What does the path of least resistance mean. Line of least resistance. How the least resistance law can help achieve success

In the book "Path the least resistance"Dan absolutely new approach to personal evolution. It makes it possible that which has not yet been able to achieve psychotherapists, psychologists and participants of master classes on personal Growth: Do not just master the foundations of creativity (that in itself a breakthrough), but in the root to change the life installation, take the independent position of the creator. The book tells about the structure as one of of essential factorsdefining our lives. We all recognize the principle underlying the world order, but few deliberately use it. And it consists in the following: Energy always moves along the path of least resistance, and any attempt to change life is doomed to fail if the path of least resistance leads to the other side. The purpose of my book is to show how you can form new structures in your life and redirect the path of the smallest resistance to where you really need.

Part one

Thinking allocates and separates events; "Understanding" connects them in overall picture- Fuller argues. - Understand means establishing a link between events.

Therapists and surgeons learn to perceive the body structurally. The surgeon should evaluate not only the condition of the patient organ, but also the health of the whole organism. Blood pressure, brain activity, allergic reactions - All this is taken into account with any operation. Even just pouring water into a glass, you think structurally. The elements of the structure here will be a glass, water, a crane, desired amount of water and the level of water already gained. When you fill the glass, you have a goal: pour water into it. In addition, you must analyze the situation: how much water is already in the glass. If it is less than necessary, you correct the inconsistency, topping the water to the desired level. When the amount of water in the glass approaches what you need, you reduce the jet and then overlap the crane. To pour into a glass of water, a couple of seconds need a steps, but the most real structure is involved in this process.

The unifying deep structure is in total. Structures are material, physical, such as bridges, buildings and tunnels. There are intangible structures - the plot of the novel, the form of symphony, the action of the film. In this case, any structure consists of parts, and when these parts interact, they generate a tendency, that is template to movement.

The structure includes movement

Any structure carries the possibility of movement - it is able to move from one state to another. But some structures change, while others retain the primordial appearance. The structures that remain unchanged usually consist of elements that restrain each other. The wheel is more prone to movement than brick, the car is the skyscraper. The wheelchair has a motion potential more than the rocking chair, but the rocking chair is more than that of the sofa. What determines the possibility of movement? Deep structure.

"Everything is difficult less completely than a simple"

If you think about what reason the Universe develops in full harmony, despite the harmonious activities performed by people, the answer will be simple: all that happens in the universe develops by the optimally chosen path.

Dooming harmony inside yourself and the world will reveal with new paints

When there are two or more options for the development of events, the first of which is implemented with less effort, but the result will be the same, the first option is embodied. But when a person is taken for the work, not always the choice falls on the more logical development of events. Each person has the will and mind, thanks to which he can apply his energy in the direction in which he considers it necessary.

Man and universe

All other, animated and inanimate objects, despite the fact that as well as the person are endowed with energy, they are not able to realize it directionally. So a person has the ability to change natural move Events occurring in the universe. It must be recognized that it is not always the choice of a person is optimal and harmonious for the universe.

Surely, among your friends there are people whose life is similar to an endless struggle for survival. The law of the least effort is able to explain for what reason constant displeasure arises, a lack of health, money, the lack of understanding from loved ones, etc. If a person, applying his mind and will, sends the energy of the events given to him, which seems promising and correct, but in fact, violating optimal option Their development and general harmony, then, he (man) falls into the trap. Because the universe develops on the optimal path. The struggle and efforts of a person in this case Only aggravate the position. A man unconsciously trying to fight the universe, seeking to change the course of events, which he cannot do by definition.

They are not right to those who claim that heavily leads hard work. It is so if a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance. Own life can change only the person himself. But he does not affect the life of others. If you all think that you are struggling with something, you are unhappy with the existing position of affairs, your work, children, and so on, try to stop.

Think about what you can do with ease, what style of behavior and lifestyle will give you pleasure? Try to act according to the rules of the law of the least resistance. Over time, you will understand that reliable solutions Lying on the surface. You just need to miss them. Choosing out of two options, stop on what is easier to implement.

Easier - does not mean that you do not agree to the proposed work, because easiernothing to do. Easier means that you do not stay at your work that does not bring you satisfaction and material well-being, and consider more profitable and interesting offers About the work on which you will be easier in the moral sense to work.

The universe is easier to make a person successful than to continue to support low level His existence. If you can choose the path intended for you, you realize that it is much easier to go on it than to try to overcome the universe.

For what reason are life problems arise?

Any problem is life situationI have in response to the wrong action. When a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance, not one, but many related problems. If a man inborn humanitarian, with great reluctance attending mathematics lessons at school, but gets higher economic Education Because it is prestigious, such a person chooses the path of the greatest resistance.

All of it future life It will be reduced to the fact that he will not be able to achieve success in the chosen profession and he will have to constantly face thoughts about dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. If you do not like public speeches, you have discomfort before the public, do not try to master the work of the sales manager or translator. Your constraint and uncertainty can play a joke with you. You can fully realize your essence in another field. You just need to listen to yourself.

Everyone must be able to find his life vocation, his life niche. Everyone has unique talents that need to be revealed and implemented. It is in this case that the value and significance of your life will come to you. Unfortunately, the majority of living on Earth never succeeds to comprehend the value of this phrase "life value". Most people are engaged in an unloved business, work in order to be implemented by the objectives of others. However, each person is able to make a choice and live your own life.

How does the law work?

What way the least resistance law can help achieve success?

  1. You must clearly formulate where you strive to get. ()
  2. You must work on self-sustaining that the universe can clearly understand what exactly you want to get. ()
  3. Moving to the realization of the goal, you should always choose the path of least resistance. ()

Remember the following:

  • The path of least resistance is the road that leads to your real dream. This, which means that that comes from the soul, and not on the mind.
  • The path of least resistance is the tendency of your soul to a certain kind Activities.

If you can learn how to choose the path of least resistance, you will be able to comprehend the meaning of the word "happiness". Your energy and enthusiasm will be enough to implement everything conceived.

Live in harmony with you and the world around you!

With the possibility of moving the points of the deformable body in different areas Each point of this body moves towards the smallest resistance. This law finds a manifestation, in particular, in principle, the shortest normal, according to which any point moves in the plane, perpendicular to the action of external force along the shortest normal to the perimeter of the section. Another consequence of the least resistance is the principle of the smallest perimeter: any form of cross section of a prismatic or cylindrical body when it is precipitated in a plastic state in contact friction, it seeks to take a shape that has a smallest perimeter under this area, i.e. The limit approaches a circle, the law of the smallest resistance allows you to qualitatively evaluate the direction of movement of the metal during metal processing and develop a corresponding technology;
See also:
- Law
- Conservation laws
- Generic Dungal Law
- Law Guka.
- Law Henry
- the law of wing displacement
- Planck Radiation Law (Planck Formula)
- the law of radiation of wine
- The law of Vidman - Franz
- Law Pascal
- The law of radiation Stephen - Boltzmann
- Law (or number) Fourier
- Law Fika
- the law of radiation of Kirchhoff
- Associated Plastic Current Law

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"The Law of the least resistance" in the books

On the path of least resistance

From book Unusual book For ordinary parents. Simple answers to the most part (n) questions Author Milovanova Anna Viktorovna

On the path of the smallest sausage resistance and dumplings. Soup puree and pasta. All this dishes that do not require tedious chewing load. Why try, risking to suppress if you can get the same, not straining? Of course, to maintain the health of the teeth hard food

From the book Heat Hope by Vilma Loule

By the smallest resistance

From the book I forgive yourself. In 2 tt. Volume 1. by Vilma Loule

By least resistance in his second book, where the importance of parents in the formation of a person's life was emphasized, I explained the essence of almost all mentioned diseases, based on this level. And although I repeatedly emphasized that parents are not to blame,

2.10.5. Line of least resistance

From the book Volume 3. Domology Author Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

2.10.5. The line of the smallest resistance of the spark of lightning falls on the ground not directly, but is moving zigzag, along the least resistance line. The rivers also do not flow on earth directly, but flowing with bends, choosing the lowest resistance line. Line of least resistance

From the book of the disease digestive system by Vilma Loule

The path of least resistance

From the book Home Health Book by Vilma Loule

The path of the least resistance metabolism is in itself a deep life philosophy, I am writing about this in this chapter. Everyone wants to be strong. It should, however, know that only bold is strong. Bold is considered physically strong man, which the


The location of the least resistance is the deprivation of the possibility of communication: loneliness is for hyperthy the most severe stress. It is impossible to install rigid discipline, constantly calling for order, require the hyperthy of the implementation of monotonous, monotonous operation

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The place of least resistance is the lack of attention, situations in which the exteroid is not in the center, but in the shadow. If a person's exteroid has no opportunity to demonstrate himself, he can achieve attention by any means. The fact of attention for him

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The location of the smallest resistance is any censure, condemnation, the presentation of harsh requirements during the period of emotional recession. Calls to "take yourself in hand" and "stop taking" do not affect positive manner, but, on the contrary, exacerbate depression. In periods

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The place of least resistance is attempts to manage, control, put pressure on epileptoid: it does not take out such situations in which it is forced to take a subordinate position (although it is often inclined to bow down before authority, maybe

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Place the least resistance is a requirement decisive action, making responsibility. Any situation of choice may be critical for psychostenka: his anxiety and pointed desire to do everything perfectly do not give him ability to choose,

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The location of the smallest resistance is the invasion of personal space (both physical and psychological): an attempt to approach it schizoid perceives as an attack. For him, any situations in which the informal type of communication (official

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The location of the smallest resistance is loneliness, lack of support, responsibility and determination. Wise guide can send a person unstable type For a more or less worthy way, but keep in mind: if more in the field of his view will appear

Place the least resistance

From the book Tutorial on Psychology Author Oblastov Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The location of the smallest resistance is intense situations related to the need to compete, compete with someone. Astheno-neurotic was constantly tense and full of experiences caused by their own weakness and the inability to succeed (which

The path of least resistance

From the book the energy of intentions author Dyer Wain

The path of the least resistance you live in the universe having an endless potential for joy inherent in the process of creation. Your source, which we call the universal mind of intent, loves you so much that you can not imagine. When you are

The article is written on the basis of ideas and materials from the books of Robert Fritz "The path of least resistance" (structural stress), as well as on the basis of the theory of metaphors, symbolic modeling, techniques working and psychotherapy, the scheme of the subconscious and my personal calculations and experience.

From the point of view of physics, everything in the universe is energy. Three principles are controlled by energy behavior. These principles are discussed in the book of Robert Fritz "The path of least resistance."

At the beginning, Robert Fritz gives three understanding to all the theory. These include:
1. You like the river. You go through life going along the path of least resistance (choosing the path of least resistance).
2. The main structure of your life determines the path of the least resistance.
3. You can change the fundamental basic structure of your life.

The author compares the path of the smallest resistance with the river. She has already defined the path of least resistance and flows. Its path can be changed, but it will require work on changing its basic structures, so that the river will flow on another way.

In this way, energy goes there, where you easier to go. This is a fundamental point on which the entire book is built, and from which three following ideas and knowledge flow:

1. We are moving in life, following the path of least resistance.
You go through life when choosing the path of least resistance. In other words, we spend our lives trying to find such paths to our goals that contain the smallest number obstacles.

2. The basic structure of our life determines the paths of the least resistance.
The main structure of your life determines the path of the least resistance. This includes your predispositions, ethics, thinking schemes, etc., as well as external parts, such as your work, your personal life, etc.

3. We can change the basic fundamental structures of our life.
You can change the basic structures of your life. Focus is to find structures in your life that can create a path with less resistance than the one you follow right now.

Of these three understanding, this guiding principle comes: we can learn to recognize structures that play a role in our lives and change them to create that in your life that we really want to create.

1. Energy always follows the smallest resistance.

This is what is doing everything in nature. This is one of the main characteristics of nature. Since the river runs down - its behavior is determined by the choice of the path of least resistance. Gravity affects this process, so the flow of water flows around the stones, with different turns in the river bed. You are reading this offer, because now for you it is the path of least resistance, which was determined at the previous time different control factors. Wherever you sit now - you brought the path of least resistance to this location.

2. The path of the smallest resistance is always determined by the mainand usually invisible Structure.

This basic, and for the most part, hidden, invisible structure - is present everywhere in our lives.
The structure predetermines behavior. The structure determines the behavioral model of anything: hurricane, bullets, taxi driver, sophisticated couple, behavior of the market, human behavior, etc ..
The behavior of the river, regardless of whether it flows calmly or creates a quantity, is determined by the main structure of the bed. If the river bed is wide, the flow of the river will be smooth and calm. If the bed is fine and narrow, then in the river river are created. The behavior of the river may be predicted after the study of the main river bed.

Suppose you need to get up and go to the bathroom now. You will go through one or one or more Rooms I. door openings. Why not choose a straightforward course to the bath, through the walls? Because you know perfectly from the previous one life experienceThat damage yourself if you try to pass through the walls. Going to the bathroom, you are most likely not aware of how your behavior was defined by the architect who developed the location of the outlook and the builder of the installed doors in them. The architect and the builder gave your rooms their basic structure.
In the same way, the main structure of your life determines your approach to this life, to areas of life, to relationships, etc., determines the results and results of your life.
Do you know your structure or not, it defines your behavior, your "card", your results.
If you do only superficial changes, then nothing significant is actually changed. A serious change occurs only when the basic structure is changed.
When your basic structure starts corresponding to the structure of the desired result (goal), then the way to go to the goal to turn for you into the path of the smallest resistance.

The structures that have the greatest impact on our life results are compiled from faith, desires, assumptions, aspirations, and, most importantly, our understanding of the basic structure of life (or the areas of life in which we are interested) and directly yourself.

The results will always be in accordance with your main structure.

3. This always basic and usually an invisible structure can be disclosed and can be changed.

You must work with your main structure, and not with the behavior reproducing it.
As soon as a new and completely different structure falls the basis of your life area in which you are interested, you will get a new push, which, like the river flow, will create the necessary impulses and help you achieve the desired results.

1. Energy always follows the smallest resistance.
2. The path of the smallest resistance is always determined by the main and usually invisible structure.
3. This always basic and usually an invisible structure can be disclosed and can be changed.

The main practical concept obtained from these three principles is as follows:
First, reveal the basic structure that is now, and then change it so that you can create what you really want from life.

So what are the techniques of study, psychotherapy, symbolic modeling and other techniques of working with unconscious?
At work on oneself proper technicians Processing, elaboration, therapy, etc., we just identify this invisible basic structure of life, or the area of \u200b\u200blife, or problem, or symptom, or the like, which we do not suit us and we want something else, better. And it is encrypted, this invisible structure, in feelings, in images, "cards", in metaphors and symbols of the unconscious. We show it. We explore it. We give her freedom to change. We give her freedom to work out and organize in such new orderwhich will fit our Desired result in real ( or form intention), applying appropriate techniques and techniques for this. And when this basic, and usually invisible, the structure is disclosed, changed to the better and embedded - reality begins to signal positive changes.

The complexity is only that in one session (in one session, occupation), for one-time use of any (even super) technology or techniques, to identify and change some large and tental structure is not always possible. The unconscious and psyche of a person may not be ready to "digest" at one time such a huge bed of internal and external processes, information and transform yourself, and therefore will give access to ourselves and allow you to reveal and change - parts. This is normal.
The structure consists of elementary components, and these components interact with each other and with the global structure they form. All with regard to one element of the system can affect other elements and the entire system entirely. The whole system, all components, are related to each other. With each of our change, even even the minimum, the whole system is changed and the whole system! She no longer remains the same.So everything will become gradually well even from small changes in the main structure! :)

Good luck in elaboration!

And be lucky, successful, rich, loving and loved, healthy and happy !!!

Any material particle of a deformable body having the possibility of movement in different directions is moving towards the smallest resistance.

For the case of precipitation between parallel brickacks, the movement of any point of the body in the plane perpendicular to the action of the external force occurs along the shortest normal to the perimeter of the cross section. The maximum finite deformation of the body will get in those directions by which will move the greatest number Particles.

Figure 2.24.

For the prism shown in Fig. 2.24, in a plane perpendicular to the action of force, according to the principle of moving points through the shortest normal, the rectangle can be divided into two triangles and two trapezoids. The boundary lines between them are the lines of the metal flow section, since the normal of these points in the two directions will be the same.

Considering the number of points lying on the target directions indicated by arrows, it can be assumed that after some precipitate, the final form of the body will be viewed shown by the dotted line. With an increase in the degree of deformation, the perimeter of the cross section is striving for an ellipse, and the ellipse is in the future transformed into a circle, after which the movement of points will occur by radii.

Here the principle of the smallest perimeter is implemented: any form of cross-section of a prismatic or cylindrical body during precipitation with the presence of contact friction tends to adopt a form having a smallest perimeter under this area (striving for a circle). The principle of the smallest perimeter is valid if the magnitude of the contact friction coefficient is significant.

During sediment rectangular parallelepipeda Between flat boosters without contact friction (Fig. 2.25), the movement of particles is radial, and cross-sections in the deformation process remain like source.

Figure 2.25

The law of the least resistance implies the principle of minimo-dollar energy of deformation . It can be formulated as follows: any restriction of metal flow increases the deformation energy, i.e. The minimum of energy is spent when the formation occurs without limiting the flow, along the least resistance lines.

Consider the sediment in the rings (Fig. 2.26).

Figure 2.26.

Kinematically possible directions for moving points A, B and C is + U R and -u R. Experience shows that the point A has the movement of + U R A, and the point C - -u R C, i.e., part of the metal flows to the periphery, and part to the center. Particles such as a point in, where u r \u003d 0, form the surface of the flow partition.

Now we restrict the possibility of flow to the periphery, putting the outer ring, or limit the possibility of the flow to the center, shutting the holes in the rings (Fig. 2.27). In these cases, only one possible direction of movement remains for particles.

In the absence of a limitation, when the particle A had two degrees of freedom, it moved to the periphery in the direction of + u r, which is the line of least resistance for it.

Figure 2.27

When the outdoor restriction (ring) is introduced, the particle A is moving to the center. Now for it the direction of the smallest resistance is the direction of -u R, but this direction is no longer the direction of absolutely least resistance. For deformation on DH, at one degree of freedom of flow, greater effort is required and, therefore, a large energy than with two degrees of freedom.

An example shows that there is a connection between the strength and character of the formation, i.e. a d \u003d f (d p), where a d - the work of the deforming force on the path of DH; D p - section of the section (U r \u003d 0). Exploring this function to extremum, you can find the value of D P (section of the section), corresponding to a minimum of operation A d. Provided the course of metal from this section of the section, you can achieve the best process flow.

The condition of constancy volume

Since the density of the metal as a result of plastic deformation varies slightly, it is believed that the volume of the body before the deformation is equal to the volume of the body after deformation. This is the law of constancy of volume. However, in the process of deformation, the body volume decreases, since plastic deformation is always accompanied by elastic deformation. After the end of the deformation, the elastic deformation disappears, and the body restores the former volume. The dependence of the elastic deformation on the voltage is subject to the law of the throat: S \u003d EE. In most pressure treatment operations, with significant plastic deformation, the elastic deformation can be neglected. However, in a number of operations, for example, when flexible, cool, elastic deformation must be considered, by specifying an angle in the tool (stamp) differ in the angle of spring from the desired angle of the finished part.

The deformation rate is called a change in the degree of deformation per unit of time or the relative displacement of the volume per unit of time: D · \u003d DD / DT \u003d DVS / VDT. For small degrades of deformation e · \u003d de / dt. At a constant speed, as well as for the average speed d · \u003d d / t and e · \u003d e / t.

From the rate of deformation should be distinguished by the deformation rate (the speed of the deforming tool), as well as the speed of the displacement of certain points of the body during the deformation process. Consider the effect of the deformation rate on the plasticity and resistance of deformation.

Usually definition mechanical properties Metal is carried out on test machines at a deformation speed of about 10 mm / s. Real technological processes They are carried out on presss with rates of 100-500 mm / s, and 5-10 m / s hammers, i.e., deformation and deformation speeds are significantly higher than when testing.

With an increase in the deformation rate, the voltage of the material turnover increases, and the plasticity drops. With cold deformation, this effect of the speed on the mechanical characteristics of the material is significantly lower than with hot processing. Therefore, formulas describing the dependence of properties from the rate of deformation, different for cold and hot deforming.