, we wish you happiness!

Live well, love each other

After all, from this day on, you are the spouse of the spouse.

May your life always be bright

And there will be love above all,

May happiness save her from evil,

Everyone will find in each other what they are looking for.

Let your life flow like a river

On the road that knows no barriers!

And let over your head

Only three constellations are burning.

One constellation - Love,

Other - Loyalty and Happiness,

And the third is just kindness.

Let them sparkle over the family

So that all dreams come true.

The toastmaster offers a drink to make the wishes of the parents come true.

Dear parents of the bride and groom! Thank you for raising such wonderful children. Thank you for the sleepless nights, for your love and tenderness, for your exactingness and severity, for the fact that your eyes shine with happiness when you look at your children! Your children love you and are ready to bow to you for all that you have done for them.

The newlyweds leave the table and bow to their parents, after which the toastmaster offers a toast to the parents of the bride and groom. For some time, the guests drink and eat, then the toastmaster offers to drink for the witnesses.

You can entertain your guests from the very beginning. festive feast. To do this, when the wedding table is set, as if by chance they forget to put the forks, which are subsequently sold to guests for a nominal fee. Money from the sale of cutlery is given to the newlyweds.

Dear guests! Now I will ask you to get your wallets. After all, a wedding is not only a fun and joyful event, but also a commercial one. So you will have to help the newlyweds to put together an initial capital. But they will not remain indebted to you either. They will give any of you their very a passionate kiss. But make no mistake, they won't kiss you. They kiss, of course, with each other. But only for those of you who will give a large amount for their kiss.

So kiss the newlyweds! The starting price is (amount) rubles. Who is bigger?

A comic bargaining begins, the price of the kiss grows every minute, and in the end the toastmaster announces that the kiss has been sold. Young people dedicate their kiss to the one who gave the largest amount for it.

It is considered a good omen if it rains on the wedding day.

After that, the toastmaster gives the floor to those who wish. Guests make toasts, drink and eat.

Witness, referring to the groom: - Friend! Are you sure you took an unmarried wife? Have you carefully examined it for flaws? Let's check her suitability together.

The witness offers the bride to fully dress the doll in a minute - from shoes to a hat.

After she copes with the task, the witness solemnly reads her technical passport.

Technical passport for wife

Wife: full name

Purpose: for exploitation as a wife, mother, and later - grandmother.

Applicable: for planning family budget, cooking and raising children.

Specification: weight and height are ideal; completeness is missing; waist and breast size correspond to the tastes of the husband; health is normal; nervous system strong.

Storage and guarantee: protect against falling, accidental shocks and direct impact of psychological and even more rude physical strength, as this complicates the further exploitation of the wife, leads to the wear and tear of her body and the weakening of sensuality.

If the storage conditions and operating rules are met, the validity of the wife is not limited.

After that, the witness proposes a toast to the young wife. Guests drink and eat.


We checked the young wife. She is all right. Is it so good for a newly-made husband? Girlfriend, when you chose it, did you take a good look at it? Is everything functioning normally with him? Let's check the groom in action.

The witness gives the groom four pieces of wood, a plank, a hammer and nails, and offers to put together a table in five minutes. In this case, the groom can call for help from one of the guests. After he completes the task, the guests are invited to drink for his success. Guests drink and eat.


Dear friend! Now you have this wonderful table that you can take to your apartment. Since the groom was caught benign, I want to give the bride a technical passport for him, so that she knows how to exploit her husband in domestic conditions.

Husband's technical passport

Husband: full name

It is used: for exploitation as a husband, father, and later - grandfather.

Technical characteristics: average weight, ideal height; completeness is satisfactory; wealthy health.

Storage and guarantee: store on a soft sofa; Subject to compliance with the operating rules, performance is guaranteed up to 60 years and even more.

The witness then proposes a toast to the groom. Guests drink and eat.


Marriage between (full name of the groom and full name of the bride) is invalid.


And why is that?


Because I have not seen the order to appoint this wonderful couple as husband and wife. The wedding is cancelled! Dear guests, go home.


Dear guests! Don't go anywhere. Our witness appears to have had too much to drink. With whom there is no wedding ... You forgive him. He was wrong about the order. There is such a document. It will now be read to you by the marshal of the active army of married couples.

The grandfather or father of one of the newlyweds is invited as a marshal.

Order to create a family

Today (date) at (time) a new family was formed and registered. In accordance with the Law on Marriage and Family, I order:

Call for a valid indefinite service of a bachelor (groom's name) as he passed medical commission and found fit for military family life;

Assign him in connection with this the title of "husband", his mother - "mother-in-law", his father - "father-in-law";

In connection with the transition from a serene girlish life to a female share, a citizen (the name of the bride) should be considered married and given the title of “spouse”, her mother - “mother-in-law”, her father - “father-in-law”;

Assign (groom's name) and (bride's name) honorary title"family";

The above family should consistently increase the number of its members;

Appear with parents at least once a month and treat them with due respect and attention;

The order to announce to all those present, approve it with glasses of wine so that (the name of the groom) tries to earn money with his honest service another title- "Father of the family"

Guests drink and eat. This is followed by the introduction of the guests to each other. IN comic form toastmaster introduces all the guests. This is followed by a toast to those present.

Dear guests! With your permission

We are starting a giveaway!

Give gifts to the young

To make them happy.

Each guest who wants to give a gift to the young raises a glass, says a toast in honor of the bride and groom, and then hands over a gift or puts money on a tray.

The parents of the newlyweds choose in advance a relative who will collect money or gifts.

in Thailand during wedding ceremony newlyweds, entwined with garlands, sit on their knees and hold hands. The oldest relative of the husband puts the hands of the bride and groom into the water, after which he declares them husband and wife.

After that, the guests drink and eat for some time. Then the groom's friend and the bride's girlfriend take the floor. They read out to the guests and newlyweds the "Order of the Federation of Girlfriends" and the "Order of the Society of Bachelors."

Girlfriends Federation Decree

The insidious enemy (name of the groom) snatched from our ranks a fighter for women's freedom(name of the bride). In this regard, we have decided that the bride must:

In financial matters, observe the division of labor: give the husband the honorable right to earn money, and take on the impossible and responsible task of spending it;

Avoid the presence of the husband during the process of buying goods and outfits;

Cross the street where the husband wants, but lead him where she wants;

Do not let your husband go a step away from you;

To give birth to the husband of a child, provided that he will raise him.

Bachelor Society Ordinance

With deep regret, we inform you that the society of bachelors today has suffered a huge loss - (the name of the groom), who has faithfully served our just cause for so many years, is dropping out of its ranks. Unfortunately, lately he has begun to visit too often (name of the bride), luring her into love networks.

Considering all these facts, we decided:

Exclude the groom from the ranks of our glorious society;

Award (name of the groom) with the Order of Merit for the Society of Bachelors;

Officially wish the traitor happiness, and his bride - peace and love;

Inform the groom that he should not argue with his wife, since only in this case will she consider that he is right;

Take a promise from the groom that he will return home from work earlier or later than the scheduled time in order to confuse his wife.

After that, the groom's friend or bridesmaid proposes a toast to the bride and groom.

Guests drink and eat. Someone after drinking a glass shouts: “Bitter!”

Like the first kiss

beautiful first waltz.

Let the young people dance it for us now.

Well, those who do not want to watch the waltz on the spot,

The bride and groom can safely join.

Louder, music, play, louder, songs, sing!

Form, guests, a circle, do not stand still!

The guests stand in a circle, in the center of which the bride and groom dance the first dance.

After that, the toastmaster announces the beginning entertainment program. The first competition is for the bride and groom, then for the witnesses.

Then the guests dance, and then the toastmaster asks everyone to sit down and show lottery tickets, which they bought at the very beginning of the banquet. A win-win lottery is announced. Guests play joke prizes, and the toastmaster gives each of them a gift with comments.

Before the beginning wedding feast relatives of the newlyweds sell tickets to guests win-win lottery, all the profits from which go to the young. Prizes are various souvenirs and toys.

After that, the guests drink and eat again. This is followed by dances, competitions, games, drinking songs and other entertainment.

In the midst of the evening, the groom's friend (rival) organizes the "stealing" of the bride. Talking to someone or leaving the table, the groom is surprised to find that the bride is not there. The witness shouts that the bride was stolen, after which they either look for the newlywed, or immediately collect a ransom so that the rival returns her.

In Russia, the theft of the bride has never been committed - this is the custom of the southern peoples. If the admirer could not get the girl legally (when there was nothing to pay bride price or when the bride's parents were against marriage), he took her away, that is, without the consent of the parents.

Suddenly, the groom's friends enter the hall, disguised as Coward, Dunce and Experienced, and sing the song "If I were a Sultan ...". Then they announce the conditions for the return of the bride or the amount of the ransom, having received which the opponent, so be it, will return the bride to her lawful husband.

Then the “thief” himself comes out, he officially declares the theft and, as evidence, shows the bride’s shoe to the groom and guests. Tamada asks to return the newlywed in a good way. However, the "thief" is adamant.

The witness walks around the guests with a tray in his hands, with a request to help the unfortunate groom free his beloved from captivity. When he returns and shows the collected money to the "thief", he is capricious - not enough.

It’s bad you asked the guests to help, since you collected so little money. And you do something for the guests, then they will be more generous.

Tamada asks the witness to sing a song, then tap dance, and in conclusion - a striptease.

Of course, you should not persuade the witness to be completely naked - it is enough to take off the witness tape, jacket, tie, shirt, and shoes to the music.

In some peoples of Tibet, a woman has the right to have two husbands.

The witness then collects the money again and shows it to the "thief". He, so be it, agrees to return the bride. He's leaving.

Bridegroom, loudly call your beloved! Let her know that you are waiting for her!

The groom calls the bride as loudly as possible. A "thief" appears on the threshold with the bride in her arms, since her shoe remains in the hall.

The young husband takes her from hand to hand at the "thief". The latter demands his well-deserved ransom.

Because you made such a mess, you should drink from the bride's shoe.

Of course, the "thief" does not drink from the shoe itself. They put a glass of drink or a glass of champagne in it. The "thief" drinks, takes the collected money and immediately donates it to the fund of a young family.

In Croatia after graduation wedding celebration married relatives of the bride remove the veil from the bride and put on a scarf instead. After that, the guests go around the well three times and, as a sign of the future wealth of the young, throw apples and coins into it.

At the end of the evening, the young people cut the wedding cake and sell it to the guests. Instead of money, they may demand that the guest perform a song or dance, tell a joke, read a poem, etc.

Then the newlyweds are escorted. Tamada makes a speech, gives the floor to parents, witnesses and everyone. Against the backdrop of general applause, the newlyweds go out into the street, where volleys of festive fireworks are heard in their honor. Then the young resiliently get into the car and leave.

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From the scenario of the wedding banquet proposed below, designed for a celebration in the Russian style in compliance with most traditions.

The program of which includes elements of the wedding ceremony that have come to us over the past few years from European countries ...

Young people come to the venue of the wedding banquet. The road along which they will walk is covered with a long carpet path. It should lead from the place where the newlyweds' car will stop to the very table.

Sign: in order for the wedding to go well, before going to bed on the eve of the celebration, the bride should put a mirror under the pillow.

At the entrance to the banquet hall, the newlyweds are greeted by the groom's parents with bread and salt. The bride and groom break off a piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it. The meaning of this ceremony is to wish young people wealth.

On the way of the newlyweds to the table, the guests form a kind of tunnel of hands: standing on both sides of the path, they hold each other's hands, raising them. The newlyweds must pass through this tunnel, which symbolizes the road to happiness.

A sign of good luck: an odd number of guests should be present at the wedding.

At the end of the tunnel, the bride's parents meet the young with a cup (glass) of wine, from which the groom first drinks, and then the bride. Then the groom drinks what his chosen one did not finish (as a sign of respect for her), and breaks the glass on the floor. The newlyweds walk along the broken pieces to the table. The bowl is a symbol of unity. It is smashed for happiness and passed through the fragments as a sign of farewell to the past.

Sign: so that there are no quarrels in the family, after the marriage, the young should look in one mirror.

From now on, all the obstacles that you will face in life, you will overcome together. And the first hurdle you have to overcome right now. If you do this, then you can handle the rest.

The groom must take his beloved in his arms and step over the ribbon.

The witness invites guests to the table:

- We ask you to the table, dear guests! May you have fun.

The guests are seated at the table.


Let's raise our glasses to the young!

Guests uncork bottles of champagne, pour the drink into glasses.



- Let bad weather not overtake you in life,

Let only happiness accompany you.

We raise glasses for peace in the family,

We wish you boundless love.

So that there is more sense in your life,

All the guests will now shout loudly: “Bitter!”

The guests pick up the call of the witness, the young kiss each other. Guests drink and eat.

– A miracle happened before our eyes – a new family was born. But the family is not only love, but also a duty, respect and reverence for each other. This our newlyweds still have to learn. And to make it easier for them, the witnesses will now read to them the “Moral Code of the Family”.

Witnesses in order:

- You, husband, always love your wife,

And if you scold, then forgive.

You can't do without tact

You don't get mad at her jokes.

You are not in court, not a prosecutor,

Very fast for accusations.

Don't be, otherwise it's a shame

Resolve a family dispute.

- Wife, claims, reproaches

Any marriage is shortened.

Do not humiliate, do not criticize your spouse,

Even though it will be very, very difficult.

Don't make decisions for your spouse

Decide together, not for each other.


- Happy wedding day, dear, congratulations to you

Good luck, we wish you happiness!

Live well, love each other

After all, from this day you are husband and wife.

May your life always be bright

And there will be love above all,

May happiness save her from evil,

Everyone will find in each other what they are looking for.

Let your life flow like a river

On the road that knows no barriers!

And let over your head

Only three constellations are burning.

- One constellation - Love,

Other - Loyalty and Happiness,

And the third is just Kindness.

Let them sparkle over the family

So that all dreams come true.

The toastmaster offers a drink to make the wishes of the parents come true.

Dear parents of the bride and groom! Thank you for raising such wonderful children. Thank you for the sleepless nights, for your love and tenderness, for your exactingness and severity, for the fact that your eyes shine with happiness when you look at your children! Your children love you and are ready to bow to you for everything you have done for them.

The newlyweds leave the table and bow to their parents, after which the toastmaster offers a toast to the parents of the bride and groom. For some time, the guests drink and eat, then the toastmaster offers to drink for the witnesses.

You can entertain the guests at the very beginning of the festive feast. To do this, when the wedding table is set, as if by accident they forget to put the forks, which are subsequently sold to guests for a nominal fee. Money from the sale of cutlery is given to the newlyweds.

- Dear guests! Now I will ask you to get your wallets. After all, a wedding is not only a fun and joyful event, but also a commercial one. So you will have to help the newlyweds to put together an initial capital. But they will not remain indebted to you. They will give any of you their most passionate kiss. But make no mistake, they won't kiss you. They kiss, of course, with each other. But only for those of you who will give a large amount for their kiss.

So kiss the newlyweds! The starting price is (amount) rubles. Who is bigger?

A comic bargaining begins, the price of the kiss grows every minute, and in the end the toastmaster announces that the kiss has been sold. Young people dedicate their kiss to the one who gave the largest amount for it.

It is considered a good omen if it rains on the wedding day.

After that, the toastmaster gives the floor to those who wish. Guests make toasts, drink and eat.

Witness, addressing the groom: - Friend! Are you sure you took an unmarried wife? Have you carefully examined it for flaws? Let's check her suitability together.

The witness invites the bride to fully dress the doll in a minute - from shoes to a hat.

After she copes with the task, the witness solemnly reads her technical passport.

Technical passport for wife

Wife: full name

Purpose: for exploitation as a wife, mother, and later - grandmother.

It is used: for planning the family budget, cooking and raising children.

Specification: weight and height are ideal; completeness is missing; waist and breast size correspond to the tastes of the husband; health is normal; the nervous system is strong.

Storage and guarantee: to protect from falling, accidental shocks and direct impact of psychological and even more so brute physical force, as this makes it difficult to further exploit the wife, leads to wear and tear of her body and weakening of sensuality.

If the storage conditions and operating rules are met, the validity of the wife is not limited.

After that, the witness proposes a toast to the young wife. Guests drink and eat.


- We checked the young wife. She is all right. And is it so good with a newly-made husband? Girlfriend, when you chose it, did you take a good look at it? Is everything functioning normally? Let's check the groom in action.

The witness gives the groom four wooden bars, a plank, a hammer and nails and offers to put together a table in five minutes. In this case, the groom can call for help from one of the guests. After he completes the task, the guests are invited to drink for his success. Guests drink and eat.


- Dear friend! Now you have this wonderful table that you can take to your apartment. Since the groom was caught benign, I want to give the bride a technical passport for him, so that she knows how to exploit her husband in domestic conditions.

Technical passport for husband

Husband: full name

It is used: for exploitation as a husband, father, and later - grandfather.

Technical characteristics: average weight, ideal height; completeness is satisfactory; wealthy health.

Storage and guarantee: store on a soft sofa; Subject to compliance with the operating rules, performance is guaranteed up to 60 years and even more.

The witness then proposes a toast to the groom. Guests drink and eat.


– Marriage between (full name of the groom and full name of the bride) is invalid.


- And why is that?


- Because I have not seen the order to appoint this wonderful couple as husband and wife. The wedding is cancelled! Dear guests, go home.


- Dear guests! Don't go anywhere. Our witness appears to have had too much to drink. Who does not happen to a wedding ... You will forgive him. He was wrong about the order. There is such a document. It will now be read to you by the marshal of the active army of married couples.

The grandfather or father of one of the newlyweds is invited as a marshal.

Order to create a family

Today (date) at (time) a new family is formed and registered. In accordance with the Law on Marriage and Family, I order:

To call on the actual indefinite service of a bachelor (the name of the groom), since he passed the medical commission and was found fit for military family life;

Assign him in connection with this the title of "husband", his mother - "mother-in-law", his father - "father-in-law";

In connection with the transition from a serene girlish life to a female share, a citizen (the name of the bride) should be considered married and given the title of “spouse”, her mother - “mother-in-law”, her father - “father-in-law”;

Assign (groom's name) and (bride's name) the honorary title of "family";

The above family should consistently increase the number of its members;

Appear with parents at least once a month and treat them with due respect and attention;

The order to announce to all those present, approve it with glasses of wine so that (the name of the groom) with his honest service tries to earn another title - “father of the family”.

Guests drink and eat. This is followed by the introduction of the guests to each other. In a comic form, the toastmaster introduces all the invitees. This is followed by a toast to those present.

- Dear guests! With your permission

We are starting a giveaway!

Give gifts to the young

To make them happy.

Each guest who wants to give a gift to the newlyweds raises a glass, makes a toast in honor of the bride and groom, and then hands the gift or puts money on the tray.

The parents of the newlyweds choose in advance a relative who will collect money or gifts.

In Thailand, during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds, entwined with garlands, sit on their knees and hold hands. The oldest relative of the husband puts the hands of the bride and groom into the water, after which he declares them husband and wife.

After that, the guests drink and eat for some time. Then the groom's friend and the bride's girlfriend take the floor. They read out to the guests and newlyweds the "Order of the Federation of Girlfriends" and the "Order of the Society of Bachelors."

Girlfriends Federation Decree

The insidious enemy (the name of the groom) pulled out the fighter for women's freedom (the name of the bride) from our ranks. In this regard, we have decided that the bride must:

In financial matters, observe the division of labor: give the husband the honorable right to earn money, and take on the impossible and responsible task of spending it;

Avoid the presence of the husband during the process of buying goods and outfits;

Cross the street where the husband wants, but lead him where she wants;

Do not let your husband go a single step away from you;

To give birth to the husband of a child, provided that he will raise him.

Bachelor Society Ordinance

With deep regret, we inform you that the society of bachelors today has suffered a huge loss - (the name of the groom), who has faithfully served our just cause for so many years, is dropping out of its ranks. Unfortunately, in Lately he began to visit too often (name of the bride), luring her into love networks.

Considering all these facts, we decided:

Exclude the groom from the ranks of our glorious society;

Award (name of the groom) with the Order of Merit for the Society of Bachelors;

Officially wish the traitor happiness, and his bride - peace and love;

Inform the groom that he should not argue with his wife, since only in this case will she consider that he is right;

Take a promise from the groom that he will return home from work earlier or later than the scheduled time in order to confuse his wife.

After that, the groom's friend or bridesmaid proposes a toast to the bride and groom.

Guests drink and eat. Someone after drinking a glass shouts: “Bitter!”

Like the first kiss

beautiful first waltz.

In Russia, the theft of the bride has never been committed - this is the custom of the southern peoples. If the fan could not get the girl legally (when there was nothing to pay bride price or when the bride's parents were against marriage), he took her away, that is, without the consent of the parents.

Suddenly, the groom's friends enter the hall, dressed in the costumes of the Coward, Dunce and Experienced, and sing the song "If I were a Sultan ...". Then they announce the conditions for the return of the bride or the amount of the ransom, having received which the opponent, so be it, will return the bride to her lawful husband.

Then the “thief” himself comes out, he officially declares the theft and, as evidence, shows the bride’s shoe to the groom and guests. Tamada asks to return the newlywed in a good way. However, the "thief" is adamant.

The witness walks around the guests with a tray in his hands, with a request to help the unfortunate groom free his beloved from captivity. When he returns and shows the “thief” the collected money, he is capricious - not enough.

“For causing such a disgrace, you should drink from the bride’s shoe.”

Of course, the "thief" does not drink from the shoe itself. They put a glass of drink or a glass of champagne in it. The "thief" drinks, takes the collected money and immediately donates it to the fund of a young family.

In Croatia, after the end of the wedding celebration, married relatives of the bride remove the veil from the bride and put on a scarf instead. After that, the guests go around the well three times and, as a sign of the future wealth of the young, throw apples and coins into it.

At the end of the evening, the young people cut the wedding cake and sell it to the guests. Instead of money, they may require the guest to perform a song or dance, tell a joke, read a poem, etc.

Then the newlyweds are escorted. Tamada makes a speech, gives the floor to parents, witnesses and everyone. Against the backdrop of general applause, the newlyweds go out into the street, where volleys of festive fireworks are heard in their honor. Then the young resilients get into the car and leave.

Scenario traditional wedding

When the wedding cortege arrives at the restaurant, the newlyweds are met by the toastmaster, the parents of the bride and groom, and guests. In the center of the procession are mothers, at the edges of them are fathers, and guests are in a semicircle. The groom's mother holds a loaf with a salt cellar on a painted towel, and the bride's mother holds an icon in her hands, and the father holds two glasses of champagne. The toastmaster distributes sweets, wheat (millet, rice) and small money to all guests.

Toastmaster: We meet our young ones, may God carry them in their arms! Guests shower the bride and groom with sweets, wheat and money, which symbolizes good luck in life, beautiful children and wealth. Then, to thunderous applause, the newlyweds approach their parents.

Mother of the bride: I bless you for this union and may your family be strong and friendly. He crosses the newlyweds with the icon of the newlyweds and kisses the bride and groom.

Groom's mother: According to an old custom, so that your house is a full bowl, try bread and salt.

Toastmaster: First you need to salt the loaf. Whoever salts more will play the solo part in the family! Now break the loaf. Whoever breaks more will be the head of the family! Now bite off the piece that you broke off. Whoever bites off the most will be the first ... (after a pause) yield in all disagreements!

After the “young” have tasted bread and salt, the toastmaster or folklore ensemble sings the song “My Charochka”, and dads bring glasses of champagne to the newlyweds (the father of the bride to the groom, the father of the groom to the bride). The newlyweds drink champagne and throw glasses over their left shoulder for good luck. Glasses are broken, and a flurry of applause is heard. Then the toastmaster invites everyone to go to the center of the hall and asks the guests to congratulate the newlyweds and present flowers.
The toastmaster invites the newlyweds and guests to the table and talks about the seating rules at the wedding table (the table is usually placed with the letter "P" or the letter "T").

Toastmaster: Dear friends, I ask everyone to the festive table. At the head of the table sit the "young", next to the witnesses, then parents, grandparents and close relatives, then friends and acquaintances.

After the newlyweds and guests have taken their places, the toastmaster continues:
Dear friends and guests, I ask you to fill your glasses and draw your attention to our young couple.
In Russia, this is how it is, at a wedding, guests drink wine.
Let's support, having gathered here together, the custom of the first Russians
For the happiness of the bride and groom, let's raise our first glass!

Tamada together with the guests: Advice, yes love!

Toastmaster: At our celebration (wedding) there are people to whom our newlyweds literally owe their lives. These wonderful people led the newlyweds along the path of life, worried about them and shared joys and failures. These people are the parents of our "young". And I am pleased to give the floor to the groom's parents - the patronymic names of the parents.

Groom's parents toast.

Toastmaster: And now I am pleased to give the floor to the parents of the bride - the patronymic names of the parents.

Musical pause.

Toastmaster: Many wedding ceremonies and traditions change over time. Literally some 20-30 years ago, everything was different. And in our hall there are people with great life and family experience, these are the grandparents of our “young”. It is to them that I now want to give the floor.

Grandparents' wedding toast.

Toastmaster: After the wedding, the newlyweds often have disagreements about who will do what at home. To prevent these disputes, the distribution of family responsibilities will now take place.

The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to go to the center of the hall, where there are 10 balloons, in which 9 pieces of paper are enclosed with the duties of the "young", for example:
I will give birth to children
I will raise children
I will make money
I will spend money
I will drive the car
I will clean the apartment
I will bring coffee to bed,
I will wash the dishes
I will go on vacation.
100 USD is placed in the tenth ball, whoever gets this ball will be the family financier. Also, there is a tradition that these $100 should be kept and sealed in a frame, and they will bring good luck in prosperity and in the family business.
The newlyweds take turns piercing the balloons and reading out their family obligations.

Dance of the newlyweds - the toastmaster invites the newlyweds to the first wedding dance. After the dance of the “young”, the toastmaster announces the dance of the witnesses and the dance of the parents.

Dance break.

Tamada invites the newlyweds and guests to the table.

Tamada announces the start of the official ceremony of congratulations and presenting gifts to the newlyweds. This rite in the common people is called "solemn detour".
Guests come up to a young family, congratulate the bride and groom, give a gift and raise their glasses to the happiness and health of the newlyweds. There is also another version of the “ceremonial round”, when witnesses with a tray in their hands go around the table clockwise, while everyone is presented with a glass of wine and collect gifts.

Before the musical break, in order to prepare the guests for dancing, the toastmaster holds a competition, which consists in the following: the host of the program invites 3-4 pairs of participants and gives each pair one balloon three-quarters inflated. A pair of participants, without the help of hands, pinches the ball between themselves. Cheerful music sounds, for example "lambada". The task is to make the balloon explode during the dance.

Dance break.

Tamada invites everyone to the table.

Tamada provides 2-3 toasts at will.

Toastmaster: Dear newlyweds, the sages say that love brings together, this is true. But, in order not to be unfounded, I invite you to the center of the hall and ask you to move away from each other by 10 steps. Now I ask each of you in turn to take steps towards meeting your betrothed and betrothed, while calling each other affectionate words.

As the newlyweds join in an embrace, the toastmaster proclaims: Love truly unites!

Dance break.

The host invites everyone to the table and announces the culmination of the wedding program. Solemn music is heard, and a wedding cake is brought into the hall.
The newlyweds cut the cake, try it themselves and treat the guests.

Tamada talks about the tradition of the wedding bouquet and garter, and invites the bride and groom to the center of the hall. Then, the toastmaster invites unmarried girls to the center of the hall, it is to them that the bride throws a wedding bouquet, and after that unmarried men who fight for possession of the wedding garter. According to tradition, those who caught the bouquet and garter will meet their love within a year and then play a wedding.

And the wedding evening ends with the official speech of the newlyweds, in which they thank their parents, friends and relatives that they helped in organizing (holding) the wedding and came on this significant day to congratulate the newlyweds.