How is Botox done? Which candidates are suitable for Botox injections? Indications and contraindications

In pursuit of eternal youth and beauty, mankind has invented a lot of ways to preserve beauty, and one of the most successful is botulinum toxin injections or Botox injections. Botulinum toxin preparations are a worthy, affordable and quick alternative to going to plastic surgeons. What you need to know about Botox injections in the forehead so that the “beauty injection” does not turn into a nightmare? How to inject Botox on the forehead? How does the Botox injection procedure go, when will it be visible and how long will the effect last?

general information

Botox injections have become normal procedure, and this service is provided by both beauty salons and private cosmetologists. Despite the fact that botulinum toxin is one of the most dangerous poisons, with the right dosage and proper application, it has very little effect. side effects and negative consequences of use.

If the application of this drug is so simple, where do the photos of people with frozen facial expressions and blurry facial features come from? In case of unsuccessful injections, the human factor is always involved - this may be a low qualification of a cosmetologist or ignoring contraindications by the patient.

Description of preparations based on botulinum toxin and the principle of operation of injections

Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, the causative agent of the dangerous disease botulism. This toxin paralyzes the action of the muscles and stops the work of the sweat and salivary glands.

In the US, Canada and the UK, it was studied as a biological weapon, and the cosmetic effect of botulinum toxin was discovered during experiments on the treatment of diseases of the eye muscles, when transverse wrinkles on the forehead were smoothed out in patients.

Should I be afraid of the possibility of Botox poisoning? In no case, because the cosmetic dose of the administered drug is several thousand times less than that which can cause toxicity.

Why do wrinkles smooth out after an injection?

The cosmetic effect of Botox injections is due to the fact that the toxin blocks muscle impulses in a local area, which allows the skin to recover naturally. This process will last depending on which drug was introduced.

Botulinum toxin in aesthetic medicine exists in seven types, marked in Latin letters from A to G. The most persistent of them is the A-type drug, its effect lasts from six months to 8-9 months, until it is excreted from the body.

The most persistent effect is denied by botulinum toxin type A.

Indications for the use of "beauty injections".

It is worth thinking about Botox injections for those who are not happy with what they see in the mirror:

  • signs of sagging skin and other age-related changes,
  • mimic wrinkles,
  • wrinkles during outer corners eye,
  • "sliding down" of the lower eyelid and corners of the lips,
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead. How to raise eyebrows with Botox.

Botulinum toxin is also indicated for people suffering from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).

Botox for wrinkles on the forehead is introduced at any age, but you must be strictly guided by the indications. For young women with very active facial expressions, it is enough to make only one injection, and during its action we will unlearn to frown and squint, which will help to avoid early wrinkles.

For women aged 30 to 40, Botox injections will give the best effect when cosmetics, massage and other methods no longer help.

For older ladies, Botox injections will not be a panacea, but in combination with phototherapy, specialized anti-aging cosmetics, biorevitalization and mesotherapy, as well as with peeling, they will work perfectly, but only with integrated approach. We have opened everything in a separate section.

What effect can be expected after Botox injection in the forehead?

We are arranged in such a way that to express emotions we use not only gestures and speech, but also facial expressions, which we cannot always control, which leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

After an injection of the Botox preparation, the muscles relax and remain in this position for the duration of the toxin, as a result of which the skin is smoothed and no longer deformed.

How to inject Botox on the forehead and does it hurt?

The Botox injection procedure in the forehead takes 20 minutes and does not require pre-training, and the effect of it begins to appear in 2-3 days.

Many are interested in the question - does it hurt to inject Botox on the forehead? The procedure is painless and does not require rehabilitation, having done it in the afternoon, you can return to work, as many women in the USA do.

The procedure can be described not even in stages, but simply by listing the actions of a specialist:

  1. The patient wrinkles his forehead, and the problem areas are fixed by the doctor with a marker;
  2. An anesthetic gel is applied to the area where the drug will be injected. Although, this stage can be avoided, since the injection uses an ultra-fine needle that will deliver discomfort but not pain.

Injections of the drug - their number is determined by the specialist, based on the individual condition of the patient's skin.

After the injection, the doctor appoints a date for the examination 10-14 days after the procedure. During the consultation, the specialist determines whether a correction is needed or not.

What can I do after a Botox injection, and what can not?

Although the procedure for injecting botulinum toxin does not require special rehabilitation, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed in order not to reduce positive effect on no and do not harm your beauty.

Within a few hours after the injection of the drug into the forehead, you can not:

  • touch injection sites
  • do cosmetic masks and procedures
  • bend over and lie down.

In addition, taking medications that thin the blood is contraindicated.

  • touch injection sites
  • use hair dryer on heat
  • bathe in a hot tub and take a hot shower,
  • fly by the plane,
  • there are salty, fatty and spicy.

Within 14 days, do not:

  • do sport,
  • visit the sauna, solarium and sunbathing,
  • do facial massages and treatments,
  • take antibiotics and drink alcohol. Information on how much you can not drink alcohol after Botox.

To reduce swelling, it is worth limiting the amount of fluid you drink for three to five days after the Botox injection.

Who should not get Botox injections in the forehead?

Although botulinum toxin injections are simple, painless and safe, they have several serious medical contraindications that should be carefully considered before going to a specialist.

  • forbidden to breastfeeding women;
  • hemophiliacs;
  • with inflammation in the area of ​​​​the proposed injections;
  • with myasthenic and myasthenic syndromes;
  • at acute stages any kind of infection;
  • within 60 days after taking drugs based on tetracycline.

Limit the dosage of botulinum toxin preparations should be with a tendency to allergies, with circulatory disorders, people who have suffered a stroke and traumatic brain injury over the past five years.

Is it possible to correct the consequences of an unsuccessful Botox injection?

Side effects from Botox injections appear within the first days after the injection of the drug. The most common side effects are:

  • swelling,
  • headache,
  • the appearance of bruises and hematomas,
  • sagging eyelids,
  • complete paralysis of the upper face.

However, all these symptoms can be eliminated with the help of facial massage, physiotherapy and other procedures prescribed by a doctor within a month or two.

If there are no medical contraindications, you should not be afraid of Botox injections - after all, they really worthy alternative surgical intervention.

How to inject Botox on the forehead is shown in this video:

The main thing is to entrust this procedure qualified specialist who will definitely conduct a survey to identify contraindications, tell you about the drug used, its dosage and mechanism of action, carry out the procedure and correction, and answer all your questions. But what absolutely should not be done is to risk health and beauty for the sake of the cheapness of the procedure.

You will be able to find Additional information on this topic in the section.

For the treatment of wrinkles, various methods of aesthetic cosmetology are used. This is the filling of voids in the skin with fillers, an introduction to upper layer hyaluronic acid epithelium, etc. One of the most common methods is Botox for the face. The difference between this rejuvenating technology and others is the area of ​​influence. Botulinum toxin preparations are not introduced under the skin, but into certain muscle groups.

Indications and contraindications

Botulinum toxin is a protein neurotoxin that is a waste product of Clostridium botulinum. In fact, it is one of the most powerful natural poisons known to science. Naturally, its use for cosmetic purposes has both indications and critical contraindications.

In fairness, it should be noted that modern anti-aging procedures use safe botulinum toxin. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the cerebral cortex to certain areas on the face, without having an aggressive effect on other tissues.

Botox indications:

  1. Availability deep wrinkles on problem areas of the face. This is the frontal lobe, nasolabial folds, the so-called. "Rabbit" wrinkles - sharp depressions on the bridge of the nose.
  2. Acute hyperhidrosis. Neutralized bototoxin is actively used in the treatment of excessive sweating.
  3. Age-related change in the oval of the face. This procedure is called Botox lifting and is used as an alternative to surgical intervention.

Contraindications for Botox for the face:

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Sessions are prohibited during the reception of "aggressive" medicines, including antibiotics and during chemotherapy. Experts say that such rejuvenation is not used even with the use of calcium-containing vitamins.
  • Syndrome fatigue striated muscles or false paralysis.
  • During menstruation, premenstrual period (2 days before the onset of bleeding) and menopause.
  • Exacerbation of herpetic disease.
  • Violation of normal blood circulation or other blood diseases (including hemophilia).
  • Nearsightedness, farsightedness.

Botox Facial Treatment

Botox injections are performed under completely sterile conditions. They cannot be done at home - it is possible to introduce an infection into the places of skin punctures. In addition, the storage of botulinum toxin requires special conditions: the slightest rise in temperature and injection can cause serious illness.

The thickness of the needle for the procedure does not exceed 0.3 mm. It is slightly thinner than a human hair.

How Botox injections are performed for the face in the frontal zone:

Sometimes bumps form at the injection site. It's peculiar side effect. Accumulations of botulinum toxin dissolve on their own over time.

Where can you inject Botox on the face - scheme

There are two options for the introduction of Botox:

  1. subcutaneously. B, so-called, a layer of lemon peel. This session is performed if the patient is diagnosed with excessive sweating. Also, intradermal administration is promoted as a means of combating small mimic wrinkles.
  2. Intramuscular. To oval or eliminate complex nasolabial wrinkles, botulinum toxin is injected into lower part faces strictly in the muscle zone. Muscle injections are used to remove deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose or in the area of ​​the superciliary arches.

To determine the points on the face where Botox can be injected, the cosmetologist conducts electromyography. This is a study of muscle responsiveness. After the puncture sites are outlined on the skin. These points are injected.

Botox injection schedule:

  • To remove longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, punctures are carried out in the central zone and points located 1.5 centimeters further from it.
  • To "soften" the crease on the bridge of the nose, botulinum toxin is injected into the lateral faces of the wrinkle. Here the distance is maintained by eye.
  • subcutaneously the solution is injected, approximately, with a range of 1 centimeter.

rehabilitation period

As such, recovery period after the session injection rejuvenation, No. Immediately after the session, the patient can return to his normal life.

Of course there are some restrictions:

  • Alcohol inactivates botulinum toxin. Therefore, a week after the injections you can not drink.
  • It is important to exclude physical activity (in particular, lifting weights and bending forward), otherwise the solution will spread.
  • It is recommended to avoid hot rooms, direct sun rays. In windy weather, we recommend sitting at home. After punctures, microtraumas remain on the skin. If a bacterium gets on the damaged shell, then infection can begin.
  • Before complete healing punctures cannot be painted.
  • It is better to wash with plain water, without soap or gels.

Two days later, the toxin will begin to act actively. For some time there will be a “mask effect” on the face. It occurs as a result of muscle relaxation. Over time, you will get used to this feeling. In the end, it is thanks to this effect that the tightening occurs.

Another common side effect is swelling. it normal reaction for the introduction of an aggressive drug under the skin. Fluid accumulation will stop 3-5 days after the procedure.

How often can Botox be done on the face?

The first correction with botulinum toxin can be carried out already on the 14th day after the session. It is necessary if the master for some reason could not immediately work out the entire area. Full injections are made no more than once every six months. Botox has a cumulative effect, i.e., after each next procedure the rate of absorption of the toxin slows down.

Dynamic wrinkles are the first to be corrected - these are folds around the eyes, "smiles" in the corners of the lips and other mimic signs of aging. Injections in these areas can be done 1 time in 3 months. Complex static wrinkles (nasolabial folds, “sagging” cheeks) are corrected every six months.

How long does the effect last

Reviews of doctors claim that Botox for the face lasts from 3 to 6 months. In many ways, the duration of the effect depends on the age of the patient and the condition of the skin.

Where and how long does the effect of botulinum toxin last:

  • Lips, corners of the mouth - from 4 to 12 months.
  • Crow's feet, brow ridges - from 3 to 6 months.
  • Chewing glands, cheekbones - up to 6 months.
  • Nasolabial folds - from 2 months to six months.

What not to do after Botox face

The most important thing that you can’t do after facial Botox is to take hot baths, steam in saunas and play sports. Such strict requirements apply only in the first 7 days after injections.

Also for more long-term preservation effect Not recommended:

  • Specially strain the muscles in the punctured areas. But, remember, immediately after the session, you need to specially grimace for a better distribution of botulinum toxin.
  • Make up the face in the first 7 days after the procedure.
  • It is forbidden to take antibiotics - they can inactivate the toxin solution.
  • Touch and scratch the skin.
  • Facial cleansing after Botox is carried out only with soft preparations without abrasive particles.
  • Girls practicing rejuvenation according to Japanese methods are often interested in whether it is possible to do facial massage after Botox. This is strictly prohibited in the first week after the procedure.

Consequences of Botox

With improper care, Botox for the face can not only not take root, but also cause irreparable harm to the body.

What can happen:

  • Quincke's edema. This is an extremely dangerous allergic reaction, fraught with lethal outcome. Occurs when allergic to botulinum toxin.
  • Displacement of parts of the face. For example, when piercing the eyebrows, one eyebrow rises and the other falls. This occurs as a result of the doctor's non-professionalism or the "spreading" of the drug.
  • mask effect. After a long period of inactivity, the muscles simply “forget” how they worked before the injections. As a result, the face may appear lifeless.
  • Weakening of natural turgor, sagging muscles.


Despite its proven safety (taking into account correct use and sterility of the procedure), Botox injections cause some concern for many girls. Therefore, often for injectable rejuvenation, doctors use analogues of botulinum toxin. They are considered less harmful. It:

  • Relatox. This is a “Russian” Botox made from type A toxin. Its cost is much cheaper than natural Botox, and the effect is similar.
  • Dysport. It is a variant of the hemagglutinin toxin. It is used to treat muscle spasms and prevent the formation of wrinkles. The drug relaxes the muscles and has a bright muscle relaxant effect.
  • Xeomin. german botox. Great Alternative Dysport. The drug is characterized by the duration of the effect and the lack of muscle addiction. This explains its cost, which is twice as high as conventional botulinum toxin.

Masks with Botox effect

Botox injections are not carried out at home, but as an alternative, you can make a face mask. Of course, their effectiveness is much lower than that of injections, but they are characterized by a complete absence of side effects. Preparations for external use do not contain Botox, because the toxin is almost instantly inactivated under the influence of air.

The most famous masks with a lifting effect of botulinum toxin:

  • Face mask Botox Active Expert. Ideal for facial contours and treatment of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial folds. The product contains hyaluronic acid, sakura honey extract, base oils shea butter and peanuts.
  • Dizao Boto Mask 8. Heavy treatment mature skin. It contains petroleum jelly, tocopherol, green tea extract, aloe extract, mineral compounds.
  • Face cream with Botox effect Evalar Cream Tsi-Klim bot effect or Cyclim Botox. Contains a unique argireline peptide complex. This component is characterized by a unique ability to relax muscles and moisturize the epidermis. In addition to the peptide, the cream contains hyaluronic acid, lecithin, D-panthenol, and rice extract.
  • Nano botox face serum. It is a unique emulsion enriched with silver ions and synthetic peptides. As a result of exposure to the drug, small mimic wrinkles.
  • Serum Shary. Korean anti-aging elixir contains Argireline, hyaluronic acid and a complex of plant extracts.

Excellent analogue artificial means for lifting, considered home mask for the face of starch instead of Botox. It consists of completely natural ingredients, does not clog pores and does not dry out the skin.

Step by step cooking instructions home remedy from wrinkles:

  1. Tablespoon potato starch dissolves in 100 ml of water. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no lumps.
  2. At the same time, boil 50 ml of water. After boiling, pour into hot water cold starch composition and mix until a thick mass is formed.
  3. After that, the gruel is cooled and combined with chicken yolk.

The composition is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. The exposure time ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure every 3 days.

In essence, they are one and the same. Botox is a botulinum neurotoxin with high concentration. It is produced by Allergan (USA). Dysport is the same toxin, but only with a concentration 2 times less. This is a French drug from Beaufour Ipsen. Accordingly, the latter drug has a greater consumption and less danger to health.

Other differences between botulinum injections:

  1. Price. Dysport is much cheaper. On average, an ampoule of the drug costs from 15 to 20 dollars. Botox is exactly twice the price.
  2. For those interested in whether Botox is harmful for facial rejuvenation, it will be interesting that the Allergan product is more dangerous than Beaufour Ipsen. Allergic reaction occurs as a result of the active production of antibodies. The higher the concentration of botulinum toxin, the more likely the negative reaction of the body.
  3. The effect after Botox appears on the 5-7th day and lasts up to 1 year. The result from Dysport appears within a day after the injections. But, the duration of its action is up to 3 months.

Photos before and after Botox injections

In the photo before and after Botox for the face, it is difficult not to notice the result. Two weeks after the injections, even deep wrinkles are completely smoothed out. Over time, the toxin is excreted from the body, but a certain effect persists even after it is completely dissolved.

The longer the injections are carried out, the longer the result lasts. The cumulative effect becomes noticeable after 3 procedures.

Botox is a drug based on botulinum toxin type A. This substance is produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum and was originally used to treat ophthalmic and neurological diseases associated with hypertonicity of muscle fibers. Several decades ago, botulinum toxin began to be used for cosmetic purposes. This happened after the discovery of the ophthalmologist Jean Carruther: she noticed that under the influence of Botox on the circular muscle of the eye " crow's feet' are noticeably reduced.

The effect of Botox

The muscles of the face are attached to the bone at one end and to the skin at the other, which is why our facial expressions are so rich. We can make all kinds of grimaces and express a wide range of emotions through movements and muscle contractions. In this case, the skin is constantly stretched and contracted following muscle contraction.

In youth, the skin is elastic, and small wrinkles that appear as a result of the movement of mimic muscles are easily smoothed out. However, with age, elasticity is lost, wrinkles become deeper. In addition, this is facilitated by fixing the habitual position of facial muscles: for example, if you frown all the time, it will be difficult to give your face a friendly expression by an effort of will.

Botox for the face: Before and after photos

With the introduction of Botox into the muscle, its contractility decreases or completely atrophies. The muscle does not contract - the skin above it does not fold. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. At the same time, the muscle does not atrophy, because the blood supply to it does not stop, which means that nutrients continue to flow to the muscle fiber.

How Botox is Injected

The procedure is carried out only in sterile conditions of the clinic. After collecting the necessary information about the patient (past illnesses, no contraindications to the procedure), the doctor treats the skin with a disinfectant solution and asks to make faces. This is necessary for arranging injection markings on the face: this is how the doctor notes which muscles the blocking drug should be injected into.

The procedure can be performed without anesthesia, because the Botox needles are very thin and the injections are almost painless. However, if the patient wishes and the pain threshold is increased, the doctor applies Emla cream with an anesthetic effect to the face.

After the client assumes a reclining position, the doctor proceeds to the injections. Botox injections are placed shallowly into the muscles and leave virtually no traces; it’s not for nothing that this procedure is called the “dinner” procedure - many women run into the clinic at lunchtime so as not to waste time. The whole process takes about 15 minutes.

Immediately after the injections, small papules are noticeable at the needle insertion sites, but they resolve within 10-20 minutes, since Botox has a very liquid consistency.

How many injections do you need

Botox is measured in units. The number of units per procedure depends on individual features patient, but on average it is 20-30 units for the upper third of the face. The unit cost ranges from 200 to 600 rubles, depending on the clinic.

It turns out a rather large spread in prices, but you should not run to the first clinic with the lowest prices. First of all you need good result and can only be guaranteed by an experienced certified specialist. It is best if the Botox injection procedure is done by a plastic surgeon.

It represents the mechanism of the work of the muscles of the face "from and to", he will know exactly at what point how many units to inject in order to achieve desired effect. A dermatologist can also perform the procedure quite competently, especially if he has a lot of experience behind him in using “beauty injections” for the benefit of patients.

After the procedure

Immediately after Botox injections, you can go about your business: work, walk, relax. The only rule: within two hours do not take horizontal position and do not lower your face down, do not bend over. This is required for better absorption of Botox by the muscles and to prevent swelling.

Within two weeks after the procedure, you can not drink alcohol, take antibiotics. For some time it is better to forget about facial massage, baths, saunas.

How long does the effect last

The effect of Botox begins to appear 3-4 days after injections. They will start asking you what you did with your face, why you are so refreshed - however pronounced effect there will be no immobilization of the muscles, so your secret is unlikely to be revealed. A competent doctor will make sure that you can smile, frown and raise your eyebrows in surprise, as before, but the skin will no longer wrinkle and form deep wrinkles.

Photos before and after

Sometimes (less than 20% of cases) a second correction is required two weeks after the first procedure. This happens when the patient's facial expressions are initially asymmetrical, or some of the muscles are less responsive to Botox.

If the doctor calculated the correct number of units and the procedure went well, the effect of Botox will last for 4-6 months, sometimes longer. It depends on the rate of excretion of the drug from the body. Usually they come for a second procedure in six months or a year.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The undoubted advantage of Botox is a noticeable and high-quality correction of facial wrinkles associated with intense facial expressions and facial tension. However, Botox is not able to cope with already emerging deep wrinkles. In this case, only filling them from the inside with fillers based on hyaluronic acid will help.

The speed and simplicity of the procedure is a clear plus. There is no rehabilitation period- you can just run into a cosmetology clinic at lunchtime. The time is comparable to a manicure (even faster).

It is not necessary to inform your boss and colleagues that you are going to do something with your face - no one will notice the injection marks. Only a gradual and increasing effect of wrinkle smoothing over the next two weeks will be noticeable.

However, Botox is most effective only in the upper third of the face, and this is a significant disadvantage. The forehead and the area around the eyes are the zone of influence of Botox, it is on them that the result of the procedure will be most noticeable.

Wrinkles and folds in the lower part of the face in the majority are not the result of excessive muscle work, but depend on the features of the bone structure of the face, elasticity and density of the skin and subcutaneous fat, as well as age-related loss of facial volumes.

The lower part is recommended to be corrected with Botox if there is an obvious muscle spasm: for example, you constantly clench your jaw, purse your lips, push your jaw. In this case, Botox will be able to soften the emerging nasolabial folds, relax the jaw, and even enlarge the lips a little, if their pursing is eliminated.

Another significant plus of Botox is that even after the complete removal of botulinum toxin from the body, a person retains the habit of not wrinkling or lifting his eyebrows.

The downside of Botox injections can be possible reactions to the drug. It is also necessary to regularly maintain the effect and repeat injections 2-3 times a year. True, with regular repetition of the procedure, the effect of Botox lasts longer and the frequency of procedures can be reduced to once a year.

Reactions to Botox

Although Botox itself is completely harmless with correct application and can be prescribed to persons from the age of 18, there are also side effects. A hematoma may form at the injection site. This happens in patients with very sensitive and thin skin with vessels close to the surface. The doctor may inadvertently injure a blood vessel during an injection.

If the procedure was carried out by an incompetent doctor, the result may be drooping of the eyelid, drooping of the eyebrows, the effect of a “surprised look”. Violations in the work of mimic muscles can manifest themselves in the form of a non-closing lower eyelid, a crooked smile, and impaired articulation of certain sounds. This means that the botulinum toxin was injected into the wrong muscle.

In rare cases, there are side effects like pain in the eyes, double vision, headache and dry mouth. Such reactions usually last for a short time.

A procedure performed by a good specialist in a proven clinic will have one very pleasant side effect. Having got used to a new reflection in the mirror, you will not want to return to life before Botox and will strive to keep a beautiful face at all costs.


Botox is contraindicated in:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation,
  2. Inflammatory processes in the skin of the face,
  3. antibiotic treatment,
  4. exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  5. Individual intolerance to the drug.

It is better for women to come to the procedure in the middle of the cycle in order to avoid the effect of swelling after injections and better distribution of the drug in the mimic muscles.

Botox is not recommended for people over 60, as there is a high risk of sagging (ptosis) of the soft tissues of the face. This is due to the fact that at this age the facial muscles themselves are in a state of hypotonicity - they are already relaxed, and injecting Botox into the muscle means relaxing it even more.

Video - how to find a Botox specialist

A drug called Botox is a development of Allergan (USA), which is patented, so officially no other injections can be called by this name. Prohibitions did not prevent the word from spreading, and today Botox is called all products made on the basis of purified botulinum toxin type A. In professional cosmetology, they are widely used this drug to eliminate mimic wrinkles and not only.

What is botox for wrinkles

Botulinum toxin is produced from the gram-positive anaerobic bacteria botulinum. Botox was originally used in medicine to relieve muscle spasms in patients suffering from cerebral palsy. The drug has also been used to treat convulsions of the circular muscles of the eye. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve impulses in the muscle tissue, therefore, for the entire period of action of the neurotoxin, the muscles remain in a static position.

During the use of the drug, doctors noticed that it has a side effect - it blocks facial expressions, due to which wrinkles on the face are eliminated. Cosmetologists became interested in the drug, and today Botox is used all over the world to correct the oval of the face, eliminate excessive sweating, restore the structure of hair and eyelashes. On sale you can find other names of drugs from different manufacturers (Xeomin, Dysport, Relatox), made on the basis of type A neurotoxin, but they all have the same effect.

How it works

Botulinum toxin injections are given to muscles that need to be reduced in activity. Some time after the drug enters its destination, muscle susceptibility to nerve impulses is blocked. This process leads to skin tightening and wrinkle smoothing. The action of Botox is temporary - from 3 to 6 months. The drug does not completely paralyze facial expressions, but only relieves muscle hypertonicity.

You should not expect an instant reaction after the botulinum therapy. In rare cases, the effect becomes visible during the first day after the session. Only after a week you can notice the effect of botulinum, and it begins to work completely 10-14 days after the procedure. The toxin is removed from the body in the course of natural metabolic processes.

Doctors recommend beauty injections at the age of 30-50 years. During this period, mimic wrinkles become pronounced, but the epidermis still does not lose elasticity. After the age of 50, for some people, Botox is no longer effective for solving problems with appearance, so in adulthood sometimes it is more rational to use other, more cardinal methods of rejuvenation. When are Botox injections indicated:

  • interbrow vertical fold;
  • horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • nasolabial folds (pronounced);
  • wrinkles around the eyes ("crow's feet");
  • creases around the lips;
  • mimic folds in the nose;
  • wrinkles on the chin, neck, décolleté;
  • excessive sweating armpits.

Cosmetologists say that if you start doing beauty injections even before the formation of the first wrinkles, then they will not appear at all. For this reason, it is not uncommon for young people to have their first botulinum toxin injections before the age of 25 as a prophylaxis to prevent skin aging. It is believed that botulinum injections are effective until the age of 65, but this criterion is individual, so the advisability of administering toxin in old age is decided only together with a cosmetologist.

Pros and cons

Botox injections, like others cosmetic procedures, have their positive and negative sides. Advantages:

  • growing effect;
  • restoration of the skin in the area of ​​folds;
  • elimination of mimic wrinkles;
  • imperceptibly cardinal changes;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • does not provoke addiction;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • affordable price;
  • combination with all cosmetic procedures.

As already mentioned, Botox is a poison, but contained in an ampoule in a very small dose. Although clinical studies in many countries have proven that it is safe, before deciding on a procedure, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons. The main disadvantage of this injection technique is the limited effect of the injection. Unfortunately, the drug is excreted from the body, after which wrinkles and other imperfections on the face appear again. The objective disadvantages of using Botox include:

  • low efficiency with injections into the chin and cheeks;
  • inability to get rid of deep wrinkles;
  • the likelihood of complications.

Is Botox harmful to the face?

The use of Botox for wrinkles is much safer than any other method. Adverse reactions occur in isolated cases when the dosage is exceeded, which occur during injection procedure unskilled professionals. Among them:

  • bruises;
  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • different kind pain;
  • angioedema;
  • nausea;
  • dry eyes;
  • mild headache;
  • stomach upset;
  • temperature rise;
  • lacrimation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cough;
  • runny nose.

These are the most harmless side effects that do not require treatment and go away on their own after a few days. More unpleasant are the aesthetic defects that can occur when the doctor is unprofessional:

  1. Dropped eyelid (ptosis). With inaccurate injection of botulinum toxin, a side effect can develop up to the complete closure of the eye, asymmetry of the eyebrows. These phenomena do not pose a danger to the health or life of the patient, but disappear as the activity of the drug decreases.
  2. Double vision (diplopia). Associated with the introduction of a large dose of Botox too close to the orbital edge, after which strabismus may occur due to paralysis of the oculomotor muscles. Normal vision is restored within 2-3 months.
  3. Facial asymmetry. Appears with an incorrectly calculated dosage or uneven diffusion of the drug.
  4. Complete absence effect on repeated procedures. It is explained by the production of antibodies by the immune system that destroy the poison.

How often to do

You can inject Botox for wrinkles up to 4 times a year. The duration of the effect ranges from 2 to 6 months, depending on many factors. Even if the result did not last long, a second procedure can be carried out no earlier than after 3 months. This is due to the fact that Botox, with frequent injections, may stop working. With shorter intervals, the body's resistance to botulinum toxin increases.

At different people injection effect will be different. It depends on the lifestyle. Bad habits, heightened emotionality, wrong diet, prolonged exposure to the beach under the sun and heavy physical exertion accelerate the removal of Botox. The frequency of injections also depends on age - in youth, the effect lasts longer. The duration of the result is also affected by the duration of the use of beauty injections - it is believed that botulinum toxin has a cumulative effect.

With regular injections of botulinum, the facial muscles get used to a relaxed state, so the result after each repeated injection lasts longer. It is impossible to predict which of the factors will affect the duration of the procedure, but experts agree that repeated injections of botulinum toxin should be carried out no earlier than three months later. The more often the course is repeated, the higher the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Where is Botox injected on the face?

The amount of drug administered is measured in units. Each zone requires a different amount of substance. The dosage is usually set by the doctor in each individual case. Before injecting the drug, the specialist asks the patient to smile, frown, think, in order to set in motion the most mobile mimic wrinkles. Based on this diagnosis, markings are made on the face, at which the injection points of botulinum toxin are determined. The average value of the drug administration is shown in the table:

Introduction area

Number of units

The effect of Botox

between the eyebrows

Vertical wrinkles are smoothed out. If they are small, then even after the end of the action of the toxin they do not appear.

Eyebrow correction takes place, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead disappear.

Nasolabial folds

In its pure form, botulinum toxin is almost never used. More often used together with collagen or hyaluronic acid to prevent drooping of the corners of the mouth.

Nose-to-lip transition area

The tip of the nose rises.

Circular muscle of the eye

Deep crow's feet become less noticeable, fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out.

Lip area

Botox helps to remove asymmetry, get rid of purse-string wrinkles, lift the corners of the lips.

How injections are made

Wrinkle correction with Botox injections outpatient settings. The cosmetologist in the presence of the patient opens the injection solution, draws it into a syringe, then injects the desired dose with an insulin needle at selected points on the face. If the procedure is performed for the first time, the specialist introduces the minimum recommended dosage of the drug. Since the injections are painless, the injection site of botulinum toxin is not anesthetized.

If necessary or at the request of the patient, the doctor uses local anesthetic drugs in the form of a cream or gel. After applying anesthetics, the cosmetologist maintains an interval of 20-40 minutes in order for them to work. Before injections, the skin of the face is disinfected with an alcohol antiseptic, and time is given to dry. Botox is injected under the skin to a depth of 7-10 mm at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of units administered.

After removing the needle, the beautician can press down on the injection site to reduce the likelihood of bruising. After the planned zones are chipped, the skin of the face is wiped with an antiseptic, then applied to the places of exposure. cold compress, to minimise possible development bruising and avoid swelling. Upon completion of the procedure, you can immediately return to the usual daily routine, but adhere to minor restrictions.

What not to do after Botox

To achieve the longest possible effect after botulinum toxin injections, some rules should be followed. The first 4 hours after the administration of the drug, you can not lie down and tilt your head - you must maintain an upright position. This is because the muscles relax under the influence of the toxin and can take wrong position.

It is undesirable to touch the injection sites with your hands, massage or apply cosmetics. These actions can cause infection and inflammation. For 48 hours any sport and active exercise stress. Even leisurely yoga is prohibited - the muscles must remain at rest. In the next 2 weeks, you can not visit baths and saunas, undergo massage and solar exposure walking in the solarium. Any thermal influence, even drying hair with a hairdryer, accelerates the elimination of botulinum toxin from the body.

Edema can also reduce the effect of the substance, so for the first couple of weeks it is advisable to exclude smoked, salty foods and large amounts of liquid from the menu. As for alcohol consumption, it is generally under the strictest prohibition for 10-14 days. Alcohol-containing drinks dilate blood vessels, causing Botox to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This is already a dangerous situation for health, in which the likelihood of complications is high.


Undesirable results may occur if the dosage of the drug is violated or wrong technique introductions. Among them:

  • asymmetry of facial contours;
  • loss of muscle sensitivity;
  • deterioration in visual acuity;
  • seals in the form of cones and tubercles;
  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • mobility impairment upper lip;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • eyebrow drooping;
  • loss of natural facial expression.


The introduction of botulinum toxin has its own contraindications. You can not do Botox injections with:

  • chronic pathologies of the kidneys, liver, lungs;
  • omission upper eyelid;
  • hernia of the lower or upper eyelid;
  • severe myopia;
  • neuromuscular diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • oncology of any type;
  • predisposition to hypertrophic or keloid scars;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to Botox.

When planning for the birth of a child and early stage pregnancy, it is better to refuse beauty injections so that the drug does not have negative impact on fetal development. Do not inject while breastfeeding hormonal background still unstable. A temporary contraindication to the procedure is fever body, infectious diseases, taking antibiotics and anticoagulants, exacerbation of chronic pathologies.


Botulinum toxin injections for wrinkles are done today in almost all beauty clinics. The price for the procedure varies, depending on the drug used, the cost of a consultation with a cosmetologist, the use of an anesthetic and cream after the session is completed. Botulinum therapy is becoming more and more accessible every year. If a few years ago only stars could afford beauty injections, today it will not devastate much. family budget a person with an average salary. average price for botulinum toxin injections in Moscow clinics:

Impact zone

Number of units

Price in rubles

between the eyebrows

One side of the eye area

Bridge of the nose


Jaw correction

armpit one

Photos before and after Botox for the face


Every woman, despite her beauty, always strives for perfection. Modern beauties are making every effort to combat the aging process, which, unfortunately, is inevitable. The fashion and beauty industry offers the latest means to improve appearance - this is modern cosmetics, innovative methods for skin care, as well as aesthetic medicine.

What is botox and what is it for?

One of the most popular methods of rejuvenation today is Botox, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively remove wrinkles on the face. Botulinum toxin injections are in demand among both women and men. The effectiveness of the procedure is explained by the fact that the drug has a local paralyzing effect on the nerve fibers that transmit impulses to the muscles of the face. Muscles, in turn, do not receive a command to move and relax. The skin also goes into a state of "rest" and smoothed out from wrinkles.

Botox is a protein-based neurotoxin A. The substance is produced by the microorganism Clostridium botulinum and is familiar to many as botulinum toxin. It was discovered in the 9th century by American scientists who studied the causes of botulism, the most dangerous infectious lesion of the nervous system.

Through numerous experiments, it was found that the discovered toxin reduces the number of muscle spasms. The first trials of drugs containing Botox were carried out in 1978, a decade later, drugs with Botox began to be used to treat strabismus and blepharospasm. It was also noticed that mimic wrinkles on the face disappeared in patients who received Botox injections. Since then, the drug has been actively used in cosmetology as effective remedy for rejuvenation.

Botox harm - possible side effects

Often, patients wonder if Botox is harmful to health, because it is based on a toxin. Scientists have proven that this drug is safe in therapeutic doses and rarely causes negative impact on the body. Negative Consequences most often caused by incorrect dosage and erroneous choice of injection site.

The procedure should be carried out only by a professional who will be able to correctly calculate the dose and determine the points for the administration of the drug. For example, excess toxin can cause drooping of the eyelids, eyebrows, and corners of the mouth. If you choose the wrong place for a botulinum toxin injection, redness, bruising and swelling may also appear. Of course, these effects disappear over time, but the patient will have to come to terms with this appearance for at least two months. Sometimes there may also be an infection. respiratory tract, which paralyzes facial expressions for several weeks.

There are a number of other side effects after Botox injections, including:

  • pain at the injection sites;
  • nausea and headaches;
  • flu symptoms;
  • getting the drug into nearby muscles;
  • angioedema.

It is worth noting that such complications are possible in isolated cases, most often they arise due to the incompetence of the doctor, or as a result of individual intolerance to the drug. You should not save on the procedure, it should be carried out only by a highly qualified doctor who has sufficient experience in conducting such injections.

Consequences of injections - negative reviews

Along with numerous positive reviews, there are always negative consequences. For a more detailed study of the problem, below are reviews about negative results after Botox injections sent by our readers.

Regina. Botox pricked in the eyebrows and bridge of the nose, after four months the result is gone. That is why I decided to give up injections forever - it is terrible to carry out the procedure three times a year!

Olga. A lot of trouble with these injections! The injections were done by a professional, everything was fine at first, except for the bags under the eyes, which disappeared on the third day (I wanted to remove the "crow's feet" near the eyes). But three weeks later she unexpectedly ended up in the hospital with Quincke's edema. The examination showed that this happened as a result of individual intolerance to the drug.

Lisa. After the procedure, the facial expression changed - a different look and facial expressions. Fortunately, everything returned to normal with time, but now I am categorically against such injections!

Vlada. I have never been allergic, but after Botox injections, I ended up in the hospital with Quincke's edema. This is the end of my experiments with rejuvenation!

Lily. Despite the mass positive feedback, for me the procedure ended in tears. After the injection, the eyebrows and eyelids drooped in the forehead. On the advice of a friend, I turned to another clinic, fortunately, they helped me there. It turns out that the doctor mistakenly injected the drug at the wrong point where it should have been. I advise everyone to be very careful in choosing a specialist!

In order to avoid negative consequences and possible complications, the following guidelines must be observed:

  1. It is forbidden to lie down for four hours after the procedure. It is necessary to maintain an upright position, since the muscles relax after the injection of the drug and must take correct location. Also, don't lower your head.
  2. For 48 hours after the injection, you can not play sports, even fitness yoga can harm your muscles, which should be at rest.
  3. It is not recommended to take painkillers.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to touch the injection site, massage it and use any cosmetics to prevent infection.
  5. Any alcoholic beverages are also prohibited; alcohol should be avoided for at least two weeks. It promotes vasodilation, which can cause toxin to enter the bloodstream and thus lead to serious complications for the body. The same effect has the use of blood-thinning drugs.
  6. It is necessary to forget about any thermal procedures for 10 days - hot baths, a bath, a sauna, a solarium and even use conventional hair dryer may accelerate the elimination of the drug from the body.
  7. Avoid for the first 14 days a large number liquids, salty and smoked foods - swelling significantly reduces the results after beauty injections.

Where can I get injections and what is the price of Botox?

For those who are planning rejuvenation with Botox injections, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the features of the procedure in more detail. As a rule, injections are made in the area of ​​the lips and nasolabial folds, under the eyes, as well as in the area of ​​the forehead and eyebrows. Before the injection, the doctor must calculate the amount of toxin, since each zone has its own specific norms, depending on the number of wrinkles and general condition skin. For each patient, the number of units of Botox is calculated individually. Average values ​​are given below.

Injection area Number of units Result Average cost, rub.
lips from 5 to 20 getting rid of wrinkles, lip augmentation, elimination of asymmetry. 800 – 8000
nasolabial folds 10 to 20 removal of nasolabial folds 3000 – 8000
line of transition of the nose to the upper lip 2 to 4 elevates the tip of the nose 600 – 1600
forehead from 15 to 30 wrinkles are smoothed, the eyebrow line is corrected about 5000
between the eyebrows 10 to 20 vertical wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows disappear for a long time 4000 – 4500
circular muscles of the eyes 6 to 15 eyebrows are raised, "crow's feet" and deep wrinkles go away 4500 – 6000

Injections in the lips and nasolabial folds are most often performed with hyaluronic acid. In its pure form, Botox is used extremely rarely, as it can provoke the drooping of the corners of the mouth. Botox and collagen injections are used to smooth out deep nasolabial wrinkles. Dysport, a drug from a French manufacturer, is also used in cosmetology. In its composition, it is similar to Botox, the difference lies only in the lower content of the toxin.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intradermally in places with increased tone muscles. Points for injections are determined only by a doctor. The first visible results are already visible after three to four days, maximum effect after injections, it manifests itself after 14-21 days. The approximate cost of the procedure is calculated based on the price of 300-400 rubles. for one unit of matter. As for dysport, it will cost twice as much.