Theoretical and practical foundations of economic education. Material (Grade 3) on the topic: Economic education of younger students

Labor education(TV) there is a process of involving students in pedagogically organized types of labor in order to transfer production experience to them, develop labor skills, diligence and other qualities of an employee. TV is also aimed at the implementation of initial vocational education and vocational guidance.

The Soviet school functioned on the basis of this concept as a general education, labor, and polytechnic school. It included obligatory lessons of labor training and types of labor for schoolchildren. Labor was considered as one of the most important factors in training, education and comprehensive development of the individual. Conditions were created for labor training: training workshops, training and experimental sites, auto-working, electrical engineering, etc., were opened, the production of training machines for school workshops, posters and other educational visual aids began, sponsoring enterprises made workbenches, tables, transferred equipment, supplied tools , materials. The number of technical and agricultural circles grew, career guidance work began to resume.

The TV system contains the following components: 1) educational work; 2) mastering the basics of polytechnic knowledge and skills in the study of academic disciplines; 3) labor education directly at labor lessons; 4) additional classes in the school workshops of especially distinguished and interested schoolchildren; 5) labor education of children in the family.

Ways to organize . TV consists of the following types school work: 1) work with educational and reference literature; 2) carrying out laboratory work; 3) observations; 4) measurements and calculations of laboratory work;

5) mastery of skills independent work at school; 6) independent homework.

Polytechnic knowledge and skills are formed directly in the process of completing assignments and studying basic sciences and specialized technical subjects.

TV at school in the classroom continues from the 1st to the 11th grade. Students are consistently and gradually instilled with elementary handicraft techniques that are vital for any person. Mastering by schoolchildren from 5–6 cells. the basic most important skills in the processing of wood, metal, plastic.

In modern society, the younger generation must have knowledge of the necessary skills of electrical work and various types and forms of household appliances. In the upper grades, the labor education of schoolchildren is becoming an increasingly complex and differentiated structure. After all, it is at this age that students acquire a fairly thorough pre-professional training. In labor classes in grades 10–11, labor education and training has the following structure: 1) technical labor; 2) service labor; 3) agricultural labor.

The family environment should help to ensure that domestic work for the child is the basis labor education. According to the content, work in the family is divided into: 1) self-service work; 2) care for younger family members; 3) caring for sick relatives; 4) housekeeping


The article deals with the problem of economic education of younger schoolchildren, the impact of economic moral and labor education on the development of the individual as a whole. Methods of socio-economic education and upbringing of children and young students are being researched. Conclusions are drawn that economic education, on the one hand, is an organized pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of economic consciousness through economic knowledge, the formation of economic skills associated with economically viable activities, the formation of economically significant personality traits. A list of the necessary features of an economically educated person is given, which forms the semantic structure of economic education and can serve as the basis for the transformation of approaches, the formulation of tasks, the choice of effective pedagogical technologies and the development of models of economic education of younger schoolchildren at school.

economic Education

labor education


1. Amend A.F. Economic education of junior schoolchildren. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982. - S. 23.

2. Zemlyanskaya E.N. Criteria and concretizing indicators for assessing the economic knowledge of junior schoolchildren. - M., 2000.

3. Sasova I.A. Economic education in the process of labor training. - M.: Professional education, 1996. - 64 p.

4. Semenikhin V.A. Economic education and upbringing at school. - M., 1991. - S. 86–89.

5. Sergeeva T.E. Pedagogical bases of economic education of junior schoolchildren. - M., 1990.

Significant socio-economic transformations in our country at the end of the last century also changed the dominant values ​​of society. The need for economic education of the younger generation was noted back in the 19th century by Russian scientists and teachers. So, for example, K.D. Ushinsky considered one of the tasks of pedagogy to prepare the younger generation for inclusion in the economic life of society. In the 1920s, this topic acquired an independent significance in Russian pedagogy. S.T. Shatsky believed that when teaching children, it is necessary to touch on the economic issues of their lives, to plan their participation in joint activities with adults.

V pedagogical works A.S. Makarenko paid great attention to the education of a conscious owner. To do this, students must understand the essence production process and its economic feasibility, ways of effective work.

The most productive in terms of psychological and pedagogical research on the problems of economic education were the 60-80s of the XX century. In the second half of the 1980s, when new methods of management began to be introduced into the economy of the USSR, issues of labor education began to be considered in a slightly different plane.

In the works of F.P. Evseenko, I.I. Zaretskoy I.L. Kalinichenko Special attention was given to the process of labor training and the formation of such personal qualities as honesty and responsibility.

Exploring the methods of economic education and upbringing of schoolchildren, I.A. Sasova wrote: “Socio-economic education and upbringing of children and young students in a broad sense involves the inclusion of graduates in the socio-economic relations inherent in modern production, educating them to be guided in their activities not only by personal, but also by public interests, to increase production efficiency , distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual goods. It is also the education of a way of thinking, behavior and activities that correspond to the economic and moral and legal foundations of society, a master's attitude to all types of property. Leading domestic researchers A.F. Amend, Yu.K. Vasiliev, B.Z. The Woolfs are characterized by economic education; as a system of measures aimed at developing the thinking of a modern person on the scale of his family, production, the whole country. This process involves the formation of not only such business qualities as frugality, enterprise, prudence, but also the accumulation of knowledge related to property problems, management systems, and economic profitability.

N.N. Poddyakov defines the concept of "economic culture" as the formation economic qualities and personality traits. He refers to them economic abilities, needs, values, interests, goals and life plans, motives, evaluation criteria, economic consciousness, economic morality, norms, standards and habits of economic behavior, economic feelings.

The works of many researchers are devoted to the issues of economic education and upbringing of schoolchildren. To date, various authors have prepared programs, manuals, guidelines for elementary school; on economic education and education of children of primary school age (M.L. Alferova, G.Kh. Gebekov, E.N. Zemlyanskaya, I.A. Sasova, JI.C. Cherner, etc.). An analysis of the works of the above researchers allows us to conclude that the economic preparation of schoolchildren should be carried out from the first days of schooling, and the study of economics in primary school is possible both in the educational process, in extracurricular activities, and in conditions of additional education.

The concept of "economic education" is sometimes identified with the concept of "economic education". L.N. Ponomarev, V.D. Popov emphasize that such an identification is illegitimate, since it does not take into account some difference, which is that economic education forms an economic scientific ideology (systematized economic knowledge, competence, position, business qualities), and economic education - psychology (motives of behavior, attitudes, value orientations, personal qualities). It cannot be denied that economic education and economic education are closely interrelated. Economic education also performs an educational function, and economic education - a cognitive function. economic processes. However, the purpose and tasks of economic education are broader and more multifaceted. According to N.I. Belkina economic education is an important factor human economic education. This position is held by many researchers Yu.K. Vasiliev, G.D. Glebova, F.P. Evseenko, O.N. Esina, T.M. Kondratenko, V.E. Kovaleva, M.A. Lobanova, E.N. Neustroeva, N.P. Sabelfeld works, which are devoted to the problems of economic education and economic education of schoolchildren.

Based on the analysis of the works of the above authors, it can be concluded that economic education, on the one hand, is an organized pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of economic consciousness through economic knowledge, the formation of economic skills associated with economically viable activities, the formation of economically significant personality traits. Thus, economic education contributes to the provision of conditions for the reproduction by the individual of social experience, economic values ​​and typical norms of economic behavior, as well as the formation of beliefs, motives in the activity of the value orientations of the individual.

As E.N. Zemlyanskaya, in the process of economic education, economic knowledge turns into beliefs and is realized in actions and behavior. On the one hand, the main driving force behind the transformation of economic knowledge into beliefs and actions is the economic needs and interests of the individual, the formation of which is influenced by the level of economic culture of society.

On the other hand, according to O.N. Esina, economic education is designed to stimulate the demand for knowledge, to develop the ability to use economic knowledge in the process of labor consumer activity.

The formation of the economic qualities of a personality among schoolchildren was considered in the works of M.L. Alferova, E.V. Savina, T.E. Sergeeva, V.A. Semenikhin. In the process of studying the publications of these authors, we note that if earlier the formation of such qualities as thrift, hard work was of paramount importance, now the number of economic qualities of a person formed at school age has expanded and includes the following qualities: organization, responsibility, consistency, purposefulness, planning, diligence, self-criticism, activity. At the same time, it is noted that there is an ability that ensures the accumulation of knowledge, the development of skills and the formation of incentives, the desire to achieve the greatest results in everyday practical activities at the lowest cost.

Exploring the principles and main directions of economic education in the Russian school, V.V. Anisimov, O.G. Groholskaya focused on the qualitative side of preparing schoolchildren for life in society by making appropriate adjustments to the system of preparation for productive work and economic education. In the works of these scientists, the rationale for the need to form elementary economic ideas among graduates of general education schools can be traced. It should be noted that the listed works indicate the need to develop in students such qualities as thrift, frugality, thrift, efficiency. A.F. Amend, explaining this fact, writes: “Frugality, frugality, prudence, efficiency are economic, because they are directly included in economic activity and serve it objectively. necessary element, a form of implementation of the requirements of economic laws and social relations. At the same time, they serve as moral, ethical qualities.

E.V. Savina developed a model for the formation of the basic elements of the economic culture of younger schoolchildren, aimed ultimately at developing in younger schoolchildren the readiness and ability of reasonable selection, perception, internal processing and further use of newly acquired economic knowledge, the ability to analyze, reasonably make decisions, the formation of reasonable needs, rational organization of their work, as well as the education of motives for economic activity, the formation of valuable economic interests. We believe that this strengthens the moral side of economic education.

VC. Rozov, I.F. Prokopenko, L.I. Panomarev, O.V. Plakhotnik considered the issues of theory and methodology of economic education of schoolchildren, paying special attention to the formation of such qualities as thrift and frugality in elementary school students. They assign the role of the initial link in the formation of economic ideas and knowledge to the economic education of junior schoolchildren, focusing also on the moral side of the economic education of junior schoolchildren.

Let us consider the developments in the field of development of economic and entrepreneurial thinking among the younger generation that are most important for our research.

The concept of development of socio-economic education and upbringing in general education school can serve as a methodological basis for creating a fundamentally new model of socio-economic education in a general education school, contributing to a change in the content of economic universal education, the leading idea of ​​which is preparing students for life and work in new socio-economic conditions.

The concept specifies the goal of socio-economic education and upbringing, which is specified in the following tasks:

  • upbringing free man- the owner, owner, the main subject of economic relations, who knows how to calculate and predict his activities, evaluate his position in society in terms of economic feasibility and effectiveness;
  • the formation of a generation that is positively disposed towards fundamental changes, economically capable of accepting the “market” model of behavior;
  • equipping with basic socio-economic knowledge and skills that contribute to the professional self-determination of schoolchildren and the continuation of their economic education, allowing graduates educational institutions enter into the market system of relations, taking into account Russian national specifics;
  • fostering a culture of business relations;
  • development of the need for self-knowledge, self-development and adequate self-assessment of one's readiness for various types of economic activity.

Taking into account the conceptually new target settings, the essence of economic education is corrected and, in our opinion, consists in the development of socially significant qualities in the student. In this regard, a new idea is emerging about a modern economically educated person, by definition who:

  • owns the basics of economic theory in order to master economic principles (as a "guide to action") and learn how to make competent decisions;
  • has a clear understanding of the world around, the economic realities of the modern day, regularly replenishes knowledge in order to be “in the know”;
  • builds a strategy of its economic behavior, guided by economic principles;
  • masters the basic models of economic behavior and economic roles;
  • possesses modern economic thinking;
  • improves skills self-adoption decisions;
  • speaks economic language, which allows you to clearly express your thoughts;
  • possesses the skills of business communication, oral and written communication;
  • owns the basic elements of economic culture: activity, behavioral, communicative, value;
  • respects his own and other people's property, his own and other people's work, is proud of his economic achievements.

The above list of necessary features of an economically educated person forms the semantic structure of economic education and can serve as the basis for transforming approaches, formulating tasks, choosing effective pedagogical technologies and developing models of economic education for younger schoolchildren at school.

For a long time, the essence of economic education by many teachers was reduced only to the formation of the habit of saving electricity, water, bread, etc., that is, to the education of thrift. This, of course, is important and must be carried out, but this direction does not exhaust the entire system of economic education, which is replaced by education about, for example, a rational attitude to one's own and other people's time, money, and so on, that is, it boils down to moralizing, verbal influence, which is ineffective in modern conditions.

In our opinion, economic education can, in turn, act as a means by which the economic world is made understandable to a growing person. In this case, economic education ensures the translation of knowledge-based desires into meaningful and useful activities.

Thus, economic education, on the one hand, is an independent type of education necessary for life in certain conditions, and on the other hand, it acts as a component, part of the general education and development of the individual. Recall that a well-mannered person is characterized by his behavior, actions, attitude towards other people, which is determined by the level of his culture.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that economic education is a necessary part of the overall process of development and education of a younger student. At the same time, we note that this special type upbringing, due to the processes of adaptation and socialization of a growing person in the context of changes in the physical and spiritual foundations of life, revision of norms, values, rules of "economic community", as well as natural aspirations for independence, enterprise, self-realization.


Tsakhayeva A.A., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, FGBOU VPO DSPU, Makhachkala;

Alisultanov A.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, FGBOU VPO DSPU, Makhachkala.

The work was received by the editors on January 27, 2014.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Book: Activation of learning in economic education / Kovalchuk G.A.

1.2.6. Teaching economics to younger students

Economic education and upbringing are aimed primarily at developing in each child a careful attitude to property, developing the ability to rationally use available resources to meet various needs. Economic education is called upon to play an important role in shaping students' qualities that would meet the public interest and contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual. In his time, A. S. Makarenko pointed out that every person is a participant in social production, and the better it is prepared for this, the more benefit it will bring to the state and to itself. The economic education of our children should consist in preparing not only a full-fledged member of the family, but also the owner-citizen. The subject "Fundamentals of Economics" occupies an important place in school education, because it is one of those disciplines that influence the formation of a child's worldview and economic thinking.

Various social links take part in economic education and upbringing of students: school, family, out-of-school educational institutions, public organizations, labor collectives, mass media. main role the school plays a role in the economic preparation of the younger generation, and the family plays in the economic and general education. Therefore, the harmonious interaction of these links in economic education is extremely important, especially in the primary and middle classes.

The family is a social organism that has its own governing and coordinating organs. It is here that a small person achieves an understanding of regulatory requirements, gains experience in following orders, experiences censure, the joy of approval, the experience of responsibility and consistency. Thanks to the normative and practical guidelines adopted in the family, children eventually develop concepts about goals, means, expected results of activities, mutual rights and obligations, about measures that are applied for deviations from the norms accepted in the family. The family is the first team that the child encounters. It is in the circle of adults close to him that she acquires the experience of joint goals and work, active sympathy, common interests, cohesion, conscious discipline and organization. Therefore, studying the basics of economics on the example of a family economy (under the program "Family Economics") makes it possible to organically combine the content of the subject with the daily life of a child, based on the characteristics mental development younger adolescents and, in turn, contribute to this process.

Junior school age is a period of intensive formation of the human personality. The ability to imitate develops, thanks to which children master the concepts of the purpose of objects, ways of their practical use, and learn the behavior of elders. The formation of a growing personality is an indirect result external influences on her. It occurs through the selection and processing of everything that arises on life path schoolchild, with constant help and under the guidance of adults who teach and educate. The nature and needs of the individual affect his attitude to the environment, which of the external influences are important to him. Therefore, children have different incentives for activity, different interests, inclinations, tastes. It is during the early school years that active formation cognitive abilities. During this period, such cognitive processes as perception, memory, thinking, speech, imagination, and attention are intensively developing.

The attention of a younger student arises due to the figurative, visual, bright educational material and its emotional presentation. Arbitrary attention at primary school age develops along with the development of responsibility in relation to learning and with the formation of positive learning motives. The possibilities of volitional regulation of attention at this age are limited. The child cannot force himself to study by willpower, but is able to work with concentration only under the influence of close motivation (to get an excellent grade in order to earn gratitude or praise from a teacher or parents). During this period, the motive for achieving success is formed and consolidated. Children have unlimited trust in adults, especially teachers, and often a child's self-esteem depends on the nature of the assessments given by elders. In the process of specially organized types of children's activities and activities that differ in intensity and novelty, children develop the experience of organizing attention, which is subject to a specific task, acquires the features of arbitrariness and is already characterized by a certain tension, concentration and stability. Arbitrary attention is activated if something that is uninteresting in itself is artificially made attractive, creates emotional richness and interest.

The main techniques for ensuring a stable long-term concentration of attention:

strive to sustainably overcome distractions;

to form a corresponding interest in the child;

prevent monotony in the work of children (during the lesson, perform actions, operations of 3-4 types);

do not overly detail tasks (the child may not understand what is required of her);

choose optimally complex tasks;

use visualization in the process of explaining and performing work: the sample stimulates the desire to do something better;

use drawings, layouts that can be made with children;

apply various methods and techniques of work to complete tasks;

invite children to repeat the essence of the task aloud, instructions for their better understanding and awareness.

The thinking processes of younger students are closely related to actions. Direct representations also play a significant role, an understanding of the causes of phenomena that occur with the environment develops. Children master a fairly large number of concepts, the nature of which is more often vital, rather than scientific. In the process of learning, younger students develop imagination - students can successfully imagine and reflect various intermediate states of an object. Given this, children can be offered a solution to a problem, the conditions of which are presented in the form of an abstract scheme. Reproductive imagination develops through the formation in schoolchildren of the ability to determine and explain a certain state of an object, if this is not directly indicated in the description, but follows from it naturally, and also to understand the conditionality of some objects, their properties and states. This can be used by the teacher during the “Imagine” educational games with children. Children understand that this situation did not take place; they consider it conditional and can predict its consequences. The desire of younger students to identify the conditions for the emergence and construction of any objects is one of the most important psychological factors development creative imagination. This is also facilitated by the organization of the work of small groups by the teacher.

The development of conceptual thinking in elementary school children is strongly associated with objects and phenomena, while the focus on solving specific problems associated with vigorous activity (playing, drawing, elementary labor processes). Gradually, younger students develop the ability to abstract, to make generalizations and conclusions. New concepts are assimilated, a system of ideas is formed, conclusions are used, in particular hypothetical ones. Generalizations in children of this age are more likely to cover external signs, connected with practical application items. The understanding of many causal relationships between phenomena is available to the younger student, but it almost does not go beyond his own small experience.

In the process of perception, the child accumulates knowledge about objects and phenomena not as the sum of certain sensations, but learns the relationship between objects and their properties. Complementing existing information from past experience speeds up the recognition process and contributes to successful adaptation medium. It is known that the child "thinks with his hands" - the head teaches the hands, and the hands - the head. The main way to solve various problems is practical action. The image of the object of perception arises when the child is somehow active in relation to him, that is, if she is actively engaged in substantive activities. The system with which the image was created collapses, and each time the student refers to this image, he reproduces the corresponding, albeit transformed, system of actions. The development of thinking is also manifested in the desire to find out the unknown, to understand, to comprehend what is not given in the subject. In order to teach thinking, it is necessary to set such tasks in the performance of which children could use the previously acquired knowledge in new conditions.

In the process of teaching younger students, a special type of perception is formed - observation. Therefore, in the lesson it is necessary to encourage students to expand the formulation of tasks, to teach them to properly perceive certain phenomena and actions. To do this, it is advisable to constantly demonstrate relevant examples, explain the methods of inspection, contemplation of things, objects, phenomena.

At primary school age, a qualitative psychological transformation of memory, the processes of preserving and reproducing information takes place. In this case, the direct task - to remember - fades into the background, but the results of involuntary memorization remain quite high. It is a mistake to assume that only arbitrary memorization leads to complete assimilation educational material. It also occurs with the help of involuntary memory, which is based on the methods of logical comprehension. The process of assimilation of information consists of many actions, special skills that organize the memory of the student.

The teacher should explain to the students how to memorize. And for this you need to analyze the educational material, group, compare its constituent parts: memorization in this case occurs mechanically or logically - by establishing significant links between the elements. This process spontaneously improves if the object is included in active independent activity, because the development of arbitrary memory occurs most effectively in meaningful activity. Children remember, first of all, movements, actions, images of things, experienced feelings and states, words of loved ones.

In the course of organizing the education of younger schoolchildren based on the activation of cognitive activity, their ability to assimilate scientific concepts, reasoning, generalization, awareness of various external and internal relationships both between the individual qualities of objects and between the objects themselves was revealed. The main criterion for a full-fledged generalization of knowledge is the child's ability to give and explain a specific example or drawing. This feature predetermines the widespread use of visualization in teaching children 9-11 years old. Visual images and descriptions mainly underlie schoolchildren's judgments about the features and properties of objects and phenomena. However, all study should not be based on drawings - they should be a kind of “push”. The detailed explanations of the teacher and the material of the teaching aids are basically sufficient for mastering the concepts without directly operating on the subjects. Over time, you need to gradually increase the number of judgments that are formed in children without the use of visualization. Gradually, younger students acquire the ability to identify logical connections between individual blocks of acquired knowledge, master the methods of classification, analysis, comparison, highlighting the main points and combining them into a coherent picture. The consequence of this is abstract judgments and generalizations of knowledge. However, one cannot teach to work only through observation and discussion. Real ideas and experiences associated with labor are formed only with the active activity of the child himself, and knowledge about the work of other people will find application in his practical activities.

In the learning process, it must be taken into account that during this period such qualities of the child as diligence and independence are improved. In their formation, a reasonable, well-thought-out system of encouraging the child to succeed plays a very important role. Of particular importance for the development of younger students is the motivation to achieve success - an adult's assessment inspires, reveals the best that is in a little worker. It is necessary to encourage the child's desire for independence, to entrust the implementation of more tasks without outside help and to trust her more. Independence is a necessary condition for the development of mental abilities, curiosity and ingenuity. It activates all the cognitive activity of the individual, opens the space of thought, pushes to the search. This quality is based on creative thinking, which departs from patterns and manifests itself in the ways in which mental tasks are solved. To develop creativity, it is not at all necessary to come up with something incredible. Suitable tasks such as "maze" or "puzzles", created by the joint efforts of children and adults, a variety of constructive tasks. The main thing is to direct the children to try to use the information they already know, look for different solutions, resort to many attempts, do not hesitate to ask questions, look for various combinations.

An able-bodied student is active, focused on a close adult as an authority and a role model, he strives for novelty and is able to study according to the labor program of his parents, which becomes his own. The theme of adult labor is organically associated with the phenomena of the surrounding social life of the child. In this regard, one of the important requirements is the organization of consistent monitoring of one or another type of adult labor, features professional activity that the student needs to see and understand. During this period, a system of qualities characterizing psychological readiness to educational work: the ability to listen to the instructions of an adult, to perceive tasks, to be attentive to the process and result of one’s work, to reflect labor and professional topics in the game; the ability to independently solve simple mental and practical problems; sense of responsibility.

Outside of activity there is no knowledge. In any form, it is the main condition for the development of the child. In activity, the student both forms and shows his personality, his interests, tastes, abilities and inclinations, skills and abilities, character traits: will, perseverance, purposefulness, neatness, etc. The younger student strives for activity, for an effective state, wants to influence his environment, make it close and understandable to himself. It is easier for a child to be active, energetic, to create and transform, than to contemplate passively. Consequently, the task of adults is to turn the natural activity of the child into purposeful rational activity.

Another important requirement for organizing the activities of younger students is to ensure that they achieve their goals, do not give up halfway through. Often, when starting to perform a task, children first show great activity, act energetically and decisively, and then interest weakens, disappears completely over time, and the work that they so diligently undertook remains unfinished - there was not enough perseverance. Of course, one must keep in mind the instability of the interests of younger students (they can quit without completing one lesson and move on to another, which at that moment attracts them more), their slight emotional excitability, their inability to focus on one thing for a long time, and others. mental properties. However, it should also be remembered that perseverance is not only manifested, but also formed precisely in the ability to achieve goals, to bring the work begun to the end.

It is also important to develop the ability to work for the common good, organize your work, optimally allocate time, create conditions for doing work, be responsible for the quality of your work, act quickly and economically, plan your actions, find the use of your abilities, strive to improve your own achievements, work in working groups, use necessary allowances and recommendations. It is advisable to use various tasks - new and rather complex, simple and familiar. The former contribute to the development of flexibility of the mind, ingenuity, courage of decisions. And returning to simple, familiar work allows you to consolidate important skills and abilities, stimulate a critical approach to the usual results, creates opportunities for creativity (the idea can be supplemented with new details, modified, complicated). With the development of cognitive activity, such feelings arise as surprise, doubt, confidence, satisfaction and joy from the work done. So that work does not become a duty, it is important not to tear it away from interests, needs, emotional experiences child. This is facilitated by conversations about what parents do, what is the social benefit of their work, talk about output, quantity, quality, labor productivity, consumption of materials for manufacturing products. It is useful to bring facts and figures to children, as it disciplines, convinces, and stimulates reflection. It is often advisable to teach children in game form engaging them in business.

Of course, children do not learn to work only by playing. Work and play - two different types activities. The first assumes the presence of a certain complexity in the task, the obligatory achievement of the final goal. The game does not have an attractive end product (often it is not here), but the process itself. Therefore, it is important for children to confirm their understanding that work is predominantly a serious occupation, a natural and necessary condition for life, and not just entertainment, joy and delight.

1. Activation of learning in economic education / Kovalchuk G.A.
3. 1.1. The main directions of optimization of the educational process in economic education
4. 1.1.1. Requirements for a specialist and the development of human resources in modern labor market conditions
5. 1.1.2. Formation of professional skills of future specialists: learning through action
6. 1.1.3. The level of competence of future specialists and modeling the levels of mastering the knowledge of a subject
7. 1.1.4. Teaching technology in the model of professional training of future specialists
8. 1.2. Factors for activating learning in economic education
9. 1.2.1. Features of interaction as a factor in activating learning
10. 1.2.2. Organization of training content
11. 1.2.3. Improvement of organizational forms of training
12. 1.2.4. Factors of activation of didactic processes
13. 1.2.5. Features of adult education in economic education
14. 1.2.6. Teaching economics to younger students

Market, market relations. They covered the entire society, including the family and the school. Undoubtedly, the formation and development of a market economy in the country poses a serious challenge for the school in the field of purposeful work on the economic education of the younger generation, the solution of which depends on the future of our state.





Rtishcheva Galina Anatolyevna, teacher primary school, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, MBOU Gymnasium No., Chekhov, Moscow Region

Market, market relations. They covered the entire society, including the family and the school. Undoubtedly, the formation and development of a market economy in the country poses a serious task for the school in the field of purposeful work on the economic education of the younger generation, on the solution of which the future of our state depends. The market makes great demands on a person: a kind of labor sample life, the formation of such personality traits as independence, organization, decency, efficiency, conscientiousness, etc. Economic knowledge is necessary not only for those who want to become a businessman. Elementary economic education is for the benefit of every person. Without it, it is impossible to improve your life, your way of life, etc.

Long gone are the days when parents dreamed that their children would become teachers, doctors, academics or astronauts. Businessmen are the real heroes of our time. How can one see the future "owner of factories, newspapers, steamboats" in one's own child? Watching him carefully. A kid, who in the future may turn out to be a successful business person, as a rule, has creativity, expressed the makings of a leader, an independent, independent person. Such personality traits most often appear at a fairly early age. The child dominates in games, other children are drawn to him, he openly and boldly expresses his opinion, behaves independently both among his peers and in the family. The baby is emotional, sociable, mobile and, as they say, positive. The task of parents is to support, develop and cultivate in the child these qualities that are important for his adult life. Is it possible to raise a successful businessman from your child and how to do it? “It is possible,” many parents believe, “if you create favorable conditions in the family for its development in the right direction.” “A child should have certain inclinations, developing which, one can form the character traits necessary in the modern business world: independence in finding and making decisions, consistency in their implementation, the ability to think outside the box, as well as to convince and lead people, intuition, organizational skills and responsibility for one's words and deeds.

The class teacher should also give a special place to the economic education of younger schoolchildren. Today, a primary school student should know what money is, what makes up the family and school budget, what the price of a product is, what it depends on, how wealth is created and what are its sources. And, of course, work in the field of economic education of younger students requires the use of various technologies when presenting material.


1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

I. Money in the family: income and expenses

1. Money: what is it?
2. Money in your family.
3. What's the cost?
4-5. Family income and expenses.
6-7. We are going to the shop

II. Wealth and people.

1-2. What is wealth?
3-4. wealth and culture.
5-6. How do people view wealth?
7. If you became rich?
8-9. Meeting with successful people.

III. School economics.

1-2. Economics of the school library.
3-4. School canteen: income and expenses.
5-6. Economics of the school workshop.

IV. School economics.

1-2. Educational and experimental area.
3-4. The cost of utilities.
5-6. School Economist.
7-8. Our contribution to the school economy.

In 1st grade great place should be given role-playing games: "Shop", "Post", "Pharmacy", etc. Frequent guests the guys fairy-tale heroes(Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Pinocchio). For given age characterized by the widespread use of proverbs, sayings, fairy tales.

In the classes on family income and expenses, students can form several groups - families: “Family from Prostokvashino”, “Cinderella Family”, “Papa Carlo and Pinocchio Family”, etc. Each group calculates the monthly family income. Find out if little family members can help their families make necessary purchases. The students discussed these questions and came to the conclusion that they, too, can increase the wealth of their family:

Assistance to the family in carrying out the savings regime, minor repairs of things;
- participation in productive work with adults (work in the garden, in the garden, etc.)
In grade 2, you can work on the section "Wealth and people." The guys come to the answer to the question: “How is wealth achieved?”, “What would you do if you became rich?”.

In the 3rd grade, it is reasonable to organize a "Club of business people", which would include students and parents. The club must develop and adopt the Charter:
1. Professional training of a person - a businessman.

2. Honesty and decency.

3. Ability to take smart risks.

4. Healthy lifestyle.

5. Skillful following the rules of etiquette (mood, appearance etc.)

6. Mandatory ethical norm is patronage.

The 4th year of classes shows that children are well versed in matters of school economy. The guys work well in pairs and groups, it’s not difficult for them to issue an economic newspaper, calculate the cost of a set of textbooks for next year, calculate the cost of redecorating a class, etc. The class teacher must use the technology of cooperation. Then the relationship "teacher - student - parents" will work. And parents become frequent participants in educational activities.

When raising a future business person, you should be careful, you can become the parents of a business person if you see in your baby from the first years of his life the ability to think logically, be active and lead, but many parents inspire children by their own example that success in life depends on the thickness of the wallet. But this can lead to backfire. The kid will grow up and be disappointed when he learns that not everything in life is bought with money, that there are more important concepts and values. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child that the business of life, first of all, should please and bring pleasure, and money will certainly be the result of such activities.

Key qualities for a future businessman

1. Determination to act.For successful person it is important to be able to act with risk, being active even in adverse situations. It is necessary to instill in the child the ability to move forward under any circumstances. Success in business requires active constant movement in order to feel the right turns in time and see new opportunities. Risk is a noble cause! Make it clear to your future businessman.

2. The ability to learn from your mistakes.Any business person needs to be able to learn valuable lessons from their mistakes and defeats. For a businessman, it is important to understand that life around is changing and to be able to rebuild in accordance with these changes. The winner is the one who is more flexible and anticipates possible changes in advance. Tell the baby that he always has the right to make mistakes, and they, in turn, can teach a lot.

3. First of all, people and relationships.For any business to bring income and pleasure, good goals are needed at its foundation. From childhood, it is important for a child to understand that what he does should not only satisfy his personal needs, but also help others. In business relationships, as in ordinary interpersonal relationships, it is important to prioritize understanding and love for a person. By cultivating respect for people, for their needs, you will grow a successful leader who works for the benefit of people, who does his job with high quality and honesty.

Parents should remember that the child himself has the right to decide who he will become in future life. You can only help him determine what his unique features will help him realize himself most effectively for himself and for society.

No knowledge, skills and abilities will make your child successful if he does not learn to use them for the benefit of himself and those around him, independently analyzing the situation and making appropriate decisions.It is very important to remember:

  1. When the child is busy with something, do not interfere in the creative process with suggestions and comments. Let him independently acquire valuable experience for him, and with it a sense of his own importance.
  2. Support any original thoughts, ideas, decisions of your child. Admire them, cheer them up in case of failure. Only out-of-the-box thinking people make great entrepreneurs.
  3. Be a worthy example for your child. After all, watching you, he learns how to behave in certain situations, think about what is happening, plan his actions, implement what he has planned, recognize problems and solve them.
  4. Try as much as possibletravel with a child. He must see the world in all its diversity, get acquainted with the best that has been created by human civilization. It develops the horizons of the child. Broad development promotes initiative and business activity. The desire to constantly learn and learn something new - this is what distinguishes a high-class manager from the so-called office plankton.
  5. Don't skimp on your child's education English language. Ideally, there should be two teachers - but a speaker of the language and a Russian teacher.
  6. Most happy man the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people (Denis Diderot).Allow your child to communicate and have a large number of friends and acquaintances. By expanding his worldview through communication and gaining experience, he becomes wiser and happier.

These are just a few rules for parents. However, everyone tends to make mistakes. It is impossible to become a good father or mother in an instant. But if you follow effective rules, you can really raise wonderful children who can be truly proud of.


  1. Korsakova T.V. The professional position of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Standard of General Education of the Second Generation / T. Korsakova // Pedagogy. - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 46-50.
  2. Mazanova O.Yu. Economic training of students in the context of the implementation of the new generation standard / O. Yu. Mazanova // Profile school. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 21-22.
  3. http://www/

The fundamental economic changes taking place in Russia in the last decade have determined the need of society for an economically literate person who is able to combine personal interests With public interest, business qualities - with moral ones, such as honesty, decency, citizenship. Today, economic preparation has become necessary condition any reasonable activity. If earlier economic problems were artificially moved away from the student and he sometimes remained aloof from them until graduation from school, today life urgently requires that a student, even an elementary school knew what are the needs and limited opportunities to meet them; able to make an informed choice; represented the purpose of the money; understood what the budget of the family and school consists of; what is the price of goods and what does it depend on; how wealth is created and what are its sources.

An integral element of economic education is the formation at an early age of a respectful attitude towards the work of the people around them and its results. The lack of economic education is often manifested in the fact that children carelessly treat not only objects common use, but also to household utensils, personal belongings. Schoolchildren from the first steps of learning should realize that all the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bthat surround them are created by the labor of many millions of people who spent huge effort and are called to serve for the benefit of people. Economic information will help schoolchildren to better understand the characteristics of labor in industry, agriculture, in the field of trade relations, etc., to realize the importance of various professions.

Scientists of the Russian Academy of Education have developed an educational and methodological package in economics for younger students. Economics as a separate subject is studied from 1st to 4th grade for one hour a week. Hours are introduced at the expense of the school component. In the 1st grade, children start studying economics from the second half of the year (when they learn to read).

The main idea of ​​the authors of the kit is that the content of the educational material for primary economic training should become the basis for further study of economics in the basic school and include: the formation of the first ideas of children about economic needs and the possibilities of satisfying them; familiarization with the most commonly used economic terms and concepts; familiarization with thrift, thrift; creating conditions for a creative attitude to the use of all types of resources; the acquisition of basic economic knowledge and skills through the inclusion in the economic life of the family, school, and immediate environment.

1st and 2nd grade students mainly deal with the economy of the family; third-graders learn the economy of the school, school canteen, library, workshops, and the fourth-graders' field of activity is even wider - the economy of the local economy, enterprise, and native land.

The content of the program of the economics course for younger students

Number of hours

1. The need to study economics
2. Needs
3. Sources of satisfaction of needs


1. The problem of choice
2. Money
3. Income and expenses
4. Buyer and seller


1. Labor
2. Ownership
3. Household
4. School economy


1. Local economy
2. Possibilities of the local economy in meeting the needs of people
3. Local economy management

Another leading idea of ​​the authors of the kit is that economic concepts in elementary school should be introduced with great care. The principle of accessibility of the content of economic education makes it unnecessary to load students with excessive, often secondary knowledge of economics. Thus, it is hardly expedient to introduce (and perhaps even pronounce) such concepts as "liquidity", "quota", "marketing", "microeconomics", "monopoly", etc. in a mass elementary school. Another group consists of such economic concepts , which, perhaps, children have heard or even ever used themselves (for example, declaration, inflation, employment, cost, etc.). These concepts, in our opinion, can be explained on an intuitive-constructive level and it is not possible to seek from all children their exact definition. And, finally, the third group consists of concepts that all elementary school graduates need to master. This is a small number of specially selected, conceptual economic concepts that can be introduced already in the 1st grade at an accessible level, and then discussed and used in subsequent classes at a more "complex" level. The methodological manual, which is included in the "Economics for Junior Schoolchildren" set, contains a detailed description of how a teacher can build an explanation of the new and organize the activities of children in mastering economic information.

The system of basic economic concepts that we have identified initial course economy can be characterized as follows.

1. Needs, resources, choice, limitations. Starting from the 1st grade, children at a level accessible to them get acquainted with various types of resources (natural, economic, financial, etc.) and needs: physiological (food, water, sleep, air, warmth), safety and health, education, in communication and respect, in the manifestation of interests, in self-realization (the highest in this hierarchy). At the same time, second-graders get acquainted with the needs, resources and choice problems existing in the family; third-graders - at school; fourth-graders consider these concepts in the context of their region.

By considering the problem of limited resources, children realize the impossibility of meeting all human needs and the need for choice in determining priorities and priorities. The development of economic thinking of children is promoted math problems for optimization with the questions "Is it enough?", "What is more profitable?" etc.

2. Labor, profession. The student has been dealing with them since the 1st grade, gradually deepening his understanding. So, if in the 1st grade it is enough for a child to name the professions shown in the pictures, and in the 2nd-3rd grades he is asked to imitate the actions of some professionals, then by the 4th grade he is already able to explore the world of professions in his native city (region) . Knowledge about the world of work, the division of labor, the economy of the immediate environment (schools, cities, regions) is also the most important component of these concepts.

At the same time, in the process of economic training of schoolchildren, it is important not only to increase the number of professions known to schoolchildren, but also to provide a deeper study of them (the content of the profession, its prestige, working conditions, etc.; classification of professions into groups based on the development of skills to identify common and especially in professions; the definition of professional important qualities famous professions).

3. Income, expense, budget, property, wealth. These concepts are introduced starting from the 2nd grade. When studying them, children form a view of the work of people as the main source of income for a family, enterprise, state, develop the ability to analyze sources of income and the main areas of expenditure. It is important to show children how they can participate in increasing the income of the family and school departments and save available resources. It is necessary to form ideas about wealth, embodied not only in monetary terms, but also in the wealth of nature, art, and the results of people's labor. Speaking about property, it is important to focus on such concepts related to property as "mine", "ours", "alien".

4. Market, exchange, trade(including interregional - in the 4th grade), goods, service. What is a product and how does it get to the store; why prices are different; what businesses and stores do to compete; why advertising and packaging are needed; what is the service sector, etc. - these are the questions that elementary school students can find answers to in the process of excursions, business, simulation and role-playing games, performing creative tasks.

5. Money. Money as a means of buying and selling; possession of money; the process of exchanging "money" for goods. Studying the concept of money, students learn about why money is needed, whether it is possible to do without it, whether all needs can be satisfied with the help of money; learn to use money, make elementary purchases.

In addition, when developing the course, the following were taken as starting points:

1. The thinking of younger students is specific, therefore, those phenomena and concepts that children have encountered more than once in life are taken as the basis.

2. To activate the processes of education and training, various methods are used (storytelling, game, analysis of situations, discussion, visual activity
etc.), including children in specific learning activities.

3. Taking into account the emotional-figurative nature of cognition, younger schoolchildren used tasks, texts, situations in which cartoon characters, well-known fairy tales, well-known to children, act.

The educational and methodical set "Economics for younger schoolchildren" includes: a notebook of creative tasks for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as TTZ); a methodological guide for a teacher (which, in essence, is a lesson development); collection of didactic materials "ABC of Economics". The notebook of creative tasks contains both tasks for individual creative work and material for organizing the collective creative activity of schoolchildren. In the manual, the authors offer the teacher not only ready scripts each lesson, but also additional material with which the teacher can easily prepare his development.

In general, the kit can be used for economic education of students in grades 1-4 in the lessons not only of economics, but also Russian language, mathematics, labor education, etc. The features of the economics subject are such that economic information is easily integrated with the material of the main primary school subjects: the Russian language, reading, mathematics, labor education, the surrounding world, and fine arts.

In this article, we present lesson planning and separate fragments of lessons in economics for the 1st and 2nd grades. Methodical manuals contain detailed description the main aspects that the teacher needs to pay attention to when preparing for the lessons. Lesson planning, as well as fragments of lessons in economics in the 3rd and 4th grades will be discussed later.

Lesson planning of classes in economics in the 1st grade

Section 1. The need to study economics

Lesson 1. What will we study?
Lesson 2. Why study economics?

Section 2. Needs

Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9

Section 3. Sources of satisfaction of needs

Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17

Lesson planning of classes in economics in the 2nd grade

Section 1. The problem of choice

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9

Section 2. Money

Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15 different countries
Lesson 16

Section 3 Income and expenses

Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25

Section 4 Buyer and Seller

Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
Lesson 30
Lesson 31
Lesson 32
Lesson 33
Lesson 34

(1st class)

Lesson 6

Target. Show children the need for education.


1. Convince children that education is a human need: it is necessary for work, communication, and the realization of their interests.
2. Show the relationship between education and respect for a person.
3. Select sources of education.

Equipment. Notebook of creative tasks in economics for the 1st grade.

Education, knowledge.


By this lesson, children already know about physiological needs (food, water, air, heat, etc.), the need for safety and health. Now is the time to get to know the people's need for education.

Teacher. Tell me, why did each of you come to school?

Children. That's what the parents wanted.
– I want to gain knowledge in order to become a scientist (merchant, pilot, banker, hairdresser).
– Everyone goes to school, etc.

The teacher summarizes the statements of the children, leads them to the idea that at school they will receive necessary knowledge and skills, develop interests, instill independence and other qualities necessary in life. Shows the connection between the economy as a way to rationally manage the economy and human education. After all, even personal and household management cannot be reasonably conducted without certain knowledge.

U. Let those children who came to school only at the insistence of their parents raise green cards.

Some children raise green cards.

U. Your parents have already understood that without education it is impossible to organize life normally, so they want their children to study well. Raise green cards those who came to school to gain knowledge and become a teacher, a pilot, a banker... Why do you want to get an education?

D. To know a lot.
– To be able to write, count, draw, dance.
- To be smart.
- To receive later Good work and earn a lot of money.

U. Imagine that you have a student standing in front of you who has no desire to learn. Try to give as many arguments as possible in 30 seconds that will affect his desire to learn.

D. The school is interesting, there are many friends.
You can then go to college.
- You will know a lot and be able to: read ...
“Without education, you can’t find a job.
- Your salary will be higher.
If you don't go to school, you will remain stupid.

U. Education affects the economy of the family, enterprises, states, and even the global economy. In states where there are many educated people, higher economic results: better use of materials and equipment, cheaper production of food and clothing.

Further, it is advisable to offer schoolchildren to complete tasks from the Notebook of Creative Tasks (TTZ).
In task 1, students are asked to mark with a "+" sign the images of objects that help to satisfy the need for education. In task 1, the following are drawn: a clock, sweets, a computer, sticks and a puck, a doll, a book, a globe, a ball, pencils, a compass.
In task 2, it is proposed to indicate with arrows the names of educational subjects, the study of which will help children cope with the cases depicted in the drawings: a girl writes a letter (Russian); the boy pays for the purchase at the checkout (mathematics); the boy is talking to an Indian (foreign language); a boy runs away from an angry dog ​​(physical education); children make a birdhouse (labor).
When schoolchildren cope with tasks in the TTZ, the teacher asks three or four students: what are their favorite subjects? After listening to the answers, organizes a conversation with the children.

U. Do all people need the same knowledge?

D. Yes.

U. Is the education of a pilot different from the education of, for example, a cook?

D. These are different professions.
Every profession needs its own education.
“Everyone goes to school first. So it's half the same.

U. Where can you get an education?

D. At school.
- Houses.
- In library.
- At the institute.

U. Education is received in educational institutions: school, technical school, lyceum, gymnasium, institute, college, university. All people receive first a general education at school, and only then a vocational one. Vocational education helps people to use tools and equipment correctly, to be creative in their work. Is it possible to immediately go to university without getting an education at school?

D. No, you need to know what they study at school.
- Not. The age is not the same.

Then the teacher invites the children to open task 3 in the TTZ and write next to the objects depicted there, people of what professions use them in their work. There are paints and brushes, sewing machine, bricks and trowel, pots and ladle, violin, thermometer, syringe. Children complete task 3.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher reads to the schoolchildren S. Marshak's poem "Master-breaker", the text of which is given in the manual.

U. Now answer the following questions:

    Why did the hero of the poem get such a nickname?

    Is it easy to be a real master?

    What needs to be done to do a good job?

(2nd grade)

Lesson 5

Target. Consider the selection algorithm.


1. Create an understanding of what needs to be reviewed in order to make a choice various options and choose the best among them.
2. Show students the need for a criterion when choosing.
3. Consider different types of economic criteria: faster, cheaper, less resource consumption, etc.

Equipment. Notebook of creative tasks in economics for the 2nd grade.

Basic concepts and categories. Benefit, choice.


The lesson begins with a discussion on the material of the previous lessons.

Teacher. Please remember what resources are.

Children. These are reserves. Sources. What we have in the country.

U. What property of resources did we study in the previous lessons?

D. Limited resources.
- Resources are scarce.
- Resources can always run out.

U. How do you understand the word "option"?

D. Like two different types of the same thing.
- In our class, the control is written according to the options. They are the same type, but the numbers in them are different.
It's almost the same, but different.

U. Give examples of options for something.

D. You can go to school by taxi, by bus, by tram...
- For breakfast, you can eat a sandwich with sausage or cheese.

U. Any problem has several solutions - options. This is what allows us to solve the problem of limited resources. In the previous lesson, we learned how to find different options in different situations. Now it's time to practice finding the best among them. Today we will learn how to make a choice.
Choice is the only solution to the economic problem of the many possible options.
What could be the reason for choosing one or the other option?

D. Well, cheaper.
- Tastier.
- Faster.
- More interesting...

U. Think about what one word can replace these words?

D. (with the help of a teacher). More profitable.

The teacher writes the words "choice", "benefit" on the blackboard.

U. So, to summarize: in order to choose the best (most profitable) option, you need to consider all (or several) possible options, calculate the results, compare the results in each of the considered options.
Now open the Creative Activity Books (TTZ), lesson 5, and complete tasks 18-21.

Task 18. From the city to Prostokvashino, you can travel by bus with a change in Romashkovo or by train with a change in Kholmovo. The time of movement of buses and trains is indicated on the map. Which way is more profitable if it is known that you have to wait 5 minutes for a bus in Romashkovo, and the necessary train from Kholmov leaves for Prostokvashino in 20 minutes?

(The TTZ provides a diagram showing the travel time for buses and trains:

City - Romashkovo: 50 min;
Romashkovo - Prostokvashino: 10 min;
City - Kholmovo: 40 min;
Kholmovo - Prostokvashino: 5 min.)

Starting to solve the problem, the teacher explains to the students that the word "more profitable" means in this case- "faster".


The path through Romashkovo will require 50 + 5 + 10 = 65 (min);
The path through Kholmovo will require 45 + 20 + 5 = 70 (min).

Answer: go faster through Romashkovo.

Task 19. A notebook of creative assignments in economics in a bookstore near your house costs 50 rubles, and in a bookstore, which you need to go by bus, it costs 30 rubles. In which store is it more profitable for you to make a purchase if a bus ticket costs 7 rubles?


30 + 7 + 7 = 44 (p.).
50 is over 44.

Answer: It's better to go for a book.

Task 20. Mom gets 100 coins for every day she works. What advice would you give to a mom: stay away from work for one day, stay at home and get a haircut for your two sons, or give them money for a hairdresser? A haircut at the barbershop costs 40 coins.


40 x 2 = 80 (coins).
80 is less than 100.

Answer: It's better to go to the hairdresser.

Task 21. Scrooge McDuck's family consists of 4 people (he and his three nephews - Billy, Willy, Dilly). They live in the city. They have a dacha in the village of Dakovka. The cottage can be reached by city bus or by car. A bus ticket costs 25 coins. The car consumes 10 liters of gasoline. A liter of gasoline costs 6 coins. Scrooge went to the country. Advise Scrooge which transport is the most profitable. And what transport will Scrooge choose if he wants to take his nephews with him?


1) 6 x 10 = 60 (coins).
25 coins is less than 60 coins.
2) 25 x 4 = 100 (coins).
100 coins is more than 60 coins.

Answer : Scrooge is more profitable to go by bus. It is more profitable for a family of 4 to travel by car.

The teacher then asks the students to formulate general rule: how many passengers should participate in the trip to make it profitable to travel by bus? By car?
Children fill out the table given in the TTZ:

Answer: If the trip involves more than two passengers, then it is more profitable to travel by car.

(2nd grade)

Lesson 6

Target. To form the concept of the need for objects, goods, services.


1. Explain the dependence of needs on the situation.
2. To form the ability to generalize, operate with concepts.
3. To form the ability to highlight the main, necessary.
4. Give an idea about necessary attributes professions.

Equipment. Notebook of creative tasks in economics for the 2nd grade, colored pencils.

Basic concepts and categories. Necessary, required, desirable items. Profession.


The teacher starts the lesson by repeating what economics is.

Teacher. Let's remember what the economy is.

Children. Economics is the science of rational housekeeping.
“Economics studies the scarcity of resources.
- Economics helps to make the right choice.

U. You are familiar with the concept of "benefit", on the basis of which a person often chooses one or another option for solving a problem. However, a person is not always guided by profit. Remember what decisions you made?

D. Feeding a stray dog...
Helped Grandma...

U. And on the basis of what does mom choose what to cook for dinner: soup and meat or ice cream?

D. Soup and meat are healthier.

U. What would you choose: sandwich or gum?

D. If hungry, then a sandwich.

The teacher asks several similar questions. The children answer.

U. What conclusion can be drawn? What should be guided by when choosing?

D. Sometimes something is needed.
- Something helpful.

U. Let's make a conclusion. The choice is not always guided by considerations of benefit or taste. Sometimes you have to decide whether you can do without it or not. Name the things that a person cannot do without.

D. Medicines.
- Food. Warm clothing.
- Apartment.
- Toys. Dog....

U. Among these subjects there are necessary, obligatory and desirable. The need for certain things depends on the season, climate, profession, age.
And now independently complete tasks 22, 23, 24 in the TTZ and answer the questions. What items did you finish and why can't you do without these items? What items do you think are redundant and why?

Children complete tasks 22, 23, 24 in TTZ and answer questions.

Task 22. Anton has all the items mixed up in the closet. Help Anton figure out what he will need in winter and what - in summer. Show with arrows at what time of the year the items will be needed.

The figure for task 22 in the TTZ shows the following items: a coat, dark glasses, a lifebuoy, a hat, skis, sandals, felt boots, a sweater, a cap, shorts, a T-shirt, mittens.
Children circle the items needed in the summer with a red pencil, and with a blue one in the winter.

Task 23. Let's clean up your desk. What is missing, what can you do without while doing your homework? Write. Think, maybe there is something extra here? Cross out. Circle the necessary and required items in red pencil, and the desirable items in green.

The figure for task 23 in the TTZ shows a desk on which there is a notebook, a book stand, a pen, a pencil, books, scissors, a table lamp, a globe, a flashlight, a tape recorder, a slingshot, a plate, a telephone.

Task 24. Anton goes on a journey. Advise him what to put in his suitcase. Circle with a green pencil those items that will be useful to him during the trip, and cross out those that should not be taken.

The figure for task 24 in TTZ shows Anton, standing in front of an open suitcase. On the side are various objects in disorder: plates, books, rackets, felt boots, flippers, boots, skis, a coat, a globe, a table lamp, a bathtub, a picture, a camera, clothes.

U. What would you advise Anton to take with him, which is not shown in the picture, why? Write or draw these items.

If the children start asking where Anton is going, for how long, etc., then the teacher asks them to explain how the set of items depends on these factors, without limiting the children's imagination.

The next stage of the lesson aims not only to recall the types of basic resources, but also to form the ability of children to find common ground, to generalize, to operate with concepts.
I will now read out a list of various items. Try to define in one word what needs they satisfy. You can only answer on my command.

A. Meat, bananas, milk, bread, apples - food.
B. Book, school, library, institute - education.
V. Vaccination, pills, thermometer, bandage - health.
G. Theater, puppet, ball, TV - entertainment.
Juice, water, tea thirst.
E. Bed, pillow, blanket - dream.
F. Furnace, fireplace, battery, fire - heat.
AND. Thank you, please forgive me polite words.
TO. Newspapers, books, radio, TV information.
L. Fire extinguisher, safe, helmet, bars - safety etc.

- How to describe in one word the needs for food, warmth, sleep?

D. Physiological.

U. What human need does polite words satisfy?

U. You know that representatives of different professions need different means and objects of labor. I suggest you play the following games.

"Who uses at work?"

The teacher suggests listing all the professions whose representatives use in their activities:

- scissors ( tailor, hairdresser, surgeon, gardener...);
- mirror ( driver, hairdresser, dentist...);
- a needle;
- brush;
- hammer.

The number of correct answers of children, originality is estimated (the less often the profession is mentioned in the answers, the more original the answer).

"Guess the profession"

The students are tasked with guessing professions and describing what materials and tools are needed to perform professional duties (in case of difficulty, only a tool). For example, a tree, a planer - carpenter; fabric, needle tailor; wood, ax lumberjack; drawing board, paper draftsman. The pupils write down the hidden profession, tool, material in the TTZ, task 25. After preparation, the students invite each other to guess the profession. The task can be performed by groups of students, in this case the group conceives three professions. The teacher evaluates the quality (correctness), originality and quantity of the conceived professions.

Task 25. Fill in the table.

(2nd grade)

Lesson 18

Target. To develop the student's self-knowledge skills in terms of his participation in economic activities.


1. Consider various opportunities for schoolchildren to participate in shaping the income of a typical family.
2. Develop skills in self-knowledge: assessing the level of development of personal qualities, skills.
3. To educate the student about the need to save time and resources.
4. Show the need for education.
5. Give the concept of labor productivity.

Equipment. Notebook of creative tasks in economics for the 2nd grade; everything you need to make an item you need in everyday life (feeding troughs, vases, etc.) at the lesson.

Basic concepts and categories Keywords: labor productivity, household, family income, contribution.


The teacher starts the lesson by talking about the contribution of various family members to the family budget.

Teacher. Did any of you help your parents in professional work (at work)?

Children. We opened a salon (parents are designers).
I helped my grandmother give out hotel numbers.
Mom asks me to turn on her computer.
I often take papers to the office.

U. How do you help with housework? What types of housework do you know?

D. I'm picking up my brother from kindergarten.
Sometimes I wash the dishes when my mother is at work.
I always do my own cleaning in my room.

U. It takes a lot of effort from each member of the family to maintain a household in good condition. There is so much work in the household that everyone can find a job according to his strength and according to his skill.
In the previous lesson, you were asked to talk to your parents at home and calculate how much time it takes to complete housework per week. Let's check how you did.

D. I spoke with my grandmother. Yesterday she cooked breakfast for 30 minutes, lunch for 2 hours, and vacuumed for 1 hour. She also washed in the machine for 2 hours.

Having organized a discussion of this problem with students, the teacher fills out on the board, and the children in TTZ (task 60), a table of time spent on housework.

Task 60. Fill in the table "Time spent on housework per week."

U. Thus, work efficiency is characterized by labor productivity: whoever works faster, he works more productively. Now complete task 61 in TTZ.

Task 61. Choose one daily task for yourself (preparing homework, washing dishes, cleaning the room, etc.). Note how long it takes to complete this task and answer the following questions:

A. Are you doing this job as quickly and efficiently as you can? Highlight YES or NO.
V. Do other students, adults do this work faster than you? Highlight YES or NO.
How do they achieve this? Write.
WITH. Write how, in your opinion, it is better and faster to do this work.

Task 62. Consider the drawings. Make up stories about how children replenish family income.

In task 62, the TTZ contains several series of drawings:

Series 1. Schoolchildren take care of the garden, pick apples, and then sell them.
Series 2. A boy makes and then sells a stool.
Series 3. A girl takes part in running competitions, wins and receives a valuable prize.

U. Have you ever had to earn income on your own?

In the course of the statements, the teacher organizes a discussion of the children on the following issues.

1. Income from waste. What to do with scribbled notebooks, pieces of cloth, etc.
2. Made by hand. Repair and renewal of clothing and household items. Manufacture of household items.
3. Income from the sale of unnecessary property: figures from Kinder Surprise, old toys.
4. Income from the provision of paid services: car washing, newspaper sales, etc.

During the conversation, the teacher assesses the non-standard of the proposed methods, their availability, labor costs, as well as the moral aspect of the proposed cases (according to the method of obtaining and assigning income).

The teacher uses exercises that are a diagnostic of non-standard thinking, invites children to come up with ways to use the surrounding objects in an unusual way. For example, to find non-standard use for old newspapers, milk bags (manufacturing of feeders), plastic bottles(manufacturing of a washstand, flower vases), clothes hangers (scales).
The discussion is best organized in groups of students. The teacher distributes the children into groups - 4 people in each. Invites each group to choose an object (the list has been prepared in advance) and determine as many ways as possible to reuse it.
The following roles are assigned to the members of each group:

- secretary (briefly writes down the proposed methods);
- speaker;
- organizer (monitors the discussion, regulates the relationship of group members);
– technologist (assesses the feasibility of the proposed methods).

After the groups complete the discussion and write down the methods found on the sheets, the speakers from each group are heard, and the rest of the class students express their opinion. Here are some solutions proposed by students.

Pencil can be used:

- instead of a rolling pin for rolling out dough;
- scales - if you attach 3 hooks;
- like an arrow for a bow;
- cut into pieces - here are the cartridges for the pistol;
- if there is glue, then you can make a layout of the hut;
- put two jumper balls on the ends - here's a toy for you;
- make masts for the ship;
- if glue is poured onto the board, then you can make a multi-colored mosaic of slates;
- the same, but a mosaic of shavings when you sharpen a pencil;
- terminals for the switch;
- if you take out the stylus, you get a tube - you can shoot, drink juice;
- if you cut it in half and remove the lead, then it’s like a handle on a rope when you carry something heavy (so that the rope doesn’t cut your hand);
- using a pencil, you can twist the antenna out of wire;
- as a stand for a spool of thread;
– as a coil for winding wire;
- as stems for artificial flowers;
- you can take out the stylus and insert the ropes - you get a panicle.

The lesson can be completed by offering students practical work on the manufacture of any thing that is useful in everyday life. It is also advisable at the next technology lesson to invite schoolchildren to make some kind of useful thing, learn how to mend clothes.
At the end of the lesson (or as homework) the teacher invites students to write a letter to a friend according to the plan: what I like, what I can do, what I'm good at, who I want to be, can I bring income to the family now (task 67).

Task 67. Write a letter to a friend.

"Dear friend!
I love _______________________________ very much.
I think that money should not be asked from parents. You can earn them yourself. I am good at _____ _______________________________________________ .
I am good at _____________________.
I can ______________________________________ .
Day, month, year, signature.

(2nd grade)

Lesson 23

Target. To form in children an economical attitude to all types of resources.


1. To introduce students to the concepts of "savings", "thrift", "stinginess".
2. Show that saving helps to take into account the limited resources.
3. Teach children the economical use of all types of resources.
4. To instill in schoolchildren the desire for reasonable savings in the family and society.

Equipment. Notebook of creative tasks in economics for the 2nd grade; colour pencils.

Basic concepts and categories. Thrift, frugality, stinginess, extravagance, rationality, resources.


The teacher begins the lesson by discussing the problem of reducing the cost of all types of resources.

Teacher. Why is it necessary to reduce water consumption?

Children. You have to pay for water.

- If you pour a lot of water, it will all go away, then there will not be enough.

U. Why is it necessary to reduce the time spent on performing any work?

D. There won't be enough time and you won't be able to do anything. If you don't do your homework, you'll get a deuce.
- If there is time, we can do something useful.
- If the work is uninteresting, it must be done quickly, and not dragged out.

U. Why should you spend money wisely?

D. Money must be saved. Might not be enough for anything.
- You will spend all the money, but where can you get others?
“People get paid. And if you have a family, you can't waste money.

U. Why should people strive to reduce the labor cost of doing work?

D. Then something else can be done. And then you get tired, and that's it.
- We need to save time.
- If the costs are high, then the price is higher.

Similar questions can be continued, using in them the need to reduce the cost of all types of resources (raw materials, materials, time, labor, etc.), since all resources are limited.

U. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the economical, careful, prudent attitude of people towards them allows saving resources. And now complete task 90 in the TTZ, in which you are invited to find an explanation of the concept of "savings" in the Russian language dictionary and write it down in the TTZ.

The children are doing the task.

Remember, frugality is different from frugality. Thrift involves the rational use of all types of resources from which values ​​are created (goods, services, time, ideas, etc.), and frugality is the preservation of already created values. Complete task 91.

Task 91 in TTZ is aimed at developing in schoolchildren the ability to make a choice from alternatives. The children look at the drawings and color in the ones where people are being thrifty.

The figure for task 91 in the TTZ shows:

an open faucet dripping water;
children breaking wood;
mother sewing up torn clothes;
a trash can containing pieces of bread, a book, sausages, etc.;
children repair books in the library.

U. What pictures did you color? Who colored the other pictures? How should the task be completed?

Children's responses are heard.

How do you understand the word "thrift"? Can we say that a thrifty person is a stingy person? Name the opposite word for frugality.

D. Extravagance.

U. And how do you feel about such a quality of personality as prudence? Is it a positive or negative quality in a person? (After listening to the children's answers, the teacher invites them to evaluate such a situation.)

"Yours elder sister I decided to sew a festive dress out of expensive fabric. Arriving at the store, she chose a fabric and asked the seller how many meters of fabric she would need to festive dress. The seller replied: "Two meters." My sister bought the fabric, brought it home and decided to cut it right away. It turned out that 50 centimeters of fabric was bought in vain. They were redundant. Probably the seller decided that the sister would sew long dress and she wanted to make it short. Did the sister show such a quality as prudence? Or was she being extravagant in this situation?"

Children's answers.

– Complete task 92. ( This quest should only be offered in a strong class. You can offer to complete this task at home with the help of parents.)

Task 92 . Match the concepts in the right column with the definitions from the left column and connect them with arrows:

Answer: 1G, 2A, 3D, 4B, 5V.

At the end of the lesson, The masked man game. One of the seniors comes to 2nd grade wearing a mask and tells a story about how he saved money. The story might go something like this.

Masked man. Guys! I came to you for advice on how to live my life. I've been saving money all my life. If my parents gave me money for ice cream, chewing gum or for any entertainment, I tried not to spend it, but put it in a piggy bank. If my mother sent me to the store and said that I needed to buy 500 grams of butter for a week, then I thought that 400 grams was enough. I told my mother that I bought 400 grams, but I did not give change from the purchase. Often the money intended for breakfast, I also put in a piggy bank. One day I found a wallet with money in it. I did not even try to find the person who had lost it, but I was only glad that my savings would increase. Why I saved this money, I can’t answer for sure. What will I do when the piggy bank is full? One thing I know is that my health has become worse from the fact that I deny myself breakfast and other food. The mood is also not very good, as the guys buy themselves chewing gum, sweets, toys and games, and I keep saving money. Guys! Help me figure out who I am: frugal, thrifty? Or maybe I'm mean?

The teacher invites the children to help the masked man decide who he is. First, the guys who consider the masked man to be economical raise their hands. Then those students who think the masked man is thrifty. And finally, those who consider him stingy. The teacher comments on the choice made by all three groups of students, asks the guys how they feel about such hoarding. After the game is over, the teacher thanks the masked man for coming to 2nd grade for advice, and all the 2nd grade students for trying to help the person solve his problems.

As additional material for the lesson can be used word game. The class is divided into teams. Each team is invited to write on the board or on a piece of paper in 5 minutes maximum amount words that can be made up of economic concepts: EXTRACTIVENESS, PURPOSE, THRUTNESS.