Forgetting what to do. What to do to people who constantly forget everything? Phenomenal memory or mental disorder

Why do I forget everything, get distracted? burn, spoil food, spoil, turn off, miss, oversleep, play too much, forgetfulness


Why do I forget everything? How not to forget? Why am I distracted all the time? What to do about forgetfulness?


I am constantly distracted, I forget about food on the stove, urgent matters, open windows, call my wife, meet the child from school, etc. I have already addressed doctors, I am training attention. Nothing helps, what should I do?


Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness is normal

IN Lately a colossal information flow. Our head is simply not adapted to it. Our habitat during our evolution was not filled with so much information. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness occur as a response to brain overload.

The main thing here is not to panic, but to panic. If you constantly worry, then stress will further exacerbate forgetfulness. This is exactly what happens to you. Relax. There is an exit.

Forgetfulness is our scourge

Often in everyday life we ​​need to do something that we can never forget about. For example, heat a frying pan, soldering iron or iron, cook broth, heat food, pour water into a bath, charge batteries for a trimmer, drill or screwdriver. The consequences of forgetfulness can be very different - from gloomy, but kind faces of household members, to property damage and fire. The matter is complicated by the fact that various works require very different time intervals. So, warming up the pan takes 3 minutes, cooking the broth - 2 hours, and charging the battery - a day.

The situation is getting worse constant stress, the emergence at home of such accumulators of attention as televisions with a large number of programs, computers, the Internet, mobile phones and smartphones.

Let's remember what other things require time control. Favorite TV show. Animal feeding. Boiling soup. Cooking steps, for example, fry for three minutes for strong fire, half an hour on the weak.

The damage from forgetting on a national scale is enormous

Surely you can easily remember many cases when forgetfulness led to smoke in the apartment, scandal, peeling of the non-stick coating from the pan, and even more serious consequences. According to my estimates, forgetfulness causes material damage commensurate with 1% of the annual income of the farm.

Buy a timer

What to do? The answer is simple. We need a household timer. But not just so mechanical, turned for 5 minutes, he rang in five minutes. We need a timer on which we could set how many moments for a reminder, at different times, at different intervals, for five minutes, for an hour, for a day, for a week in advance. A timer such as mobile phone but only large and flat to hang on the wall. Electronics has created a problem of information overload for us, let it help us deal with it.

These timers are commercially available. Please share your experience if anyone has used it.

Smart home systems already have such timers, and they will not only squeak in time, but will also send you SMS if you are far away.

Train yourself to constantly use the timer, even in small things. All your problems will gradually disappear over time. Tension and stress will pass. Then and own head will work better.

Be healthy and don't be nervous.

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Memory impairment can be caused by the most various reasons Therefore, this problem can be solved only after consultation with a psychiatrist and a neurologist. In many cases, when the disturbance factors are eliminated, the memory is restored to its previous level.

Last consultation

Lily asks:

Hello. I became distracted and forgetful, I can go to the store for potatoes and forget why I came, or to the room from the kitchen while I was walking I forgot what I was going for, literally in a few seconds. And I'm only 34 years old, what should I do? What is this? Scary


Lily, you need to see a neurologist. Perhaps you are overworked, and perhaps there really is a reason for a more thorough examination. But this can only be determined at a doctor's appointment.

Ruslana asks:

I am a Muslim and as they say it is a sin for us and they don’t take such wives. I was raped 3 years ago. and this prevents me from living after which the doctors say that I cannot have a child. and all this torments me

Responsible Velikanova Anna Lvovna:

Good afternoon, Ruslana!
I understand you and I am ready to help you with everything accessible ways and methods. Only for effective assistance you need to contact a specialist personally.
Your condition and everything that torments you does not allow you to live calmly and joyfully, thoughts that poison your days and the expectation of bad things - all this can be dealt with with the help of psychotherapy. This is just personal.
Even Skype will be of little use.
Online I can only say the following: No matter how cruel and unfair the circumstances of our life are, the most important thing is that you are alive.
Which means it's all in the past. And this past will never, under any circumstances, be able to return! The life that you have is the most valuable and the most beautiful. You have it. So, you can do whatever you want, and you can change everything bad that torments you! The question of whether you can have children is, I'm sure, debatable. If you wish, you can find a female doctor who will help you, and if you really, really want a baby, then I'm sure you will succeed.
Certainly, religious education(you have - Muslim), leaves a lot of imprints on how you see your life and the path you follow. However, as far as I know, "Muslim" is not at all "dark", "stupid" or "downtrodden". I know a lot of girls and women - Muslim women - brilliantly educated and very wise, smart, just gorgeous!
You've been in trouble. 3 years have passed, and you are still suffering, unable to get rid of this tragedy. However, you can live a full and joyful life again - it's in your power! Having survived the tragedy, becoming stronger, you, of course, deserve all the best in this life - both love and family happiness and kids! And all this is possible for you - what happened 3 years ago is NOT your fault.
And love - when it comes - it doesn't care what it was before. Much more important is what you want. What kind of life for yourself? When you allow yourself to stop suffering and tormenting, it will begin new stage Of your life.
Of course, it can be difficult on your own. You can contact any specialist you trust.
WITH Best wishes love, kindness and happiness, your psychologist Anna Velikanova

Veronica asks:

Good afternoon
Behind Last year I began to notice that I forget a lot, and sometimes I can’t remember some moments in my life. And it even starts to seem like it's like amnesia. Especially at work, I forget some subtleties of contracts and other important points. What happened with me?


Elements of thinking disorders can occur at any age and in absolutely healthy people. This is due to physical overwork, chronic nervous stress, an abundance of new information. Most often, there is mild forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating in an able-bodied person, which do not cause significant restrictions in everyday and professional activity. It is important to pay attention to these manifestations in time and objectify them using simple clinical techniques (for example, using questionnaires). As a rule, it is enough to consult a neurologist for this. After that, you can choose the best drug for correcting thought disorders. Usually these are drugs from the class of nootropics (that is, those that affect the processes of thinking and memory). Nootropic drugs have a positive effect on metabolic and bioenergetic processes in nerve cells, enhance the synthesis of proteins necessary for memory processes. The use of nootropics also contributes to an increase in glucose utilization. nerve cells and renders positive action on cerebral blood flow. The combined effect on cellular metabolism and cerebral blood flow leads to positive effect regarding the functions of thinking and concentration.

Dasha asks:

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! The chances of recovering mental activity in a patient after a stroke depend on many factors, including the type and location of the stroke, the severity of brain damage, the reparative capabilities of the body, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as on the timeliness and adequacy of therapy. Stroke treatment should be comprehensive and individually selected, taking into account all the features of the case and the individual patient. It is best if the patient is treated in a neurological hospital, where he himself and the dynamics of his condition are constantly monitored by competent specialists. In addition to treatment in the acute phase of stroke, important has rehabilitation of a post-stroke patient, in particular therapy aimed at maintaining the mental (cognitive) abilities and functions of the patient. Part of such therapy in modern neurology is the course use of Actovegin, the action of which is aimed at improving nutrition, restoring metabolic processes and regenerating damaged cells and tissues. According to research results, the use of Actovegin in post-stroke patients significantly increased their chances of improving cognitive abilities impaired as a result of a stroke and reduced the risk of developing dementia (dementia). The inclusion of Actovegin and other approaches in the treatment regimen should be discussed with your mother's doctor.

Elizabeth asks:

Hello. Tell me, please, how can I restore my mother's mental abilities after a stroke?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! The chances of recovering mental activity in a patient after a stroke depend on many factors, including the type and location of the stroke, the severity of brain damage, the reparative capabilities of the body, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as the timeliness and adequacy of therapy. Stroke treatment should be comprehensive and individually selected, taking into account all the features of the case and the individual patient. It is best if the patient is treated in a neurological hospital, where she and the dynamics of his condition are constantly monitored by competent specialists. In addition to treatment in the acute phase of a stroke, the rehabilitation of a post-stroke patient is of no small importance, in particular, therapy aimed at maintaining the mental (cognitive) abilities and functions of the patient. Part of such therapy in modern neurology is the course use of Actovegin, the action of which is aimed at improving nutrition, restoring metabolic processes and regenerating damaged cells and tissues. According to research results, the use of Actovegin in post-stroke patients significantly increased their chances of maintaining cognitive abilities and reduced the risk of developing dementia (dementia). The inclusion of Actovegin and other approaches in the treatment regimen should be discussed with your mother's doctor.

Vadim asks:

Lately I've been having problems with my memory.
I forget names. It can be difficult to articulate an idea.
It probably has to do with beer. Weekly on Fridays, sometimes I add 2 liters of vodka. I do not smoke, but on Fridays I allow myself to smoke 3-5 cigarettes. What to do?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Practically healthy people may experience periodic disturbances in attention and memory, not associated with nervous or mental illness. It develops due to excessive physical overstrain, prolonged nervous stress or the damaging effects of toxic substances (such as alcohol or nicotine). In this case, we can recommend trying to normalize the regime of work and rest, sufficient in duration night sleep, regular physical activity, rejection of bad habits. Of the drugs, piracetam will be effective. This is a nootropic drug (i.e. positive influence on the function of thinking), which is successfully used for memory disorders, reduced concentration, emotional lability, increased fatigue. The mechanism of action of nootropic drugs is diverse and is associated with an effect on metabolic and bioenergetic processes in nerve cells, an increase in glucose utilization, and a positive effect on regional cerebral blood flow. Also, piracetam protects or restores the functions of thinking during toxic damage of the brain by alcohol and nicotine and reduces the damage resulting from exposure to these factors.

Olesya asks:

Hello. I am 27. I did not have a good memory, but I began to notice its deterioration, both short-term and long-term, a decrease in concentration. I read books all the time at work. But it doesn't stay in my head for long. Have to re-read. I can not cover a large amount of information - I quickly get tired. I work with people. Many people ask questions. And I can't answer them. Although I read it. I'm lost right away. Could it be overwork?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

In the practice of a general practitioner, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, situations are regularly encountered when practically healthy people complain of a decrease in memory and attention, fatigue, abrupt shifts moods. This is usually associated with excessive physical activity, long stressful situations, inadequate rest. In addition to recommendations general (good rest, regular change of mental and physical activity adequate sleep duration balanced diet with a sufficient content of vitamins and minerals) you may need to take nootropic drugs (i.e., improve the functions of thinking). One of this class medicines is piracetam. The mechanism of action of piracetam is complex and is due to the influence on metabolism and bioenergetic processes in nerve cells, increased synthesis of proteins necessary for memory processes. The drug also provides positive impact on regional blood flow in the brain. The combined effect on cellular metabolism and cerebral blood flow leads to a positive effect on the functions of thinking. In addition, against the background of taking the drug, the overall activity increases and the excessive lability of the emotional sphere decreases.

Shura asks:

Good afternoon, after numerous operations, my grandmother lost her memory; I remember what happened before, but after (i.e. now) I don’t. Is it from drugs?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

It can be assumed that the cause of memory loss is degenerative processes in brain cells caused by age-related changes brain metabolism and blood flow. For a final clarification of the cause of disorders of brain functions, consult a general practitioner, neurologist or gerontologist. In the case of degenerative or vascular disorders, as a result of which the processes of remembering information are disrupted, it is recommended to take nootropic drugs (piracetam, etc.). At the same time, the absorption of oxygen and glucose by brain cells is optimized, and metabolism improves. Nootropic drugs have a positive effect on the viscosity properties of blood: it increases the elasticity of blood cells, reduces the degree of gluing of blood cells between themselves and with vascular wall, reduces spasm of capillaries. All this optimizes cerebral blood flow. Piracetam and other nootropics have protective action with brain damage as a result of oxygen deficiency, and also reduce the harmful aftereffect of hypoxia. Thus, taking nootropic drugs improves memory and attention in the elderly, and also increases the overall activity of patients and social adaptation.

Sofia asks:

Recently, I have been worried about a sharp deterioration in my memory, I lose everything and cannot remember what I put where. Even it becomes scary, I'm only 32 years old.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Most likely, you have a dysfunction of the thinking processes, which is associated with physical overwork or excessive emotional stress. To clarify the condition, consult a neurologist. In order to improve learning processes, eliminate memory impairment, increase overall activity, start taking nootropic drugs, such as piracetam. The mechanism of action of piracetam is to stimulate protein metabolism in nerve cells, increase glucose levels and improve oxygen uptake in the brain, as well as enhance the mechanisms of excitation transmission in the nervous tissue through the release of biologically active substances. Piracetam has a positive effect on the viscous properties of blood by increasing the elasticity of blood cells, reducing their pathological adhesion to each other and to the vascular wall, and reducing capillary spasm. The result of this is an improvement in memory in both healthy individuals and patients with thinking disorders. various origins. Piracetam is actively used to normalize brain functions due to a number of conditions accompanied by activity disorder nervous system.

Christina asks:

Hello. Help me please. For 2 months now my father (49 years old) has been ill without a diagnosis. A week ago he went to work, he became ill, threw in a fever. He does not remember what happened next, he only remembers that he walked along the street for 9 hours in a row. Now everything seems to be fine, it just became somehow closed. What could it be?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

To get started, seek advice from a general practitioner, neurologist or psychiatrist. Your father may have developed early symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. In Ukraine, due to economic reasons, this diagnosis is rarely established (requires relatively expensive diagnostics). Be sure to watch your father. Although this disease is common in older people and old age, but the first manifestations may occur relatively early. At the same time, changes in behavior and the psyche are characteristic (the appearance of indifference and isolation, forgetfulness, initiative and motivation to act disappear, disorientation occurs in time, a person is easily lost, especially in an unusual environment). In the future, more serious manifestations may develop that will require constant monitoring, monitoring of the patient, as well as the use of medications. For the possibility of treating cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's dementia, see the article: Hope for patients with cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's dementia. Best wishes!

Simon asks:

Hello, my mother always did German with the senior board, as she is fluent in the language, with the beginning of a new school year difficulties arose, she said that she began to gradually forget the language, and now she simply refused to help her. And she also has obsessive thought that her sister wants to harm her. Although we do not notice anything of the kind. Mom is only 64 years old, what could it be?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Severe memory loss and thinking disorders are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia. At the same time, older people progressively lose their habitual everyday skills, become easily fatigued, unreasonably suspicious and irritable. Symptoms of the disease are due to dystrophic changes in the cells of the cerebral cortex and impaired transmission of nerve impulses between certain parts of the brain. Currently does not exist effective treatment Alzheimer's disease, but taking special drugs can slow down the development of the process. They are prescribed by a therapist, neurologist or psychiatrist. One of the groups of such drugs prevents the destruction of the substance acetylcholine, which determines the transfer of information between nerve cells. The most studied from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine donepezil, it acts selectively in relation to the brain, which minimizes the risk side effects. As a result of taking donepezil in patients, attention, memory, speech functions improve, family and social adaptation is more effectively supported.

Vadim asks:

My father, aged 75, recently had a second stroke. The first was three years ago and after it, although mobility was fully restored, all relatives began to notice changes in behavior

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello! Unfortunately, your case is far from the only one: many people who have had a stroke and fully recovered motor function and the ability to self-service, demonstrate clear manifestations of the weakening of mental functions up to the development of dementia (dementia). This is explained by the death of a part of the brain cells during a brain catastrophe (in the acute phase of a stroke) and the subsequent metabolic disturbance in the remaining nerve cells under conditions of insufficient oxygen supply. For the prevention of dementia and the maximum possible preservation of cognitive functions, patients who have had a stroke need careful treatment in the acute phase of a stroke and subsequent no less high-quality rehabilitation. As recent studies have shown, good result in the prevention of post-stroke cognitive impairment gives the inclusion of Actovegin in the treatment regimen. Initially, the drug is administered as an intravenous infusion, after which the patient is transferred to maintenance treatment with Actovegin tablets. Such treatment can prevent severe impairment of cognitive functions of the brain and protect the patient from changes leading to dementia. Discuss the possibility of using Actovegin with your father's doctor.

Inna asks:

Hello! My grandmother is 84 years old, she has had sclerosis for a long time, but now her condition has worsened, she sometimes does not recognize us, she wakes up at 12 for 3 days in a row and says that she has a terrible noise in her head - music is playing, we were scared, please tell me what to do in such a situation, continue to give the drug or try something else, but then what exactly?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Violation of the functions of thinking, manifested in memory loss, poor orientation in a familiar environment, a decrease in visual-spatial adaptation is characteristic of senile dementia or dementia. Often the disease is caused by the pathology of the cerebral vessels and the progressive degeneration of the cells of the cerebral cortex, which leads to disruption of connections between certain parts of the brain. This is the so-called mixed form of dementia, which determines the need to include in the complex therapy not only drugs that actively affect the improvement of metabolism between blood vessels and nerve cells, but also have protective properties on nerve cells. The drug donepezil has a positive effect on the state of the functions of thinking and helps to maintain social contacts, reduces the severity of psychotic disorders, improves the ability to maintain social and family contacts. Read more in the article: it became the first nootropic drug that convincingly demonstrated the ability to facilitate the learning process and improve memory in both healthy individuals and patients with thinking disorders of various origins. Nootropics affect the metabolic and bioenergetic processes in nerve cells, enhance the synthesis of the protein necessary for memorization processes. Drugs of this class have a positive effect on regional cerebral blood flow due to a decrease in the degree of adhesion of blood platelets - platelets. The combined effect on the metabolism in nerve cells and cerebral blood flow leads to a positive effect on the functions of thinking, reduces headache and dizziness, increases the overall activity of patients.

Oleg asks:

Good afternoon, my mother-in-law moved to us, she was already 74 years old for the first six months, everything was fine, she was sitting at home, cooking, embroidering and picking up the children from school. What is happening now: my daughter calls me from school and says that my grandmother didn’t come for her, at first we thought that the person just forgot, but then it began to repeat more often, and yesterday, for example, we left and she started preparing dinner, we come and she has everything cut, cooked, but not cooked. We ask what happened, and she seems to be surprised herself. Does she have sclerosis?

Responsible Maryenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna:

Based on complaints, one can assume the development of Alzheimer's disease or dementia of the Alzheimer's type. In this case, there is a progressive degeneration of the cholinergic nerve cells of the brain and a violation of the interaction between the nerve cells of the parietotemporal and frontal sections of the cerebral cortex. The more severe the disorder, the more severe the disease. To establish a diagnosis, consult a neurologist or psychiatrist. An additional examination using high-precision expensive equipment may be required. Patients with dementia often require permanent care and observations. In addition, it is necessary to appoint drug treatment which can significantly slow down the progression of the disease. It should be remembered about mandatory control taking any medication in older people, even with minor manifestations of senile dementia. Read more in the article: Hope for Patients with Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Dementia Piracetam and other drugs of this class are characterized by a high safety profile, good tolerability, and no significant side effects. All this allows you to prescribe nootropics for a long time, and the minimum duration of course use should be at least 3 weeks, after which the results of treatment are analyzed and the question of the advisability of continuing it is decided.

They get confused in appointments, leave keys at home, cannot remember the name of the book they are currently reading... Such forgetfulness gives them a lot of trouble. Why does it arise?

Simple absent-mindedness or an obvious disorder of health? Can we cope with our forgetfulness on our own or should we seek help from specialists?

Memory impairment can have many causes. Most difficult cases associated with neurological disorders. “And above all with Alzheimer's disease,” says neurologist Vladimir Zakharov. - Only in initial stage of this incurable disease, we can make life easier for patients. We store their memory with transmitters, drugs that make up for the lack of acetylcholine, the substance by which information is transmitted from cell to cell. Another common cause of forgetfulness is vascular dementia. It develops rapidly, and in this case, memory is helped to preserve drugs that normalize cerebral circulation". It is necessary to distinguish these serious disorders from simple forgetfulness, which can be caused by stress, depression, or long-term traumatic experiences. And in these cases, it is quite possible to improve memory. “If, having forgotten the name of the actor, you remember it when you hear his name, then the violation is not of a systemic nature. In this case, it is worth contacting a psychologist,” says Vladimir Zakharov.

Nikolay, 51, employee of the Ministry of Culture “I couldn’t remember how old I am”

“For the past few years, I keep forgetting things. For example, I need to find something in the office. But while I'm going there, I forget what I was going for. On duty, I have to conduct many negotiations with the most different people. And suddenly I completely forget our preliminary agreements. Some kind of sudden failure, a veil ... This happens to me more and more often, and it becomes simply unbearable. And the other day something quite out of the ordinary happened: I could not remember how old I am! All of this makes my life miserable."

To the one who is near

The main victims of forgetfulness are those who forget themselves! So don't be too harsh on them. If, having forgotten about the agreement, the person again let you down and is trying to find the reason for his forgetfulness, show tolerance. Suggest, ask suggestive questions related to a specific situation. This is exactly what the therapist does during the session. Help your forgetful loved one exercise memory: instead of repeating the same thing three times, ask him if he remembers what you just said. Such "checks" will contribute to his greater concentration.

Psychological reasons

“Forgetfulness often occurs at the moment when a person’s connection with himself is broken, he stops hearing his inner voice, and perceives life as an unbearable test, - psychoanalyst Ksenia Korbut clarifies. - Oblivion turns out to be a saving way out, however, only for a short time". Psychodramatic trainings, work with a psychotherapist help to clarify the relationship with oneself and with one's family history.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis

Everything that we once experienced, everything that causes us a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, fear, we displace into our unconscious. "That's one of the ways psychological protection, - explains Ksenia Korbut. – “Forgetting”, we get rid of the ambivalence of our feelings, protect ourselves from negative experiences - in a word, we forget for a while what causes heartache. But at the same time we move away from ourselves, because the cause of our suffering remains unchanged.

Everything that is stored in our unconscious periodically erupts in a symbolic form, in the form of plot dreams, erroneous actions (slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue), memory lapses. Alexander, 32, constantly forgets or loses the keys to his apartment. He grew up in an authoritarian family, and his parents made it clear very early that he had no place in their home. From the age of 18, Alexander lives independently. It would seem that he forgot about what he experienced in childhood, and perhaps only such a strange forgetfulness worries him. “Rejection is a strong destructive feeling, it is difficult to cope with it,” comments Ksenia Korbut. - Unconsciously forgetting the keys, Alexander is still trying to free himself from this experience. But each time, faced with a locked door, again and again he feels abandoned. Forgetting indicates the presence of a problem, and what exactly we have forgotten can tell us where to look for the cause of suffering. Psychoanalysis helps to plunge into the unconscious, to relive painful experiences and thus free oneself from them.

What to do?

exercise attention

Buy beautiful frame, insert a sheet with some kind of poem into it and hang it in a conspicuous place. Your goal is to remember to memorize one or two poems a week.

Work with the body.

Sign up for a dance studio: classes will help you maximize your memory and attention.

Don't try to do everything.

Forgetful people often think about a hundred things at once. Let yourself rest and learn to shift some business to others - then you will stick to the main thing more firmly.

Practice associations.

Connect one view to another lovely way memorize them. Look for your memorization techniques.

Develop your feelings.

The more your feelings are included during some activity, the more likely it is that it will be well remembered. Come in perfume shop to enrich your olfactory palette, quit smoking for a better taste, and pay attention to tactile sensations.

Why do I forget everything or hyper-forgetfulness

Today's world of information has brought a sea of ​​knowledge for people: a huge amount of information on different topics, for different audiences. As you know, the medal has two sides. So, on the other hand, the world of the Internet and the availability of information anywhere and at any time has brought people forgetfulness or, even not scary in this case say hyper-forgetfulness.

Many people face the problem of forgetfulness and often forget about the most important things. (Read )

Firstly, as already mentioned above, the constant round-the-clock availability of information plays to increase forgetfulness.
Thanks to the mobile Internet, home Internet and access to the network at work, a person is overloaded: after reading one, the eyes find a line with a link below, click and now we are already on another page, and so on. Previous information is forgotten, or left for later, and then forgotten.

Site creators specifically lay out their pages in such a way as to captivate the visitor as deep as possible into their site or drive him to a third-party site using a flashy defiant link. This is how big internet empires are built. Entrepreneurs on the network try to squeeze the maximum out of the human flow to their resource, taking the reader deep into, forcing them to forget about current affairs and promises.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising when your interlocutor admits to you, “I forget everything.” It seemed like it was important, but for some reason it flew out of my head.

Great people, known all over the world, keep repeating the same thing: write down your plans on a piece of paper, but, unfortunately, ordinary citizens flipping through the yellow pages of the Internet do not follow their recommendations.

Years pass, and you also leaf through the Internet page after page, moving from site to site, read fragments of phrases taken out of context on social networks on other people's pages.

This is what makes people dumb...

The brain gets used to assimilating information. After spending an hour on the net, pointlessly clicking on links, thereby catching up traffic to your Internet business, you do not let your head think. She does not have time to process and interpret the information that you read a minute ago, and it becomes difficult to present it.

5 rules to avoid suffering from the “I forget everything” syndrome and stop forgetting about the important:

  1. Make it a rule to go online only for a specific purpose (Read)
  2. If you are unable to restrict your browsing of the Sites or social network then limit the time (Read)
  3. Try to write down your thoughts and ideas that come to you after reading this or that material, get a notebook, notebook or diary. You don’t need to come up with any specific structure, write everything in a row, then you highlight the main thing.
  4. Start a tradition of looking into your notebook every morning, remembering what information you learned yesterday, refreshing your plans for today
  5. Try to tell the information that you think is interesting to a person verbally in a personal meeting or a telephone conversation, so you will learn how to present information and think about it.

Try to live by these rules for a month, and gradually be surprised how the quality of your life changes dramatically: there are ideas, completed tasks, new goals or ambitious plans that are not in the status of “It would not be bad”, but in the status of “I know how do it."

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When we were forty, we taught happiness lessons in schools. And so we ask first-graders and tenth-graders: "What will you answer your husband if he returned from work and said: let me go fishing with friends on Sunday, I want to relax." What do you think, what did the first-graders answer and what did the tenth-graders answer? They answered the same! Either menacingly forbade the future husband from fishing or graciously allowed, "but with the condition that I go to karaoke with my friends."

Making a window in the kitchen with curtains is a creative process that allows radically change the appearance of the room. To get an original result, it is important to understand the features of the combination of curtains with elements of the style in which the room is decorated.

Young just got married got the first in their joint family life the document is a marriage certificate, and nothing portends thunderstorms in the clear firmament of further seed life. How to prevent male infidelity? Is it possible to do this, in general, to do it? Do women need to do something?

Rooms with a bay window deserve attention and respect, because they let light into the room to a greater extent than traditional openings. In addition, such forms make the space original. And this means that you need to choose the right curtains for the bay window.

Someday I will have a son, and I will do the opposite. I will tell him from the age of three: “Honey! You don't have to become an engineer. You don't have to be a lawyer. It doesn't matter what you become when you grow up. Do you want to be a pathologist? To health! Football commentator? Please! clown in mall? Great choice!

Usually an amulet for good luck is immediately attributed to dark forces which, through horse, mouse and other hairs placed in the product, bring happiness. At the same time, psychologists who do not sin with excessive mystification look at amulets from other positions.

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The ability to notice positive aspects and guess for yourself best consequences called positive thinking. Someone has this quality since birth, someone is less fortunate, but there are a few rules on how to learn to think positively.

What rivals don’t do to harm each other - spread gossip, accidentally spill wine on the enemy’s dress, pour glasses into shoes (if there is such an opportunity and need). This is not the whole list, it is possible to enumerate endlessly, that sometimes law enforcement agencies even have to intervene in the matter. What is the danger of female envy?

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For most women, feats are associated with knightly armor and dueling battles. Only modern ideas about exploits differ significantly from those that reigned in the minds of contemporaries several centuries ago. Despite this, I want attention, care and affection. Only all these manifestations of tenderness will not appear by themselves. Let's figure out how to motivate a man to exploits.

Curtains for the office - an accessory quite common in recent times, firmly established its position in the textile market. Just a couple of decades ago, the palm belonged to the blinds, which came as an innovation from European countries.

Most people believe that memory impairment is characteristic of people of age. Over the years, it gets worse, and by old age a person does not absorb various information well. In our modern world very often there are problems with memory in young people. Causes - stress, overstrain at work, high pace of life. How to behave if you notice that you have become worse at remembering elementary things? What is our memory? Let's take a closer look.


Memory problems in young people have a variety of reasons. If no action is taken, the situation can only worsen. Having been born, a person is already able to remember some moments of life. According to the researchers, in the first twenty-five years, memory improves, in younger years our brain is able to receive and easily remember a huge stream of information. Having approached the border of this age and not having certain diseases that affect the quality of thought processes, a person retains his memory unchanged. It worsens in most people due to aging. Brain activity becomes less active, the brain no longer perceives large flows of information. These processes occur normally after 50-55 years. Unfortunately the residents modern megacities begin to complain about the quality of memory much earlier than this age. Experts are concerned that such phenomena have become common in children and adolescents. Naturally, with a bad memory, any schoolchild or student will absorb information more slowly, and this will affect the quality of education. It takes more time to memorize the material.

Short and long term memory

What is considered the norm in the deterioration of memory and its loss? There is no definite threshold, each person has his own. Everyone knows that memory has no limits. There is such a thing as super memory. Those who own it are able to remember the smallest details of the events they heard or saw, which happened sometime in the past. Many official reference books and serious publications call this process not just physiological phenomenon but also a way to accumulate cultural, life experience. Experts divide memory into long-term and short-term. Each person may have a different ratio. Memory problems in young people may have different causes, but in any case great importance have its development and training. If you have a developed long-term memory, then the material will most likely not be easy to digest, but after years the information will remain in your head. Owners of a trained short term memory they instantly remember the material, but literally in a week they cannot reproduce what they once knew well - the information is not saved.

Types of memory

If young people have memory problems, the reasons should be looked for in what factors contributed to this. A person has a lot of types of memory: there are auditory, motor, visual. Someone remembers the material visually well, someone perceives it better by ear, others better represent (imagine). The human brain is divided into zones, each of which is responsible for a specific function. For example, the temporal regions control speech and hearing, the occipital-parietal are responsible for spatial perception and vision, and the inferior parietal are responsible for the speech apparatus and hand movements. With the defeat of the lower parietal zone, a disease occurs, which is called astereognosia. A person in this state does not feel objects.

Scientific studies have confirmed the version that hormones play an important role in the development of memory and thinking. Testosterone and estrogen improve brain processes, but oxytocin acts in the opposite way.

Memory problems in young people: causes of deterioration

Frequent stress, prolonged depression can adversely affect the functioning of the brain.

Memory problems in young people (main causes):

  • Insomnia, chronic fatigue.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle, bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
  • Frequent use of antidepressants, pain medications. For example, treatment with many pharmaceuticals has side effects in the form of memory impairment.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of amino acids, vitamins of groups A, B.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Diseases internal organs: renal and hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary tuberculosis are often accompanied by impaired brain activity and further - memory disorders.
  • Various pathologies of the brain: pituitary adenoma, malignant neoplasms and others.

If there are problems with poor memory in young people, the reasons should be established by a specialist. Depending on the presence of a particular disease this symptom accompanied by lack of appetite, general depression, irritability, headache, insomnia, subfertile temperature, and the like. These signs may indicate possible overwork of the body or the presence of inflammatory processes.

As a result of information overload of the brain, memory impairment can also occur. For example, every student is familiar with the state during the session, when after cramming it seems that nothing is left in the head. This memory impairment is temporary, it is not required here. specific treatment. In this case, it is enough to concentrate, calm down, the functions will return to normal, and everything learned will be restored in the brain.

Pathologies. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a complex disease of the central nervous system. Accompanied by decline mental capacity. Older people over 65 years of age are at risk, but exceptions are possible. Scientists still cannot determine the true cause of the disease. Contributing factors to this: traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism, brain tumors. In addition to memory impairment, the disease is accompanied by such symptoms: spatial disorientation, apathy, frequent convulsions, hallucinations, decreased intelligence.

Most often, this disease is inherited. In the early stages, it may not be noticeable. But at the first sign of memory impairment, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. A person suffering from this disease begins to forget recent events, and over time becomes selfish, difficult to communicate, ceases to navigate in time and space. The disease is incurable, but if proper care and treatment is provided, the process proceeds smoothly, quietly, without complications and terrible consequences.

Multiple sclerosis

If there are memory problems in young people, the causes and first symptoms may indicate a complex disease of the central nervous system - multiple sclerosis. In the course of the disease, the constituent structures of the spinal cord and brain are destroyed. The cause of the disease has not yet been determined, it is believed that it has an autoimmune origin (a certain virus enters the body). Increasingly, multiple sclerosis affects young people. The disease progresses rather slowly, for a long period of time certain symptoms may not manifest themselves in any way.

Parkinson's disease

By these or other symptoms, you can determine whether young people have memory problems. The reasons for what to do in this case - the doctor will tell about everything. Parkinson's disease predominantly affects the elderly, but recently there have been cases when 40-year-old patients were diagnosed with this pathology. This chronic disease is accompanied by disturbances in the functions of memory, thinking, trembling of the limbs, stoop, physical activity and paralysis sets in.

Traumatic brain injury

Doctors say that traumatic brain injuries and memory problems in young people are very closely related. The causes of the disease in such cases may be different. The more serious the injury, the more severe the consequences can be. Traumatic brain injuries often result in retrograde or anterograde amnesia. The victims do not even remember how they got injured, what preceded this. It also happens that memories become false, that is, the brain draws imaginary pictures that were not actually there. The patient can say that he was at the cinema, went out with friends, while he himself was in the hospital at that time. Hallucinations reproduce non-existent images.

Cerebral circulatory disorders

One of the main causes of memory loss is impaired blood circulation in the brain. Contributes to this atherosclerosis of blood vessels. Less blood flows to the parts of the brain, and therefore problems arise. Any stroke that greatly alters brain function negatively affects brain function.

At diabetes memory impairment may also occur. A complication of the disease is that the vessels are affected, compacted and closed. These lesions can lead not only to disturbances in the activity of the brain, but also to other important organs.

Memory problems in young people. Causes, treatment

Before taking any measures to treat memory, it is worth understanding what the cause of the disease is and what disease provoked the symptoms. By identifying memory problems in young people, a knowledgeable specialist will establish the causes and symptoms. Medications should be used only on his recommendation. The doctor may prescribe physical therapy with the introduction of glutamic acid through the nasal passage. Memory impairment is successfully treated by educational psychologists. They re-teach the patient to memorize the material, while using only healthy parts of the brain.

If the memory has deteriorated sharply, this is not a disease, but only a symptom. He warns of more serious illnesses that need to be identified and treated. Memory loss disturbs full life, separates a person from society, adaptive functions and properties of the body are reduced.

If memory impairment is detected, the doctor will most likely prescribe nootropics. The drug "Noopet" belongs to this group. It contains amino acids - dipeptides. They affect the cerebral cortex, while helping to restore memory, concentration.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a memory problem occurs in young people, the cause should be treated by a doctor. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above in yourself or your loved ones, then be sure to seek advice from a therapist, neurologist or neuropsychologist. They will appoint special examination identify the cause and make a diagnosis. Timely diagnosis will allow you to start proper treatment and save you from serious consequences.

Prevention. Exercises

Have different memory problems in young people causes. Prevention will help you deal with the problem. In order to overcome this syndrome, you need to train your own memory, focus on details, keep a diary, write down events, calculations. American professor Katz has developed a technique that activates all parts of the brain. At the same time, attention, memory, and creativity develop. Here are just some of the exercises:

  • Try to do all your usual activities not with open, but with your eyes closed.
  • Let right-handers try to do household chores with their left hand, and left-handers, on the contrary, with their right. You will immediately feel the result.
  • Learn to master sign language.
  • On the keyboard, try to type with all your fingers.
  • Master any needlework - embroidery, knitting.
  • Learn foreign languages.
  • Learn to distinguish coins by touch and determine their value.
  • Read books about things you've never been interested in before.
  • Communicate more, visit new places: theaters, parks, meet new people.

By adhering to the above recommendations, you will notice how, after a while, your thinking and memory will begin to change in better side. Small details, ongoing events will fit in your brain more clearly, and your memory will become more voluminous.