Vaccination against measles how many times in a lifetime. Why vaccination is necessary. How vaccination works.

A disease like measles is very rare in children today, thanks to a powerful vaccination program. However, adults, on the other hand, are increasingly becoming ill, because they usually do not get vaccinated on time. The vaccination schedule is designed for people from childhood to 35 years of age. Citizens from the age of 36 can get the vaccine for a fee.

Infected adults are still arriving! Audra should not be underestimated because the complications associated with it can be dangerous. Especially in people who were never vaccinated with measles or as children, they received only one dose of the vaccine. Measles is extremely difficult for adults.

Odra is mistakenly considered a harmless childhood disease. Half of the cases are in adults. Measles is most severe after one year of life - up to 60 percent. Such patients require inpatient treatment. Mumps spreads easily: a sick person who sneezes or coughs goes over an average of 17 others. Odra causes extremely aggressive paramyxoviruses. They enter the body through the mouth, nose, and conjunctiva. On the first or second day, white discoloration appears in the mouth, surrounded by a red line, the so-called.

When adults need vaccinations

For adult patients, measles is dangerous with a severe course with numerous complications, which lasts much longer than in children. The causative agent of the disease is the measles virus, which is considered very dangerous due to its ability to survive at very low temperatures. If a person has not been vaccinated on time, then the risk of infection reaches 100%.

Koplik. In patients with high temperature... Then, behind the ears, you see the beginning of a red rash that gradually covers the head and entire body. Convex pieces are blurred with spots, accompanied by not very severe itching... After three to five days, the rash begins to disappear. If someone succeeds in getting sick without complications, he will gain immunity to life. In older children, measles is usually relatively mild. However, in infants and adults, the virus can cause inflammation of the lungs, larynx, trachea, and middle ear infections.

Worst of all are neurological complications such as encephalitis. V recent times measles has become more prevalent in Europe. In France, where the largest number of cases were reported, 82 percent of people who were infected with the measles virus were not vaccinated. There are relatively few measles cases in Poland, but the number is growing. The reason is probably the growing reluctance to vaccinate. 3000 people come every year. Unvaccinated children.

The calendar of compulsory vaccination of citizens is calculated up to 35 years. Older adults can be vaccinated free of charge if they had contact with infected or paid (price 350-900 rubles). Immunization takes place in two stages, with an interval between injections - three months. Vaccination against measles for an adult is also a vaccine against rubella, mumps, chickenpox... The injection is placed in the upper third of the shoulder intramuscularly or subcutaneously (not in the gluteal region, due to a large number subcutaneous fat in this place). Intravenous administration of the drug is contraindicated.

Though Scientific research overturned this hypothesis, the anti-seizure movement continues, causing the disease to spread. Lack of resistance to measles is also present in adults who have never been vaccinated or had only one dose of vaccine during childhood. An amendment to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infections and Infectious Diseases, which entered into force on September 3, provides that vaccination is still mandatory, but not mandatory. Parents who fail to vaccinate their child should be punished with a fine of up to one and a half thousand zlotys.

Revaccination against measles does not apply to adults. Immunity after vaccination, carried out in a double scheme, is preserved long years... It is recommended to be vaccinated in following cases:

  1. For women planning a pregnancy, measles is very dangerous during the period of bearing a baby and threatens with serious pathologies.
  2. Travelers who are going to visit EU countries, Ukraine, Georgia, Thailand. In the listed countries, over the past 3 years, numerous infections of adults with measles have been recorded, including those with lethal outcome.
  3. Citizens aged 15-35 who have not been vaccinated before or do not remember about vaccination against measles, if they are at risk and can become infected (students, workers medical institutions, teachers).

Contraindications to vaccinations

The country's epidemic center warns citizens of the presence of temporary and permanent contraindications. In the first case, these are:

Adult vaccinations will only be mandatory during an outbreak. The vaccine is compulsory for children between months of age, but must be repeated at age 10. Otherwise, the anti-virus protection will not work, and after a few years the body's resistance will disappear. Adults who have not been vaccinated with two doses can now do so. We have the so-called. A multivalent vaccine against three diseases at the same time: measles, mumps and rubella - is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

People who work with children are exposed to most at risk... Pregnant women should also be vaccinated because the measles virus damages developing fetus or causes a miscarriage. There is no risk associated with measles vaccination. Some people may have a so-called. Adverse reactions: low temperature, mucositis and rash, which disappear after 2 days. Some of these symptoms are associated with the immunization process. Contraindications for vaccination are: allergy to egg white or gelatin, allergy to neomycin antibiotics, hematologic disease, pregnancy.

  • period of exacerbation of diseases or acute course of infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • the period after the introduction of immunoglobulins;
  • tuberculosis.

After the birth of the baby and recovery, you can safely give an injection. After the introduction of immunoglobulins and blood products, measles vaccinations for adults over 35 are allowed after 30 days. However, there are contraindications in which vaccination cannot be carried out:

If an unvaccinated child or immunocompromised patient is being withdrawn, antibodies such as hyperimmune globulin or immunoglobulin are recommended. This will improve the body's immunity and ease the course of measles. The pain and fever will reduce the acetaminophen. Don't take medications acetylsalicylic acid... Itching is soothed by a mixture of zinc salts and lime water. A large room needs to be ventilated. Relief on the light beam will give a dim light. Watch for any complications: For headaches, eye pain with light, drowsiness, drowsiness, or cramps, see your doctor.

  • allergy to aminoglycosides (eg, Kanamycin, Neomycin, or Gentamicin);
  • egg white allergy;
  • various tumors;
  • a history of severe drug reactions.

Measles vaccination

Age 35 is a conditional limitation on immunization of citizens. At the same time, some are not even aware of what vaccinations are given to adults. The national schedule does not mean that people over 35 years old do not need vaccination, just citizens go through such a procedure for a fee. The price of the service depends on the region, clinic, and the drug used.

The introduction of antiretroviral vaccines in Poland is a misunderstanding of doctors and reluctance of parents. In the medical literature, you can find references to the atmosphere that prevailed at the time of the introduction of mass immunization. Neither the doctors nor the vaccinated parents had long awaited salvation, and many of them did not see the need for mass vaccination of all children.

In the late 1960s, there was controversy over the likely widespread use of antiretroviral vaccines in Poland. Some vaccinated children have a high reaction after vaccination, most often as elevated temperature and a short-term rash that mimics a corridor-like course. Therefore, opinions differ on the appropriateness of universal use of antiretroviral vaccines. Most pediatricians believe that all children should be vaccinated in countries where measles is severe.

Epidemic indications for free vaccination:

  • persons from the foci of the disease;
  • previously not sick;
  • those who have not been vaccinated on time;
  • who have no information on measles injections.

Measles vaccine

What drugs are used to immunize the population:

It is also quite common to see that vaccinations are indicated in child groups such as kindergartens, kindergartens and children with chronic illnesses who are prone to sudden deterioration of the child's condition, such as heart disease. chronic diseases lungs, cystic fibrosis.

We recommend that you compare today's demonization of measles virus infection with yours. own thoughts about the correctness of aggression against the media, not related to the parent media, about the fall of paralysis in Poland. Additional Information given below for interested parties.

  1. The cultural live vaccine was developed by Russian scientists in 2007. The virus for the drug is specially grown in the cells of quail eggs from Japan.
  2. Priorix is ​​a drug developed by Belgian pharmacists (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals). It is a live vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps.
  3. MMR II is a drug developed by the Dutch pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme. The vaccine is live, it is used for inoculations of KKP and KPK (measles, mumps, rubella).

What the measles vaccine is called depends on the composition you choose. You can order a foreign drug in the catalog or give preference to a Russian one. Vaccines MMR II and Priorix are complex and help to develop immunity to several diseases at once: mumps, measles, rubella. At the same time, Priorix is ​​often used not only against all infections at once, but also to protect against each disease separately. The domestically produced drug produces antibodies only against measles.

History of anticancer drugs in Poland and the calendar of Polish vaccinations. In these studies, the authors found that some children were immunized against measles despite not having clinical signs diseases in the past. A four-component rubella vaccine is currently being promoted. Doctor Doctor, recently appeared new drug who will make us less sick?

The Bexero vaccine was launched last year. What's cool about that? Which vaccines should we consider? There is a season for the disease - suffice it to say that two million people fell ill last year. The vaccine protects against it or significantly reduces its severity. Where, then, is the repetitive belief that “I've never had the flu like the vaccine”?

All formulations include typed viruses, help to form a stable immunity in the patient. Complex preparations can replace each other (for example, vaccination is done with one compound, and revaccination with another). In polyclinics, they are vaccinated with a domestic drug free of charge. Imported vaccines you can buy at your own expense. Priorix is ​​inexpensive (about 350-500 rubles), and the cost of the drug MMR II is about 2,000 rubles.

There are dozens of viruses that cause diseases like gout - there are a lot of them. Until there is evidence that it was real flu, it is impossible to formulate such a solution. We doctors rely on hard data.

And they are such that for 100 vaccinated people after one year - for whom the flu is fatal - 75 certainly did not get sick. What to think outside of influenza vaccination? There is a season for diseases that are especially dangerous especially for chronically ill people, such as asthma or cardiovascular diseases as well as for people over one year old. Suffice it to say that among the elderly up to 10 percent. Pneumonia patients die. This is the main cause of death from infectious diseases in this group.

Complications after vaccinations

Measles vaccine aims to challenge the response immune system and the development of resistance to infection. The effect of the drug on the adult body can cause Negative consequences:

  • encephalitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • soreness of the abdomen;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • hives;
  • convulsions;
  • toxic shock;
  • myocarditis.

This is why it is important to talk to the elderly in the family about vaccinations. It is among young mothers that we see more and more cases of rubella, and this is very dangerous! First of all, because in adults this disease is more pronounced than in children and causes complications such as thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy or autoimmune diseases.

Second: a man can contract with a pregnant partner or a child who has not yet been vaccinated. But against these diseases, children were raped. Rubella must be implanted because a woman over the age of 30, even if she was vaccinated as a child, has lost some of her acquired immunity and, if her partner is sick, may become infected. Therefore, young people need to be vaccinated to worry their partners. Measles and rubella as well swine flu passing through adult life sometimes lead to fatal complications.

Measles vaccine reaction

The measles vaccine usually causes certain reactions in the human body. However, they are all natural and indicate the beginning of the formation process protective functions organism. First of all, there is a high body temperature. The first day after the administration of the drug is accompanied by redness, soreness, induration in the area of ​​the injection. General malaise may appear one week after vaccination. If you find any reactions, you should notify your doctor.

Mumps can cause inflammation of the testicles, leading to infertility, as well as pancreatitis or meningitis. It would seem that there is almost no measles and rubella! On the contrary, for several years we have seen an increase in the incidence of rubella and measles, measles and even whooping cough. Especially this last illness very worried about us. Although we vaccinate children, they start to get sick because the vaccine acquired immunity at some point. After 10 years it is worth mentioning. This is especially true for young parents and grandparents who will be caring for children and are at risk of infection.

Measles vaccination price for adults

Vaccination by state program held free of charge up to 35 years of age citizens. An adult measles vaccine can be given at the place of residence or work on certain days... According to the instructions, the procedure necessarily includes two stages with an interval between injections of 90 days. If you are over 35 but have had contact with an infected person, you may also qualify for a free vaccine. If necessary, the procedure is available for a fee in municipal and private organizations. The vaccination price varies from 350 to 800 rubles.

Newborns are only seven months old, so they are completely defenseless. Where is the revival of these neglected diseases? Some people are no longer vaccinated, so when the virus arrives, it starts and the disease begins. Last year in Western Europe about 40,000 measles cases have been reported.

Of course, there have also been fatalities, because a complication of measles is severe pneumonia, which is not a cure. Well, nevertheless, more and more voices are heard about the dangers of vaccination. Undesirable effects are possible. And they are known because the vaccine is also being researched from this angle before it is registered. Adverse reactions are described on each sheet and they do occur. However, opponents of vaccines attribute to them completely different effects, completely "from the perineum": cause autism, atopic allergology, mental disorders.

Video: measles vaccination for adults

Measles is an extremely contagious and dangerous infectious viral disease, transmitted by airborne droplets. It is characterized by characteristic skin rashes, high body temperature (up to 40.5 ° C), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity and eyes, as well as intoxication of the whole organism.

The vaccine cannot cause brain damage-based autism. If so, there will be several researched and documented medical cases- at the end we will give tens of millions of doses of various drugs, we will have thousands of such stories! Vaccination opponents make very serious charges, but they have no evidence to support them.

No medical records. Isn't it that making vaccines is powerful above all, and not always honest? First there were diseases, then vaccines appeared. And if something goes wrong, it's at the level of sales, too high prices but not production. Nobody invents a disease to sell a vaccine, they are.

This disease is one of the leading causes of infant mortality. Thus, according to the estimates of the World Health Organization, annually in the world about 150 thousand children die from measles (data for 2009-2013).

Children under the age of 6 are most susceptible to measles. At the same time, the probability of illness in children who have not been vaccinated tends to 99%, which is due to the high rate of spread of the virus and its viability. On the street, it is possible to become infected at a distance of up to 10 m from the patient, and indoors - within a few hours after the patient has left him.

Considering the above factors, the issue of timely prevention of this disease remains extremely important. And the only thing Possible Solution of this problem - vaccination. According to the same World Health Organization, the massive use of measles vaccines has reduced child mortality from measles by about 5 times in the period from 2000 to 2005, and doctors also hope that by 2015 this ratio will be over 20 times.

In our country, vaccination is not mandatory procedure, and the choice of the answer to the question "Do I need to get vaccinated against measles" ultimately remains with the parents. At the same time, we want to say that in most civilized countries such issues are not even discussed, and the choice is always unambiguous - the child should be vaccinated against measles!

When and where to get vaccinated against measles

In accordance with the vaccination during a lifetime, do two times. The primary vaccination against measles is carried out at the age of 1 year, the repeated vaccination at the age of 6.

If the mother of the child was not vaccinated against measles or during laboratory analyzes a previously vaccinated mother will find out that in female body there are no corresponding antibodies (seronegative reaction) - the primary measles vaccination is carried out at the age of 8 months.

The need for re-vaccination is due to the fact that protective immunity after the first vaccination is developed in about 94-97%. In addition, due to the individual characteristics of the organism, some of the vaccinated children experience a decrease in the level of immunity to the disease over time. With the second vaccination, measles immunity is developed or restored to the required level in almost all children. The choice of the age for reorganization is not accidental - 6 years, this is the preschool period when children's organism undergoes a massive attack of all kinds, including pathogens and viruses.

Those who have not been vaccinated before can get the measles vaccine for more late age, it should be borne in mind that up to 35 years of age, vaccinations are done at the expense of the state.

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, depending on the recommendations specified in the instructions for a particular drug. The area where the measles vaccine is given is determined by the doctor - in most cases this is the area of ​​the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, buttock or thigh.

If two or more vaccinations are done at the same time, they are performed in different parts of the child's body.

Measles vaccines

In domestic medical practice, for the prevention of measles, they use whole line vaccines. Among them:

  • single-dose measles vaccines;
  • two-component combination measles and mumps vaccines;
  • three-component combination vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella;

Most of these vaccines are domestic and Indian products, more rarely are vaccines produced by GloxoSmithKline and Merck Sharp & Dohme.

In Europe, measles, mumps, rubella and varicella-zoster vaccines are also used to prevent measles.

Without exception, all measles vaccines are made on the basis of live weakened measles viruses and cells of chicken or quail embryos, therefore there are contraindications for vaccination of children and adults, whose body reacts negatively to the proteins of chicken and quail eggs.

If emergency prevention of measles is necessary, for example, in case of contact with a sick person who has not previously received a measles vaccine, or if there are contraindications, a special drug is used - measles immunoglobulin (it is made from the blood of donors, which contains the corresponding antibodies). The use of measles immunoglobulin should not be considered as a full-fledged replacement for vaccination, since over time antibodies are removed from the body, and, accordingly, immunity to the disease disappears.

Measles vaccination: contraindications

There are a number of medical contraindications for measles vaccination. Vaccinations are prohibited in the following cases:

  • in the presence of oncological diseases;
  • with tuberculosis (in the active stage);
  • in the presence of a number of blood diseases (depending on the vaccine used);
  • in the presence of disorders in the immune system (primary immunodeficiency);
  • in the presence of serious allergic reactions to aminoglycosides, chicken and quail eggs and meat (generalized urticaria, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema). The prohibition does not apply to common food allergies.
  • if there were complications after the primary vaccination against measles (with repeated vaccination);
  • during pregnancy (women are also advised to use contraception for at least 3 months after the measles vaccination).

It is also forbidden to vaccinate against measles for a child who, less than 3 months ago, was treated with drugs containing blood plasma or immunoglobulins.

There are no contraindications for administering the vaccine to people who have had measles.

Co-vaccination Cautions and Vaccination Interval

Very often, especially from young parents, questions are asked: "Is it possible to get the measles vaccine together with other vaccinations?", "Are there any contraindications for simultaneous vaccination?" next vaccination?».

We answer:

  • v National calendar preventive vaccinations it is said that vaccines (except for vaccines for the prevention of tuberculosis) are allowed to be administered on the same day with different syringes in different parts of the body. Thus, the measles vaccine can be given on the same day as other vaccinations, with the exception of BCG;
  • in the recommendations of the World Health Organization it is said that if the vaccines were not administered simultaneously, then the interval between the introduction of two "live" vaccines should be at least 1 month, and if an inactivated vaccine is administered after the "live" vaccine, then the interval can be any. Since the measles vaccine is a "live attenuated" vaccine, the next vaccination based on the "live" vaccine can be done no earlier than a month later, inactivated vaccines can be entered at any time. However, one should take into account and individual characteristics specific vaccines, in other words - read the instructions for the drug.

Separately, we note that in some cases information on primary vaccination may be missing (no entry is made in the medical card or vaccination certificate, documents are lost, etc.) - in such cases, it is still recommended to vaccinate against measles. At the same time, if vaccination was previously carried out, the body can easily cope with the weakened virus contained in the vaccine, and if it turns out that this is the first vaccination, the body will develop immunity to the disease.

Complications and adverse reactions to measles vaccination

According to the results of many years of use, no special complications have been identified after vaccination of children against measles.

In rare cases, insignificant (up to 37.5-38 ° C) or slight malaise may occur for up to 3 days. In children susceptible to allergic reactions, a rash may appear between 4 and 16 days after vaccination.

A minor cough, rhinitis (runny nose), or mild inflammation the mucous membrane of the eyes, which disappear within a few days.

Despite the fact that during pregnancy the introduction of the measles vaccination is contraindicated, in medical practice such cases have been repeatedly described, while negative impact vaccination for fetal development and the health of the pregnant woman was not noted.