If the baby does not have a chair. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother. Taking medications

At birth, the organs and systems of the baby are in the process of formation, they continue to develop throughout the first year of life. imperfection gastrointestinal tract makes it vulnerable to various violations. What to do if the baby can not go big?

To find out if the baby really has problems with bowel movements, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of the stool, the consistency and color of the feces.

  1. Defecation should not cause discomfort to the child. Anxiety, strong straining and crying signal constipation, the treatment of which cannot be delayed;
  2. For babies, the norm is 4-10 bowel movements per day. Every month this number is decreasing. one year old baby stool occurs once a day. But even if the baby does not have a daily bowel movement, this may not indicate the presence of pathologies;
  3. The consistency of feces in infants in the first month of life is soft, mushy. With age, it gradually approaches the shape of a "sausage";
  4. The color of feces is influenced by the nutrition of the baby. Before the introduction of complementary foods, the stool is yellow in color, and after it is brown.

So, the following signs speak of constipation: stool less than 1 time per day, while the baby shows anxiety, refuses to eat, cries, sleeps poorly.

There may be vomiting, bloating. IN this case prevents the act of defecation high density stool masses.

Possible causes of colic and constipation in newborns

What to do with constipation in newborns

  1. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the most obvious reasons digestive disorders: adjust the mother's diet when breastfeeding or replace the milk formula with artificial. It is important to observe drinking regimen. A negative reaction of the body can also be caused too early or wrong introduction complementary foods;
  2. If the situation does not change in better side, to exclude diseases, you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist. If pathologies are found, the doctor will give necessary recommendations to be followed;
  3. Place your baby on your tummy more often. You can apply a slightly warm diaper to your stomach. positive impact also renders the warmth of the mother's body;
  4. The problem of constipation in children 6-8 months old can be solved with the help of fruit puree from plums, apricots, peaches, apples, as well as freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, a decoction from a mixture of dried fruits. Start with a teaspoon and, guided by the result, determine the optimal dose.

How to give an enema to a newborn baby with constipation

Before proceeding with the procedure, prepare everything you need:

  • small can pear-shaped with soft tip. As a rule, pharmacies offer the following types of devices: No. 1 for newborn babies and No. 2 for babies;
  • boiled water 24-25 degrees. Too cold liquid can cause spasm, and warm one will not have the desired effect. You can add a spoonful of chamomile broth;
  • baby cream or vaseline, hemp oil for lubricating the anus and balloon tip;
  • oilcloth and clean diaper;
  • for convenience, you can use a diaper.

How to give a baby an enema? Here are the detailed instructions:

How to massage the tummy of a newborn with constipation

The massage procedure should be carried out several times a day, one-time manipulations will not give the desired effect.


  • so as not to damage delicate skin baby, cut your legs short, hands should be clean;
  • the room should be at a comfortable temperature;
  • put a little oil or cream on your palms and rub it to distribute it evenly;
  • so that excess air comes out of the stomach, hold the baby with a “column”;
  • after feeding, at least an hour must pass so as not to provoke vomiting;
  • the surface on which the child lies should be moderately hard, provide back support.

Massage when the baby is relaxed and in good mood, in this case, his abdominal wall remains relaxed and the impact will be most effective.

Proper massage technique

Simple manipulations can enhance the ability of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to contract, facilitate the removal of gases and feces. The duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes.

Follow the following sequence of actions:

  • put the child on the back;
  • lightly stroke the tummy clockwise 10 times;
  • put your wrist on the navel area, with the other palm make spiral movements, slightly pressing;
  • left and right side abdominal wall massage a little more intensively;
  • in the lower abdomen, where the large intestine is located, work with your fingertips, repeating the shape of the letter "P";
  • make soft vibrating movements and light pushes;
  • turn the baby over on the tummy and stroke along the back, starting from the shoulder blades and ending with the sacral region.

Important nuances

Deciding to fight constipation with massage, you need to consider in which cases it is forbidden to do so as not to damage your health.

Massage should be avoided if:

  • the child is lethargic, his face is pale;
  • there are rashes or lesions on the skin;
  • blood is visible in the feces;
  • constipation is accompanied by hyperthermia;
  • the abdomen is very tense, swollen on one side;
  • when touched on the stomach, the baby begins to cry.


With systematic stool delays, medications are prescribed. Therapy will be the same for both breastfeeding and breastfeeding. artificial feeding.

  1. For children up to a year, products with lactulose, such as Duphalac syrup, are suitable. The drug is not addictive, the maximum single dose is five milliliters;
  2. Babies older than six months can be given a mild laxative Forlax;
  3. Can also be used glycerin suppositories that promote bowel movements;
  4. laxatives with irritant and saline osmotic agents for children under one year old contraindicated.

It is important to remember that the use of drugs for constipation should not become regular. It is necessary to identify the cause of the disruption of the intestines and eliminate it.

What does Komarovsky recommend if a newborn has constipation

Dr. Komarovsky gives some tips to help alleviate the condition of the baby. If these measures do not help, you should contact a specialist.

What to do if the baby has constipation?

  • do the “bicycle” exercise: bend the child’s legs in turn 10 times;
  • put the baby in a warm bath;
  • massage the baby's tummy, cover with a warm diaper.


  1. The main method of prevention is proper nutrition nursing mother and child. If there is a predisposition to stool retention, the mother should regularly consume beets, prunes, apricots. But baking, flour and fatty foods will have to be limited;
  2. If constipation recurs frequently, use a special milk formula for feeding;
  3. The kid should move, spend enough time in the fresh air;
  4. The emptying procedure should take place in calm environment preferably at the same time.

Elimination of constipation requires integrated approach. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and give the child medications only under the supervision of a specialist. It is important to watch your diet and enough fluid intake to prevent bowel disruption.

And a bit more additional information about constipation in newborns - in the next video.

The content of the article:

The first month of a newborn's life is the most hectic period for new parents. The baby is born with a completely sterile digestive tract, which begins to be populated by bacteria from the first days. Often the baby has digestive disorders and constipation - this is one of the most dangerous problems. After all, due to the fact that the child cannot empty the intestines, toxic substances accumulate in his body. We will talk about what to do with constipation in a newborn in this article.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract in a child under 1 month is extremely unstable. Normally, bowel movements in infants should occur 5 to 8 times a day. And therefore, parents do not always understand when constipation occurs in a newborn child.

To determine digestive disorders, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
the number of bowel movements per day, the presence or absence of impurities, the consistency, color and aroma of feces. As already mentioned, the baby empties the intestines almost after each feeding, and therefore the number of bowel movements ranges from 5 to 10 times in 24 hours. Cal at the same time has the consistency of gruel, has a yellowish tint, Strong smell absent. Breastfed babies have soft stools even when the mother introduces the first complementary foods, but if the feces are thick and hard, then the baby has a predisposition to constipation.

In children who are formula-fed, stool resemble "adults", and defecation occurs from 1 to 2 times a day. If your child has had a bowel movement for more than 24 hours and is restless, then they are most likely constipated.
IN normal condition the defecation process should not cause difficulties. If a newborn cannot go to the toilet in a big way and his stomach hurts, this is a sign of constipation.

The main symptoms of constipation in a child under 1 month

No stool for more than 24 hours;

The baby cries for no apparent reason;

restless sleep;

Poor appetite, refusal to eat;

Flatulence, spasms, sometimes bouts of vomiting;

Tension of the abdominal muscles;

Difficult bowel movements, which may be accompanied by pain;

Dense fecal masses;

Incomplete bowel movement.

If you notice the above signs, contact the clinic, where you will be prescribed treatment and prevention of constipation. The child must be examined by a pediatrician, because constipation is not only physiological (nutrition correction is necessary for treatment), but also pathological, which occurs due to defects digestive system(for example, a lack of production of digestive enzymes) or perhaps these are symptoms of another disease. Pathological constipation more dangerous, they need to be identified and treated in time.

For the treatment to be effective, you need to understand why the newborn does not go to the toilet for the most part.

The main causes of constipation in newborns up to 1 month:

1. Organic constipation- These are pathologies that require immediate diagnosis and treatment, in most cases surgical. Similar states arise due to congenital defects of the large intestine, for example, megasigma (lengthening of the sigmoid colon), congenital agangliosis (impaired innervation of a fragment of the intestine), etc. These pathologies provoke disturbances in peristalsis and the intestine is not able to push food masses to the anal exit. These pathologies are dangerous for the newborn and threaten dangerous consequences: overstretching of the intestine, inflammation of the mucous membrane, general poisoning of the body.

2. Errors in the nutrition of a nursing mother. Here, the opinions of experts are divided, some argue that the composition of breast milk does not depend on the nutrition of the mother, since it is synthesized from the blood and lymphatic fluid. Other doctors insist that nutrition directly affects the composition of breast milk. Therefore, a lactating woman should eat right and avoid following products: white bread, fatty meat, smoked meats, peas, white rice, bananas, fat milk, nuts, etc. For a complete list of allowed and prohibited foods during breastfeeding, check out our website. Parents should independently observe the reaction of the child to the foods that the mother ate.

3. Lactose intolerance. In the body of a child there are no enzymes that break down milk protein. Indigestion is treated with medication or dietary modification.

4. Fluid deficiency. This problem is typical for children who are fed formula milk. What to do with constipation in a newborn with mixed feeding? Doctors recommend supplementing the baby with boiled water in the required dosage from the first days of life. Otherwise, digestion is disturbed. In addition, there are special blends with constipation.

5. The introduction of the first complementary foods ahead of time. An infant up to 1 month old is not yet ready for the introduction of juices, cereals, mashed potatoes, etc. into the diet. Early feeding provokes digestive disorders and dangerous allergies.

6. abrupt weaning from the chest. Such a problem can arise if the mother has run out of milk or if it is necessary to interrupt lactation for medical reasons.

7. Antibacterial drugs. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of children under 6 months is prohibited, but sometimes it is necessary. Antibacterial therapy provokes dysbacteriosis and defecation disorders.

8. Psychological trauma. Systematically insufficient defecation can occur after stress.

9. Hungry constipation. Constipation in newborns during breastfeeding occurs when there is a lack of milk. Food is digested in the stomach and is not excreted. Help to identify this condition the following symptoms: restless sleep, little weight, urination is rare.

Methods for the treatment of constipation in newborns

If the baby sleeps restlessly, refuses food and cries for no reason, and at the same time he has a tense stomach and does not have regular stools, then most likely he has constipation. Call a doctor at home to prescribe tests and treatment for you.

What to do if a newborn has constipation:

Belly massage. If the first dose of stool is hard and the bowel movement is accompanied by painful sensations, then you need to do energetic massage. To do this, bend and unbend the baby's legs, lay it on the stomach before feeding. If the feces are hard and resemble sheep, then do a relaxing massage, stroke the stomach with light pressure in a clockwise direction.

Stimulation of the stool is to irritate the anus or cleanse the intestines. To avoid injury to the skin and mucous membranes, perform all movements carefully.

Stimulation methods:

Lubricate cotton swab baby cream or petroleum jelly, enter into the anus and scroll;

Carefully screw the gas tube into the anus to free the intestines from gases and feces;

Use glycerin suppositories for newborns, cut off 1/3 of the suppository and insert into the anus;

Enema is used as a last resort, the best option- Microlax for newborns. It is an effective and safe water-salt solution with glycerin. Break off the seal on the tip of the tube, lubricate the tip with a drop of solution and insert into the anus. Defecation occurs in 15-30 minutes.

Laxatives are also used as a last resort, since most of them are prohibited for children under 1 month old, but Duphalac for newborns can be used from birth. This effective drug in the form of a syrup that is mixed with breast milk or water. Also, for the treatment of constipation, pediatricians sometimes prescribe Glycelax suppositories, for newborns, according to the instructions, this drug is prohibited, it is recommended from 3 months.

Now you know how to get rid of constipation in a newborn child, in case of violation of bowel movements - immediately consult a doctor who will find out the cause and prescribe treatment. Otherwise, you may harm own child because sometimes constipation is a sign dangerous pathology or serious gastrointestinal disease.

- This disease state, which is characterized by slow and difficult bowel movements.

The body of a newborn is so different from the body of an adult that sometimes mothers face an insoluble problem: is this or that condition of her baby the norm or is it necessary to sound the alarm.

In the understanding of adult medicine, the diagnosis of constipation can be made when:

    no stool for more than a day;

    feeling incomplete emptying intestines after defecation;

    solid feces;

    the application of effort (straining) in the process of bowel release.

Inexperienced parents, applying these criteria to their newborn children, often quite in vain begin to suspect intestinal disorders in them. Well, if after that mom turn to pediatrician and ask for his advice. It is much worse when the diagnosis is made independently and treatment begins on the basis of the advice of friends, grandmothers and Internet forums.

In order to figure out what condition a baby actually has constipation, it is necessary to consider the normal functioning of the baby's digestive system.

First days of life. The first stool of a newborn is called meconium. It is the remains of intestinal cells and digestion products amniotic fluid that the child accidentally swallowed. Normally, meconium begins to depart immediately after the first feeding. The color of the first stool is dark, in some cases almost black, odorless, similar in consistency to toothpaste.

In the first 1-2 days of life, the baby empties the intestines infrequently - 1-3 times a day. After the complete discharge of meconium, the nature of the stool begins to change depending on the type of nutrition that the newborn receives.

When breastfeeding, the stool is watery, reminiscent of mustard or pea soup. Color - yellow, yellow-brown, acceptable is greenish tint. Has a pronounced odor sour milk. May contain undigested lumps of curdled milk and Not a large number of foam.

In formula-fed babies, stools are darker in color, have a fecal odor and a thick consistency.

first 2 months of life. With breastfeeding, the norm options are quite wide: from bowel movements after each feeding to 2 times a day.

There are more stringent requirements for formula-fed babies. The norm is the daily emptying of the intestine at least 1 time.

From 2 months to 6 months. With the age of the child, the frequency of stools per day decreases: from 5 times a day in 2-month-old babies to 1-2 times a day in six-month-old children. In some babies, mother's milk is so well absorbed that they can empty their intestines once every 2-3 days. This is considered normal if the child is cheerful, eats with appetite, gains weight well, defecates effortlessly, the stool is soft and does not have putrid smell.

Children over 6 months old. After the introduction of complementary foods, it is considered normal to empty the intestines 1-2 times a day. At the same time, the characteristics of the chair change markedly. When switching to solid food stools begin to form. They acquire dark color, an unpleasant fecal odor and a denser consistency.

Thus, summing up all the above written, we can draw the following conclusions.

For breastfed babies:

    number of bowel movements per day infants before the introduction of complementary foods strictly individually;

    when assessing the condition of the baby, one should focus not on the number of bowel movements, but on general state and monthly weight gain;

For formula-fed babies:

    the chair should be at least 1 time per day.

When is a delayed bowel movement considered constipation?

The diagnosis of "constipation" can be suspected in the absence of stool in a newborn, accompanied by the following signs:

    anxiety of the child and loss of appetite;

    strong straining during attempts to defecate;

    reddening of the face, crying, tightening the legs during feeding;

    excretion of intestinal gases with a putrid odor, bad smell stool

    poor weight gain.

It does not matter how much time has passed since the last bowel movement.

Constipation in breastfed newborns is associated with:

    Bowel disease

    These include congenital anomalies digestive system: megacolon - Hirschsprung's disease, absence or narrowing of the anus, lengthening of the sigmoid loop.

    Diseases of other organs and systems

    Underproduction hormones thyroid gland-, rickets, lesions nervous system- all these diseases negatively affect intestinal motility and cause constipation.

    Immaturity of the nervous system

    Babies are often born with immature nerve endings in the intestinal wall. As a result, it cannot contract properly, moving the food slurry towards the anus. This physiological state, which disappears by the 2nd month of life without special treatment.

    Mother's diet

    Everything that a mother eats affects the quality of breast milk. There are products that cause a fixing effect in a newborn.

Foods that cause constipation in babies:

    fatty cheeses;

    whole cow's milk;

    fatty meats;

    White bread;

    nuts (peanuts, cashews);

    pastry products;

    strong tea, coffee;

    medicines (no-shpa, remedies for and treatment, diuretics, iron preparations).

Increased gas formation

Various processes occurring in the intestines of a newborn can lead to increased gas formation during the digestion of food. Gas bubbles, accumulating in the intestinal lumen, prevent the normal movement of intestinal contents.

This may be caused by:

    maternal consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation(radishes, cucumbers, hot spices, chocolate, carbonated drinks, cakes, fresh onions and black bread, cabbage, grapes, legumes, bananas);

    violation of the intestinal microflora.

Causes of constipation in formula-fed babies

The following factors can be added to the above:

    Inappropriate milk formula

    most common cause the development of constipation in children on artificial feeding is an incorrectly selected milk formula. The best thing for a baby is breast milk, but if breastfeeding is not possible, an age-appropriate formula should be chosen as a substitute.

    Abrupt transfer to another mixture

    Lack of water

    If during breastfeeding, supplementation of newborns is not recommended up to 6 months and is used only in extreme cases (heat, heat), then when feeding with milk formula, an additional introduction of pure drinking water is mandatory.

What to do with constipation in a newborn?

If a mother is sure that her baby has constipation, then the first thing she should do is go to the pediatrician. The causes of the development of difficulty in emptying the intestines can be serious illness which only a specialist can identify. The doctor may prescribe a blood test for hormones and vitamin content, recommend an ultrasound internal organs, x-ray or donate feces for dysbacteriosis. Then, depending on the results, prescribe professional treatment.

If during the examination no deviations from the norm were detected, then Great chance the fact that constipation is associated either with the immaturity of the baby's nervous system, or with the quality of breast milk or formula.

All methods of helping with constipation can be divided into the following groups:

  • changing the mother's diet or changing formula;

    medicines (duphalac, espumizan, plantex);

    mechanical methods (vent tube, irritation anus, glycerin suppositories).

When treating constipation, it is better to start using these methods in order from first to last, but not vice versa.

Massage for constipation in newborns

Since the nervous apparatus of the intestine and the synthesis of digestive enzymes in the newborn are still underdeveloped, then the best way to stimulate motor skills and improve the waste of accumulated gases is massage techniques. They are safe and easy to perform.

Reception 1. The baby lies on the back. Stroking movements are made around the navel in a clockwise direction. Make 5-10 circular movements.

Reception 2. The child lies on the back. Alternate flexion-extension legs in knee joints, while the front surface of the thigh is pressed against the tummy. The legs are best held by the ankle joints. Do 5 repetitions.

Reception 3. The baby lies on the back. Pulling the legs bent at the knee joints to the tummy and alternately straightening them. Do 5 repetitions.

Reception 4. Laying the child on the tummy before each feeding for 2-15 minutes, depending on age and physical condition.

Reception 5. Put the baby on the tummy on the bed or knees of the parent. Make circular stroking movements with the palm of your hand from the area between the shoulder blades smoothly down to the sacrum. Repeat 5 times.

Maternal diet and formula selection

For breastfed babies, the problem of constipation can be solved by changing the mother's diet. It is necessary to exclude products with a fixing effect, which are described above, and add to daily menu products that give mother's milk laxative properties.

Foods that improve the digestion of a newborn:

    fresh vegetable salads containing In cases where massage and diet do not have a sufficient effect on bowel function, medicines. Before using any of them, be sure to consult your doctor.

    These include:

    • Espumizan (other brand names are Bobotik, Sub-Simplex);


      Candles Glitselaks (prescribed for lactose deficiency)

    If the methods listed above do not show their effectiveness, then you can try mechanical methods of stimulating bowel movements.

    One such remedy is glycerin suppositories. Their effect is based on irritation of the rectal mucosa, which causes an increase in its motility. In addition, melting under the influence of body temperature, they play the role of a lubricant, facilitating the discharge of feces.

    An enema is an extreme way to deal with constipation. Their frequent use can lead to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, lack of vitamins and minerals. For babies, the smallest syringe No. 1 with a soft tip is used. Boiled water at a temperature of about 30 degrees or a mixture of water and a few drops of oil is most often used as an enema solution.

    Soap for constipation in newborns is an unacceptable method!

    Very often, mothers follow the lead of grandmothers or neighbors, trying to use a piece to combat constipation in their baby. laundry soap. This is an unacceptable method of stimulating the intestines! Substances in the soap cause severe irritation of the rectal mucosa, which can lead to the formation of ulcers, bleeding and chronic inflammation.

    Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Volgograd State Medical University. He also received a certificate of a specialist in 2014.

Those parents who have had to deal with constipation in a newborn will agree that this condition is very depressing not only for the baby, but also for themselves. Normally, the baby's stool should be regular and not cause any concern, but this does not always happen. We will give you some tips to help you deal with this problem and maybe even prevent it from happening in the future.

First, let's figure out whether the baby is really worried about constipation. Next, we will look at the causes of problems with the stool and the dangers that they are fraught with. And finally, let's figure out what to do if a newborn or baby has constipation.

What are the signs of constipation in a child?

  • The kid grunts and twists his legs, while his face turns red from obvious straining efforts.
  • Check all your baby's bowel movements. If you notice that the baby's stool resembles hard balls without moisture, stuck together, then this is a clear constipation.
  • At normal conditions A newborn should go to the toilet "in a big way" at least once a day. Each baby is individual, so this figure may vary slightly. Some children have 6 stools a day, others - once every 2 days ... But remember, as a rule, if more than three days have passed and there is no result, this indicates constipation.
  • Pay attention to the slightest traces of blood on the diaper or in the stool. The walls of the rectum in a newborn are very sensitive, so hard masses can lead to a small tear. It is also a direct sign of bowel problems.

Why is stool retention dangerous for a newborn?

  1. Persistent bouts of constipation can lead to complications. For example, due to the constant load on the sphincter, anal fissures or hemorrhoids may appear. A surgical procedure may be needed to repair anal tears.
  2. If the baby pushes very hard, this can lead to rectal prolapse. This is when a small part of the intestinal mucosa becomes visible from the baby's anus.
  3. Chronic constipation can lead to fecal incontinence, rectal hernia, and bleeding.

Why do newborns worry about constant bowel problems?

  • Switching from breast milk to formula. Changing the way you feed your baby can lead to disruption of the digestive system.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • The child may not be suitable artificial mixture for feeding. Some mixtures are better absorbed than others. Everyone is different, so discuss this problem with your pediatrician and ask for advice on which mixture to switch to in your case.
  • Some mixtures may contain vitamin supplements, in particular iron, which can contribute to constipation. Switching to a mixture with a lower iron content will help solve the problem. But it is better to consult a doctor before doing this.
  • A nursing mother does not control her diet. Overuse whole milk, rice, cheese, bananas, nuts, meat, flour products, cocoa and coffee can lead to problems with the baby's stool.
  • A breastfed child may suffer from constipation due to the mother taking medications such as no-shpa, papaverine, iron supplements, drotaverine, diuretics, sorbents and others.
  • Disturbance in the balance of intestinal microflora. This state may occur due to the mother taking antibacterial drugs during pregnancy and lactation. Babies who are not put to the breast immediately after birth quite often suffer from constipation later.
  • A bottle-fed baby must drink water.

How to help the baby?

  1. Determine the cause of constipation in the newborn and eliminate it.
  2. To alleviate the condition with the baby, you can do the exercise "bike". Lay your baby on the back, grasp his feet with your hands and move your baby's legs like he is riding a bicycle.
  3. A warm bath will help the child relax and cleanse the intestines.
  4. Do newborn easy tummy massage clockwise.
  5. Use glycerin suppositories and enemas with warm water but only after consultation with a pediatrician.
  6. If constipation torments the baby, but the stool is not hard, then you can take a course of treatment with Duphalac. Discuss doses and duration of the course with your doctor. Usually it is drunk for about 10 days.

Important! This article contains information only general and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.

The nature of the stool in infants varies from child to child in the same way as in adults. What is normal for your child may be different from what is normal for someone else. Most children poop 1 or 2 times a day. Other babies may take 2 to 3 days or more before normal stools occur.

The functioning of the intestines will change dramatically over the course of a child's life. At times, these changes may indicate that the baby is constipated.

Constipation is a condition in the body when stools are not as regular as usual. Feces are plentiful, and going to the toilet is painful. Sometimes the stool can be loose, but it can also mean constipation in the baby.

A baby who exclusively consumes breast milk may not have a bowel movement every day. Often almost all nutrients are absorbed. This is very common. Babies who are formula fed may have up to three to four bowel movements a day.

Nevertheless, normal movement bowel movements (peristalsis) in healthy children varies greatly. It depends on the type of milk, on the introduction into food coarse fibers and on what specific foods are consumed.

Understanding possible signs constipation can help parents detect a potential threat before bowel problems become a big problem.

Constipation in an infant can be identified by several symptoms:

You may notice that the child is crossing his legs, grimacing, stretching, squeezing his buttocks, or twisting in a chair. It may look like the baby is trying to have a bowel movement, but instead they are really trying to hold on to stool.

If constipation is not treated, it can get worse and cause various complications. The longer the stool remains inside the sigmoid and rectum, the harder and drier it becomes, the more difficult and painful it is to empty the bowels. Your child may be holding back his stool because of the pain. This creates a vicious circle.

Constipation in children is usually not serious condition. However, chronic constipation can lead to complications or signal an underlying disease.

Take your child to the doctor if constipation lasts more than two weeks or if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • weight loss;
  • blood in the stool;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • heat;
  • painful cracks in the skin in the anus (anal fissures);
  • prolapse of the intestines from the anus (rectal prolapse).

Do not give an infant a laxative or suppository without first consulting a doctor.

The attending physician, to determine constipation, should do the following:

  1. Collect full information about the medical history. The specialist will ask about past illnesses, nutrition and physical condition child.
  2. Conduct an examination, which will most likely include a digital examination of the child's rectum to check for abnormalities, fissures, or hard stools. Stool found in the rectum can be tested for blood.

Extensive research is being done in more severe cases of constipation. Diagnostics consists of several procedures:

Treatment of constipation in infants

Depending on the various factors, the doctor can recommend what to do if the child has constipation. It can be procedures or certain medications.

  1. Dietary fiber preparations. If the child is not getting a lot of fiber from his diet, adding food additives containing fiber may help. However, the child must drink plenty of water daily for these medications to work well. Check with your doctor to find out what dose is appropriate for your child's age and body weight.
  2. Glycerin suppositories can be used to soften stool in children. The suppository stimulates the child's rectum and helps to empty it. Do not use suppositories regularly, because the child will develop a reflex to the act of defecation only after suppositories.

  3. Laxative or enema. If month old baby constipation due to a buildup of stool that creates a blockage, your doctor may suggest a laxative or an enema to help clear the blockage. These preparations include polyethylene glycol and mineral oil. Never give your child a laxative or an enema without the direction of a doctor and instructions for use. correct dosage and application.
  4. Hospital enema. Sometimes the baby may have such severe constipation that he should be hospitalized for a short time to get a more thorough (siphon) enema, which will cleanse the intestines.

How to treat constipation in an infant at home?

In addition to changes in diet and regimen, different approaches can help relieve constipation in children at home.

Here are some tips on what to do when your baby is constipated:

Never use soap for constipation. It aggressively acts on the rectal mucosa, leading to erosion and local inflammation, which will only aggravate the situation. In addition, the soap bakes mercilessly, causing severe pain to the baby.

If the child's constipation lasts more than two weeks, the parents are more likely to resort to medical care. If necessary, the baby will be referred to a specialist in digestive disorders (gastroenterologist). He will tell you in more detail how to treat constipation in infants.

Here is some information to help you prepare and know what to expect from your doctor.

You can prepare by following a few important steps:

Write down questions to ask your doctor. There are certain key questions to ask your doctor:

  1. Which one is the most possible reason my child's symptoms?
  2. Are there other reasons?
  3. What research does my child need?
  4. How long can this go on?
  5. What procedures do you recommend?
  6. How to help a newborn with constipation?
  7. Do I need to make changes to my child's diet?
  8. Should we visit another specialist?
  9. What to give a baby for constipation?
  10. Is there an alternative to the medication you are prescribing?
  11. Can this problem be treated without medication?

Your doctor may ask you a few questions. You need to be ready to answer them. Your doctor may ask for the following information:

  1. When did your child first show signs of constipation?
  2. Were these symptoms constant or random?
  3. How severe are the symptoms?
  4. What, in your opinion, improves the condition of the child?
  5. What worsens the condition of the baby?
  6. Do you see blood in your stool or on your diaper?
  7. Does the child strain during the act of defecation?
  8. Does an infant have a hereditary predisposition to digestive problems?
  9. Has the child started any new medications or changed the dosage of current medications?
  10. Can you describe the experience of potty training your child?

Since each child's bowel function is individual, familiarize yourself with the conditions for a normal bowel movement for your baby. Note the usual size and consistency of the stool. This will help you and your pediatrician determine when constipation occurs and how serious the problem is.