I love you message vk. Cool VKontakte statuses

Statuses in contact about love - No need to write on the pavement what you love ... No need to litter the wall in contact ... Just one evening take my cigarette away and say: - You still have to give birth to my children ...

Relationships become the most serious, about which at first you think "ahh, we'll meet for a week and that's enough."

Don't walk behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - I may not follow you. Come along and we'll be together

Do not put a dot where the heart puts an ellipsis

Love is when you carry his child under your heart, and when he comes home from work, he gently hugs you and kisses your tummy!

I love his tender lips, and he loves my loving eyes - that's what it means to love and feel loved

Love is a serious illness: it puts two people to bed at once.

He is my tears and my laughter, he is my strength, he is the best!

Statuses in contact about love - Love, after all, it is like a snowflake, it can fall on your hand and melt quickly, it can slip past your fingers ... or it can fall on a glove without feeling the warmth of your hands!

And I remember ... even when we just met, said goodbye ... I went home and thought: Just not to fall in love, and my heart was already treacherously beating fast

If two people are destined to be together, no matter how many separations, tears and troubles they experience, fate will still connect them.

Loving people will stay together not because they forgot mistakes, but because they managed to forgive them!

Everyone in life has such a person, after whom you change. And it didn't matter at all boundless happiness or crazy pain. You just realize that you won't be the same as before.

I love - how you laugh, I love - how you look at me, I love - how you approach, I love - how you kiss me, and I want you to be always there!

Two things should be beautiful in a girl: eyes and lips. With the help of her eyes, she can fall in love with herself, and with the help of her lips, she can prove her love.

A woman must be loved in such a way that it would never occur to her that someone else could love her even more.

I sit and cry because I am happy and love him.

Love is when you run to the store at 11 o'clock at night in a snowstorm and frost to replenish your account. To wish him good night...

Mutual love gives wings, unrequited love takes the soul...

Someday you will understand how much I loved you! You will crawl on your knees, and I will say... I forgot

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called...

Love deeply and passionately. Your heart may be broken, but this is the only way to experience life fully.

No matter how many shortcomings a person has, he will always be perfect if he is loved.

I'm not looking for a cure for love. You are my only cure.

You say that I have become a bitch and consider it unbearable. But you did it, darling, enjoy now, my dear.

My feelings for you will disappear only when a dumb singer sings a love song to a deaf girl and she hears the song of his heart and does not reciprocate.

The least left is to tell that I love only you. And the fact that you saw me with another is not worth your jealousy towards him.

The whole world for me is only you and no one but you! Only for you, there is no other such love, except mine in the whole world!

Best Status:
Can't get enough of the music of your voice speaking of love for me!

I'm sending you far, even though it's so hard for me! It turned out you don’t need it, but your soul has become attached to you, and I called you so often, I spoke to you about love!

I love you in every way: cheerful, sad, angry ... For me, you are always my favorite, gentle, passionate, the best, only my baby ...

Strong arms that hugged me, pressed to themselves the words so long-awaited: “I love you!”, My most cherished desire.

Hysterical. Psychopath. But at the same time modest and good. She hated jealousy and constantly caused it, as if she was mocking. But she knew how to love... to love you.

In my dreams you are mine. Life is a dream!

I love you fool. =)

Every time I close my eyes, I take away a piece of happiness from me ... Because I don't see you

Nothing makes me so happy when he calls me “My girl”.=)

Without you my life is a waiting room.

He is the best thing in my life...

I love to watch you laugh...I love to call you my sun...I love to listen to your breath...I love you)

When I'm with you ... I'm immensely happy

Hopelessly in love...

The melody of your heart is familiar to me to every note.

But sometimes you want to return to childhood, when we did not know what love is!

Instead of “I love you”, it’s enough for me to hear “My little girl, I really need you ...”

Are you tired of hurting me?

And note that most statuses about love are written by girls ...

I would like to say a lot more, but ... I am silent. I just love...

Sometimes you just want to break all relations with the hell! But you understand that you can't do it without him...you can't...

Let's be each other's future!

I want to be with you, body and soul. Love, love, love... Love you, you.

You are my true friend You are my light in the middle of the night You are my love

And I smell like you again.

You will always help, You will understand, you will understand. Give me a ray of light.

You arranged for me romantic evening, but your dinner burned, you were upset, but it was still the most tasty dish that I have eaten in my life.

I'm still looking for a cure for you...

I wonder if I stayed in your heart or just got lost on the way home?

And I still love ... I still wait ... I still believe in a miracle ... I still melt the ice ...

I love you, and I don't care that it's not easy, I love and let it - .. sometimes it hurts .. but KNOW I breathe you.

I will, I will always be your baby for you.

men love modest girls in whose eyes the fire of passions lurks

Yesterday the two of us were on that swing where we were kissing ... - I wonder who you were with? Me and my memories...

How I love his habit when he opens the door to his car for me ...

You love him? -Yes. - And he you? No. Opposites attract.

I've been around for so long, but I just noticed her now...

A magical land called - you ...

This is my world and I am the mistress in it ... But you appeared and I realized that you are the master ...

My new heart will love you just like the old one...

I accidentally met you, I accidentally fell in love with you, but I didn’t know that this accident would be so dear to me !!!

Love is when a girl puts the name of a loved one as all her passwords. big love– when all passwords are different…

I love ... And that says it all! I love everything that you have! It's hard for me without you, when I'm with you I'm the happiest!

My debt for today is: 899,999,999 kisses...when will you give them back?

I love you crazy...

You are my gray-winged angel, And I am your dream.

Hello. How are you - Got sick. - How? -You.

For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow!

I do not need anything from you, no sex, no gifts ... just ask ... love me as much as I love you ...

Maybe I like you ... But you are not so happy

He is so defenseless when he sleeps - it's so cute. =* And the roses are gorgeous. =) But when he left, my tears came, I don’t know why ...

But why, why do you think I'm playing with you? This is not a test, these are feelings ... You are stupid ... I really love you ...

Stomach cramps, watery eyes, weakness in the body ... I got poisoned. Poisoned by love for you.

You played the role of a lover so beautifully ... and I played along with you just as professionally ...

a guy has to be brave. What will you do for me?

When I kiss you, it seems to me that I am the most happy man in the world

I love you so much that it hurts to move. I love you so much that it's now you-deficiency syndrome.

With me and simple and complex, with me and bitter and sweet. Pity me carefully, love me without looking back.

And I don’t know why I need you ... I just need you and that’s it!

Happiness is when you put your foot on his knees, sit on the couch, and he draws hearts on it with a felt-tip pen

This is how it happens ... You meet a person by chance, he smiles at you, and you fall in love with his smile ... And that’s it, “goodbye mind” ..

I can do without you, but I don't understand why?

I can’t look at other guys ... I love only you, I want only you. I love you, I'm waiting!

Love is a strange thing, it hurts right in the heart, brings pain and again beckons.

You wrote my favorite fable, its name is “I love you” ...

It turns out that you can be jealous of the pages “In contact” ...

Falling in love is when you say goodbye on the phone longer than you talk ...

Even after everything that happened, I allow you to say my name and confess your love to me ...

And I just can not live without quarrels and scenes of jealousy!

Love is when you hold his hand and feel his heart

I want to be where there is no one else ... With him!

a guy, an unfamiliar guy ... but what a handsome one. I wonder if I'm lonely?? il with his wife??

Love is a feeling ... You don't have to wait for it .. These looks, a kiss, everyday stress, if you know this, then there is already something ..

If you hadn't been stupid, we would have loved each other for a long time.

Only now I understand that everything that was before you simply does not exist ... Since I got to know you, the past has ceased to matter ..

I love you, do you hear? I love you, see? I love you, you know?...

A kiss is any proof that two heads are better than one!

My plan was to break his heart. But I'm still picking up the pieces of mine

Once in my dreams you occupied the main place ... Now I no longer dream, because you are near, and occupy the main place in my life. 🙂

He's like my cocaine... I'd like the last dose! And I will, I swear!

how wonderful after long quarrel to be with your loved one again! I think many will understand me))

And what if we take and fall in love with each other no matter what?

Love is when you want to take a person not into your bed, but into your life

I will whisper your name with a spell. I am saved from troubles by your love. And frankness of recognition lives in the heart. I am sick with you incurably ...

I want to fall into your palms like a salty drop from my eyes. I love you! You just remember it...

Let's move on to "we"?

I say: "No." I say: “I forgot it,” but still I continue to think about it. I love him.=*

Let them say that you can't command your heart! Know: I will even order my heart.

The social network VKontakte helps people not only communicate, but also congratulate people. And especially close - to express their feelings. Pictures I love you or with the inscription I miss you very much for a guy or girl - this is one of best ways confess your love to a guy or girl or once again show tenderness to your loved one and native person. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Pictures I love you my love and I love you my love: ways to search for thematic images

    The best option expressing your love will be the maximum individualization of the image. But this will require appropriate software and skills in working with it. Suitable, for example, a program such as Photoshop or similar. by the most simple option will take a joint photo or photo of an object of adoration and put on it an inscription with a declaration of love: I love, adore, miss, and so on. But you can go more simple way, using the search for relevant images:
  • Special applications in vk with pictures, which can then be placed on the wall of a loved one. For implementation this method you need to go to the games from the menu located at the top of the page and enter the word postcards in the search box. In the future, a suitable application is selected and it selects or creates suitable picture for a declaration of love.
  • The picture can be found on the Internet and downloaded on the thematic portal, and then sent to the subject of adoration in private messages or posted on his wall. An additional plus will be a declaration of love in poetry, which you can compose yourself or also find on the vastness of the global network. To individualize a love message, it makes sense to choose a picture with a name: Alena, Artem, Karina, Kostya. Nadia, Artur, Masha, Alina, Ksyusha, Seryozha, Vlad, Kirill, Yana, Ilya, Tanyusha, etc. Or with affectionate addresses: baby doll, bunny, bunny, kitten and so on.

Pictures with the inscription I love you: a way to convey your feelings

  • A picture with a declaration of love to a guy or girl can be sent in a personal message if there is no desire to advertise your feelings to the Internet community. To do this, go to the recipient's page and click send a message. In the dialog box that opens, you need to click attach, and then select a photo. After that, the photos are loaded from the folder with the saved picture on the computer.
  • Placement on the wall of a loved one / beloved. In the case of using the application, the latter, as a rule, has a built-in mechanism for posting a picture - you just need to select a person from the list of friends who will have it posted on the wall love message. When using a picture from the Internet, you need to go to the recipient's page and leave a post on the wall by attaching the image.
  • Placing a picture as your own ava. Will be sufficient a pleasant surprise for a loved one when he visits your page. Such an image will be nice to download and print.
I love and miss you pictures

Being at a distance from each other, people feel even more keenly affection, which is complemented by sadness due to the impossibility of being close to a loved one. The Internet is becoming the most frequent place for communication for those who are temporarily apart. And here, pictures with inscriptions I love you very much and miss you are optimal. And love can be additionally expressed with superlatives. For example, the way I love it.

If you write a message on VKontakte with the words: "I love you" do not need to believe it. These words can only be felt if you look into the eyes.

Our meetings are the best thing in my life right now. I appreciate every moment of these meetings, I remember every your word and flutter of eyelashes. I can sit like this for a long time, buried in your neck and just be silent, inhaling your scent and listening your breath. You are my little paradise.

There are two blind people in the world ... You - because you do not see how much I need; and I - because I do not see anyone but you.

She hurt me... but I still love that bastard... my favorite bastard

I have everything ... except for your post on the wall "in contact" ...

And even though I know that everything has ended a long time ago, it’s simply impossible to delete those messages in a contact.

They have only been dating for a couple of weeks - she already has his last name in contact - stupidity!

Love is not ICQ or contact... it is somewhere in the heart...

Again I go to his page “In contact”, I look Family status: "not married". She exhaled in relief.

It's so easy for you to be loved and it's so hard to love me. (Cool love statuses In contact with)

A person who is confident in the thought that there is no love must have loved before that.

The best way to keep the man you love close by is in a hug.

There is one cure for love - a new love.

A loved one often blinds without knowing it.

Do not tell a woman that you are not worthy of her love, she already knows it.

I love to look into her eyes, it's like in another world, where only love and tenderness.

Women dream of love at first sight, men - from every ...

Sometimes love can be without hope, but without faith, true love never happens.

Beloved is the more beloved, the harder it is to reach her.

Daily looking at pictures in frank magazines is not yet love.

The love of an uncorrupt woman is the most precious thing for a man.

Sometimes we write: - I love you! I feel bad without you! But we are erasing it! And we send only: - what are you doing? Only because we are afraid that this is not mutual ...

I learned to keep silent about the love that I wanted to scream about ...

"IN active search"? - dear, forget it, you're mine!

Everyone has someone in their life who never sees you. let go, and someone whom you will never let go...

I want to spend all my time on a loved one, and not on contact, but there is no person, and the Internet is always at hand, some kind of coincidence.

Girls do not be sad if you prefer another!! It's just very hard to convince a stupid monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas!

To love means to stop comparing your loved one with other users.

But it turns out that you can be jealous of the pages “In contact” ...

A man can easily find himself in heaven with a woman, but she can just as easily show him the way to hell.

There was so much romance in their messages in contact that even the FSB officers cried when reading the messages.

For a loved one, the main thing is not the length, but the quality!

If my boyfriend goes to another, I do not regret about him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give old toys to those who were less fortunate!

When you are added as a friend in a contact, you deep down hope that it is HE, but everything inside you falls when it is someone else ...

Love and Love are two different things! From Love to hate is one step, and from Love to hate is a whole abyss .....

Only newlyweds and liars have sex every day. (Cool love statuses Vkontakte)

In love, as in art - someone else's taste always causes genuine surprise!

Love came suddenly and found another in bed!

When you truly love, you don't get bored.

Love turns all imperfections into virtues.

Love is when I think about you, and only about you, 366 days a year!

It is better to regret that you loved than that you never knew love.

In youth we live, for the sake of love; matured, we love to live.

To love deeply means to completely forget about yourself and think only about your beloved.

True love is like a ghost: many talk about it, but few have met it in life.

Inexperienced love says: "I love you because I need you", experienced love: "I need you because I love you."

One kiss from a loved one changed my whole life.

Buy true love it is impossible, but you can bitterly pay for it.

It is easier to love the memories of a loved one than a living person.

One-sided love is suffering cured by another love.

Love is both a shield and a sword. It can both protect and hurt deeply.

Only true love can stand the test of reality.

We say, I don’t love, but tears flow in our souls.

Parting for love is the same as the wind for a fire: it will extinguish a small love, and ignite a large one even more.

We love those who do not love us, and we destroy those who love us.

Love, like mercury, is easy to hold in an open palm, but not in a clenched fist.

It's so delightful to be loved, for your own sake.

This is the sad triumph of cynicism in our time. Phones are sold with the "I love you" SMS template.

No pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is, or portray it when it is not.

Happiness. It is. I know his phone number, I love his smile and I miss him madly.

Heart loving woman can withstand the pain of separation, distance and time... but can be broken by one careless word...

I want you to be the last person I see before I go to sleep and the first person I see when I wake up!

If the stars are in your hands, if you cry, then with happiness, if you wait, then with hope, if you love, love madly!

About an hour online and didn’t even write “hello” ... Nothing that we meet ... It's a shame!

You look at his profile, and in a second "online" lights up ... And I haven't combed my hair yet!

Statuses for beloved guy: I love you

All confessions are conditionally divided into open, playful and hinting. An open (direct confession) gives an unequivocal answer to all those who read the status about the feelings of the owner of the Vkontakte page. This option is suitable for courageous and confident girls who (for personal reasons) do not want to speak in person. close person about affection.

Statuses for a beloved guy:

  • "I love you, ****"!" - classic version with the name of the lucky winner.
  • Can be diluted with dots (" Andrey.I.I.Just.Love.You.").
  • play on the name (" Ivan Ivanovich, I sincerely love you!" or "Max, your girl loves you and misses you madly!").
  • Fill in the line with verses ( "I love you, and I don't need anyone, You became my boyfriend, you will become my husband too ...", "And I see no reason here that prevents me from hugging you. You are the best of men. And I am meekly yours .. .").
  • Or beautiful prose("My world has changed to "before" and "after": a dull existence outside of you and a fairy-tale world in your arms. I love you.)

Joking quotes about love for the page "Vkontakte"

Girls with humor prefer to make a surprise for their beloved - an original confession-joke on the VK page. The main thing is not to overdo it with a dose of playfulness: not all representatives strong half humanity has a sense of humor, and a third of the guys will not even guess what it is about. A slight hint of love joys is what you need.

Status for the guy you love with humor:

  • "Have you decided that I love you? I miss? Worried? Burning with desire? Of course, honey, what did you think?!?".
  • "I love you, although you are not Brad Pitt, but I am not Monica Bellucci. You haven’t saved up for a yacht yet, but even without a yacht, I’m cooler with you!".
  • "I love it when you sleep snoring against the wall. I love watching horror and football with you. I love your shaggy knees. I love how you drink brine after drinking. I love your friends. I love it when you champ at the movies, how you empty the refrigerator at night - knowing all this, I love it anyway!".
  • "I wanted to hand you over to the prosecutor's office - no one has stolen my heart so brazenly yet! But I regretted it, I'm waiting for you with a confession ... (but wine is perfect too).".

How to reconcile with a guy using status?

Lovely swear more often than any of them would like. Reconciliation in spite of one's pride is not easy, but Vkontakte or Twitter help couples reunite. Statuses with meaning will help to declare repentance and remind you of feelings that have not yet died away for the only girl.

  1. "At night I pray to God: to return the one whom I love so much."
  2. "I am a girl, weak and defenseless, proud and capricious. But I acknowledge my love for you and hope for your determination and masculinity."
  3. "Whatever the waves in the ocean, they can not break the ship, doomed to sail forever in love and harmony."
  4. "Life without you - I don't sleep at night. When I am with you I say thank you to God.
  5. "Happiness is tangible. Not bought, not sold, not exchanged - it has your smell, eye color and smile. Give me back my happiness ...".

But 15% of men do not tolerate excessive (in their opinion) romanticism. For a pragmatist, you can directly write the status "VK" (for a beloved guy, but telling about experiences) in a constructive form: " I'm sorry for everything, come back, love.".

An individual approach when compiling a status for a guy

Hobbies, work, character traits when choosing the line "Vkontakte" for the only one can and should be put into practice - skillfully hidden flattery will not go unnoticed, and the statuses of your beloved guy in an impersonal form, clearly "giving away the Internet", not everyone will like.

  • "They say that football players are the fastest - it's not true. Football players are the most beloved ... ".
  • "I was not at all surprised when I found out that my boyfriend plays cards. I'm sure that's how he got my heart".
  • "You teach children to memorize the best of books by learning new things on their own. And I am learning to love you every day, opening myself from the other side.
  • "It's hard to love a bully - but I manage. I make him better, and he helps me become more determined."

Short statuses for your beloved guy

Brevity is good when you do not want to overdo it with the manifestation of feelings. Laconic love quotes are ideal for limited status symbols on Vkontakte, Twitter or Odnoklassniki. If the guy doesn't like social media- on help will come SMS-informing (but not more than once a week, in the absence of feedback from the recipient). The main thing is not to be imposed, men do not like mailings in the style of "Promotions from a store where I am unlikely to buy anything because of their stupid and annoying advertising."

  • "Love in me. And I call her ****".
  • "There is no meaning without love. There is no happiness without you."
  • "Love is a ship and you are my captain."
  • "Next to you, my heart picks up speed."
  • "There is you. The rest is just dust."
  • "Forever young with you".

Statuses with meaning do not have to be written by writers or belong to the stars - simplicity and sincerity are welcomed by guys better than impersonal celebrity creations.

Quotes for a loved one: what to write if a guy left

A sad story: feelings dried up, another appeared, the relationship had exhausted its own. But if the girl's heart refuses to accept it, the status of the guy you still love will allow you to express everything without words. There are two options for quotes for such a case: confess your feelings in the hope of his return, or show your indifference and independence. The first case is good for romantic guys, the second is for self-confident guys who will be offended that the girl stops paying her attention in their direction. The proportion of sympathy and indifference in both cases should be moderate - you can not seem too weak or, on the contrary, on your mind.

  1. "I drink coffee, tea. I'm sitting bored. The days of the calendar are passing by. You don't notice me at all, but I'm waiting for you painfully".
  2. "Two days will pass. A week. A month. Years will pass. But not love ...".
  3. "Between true love and by passion fools choose the second, and are burned. Mad people bet on love, but they still lose."
  4. "Don't think, I'm not crying, silently sitting by the window. Since I mean so little to you, I'd rather be left alone."
  5. "You chose freedom, this is your choice. I choose honesty, we are not on the way."
  6. "She-wolves do not lick their wounds, they go towards their fate with their heads held high."

For the site "Vkontakte": status with erotic overtones for a guy

Turn relationships into right direction or hint to a loved one about what you want intimacy, using the status of your beloved guy - quickly and conveniently! Exception: vulgarity, open vulgarity, obscene language, too intimate content (talking openly about how good a guy is in bed, better gossip with girlfriends) and mentioning third parties ("Your muscular body is just super - like a fitness trainer Serezha!" ).

  • "Today is full moon. All good girls stay at home and drink tea with cookies, and the MOST EXEMPTIVE is afraid to drink tea without her boyfriend ...".
  • "Love is born under poetry and languid glances, but is kindled by sighs and kisses ... ".
  • "Poets still do not understand how you want to love, how you want to hug, how you always want to hug you and kiss you for a long time."
  • "Status cannot convey the warmth of my body, the heat of my lips and the strength of my hugs. But it can hint to you that it's time to visit your girl!".
  • "Do you know what I miss? Listen to His Beautiful Words...".

Non-banal statuses "Vkontakte" for your beloved guy

When you want to surprise and at the same time confess your feelings without resorting to personal contact, statuses about loving boyfriend help you take the first step towards strengthening your relationship.

For those who do not like "sweetness" and routine, classic love confessions won't fit. Creativity and resourcefulness will awaken passion and feelings.

  • "You say you love freedom. Let me be your wind."
  • "You are the best of men. And I am the most worthy of women. Therefore, we are together ...".
  • "Everyone says that I have good taste in everything. Do you feel how nice it is to be my boyfriend?".
  • "I have never been so wrong - I wasted so much time, without love for you! I will not forgive myself for this ...".
  • "Forget about the past. Forget about the pain. I will become your true happiness. I promise."
  • "Tell your exes Goodbye! I'm your Girlfriend now!
  • "We would make nasty friends - it's hard to communicate when you want to drag each other into bed!"
  • "Girlfriends are jealous: I grabbed such a handsome man! And I smile quietly in response: my boyfriend was lucky with a beautiful girl!"

Working on mistakes: what not to quote on your page when referring to a guy

Taboo and a moratorium are imposed on all negative references to the person of the faithful, in whatever state of anger and despair they were written. Emotions are better expressed in the face of a friend, and not made public.

Memories of former lovers and "just friends" - ban number 2. No matter how loyal a man may seem, few can get rid of Othello's habit.

The family and friends of a loved one are also not the best topics for disclosure. Yes and how family values should affect the quality of kisses?

Flattery in hyperquantity is appropriate only for narrow-minded guys with the syndrome of narcissism. For a normal guy, the words about his talent, which even Cristiano Ronaldo cannot be compared with, will at least confuse him. In the worst case, he will think that his beloved wants to use his services for personal gain.