Popular gifts for the new year. Wireless mouse in the shape of a silver BMW i8. New Year gifts for children

We are choosing gifts for the New Year 2016 right now, nothing that is still six months ahead - you can just have time to find personally the necessary significant thing for everyone. This is the only way to make your gift personal - slowly, with a meaningful approach to every little thing. You have a lot of friends, colleagues and relatives - this speaks of your open heart and breadth of soul. And since you are loved, then any little thing presented for the holiday will be treated with warmth. But does this mean that you need to buy everything - after all, meaningful and meaningful gifts always and more pleasant to present and receive.

Exquisite gifts for relatives

Gifts to relatives are always put at the forefront, for them we spare neither time nor money. The kindest things to our grandparents: something warm, soft, practical. Granny will rejoice at a good souvenir gift teapot - such unique products have appeared that sometimes you wonder why artists and designers have so much imagination: for example, a teapot in the form of a stove with small details on it in the form of a cup, a jar of jam, plates of sandwiches. And everything is so solid, reliable and very beautiful. Making tea in such a souvenir teapot made of good porcelain is not just pleasant - the tea drinking itself will seem like a real holiday to you and your grandmother.

Dear old grandfather- it is best to find a book of your favorite author as a gift for the New Year. And if grandfather loves to play chess - why not buy him a chic set - wonderful things are made by masters from Zlatoust: all the figures are carved, from semiprecious stones. This will be an incredibly generous gift, so let grandfather touch his wonderful figures with love and place them on the board. Such a game can even just stand in the room as a decoration and as an invitation.

For a sweetheart mommies- here I would buy everything, but I really want the 2016 New Year's gifts to be not only cute, but also wonderful. Immediately I remembered the gorgeous souvenir soap, which once flashed on the computer screen - the code you just climbed through the sites in search of original souvenirs... It's just some kind of charm: orchids, tulips, daffodils, fruits of all kinds. You will need to buy a basket and put together a wonderful set of souvenir soap - incredibly beautiful, practical and useful. Mom is so interesting gift will like it - she always loved something original.

Daddy, an avid fisherman, should buy a flask not because he loves to drink, but because a wonderful flask with a picture will be very useful both on the hunt and by the river. But you should not buy consumer goods, which are in every seedy store, again you should go over the most prestigious sites and find a wonderful product. It's good that there are online stores, you type in the search engine "souvenirs" and "gifts" - and in front of you there is a scattering of the best offers. Since there is an opportunity to purchase exclusive products, then you just need to pass by products from Chinese manufacturers - cheap, massively ... not original.

To his dear spouse- the most difficult question. You know everything about him, or you think you know; of course, you won't buy a shirt or socks. But what if you go shopping in English quality knitwear - pullovers, jumpers from branded manufacturers? Or does your spouse love books? - today such chic editions are available that you just want to pick up any of them - in excellent leather bindings, amazing embossing - each book is just a feast for the eyes.

Children need the most gifts

Who is waiting for the holiday the most, who needs to cook the most a large number of a wide variety of gifts - of course, for kids. Children's New Year gifts 2016 should take the most important place... We all got out of that wonderful world, in which there is always a place for a holiday in which we were so selflessly loved and pampered. Therefore, we continue to create the same fairy tale for our heirs, in which there is always a place for gifts.

Since it has become fashionable to follow the Chinese horoscope, then let's buy fiery red monkeys for the kids - next year. By the way, when choosing small souvenirs for colleagues, also take a few of these monkeys - let them decorate work tables, swing on chandeliers, hang on handbags - charming, original, fashionable.

But back to the children - both boys and girls love new clothes, it is worth buying something practical and necessary. Children's clothes wear out quickly, so a whole collection of things will come in handy anyway. What a pity that children perceive such practical gifts rather gloomily: they need toys, pencils, paints. Modern kids will be delighted with a new tablet or mobile phone, a disc with cartoons or music, an older child will be happy with a small laptop for work. And yet - let there be a lot of packages under the Christmas tree for the child, a whole mountain of gifts so that he looks for and recalls the rhymes that are usually read for each new gift.

How to cope with the task of the needlewoman

For needlewomen, the time before the New Year is filled to capacity: ideas for New Year's gifts for 2016 can be found on the Internet, numerous master classes on embroidery, beading, knitting. This time is worth spending wisely - so many beautiful things can be done. exclusive gifts that your heart will be filled with pride: I did it myself! But every gift made with your own hands is more expensive than any one bought, even at the most expensive price. So do not be sad - there is still quite a lot of time ahead, you can manage to make a huge number of tiny souvenirs on your own, enough for both colleagues and acquaintances.

It is advisable to prepare various little things from the summer (if you went to travel): shells, cones, dead wood. All the same beads and beads will come in handy here - collecting an original gift, everything goes into business: extra ribbons, pieces of lace, leather and metal fittings. Put your daughter and son next to them - it will also be useful for them to see how their mother is doing needlework, at the same time they will make, albeit unsightly, but their own personal gift classmate. Quiet gatherings will help you better understand what little man in my heart, evenings like this next to work are just a treasure for a real educator.

Let's see what we managed to prepare as a gift for friends

By collecting New Year's gifts for 2016 in advance, you manage to prepare so many useful souvenirs that you do not have to rush to look for something you need for an accidental forgotten colleague or for a neighbor who has come to visit. Run your hand in large basket and take out of it a tiny box with a chic bracelet and a handmade hairpin. The box may contain a gilded cone, a napkin with a tiny pattern - a flower in the corner. In principle, it is worth preparing a lot of such boxes, let them be of different colors, different sizes... There is an interesting suggestion: put all your blanks in a row on the mantelpiece, let each of your friends and guests choose their own gift. It will be a kind of win-win lottery joke.

That's right, with humor, it is worth preparing all the gifts for the new year 2016, let them be a little funny and even cool, let the holiday itself turn into small draw... How nice it is when everyone chooses a new gift for themselves - like this, without hesitation. Go to the shelf and take your favorite large box, not knowing what is inside.

We all love giving presents so much.

It's safe to say that we love more give gifts than receive. This has its own charm, amazing magic: to create miracles with your own hands, to bring joy to relatives and friends. Let this task not become difficult for you: what to give for 2016. Start with what you can do with your own hands and try to catch the bird of inspiration by the tail. Talented craftsmen will always be able to make such wonderful things that each piece will turn into a small piece of art. Let your basket of gifts surprise and delight you and your family.

Have you already chosen what to give your family and friends for the New Year? If this question still remains unanswered, take a look at online gift shops - you will be surprised how many cool things can be found in their catalogs if you search well. So that you are not distracted by a banal assortment like soft toys or worthless souvenirs, we have prepared a selection of 30 unusual and cool gifts.

Searching all the online stores would be too hassle, so we took one of them - the E-xpedition online gift shop - and found a bunch of cool gifts in its festive stock.


A warm microplush blanket can be presented to a person of any age and gender. One will find it more comfortable and warmer to play on a tablet, while the other will knit socks for his beloved grandchildren.

2. Animal hat for those who love animals

Animal hat "Husky"

This hat is from faux fur, although you can’t tell by sight. A great gift for a girl who is crazy about a husky and, in general, from all kitties-dogs. It warms not only the head, but also the hands.

3. 3D lamps "imprinted" into the wall

3D lamp "Iron Man"

These lamps seemed to crash into the wall and pierce it. Moreover, some of them, like a football ball or Thor's hammer, crashed inside the room, while others - a mask Iron man, the Hulk's fist or the front of the yellow car - clearly outside.

A wall sticker imitating cracks is sold with the lamp. A great gift for a child, or for a family with children, or for adults who like superheroes and unusual lights.

4. Wireless mouse in the form of a silver BMW i8

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is crazy about this car, a wireless mouse in the form of your favorite model will be an excellent reminder of it and visualization to make your wishes come true.

You can't do without a cool speech before handing such a machine.

5. Aprons with a New Year theme

If the person to whom the gift is intended often cooks and loves this business, you can give an apron with a New Year theme - Santa Claus and the more than erotic Snow Maiden.

The main thing is that it doesn't look like a hint that it's time to go to the stove.

6. Arctic Force Snow Blaster

One could say that this is a gift for children, but after all, playing snowballs is fun for all ages, which can be played with equal pleasure and excitement at 10, 20, and 30 years old.

The snow blaster makes perfectly shaped snowballs that no longer need to be sculpted, and launches them using the conventional slingshot method.

Arm such a company from at least three people, and the New Year will be very active and fun.

7. Gift baskets and parcels

In these baskets and parcels you will not find banal "Rafaelok" and bottles of champagne - everything here is real, in the literal sense of the word.

If the chocolates, then on honey with natural ingredients. If tea collections, then real, with taiga herbs, giving vigor and strength.

Moreover, different parcels and baskets contain different gifts: there may be venison chips, stew, and jam, and “the biggest candy of success”.

All this is decorated cool, without vulgar motley pictures, mainly with the use of brown wrapping paper.

In today's gift industry that's choking on bright colors and artificial products, these gift baskets feel really cool.

8. Whiskey stones in a gift box

I don't think now anyone needs to explain what whiskey stones are. It is in these Schotland gift stones that the most important thing is the cool gift wrap in which they look truly elite.

9. Whiskey stones in different packaging

More whiskey stones, this time in gray and in gray packaging. Nine even stone cubes are held in a beautifully designed box with magnets.

10. Illuminated whiskey glass

These glasses light up from the touch of the hand and glow different colors... Looks very festive and eliminates annoying confusion like: "Where is my glass?", "Is this exactly my glass?"

You will recognize your glass by the color of the illumination - both in the light and in the dark.

11. Non-spillable thermo mugs No. 1

Due to a special system, car thermo mugs will never shower you with their contents. Mugs from the Contigo brand keep desired temperature drink from five o'clock and delight with a stylish design. A great gift for those who are often on the road.


This pistol and bullet is very similar to real ones, but made from delicious natural chocolate. If your friend or relative is crazy about weapons, why not give him such a "charge of endorphins".

13. Toolbox

It will be funny to give a girl or a guy who did not hold anything heavier than a computer mouse in his hands, an adjustable wrench, a hook, a gear and pliers.

The main thing is that this person loves chocolate, because all the instruments are made of it, although they look exactly like real ones. And the moment when your close person I haven’t yet understood what’s what, it’s priceless.

14. Down slippers

If you know that your friends or family have cold floors in the apartment, give them super-warm slippers filled with down and feathers. Again, a versatile gift for any age.

15. Suitcase scooter for creative travelers

Take a breeze ride through the city streets to the airport or train station, ride a scooter around the waiting room, catching the envious glances of children - the scooter suitcase can be easily folded out and provides a fun pastime during the move. A great gift for those who are always on the road.

16. A teacup with an unusual bottom

The double bottom of this cup makes it easy to brew loose leaf tea and drink it without straining. When you need to brew tea, the tea leaves are poured into a smaller container, and boiling water is poured into a large container for water, after which the cup is rolled over to one side.

When the tea has already brewed enough, you can turn the cup over to the other side of the bottom and slowly drink the tea, which does not become too strong. An original gift for lovers of loose tea.

17. Serious merit award

The Oscar statuette, a copy of one of the oldest and most famous film awards, simply cannot be presented without a solemn speech.

Moreover, you can come up with a variety of merits - from real achievements to ridiculous assigned statuses.


A simple soft toy will delight only a child or a collector of soft toys. But such a bear with a secret inside will be a great gift for any friend.

There is a lock on the bear's neck that opens a secret pocket. Any additional gift can be put in this secret pocket. This will be a real surprise for your friend or relative, and he can then use the bear for his secrets and stashes.

19. For kebab lovers

The Russian-made Kavkaz set is for those who love kebabs, cook them, spend time in nature and put everything on the shelves.

One gift box contains skewers, a knife and an ax in covers, piles and a flask.


This gift will come in handy for both travelers and those who love hiking. The 11,000 mAh battery lasts for eight full iPhone charges and three iPad charges. Dual ports allow you to charge two devices at the same time. And this wonderful cobblestone weighs less than 200 grams and takes up almost no space in a backpack.

21. Hats from natural coyote fur and blufrost

It is better to choose this gift for the closest people. No, not because you definitely need to know the size of the hat - both in the Esther earflaps and in the Hephaestus model there are special tighteners to adjust the size.

It's just that with close people you will definitely not be mistaken about their tastes in choosing hats and you risk less hearing something like: “This is natural fur! What a nightmare! Poor animals! "

Well, in general, earflaps - perfect hat for Russian frosts, especially since they promise a cold winter.

22. Couch Jedi Hoodie

The Jedi's robe is a great gift in itself, and if it's also a comfortable bathrobe for the house, it's great.

23. LED bike attachments

Yes, this is not the season for bicycles, but if your friend loves to ride a bike and doesn’t get off him all summer, why not give him something for his two-wheeled pet?

LED bike attachments create up to 11 images on wheels, are waterproof and have a built-in speedometer.

With these attachments, any bike will look cool, and in the dark it will be safer to ride on the track.

24. Brutal jewelry for a man

Inspired by minimalism, the Spartam collection looks like it has been recreated from ancient jewelry models.

Leather and steel - what could be more brutal? At the same time, there is enough variety: a lot of replaceable beads for bracelets, change at least every day.

25. "Enjoy Your Bath!" - men's sauna set in a gift bag

it great gift for those who often visit the bathhouse or sauna. The set contains everything you need for a comfortable and pleasant trip to the bathhouse.

26. Magnetic board on the refrigerator

Now all notes and reminders are made on smartphones, even stickers are already disappearing from our lives.

The magnetic board for the refrigerator is a nostalgia for real objects and a cool addition to the kitchen interior.

You can write reminders and messages to your family on it, or just arm yourself with colored crayons and wish your loved ones good morning.

For example, you can buy a winter bandana scarf with a 50% discount or within three days order Ellehammer bags, backpacks and suitcases with a 50% discount using the same promo code as 3D lamps: HAPPYSALE2015.

And then there are gifts for purchases made in E-xpedition. For example, they bought something on the site - they received an invitation to New Year's celebration to the creative park "Expedition" and a discount of 215 rubles at the Rosinter restaurant chain. In general, you get the point.

That's all. I hope you enjoyed some of these gifts, and you will still have time to order and receive them before the New Year.

Happy bright holidays and more unusual gifts!

Very soon the year of the Red Fire Monkey will come, which means it's time to think about what to give for the New Year 2016.

Shortly before the New Year, you can observe the following picture in stores: endless queues, people rush in search of gifts from shelf to shelf, and often in this bustle, many make a choice in favor of absolutely useless things. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about what will be appropriate to present to this or that person.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for women

You can give your beloved woman: jewelry with the symbol of the coming year, perfume, beautiful underwear. If you cannot buy something expensive, then any lady will like sweets as a gift. It is better to give up the banal sweet sets, and order, for example, a bouquet of sweets.

Friends can be presented with Christmas balls with the image of a Monkey or ceramic souvenirs in the form of a symbol of the year. After all, every lady loves to decorate her home, and you simply cannot do without such trifles. For grandmother and mother, you should choose something more interesting and practical.

Perhaps your mom has long dreamed of a slow cooker or bread maker, a set of high-quality cosmetics, an exotic potted plant, or beautiful picture, make her dream come true! You can give your grandmother warm bathrobe or a blanket from natural wool, which depicts the "hostess" of 2016, such things will be a manifestation of your attention and care, and this is the most pleasant gift for the New Year.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for men

Men, unlike women, are practical and do not like useless gifts. Therefore, it is best to present something that is associated with his hobbies, very convenient to use and at the same time necessary for many representatives of the stronger sex is a thermo mug. You can give something versatile, such as a dressing gown, perfume, or a watch. If you have knitting skills, then your loved one will be very pleased to receive from you a warm sweater or a scarf made with your own hands.

You can also give your grandfather warm things - a home suit, a hat with a scarf and gloves, a sweater. These things will delight him and remind him of you every day.

A gift for a father depends on his preference. For athletic dad the best gift will be the cup of the best father, sports equipment or a ticket to the match of your favorite team. For those who work in the office, the following are suitable: ties, shirts, business card holders, organizers and expensive pens. For those who spend a lot of time on the road, you can gift something from car accessories and gadgets.

Gifts for the New Year 2016 for children

In the New Year 2016, children can be pleased funny toys in the form of a monkey, and not necessarily soft, but those that can move and talk. A "live" toy will give the child a sea of ​​joy and positive emotions.

Another good gift associated with the symbols of 2016, a backpack in the form of a funny monkey can become, you can put sweets and fruits inside, such a present will be not only pleasant, but also practical. Also, the child will be pleased to receive as a gift: soft slippers with a Monkey's face, scarves, mittens, hats with New Year's symbols.

The smell of pine needles and oranges, chimes at midnight, fireworks, sparklers, laughter and jokes, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and, of course, gifts! Learned? Yes, we are talking about the most magical holiday of the year. Of course, you can celebrate the New Year in different ways, but you can't do without gifts.

Therefore, with the New Year approaching, we are increasingly beginning to think about how to organize a holiday so that it will be enchanting and fun, so that later all those present at it will remember with a smile about the pleasantly spent New Year's Eve and the gifts received from Santa Claus. And if you are looking for what to present for the New Year 2016, then this article will help you make the right choice. After all, it contains the ideas of the best and most original presents to match the enchanting holiday of winter.

Cool gifts

USB Heated Monkey Gloves

The Fire Monkey is a funny and playful creature who loves everything extraordinary. Therefore, New Year's gifts in 2016 should also be unusual. Now let's talk about one of them. There are situations when you have to work at a computer in an unheated room or sit in a cold machine, type on a laptop. It is at these moments that the thought arises: "Eh, I would like heated gloves ...". New Year's Eve is the time for the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, USB gloves made in the form of funny monkey faces, presented as a gift, will help to realize this desire. They are very convenient to work at the computer, because the fingers in gloves are open, and the USB cable can be disconnected so that it does not interfere with typing. This indispensable gadget will definitely appeal to a person who has to work in cold conditions.

The hostess, as a New Year's gift, you can present a souvenir rolling pin decorated cool inscription like "Magic wand", "Don't talk nonsense", "I give lessons female logic". This is a very necessary thing in family life.

Another original and useful gift an apron with an interesting design can become. The theme can be different: from New Year's to erotic. The main thing is not to forget to put a small toy monkey in the pocket of your apron, so that in 2016 the person who is gifted will be lucky in everything.

Themed New Year gifts

Sweet gift with oriental calendar symbol

This is a great New Years gift idea for 2016. After all, its symbol is a funny fiery monkey, which is not averse to feasting on sweets. Therefore, a huge box of chocolates and sweets, beautifully packed and decorated with a funny figurine of a monkey, will delight both a child and an adult. By the way, a child can be presented with a beautiful stuffed monkey toy, in the middle of which he will be surprised to find a package of sweets. Of course, tasty sweets will be destroyed "at the speed of sound", but the toy will remind you of pleasantly spent New Year's holidays for a long time to come.

Christmas decorations

Would you like to present a gift associated with the holiday? Then feel free to buy Christmas decorations - one of the main symbols of the New Year. Buy an expensive exclusive ball with the ability to insert any photo, a beautiful set of glass balls or light metal toys? The choice is yours. Every year, decorating the Christmas tree, your friends will surely remember the person who presented such a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

Musical snow globe

Give your loved ones the opportunity to plunge into mysterious world inside glass ball: whirlwinds of dancing fluffy snowflakes, a beautiful New Year's melody, the sound of bells ... an amazing gift both a child and an adult will be delighted. After all, in order to feel the New Year's mood again, they will only need to start the ball.

Flash drive in the form of a monkey

The hostess of 2016 will be a fiery monkey. And so that in the new year luck is always there, you need to present gizmos as a gift, which depicts this cute and funny animal. An original flash drive-monkey as a gift - a necessary computer accessory that will bring its owner happiness and success in 2016.

The symbol of this year is a monkey, and not a simple one, but a fiery one. The color of the coming 2016 is red.

New Year's champagne

Is there a New Year without champagne? Of course not! After all, it has already become a tradition after New Year's address President, to the chimes to take a couple of sips of this sparkling drink, while making a wish. Therefore, a beautifully decorated bottle of champagne is a great New Year's gift for friends and acquaintances.

Gift basket

This is an actual and extremely practical gift. You can fill a gift basket with anything, depending on the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is intended: fruits, sweets and other sweets, tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, toys, etc. It is important to arrange and decorate everything beautifully, and of course, not to forget about its most important element - a cute monkey, the mistress of the coming year.

Original gifts

Wish fulfillment checkbook

New Year is a time of miracles and the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, such an amusing little book as a gift is exactly what you need. It is available in 2 versions: for him and for her. Having opened the checkbook of desires, its owner will find 18 filled in and 9 empty wishes, which he can fill at his discretion. The original gift will pleasantly surprise and delight, especially if you temporarily become a wizard who fulfills these desires.

Magnetic slate board for the refrigerator

This souvenir will definitely not go unnoticed. It will bring a lot of positive emotions to both children and adults. After all, it is so nice to leave notes, draw or write to each other on a magnetic blackboard with a slate, so as not to forget what to buy, for example, for a festive dinner. When handing over such a gift, do not forget to write Happy New Year greetings on the board and draw a funny face of the hostess of 2016 - a monkey.

Map plan of conquering the world in a tube

Travel lovers will love this gift. The traveler will immediately rush to hang the map on the wall. And all because this map of the world is not quite ordinary. It has its own flavor: at first it is white. I visited a country, erased the protective layer on it with a coin and a colored corner appeared on the map. The more you travel, the more colorful the map becomes. Can you imagine how pleasant it will be to remember, looking at the colored parts of the map, past trips and dream about erasing another white piece? Present a card of a plan to conquer the world in a magical new year's eve so that all dreams come true.

Gifts that give emotion

Ticket for a concert, exhibition, movie premiere, party, fashion show- the choice is huge and where exactly the ticket will be depends on the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is intended. Our helpful advice: buy two tickets at once, because the impressions received from the event shared with a friend or loved one become much brighter and more pleasant.

Thematic photo session

Do you like to make surprises? Then present a little monkey holding a certificate for thematic photo session... Created in the studio, in a beautiful New Year's environment, photographs are always of high quality, beautiful plot and originality. Such a gift will bring your loved ones a good mood and a feeling of a real holiday.

Surprise for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, a special atmosphere always reigns and all people, deep down, expect something pleasant and unexpected. If you are going to celebrate this magical holiday fun company, then this exciting idea of ​​New Year's gifts is just for you: buy a large packaging bag (preferably with the inscription "New Year's Surprise") or make it yourself. Then pack small souvenirs-gifts with the image of the symbol of 2016 - the fire monkey in small, beautifully designed boxes. Each of the guests, lowering his hand into the bag, must independently find a present for himself in it. A cheerful and festive mood during the procedure for presenting surprise gifts is guaranteed!

2016 New Year Gift Ideas Videos

A very positive video from the girls. They will present several original ideas gifts with your own hands. We look.

A long and detailed video with a detailed analysis of gift options for the new year. Good to read.

A video in which Karina Nigaya will talk about gifts for the new year, while she will divide the ideas into several groups: for parents, relatives, friends, loved ones. Let's take a look.

A useful video with the self-explanatory title "Lots of New Year's Gift Ideas". There are really many gift options, worth seeing.

New Year is a wonderful holiday already because, as they say, everyone is dancing. The very preparation for December 31 and the choice of gifts are already a special mood. And torment, what is already there. Because try to please everyone! After all, I would like the New Year's gift to be unusual, bright, magical, to give a fairy tale and fulfill the most cherished desire. Moreover, both loved ones, and relatives, and close friends, and colleagues - all at once. You can't find enough ideas, and then Woman’s Day will help you!

For almost a month we have been wooling various sites, going shopping, meticulously examining all kinds of boxes, bows, new items, selecting everything that will delight your dear people.

December 31st is a special date. On the eve of this holiday, we hope to leave unfulfilled, unsuccessful and bad things in the past. And in order to tune in the right mood, in the New Year you need a special surprise gift. Do not put off shopping until the last moment, when you have neither the strength nor the options for a special presentation. Approach the question - what to present for the new year is creative. Perhaps you will not find the ideal option among what we liked, but we hope our selection will give you an idea that your loved one will appreciate. And what exactly is your gift, he will remember the whole New, 2016! Holiday greetings!

Beauty gifts

Up to 1000 rubles

73 New Year's beauty gifts for the whole family

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1. Dove, gift set"Beauty and Care", 200 rubles. 2. Clinique, High Impact Favorites Set (Rive Gauche), 599 rubles. 3. Sephora, Enchanting Look Mascara Eye Makeup Set, 699 rubles. 4. The Body Shop, Gift Set "STRAWBERRY DUET", 790 rubles. 5. Holika Holika, Hand cream "Cow" strawberry milk (Lamoda), 650 rubles. 6.EOS, Vanilla Mint Lip Balm (Brities), 550 rubles. 7. Essence, Merry Verry, Scented gold dust powder essence, 300 rubles. 8. Catrice, Make Up Blending Sponge, 250 rubles. 9. Lush, Cherry Dreams, 960 rubles. 10. Tony Moly, Panda's Dream White Sleeping Pack, 850 rubles. 11. Avon, Perfumed Body Cream " star dust», 500 rubles. 12. CLEAR, "Intensive Recovery" gift set, 469 rubles. 13. Sleek MakeUP, Lip 4 Palette, 790 rubles. 14. Maybelline, Volume Express Pack, 435 rubles.

8 Christmas remedies you mustn't miss

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Up to 3000 rubles

18 mass-market products that are cooler than luxury

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1. Smashbox, set of eye makeup palettes Art. Love. Color, 1390 rubles. 2. MAKE UP FOR EVER, Cult Make Up Kit, 1799 rubles. 3. Dior Diorific Vernis, 1650 rubles. 4. Pupa, PUPACAT, 1550 rubles. 5. Guerlain, ROUGE G MERVEILLEUX ROSE, 2718 rubles. 6. BOBBI BROWN, Book Makeup Manual , 1885 rubles. 7. Sephora, Brilliant Makeup Set, 2999 rubles. 8.Marc Jacobs, Daisy Eau So Fresh Set, 2999 rubles. 9. Aura by Swarovski Crystal Gloss, 1299 rubles. 10. Beautyblender, Original + bling. ring, 2350 rubles. 11. Benefit, Party Hoppin "Ulta Christmas Set, 2599 rubles. 12. Tom Ford, Lip Color, 2805 rubles. 13. Tangle Angel, Pet Angel, 1999 rubles. 14.M.A.S., Enchanted eve viva glam, 2110 rubles. 15. Jo Malone, Christmas Tree Decoration Set, 2285 rubles.

Up to 10,000 rubles

1. Serge Lutens, Un bois vanille, 8588 rubles. 2. Urban Decay, VICE 4, 4490 rubles. 3. Philips, Automatic curler HPS940, 6990 rubles. 4. Montale, Nepal Aoud, 7,500 rubles. 5. Killian, Playing with the devil Bracelet, 9565 rubles. 6. Anastasia Beverly Hills, Brow Kit set for eyebrows in a cosmetic bag (Lamoda), 7000 rubles. 7. Laura Mercier, Cream-foam bath honey Crème Brûlée, 4600 rubles. 8. YSL, Multi Usage Palette Kiss & Love Christmas Edition, 6900 rubles. 9. Gucci, Bamboo Eau De Parfum, 4630 rubles. 10. Lancome, Maxipalette Noel Makeup Palette, 4325 rubles. 11.Epilator for face Braun SE 830 Face, 5530 rubles. 12. Yves Saint laurent, BLACK OPIUM, 5840 rubles. 13. Givenchy, Dahlia Divin Moisturizing Jelly Set, 3399 rubles. 14. La Mer, Set Winter care, 7870 rubles. 15. Estee lauder... December set, 4635 rubles. 16. Becca, Highlight / Lowlight Perfecting Palette - Pressed , 4100 rubles. 17. Clarins, Multi-Régénérante Facial Set and Double Serum, 4950 rubles. 18. Parfums du Chateau de Versailles, 5500 rubles.

Gifts for two

Up to 1000 rubles

1. Paired circles "Real Santa Claus, Snow Maiden", 650 RUB(Gifts.ru). 2. New Year's apron "Snow Maiden", RUB 623(Expedition). 3. Game for adults "Territory of Seduction", RUB 990(Smilegifts.ru). 4. A set of pillowcases My / Your side, 950 RUB(Smilegifts.ru). 5. Game for adults Shura-Mura, RUB 590(Smilegifts.ru). 6. Wall-mounted Duo Sparrow key holder, white and green birds, 750 RUB(SweetJoy.ru). 7. Projector of the starry sky, 464 r(Blizko.ru).

Up to 3000 rubles

1. Kamasutrenny sheet, 1299 rbl... (Smilegifts.ru). 2. Magnetic board on the refrigerator Heart, 1299 RUB(Smilegifts.ru). 3. Magnetic whiteboard on the fridge Chat, 1150 rbl... (Gifts.ru). 4. Breakfast table "Happy New Year, darling!" RUB 1799(Gifts.ru). 5. Watch for lovers, 1450 RUB(Allo-internet.ru). 6. Paired sweaters "Fairy deer", 1300 RUB(Doublejoy.ru). 7. Pair of bracelets for lovers, 1900 RUB

Up to 10,000

1. Plaid with sleeves for two, RUB 4100(Expedition). 2. Bio fireplace Magnifique with basalt stones, RUB 7659(Pan Gift). 3. New Year's photo session for two, RUB 8,000(Abphotolab.ru). 4. Master class on cooking for two in CHAIKHONA No. 1 ON TVERSKAYA, studio LIFE KITCHEN, RUB 10,000 5. Swimming with dolphins in the Moscow Dolphinarium, 7000 rbl... (Delphinarium). 6. Gift edition of the Kamasutra in leather binding, handmade with semi-precious stones. Includes a velvet gift case, RUB 6,990(Streetofbooks.ru). 7. Flight on a glider, RUB 9800(Presentstar.ru).

Clothing, accessories and jewelry

Up to 1000 rubles

1. H&M, sweater, 999 rubles. 2. Serious about, brooch, 600 rubles(Click-Boutique.ru). 3. Mango, clutch, 999 rubles. 4. Oysho, sleep mask, 899 rubles. 5. V&J, painted hair clip, 990 rubles. 6. Calzedonia, socks, 395 rubles. 7. Monki, umbrella, 700 rubles. 8. Pull and Bear, cat wallet, 499 rubles. 9. Sokolov Jewelry, silver ring on the little finger, 790 rubles. 10. Oysho, a set of panties, 999 rubles. 11. Accessorize, socks, 450 rubles.

Up to 3000 rubles

1. Uniqlo, cashmere sweater, 1999 rubles. 2. Zara, brooch, 1299 rubles. 3. Monki, scarf, 1800 rubles. 4. B for bags, leather wallet, 2200 rubles(Click-Boutique.ru). 5. Intimissimi, bodysuit with lace and sequins, 2999 rubles. 6. Tous, pendant in silver, 2800 rubles. 7. Michael Kors, a set with a notebook and pencils, 2300 rubles. 8. Calvin Klein, iPhone case, 1600 rubles. 9. Swatch, watches, 2650 rubles. 10. Photo Album Lanvin, 1900 rubles(Aizel). 11. Pandora, silver earrings with zircons, 1950 rubles. 12. Petit Pas, silk slippers, 2900 rubles. 13. Zara, bag, 2999 rubles.

Up to 10,000 rubles

1. Michael Kors, hat with pompom, 4500 rubles. 2. UNOde50, leather belt with a silver buckle, 6190 rubles. 3. Jawbone, fitness tracker UP2, 9490 rubles. 4. Calvin Kelin, wallet, 8900 rubles. 5. V&J, silver enamel brooch, 4490 rubles. 6. Casio Baby-G, watch, 9190 rubles. 7. Reebok x Yeka Haski, sneakers, 6990 rubles. 8. Pandora, silver bracelet and charm with turquoise crystal, 6550 rubles. 9. American Tourister, rolling suitcase, 9,900 rubles. 10.Uterque, suede gloves, 6590 rubles. 11.Agent Provocateur, lace panties, 6740 rubles. 12. Tous, silver bracelet, 7600 rubles.

Interior gifts

Up to 1000 rubles

1. Smile KSE 3210 kitchen scales, ozon.ru, 660 rubles... 2. Figurine "Owl", pichshop.ru, 350 rubles... 3. Zara Home, metal decoration, 449 rubles... 4. DG Home, plate, 450 rubles... 5. Lindt, Lindor chocolate candies, milk chocolate, 506 rubles... 6. Imperial Porcelain Factory, tea cup Balance-2 Snowflake, 350 rubles... 7. A set of two round potholders "Snowflakes", Westwing.ru, 600 rubles... 8. Wine stopper Menagerie Rabbit, enjoyme.ru, 600 rubles... 9. Red cube, "Deer" figurine, 390 rubles... 10. H&M Home, coffee mug, 599 rubles.

Up to 3000 rubles

1. Electrolux Sports ESB 2500, blender, 3200 rubles... 2. Containers for spices, enjoyme.ru, 1700 rubles... 3. IKEA, winter decoration, 1499 rubles... 4. Red cube, wall clock "Colored photo frames", 2840 rubles... 5. Expedition, thermos with a map, 1750 rubles... 6. Venetian mask, Westwing.ru, 2600 rubles... 7. Zara Home, patterned plaid, 3599 rubles... 8. Stand for jewelry, Deer, pichshop.ru, 1250 rubles... 9. Crate & Barrel, Bialetti Moka Express coffee maker, 2640 rubles... 10. # CANDIAM, Set of 9 square cakes with your favorite photos, 1500 rubles... 11. FRED & FRIENDS, Sugar Bowl, One Lump or Two, 1450 rubles... 12. Aladdin BENTO, thermal lunchbox, gearpro.ru, 2900 rubles... 13. Imperial Porcelain Factory, coffee cup and saucer "Black coffee Cobalt net", 1820 rubles.

Up to 10,000 rubles

1. Jo Malone, home fragrance Lime Basil & Mandarin Scent Surround Diffuser, 6400 rubles... 2. Book holders, wood, Westwing.ru, 4500 rubles... 3. DG Home, desktop calendar, Wintour, 4000 ruble th. 4. Deco-Home, decorative globe, Paravion, 9322 rubles... 5. Crate & Barrel, Pizza Oven, New Wave Pizza Oven S15, 8500 rubles(without discount). 6. IKEA, armchair gray, BYUKHOLMA / MARIEBERG, 7999 rubles... 7. DG Home, coffee table, 9000 rubles... 8. Philips, light alarm clock, 11 990 rubles... 9. Creative Home, stand, 7698 rubles... 10. MISSONI HOME, decorative pillow, 6700 rubles.

Gadgets and hobbies

Up to 1000 rubles

1. Book-diary in 365 questions "My 5 years", 607 rubles, Ozon.ru. 2. Phone Case Girl With Red Umbrella, 995 rubles, pichshop.ru. 3. World map - coloring book, 690 rubles, pichshop.ru. 4. Lunchbox Animals, 995 rubles, pichshop.ru. 5. Ball for making decisions, 690 rubles, decorpodarki.ru. 6. Complete tutorial for drawing and painting, 840 rubles, "Respublika" store. 7. Candles with orange flame " Snow tale», 540 rubles, enjoyme.ru. 8. Book cover, 590 rubles, "Respublika" store. 9. Box "Happy Owl", 690 rubles, store "Red Cube". 10. Tag me baggage tag, 890 rubles, pichshop.ru. 11. Cover for the passport "Family of bears", 790 rubles, "Respublika" store.

Up to 3000 rubles

1 Game "Twister", 2260 rubles, "Respublika" store. 2. Diary Alice Diary, 2650 rubles, pichshop.ru. 3. A jar with a bamboo lid, 1680 rubles, "Expedition" store. 4. Parker IM Metal Black Fountain Pen, 2100 rubles, ParkerClub.ru. 5. A 90-day ticket for free admission to Moscow museums "Passport of a Cultural Citizen" 2990 rubles, voxxter.ru. 6. Original Buddha Board for drawing with water, 2900 rubles, assorti-market.ru. 7. Fur earmuffs with earbuds, 1990 rubles, "Respublika" store. 8. Photo album "Travel", 1020 rubles, decorpodarki.ru. 9. Panel for photographs Corda, pichshop.ru, 1670 rubles.

Up to 10,000 rubles

1. Instant camera Fujifilm Instax Mini 50S, 7490 rubles, lefutur.ru. 2. A set for sculpting Starter Kit, 7600 rubles, shop "Republic". 3. Camera Xiaomi Yi Sport Camera Travel Edition with monopod, 8990 rubles, icases.ru. 4. Game-constructor Bricks, 5650 rubles, pichshop.ru. 5. Anti-stress pillow for the traveler, 3440 rubles, "Respublika" store. 6. Jensen vinyl player, 5600 rubles, Amazon.com. 7. Tablet Multipad Visconte Quad 3GK, Prestigio, 4490 rubles, shop "Eldorado".

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Philips ActionFit waterproof sports headphones, from 1300 to 2300 rubles

Digital online photo frame, to which you can transfer a photo from a smartphone, tablet or PC Easyframe, 4890 rubles

Stand for balls, artclaystudio.ru, 1800 rubles

Budget gifts

1. Maybelline New york, lip balm Baby Lips Passion fruit, 95 rubles... 2. Pichshop, notepad for writing foreign words Wordbook mint, 290 rubles... 3. Candle Mandarin, podarki-tut.ru, 250 rubles... 4. Elastic bracelet for hair Invisibobble C U Later Alligator, brities.ru, 250 rubles(for 3 pcs.). 5. Lipton, New Year's Matryoshka loose leaf tea, 168 rubles... 6. H&M, Christmas costume jewelry set, 399 rubles(for 4 pcs.). 7. Erotic cubes, glavchudo.ru, 190 rubles... 8. Bell Ring for sex, smilegifts.ru, 249 rubles... 9. The book "Magic cupcakes in the microwave", 200 rubles... 10. IKEA, scented candle, 79 rubles... 11. Stylus PORT DESIGNS Stylus Tablet Green, Eldorado, 299 rubles... 12. Brooke Bond, Black Leaf Tea, Knitted christmas ball- Snowman", 110 rubles... 13. Pichshop Grow Kit, Aroma Herb Mint, 250 rubles... 14. Alpen Gold, "Milk chocolate" and "Milk chocolate with hazelnuts" in mini-format, 43 ruble(for 1 piece).