Questions for a telephone interview. Phone interview: how to prepare for a recruiter. Summary: Standard Applicant Survey Patterns

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  • Telephone etiquette: rules and regulations

    Consider the rules of telephone etiquette, which are followed today by progressive companies that care about their image. If you strive to look like a professional in the eyes of partners and clients, then the implementation of the laws set out below is simply a must for you.

    The norm is the observance of telephone etiquette by every employee of the organization who:

      answers incoming calls;

      makes phone calls on behalf of the company;

      to which the client's call can be redirected.

    1. Watch the intonation of your voice

    When communicating, people transmit information to each other using three channels: "sign language" (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). By phone, we also transmit the meaning of our message to the interlocutor using several channels, only in in this case the law of information transfer looks different. First, the "sign language" seems to disappear, since the interlocutor does not see us, and the remaining two channels (intonation and words) of information transfer share 100% of the meaning of our message as follows:
    • Intonation - 86%;
    • Words - 14%.

    The voice conveys information to your interlocutor about what kind of person you are. With your voice, you not only influence perception, but often create the mood of the interlocutor. When talking on the phone, smile, be full of energy and enthusiasm. A smile and a positive attitude are heard in the intonation.

    Don't lie back in your chair or put your feet on the table while talking on the phone. When a person is lying or half-sitting, the angle of the diaphragm changes and the timbre of his voice changes. Therefore, the interlocutor, even without seeing you, "hears" that you are lying. And this is unacceptable, because the voice of a person in such a position seems uninterested and full of indifference.

    2. Greet the caller

    If you pick up the handset while answering an outside call, pick up the handset and immediately greet the caller. The greeting, of course, varies with the time of day, it could be “ Good morning(good afternoon or good evening) ".

    By greeting the caller, you show that his call is important to you and that you are happy with him (if this is not the case, then he should not know about it).

    Don't be like the "telephone dinosaurs" who pick up the phone and say:

    3. Introduce yourself by phone

    After greeting the caller, introduce yourself and name your organization. When receiving external calls, two approaches are used, the so-called "minimum" and "maximum":

      Minimum approach: Greetings + name of organization. Here's how it sounds: "Good afternoon, the publishing house" Vent! "

      Maximum approach: Minimum + name of the person who answered the phone. This is how it sounds: "Good afternoon, the" Vent "publishing house, Marina is listening!"

    It is up to you to decide which approach to choose and use. Following any of these will show the callers that you and your organization are professionals.

    I remember once I called a company, and there they answered: "Hello". I ask: "Tell me, is it ABC?", And the answer to me: "Who are you?" I say: “Maybe I'm your potential client”, to which they assured me: “Our clients know us!” ... and hung up.

    4. Answer incoming calls after the 2nd, maximum after the 3rd call

    This is one of the laws that telephone operators, company secretaries, hotline workers and other "telephone" personnel are literally "trained to fulfill". And that's why.

    If we pick up the telephone receiver after the first call, then the caller gets the impression that we have nothing to do, and we were bored waiting for someone to call us at last.

    Do not pick up the phone after the first call, those few seconds that are in stock will allow you to get distracted from what you were doing and concentrate on the phone call.

    If you give the phone the opportunity to ring 4, 5 or more times, then, firstly, the caller will start to get nervous (it is proven that people, waiting for an answer on the phone, very quickly lose patience), and secondly, he has a completely "definite" opinion about our interest in him and in clients in general. Subsequently, he will no longer believe the beliefs in our ability to respond quickly to his needs and problems.

    5. When you call, do not say "You are worried about ..." or "You are worried about ..."

    This is a kind of national disease. I suspect that this stems from an excessive desire to appear polite and from self-doubt. Telling the person that you are disturbing him (bothering him), you form in him a certain - unwanted - attitude towards yourself and your call.

    You force him to be on the alert, and you yourself ask him to treat your call as an unwanted distraction. Why create trouble for yourself and say to your interlocutor, “I disturbed you, violated your comfort and now I will pester you with my questions”?

    Simply say: “Good morning (Hello), Marina (Marina Shestakova) from the“ Vorochka ”publishing house is calling you.

    6. When you call, ask if the client can talk to you

    Each person has their own to-do list, scheduled appointments, meetings, etc. In other words, when we called him, the likelihood that we interrupted him from work is very high. This is especially true for calls to a mobile phone; our interlocutor can be anywhere and be busy with anything.

    After introducing yourself, do not get down to business, first ask if the interlocutor can talk to you. By asking this question, we show the interlocutor that we are brought up and that we value his time. Thus, we position ourselves in his eyes as a professional and inspire respect for ourselves.

      Introduce yourself + ask about the opportunity to take time + name the purpose of the call.

      Introduce yourself + name the purpose of the call + ask about the opportunity to take time.

    7. Get to the heart of your call as quickly as possible.

    After introducing yourself and asking for time to talk, don't waste time on pointless lyrics and pointless questions like:

      Well, how do you like this heat in the city?

      What do you think about today's statement by our prime minister?

      Did you see on the news yesterday ...?

      You heard latest news about Iraq?

    When talking on the phone, business people tend to be concise and on topic. Do not annoy them with talking about this and that, tell them about the purpose of your call and start a business conversation.

    It is worth adding that an exception to this rule is talking by phone with clients with whom you have developed warm friendships or even friendships over the years.

    8. Using the "hold" function

    Almost every phone has a "hold" function, only it is designated differently, depending on the manufacturer of the device.

    This function allows, if necessary, to "suspend" the interlocutor on the line, without disconnecting the connection. It is used every time during a conversation you need to put down the telephone receiver and isolate the interlocutor from what is happening in your room (from conversations, discussions, jokes, anecdotes of your colleagues). For example, in order to:

      go to the next office for the information necessary for the interlocutor;

      print the required document;

      call to the phone the right person;

      to clarify something with a colleague.

    By pressing the corresponding button on your phone and activating "hold", you do not give the interlocutor the opportunity to hear what is happening in your room. If the telephone set is connected to the telephone exchange, then during "hold" it plays the programmed melody to your interlocutor.

    There are several rules related to setting and removing an interlocutor from "hold":

      When setting - ask if the interlocutor can wait, and explain the reason for the need to wait.

      For example: "Can you wait, since I have to contact the accounting department to answer your question?"

      When withdrawing, thank the interlocutor for waiting. This step allows you to dissipate the tension and nervousness that comes with anyone who is expecting. We also show the person that he is important to us and we are grateful to him for not hanging up.

    If you know you will have to wait more than one minute, then don't leave it on hold. Tell him that you will call him back after clarifying the information he is interested in. While waiting on the phone, even one minute seems to be several, do not give the interlocutor another reason to be nervous and angry.

    9. If they ask a person who is absent

    Do not "cut off" the caller, simply stating the fact that the person he needs is at the exhibition (on vacation, will return at the end of the week) and do not hang up immediately.

    After reporting the absence of the right person, make two attempts to restrain the caller. Offer your help. For example: "Is there anything I can help you with?" or: "Can someone else help you?"

    If the person who called does not agree to the assistance offered, then ask to leave a message.

    It sounds like this:

      What should I send (to an absent colleague)? Who called?

      Let me leave a (absent colleague) message that you called. Please introduce yourself.

    10. Finishing the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor

    Notice how many people end a conversation by simply hanging up without even saying goodbye.

    How many times has this happened to me: you call the organization and ask the person who answered the phone a question, for example: "Tell me, do you work on Saturday?" The answer sounds "Yes" or "No", and the conversation ends. Once I still called back and asked: "Why are you hanging up, I still have a question for you?" The answer was simply brilliant: "We must speak faster!"

    In a situation like the one described above, before you say goodbye to the caller, ask: “Can I answer any other question?”, And only after receiving a negative answer, end the conversation. just simple: "Goodbye."

    11. Adjust to the speed of the interlocutor

    If a person speaks slowly, this indicates that his thinking process is proceeding at the same speed. This means that he carefully evaluates every word he hears and utters and carefully weighs the information received before accepting final decision... When dealing with such people, slow down the tempo of your speech slightly. Don't be fooled into thinking that the faster you speak, the faster your interlocutors will think. Quite the opposite, not keeping up with the pace of your speech, they will lose the train of your thoughts and become completely confused.

    A person who speaks quickly or very quickly grasps thoughts on the fly and makes decisions without much hesitation, perhaps even hastily. He is annoyed by the slowness and slowness, he is impatient and thirsty for action. Accelerate the pace of your speech by interacting with these people.

    Change the pace of your speech, just do not cross the line beyond which the parody begins.

    12. Do not chew, drink or smoke while talking on the phone

    If you think that by performing the above actions, you will hide them from the telephone interlocutor, then you are mistaken. Many times I have spoken to people who thought they were disguising chewing or smoking without even realizing how unpleasant it sounds on the phone.

    Once I called a client, from whose answer it became clear to me that he was chewing. I tell him: “ Bon Appetit", And he answered me:" And what, you hear? ".

    Put your gum (cutlet, cigarette) aside.

    13. Don't apologize to the other person for taking up their time.

    This recommendation also applies to holding meetings. If you think that you have taken the interlocutor away from important matters or that you have taken away valuable time, then do not tell him about it aloud. Saying, “Sorry, our meeting (conversation) has been dragged on, I probably took your time ", - you yourself will lead him to the idea that:

      he lost his time communicating with you;

      your time is worthless;

      you are not sure of yourself;

      you feel guilty.

    Instead of an apology, you can thank the other person:

      Thank you for finding the opportunity to meet (talk) with me.

      I understand your busyness, thank you for the time allotted for our meeting.

    You show that you value him and his time, but you do not present yourself as a "guilty supplicant."

    14. Using the speakerphone (speakerphone)

    Do not use speakerphone unless absolutely necessary and without warning and consent of the interlocutor. At today's level of technology, the client will hear the difference between communicating with you through a handset and using a “speakerphone”. Hearing that you are talking to him using the speakerphone, the client will almost immediately feel discomfort and alert. In addition, he will draw two conclusions:

      Someone is eavesdropping on us.

    15. Communication with secretaries

    If your job involves making calls in an organization, then this means that you periodically communicate with the secretaries of these organizations. Today, secretarial positions are occupied by educated and qualified people who are the “face of the company” and optimize the work of their superiors. They listen to their opinion, they are highly valued as “front line workers”.

      Don't insult, demean, or underestimate them. These people often wield a lot of power. They can become either your supporters or enemies, it all depends on you. Show them respect and reverence, and they will repay you in kind.

      Treat them the same way you treat your customers. Secretaries are also your clients, they influence the opinion of their management about you, about your company and your product. If they wish, they can present your call (fax, letter) as “another trick of an annoying idiot from stupid company". They can make sure that your letters, faxes and Email Will not reach the recipient. Considering this...

      Build relationships with them. It doesn't matter if you do it with the help of bouquets, chocolates or through your respectful attitude. Remember one thing: by winning the favor of the secretary, you gain a supporter in the client's organization. In addition, no one knows which direction and in which company this person will become manager tomorrow.

    Not all necessary professions are equally popular in society, especially among young people. Among the mass professions, there are many that require an average qualification worker - a cashier, a sales assistant, a call center operator, social workers, etc. How can you attract people to a low-profile job?

    The problem is that employers are interested in keeping responsible employees in these positions, but cannot offer them high salaries or especially creative assignments... From the point of view of employees, such vacancies can be classified as unpopular. And from the point of view of a recruiter - to difficult ones, because only those candidates have to be selected who correspond to:

    • job profile;
    • certain corporate requirements.

    I have been with Global Bilgi for over four years. The team grew and developed before my eyes. Three years ago, when I was recruiting, everything was much simpler: there were fewer competitors, the projects were quite simple, and hardworking and active applicants came to us. Per Last year the projects have become more complex and technologically advanced, and the selection has become three times tougher, although the flow of candidates has hardly increased. But the number of competitors has increased, and the candidates in the labor market have the opinion that there is nothing worse and more difficult to work than an operator.

    The company had to change its HR strategy:

    • more efforts began to be made to retain and develop employees;
    • in order to attract new candidates, they gradually began to form an employer brand;
    • revised the assessment center - made it more practical and understandable for applicants.

    Efforts began to bear fruit: the proportion of people attending introductory training (of the number of invitees) increased slightly. When it turned out that this was not enough, we had to revise other stages of recruiting ...

    This is where we got to the telephone interview. In fact, our recruiters have always done it well, strictly following the script: “question - answer; question - answer ... ”But something was wrong.

    After analyzing the problem, we came to the conclusion: we position ourselves as an outsourcing call center that can sell, for our operators “ability to sell” is the main competence. But our recruiters - researchers (researchers) do not know how to sell, and do not even try!

    Having identified the problem, we began to look for opportunities to solve it. How did it go before telephone interview with candidates? We spent five to ten minutes on a call - we asked standard questions, not always thinking that a person's decision largely depends on these issues: will he choose our company among identical proposals?

    A telephone interview is a fairly effective tool and, despite its simplicity, is very useful in initial stage selection suitable candidates... Personal communication helps to find out the missing information, or, conversely, to communicate what we are not ready to publish in the vacancy announcement.

    In general, an interview should be viewed as a bi-directional tool, as it can be used to:

    1. Primary selection of candidates who responded to the vacancy. By selection, in this case, we mean cutting off obviously inappropriate candidates - according to parameters that obviously do not correspond to the vacancy profile. For example, the criteria "general literacy" and "absence of speech defects" are defining for the position "operator", but they do not lend themselves to remote research (by resume or questionnaire).
    2. Attracting "passive" candidates - those who have not shown interest in the vacancy (outgoing calls on the resume).

    Speaking about an unpopular vacancy, we know in advance what the motivational profile of most candidates will be - the criteria for choosing a job and their priorities are predictable. The order (according to the importance of the motives will be something like this:

    1) wages;
    2) work schedule;
    3) the location of the office;
    4) type of employment.

    There are others, of course, but in most cases the decision is made on the basis of this information.

    Of course, if during the day a candidate receives five calls with identical offers from different employers, he also begins to pay attention to reviews about the company in open sources, recalls a conversation with a distributor. This is where it works additional factor- "attitude towards a person in the course of a conversation." This becomes important, because all other things being equal, it is the first phone call that demonstrates to the candidate the corporate culture of the company, its values ​​and standards. Yes, respectful attitude and it is very easy to demonstrate a pleasant atmosphere in the office, giving a person the opportunity to observe employees or ask them questions for at least five minutes ... But whether he comes to the office depends on the call.

    A well-conducted telephone interview influences a number of factors ( table).

    Important points of conducting a telephone interview




    The number of candidates who came for an interview

    People also choose, and the more widespread the profession, the more the final decision depends on them.

    Is it okay that I'm going with a friend? I told him, and he really liked the conditions. He also wants to work for you. Can?


    Did the person feel that he would be welcome? Did he want to know more about the company after talking with the recruiter?

    Brand name

    Reviews about the company affect the perception of the recruiter's arguments during the interview
    Emotions from communication affect the perception of the employer

    A friend advised me, you called him. But he won't be able to combine it with his studies ... Can I come to you for an interview?

    What needs to be done to conduct a quality interview?

    A... Find out the name of the interlocutor and do not forget to repeat it several times throughout the conversation. This will demonstrate your respect and help to dispose him to frankness, because personal appeal is pleasant to everyone ☺.

    B... Start simple. It is very important to concentrate during a call, or better - half a minute before it. It has long been tested and proven: it is the greeting phrase, or rather, its intonation and content, directly determine the style of the upcoming dialogue and its results.

    V... The candidate should feel that the recruiter is happy with his call.

    G... We do not just call to offer a vacancy or answer the candidate's questions (if the call is incoming) - we try to "sell" it.

    D... Separately, I would like to note the need to develop the correct structure of the conversation for the first call to the candidate. It is very important! Even the best salespeople always have a script before their eyes (a typical conversation scenario, a step-by-step recording of all its stages, including a list of sample questions and answers to frequently asked questions). They also have a couple of important phrases in stock that should always be addressed. Special attention... Sensible “tips” help the salesperson feel confident, speak consistently, meaningfully and concisely.

    Here is a typical script structure:

    1. Greetings and making contact... The greeting should be concise. You need to speak clearly and slowly, because it is important for us that the candidate understands correctly who is calling him and why. It is also very important at the welcome stage to clarify whether a person has the opportunity to pay attention to a full discussion of the vacancy, since we take away his personal time.

    Sample conversation pattern:

    Good afternoon, (candidate name)! My name is _____ and I am HR specialist for _______ company. I would like to offer you a job in our company. Can you talk now?

    2. Identifying the need... You can, of course, do without this point, immediately informing the candidate of all the advantages of the vacancy. But as often happens, what is good for one person is not good for another. So if you start with a few simple questions, you will be able to present your vacancy in the most attractive form for a particular applicant. For instance:

    • "What vacancies are you ready to consider?"
    • "What do you pay attention to first of all when choosing a job?"
    • "How will you make a choice?"
    • "Have you heard about our company before?"

    In addition, at this stage, the recruiter may decide to end the conversation - if the needs and interests of the applicant are completely at odds with the company's proposal.

    3. Presentation of working conditions and job duties ... It will be much easier to communicate the advantages and tasks that will have to be solved in this position, knowing what is important for this person. For instance:

    “Global Bilgi is an international company with a leading position among the world's contact centers. We work with companies like _________________________.

    We now have a vacancy on ________. This vacancy fully corresponds to your wishes for ________ (we list what we found out at the beginning of the conversation).

    There is only one duty: to help the client in solving problems. Most of your time will be occupied by:

    • telephone consultations;
    • search for answers on the company's website;
    • fixing calls;
    • preparation of applications for connection / diagnostics.

    Most often, customers contact the contact center when they need:

    • assistance in choosing services / tariffs;
    • technical advice on setting up the Internet;
    • consideration of complaints and disputable situations ”.

    It is also important to say about:

    • where is the office;
    • what conditions of employment are offered;
    • that the company is providing introductory training.

    4. Discussion... You need to go to this stage even during the presentation of the conditions. It is important to find out from the candidate his salary expectations, how convenient the office location is for him, etc., and also to give him guarantees that the induction training will be carried out. The task of the recruiter here is to interest the candidate so much that he wants to come and see everything with his own eyes. We usually say in conclusion:

    I told and asked about everything that was important to me, now it's your turn.

    If the needs of the applicant are not identified at the very beginning of the conversation or are not fully defined, then the discussion can develop into a fight with objections. In this case, you need to return to the stage of identifying needs - to find out:

    • what exactly is important for the candidate in the work;
    • which he would like to avoid.

    5. Completion... By the end of the conversation, the recruiter should give himself the answer: is he ready to invite this candidate for an interview?

    It is important to immediately inform the candidate about the decision and its reasons. Worst case- “on the forehead” to tell a person that he is not suitable and what exactly he is bad for. It is best to communicate unpleasant information using the "sandwich" method: "wrap up" the refusal in a positive way - not only to objectively analyze why the identified shortcomings are incompatible with the position, but also to emphasize the merits of the candidate.

    For instance:

    “You have demonstrated good communication skills and understanding of Internet technologies. This is very important for this position. At the same time, competent Russian speech is also important for us, and you use a lot of Ukrainianisms. "

    If a positive decision is made, the recruiter should:

    • tell the candidate how to get to the office, suggest how to find it easier;
    • give a contact phone number and offer to call if you have additional questions;
    • remind your name.

    Thanks to good attitude loyal employees will come to the candidates at all stages of selection in the company, and those who, for some reason, did not approach, will advise interested applicants. In our practice, there was a case: three people were invited, and seven came. Sometimes we say to the most worthy candidates: “Your skills and knowledge will be very useful in this position. And if you have friends with the same level of training, then come together. " This works very well - as a rule, candidates choose smart friends, so most are interviewed successfully. In the worst case, only one candidate will pass, but it will be the strongest!

    Major mistakes. The recruiter can also make the mistake of missing out on a worthy candidate. And because of some missteps, the whole company can lose confidence in the labor market. What are the most common mistakes? Recruiter:

    • Corresponds by mail during a conversation with a candidate. But, being distracted, he may miss important points, and the candidate will come to the conclusion that he is not interesting to the interlocutor.
    • Doesn't write / remember answers. As a result, he asks the same information again, giving the impression of an inattentive and indifferent listener (and will not be able to add “you said that ...” when meeting in person).
    • He does not ask questions about key points of the position, therefore he invites those who clearly do not meet the requirements. As a result, the company will not acquire an employee, and the candidate will remain dissatisfied, because he wasted time and money on the road.

    For example: already at the interview, the applicant learns that the company has a "floating" work schedule, and priority is given to morning shifts, and the opportunity to work in the evening hours is important for him (he himself did not speak on the phone, but we forgot to ask). The person is outraged, and most importantly, he is ready to talk about his negative emotions"To the whole world."

    • Disdainful of those who are inappropriate or "unworthy." This is a direct threat to the employer's brand! By themselves, everyone knows that the negative is remembered better. If there is nothing unusual in the interview, then the candidate will not remember about him ... But if he did not like the tone or words of the recruiter, then, believe me, he will not be silent! All friends, relatives, neighbors and just random people find out about the insult. Of course, how violent the reaction will be largely depends on the temperament and sociability of the interlocutor, but it is still better to part with people "in an amicable way."

    If the company consistently builds an HR brand, maintains a positive corporate culture, and generally cares about employees, then recruiting should also be professional and positive. If the phone interview works to strengthen the employer's brand, then both the candidates and the recruiter will benefit. And the business will definitely not lose!

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    Telephone conversations - component business communication... A significant part of official contacts with partners, officials, clients takes place precisely by phone. Smart use of opportunities telephone connection saves valuable time very effectively. However, ignorance of telephone etiquette causes irreparable damage to the reputation and image of a business person.

    The basic requirements for telephone etiquette are simple.

    When making a call, always specify when it is more convenient to make it. After dialing a number, do not hold on for a long time if no one answers at the other end of the line. Maximum duration waiting - six rings. If you instructed an employee or secretary to call the person you are interested in, then you should be ready to join the conversation at any time.

    Don't forget to say hello. Always and with everyone. Psychologists recommend saying: "Good afternoon!", And not "Hello!" last word more consonants. Saying "Good morning!" and " good evening! " also not desirable: we have a working day.

    After greeting, invite the person you are interested in to the phone, then introduce yourself - the caller calls himself first. It is permissible not to identify yourself if there is no subscriber with whom you need to talk. You can ask when he will be there, or ask to give him something.

    Don't ask, “Who are you? And what is your number? ”, But you can clarify whether you dialed the number correctly and got through where you wanted. If you made a mistake with the number, then the next time you dial, immediately clarify whether this is the number that you need. If the conversation was interrupted for technical reasons, the initiator of the conversation should call back.

    The telephone call must obey the requirements of brevity. Don't forget: time is money! The recommended duration of a business conversation is no more than five minutes. It will be very kind of you if at the beginning of the conversation you ask if the other person has time and to what extent. If he's busy, apologize and ask when is the best time to call back.

    Answering a phone call, you need to pick up the phone before the fourth or fifth ring, ideally after the second. Answers such as “Yes!”, “Hello!”, “Listening!” Are unacceptable in an office setting. Business etiquette recommends that you create a script for the first words of the greeting in accordance with the specifics of your firm, company. You do not have to give your surnames, limiting yourself only to the designation of your position or department of the company. It is important that the person who dialed your number understands exactly where he called and who is talking to him. If your colleague is asked for the phone, it is indecent to find out who is asking him.

    If you are very busy, then it is better to turn off the phone or ask the secretary to answer the phone calls. If there is a client or visitor in your office, then communication with him is undoubtedly a priority. You should only answer the call to find out who is calling and tell you when you can call back, or ask the other person to leave their number and promise to call him back later. If you have visitors, and you need to call, then you should apologize to them, and try to make the call as short as possible.

    Under equal conditions, the person who called ends the conversation. When talking with the boss, the initiative to end the conversation should come from him. (By the way, a woman has the same privilege in an off-duty setting). If the conversation drags on, then you can summarize by using the phrases: "I believe that we discussed all the issues", "Thank you for your time" and the like. Try not to be impatient, leave about yourself pleasant impression.

    Counts bad taste call home or on a personal mobile phone on business. Business people with a good reputation should be able to do their job in work time... If your business partner has given you their home or mobile phone and allowed to call at any time, this should not be taken literally. In case of prior arrangement or extreme circumstances, of course, you can call after hours, but such a call should be the exception, not the rule. Moreover, think a hundred times before calling too early in the morning or late at night. For you to decide to call before 8 am and after 11 pm, at least there must be a fire.

    And most importantly, be always kind. After all, telephone wires can convey both a gloomy look and a displeased expression on the face, and a friendly smile.

    When applying for a job, in order not to waste your time on a personal conversation with each candidate, it is advisable to use a preliminary telephone interview. It is carried out in two stages. Some applicants can be weeded out immediately. Then you should process information about the remaining candidates, and only then, conduct a phone interview preceding a personal meeting.

    The phone interview is the first step.

    At the first stage, you refuse to those who clearly do not meet the requirements for the candidate. Information about other applicants, enter in a specially printed form or on separate sheets to be analyzed later. Here you indicate your name, contact information, the content of the preliminary interview and the time at which you will be ready to call back. Immediately refuse those who:

    Doesn't quite understand where and why he is calling.

    He does not want to talk about previous jobs or answers evasively, especially if he did not stay at any of them.

    The applicant's speech raises doubts whether he received at least secondary education. If he has difficulty formulating thoughts, he cannot immediately switch to new topic, speaks too loudly and agitatedly, speaks annoyingly slowly, takes long pauses after your question.

    Overloads speech with jargon or slang words, unless, of course, this is professional slang. Say goodbye right away if the applicant allows himself to use obscene words in a conversation.

    If the applicant sticks to a flirtatious tone and promises you gratitude for your help.

    In cases where the interlocutor insists on a personal meeting, where he will explain everything.

    Don't be serious about a candidate who is one of the first to ask a question about salary.

    Telephone interview is the second stage.

    After reviewing the profiles of each candidate, first of all, identify those who are not suitable for the proposed position. First of all, call them back and say no politely.

    Now you need to learn more about the information about those who passed the preliminary selection. To conduct a phone interview follows the following algorithm:

    1. Introduce yourself and remind which company you represent.

    2. Ask what he is doing now and what position of the applicant.

    3. What are his job responsibilities.

    4. What he expects from the proposed vacancy.

    5. Present the vacancy and describe the responsibilities that it entails.

    6. Check if such tasks were part of his responsibilities at previous location work and whether he had additional questions.

    If it is clear that this person does not meet your requirements, deny him now. If the applicant is satisfied with them, there are a few more questions to be asked during the telephone interview.

    7. His age. Remember that until the age of eighteen, an employee is entitled to work shorter hours. Are you ready for this. In addition, young workers will have to finish their education right at work. Labor discipline and relationships with the team may also become a problem.

    8. Place of residence. Indeed, if a person lives far away, constant delays are possible, or the employee arrives at work completely exhausted by the road. Ask if he plans to rent or buy a house nearby.

    9. Work experience for the position for which he is applying.

    10. Professional skills that will be useful to him in a new place. Moreover, check whether he had to perform certain tasks, if he answers vaguely, for example - passed, taught, etc.

    11. Education. Find out if the institution is accredited if you haven't heard of it before. When did the applicant graduate, what specialty.

    12. Marital status. Children. If the child is under the age of seven, it is likely that various family problems... It's good if a grandmother or nanny can look after the child. And don't forget about the benefits for single parenting.

    13. If certain requirements are also put forward to the applicant's appearance, ask how he looks. But here it is advisable to limit ourselves to those questions that interest you. After all, the applicant can see in him a hint of intimacy and say goodbye. And height, weight, physique, undoubtedly, are of interest to those who hire a person for a position where constant communication with clients is expected.

    14. Specify when you will call back in order to give a final answer about the possibility of a personal meeting.

    Now you have to choose those candidates who can be hired. You will make an appointment with them. You can save yourself from meeting with those who cannot apply for a vacancy if you know how to conduct a phone interview.

    Are you interested in re-evaluating the meaning of the first 15 seconds of the familiar telephone conversation between the applicant and the employer? In this case, we will draw your attention to an invisible, at first glance, problem: an outgoing call from an employer to an applicant often violates the elementary rules by which it is customary to talk on the phone in the modern business environment. As a result, in addition to spoiled first impressions of each other and lowering the prestige of the caller's company, people sometimes even fail to agree on an interview.

    Cause of the problem: despite the external simplicity telephone conversation, directly trainings on telephone conversations are mainly conducted for sales specialists and management personnel, i.e. for those whose success depends on business etiquette... But for the training of personnel of the personnel service, the budget is often cut. Of course, in the case of an invitation for an interview of an ordinary employee, disregard for some of the rules of the conversation on the part of the HR-rar will go unnoticed for the applicant. However, during dialogue with senior managers and managers, the personnel employee risks showing himself less educated person in matters of professional ethics.

    To fill the identified gap, you can use the material below. It will show what the structure of the outgoing phone call most effectively emphasizes the professionalism of the HR-rar (or lack thereof).

    The manner of speaking on the phone when scheduling an interview is an important indicator of our professional level... Let's match!

    Sample text of a competent telephone conversation about the appointment of an interview:

    “Good afternoon, Irina! (pause). My name is Olga, HR manager of N. I am calling to arrange an interview for the position of Regional Representative. Can you chat for 2 minutes now? "

    “Irina, I propose to summarize: we will meet with you tomorrow, March 24, at 15:00, at the address: Kosmos, 4, office 3. Let me remind you once again, my name is Olga. All the best!".

    Outgoing phone call plan

    1. Greeting + introducing yourself

    Say hello and address the interlocutor by name
    Introduce yourself: not only the first name (surname), but the name of the company.

    Meaning: from the first seconds, you need to set up the interlocutor for a conversation and create attractive image the caller. Forget about the expression "worries you"! - it is unlikely to cause pleasant emotions... Neutral phrases are much better.

    Example:“Good morning, Alexey! My name is Alena - HR manager of the Pero company.

    2. Message of the purpose of the call

    let the person understand why you are calling, as the applicant may receive many phone calls, not necessarily related to the search for a job, and he may not immediately understand what you are talking about;

    Give the person the opportunity to "switch" to a conversation with you, postpone current affairs.

    Example:“We have received your resume for the position of the head of the sales department. I’m calling to arrange an interview time at our office. ”

    3. The question of the availability of time to talk

    Surprisingly, this is the most overlooked point! Although who of us has never picked up the phone at an inconvenient time: on the road, on the street, during an operative or negotiations?

    Meaning: remove all obstacles to the continuation of the conversation. Imagine an applicant is at a meeting at an existing job, and then you call to offer him another job, you know ...

    At trainings, they often object to this point: "If a person is uncomfortable talking, then he himself will say about it, why ask him about it?"

    Think about which situation you look more respectable:

    When they interrupt you and say: "Sorry, I don't have time right now, call back"
    - or when you yourself manage the conversation and yourself ask the question about the possibility of continuing the conversation?

    Very important: one should be interested not only in the presence of abstract time, but in concrete minutes: “Anna, do you have 3 minutes to talk now?”. This gives both you and the other person a clear reference point.

    Moreover, if a person refuses to talk, do not forget to find out exactly when it is better to call back.

    4. Discussion of the main purpose of the call

    5. Recap + farewell

    Meaning: to voice the most important results of the conversation, to make sure that you understand each other, and set a favorable tone for the next meeting. This point can also be called a test of understanding.

    There are cases when the interlocutors misheard the time of the interview, the meeting place and other details. A brief recap important points helps to avoid these failures.

    Maria Bolokhova - business coach, HR consultant

    Several interview rules

    Rule number 1. The ability of the applicant at the beginning of the conversation to translate the topic of conversation into a dialogue format, and not into a “question-answer” mode, plays a role: take the initiative, ask questions.

    Rule # 2... Self-introduction matters within 30 seconds. At the same time, self-presentation should be interesting: have an accent at the beginning and end.

    The golden rule: you must not be late for a meeting with an employer; neat appearance.
    However, the most important thing in an interview is your self-confidence. Smile! .. but do not overdo it.

    There are only 6 types of interviews that can be applied to one degree or another in companies:

    1. Biographical interview (is a series of questions, the purpose of which is to establish the reliability of the information specified in the resume, and to obtain detailed information about the education, work experience and competencies of the applicant).

    2. Case interview, or situational interview (is a dialogue between a consultant and a candidate, during which the candidate is trying to solve a certain business problem).

    3. Projective interview (based on the construction of questions in such a way that they offer the candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character).

    4. Interview on competencies (the questions are aimed at clarifying the qualities and abilities that will be required to perform job duties).

    5. Conversation about nothing (questions about leisure, family, pets and hobbies are asked. Based on your answers, the recruiting manager can suggest how you behave with colleagues, subordinates, identify the main character traits, etc.).

    6. Stress interview (task stressful situation where your self-esteem and ability to talk about things that don't suit you are tested.)