Development of children's speech in artistic activities. “Development of speech in art classes. Visual activity is one of the fundamental aspects of the development of speech of a preschooler

"Development of speech in the classroom for fine arts"

Visual activity - one of the most interesting for children preschool age... It acts as a specific means of cognizing activity, therefore it has great importance for mental development children.

In turn mental education child is closely related to the development of speech.

In the art classes, the activities of children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish and, finally, use words in active speech.

The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, actions that he does not perform with objects, distinguish and use words denoting outward signs objects and signs of action.

The first step in developing understanding of speech in the classroom of visual activity is the assimilation of the nominative function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, receives a name. In order for a word - a name to become a word - a concept, it is necessary to develop big number various conditional connections, including motor connections.

Diverse material (visual), which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects.

The word helps the child in cognition of all aspects of visual activity, comprehension of the processes of the image.

IN productive activities the development of perception and awareness of speech by children is much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the implementation of one or another proposed activity.

Different kinds productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the appearance speech activity. Problem situations form the communicative direction of speech. So, if one of the children specially “forgets” to put a sheet of paper, a brush or pencils, the child is forced to ask for what is missing, that is, to show speech initiative.

A child in productive activity relies simultaneously on several analyzers (vision, hearing, tactile perception), which also has positive influence on the development of speech. Productive activity is favorable for the development of speech, primarily by the fact that the child himself directly acts with objects.

In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs a variety of actions. For example: I took a pencil, pressed a rag, draw a line, draw a ball. With special training, children learn a certain chain well consistent action; characteristic of visual activity. This contributes to the development of speech - the correct understanding and implementation of instructions such as: "Draw a path, a ball." It is in these classes that children learn well the sequence of actions and the cause-and-effect relationship of various actions and phenomena: “The brush is dirty. My dirty brush. The brush has become clean. "

Children's actions in fine arts and constructive action become more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, rhythmic, regulated.

Performing repetitive movements in drawing (strokes, strokes, lines), children love to accompany them with speech to the beat of hand movements: top - top - ("traces"), drip - drip - ("It's raining"): they revive their completed work. This should also be used for development different sides speech.

Visual activity and design allow you to solve correctional and educational tasks: to educate such positive traits, as independence and purposefulness in the performance of work, perseverance and perseverance, the ability to complete the work, accuracy.

Positive assessment, praise, approval encourage further positive action... In the classroom on visual activity and design, special tasks for the development of children's speech are solved, the vocabulary is enriched, and speaking, the appearance of coherent speech is being prepared.

Good luck to you and your children!

Elena Kruglova
The development of speech of preschoolers in the process of visual activity

Drawing is the very first and available remedy expressing your thoughts, feelings, mood. Visual activity provides a full development of such processes, as perception, imagery, imagination, thinking, attention, will, as well as develops fine motor skills of hands... Observations for activities children and the analysis of special literature on the problem of teaching children to draw output: drawing for a child is as necessary as talking. By depicting the event, it's easier to talk about it later.

In the same time preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language, the formation of all parties speeches... Full development the personality of a child is impossible without raising the correct speeches.

Therefore, the educator needs to help ensure that children have the opportunity develop speech in all activities, including in pictorial, and stimulate children's own speech activity by organizing in a group speech environment... The educator should strive reasonably develop children's speech activity, tactfully correct mistakes, suggest words when the child does not know how to express his thought.

Thus, in the process of visual activity the teacher solves the following tasks aimed at speech development of preschoolers:

1. To form the skills of pronouncing words of various sound-syllable structures, clean words are used before and during visual activity:

Flight-flight-flight - let's draw (I draw, we draw, it turned out) airplane.

Woo-woo-woo - we will draw an owl.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, I'll find a pencil.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, I'll circle the leaf.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, my leaf is small.

Blow-blow-blow, blow-blow-blow, wind, wind, don't blow!

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay, you leaf, don't fly away!

2. For clarification, systematization and enrichment vocabulary children on a specific lexical topic can be used specially selected poems:

Topic "Toys":

We play with toys

We call toys:

Tumbler, bear, gnome,

Pyramid, cube, house.

Children repeat the poem with a teacher.

Topic "Town":

We walk around the city

We see a lot, we call:

Traffic lights and cars

Fairs and shops,

Squares, streets, bridges,

And trees and bushes.

3. To improve grammatical structure speeches the following didactic games:

Di "Big small": Petya drew a cucumber, and Vanya drew a small ... cucumber.

Di “Which one? Which one? ": the tomato is round and the cucumber is ... oval.

Di "One - many": Petya drew one tree, and Vanya drew many ... trees.

Di "Where is it drawn?": (according to the picture "Winter") Where is the snowflake? Where does the icicle hang? Where is the ice frozen? Where do the kids ride? Where was the snowman made ?.

4. For development the ability of children to express themselves coherently, to justify their judgments used by:

1) composing a story based on your own drawing or the drawing of another child (according to the plot or subject picture):

I drew a lemon. This is a fruit. It grows on a tree. The lemon is round, yellow, hard, and sour. He has bones inside. It is covered with skin. He's helpful. They put it in tea.

A lot of snow fell. The boy went out into the street. He began to make a snowman. First I rolled a large lump, then a medium one, and then a small one. Instead of eyes, he inserted pebbles, instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of a mouth - a twig. The snowman turned out to be beautiful, even the birds on the tree admire him.

2) drawing up a creative story: "What will I paint", "What will happen to the heroes of my drawing next" etc.

I want to draw a dog because she is affectionate, fluffy, loves to play.

5. Development regulatory and planning function speeches.

The emergence of regulatory, planning functions speeches - central feature preschool age... It arises as a function generated by others, then becomes focused on its own behavior in the form of an egocentric speeches andfinally goes into the inner plane. Inner speech only appears towards the end preschool age, its intense development falls on school years... To form an inner speech, it is necessary to carry out systematic painstaking work. IN the process of teaching visual activity children learn to perceive the tasks of the teacher, analyze patterns of drawing, modeling, make drawings or stucco crafts in accordance with the requirements of the teacher. From the first years of stay in kindergarten it is important to teach children to understand the task and navigate in it. Misunderstanding individual words or phrases leads to incomplete or inaccurate orientation in the conditions of the task, which entails its incorrect execution. Practical conditions activities imply the formation of the ability to complete the task to the end, acting independently, observing the requirements of the teacher. When completing assignments, teachers should support children, make sure that the child does not stop or interrupt activity, brought the drawing or modeling to the end.

6. For development of speech motor skills, breathing, rhythm, expressiveness speeches the following articulation exercises:

Drawing "Elephant":

I imitate an elephant: I pull my lips with my trunk ...

Even if I get tired, I won't stop pulling them.

I will keep it that way for a long time, strengthen my lips.

Drawing "Woodpecker":

I knock on wood - d-d-d.

I want to get a worm - d-d-d.

Even though he hid under the bark - d-d-d.

It will still be mine - d-d-d.

Drawing "Horse" (after each line we clatter our tongue)

I am a horse Gray Bock!


I will knock with my hoof


If you want - I will pump it!


Look how beautiful I am:


Both the tail and the mane are good.


7. For development fine motor skills , coordination of movements are used as follows exercises:

Children depict raintapping index fingers across the table to the beat of the poem "Autumn":

Rain, rain

All day

Drumming into the glass.

All the land,

The whole earth

Soaked from the water ...

Improvisation of movements to the beat poems:

Children go to the garden

And there vegetables grow

Children tilt their backs

And they pick peas.

The teacher reads a poem. Children, in time with the reading with their fingers, roll the pencil back and forth on the table.

Finger gymnastics (on this topic)

Inflate, balloon, more!

Better blow up your cheeks!

Play with us longer:

Roll, jump and fly!

(Press the fingertips of both hands together, palms form small and then large "ball"... Then release air: shshsh.


The house stands in the clearing.

Well, the path to the house is closed.

We open the gates

We invite you to this house.

We must always remember that visual activity is one of the ways to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

8. For development visual-spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, you can offer children the following poems:

Took a couple of triangles

And a wand - a needle.

I connected lightly

And it turned out a Christmas tree.

At first I brought out two circles - wheels,

And between them I put triangles,

Made a steering wheel out of sticks and - what a miracle! -

The bike is worth it. Go for a ride, schoolchildren!

Took a triangle and a square

He built a house out of them.

And I am very happy about that.

Now a gnome lives in it.

9. For the formation of interest in creativity, the ability to express your thoughts, feelings in speeches, the figure can be used specially selected poems:


The sun's hands are hot

They work eagerly.

All the earth brushes are rays

Covered with gilding!

And the gray rain is a mischievous person

Quietly approached

And he cleaned everything - chick-chick-chick -

With a simple pencil.

A. Shibaev


Winter had a huge leaf -

Extraordinarily white and clean!

He was good in his own way:

Not a single spot.

And now paint it over completely

Spring has thought.

The color is already green,

Purple, yellow, blue ...

What shades are there,

Patterns, spots, lines!

What happened?

Not a secret:

Self-portrait of spring itself!

A. Shibaev

Thus, during the artistic activities educators have every opportunity to development of the speech of their pupils.


« Artistic creation»

Speech is the most important mental processthat provides any child with interaction with social world, the opportunity to comprehend yourself and your actions, to express your feelings to other people.

Speech is formed in activity. Along with play activities of great importance in the development of speech is activity.Visual activity is one of the most interesting for preschool children. Visual activity acts as a specific means of cognizing activity, therefore, it is of great importance for the mental development of children.

In turnmental education of a child is closely related to the development of speech.

In children with mental retardation, not only all sections of speech are affected. functional system, but also many mental non-speech functions required to master drawing skills.

The importance of physical activity for the correction of the development of a preschooler with mental retardation is great and multifaceted. The sensory-perceptual capabilities of the activity allow it to be used in correctional and developmental work. The level of speech development of children directly depends on the formation of fine movements of the fingers. It has been proven that finger movements stimulate the activity of the central nervous system and accelerate the development of the child's speech.

IN educational area "Artistic creation" children canintroduce new words, teach to understand, distinguish and, finally, use words in active speech.

A child in productive activity relies simultaneously on several analyzers (vision, hearing, tactile perception), which also has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Visual activity is of great cognitive, educational and corrective value due to its clarity. Children learn faster and more fully speech materialif natural objects (vegetables, fruits, flowers, toys) are used as visual support. Diverse visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions, signs.

Productive activity, to which productivity also belongs, is favorable for the development of speech, first of all, because the child himself directly acts with objects. The huge influence of this factor on the development of the child's speech was noted by M.M. Koltsova. In the experiments she described, the children early age almost twice as fast they begin to react to a word denoting an object, if they have the ability to manipulate this object.

The first step in developing understanding of speech in visual activityis the assimilation of the name function of the word : everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, is named. In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, a large number of different conditional connections, including motor connections, must be developed for it, which means that it must be able to manipulate and act with an object.

In activity classes, the child can get acquainted with the names of objects, the actions that he performs with objects, distinguish and use words denoting the external signs of objects and signs of actions.Assimilation of the names of shapes, colors, their shades, spatial designations; statements in the process of observing objects and phenomena when examining objects, as well as when examining illustrations, reproductions from paintings by artists, have a positive effect on the expansion of vocabulary and the formation of coherent speech. So, didactic games "What's in hand", "Pick up an object", "Find the same" before drawing vegetables and fruits help to teach the child to distinguish objects by shape and color; and with the help of the operation of comparing homogeneous objects of different colors, children develop the skill of reconciling adjectives with nouns of different kinds: “I have a cucumber - green, oval. My cabbage is green, round. "

A lesson in physical activity with children is a special situation that stimulates not only the development of an active and passive vocabulary, but also the development of the communicative function of speech.Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact thatwhen implemented, you can easily create problem situations , contributing to the appearance of speech activity. Problematic situations form the communicative orientation of speech. So, if one of the children specially “forgets” to put a sheet of paper, a brush or pencils, the child is forced to ask for what is missing, that is, to show speech initiative.

It is easier to provide a connection between a word and an object than a connection between a word and an action: you can show the object itself, a toy or a dummy.

Signing with words-actions in visual activity occurs naturally, since the child himself performs various actions ... For example: I took a pencil, pressed a cloth, draw a line, draw a ball. Performing repetitive movements in drawing (strokes, strokes, lines), children like to accompany them with speech to the beat of hand movements: top - top - ("traces"), drip - drip - ("It's raining"): they revive their completed work

With special training, children learn well a certain chain of sequential actions; characteristic of visual activity. This contributes to the development of speech - the correct understanding and implementation of instructions such as: "Draw a path, a ball."It is in these classes that children learn well the sequence of actions and the cause-and-effect relationship of various actions and phenomena. : “The brush is dirty. My dirty brush. The brush has become clean. " Besides,the child learns to listen to short phrase an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, clarifies their lexical, phonetic, grammatical nuances.

In the visual activity, the development of the perception and awareness of speech by children is much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the implementation of one or another proposed activity. When working with not talking children (1 level of speech underdevelopment), you can use the "joint drawing" technique, which not only forms the child's skills in drawing the simplest objects (house, path, rain in the form of strokes), but also helps to "nut" the drawing in the form of phrases that add up to a story : “Here is the house. This is an oak tree. This is a com. There will be a woman. " All the words in such a story can be pronounced by an alalik child without phonetic and grammatical errors.

In the development of children's art in the context of a coherent speech, the use of the artistic word is of great importance. Art word enhances children's feelings, speech and thinking activity... You can also turn to the proven practice of working, when the quatrain read by the teacher awakens the children to reproduce the impressions of the poem in the drawing. Reading poems, nursery rhymes, songs in drawing classes increases emotional attitude children, contributes to the formation of a figurative representation of the depicted. For this, it is necessary to use melodic, sonorous, with a beautiful rhythm, with a clear rhyme of the piece. The figurativeness and expressiveness in poetry are closely related. Expressiveness in the drawing is created with the help of sonorous words that convey the character of the image of a toy, tree, animal, etc. emotional mood little draftsman. Before the children pick up brushes and paints, you can read the lines of a poem on the topic of the upcoming lesson on a musical background. An art class that focuses on seasonal depictions of nature can begin by choosing words that highlight the charm of this time of year. It is appropriate here reception - game "The word on the palm": - "I open my palm, I accept your words." With the help of this technique, a descriptive vocabulary is enriched in children with developmental problems. So, during the passage lexical topic "Autumn" in the lesson on the activity before drawing a tree, the children "folded" on the palm of the hand " beautiful words about autumn leaves»: Red, yellow, crimson, gold, light, airy, patterned, multi-colored (words are selected depending on age and level speech development children).

It is advisable to use various methods of working with children in the activity classes: - examination of objects (rubber, plastic, glass, paper, wood, yellow, round, etc.); - commenting on actions (take a pencil in right hand, put a pencil in the upper left corner, etc.); - reproduction of movements in the air ("drawing" objects on a given topic); - detailed questions for children in shape and color; - preliminary exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

Also, in the activity classes, the "unfinished drawing" technique is used, which is indispensable for the development creativity both in drawing and in the development of speech. Unfinished figurines can be turned into anything: into spaceship, mountains, plants, inhabitants of the planet, astronauts, etc.

Children with CRD have particular difficulties in composing descriptive stories based on the picture. To facilitate this process, it is recommended to “transform” triangles (large, small, red, orange, purple, yellow) into a variety of vegetables and fruits in art classes. Children have a certain plan, they call: shape, color, size of the fetus; it remains to name the taste, the use for food, and descriptive story compiled. When drawing, the child says: “I drew a carrot. It is big, orange, triangular. " And then he adds: “It tastes sweet. It grows in a vegetable garden in the ground. They put it in soup and salad. "

It is important to carry out the interaction of speech and visual activity in the block joint activities educator with children. In the process of performing practical actions, playing up the plot, an uninterrupted conversation is conducted with the children. Game situation, as a form of work of the educator in this block, stimulates their speech activity. The teacher means everything that happens on paper with a word. Such comments make it possible to clarify the meaning of the words of the actions performed, already known to the child, as well as introduce new words and their meanings, enriching the passive vocabulary. It is necessary to support any attempt by the child to comment on his actions, to speak them out, and for individual children it is also necessary to specially create conditions in which he wants to use active speech. For example, in preparatory group children draw a cat in an activity class. At home, according to the plan given by the teacher-defectologist, they came up with a story based on their drawing: - whom did you draw; - What's his name; - what is his face, fur, paws, eyes, nose, ears; - what is his character; - what he likes to do; - what do you like about him; - come up with a riddle about him. Stories, like drawings, are very different, children experience pleasure from own works and stories, the work can be arranged in the form of a handwritten book "Soft paws, and in the paws - scratches .."

In the course of drawing together, they give excellent results special techniques... One of them is the use of stickers with different images, which makes the creation process easier and faster. plot picture... This is especially important when working with autistic and hyperactive children who cannot wait. The plots of pictures from the stickers depend on the wishes of the child, the arsenal of stickers and the imagination of the adult:

"Salute": stars, circles, triangles are glued on a sheet of black or dark blue cardboard different colors - so quickly and effectively children arrange "fireworks in the night sky" with their own hands;

"Apple tree": they draw a tree with pencils - a trunk and a crown, and children glue red, green and yellow apples;

"Shop": they draw numerous shelves, a refrigerator, a seller stands behind the counter, then the shelves are filled with fruits and vegetables;

"Zoo": various wild animals... At the same time, the names of animals are repeated and specified, their habits are discussed, appearance... Predators are locked in a cage (for this you need to draw a lattice). You can "feed and water" the animals. To do this, children glue images of food or water.

Children are very fond of their drawings, are proud of them, recognize their "works of art", which can be used to compose pictures. So, when passing the lexical topic "Winter", children learn the poem "Snowman", in the lesson on activity, children draw a snowman. The teacher-defectologist helps each child, using the motives of the poem, to compose a story according to his own drawing. The result working together maybe a handwritten magazine "We draw, compose and memorize a rhyme."

Visual activity is a fertile ground for the realization of activity, because a person assimilates 10% from what he hears, 50% from what he sees, 90% from what he does. Artistic activity allows you to develop the creative capabilities of the child. Children receive knowledge, abilities, skills, learn to know the world and be aware of themselves and their place in it.


"Development of speech in educational activities "Artistic creation"

Completed by: teacher-defectologist
Efanova S.A.

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1. Features of the development of coherent speech in children

2. Methodology for the development of coherent speech based on visual activity


List of sources used


Currently in theory and practice preschool pedagogy the question of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of coherent speech in preschool children is raised. This interest is far from accidental, since practical workers - educators, methodologists - have difficulties, which are determined by insufficient study of these conditions, and the complexity of the subject itself - the ontogenesis of the language ability of a preschool child.

The main contribution to the study of this problem was made by teachers - researchers and preschool practitioners O.I. Solovyova, T.A. Markova, A. M. Borodich, V. V. Gerbova and others. In parallel, research was carried out by psychologists - L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Yadeshko et al. The main result of their research is the identification of links in the mechanism of mastering coherent speech by a child. The presence of intelligence, i.e. ability to know external world with the help of memory, provision, imagination, thinking, as well as speech - this the most important differences a person from an animal. Both intellect and speech in a person appear at the stage of early childhood, is intensively improving in preschool, primary school and adolescence... But intelligence appears in a child not simply because his body grows, but only when indispensable condition this person's mastery of speech. If the adults around the child begin to properly teach him to speak already with infancy, then such a child develops normally: he has the ability to imagine, then think and imagine; with each age stage, this ability is improved. Great value in this period time acquires pictorial activity. This is one of the main conditions for a child to master coherent speech, a condition for its development and improvement.

Based on this provision, we, in our work, special attention we pay visual activity in the development of coherent speech of older preschoolers as important condition his full speech and general mental development. This provision determined the theme of the work: "The development of coherent speech in older preschool children in visual activity."

Visual activity is of great cognitive, educational and corrective value due to the variety of visibility.

Fine art is an artistic reflection of reality in visually perceived images. Averyanova A.V. Visual activity in kindergarten. / A. V. Averyanova M: 2011. p. 27

In kindergarten, visual activities include activities such as drawing, modeling, applique and construction. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying the child's impressions of the world around him. Therefore, the general tasks facing the visual activity are concretized depending on the characteristics of each type, the originality of the material and methods of working with it.

Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children, which gives a lot of scope for the manifestation of their creative activity.

If you use visual activity to develop coherent speech, then speech material will be assimilated faster and more fully when using natural objects as visual support. All objects created by children as a result of productive activity are, in turn, a visual support for speech exercises.

1. Features of the development of coherent speech in children

Children's speech development is one of the main components of their readiness for schooling. Studying the level of language acquisition allows you to obtain data not only about speech abilities children, but also about their holistic mental development... In order to understand the essence of speech readiness for schooling, we must clearly understand what is included in the content of the ability to speak and what components are most important for learning speech.

Speech development is considered as the development of the ability to understand and use language: the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis, vocabulary, awareness of the composition of words, the formation grammatical categories, development of communication skills, skills and abilities of coherent speech.

A special place in the formation of the speech readiness of older preschool children for school is occupied by the development of coherent speech. Coherent speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding.

Psychologists emphasize that a close connection between speech and mental education of children is clearly evident in coherent speech. The child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.

Connected speech performs the most important social functions: it helps the child to establish connections with the people around him, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is decisive condition for the development of his personality.

The development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around.

In preschool age, there is a separation of speech from direct practical experience. Main feature this age is the emergence of the planning function of speech. IN role-playing game, the leading activity of preschoolers, new types of speech also arise: speech instructing the participants in the game, speech-message telling the adult about the impressions received outside of contact with him. Speech of both types takes on the form of monologue, contextual.

As shown in the study of A.M. Leushina, the main line of development of coherent speech is that the child moves from the exclusive dominance of situational speech to contextual speech. The appearance of contextual speech is determined by the tasks and the nature of his communication with others. Change in child's lifestyle, complication cognitive activities, new relationships with adults, the emergence of new types of activity require more detailed speech, and the old means of situational speech do not provide completeness and clarity of expression. There is contextual speech.

The transition from situational to contextual speech occurs by the age of 4-5 years. At the same time, elements of a coherent monologue speech appear as early as 2-3 years old. The transition to contextual speech is closely related to the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the native language, with the development of the ability to arbitrarily use the means of the native language. With the increasing complexity of the grammatical structure of speech, statements become more and more detailed and coherent. Sokhin F.A. Speech comprehension by preschoolers and preparation for literacy. / F.A. Sokhin M: Questions of psychology. No. 2. 2013. p. 45

At the senior preschool age, children are able to actively participate in a conversation, answer questions quite fully and simply, supplement and correct the answers of others, give appropriate replies, and formulate questions. The nature of the children's dialogue depends on the complexity of the tasks solved in joint activities.

Monologue speech is also improving: children master different types of coherent statements (description, narration, partly reasoning) based on visual material and without support. The syntactic structure of children's stories is becoming more complex, the number of complex and complex sentences increases. At the same time, in a significant part of children, these skills are unstable. Children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, in the structuring of statements, in their language design.

An important role in the development of children's speech, in increasing its expressiveness and culture is played by work on visual means language. Figurative means enliven speech, make it a mark, emotional, flexible.

In older preschool age, children begin to be aware of events that were not in their personal experience... They are sometimes able to grasp the context. Children develop the ability to perceive the text in the unity of content and form. Comprehension is getting harder literary hero, some features of the form of the work are realized (stable turns in a fairy tale, rhythm, rhyme).

The research notes that in a 4-5 year old child, the mechanism of forming a holistic image of the semantic content of the perceived text begins to fully function. At the age of 6-7 years, the mechanism for understanding the content side of a coherent text, distinguished by its clarity, is already fully formed.

Awareness of speech by preschoolers, the formation of ideas about the word, the assimilation of its semantics, the isolation of linguistic means of expressiveness and imagery of speech contribute to the assimilation of the native language in kindergarten and thereby solve the problem of preparing a child for school in terms of his speech development.

By the time they enter school, children should have formed an attitude towards speech as a linguistic reality, an elementary awareness of the structure of speech, in particular an awareness of its verbal composition, an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe word as a linguistic unit. It has essential and for the preparation of literacy, and for the study of the mother tongue in primary school.

2. Methodology for the development of coherent speech based on visual activity

The use of visual activity for the purpose of developing speech was extremely rare. Meanwhile, any activity, including visual, is favorable for the development of speech. It reflects and deepens children's ideas about the surrounding objects, promotes the manifestation of mental and speech activity.

In the classroom of visual activity, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish and, finally, use words denoting the external signs of objects and signs of actions. Methods of teaching art and design. Ed. N. P. Sakulina and T. S. Komarova. / M: reissued. 2013 p. 116-117

In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, it is necessary to develop a large number of different conditional connections, including motor ones. All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions of signs, the child learns to listen attentively to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, clarifies their lexical, phonetic, grammatical shades. The word helps the child to understand all aspects of visual activity, to comprehend the processes of the image.

In productive activity, the development of perception and awareness of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation, is of great importance for the implementation of one or another proposed activity. Various types of productive activity are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the appearance of speech activity. Problematic situations will form the communicative orientation of speech.

A certain set of phrases, words, pronounced by adults in all kinds of speech combinations, makes the word mobile, mobile. Its structural appearance is being specified. The word firmly enters first into the passive, and then into the active vocabulary of the child in all the variety of its forms. To this end, in the classroom, it is necessary to use all the visual material every day: to verbalize the demonstrated actions, items of equipment, their signs and purpose. In order for children to better understand the name of the material, it is important to gradually create conditions throughout the year for independent feasible fulfillment of the instructions of the teacher and speech therapist, both before and after classes. Children seem to be playing with this material. Removing it from the table or laying it out, performing various actions.

In productive activities, conditions are created for the implementation close connection words with action, with signs of action. It is much easier to provide a connection between a word and an object than a connection between a word and an action: you can show the object itself, a toy or a dummy, and finally, you can use a picture. It is much more difficult to show through a picture the connection between a word and the movement or state of an object. In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs a variety of actions. coherent contextual speech pictorial

In the classroom of visual activities, you can successfully develop communication skills. The development of verbal communication involves the gradual preparation of more and more complex speech patterns for their accumulation by children and use in active speech as they are assimilated. The answer to a question in one word or a combination is replaced by the construction of a sentence different designs: simple non-circulated proposal, widespread proposal; from complex - a complex sentence. It provides for the construction of various structures that meet the nature of communication: incentive, narrative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

As in the classroom, visual activity, in the design process, special correctional tasks for the development of children's speech are solved, the vocabulary is enriched, spoken language is improved, the appearance of coherent speech is prepared, etc. Grigorieva G.G. Development of the preschooler in the visual arts. / G.G. Grigorieva M: 2010. p. 84

In the process of construction, children practically receive concrete ideas about the various volumetric shapes and sizes of objects; learn to understand words denoting a position in space: above, below, behind, on the left, on the right; learn to understand and correctly follow verbal instructions: put, place, take away, disassemble, bring.

In the classroom of visual activity and construction, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding. Such conditions contribute to the establishment of close contact between an adult and a child, cause the child to desire to communicate through speech.

Starting from senior group children should be taught to analyze their work and the work of their comrades.

It is necessary to call children to compare the drawing with what needs to be depicted, to lead them to assess how this is done. Children learn to understand that drawing is assessed depending on the task at hand. First, you need to direct attention to positive sides, to teach to note what was done well (the color was chosen, the shape, size, etc. were transferred), then to point out errors (for example, a flower the size of a tree, etc.). It is important that children notice the expressive aspects of their drawings and drawings of their peers, understand the intent of their peers' work and talk about their own.

Thus, pictorial activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognizing reality, therefore, it is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of a child is closely related to the development of speech.


Many researchers note that the development of speech is carried out in different types activities of children: in the classroom for familiarization with fiction, phenomena surrounding reality, literacy training, in all other activities, as well as outside of them - in the game and artistic activities, in everyday life... The development of children's speech on the basis of visual activity, accompanied by literary and musical works, increases the emotionality of perception and contributes to a deeper penetration into the artistic image. So, in the process of pictorial activity, the word, or rather, speech, became an ally of drawing. It is closely related to the visual activity of children, and the process of drawing is associated with the activity of the speech sections of the brain, and the drawing reflects the level of communication available to his thinking. Reka L. About classes in the development of speech. / L. River M: 2010. p. 42

Researchers note the use of unconventional techniques drawings that can help overcome motor awkwardness, as well as create a psychophysiological basis for the development of speech, and pictures and own drawings serve excellent material for training different types statements, as they suggest the content of the speech.

Research results show that the value of visual activity for comprehensive development and the upbringing of the preschooler is great and multifaceted. Acting as a specific figurative means of cognizing reality, it has great value for the mental education of the child, which in turn is closely related to the development of speech. Thus, certain positive aspects of productive activity have a great influence on the formation of various aspects of speech during its abnormal development.

Creativity activates the learning process: the initiative, independence and activity developing in the process of creativity encourage children to master knowledge, abilities, skills, form their ability to self-study and self-development.

List of sources used

1. Averyanova A. V. Visual activity in kindergarten. / A.V. Averyanova M: 2011.156 p.

2. Borodich A.M. Methodology for the development of children's speech. / A.M. Borodich M: Perizd. 2012.255 s.

3. Grigorieva G. G. Development of the preschooler in the visual activity. / G.G. Grigorieva M: 2010.123 p.

4. Methods of teaching art and design. Ed. N. P. Sakulina and T. S. Komarova. / M: reissued. 2013 279 p.

5. Novotvortseva N.V. Development of children's speech. / M: N.V. Novotvortseva 2011.345 p.

6. River L. About classes in the development of speech. / L. River M: 2010.123 p.

7. Sokhin F.A. Speech comprehension by preschoolers and preparation for literacy. / F.A. Sokhin M: Questions of psychology. No. 2. 2013. 97 p.

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Drawing classes in kindergarten are united under the name of visual activity, since their result is the creation of a child a specific product: picture.
Along with solving the main tasks for this type of activity, in the classroom of visual activity, it is possible to successfully develop the speech of children. In kindergarten, this problem is solved along the way, being secondary to the visual tasks.
It reflects and deepens children's ideas about the surrounding objects, promotes the manifestation of mental and speech activity. This determines its relationship with remedial education.
The value of drawing for the all-round development and upbringing of a preschooler is great and multifaceted. Visual activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognizing reality, therefore, it is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of a child is closely connected with the development of speech.
In the classroom of visual activity, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish and, finally, use words in active speech. The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, actions that he performs with objects, distinguish and use words denoting the external signs of objects and signs of actions.
The first step in the development of understanding of speech in the classroom of visual activity is the assimilation of the nominative (nominative) function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets a name.
In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, it is necessary to develop a large number of different conditional connections, including motor ones. All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions, signs. The child learns to listen attentively to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, to clarify their lexical, phonetic, grammatical nuances. The word helps the child to understand all aspects of visual activity, to comprehend the processes of the image.
In visual activity, the development of perception and awareness of speech by children is much faster, since speech determines a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the implementation of a particular proposed activity.
Having studied the scientific literature, we can say that visual activity has a great cognitive, educational and corrective value due to its visibility. Children learn speech material faster and more fully if they use natural objects as visual support.
Given the desire of children to draw while playing, visual activity should be used in order to clarify ideas about objects and possible connections between them.
In our opinion, the inclusion of the technique of describing a subject based on a completed subject drawing in the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech is effective for the acquisition of skills by children. self-description, helps to consolidate ideas about the basic properties of objects, as well as to increase children's interest in classes.
When writing the article, the following literature was used:
1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilienoi, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006
2. Guidelines for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten." / Ed. V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., Rev. And add. - M .: "Mosaic-Sintez", 2008. - 400 p.
3. Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Integrated classes: music, drawing, literature, speech development. / comp. E.P. Klimov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007 .-- 77 p.