Nikolai Wonderworker Santa Claus. The origin of Santa Claus is quite domestic, although it differs from its harsh mythological ancestors of a fairing humanity. In the end, what is the difference, what to believe? Yes even in a fairy tale, even in a bright future, at least in b

Approaching holy holiday Nativity of Christ. The joy of kids adults dressed up the Christmas tree, and the children themselves are waiting for gifts from good grandfather Frost.

Our arrival, like the whole Orthodox world Preparing for the great holiday by post and repentance. But, the Christmas post is not only crying and sorrow of their sins, it is also a huge joy of anticipation of the holiday of the Christmas Savior, the gracious Lord of our. For the period of the Christmas post there is a day of memory of the home of God Nikolai, Archbishop World of Lycian (19 Nov.) / 6 Article.

In anticipation of the events described above, we want to tell you the Christmas history.

In the III century in the city of Patara (region of Lychia in Malaya Asia), the boy was born with a pious family, and at the same time a pious family was born. His parents Feofan and Nona prayed for a long time to give them a son and promised if he would be born, devote the boy to God. With the holy baptism, the boy received the name Nicholas ...

Next, omit the time of infancy, youth. We only note that parents much attention We paid the upbringing of the Son, the boy succeeded in the book teaching, at the same time he was alien to children's entertainment, which were characteristic of his overlooking.

Righteous childhood and youth were not in vain. The letters were marked over the Holy Spirit. This is confirmed by how unusually Nikolai was elected archbishop.

At this end, preface and proceed directly to the story:

In the Patars lived one poor man who had three daughters of beauty. He was so poor that he had nothing to marry her daughters. The unfortunate father has led to terrible thought - to sacrifice the honor of his daughters and from their beauty to extract the funds necessary for their dowry.

But, fortunately, in their city there was a good shepherd, Saint Nikolai, who was vigulating the needs of his flock. Having received the revelation of the criminal intention of his father from the Lord, he decided to save him from bodily poverty so that thereby saving his family from spiritual death. He conceived to render blessing so that no one knows about him, as a benefactor, did not know even the one who did good.

Taking a big knot with gold, at midnight, when everyone slept and could not see him, he approached the hut of the unfortunate father and threw the gold through the window, and Hessed himself returned home. In the morning, the Father found gold, but could not lead, who was his secret benefactor. Deciding that the fishery of God sent him this help, he hated the Lord and was soon able to marry a senior daughter.

Saint Nicholas, when he saw that his blessing brought proper fruit, decided to bring it to the end. In one of the following nights, he also secretly threw a different bag with gold through the window in the hut.

Father soon issued married and the second daughter, firmly hoping that the Lord will put mercy in the same way and the Third Daughter. But he decided by anything to learn his secret benefactor and thanks to thank him. For this, he did not sleep at night, waiting for his arrival.

Not long, he had to wait: the good shepherd of Christ came in the third time. Hearing the ringing of fallen gold, the Father hastily left the house and caught up with his secret benefactor. Having learned the St. Nicholas in him, he fell to his legs, kissed them and thanked him as a liberator from spiritual death.

The legend has been preserved that Nikolai, this way helped all poor families, threw gifts for the kids on the eve of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. So originated good grandfather Frost.

In the city of Mira, modern Turkey, the church has been preserved, where Nikolai has served. Here was a monument to Santa Claus. Thus, the homeland of Santa Claus, Santa Claus and other similar characters should be considered not frosty snowless north, but solar Turkey. And Santa Claus himself nobody else, like Nikolai, the Archbishop of Lycian world.

So let's now, on the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Nicholas of the Wonderworker, pray for a great desirable and ask him in the new year the intercession in front of God and help for himself, his loved ones and all Orthodox Christians.

P.S. More detailed information About Nicolae pleases you can read in our electronic library in the section "Life of Saints".

Probably, no character in the world has so many names as Santa Claus! In the US, he is Santa Claus, in Sweden - Yuttumte, in Mongolia - Multen Ungun, in France - Pern Noel, in Italy - Babbo-Natal, in Cyprus - Saint Vasily.

Santa Claus - Holy?

Historians note that despite the fact that many of these images go back to the Christian saints: St. Nikolai, St. Vasilia, from them "smacks" by paganism and even a damn. It was not by chance that on December 23, 1951 in France at the venue of the Catholic Church on the main square of Dijon burned the stuffed per-Noel. However, the indignation of the French was so great that on December 27, per-Noel rehabilitated. So, there are many characters ... However, all these heroes unites a number of features, including external - large gray beard, fur coat, staff and many gifts - in your hands, in a basket or in a bag behind the back. Gifts he gives children on December 6 - on the day of memory of St. Nicholas - or for Christmas and New Year.

Where did this image go?
According to historians, the greatest influence on the formation of this character was the legends that have developed around the great Christian St. Nicholas Millytsky. The prototype of Santa Claus - St. Nikolai was born in the third century in the family of wealthy parents who lived in the port of Potar in Aikia. Another young man was settled in the city of the worlds (now the city of Demre, not far from Phenicia in Turkey), where after a while he was elected a bishop. Died sv. Nikolay on December 6, 310 or 312, becoming a victim of the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. According to legend, St. Nikolai was buried in the city of Demre, however, in 1087, Italian merchants from Bari tried to capture his power. Apparently, their attempt, at least partially, succeeded, since in the XII century, the residents of Bari presented as a gift to the Lotarian ruler Obrew de Varan-chewing one phalange of the Holy Finger. He, in turn, referred to the relic to the church of the Virgin Mary in Poru, which was so famous that was renamed the church of Saint-Nikola, and the city is also known as well. By the time the reaches of the sv. Nikolai in Italy and France, he was already reading in these countries, and soon turned into a very recognized saint. The legends of him contributed to the transformation of St. Nicholas in the character of christmas holidays. For example, one of the most common is a legend of three idleness, whom the Father was ready to make harlitis. Bishop Nikolai, who learned about their distress, threw over the window (according to another version - through a flue) three bag with gold (according to another version - three gold apples). As a result, the girl married.

The origin of gifts stockings

Historians celebrate another legend, according to which the abandoned bags (apples) fell into the girl's stockings, posted to dry. Hence, allegedly, the tradition of gifts for gifts, which children hang out in a Christmas evening so that the future get a gift. There is one more legend associated with miracles are creatible. Nikolai. The owner of one of the hotels kills three Scholyarov, cuts their bodies on the part and sues in a barrel along with pork. Seven years later Nikolai folds and revives Scholyarov, and the owner instructs the path of truth. This served as the basis to consider St. Nicholas the patron saint of Scholyarov, and his death day - school holiday. However, St. Nikolay appears not alone, but, accompanied by satellites, whose duties came to punish themselves. They were - Black Peter, a shaggy goat, Velzevul, black leaning, Hans Muff, Knecht Ruprecht. The latter, for example, portrayed the trait, wore a white cloak (later red) with a hood, ringing chains, poring the rods of the guessed and naughty children, and very badly stuffed into the bag and carried away with me. The tradition of a good and evil character existed in many countries. For example, Cristindel - good angelbringing gifts, and Hans Trappa is his evil comrade, punishing lazy and naughty. Note that in addition to St. Nicholas, other characters acted as a donel gifts. The English engraving of 1590 is known with the image of the "fabulous Mr. Nobody", some features of which imagined the mysterious and kind Santa Claus. "Mr. Nobody" is a man without a face, but with a beard, dressed in a fur coat, mittens and cap, beside his back the bag with gifts and makes his ways at night (in the hand of the lantern) in the attic to the fireplace tube. Initially sv. Nikolai Gave gifts, but no connection with Merry Christmas had. This connection was established by Martin Luther. Since then, it has become a christmas character. At the moment, Santa Claus is considered the most famous Santa Moroza, the American character.

History russian grandfather Frost.

As for the Russian Santa Claus - with St. Nikolai is connected only through his "foreign counterpart", since in orthodox tradition Nikolai Wonderworker (Nikolai Radio) does not correlate either with gifts, nor Merry Christmas or Happy New Year. The popularity of St. Nicholas in Russia was extraordinary, he was honored as an intercession and assistant in misfortunes. Philologists prove that in the phrase "Santa Claus" combined two images: Grandfather and frost, each of which has its meaning and its origin. Grandparents B. slavic tradition - These are the progenitor, the spirits of ancestors. For a number of Slavic tribes, who considered Puran's progenitor, the grandfather is Perun. The grandfather wants - comes the day, wants - the night ... In Ukraine, in the XIX century, they talked about the good Sedovlas of Starta - Deda, who walked on Earth and gives poor wealth. In Slavic mythology, there was another hero - frost (frost; frost, red nose; frost of the warrior) - a character of fairy tales and ritual folklore. He usually appears as a caring owner of the snow kingdom. In his image there are many features of the future Santa Claus - characteristic appearance and clothing. Frost can see how to reward, and cane: heats off the road, will turn off the snow, take it under the clothes, and it will freeze. The Eastern Slavs on the eve of Christmas and Easter there was a custom of "feeding" frost. The head of the family should have come out on the threshold or barking out the window, offering the frost with a spoonful of jelly or heats and ask him: "Frost, frost! Come kissel eating; Frost, frost! Do not beat our oats. " This was followed by the listing of cereals and plants, which frost should not "beat". It was a kind of, whirlpool. Twisted from frost and spring. For this, baked forty kolobkov, and emitted each morning for one of them. In accordance with Frost's fabulous mythology, there is a daughter (by other legends - granddaughter) - Snow Maiden. She is kind, loves people and helps them. In Russia, their transformation of folklore characters in the Characters of the Christmas and New Year holidays was happening with end XIX. Until the middle of the XX century. Frost "Voted" in Santa Claus primarily under the influence of the "Christmas grandfather", who came to us together with the Western European traditions of Christmas celebrations.
In the Soviet period of the fight against Christmas and New Year's holidays, Santa Claus was mainly a character of political cartoons and satirical poems: brought some trouble for Christmas to Christmas. As we know, Santa Claus is now rehabilitated and enjoys popular and honorable in Russia.

Looking back, with nostalgia I remember the religious thaw, which began in the late 80s. Everything is clear that the policy in relation to the religious worldview and its organizational forms begins to change. The most naive believed that the attitude is changing, the most pessimistic is that this is another podlana preceding new persecutions. Time has shown that everything is much more difficult, not so rosy, as I would like, although not so gloomy, as it can be.

One of the topics launched into the information space of the Orthodox medium, in those "Perestroikatny" times was the version that our Santa Claus is a kind of "agent under cover". And this is our Orthodox agent in atheistic society. In fact, his name is Santa Claus ... And Klaus is that name for? This is Nicaus, that is Nikolai!

All these years, we, not knowing, remained by Christians, welcoming the St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker and receiving gifts from him, even if not for Christmas, and for the new year, in the Christmas tree, and the Kremlin star, and the Kremlin star. What, in fact, the difference? Hooray! Saint Nicholas all this time was with us, which means that we are with him, and there was no bodice, we always remained believers.

In the end, what is the difference, what to believe? Yes, even in a fairy tale, even in a bright future, even in God - the main thing is to believe. Man without faith can not.

And Santa Claus ... Well, that is, this ... Saint Nicholas under his appearance kept the blessed children's faith in a miracle in us, faith in good Santa Claus, to, when "becomes possible," to open up us and all our lives with all of her soviet holidays And rehabilitating the communist ideals by opening our true, incredit Christian meaning. Well, and all these accessories in the form of a Kremlin star and a targeted extrusion of the Christmas holiday of Christ - this is only the apparent contradiction, right? In fact, let's not find fault! After all, "Now for people i m must be sorely, but to watch anything about the questions ", right? Hello, Fedya, New Year!

I do not need "old songs about the main thing" that the Orthodox worldwide Bethlehem Star - five-pointed, which means a reduced copy on the Christmas tree quite a Christian symbol. The symbolism of the subject is important, and not the number of its ends. It's like a swastika (in which direction it spinning): It's one thing - in traditional oriental ornaments and completely different - in modern world After World War II. Any attempts to rehabilitate the swastika as an an ancient solar sign or the "gammatic cross" are always directly or indirectly dictated by the desire to rehabilitate the Nazism, to decepticize it in the mass consciousness. The same applies to the Soviet symbolism, so let's not be so omnivorous and tolerant in relation to it.

It certainly does not follow from this that everything related to the Soviet era should be anathematized and reject. As it should not be the fact that to preserve something who has fallen from the Soviet past, you must certainly justify its existence in the present in the point of view of the "Orthodox ideology", "to coercive", to attribute him to Christian meaning, as it, for example, is happening with our apologies Santa Claus, first recognizing him by Santa Claus (who, they say, not something else as a Mirliy wonderworker), and then "import-substituting" his native, Russian Nicholas winter (and do not try to mock the national feelings and spread slander that he supposedly Greek!).

If the New Year's celebration and in fact it is appropriate to return spiritual meaning, not inventing anything new, and, returning to the "well-forgotten old one," only to restore the Christian understanding of time and time about guo, which is reflected in the text of the repentance-thank-grateful prayer singing for the New Year, then with Santa Claus, the situation is different. Not only him, but even the American Santa Claus should not identify with St. Nicholas.

Although Santa and named after this saint, but still he is a character from the Christmas fairy tale of the teacher of the seminary K.-k. Moura who was inspired by the Life SVT. Nicholas, glorified by his secret charity, and created in 1822. So loved by all the image of an old elf, descending along the fireplace tube with a bag of gifts. And after forty years later, the artist Thomas Santa portrayed Santa on the cover of a popular magazine and settled it on the North Pole. From here and his "canonical" image that received some time artistic development and adapted for different climatic conditions.

There was no our Santa Claus. Nikolai, and never claimed it.

Its similarity and with American Santa Claus, and with French peroxide, and with Italian Babo Natal, and with other overseas Christmas grandfathers, it is clearly traced. This is not surprising. Itself christmas tree - Christmas symbol imported from Germany for no further as in the middle of the last century.

In fairness It is worth mentioning that the coniferous-firework decoration of the New Year celebration was provided by the decree of Peter I dated December 20, 1699, which was carried out by a calendar reform: Souluscript was established from the Nativity of Christ (yes, only at the end of the XVII century), And the Novolety was transferred from September 1 to January 1. But the Christmas tree is how festive symbol The Nativity of Christ, who was at first in the Tsarist Palace, appears in Russia, thanks to Empress Alexander Fedorovna, who, being a German, as if he had taken with him and Christmas custom, dress tannenbaum. And already from the royal palace, this beautiful Christmas custom, starting from the middle of the XIX century, "went to people."

Curtain origin and religious symbols of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus Bolsheviks did not forgive. Like others religious holidays, Christmas of Christ was Gonimo in the Soviet era at first with all his attributes (since 1929 "Non-Robby" church holidays It was fixed by law). Even the new year was not a holiday for a long time.

However, in 1935, the bright idea of \u200b\u200b"returning to children of the Christmas tree" was illuminated by the person of a notable party figure P. Posyssheva, after which the first one in the end of the same year was held in Kharkov children's party, then on January 1, 1937 it became a day off and at the same time on festive christmas tree In the Moscow House of Unions, Santa Claus was declared with his granddaughter, not the niece of the Snow Maiden, who had become an inseparable companion at all New Year's events.

The origin of Santa Claus is quite domestic, although it differs from its harsh mythological ancestors of a fairing humanity.

With American Santa, he is not a relative, but by any, but a colleague, even "workwear" of them, from one fashion designer, by virtue of the above-mentioned reasons. However, what does "colleague" mean? Is he an "agent of influence" of the International Corporation of New Year's Show Business? Does not be implemented by the values \u200b\u200balien to us and does not feed loops? And maybe the rehabilitation of Santa Claus in 1935 is an ideological sabotage, not disclosed on time "bodies"?

Let us remember who Posyyshev: on his own recognition - Trotskyist and Japanese spy. And in general, the whole story is not the introduction of the German Christmas tree in the celebration of Christ, and then this grandfather, suspiciously similar to Western characters (can they be good from the West?), Multiple ideological diversion of Freemasonry, whose agent postshev, one hundred Restarted this project?!

The initiator of the New Year reform was shot, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden was left to indulge in children's souls? Yes, and what is this Santa Claus, if his mission was originally connected with Merry Christmas, and then he returned outwardly as if to fulfill his duties, but with a purely opposite goal: to celebrate the New Year, all forgot about Christmas (postshev discovered openly In his letter published in the "Pravda" that the new year will be celebrated instead Christmas)!

It turns out, Santa Claus is either a unprincipled collaborationist, or, again, a foreign agent, which is still under the Christmas or New Year's Christmas tree, just to continue to influence the minds, improving the cult of "entertainment, material benefits And all sorts of human insignificant fragments of material or mental. " And notice, the children write him writing! Instead of going to the temple, make an indicative amount of donation for the candle and put it in front of the SST. Nicholas, poring him about his needs, the child is immersed in the darkness of ignorance and demonic dreaminess ...

What about?! After all, we just talked about? Santa Claus is fabulous character, So? And about the fairy tale, what does fairy tale say? "The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it ..." - it does not matter, it all distracts from the essence, the main thing: "The fairy tale is a lie"! And who we have "Father Lie"? .. Here!

Noah, Orthodox, it is necessary to be such ideologically short-sighted! Aya Yai-Yai ...

Well, and if we postpone in the direction of this nonsense, who, unfortunately, not only the fruit of my imagination, will ask a question: is it really impossible to allow a fairy tale to coexist with a sacred tradition? Do not mix, not replace, but coexist. Is it really a child who is due to age psychological features With difficulty distinguishes the game from reality, it is impossible to serve a fairy tale as a special world created by all who plays him, without turning lives in Orthodox fantasy, but also fairy tales with religious content without giving a challenge status?

Attempt to replace Christmas to the New Year celebration is a gogglery. But why go about the beliefs and leave this holiday in the status on which they did it?

Did you never want to achieve the Bolsheviks? Let even their lots turned out. Well, for us now because of them to give up the possibility of clearing good from false impurities, fearing to rethink the content new Year's holiday In the light of the Christian worldview?

The same applies to new Year's characters. Unrigible into the children's consciousness and burn out "faith in Santa Claus" - stupid and inhumanly, and meaningless. But after all, you can teach a child to what fairy tales we compose, and life is known. In Santa Claus (Dwarfs, Elfs, etc.) we play. These are characters who live as we come up with. And saints are not just gortgage characters, but the same and even more real peopleHow we are with you. This is not necessary to jog. Over time, children will understand everything and learn to distinguish the game from objective reality, a fairy tale from the Bogotrian Truth. The main thing is not to interfere with them; It is not necessary for the Bolshevik "Clean" their imagination from everything that is not based on dogmatics, nor patently allowed a different fantasy to mix the truth with the fruit of imagination.

Hosting St. Nicholas very quickly spread throughout the Christian world, both in the East and in the West. Numerous churches were dedicated to him, they were treated in prayers, Issue on healing and help. From the folk legends that appear for centuries, we learn that Saint Nicholas helped the poor and unhappy, unnoticed at night throwing in the shoes left at the doors, gold coins, and laying into the pies in the windows. By the way, in about 960 in the West, the first musical work was written about the Saint Nicholas, where he was proposed new option The translation of the living of the Holy: Instead of the word "Innocentes" (innocent) in relation to the three inhabitants, the world, unfairly sentenced to death, used "PUERI" (children). Due to the fact that this medieval musical work about the Holy Bishop was incredible success, the tradition of honoring St. Nicholas as a patron of children was originated. However, before that, he was elected sailors, prisoners, bakers and merchants to his heavenly intercession.

When, at the end of the XI century, Byzantium began to empty the Selzhuki Turks, residents of the city of Bari, which is located on the territory of the current Italy, "stole" from the world of the Lycian relics of St. Nicholas and thus saved the shrine from abuse with all Christians. The relics were brought to Bari, where a majestic basil was built specifically for them. In this little noteworthy, the city reached the pilgrims from all european countries. Even the invaders who replaced each other, from Normanov to Swenov, worshiped the sanctity of the Nicolsky Temple, providing him with all kinds of protection and care. When, in 1156, Bari captured Wilhelm Lutyi, who equalized the city with the Earth, who did not spare any houses, nor the churches, the Basilica of St. Nicholas remained untouched among the smiling ruins. There is another significant moment associated with the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas. In 1088, Pope Urban II officially established the celebration of this event on May 9. At the Byzantine East, this holiday was not accepted, and in Russia he got widespread and has been preserved so far, he is called "Nikola-Western".

In Russia, Saint Nicholas was one of the most revered saints. For example, in the XVI-XVII centuries, the Russians avoided to give children the name Nicholas because of a special reverence, and the urgency of the Wonderworker was perceived not otherwise as a sign of heresy. For the Russian Orthodox Christians, Nikolai became the most "democratic" holy, most affordable, fast and immutable assistant. Best of all, the attitude towards this holy shows one of the countless Russian legends: "Traveling on the ground, Nikola and Kasyan (Saint Cassian Roman) saw a peasant, thickening near his cart, deeply biting in dirt. Kasyan, afraid to blur on his snow-white rhizes and fear to appear before God in an inappropriate form, did not want to help the poor man, but Nicolas did not care about the case. When the cart managed to pull out, the assistant was on the ears of smeared mud, and to all of the time, and his festive rhizes were strongly splashing. Soon both saints appeared before the throne of the Most High . Having learned why Nika is so dirty, and Kasyan was pure, the Lord gave the first instead of one two holidays in the year (May 9 and December 6), and Kasyan decreased to one in four years (February 29). For Russian Christians Nikolai Wonderworker has always been at the same time. and a prominent hierarch, and simple, good saints, and besides the speed assistant in the troubles. "

However, we were distracted. How did St. Nicholas become Santa Claus and became firmly associated with Christmas holidays? To deal with this, we need to renderate to the Christian West again.

In about the 10th century, in the Cologne Cathedral, the fruits and pastries and baking on December 6 began to hand out in the Cologne Cathedral of the Church School on December 6, on the day of the memory of St. Nicholas, who, as I remember, thanks to the widespread musical work, written in his honor, began to be honored in the West as a patron Children. Soon, this tradition came out far beyond the German city. In the houses at night, recalling the ancient legends, hang specially made shoes or stockings, so that Nikolai was where to put his gifts, which over time already noticeably turned the framework of buns and fruits, although without them until now it does not cost. It is worth noting that the day of the saint's memory falls on the Christmas post (Advent), when everyone is looking forward to Joyful holiday The incarnation of the eternal word and the beginning of the new year. Apparently, in this regard, the worldly bishop, coming at night at home, brings obedient children Gifts, and Shalunam Roga, subject to the need good behavior. Therefore, the guys long before the holiday is trying not to hover, and parents diligently reminiscent of the rods that can be found in the present on December 6th. However, it is often about gifts to join roses either twig wrapped in foil or painted in gold or silver paint. In some countries, the Holy Bishop does not hide and comes to home not at night, and in the afternoon in full liturgical closure, and not one, but with an angel and delict. The head of this unusual company asks the young inhabitants of the house about behavior, and the angel and the delicacies act in the role, respectively, a lawyer and prosecutor, and then according to the results of a peculiar investigation (or not) a gift.

The reformation, which emerged in the XVI century, thanks to the performance of Martin Luther, excluded from the liturgy of the new churches of the worship of the saints. Together with their cult disappeared and the feast of St. Nicholas. But if it is easy to eradicate anything on paper, then deal with folk traditions More than difficult. Therefore, in the so-called "Catholic" countries, the feast of St. Nicholas has still remained, the Bishop-Wonderworker has been transformed into a somewhat different character in Protestant countries, still carrying gifts and joy to children. Thanks to all sorts of folk legends and traditions different countries Saint Nicholas put on a mask or "Father of Christmas", or the "Christmas grandfather" or "star"! He was depicted in the form of a gnome and an old man, acquired various satellites. Yes, and moved from the Mediterranean city to Arctic Lapland.

IN North Americawhich played important role In the history of the Christmasly Wonderworker, Saint Nicholas came from Holland. In 1626, several Netherlands ships headed by the Frigate "Goede Vrove", on the nose of which stood the figure of St. Nicholas, arrived in the new light. Fortoraries of happiness bought land from the Indians for $ 24 and called the village with a new Amsterdam (now this village is called New York). The Dutch moved the feature of the saint from the ship to the main square. Yes, that's not enough, the inhabitants of the new earth said not in English. And the phrase "Saint Nicholas" sounded like "Sinter class", then, with time, the name of our character was transformed into the "Santa Class", and a little later - in Santa Claus.

Dutch Sictlas (Sinterklaas)

Many are fairly annoying the character "Santa Claus" - the crushed ruddy creation, whose round televisions are hardly tightened by a red costume, Gulko Khokhalo, is worn under Christmas in the sky on the sledding of deer. It is especially unpleasant to those who know that his name actually means "Saint Nicholas." But such an image that is mercilessly operated in Coca-Cola advertising has established himself due to american influence. In the old town european tradition Santa Claus looked exactly like Saint Nicholas - a high old man in the episcopal closure with a staff, which accompanied the expansioned gifts (or roses for naughty children) Arapchonok. Between this, a bishop and a thick red-beard "Gnome" - a real cultural abyss.

In general, it is possible to divide the "gifts of bringing" in Christian countries to three large teams. The first is connected directly with the name of St. Nicholas (Belgium and the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary). Another Western European tradition - "Christmas grandfathers" (France, England, Ireland, Italy, Catalonia). And the third gives the right to distribute gifts to "Grazy's grandfather". Usually it has Slavic roots (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, as well as Latvia, Romania, Moldova).

The mansion is the Greeks (including Cypriots), who have the same character identified with ... Saint Vasilya Great. Yes, yes, so it is called "Agios Vasilis". By species, modern "Vasily", however, is not too different from Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas Known as a donor, secretly helped poor people. It is not surprising that it was on his day (and not for the New Year) and from his behalf, giving gifts to children in Europe. The Reformation, opposed to the worship of the saints, forced the inhabitants of many European countries to make the Baby of Christ the character handing gifts, and the day of presenting gifts - to transfer from December 6 for the period of Christmas fairs, that is, on December 24th. Catholic counterfeiting again returned to European children's gifts of St. Nicholas, but now they appeared at the end of December, for Christmas. However, in Belgium and the Netherlands, St. Nicholas-Sinterklaas still brings gifts or on December 5, or for Christmas, or on both holidays.

Dutch colonists who founded the settlement in the 1650s new Amsterdam, now known as New York, brought the image of St. Nicholas - donor gifts to the new light. In 1823, K. K. Moore published the poem "Night before Christmas, or a visit of St. Nicholas". There was a talk about a certain character, giving gifts to Santa Claus. This character, "funny old man," quickly gained popularity. In 1863, an American artist who worked for the publication "Harper Wickley" used Santa Claus as a hero, donating gifts - first in a series of political cartoons, and then in drawings for children. And in 1931, Coca-Cola launched the advertising campaign in which Santa appeared. American Santa Claus completely separated from his Christian pre-preparation, turning into a grotesque vitality of the fat man.

Slavic Santa Claus It has pagan roots, it is a personification of the jellows, which can freeze a person, and generously to bestow it (remember the fairy tale "Morozko"). The same features endowed frost Russian literature of the 19th century (Moroz Ivanovich's fairy tale, "Frost, Red Nose" Nekrasov). Faithful frost did not contact the New Year and Merry Christmas. Only in the second half of the 19th century in Russia decided to still come up with their own original "Christmas grandfather", which would give gifts to Russian children, like their Western peers. Under Alexander II, there were attempts to call him "Saints Nikolai" or "My Grandfather" but they did not fit. Most likely, in Russia simply could not perceive such a revered saint as Nicholas the Wonderworker as a Christmas character, while Santa Claus was much more neutral.

Snow Maiden as a relative (in this case - Daughter) Santa Claus first appeared in the play "Snow Maiden" Ostrovsky (1873), created under the influence of Fairy Tales of Afanasyev. The play did not pay special attention, but the Opera Rimsky-Korsakov (1882) had big success. Gradually, the Snow Maiden was among the Christmas characters, although the role of a permanent companion and "granddaughter" of frost received only in Soviet times.

After the revolution, Santa Claus, together with all christmas traditions, was "abolished" on the eve of 1929 and returned to Russian people only on the eve of 1936. This was due to the rethinking of Christmas attributes in the new, "right" key. In January 1937, Santa Claus with a Snow Maiden welcomed guests at the celebration in the Moscow House of Unions. So the story began soviet grandfather Frost.

Turns out that modern grandfather Frost is largely as cut off from its short-term Orthodox "adolescence" of the late 19th century and is also the fruit of another era, like Santa Claus. But still, in Russian Santa Moroza, there is much more "traditional" spirit (as in European synenchlaus) than in Santa Claus with a bottle of Coca-Cola.


1. Santa Claus penetrated into Japan.

2. Modern Sinter Claus with its faithful servant, Luxembourg.

3. Sinter Claus, Belgium (2007).

4. Modern "Agios Vasilis" in Greece, alas, almost no different from the American Santa.

5. One is early images Santa Claus (Artist N. Thompson, 1881) - Is it not true, little in common with the current option?

8. To put it mildly, the unusual appearance of the "early" Santa Claus in the picture Vasnetsova

9. Snow Maiden. Painting Vasnetsova (1899).

10. Pre-revolutionary postcard depicting Santa Claus with Snow Moon.

11-12. Pre-revolutionary postcards With Santa Claus.

13. "Happy New Year 1991!". The last postage stamp of the USSR with Santa Claus.

14-15. Non-standard thin and roasted Christmas grandfather in the drawings of the British illustrator of the end of 19-tons. 20th century, Arthur Rekhema

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