Preparations for the treatment of swine flu. H1N1 virus: symptoms, treatment and prevention

With the onset winter period the likelihood of contracting the flu, one of the most common ARVI diseases, increases sharply. The most vulnerable categories of the population are children, the elderly, people with weakened immunity for any reason.

Six years ago, swine flu was raging in the territory European countries... Then the virus strain was introduced from Southeast Asia. In January 2016, A (H1N1) became active again, and in addition to the usual region, it also spreads from Ukraine, which is happening for the first time during epidemiological observations.

The history of the emergence of swine flu

There have been several episodes of H1N1 influenza pandemics in history. The most terrible and tragic of them was the so-called "Spanish Woman", which claimed tens of millions of lives. At the beginning of the twentieth century, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth was infected.

The name "swine" influenza, caused by the A / H1N1 virus strain, got its name from the fact that it was also found in pigs. True, no cases of human infection from animals were recorded, which did not prevent in 2009 from causing real hysteria in society. In some states, mass slaughter of pigs was carried out, and a state of emergency was declared in the United States. Influenza infection occurs exclusively from person to person.

In 2009, the last to date outbreak of "swine flu" was registered, which in the end did not bring such colossal losses as the "Spanish flu" once did. The next activity of the H1N1 virus is being observed at the present time. The danger of swine flu both for each person individually and for the entire population depends on how competently citizens react to the prevention of the disease, timely treatment and prevention of complications and subsequent spread.

The clinical picture of swine flu

Swine flu causes a strain of the A (H1N1) virus that is fatal in severe cases. Studies show that this type of virus is the most dangerous for the human body.

Influenza is characterized by a very short incubation period - the time that elapses after direct infection of a person before the first signs of illness appear. Unlike other types of ARVI, the first symptoms of the disease appear as early as 1-2 days after contact with the virus carrier.

Swine flu is characterized by a severe course of the disease. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, the virus causes the death of epithelial cells within a few hours, multiplying at an incredible rate. At this time, the patient has a fever with a rise in temperature to febrile values ​​- 38.7-40 ° C. The high temperature lasts from 3 or more days, difficult to stop.

Human swine flu symptoms

The main symptoms of influenza are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • chills;
  • sweating;
  • lacrimation;
  • feeling of dry mouth and respiratory organs, sore throat;
  • joint pain, muscle pain;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite.

A runny nose is not typical for swine flu.

For influenza A / H1N1 strain characteristic feature are the appearance nausea and vomiting, stool disorders, abdominal pain.

The most dangerous option for the development of the disease is the addition of pneumonia as early as 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. Untimely provided qualified medical care can lead to the addition of life-threatening complications up to a lethal (fatal) outcome.

How to tell the difference between swine flu and flu

Clinically, it is impossible to distinguish influenza caused by the A / H1N1 strain from other forms. Symptoms and clinical picture are too similar. The main difference is that swine flu is more difficult, complications begin earlier and they have more severe manifestations and consequences.

It should be especially noted that self-medication for swine flu can be completely ineffective. The consequences will be tragic.

Diagnostics of the H1N1 swine flu

Make a differential diagnosis of "swine" and common "seasonal" types of influenza on the basis of only clinical picture almost impossible. To determine the strain of the viral pathogen, it is necessary to serotyping the virus in the laboratory.

The vast majority of infections occur from person to person. First of all, the spread of infection occurs by airborne droplets, in second place is contact with objects used by the carrier of the virus. That is why the main recommendation of doctors during an epidemic is to minimize stay in crowded places and wear protective masks. Particular care should be taken when following the rules of personal hygiene.

How to protect yourself from the swine flu virus

It is possible and necessary to protect yourself from a dangerous virus. According to modern medicine, timely vaccination against this strain with high degree probability avoids contamination.

However, experienced immunologists do not recommend vaccinating against the swine flu strain during an epidemic. The human immune system is able to adequately respond to the vaccine no earlier than two weeks later. And during this time there is a risk of infection by airborne droplets upon contact with any carrier of the infection. So you should not risk your health by getting a double blow in the form of an injected vaccine and regular form infection.

How to protect yourself from swine flu once it's too late to get vaccinated

What if you missed your flu shot? Doctors have developed a number of guidelines to help minimize the risk of contracting the flu strain. These include both means of mechanical protection and the use of recipes for conservative and traditional medicine.

How not to get swine flu: prevention

  1. Gauze bandage. Being in a public place (transport, work, educational institutions, entertainment centers etc.), wear a protective gauze bandage. For added safety, moisten a cloth with 1 drop of tea tree or lavender essential oil every morning.
  2. When leaving the house, treat the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment. Protective layer the drug prevents the penetration of the virus through the nasal mucosa, since it has the ability to envelop it. The same pharmacy drug effective for killing strains.
  3. Curative homemade butter for the treatment of the nose. In the absence of oxolinic ointment, it is recommended to prepare a protective oil yourself. In 15 ml of any vegetable oil (olive, grape seed, almond, pumpkin, nut, sunflower, corn, etc.) add 3-4 drops of pure esters with antiviral properties, for example, tea tree, peppermint, cedar, cypress, pine, spruce, tansy, fir, rosemary, lemon. Ready-made composition lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages before each going outside. Attention! Make sure you don't have an individual intolerance to a particular ether.
  4. Aromatherapy. The listed essential oils recommended for aromatization of premises. Medicinal components in a matter of minutes they clear the air from pathogenic microflora and viruses. Use an aroma vaporizer by adding water with 6-7 drops of ether to the upper bowl of the lamp for every 15 square meters. area of ​​the room. It is advisable to wear special ceramic jewelry - aroma pendants, which are "filled" with 1-2 drops of antibacterial ether before leaving the house (read more in the article).
  5. Bulbous crops. According to experienced phytotherapists, phytoncides have powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. In addition, bioactive compounds of onions increase immunity, protecting the body from infection. Therefore, in daily diet be sure to include fresh onions (1 root vegetable per day) or garlic (3-5 cloves per day). Add spicy vegetables to vitamin salads or eat as a condiment to food.
  6. Milk antivirus. Traditional healers recommend using an antiviral drink based on whole milk, which activates the body's defenses and enhances local immunity. The ingredients of the drink stimulate the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and enhance the production of T-lymphocytes by the immune system, which are responsible for the destruction of infectious agents, including viruses. Drink every morning after eating remedy, prepared according to the following recipe: boil 0.3 liters of milk (preferably a rustic one), add 3 garlic cloves crushed in a mortar and a coffee spoon of dry ground ginger root to it, cool the liquid slightly and dissolve the dessert spoon natural honey(raspberry, linden, forest, sage, meadow, alpine). The same drink is used to treat ARVI and colds.
  7. Recommended products for inclusion in daily menu: cranberries, mushrooms, turkey and chicken meat. Cinchona and citric acid, which are part of sour berries, destroy viruses in a natural way... Mushrooms are a natural source of calciferol (D vitamins), necessary substance for health immune system... Highly digestible protein from dietary meats and mushrooms is essential for maintaining healthy immune cells.

Important to know: the above preventive measures do not give any guarantees, but only contribute to the strengthening of the body and strengthen it protective properties against a strain of influenza virus. In case of occurrence high risk swine flu infection, as well as to persons who have not been vaccinated against the A (H1N1) virus in the fall, we strongly recommend preventive measures using pharmacological agents.

Swine flu prevention: drugs

Prevention of influenza A / H1N1 ("swine") strain is no different from preventive measures to prevent infection with other "seasonal" strains of influenza.

Healthy person with healthy immunity v normal conditions does not need to take additional pharmacological agents. Balanced diet, good rest, physical education, refusal bad habits help to cope with any infection. People with a weakened immune system who are at risk and in an unfavorable epidemiological environment, drug prevention will help to avoid, if not the flu itself, then at least ease its course and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Preparations for the prevention of swine flu

If the flu epidemic is already "raging", and vaccination was not carried out on time, then it is not too late to protect yourself from influenza infection with the help of some drugs:

  1. Antiviral drugs. First of all - Tamiflu and its analogues. But this is a very expensive drug and not everyone can afford to take it only for preventive purposes. Remantadine and Amantadine are useless in the fight against swine flu. Arbidol and Ingavirin are more accessible, their effectiveness in the treatment of influenza itself has not been proven, but they quite cope with the tasks set as prophylactic agents.
  2. Multivitamins. With insufficient intake of vitamins from food, which is understandable in the winter-spring period, when the diet is depleted herbal products, you can take complex tableted vitamins. It is best to choose a multivitamin that contains all the vitamin groups. They will not save you from the very fact of infection, but they will help strengthen the immune system to fight infection.
  3. Immunomodulators, immunocorrectors. Taking this group of drugs can be advised for people with weakened immunity, which is typical for residents of megacities, and in an unfavorable epidemiological situation, for example, when there is already a sick person in the family. Among the means that strengthen the immune system, one can single out Kagocel, Interferon, Viferon, Anaferon. It is necessary to take immunomodulators only after prior consultation with a therapist, otherwise, instead of help, you can harm your body.
  4. Adaptogens. A large number of drugs made from raw materials vegetable origin: Rhodiola rosea, lemongrass, ginseng, rose hips, garlic tablets. These funds will also help strengthen their own defenses, help the body fight infection.

Even if you do not take antiviral drugs with preventive purpose, then during an outbreak of influenza, it is better to purchase them in advance, so that in case of infection, treatment can be started immediately, without waiting for the deterioration of the condition.

How and how to treat swine flu in 2016

Flu treatment is aimed at combating viral infection, with intoxication of the body, at restoring balance, at stimulating immunity, symptomatic corrective therapy is carried out.

Influenza is a viral infection, so antibiotic treatment is completely useless!

What antiviral drugs to take for swine flu

Among antiviral drugs, neuraminidase inhibitors have shown the greatest efficiency. The most popular drug in this class is Tamiflu(not to be confused with Theraflu!). Other drugs in this group include Zanamivir and Oseltamivir, but they are less common in our country.

Widespread and popular Arbidol less effective, but may well be used to treat influenza in the absence of Tamiflu and for prophylactic purposes.

Clinical practice has shown that the A / H1N1 virus strain is not susceptible to antiviral drugs of the adamant group (Amantadine, Remantadin), therefore, treatment with these drugs is useless.

Prevention of pneumonia during influenza

Along with antiviral therapy, it is necessary great attention to devote to the prevention of the development of pneumonia, as the most dangerous and severe complication, in severe cases leading to the death of the patient. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory therapy, immunity correctors. Of the antipyretics, it is best to use paracetamol and ibuprofen (the use of aspirin and drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended). Symptomatic treatment is indicated to relieve stool disorder, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. To prevent the addition of a secondary infection, antibiotic therapy is required. Antibiotics will not have any effect on the underlying viral disease but will be very useful in preventing pneumonia or other diseases caused by bacteria.

When to Seek Medical Help

It is best to seek medical attention as soon as the first signs of flu appear. This is evidenced by the interview of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, virologist D.K. Lvov (see the video below):

Since the conduct of a full-fledged laboratory diagnostics in some cases it is impossible, and there is simply no time to wait for the results of the analysis, you need to start taking antiviral drugs from the first hours of the disease. Self-medication is unacceptable. Uncontrolled intake of medications may not lead to amelioration of the patient's condition, to a worsening of the course of the disease.

Timely intake of antiviral drugs - a vital necessity... As drug therapy usually used intravenous or intramuscular injections drugs based on oseltamivir. As a combination therapy, along with the instructions of the attending physician, it is advisable to use prescriptions alternative medicine, moreover, it is desirable that they are approved by your supervising therapist or pediatrician.

How to protect yourself from the flu virus if a person is sick nearby

If any of your household members get sick with swine flu, then careful observance of the following measures will help prevent infection:

  1. the patient must have separate dishes, towels, any personal hygiene items;
  2. regularly process utensils with boiling water;
  3. wear a gauze bandage at home;
  4. clean the air in the patient's room by placing a saucer with chopped garlic or onions next to the head of the bed (change vegetables for a new portion every 2-3 hours);
  5. sanitize the room with essential oils;
  6. use oxolinic ointment systematically;
  7. three times a day, consume a tablespoon of honey, which has antiviral, antiseptic, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties;
  8. do not neglect the use of pharmacological means of protection against the "swine flu" virus (in case of a high risk of infection).

Reception of immunomodulators, including those of plant origin, should be carried out under medical supervision. Self-prescription of drugs that stimulate immunity is unacceptable, since illiterately selected drugs, failure to comply with the timing of admission and certain dosages, instead of the expected benefit, lead to a malfunction of the immune system. And this is fraught with a decrease in the ability to withstand foreign agents constantly attacking the human body.

/ Swine flu

Swine flu.

Today this topic is very relevant for many parents, many ask themselves questions: "What is swine flu? What are the symptoms of swine flu? Are there any medications for swine flu? How to protect yourself and your children from possible infection with swine flu?" In this article, we will try to answer all of these questions.

So what is swine flu?

Swine flu Is an infectious acute respiratory disease of pigs caused by one of several swine influenza A viruses. As a rule, it is characterized by high morbidity and low mortality (1-4%). The virus spreads among pigs by airborne droplets, through direct and indirect contact and by carrier pigs that do not show symptoms of the disease. Disease outbreaks occur among pigs all year round, and in zones with a temperate climate - most often in autumn and winter. In many countries, pig populations are routinely vaccinated against swine flu.

Swine influenza viruses most commonly belong to the H1N1 subtype, but other subtypes (such as H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2) circulate among pigs. In addition to swine influenza viruses, pigs can also be infected with avian influenza viruses and seasonal human influenza viruses. It is believed that the H3N2 swine virus was introduced into swine populations by humans. Sometimes pigs can be infected with more than one virus at the same time, which allows the genes of these viruses to mix. This can lead to the emergence of an influenza virus containing genes from different sources - the so-called "chimeric" virus. Although swine flu viruses are usually species-specific and only infect pigs, they sometimes cross the species barrier and cause disease in humans.

It would seem that it is so terrible here. Well, the pigs are sick with their swine flu, but what does man have to do with it? The fact is that the flu virus is highly variable. It can change its antigenic structure in such a way that if previously the swine influenza virus caused disease only in pigs, then after the mutation of the swine influenza virus, it begins to cause disease in humans. The new virus becomes more active and strong, and can cause more severe forms of influenza in humans. This is the whole problem. It is almost impossible to predict when and what kind of influenza virus will change, so it is also impossible to make a vaccine against influenza in advance. But it is known from history that almost every 40-50 years a similar mutation of the influenza virus occurs, which causes massive diseases in humans, that is, leads to outbreaks of influenza pandemics. According to experts' forecasts, at the beginning of the third millennium, another influenza pandemic should have occurred, but with the antigenic type of the influenza virus, they were a little mistaken. It was assumed that the causative agent of the next influenza pandemic should have been the influenza A (H3N2) virus, but it turned out that the causative agent of the swine flu is the influenza A (H1N1) virus.

Virus transmission.

The transmission of infection is carried out by airborne droplets. Virus from mucous membranes respiratory tract when breathing, sneezing, coughing, talking, it is released in great concentration and can be suspended for several minutes. There is also a possibility of transmission of infection through household items, nipples, toys, underwear, dishes.

Contagiousness (infectious period).

The period of contagiousness begins at the end of the incubation period and lasts the entire febrile period, reaching its maximum in 1-2 days after the onset of the disease. After the 5-7th day of illness, the concentration of the virus in the exhaled air decreases sharply, and the patient becomes practically harmless to others.

A great epidemic danger is posed by patients who do not stay at home when sick with influenza, but continue to visit public places... Continuing to carry on active image life, they manage to infect big number of people.

Flu symptoms.

The flu usually starts acutely. The incubation period is usually 1–2 days, but can last up to 5 days.

Then the period of acute clinical manifestations... The severity of the disease depends on many factors: general health, age, whether the patient has been in contact with this type of virus before.

Swine flu can be moderate to severe.

The main signs of swine flu are:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38.5-39.5 ° C and above;
  • intoxication;
  • profuse sweating;
  • weakness;
  • photophobia;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • catarrhal symptoms (hyperemia of the soft palate and back wall pharynx; conjunctival hyperemia);
  • respiratory symptoms - damage to the larynx and trachea, dry (in some cases - wet) painful cough;
  • violation of phonation;
  • chest pain;
  • rhinitis (runny nose).

One of the formidable complications of influenza is the syndrome of segmental lung injury - dynamically increasing (within several hours) pulmonary heart failure with a typical segmental shadow in one of the lungs; with a favorable outcome, clinical and radiological changes are resolved (practically without a trace) within 2-3 days (differential difference from pneumonia). In the hypertoxic form, pulmonary edema is possible, usually ending in hemorrhagic pneumonia.

With the development of a severe form of influenza, the body temperature rises to 40-40.5 ° C. In addition to the symptoms typical for the moderate form of influenza, there are signs of encephalopathy (psychotic conditions, seizures, hallucinations), vascular disorders (nosebleeds, pinpoint hemorrhages in the soft palate) and vomiting.

In addition, other formidable complications of influenza can occur:

  • Hyperthermic syndrome;
  • Meningism (single or combined meningeal signs in the absence of significant inflammatory changes in the pia mater);
  • Encephalopathy in combination with hemodynamic disorders in children (combined with the term neurotoxicosis) is the most common reason death in severe influenza;
  • The occurrence of edematous hemorrhagic syndrome, the development of respiratory failure in varying degrees of severity, up to pulmonary edema (hemorrhagic pneumonia), as well as cerebral edema in some patients.

If the flu proceeds without complications, the febrile period lasts 2-4 days and the illness ends within 5-10 days. Repeated rises in body temperature are possible, but they are usually caused by a layering of bacterial flora or other viral respiratory infection... After the flu, the phenomena of post-infectious asthenia may persist for 2-3 weeks: fatigue, weakness, headache, irritability, insomnia, etc.

Flu treatment:

When the first symptoms of influenza occur, the following remedies are indicated:

  1. Drink plenty of hot tea, cranberry or lingonberry juice, alkaline mineral waters(borjomi with milk, etc.).
  2. Antipyretics: paracetamol (for example, Panadol, Coldrex), NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aka nurofen) in an age-specific dosage.
    : acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin) is contraindicated in children under 16 years of age due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome;
  3. Local vasoconstrictor agents to facilitate nasal breathing (nasivin, nasol, osquimetazolin, noxprey, vibrocil, etc.).
  4. To soften the cough and transfer the cough from dry to wet, it is necessary to take means to thin and discharge sputum ( plantain juice, dry cough mixture, licorice root, alkaline inhalation, etc.)
  5. Be sure to include in the complex increased doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), multivitamins. Vitamin C in this situation stimulates the production of its own interferon, which helps the body of a sick person to cope faster with a viral infection.
  6. Antihistamines (loratadine or tavegil, or suprastin, or zaditen, etc.), one of the drugs in this group.
  7. Be sure to use human leukocyte interferon (HLI) intranasally 3-5 drops 4 times a day in the first days of the disease, intranasally laferon or other interferon preparations and interferon inducers, namely: anaferon, viferon in the form of rectal suppositories.
  8. Of course, what is mandatory in treatment swine flu it is necessary to use drugs aimed at the causative agent of the disease, i.e. carry out specific therapy. There are several different drugs that affect this link: amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir. As it is known from mass media sources that zanamivir (RELENZA) and oseltamivir (TAMIFLU) proved to be effective in the treatment of swine flu in patients in Mexico, these drugs are very expensive and have age restrictions when prescribing them. I want to remind you that there is a Russian drug ARBIDOL (this is not an advertisement, this is just my personal opinion as a doctor), which has undergone clinical trials in leading clinics in Russia: NDI of influenza RAMS (St. Petersburg), NDI of Virology RAMS (Moscow), NDI them. Pasteur and NDI them. N.F. Gamalei RAMS, in the departments of virology and molecular biology Children's center in Memphis (Tennessee, USA) and other clinical centers and research institutes. Studies have clearly proven the antiviral, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effect of the drug, the ability of ARBIDOL to prevent bacterial complications viral infections, the ability to influence the conformational changes in the hemaglutinin of the influenza virus. The Department of Virology and Molecular Biology of the Children's Center in Memphis (Tennessee, USA) found that ARBIDOL inhibits the reproduction of not only "human" viruses, but also influenza virus subtypes (H1N1, H2N2, H3N2), bird flu (H5N1), which in 2003-20004 caused an outbreak of diseases in Asia. This information about the research of the drug ARBIDOL taken from this page:
  9. It must be remembered that self-medication is not worth it, all of the above medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to protect yourself from swine flu?

Of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the swine flu will bypass everyone. After all, swine flu, like any other human flu, is transmitted by airborne droplets. But some precautions so as not to get sick with swine flu, it will still not be superfluous to observe.

  1. Try to avoid contact with people who have signs of a cold: coughing, sneezing, elevated temperature body, etc.
  2. During a flu epidemic, try not to visit public places, especially with children (shops, pharmacies, public transport).
  3. Use a protective cotton and gauze bandage.
  4. Wash your hands more often (one of the ways of transmitting the virus is through contact and through household items).
  5. If possible, exclude travel abroad to outbreaks of swine flu.
  6. Take complex multivitamins, it's spring now, almost everyone has a lack of vitamins in the body.


Since 2009, the possibility of transmission of this infection from person to person by airborne droplets has been recorded, which determines the widespread spread of swine flu throughout the world. Currently, statistics on this infection are such that about half a million people around the world have already had this type of flu. The mortality rate ranged from 1 to 7%.

Some countries report more high rates mortality. India saw a surge in the incidence of swine flu in 2015. Within a few months, 33,000 cases were recorded, of which more than 2,000 were fatal.

According to many scientists, the severe course of the disease was due to a mutation of the virus.

The structure of the swine flu virus has changed, therefore, cases of an extremely severe course have been reported in India.


In this situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and other states strongly recommended that its citizens refrain from traveling to this country, or make preventive vaccination from the H1N1 influenza virus 3-4 weeks before the intended trip. As for the swine flu epidemic in Russia, the lessons of 2009, when the virus was actively spreading throughout the country, were taken into account. In 2015, in anticipation of a new epidemic, vaccinations of the population were actively carried out in all regions, in many cases from the state budget. Preventive measures played a large role in preventing the development of infection. They consist in the need to comply following rules:

Clinical manifestations

The most common form of swine flu is mild. All deaths were recorded among the risk group, which includes

  • children under the age of 5;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people over the age of 60;
  • patients with reduced immunity.

In addition, a severe course in patients became possible with untimely and incorrect treatment. There is statistics that complications developed in patients who neglected bed rest in the early days of the disease. The consequence of this, and it became possible development viral pneumonia and other complications.

Flow this disease in many ways resembles the onset of the disease of ordinary seasonal flu caused by other strains of the virus.

The incubation period lasts about three days, during which malaise may occur. But more often the disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, and over the next two hours, other symptoms develop. The symptoms of swine flu are as follows:

Children under two years of age not only suffer from this disease more often, but it is more severe for them.

Among the symptoms of swine flu in children, abdominal signs such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are often noted.

A large number of patients may develop viral pneumonia and other complications. The situation with young children is complicated by the fact that they cannot complain of muscle pain, photophobia, and body aches. This can complicate the diagnosis and delay the correct treatment.


To prevent the development of viral pneumonia, hemorrhagic syndrome, bacterial complications, the treatment of swine flu should include etiological therapy, that is, the appointment of antiviral drugs. V this case most effective drugs for the treatment of swine flu are oseltamivir and zanamivir. Their action is aimed at blocking the enzyme responsible for the multiplication of viruses. Therefore, by interacting with the virus, drugs lead to its neutralization. The concentration of the pathogenic agent decreases, and the patient notes a decrease in clinical manifestations.

Both drugs have passed a wide variety of tests conducted by different states, including not only in vitro, but also in humans. Positive reviews their effectiveness has found a place in reports and scientific conclusions. It is considered a recognized fact that the use of these funds helps to reduce clinical manifestations by 30-40%. The risk of developing complications caused by exposure to the virus is reduced by 1.5 times.

The greatest effectiveness from taking these drugs develops when they are used in the first two days after the development of symptoms. However, if time is lost, then you should not refuse to use them. Swine flu medications oseltamivir and zanamivir may continue to be effective.

Both drugs have side effects, which forces them to be used with caution in patients with allergies, neurological and renal disorders. Given the form of release of zanamivir in the form of a nasal spray, the development of bronchospasm cannot be ruled out, especially in patients with chronic respiratory pathology.

Availability side effects when taking these funds, as well as serious condition patients implies their treatment in a hospital setting. When taking zanamivir aerosol, its side effect can be so pronounced that breathing problems, sore throat can even appear in the medical staff of the department where the patient is hospitalized. Oseltamivir is already the third generation antiviral agents but with such a mechanism of action. Side effect it is less pronounced, and the existing tablet form of release makes it possible to exclude the development of bronchospasm.

The treatment of this disease is not limited to the use of antiviral drugs for swine flu.

First of all, in order for the treatment to be effective and complications do not develop, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest... This is also important in relation to danger. this patient for others. Isolation will help prevent the spread of infection, which means it will reduce the likelihood of mutations that could cause a new, more pathogenic strain to develop.

Since the influenza virus lives in the body for about 7 days, then for correct treatment it is necessary to carry out all measures aimed at fastest elimination it from the body, and the creation of conditions for the impossibility of the development of complications. For these purposes, as well as for the treatment of influenza caused by other strains, it is necessary to carry out detoxification therapy, including plentiful drink, in severe cases - drip solutions.

Symptomatic treatment is used if the symptoms are so pronounced that their presence noticeably worsens the patient's well-being. Since an increase in body temperature is also a protective mechanism that ensures the fight against the virus, the appointment of antipyretic drugs can be justified when it rises above 38.5 degrees.

In severe cases of influenza, rises can be noted up to higher numbers, so the use of antipyretic drugs is likely to take place. The drug of choice is paracetamol, or its analogues. For any strains of the influenza virus, the use of aspirin is contraindicated, since the drug can aggravate the development of hemorrhagic syndrome.

In the world, work is constantly underway to create new, more modern antiviral agents, since the effectiveness existing drugs has not yet reached its maximum.

No less important is the work on the creation of an antiviral vaccine that could prevent the development of any influenza virus.

Currently, it is very important to carry out preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the body from meeting with a pathogenic agent ..

This name was most widespread in 2009 in the media. A number of strains associated with the onset of swine flu have been found in influenza viruses serotype C and subtypes serotype A ... The so-called "Swine Flu Virus" is the common name for all these strains.

This disease has a certain distribution among domestic pigs in many countries of the world. However, the greatest danger is posed by the fact that this virus can infect people, birds and some animals. In addition, during the existence of the swine flu virus, it rapidly mutates.

The swine flu virus can be transmitted relatively rarely from animal to human. Accordingly, you can eat pork prepared in accordance with all the rules of heat treatment without fear of contracting swine flu. Very often, when the virus is transmitted from animal to person, the symptoms of swine flu in humans do not appear, and the disease is often detected only due to the presence of antibodies in human blood. In cases where swine flu is transmitted to humans from an animal, the disease is called zoonotic swine flu. However, according to statistics, since the twenties of the twentieth century, approximately 50 cases of swine flu infection have been recorded among people who work directly with pigs.

A number of strains that cause signs of swine flu in humans have become capable of transmission from person to person over time.

The first signs of swine flu in humans are similar to those of acute respiratory infections and “common” flu. Disease transmission is "standard" by airborne droplets and also by direct contact with infected organisms. In order to accurately determine the presence of this virus in a person, a laboratory study is carried out - an analysis for swine flu.

In 2009, a strong outbreak of a new strain of influenza virus was recorded in the world, which was later given the name "swine flu". This outbreak was caused by a virus of the subtype H1N1 , which has the maximum genetic similarity with the swine flu virus. Until today, the exact origin of this virus is not known. However, the official information The World Organization on the protection of animal health states that in the environment of pigs, the epidemic spread of the virus of this strain has not been established.

This virus acts in the same way as other strains of influenza. The infection enters the human body through mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in which the replication and reproduction of the virus takes place. In the process of development of the disease, cells of the trachea and bronchi are affected, a process of degeneration, necrosis and subsequent rejection of cells that were affected occurs.

Swine flu symptoms

Typically, the incubation period for swine flu can last up to three days. It should be borne in mind that the disease can proceed in mild, severe and medium form severity. A more complex course of the disease is noted in pregnant women, as well as in children and the elderly. Representatives of these categories may also have small variations in the duration of the incubation period for swine flu. Swine flu is also harder for people who have had severe concomitant illnesses for a long time.

Signs of swine flu in humans are manifested by viremia, which lasts about 10-14 days. In the human body occur toxic and toxic-allergic reactions in internal organs... The most susceptible to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

In the process of defeat vascular system vascular wall becomes more permeable and subject to brittleness. Under the influence of the virus, the microcirculation of the vascular system is disturbed. In view of similar changes swine flu symptoms are frequent from the nose, the appearance hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes. Also, as symptoms of swine flu in humans, hemorrhage in internal organs and serious pathological changes in the lungs. So, the occurrence of pulmonary tissue edema with hemorrhages in the alveoli is possible.

Due to a decrease in vascular tone, venous hyperemia skin and mucous membranes, microcirculation is disturbed, blood stagnates in the internal organs. In more later dates the development of the disease is manifested by capillaries and veins.

In view of such changes, hypersecretion of cerebrospinal fluid and circulatory disorders are observed, due to which there is cerebral edema and rising .

The first signs of swine flu appear in the same way as those of common flu: a person complains about headache, his body temperature rises: basically the temperature rises to 38 degrees, but in some cases it can be higher - up to 41 degrees. A runny nose also appears, signs may occur ... The person suffers from a dry, barking cough, sometimes chest pains also bother him. In addition, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in a stomach. The mucous membranes in the throat and nose are usually very dry. The patient complains of weakness and general fatigue, which indicates the manifestation of general intoxication of the body.

Swine flu diagnostics

In the process of making a diagnosis, doctors take into account that the signs of swine flu are mostly similar to how the flu proceeds, which is provoked by other strains of the virus.

The course of this type of influenza generally coincides with the course of the disease, provided that a person is infected with other strains of the influenza virus. Therefore, the diagnosis of swine flu, due to the similarity of the symptoms of swine flu with those of a number of diseases, makes the diagnosis of the disease more difficult.

With swine flu, the symptoms that are characteristic of this particular disease do not appear. Therefore, swine flu syndromes are diagnosed by looking for the two most pronounced symptoms: the body and the presence of damage to the upper respiratory tract.

It is very important in this case to correctly carry out the differential diagnosis of the disease. The basis for such a diagnosis is a detailed study and subsequent analysis of clinical and epidemiological data. This will either strengthen the suspicion of the presence of swine flu syndromes, or refute such a diagnosis.

Even during the diagnosis of swine flu during epidemics, when the disease is massive, it is difficult, because during this period, about a third of patients who complain of respiratory tract syndromes suffer from ailments that have a non-influenza etiology.

Today, it is customary to distinguish between two different kinds flu diagnostics - diagnostics clinical and diagnostics laboratory ... In addition to a thorough clinical study, it is necessary to conduct modern laboratory research... So, the analysis for swine flu is carried out to isolate the swine flu virus, as well as the subsequent determination of the type of virus, its serosubtype or strain variant of the virus.

On this moment the most in an informative way diagnosis of swine flu is considered to be PCR (the so-called polymerase chain reaction ). For this, a laboratory examination of smears from the mucous membranes from the nose and throat is performed in order to identify RNA virus . This method diagnostics are quite accurate and performed in a relatively short time.

Cultivation of the swine flu virus in a specific cell culture is used as virological research methods.

In serological diagnostics, specific antibodies are determined in human serum. For this, special reactions are used.

Swine flu treatment

How to treat swine flu is necessary in mandatory consult with a specialist. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of this infection, you should promptly consult a doctor.

Today, the treatment of swine flu is carried out according to the same principles as the treatment of influenza, which is caused by other strains of the virus. If patients have very strong intoxication and violations of the acid-base balance in the body, then the treatment of swine flu includes a complex detoxification and corrective therapy. How to treat swine flu, the specialist determines individually in each a separate case, however, today it has been proven that the drug ( Tami-Flew ). If this remedy is absent, then for the treatment of swine flu, the use of the drug is recommended ( ). If the analysis for swine flu confirms the presence of this disease, then these drugs for swine flu are mainly used. But still it should be borne in mind that the most high efficiency treatment will be in the event that you start therapy with these drugs in the first forty-eight hours after the onset of signs of the disease.

If mild signs of swine flu appear in a person, then it is often used as a medicine for swine flu. , or others used in the treatment of seasonal flu. Most pronounced effect from the use of arbidol to manifest itself, subject to the initiation of therapy in the first five days after the onset of the disease. The duration of therapy should not be less than one week.

Patients diagnosed with moderate or severe influenza are prescribed a course of treatment, the purpose of which is to prevent the manifestation of primary viral pneumonia. It is also important to take all measures aimed at preventing the manifestation of secondary bacterial infection, which often leads to pneumonia .

Swine flu syndromes are also treated with symptomatic drugs. So, in this case, drugs with antipyretic effects are relevant (mainly drugs that contain and ). Aspirin-containing drugs are not recommended as a medicine for swine flu due to the risk of Reye's syndrome.

In addition, the treatment of swine flu includes the appointment of multivitamins, and in some cases, drugs with antihistamines are advisable. If there is an attachment of a secondary bacterial infection, then in the process of treatment are used a wide range of effects.

It is very important to be aware of the dangers of swine flu. Everyone should urgently seek emergency help if following signs swine flu: severe respiratory distress, problems with functioning of cardio-vascular system, signs of depression of brain activity, fainting, pain in the chest, lowering .

If for three days the patient's body temperature does not decrease, then it is also necessary not to hesitate to see a doctor.

Swine flu prevention

Realizing the danger of swine flu, all measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of this disease. Most effective method prevention is against swine flu. However, as an elementary prevention of swine flu, it is worth following the basic rules of protection against viral infections. First of all, effective protection from the spread of the virus will gauze bandage, which is recommended to be worn during an epidemic. You need to wear such a bandage when in contact with people constantly, while changing it every few hours to a new one or pre-washed and ironed.

If possible in unfavorable period you need to avoid those places where there is large cluster of people. The most unsafe places in terms of the risk of contracting swine flu are public transport, shops, offices and other premises where there are many people, and should be regularly ventilated. With people who have pronounced signs of a respiratory infection, it is better not to contact or be extremely careful during such contact.

During an epidemic, as a preventive measure against swine flu, regular wet cleaning of the premises is of significant importance. This cleaning should be done several times a day. In an unfavorable period, hands should be washed very often, and always with the use of soap.

Swine flu prevention also includes ensuring that healthy eating, good sleep, sufficient physical activity.

To provide general strengthening immunity, experts recommend taking , as well as adaptogen preparations that can positively affect the body's resistance. This tincture of rhodiola rosea, alpha (nasal ointment). Use enough fruits and vegetables will also provide the body the required amount vitamins.

It is also important to consider that the swine flu virus is killed by high temperatures... Consequently, heat treatment (at temperatures above 70 degrees) guarantees the death of the virus. However, it must be remembered that the swine flu virus can be transmitted by animals. That's why Special attention it is worth paying for contact with animals and meat after slaughter. In no case should you be engaged in butchering the carcasses of sick animals.

Swine flu vaccine

Due to the fact that doctors around the world have long understood what the danger of swine flu is, today experts are actively working to improve the swine flu vaccine. Each year, the swine flu vaccine is improved to take into account the mutation virus A / H1N1 .

It is important to understand that a swine flu shot using a regular vaccine will not work. the desired action... On the contrary, it can significantly weaken a person's immunity.

To date, specific vaccines have already been developed that are used to produce vaccinations against swine flu. The most famous vaccines used in our country are swine flu vaccines pandemrix (manufacturer - company Glaxosmithkline), fosetria (manufacturer - company Novartis), as well as the swine flu vaccine monogrippol created by domestic manufacturers. There are vaccines in the form traditional vaccination and in the form nasal spray.

During an epidemic, the swine flu vaccine should first of all be administered to pregnant women, as well as to those who are caring for a baby up to six months of age (both mothers and nannies). The swine flu shot is not given to children under six months of age. Vaccination is equally important for medical staff, workers emergency care, people who suffer and, accordingly, have more high risk manifestations of complications after the flu.

The studies that have been carried out have proven that noticeable side effects modern vaccines against swine flu do not. Often in the place where the injection was made, there is redness and some soreness, in more rare cases, a person after vaccination may feel a headache or fatigue, even less often the body temperature rises slightly.

It should be borne in mind that the vaccine is produced using chicken eggs therefore, people with allergies to this product you can't drive it.

Complications of swine flu

Complications after swine flu manifest themselves depending on a number of factors. The severity of the infection, the age of the patient, the person's immunity, as well as the timeliness and effectiveness are important. medical care... Swine flu is more severe in older patients, as well as in children of primary school age.

With correct and timely treatment swine flu prognosis will be favorable. However, quite often this disease provokes a number of complications that can have Negative influence on general state human health. So, frequent complication is an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. The latter is especially common in the elderly. Sometimes angina pain is also manifested, and in the first days of the disease it increases ... Also in older people who suffer chronic diseases respiratory system, mixed cardiovascular and respiratory failure may occur.

Another severe complication swine flu sometimes becomes acute pneumonia. Most of the acute pneumonias that occur as a complication of swine flu are of bacterial origin. Severe forms of pneumonia provoke pathogenic staphylococci that are resistant to a large number commonly used antibiotics.

Swine flu is a contagious infection that can affect humans and animals. It is caused by the influenza A virus with the H1N1 serotype. Swine flu is capable of provoking epidemic outbreaks among the population of entire countries. The infection has symptoms similar to those of seasonal flu, but with some differences.

Swine flu belongs to the ARVI group and can be transmitted from a sick person or animal (pig) to a healthy one. For the first time, mankind discovered this type of flu back in 1930, but the next 50 years after its discovery, the virus attacked living organisms (pigs) only in Mexico. The first cases of human infection were isolated and were diagnosed mainly in people working on pig farms (1990). In 2009, a real swine epidemic broke out, or as it is also called the Californian flu. The pandemic involved 74 countries of the world, including the largest. According to the statistics of those years, more than 500 thousand cases were registered. Moreover, the age of the patients was most often in the range from 5 to 24 years.

The disease is classified as an infection of the 6th hazard class, due to its propensity for pandemic spread.

Scientists speculate that swine flu is caused by a mixture of different influenza virus subtypes. A hybrid in combination A (H1N1) learned to penetrate into the cells of not only animals, but also humans, that is, it was able to jump the interspecies barrier and gained the ability to be transmitted from person to person. Virus in external environment does not live long, quickly dies when heated, when exposed to traditional disinfectants, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. However, its feature is the ability long time exist when exposed to low ambient temperatures.

The reservoir and, accordingly, the source of the spread of the virus are infected people and pigs.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as by household contact:

    Aerosol path transmission is a priority, since the virus is found in large quantities in the mucus secreted by a person during coughing, sneezing, talking.

    Contact-household way transmission is carried out by means of introducing secretions inseminated by the virus from the hands, or from any surrounding objects onto the mucous membranes of a healthy person.

The alimentary route of infection has not yet been confirmed. That is, cases where a healthy person ate the meat of a sick pig and became infected with this flu strain are unknown to science.

Swine flu symptoms

Swine flu symptoms are similar to those of a typical human flu. The incubation period for the A (H1N1) virus ranges from 24 hours to 4-7 days. The patient may begin to infect others at the end of the incubation stage. In this case, he will emit viruses for another 7-14 days, despite the ongoing treatment.

As for the severity of the course of the disease, it depends on the state of health and the immune system of the person. Asymptomatic swine flu is possible, but death is also possible due to complications of the disease. Children under the age of 5 years, the elderly, women carrying a child, as well as people with concomitant diseases... The risk group includes patients with, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver, with diabetes mellitus and HNZL. In this case, the development of such a complication as already on the second day from the onset of the disease is not excluded.

The clinical picture of swine flu:

    Increase in body temperature to high values- 39-40 degrees. The development of a febrile state is possible. At the same time, antipyretics bring down the temperature badly, and it quickly rises again.

    The appearance of a feeling of weakness, weakness, lethargy.

    Lack of appetite.

    Feeling of aching muscles, joint pain.

    Against the background of severe intoxication of the body, they develop, which are localized in the forehead, in the region of the eyeballs. The pain tends to get worse when you try to move your eyes. Photophobia and lacrimation develop.

    The patient may experience severe dizziness, disrupting his movements.

    The development of nosebleeds is possible.

    The characteristic symptom of swine flu is difficulty breathing in and out, shortness of breath and painful sensations in the chest area.

    The catarrhal symptom is accompanied by the appearance of a runny nose, dry cough, sore throat.

    Bright distinctive feature swine flu is the development of dyspeptic syndrome, which is expressed in abdominal pain, in a feeling of nausea, in frequent vomiting and severe diarrhea.

If symptoms of swine flu occur, seek immediate medical attention. medical help... Throughout therapy, the patient should stay at home and minimize contact with people.

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The most common complication of swine flu is pneumonia. It can be either primary, that is, caused by the virus itself, or secondary, provoked by bacteria.

Bacterial pneumonia is predominantly of a pneumococcal nature - in 45% of cases, less often it causes Staphylococcus aureus- in 18% of cases, as well as Haemophilus influenzae. A complication develops on the 6-10th day from the onset of the disease. at the same time it becomes painful and almost continuous. There is a repeated increase in body temperature, the human condition deteriorates again. Probably development.

As for primary viral pneumonia, it manifests itself already on the second or third day from the onset of the disease, it is capable of provoking respiratory distress syndrome(heavy respiratory distress with pulmonary edema, respiratory failure and hypoxia) and the death of the patient. The patient's breathing becomes more frequent, the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm begin to take part in it. The cough is dry and not productive.

Other complications of swine flu are:

    Pericarditis, infectious-allergic myocarditis;

    Hemorrhagic syndrome;


    Heart failure;

    Respiratory failure.

In addition, the existing somatic diseases are aggravated by infection and make it difficult for the recovery process.

Swine flu diagnostics

Swine flu diagnostics exclusively by clinical signs rather difficult, since this infection does not have any radical differences from the typical human flu.

To identify the causative agent of swine flu, it will be necessary to determine its RNA, which is possible only with the help of laboratory tests. Most often, this is done by examining a smear taken from the nasopharynx using the PCR method.

To determine the disease by a blood test, tests such as: ELISA, RTGA, RSK are performed.

Swine flu treatment consists of etiotropic and symptomatic therapy. The first will focus on eliminating the virus itself, and the second at reducing the symptoms caused by the infection.

It is necessary to hospitalize the patient in case of a severe course of the disease with the development of complications. Throughout the febrile period, which averages 5-7 days, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest. This is, first of all, necessary in order to minimize the risk of complications.

Drug therapy includes taking the following drugs:

    Antivirals Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Zanamivir (Relenza). They have proven efficacy against the swine flu virus strain, reduce the need for hospitalization, and reduce the number of complications of the disease. The therapeutic course is most often 5 days. Also, according to the doctor's prescription, it is possible to take Arbidol, Kagocel, Ingavirin and other antiviral drugs.

    Perhaps the appointment of interferons, which help the body in the fight against infection. These are drugs such as: Realdiron, Viferon, Roferon-A, Genferon, etc.

    Reducing a runny nose is possible with such drugs as: Tizin, Nazol, Otrivin, Nazivin, etc.

    Such drugs as Tussin, Ambroxol, Stoptussin, ACC, etc. will relieve cough, promote sputum excretion.

    Perhaps the appointment of antihistamines, including: Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin, etc.

    If a patient is diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia, then drugs from the group of cephalosporins, penicillins or macrolides are prescribed, depending on the sensitivity of the isolated flora.

    According to data provided by WHO, healthy people those infected with the swine flu virus recover on their own within a week and do not need antiviral therapy, only symptomatic treatment is enough. That is why it is so important individual approach to every patient with influenza disease.

Mandatory treatment with oseltamivir should include such groups of patients as:

    Pregnant women;

    Young children and infants;

    Patients with concomitant diseases;

    Seniors over the age of 50.

If the patient is at risk, then you should not wait for laboratory confirmation of the influenza virus and begin treatment immediately after the onset of symptoms.

Compared to avian flu, the prognosis for swine flu is somewhat better. The overwhelming majority of patients tolerate the infection easily and recover completely after a few weeks. Development risk heavy forms diseases are susceptible to an average of 5% of cases. Concerning deaths, then they are registered in less than 4% of cases.