How long does it take for ears to grow without earrings? How to care for pierced ears. Failed Tongue Piercing: The Consequences Can Be Disastrous

There are other options, such as rings. But before the procedure, it is useful for people to find out what awaits them during and after the tongue piercing.

How Tongue Piercing Is Done

To make a high-quality tongue piercing, the master needs to choose the right puncture site. It is usually performed in the center of the tongue, because large vessels are located along the edges, damage to which leads to profuse bleeding. After that, a rod is inserted into the hole. First, a long barbell, as the tongue will swell in the first days. And after 10 days it is replaced with a short one.

How healing happens

The procedure itself is practically painless, even just bite the tongue more painfully. Main unpleasant symptoms appear after the procedure. There is a strong swelling of the tongue, this condition can last from two to four days. Due to edema, it is difficult for a person to eat and talk. Therefore, you should refrain from responsible activities these days.

The amount of swelling will depend on how far the tongue is pierced. If the piercing is located near the tip of the tongue, then the swelling will be insignificant, and if it is in depth, then you should prepare for the fact that the swelling will be large. The tissues of the tongue have very high regenerative properties, so such a piercing heals much faster than on any other part of the body. After you get your tongue pierced, the wound will heal in about 10 days, but for full recovery it will take at least a month.

Since the salivary glands, including the sublingual glands, are constantly at work, for about 5 days after the procedure, you may experience discomfort in the area under the tongue. Besides, you will feel slight tingling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root of the tongue, because in the period after the puncture its sensitivity becomes aggravated, but this soon passes. If you see liquid white color at the puncture site, do not worry, this is not pus. These are just blood plasma cells that are released so that later a protective crust forms at the site of the wound.

Find out what methods of cleaning teeth from tartar exist and how effective they are.

Tongue care in the first days after the puncture

Basic language care rules:

  • you can not eat 4 hours after the puncture;
  • at first, until the wound has healed, you should not drink alcohol and you should refrain from smoking. Both alcohol and smoke carcinogens can destroy the protective film on the wound and increase its healing time;
  • to alleviate the condition, you can eat ice cream, even immediately after the puncture, but you must rinse your mouth thoroughly after that;
  • for a person who has just had a tongue piercing, care after a piercing is not just rinsing the mouth with water, but using antiseptics. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic after every meal;
  • you can not eat any irritating food (spices, citrus fruits);
  • not recommended to drink hot tea and coffee and hot meals;
  • it is even necessary to refrain from kissing so that the infection does not get into the wound;
  • during healing, you should not “play” with jewelry, rolling them in your mouth, this slows down the regenerative processes.

What are the risks of the procedure and how to minimize them?

All masters usually talk about the benefits of piercing. The main advantages are:

  1. With the help of tongue piercing, you can decorate your appearance, create an unusual image.
  2. The operation is quick and almost painless.
  3. For those who need to lose weight, piercings can help. Indeed, during the period of wound healing, a person usually eats yogurt, vegetable puree and milkshakes. In 2 weeks, you can significantly reduce weight, most importantly, then maintain the result.

Before deciding on a tongue piercing, you need to think about the disadvantages of the procedure, as well as ways to eliminate them. Negative effects of piercing:

  1. Tongue piercing increases tooth fragility. This is due to the fact that the decoration is constantly in contact with the enamel. To minimize damage, choose small jewelry.
  2. Possible damage to the lingual nerve. This can only be due to the wrong choice of the puncture site. Therefore, carefully choose both the salon and the master.
  3. Bleeding. If you have problems with blood clotting, it is better to refuse piercing. And also you should not do piercing on hot days, the blood stops worse.
  4. Infection. To prevent this from happening, find out in advance how disinfection is carried out in the cabin.
  5. If the swelling of the tongue is so large that it makes breathing difficult, it can lead to serious complications. Therefore, think about which dental surgeon you can contact if the need arises.
  6. According to statistics, benign and malignant tumors tongue often occur due to piercing, as there is always a foreign body in the tongue. So if your teens get tired of wearing piercings, support their decision to take it off.

If you decide to get a tongue piercing, the pros and cons are the first thing to put on the scales. Do not forget that competent wound care in the first days after a puncture guarantees good healing.


Teeth whitening at home has its advantages - low cost of the procedure and fewer side effects, such as irritation of the gum tissue and increased sensitivity of the teeth, however, more time and patience will be required.

how long does it take for a tongue to grow

In the section Other about health and beauty, to the question How quickly the piercing in the tongue will overgrow if the barbell is pulled out and will I hiss if I pull out the barbell. set by the author fa sad My best answer is you won't lisp)

will grow depending on how much you wear

I wore it five years ago, it still hasn’t dragged on) sometimes I indulge myself with nostalgia 😀

I wear a piercing for a month, if I take it off, then after how long will the channel drag on?

I’ve been wearing it for 6 years, I took it off and haven’t worn it for half a year and it doesn’t grow in any place, I lisped when I took it off about 2 years ago, because the tongue gets used to how you talk to the piercing and feels it, and then everything is fine.

I wore it almost without taking it out for 5 years, everything overgrown in a week when I took it out

Worn for a year. She took off, did not lisp. I didn’t wear it for 6 years, today I tried to insert it and as if I didn’t take it off at all)

I have a pier now)

I don't want to shoot)

You will lisp until the swelling subsides (2-5 days), if you pull it out - the same amount. (you can eat: broth + tomato juice(all I could). Although I ate a salad on the very first day.) Well, of course, after eating - rinse with chlorhexidine, if it’s really hard - your way out is lidocaine (. if there is no allergy). Well, or a general painkiller - what do you use (but it's better to consult a doctor).

Lisp - two days (after the first time (Salon + professional + needle + anesthesia). The second time - no (see below for details).

Overgrowth depending on how much has passed - if a week ago - then quickly.

Own experience - a year with a piercing.

a fresh puncture of the tongue overgrows in a day. after 30 hours you can’t insert the bar yourself, you will have to contact the piercer. read about tongue healing here..

believe me, even if there is a hole, it is unlikely that anyone will notice)))

you won't spit =)

took out recently for 4 hours - was in the clinic - nothing overgrown

tongue piercing


I haven’t overgrown for three years now, I don’t wear it, I check it sometimes.

I've been wearing it for 9 years. once about 2 years ago, the earring broke - I had to take it off, but I couldn’t get there for a new one. when I bought an earring after 2-3 days, my tongue was overgrown)))) I had to prick again) I’m generally uncomfortable without it)

not the fact that it will grow quickly. although it’s different for everyone, maybe quickly, and I could insert it in a year. of course a little overgrown. but inserted without problems.

You can remove and not wear, but periodically insert an earring. to make sure it doesn't overgrow

(My piercing is already 7 years old.)

Yes, it seems to be fed up. On the contrary, my husband once knocked me into it -)

How quickly will the tongue piercing grow if the barbell is pulled out and will I hiss if I pull out the barbell.

will grow depending on how much you wear

overgrown depending on how much he wore.

you won't spit =)

should not hiss

If a couple of months have passed, then how will it go.

Two years without. Overgrown - slightly below.

According to the new one - through a hole with a blunt barbell + 50 grams of Irish whiskey (for me) + 150 old good friend= 5 minutes and no suffering (no anesthesia), compared to the initial memories - no negativity.

I don't want to shoot)

they say if you wear it for a year or more, then the hole cannot heal for a week)

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All about tongue piercing: piercing, care, possible consequences

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To be completely honest, then the piercing is on given time became so popular that few of the representatives of today's youth do not have such a bright, but at the same time, not yet quite ordinary decoration own body. Most of all disputes and rumors are probably caused by piercing of the genitals or nipples, but a puncture in the tongue is also a rather controversial issue. Moreover, if the first options, nevertheless, are most suitable for completely extreme types, then today many people do tongue piercing, and their reasons for this can be very diverse. It is worth understanding why people do tongue piercing at all, what they like about it, whether there are contraindications, before making such a rather important decision as piercing.

Original and defiant tongue piercing: pros and cons, how it will be

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It is worth understanding what the decoration of your own body is, it is far from simple, and you will have to make this decision if you really want to have such original accessory in the mouth like a stud. Moreover, few people realize that tongue piercing, the consequences of which may turn out to be, to put it mildly, not pleasant, also has a secret sacred meaning. The first such punctures were invented by the ancient tribes of the American Indians, who, with its help, carried out special rituals to reunite their divine nature with the human one.

Tongue piercing surgery is almost painless and is most often performed without the use of anesthesia or any anesthetics. However, the healing process can be quite painful. For example, you will have to switch to liquid food for a while, give up a lot of what you are used to, so you should think carefully about everything in advance before agreeing to the procedure.

but secret meaning this action is completely lost in the centuries, and modern mods and fashionistas are already getting tongue piercings for completely different reasons. Each of these reasons may have their own, but the most common can be called, of course, delivering special pleasure to a partner in terms of sex, and this is an important factor that, of course, must be taken into account.

Understanding how tongue piercing is done, the pros and cons of this process must be taken into account in the very first place. First of all, not to get severe consequences, and they really can appear soon. It should be understood that the puncture procedure can only be carried out by a real professional in the salon. You should not go to his house or invite the master to yourself, because it is quite difficult to provide decent conditions for this process.

How is it done and how long does a tongue piercing heal?

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To begin with, let's figure out how the procedure itself takes place in order to know in detail what to expect. Thoroughly prepare - that's what can guarantee good result, as well as the right process healing.

  • In the salon, the master must use a special clamp in which there is a puncture hole.
  • He clamps the tongue in the clamp and pierces it with a special sterile needle. Moreover, it is better if the needle is disposable, so much less chance catch an infection, and this is very important.
  • Next, the master, through a special hole in the needle itself, threads the stud directly into the tongue, after which both the clip and the needle are removed.
  • After the procedure, the mouth must be rinsed with any disinfectant solution. Great option will become, diluted in a ratio of one to four with water "Chlorhexidine".

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Around evening, the tongue will definitely swell and you will have to put up with such an inconvenience, as this is inevitable. At different people, and also depending on the quality of the tongue piercing procedure, healing can occur at different speeds. It can end in five days, or it can heal in two weeks. Moreover, for this entire period, you will have to completely abandon hot spices, acids, and indeed, from solid food. Talking in the early days is also recommended to be smaller, as you can easily injure the wound.

Beautiful tongue piercing: healing

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After the procedure has been carried out, it is imperative to understand what kind of care is needed for the tongue piercing so that everything heals as soon as possible and without the occurrence of a wide variety of problems. It is clear that a puncture in the tongue damages the main muscle, so get ready for a rather unpleasant sensation.

In addition, you need to know that the puncture must be made exclusively in the central part of your tongue, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the arteries and capillaries, stopping the blood, after which, it is quite possible that you will have to suture only, and this will completely exclude wearing any earrings. Most likely even after complete healing, again, the master simply does not want to take on such a difficult job as piercing the tongue after stitching.

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  • First of all, it is worth figuring out how to handle tongue piercing at home, and the answer to this question pretty simple. Any disinfectant and wound healing agent will do, than to treat tongue piercing. For example, good choice will become "Listerine" or, the same notorious "Chlorhexidine".
  • It is necessary to rinse several times a day, despite the discomfort that is sure to be. In addition, after each drink or meal, you will also need to rinse oral cavity, but you will have to refrain from brushing your teeth, it is better to use solutions for caring for the oral cavity.
  • Since it will take a long time to take care of a tongue piercing, it is worth getting special medical means in advance. If you want the process to proceed smoothly at all, it is worth observing all the subtleties and nuances.

After some time, as we have already said, it may be five days, or maybe all two weeks, you will need to go to your own master, who will replace your temporary barbell with the one that you will wear constantly. It should be understood that it is impossible to put this one right away, since it is much shorter and can severely injure the swollen tongue.

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It is worth knowing a lot of nuances and details about piercing if you really decide to make such a piercing yourself. It is clear that for this the easiest way is to consult with the master in the salon, but not everyone has such an opportunity.

You should definitely understand that your first barbell in the language in without fail must be made of those metals that do not oxidize. Niobium and also Teflon High Quality suitable if it is not possible to purchase a barbell made of platinum or gold.

  • It's worth knowing that proper care for tongue piercing begins even before you actually did the piercing itself. The choice of a rod is extremely important, it must be completely smooth, even without samples, not to mention engravings or patterns. Otherwise, it just injures the wound. It will hurt you, and heal completely, maybe for months.
  • Choose two rods, the first for the healing period, and steal already for wearing all the time. The permanent stud will be somewhat shorter and may compress the swollen tongue, causing pain and discomfort.
  • The final healing of the wound from the puncture should take about two months, but this is not the end of the torment, and you will have to take care of the piercing for the entire period of wearing the barbell.
  • Experienced people who have more than one earring on their bodies, including tongue piercings, recommend eating their favorite “sweets” beforehand, so that later they would feel less thirsty and it would be much easier to hold out.
  • Before putting your hands in your mouth, for example, changing the barbell, tightening its lock, or just believing how the healing is going, you need to wash your hands clean with soap and water so as not to introduce an infection, which you will then have to fight for a long time.
  • If there is no way without a toothbrush, and after a week it will definitely be needed, it must be boiled in water before brushing. soda solution no less than five minutes. The procedure must be repeated every time you decide to brush your teeth.
  • After the wound and the canal have completely healed, it will be necessary to clean the bar about once a month, pulling it out completely. Moreover, after cleaning, it is desirable to boil the decoration, you can also do this in a soda solution.

In addition, it is worth knowing that the final healing of the canal will occur no earlier than four months later. Therefore, you will have to handle your own language extremely gently and carefully.

Failed Tongue Piercing: The Consequences Can Be Disastrous

It is clear that in the very first place, we are talking about unsuccessful punctures, after which there are most often Negative consequences. However, you can always fight them, allow the wound to heal completely, and then start all over from the very beginning. It should be understood that if the swelling does not go away for two weeks, and even more so, if the tongue has acquired an unnatural, for example, bluish tint, then you have a direct road to the surgeon, who will continue to solve your problems with piercing. But what other signs signal that it's time to run to the doctor?

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  • If unbearable pain, itching, and burning are constantly felt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tongue. Such sensations are possible early pores after a puncture, but then they should completely pass.
  • Unnatural red, as well as an inflamed area of ​​​​the tongue around the stud - clear sign inflammatory process.
  • An unpleasant, or even more so, fetid odor from the mouth is a sign of bad news.
  • Also, any kind of discharge from the canal and puncture can be a bad sign.
  • Pay attention to general well-being. If you have a constantly elevated temperature, then most likely the wound becomes inflamed.

It must be understood that among other things, you need to closely monitor all this, since it is quite possible that strong antibiotics will be needed as a treatment. It is also worthwhile to understand that it is extremely risky to “prescribe” such drugs to oneself, therefore a visit to the doctor is simply inevitable. You also need to know that you will have to pay for beauty, for example, often chipped tooth enamel occurs due to damage mechanically. That is, the bar will beat against the teeth and cracks cannot be avoided. Also, candidiasis can often appear with improper care, and even rejection foreign body organism.

Contraindications for tongue piercing: do not take rash steps

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No matter how high-quality care for tongue piercing you are going to provide, there are a number of contraindications when it is strictly forbidden to do it. Moreover, these moments need to be studied in advance, so that later they do not turn out to be a complete surprise for you.

  • You should not even try to pierce the tongue when it is not possible to regularly care for it, rinse and wash the wound.
  • For pregnant women, the risk of critical infection is really terrible, because doctors do not recommend agreeing to such cardinal procedures.
  • Diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, as well as many other diseases, for example, autoimmune ones, will become a complete ban on this kind of piercing. Moreover, if there are any health problems, you should ask the doctor if you can do the piercing.

Ear piercing is standard medical procedure, which is provided not only in specialized institutions, but is also performed in ordinary hairdressers and even at home. But, the piercing of the earlobes is only the initial stage, and in the future it is required to take care of the ears and make sure that the ears do not grow after the puncture when the jewelry is periodically removed.

How quickly a hole in an ear will grow without earrings is directly dependent on the age of the person and the period during which he regularly wore jewelry. For example, for the full healing of a fresh hole, in which, in fact, the earrings were not worn, it takes about 2-6 weeks. But in relation to older holes, this term is not applicable:

  1. If you do not wear earrings during a puncture, the “age” of which is up to 2 months, then the complete healing of the holes occurs approximately in the same period, since the channel in the lobe is only partially formed.
  2. Wearing jewelry in the ears for 1-3 years leads to the fact that the full contraction of the hole occurs only after six months. Nevertheless, the probability of "opening" of a hole exists.
  3. When preliminary wearing earrings in the ears for 5 or more years, full healing does not occur even in the absence of jewelry, but the formed channel allows you to thread the earring at any convenient time.

The holes in the lobes, which were pierced a very long time ago, do not overgrow - dead cells accumulate inside the canal, which “solder” the hole and make it less noticeable. Directly the edges of the hole are slightly contracted, but no more. After 50-60 years, even a minimal contraction of the edges of the hole may not be observed, which is caused by age-related changes skin and loss of elasticity.

At auricle it is required to take into account that the skin over the hole can be pulled together, but the cartilage is no longer restored.

For reference! A freshly pierced earlobe is tightened for 2-20 minutes to the point where it becomes impossible to pass through the earpiece of the jewelry.

Should I take my earrings off to rest my ears?

There are jewelry with which it is convenient for a person to take them off. once again there is no desire. But, with regard to earrings, there are some rules, for example, after how long they need to be removed from the holes to prevent complications. The ears also need to be rested periodically. Thus, earrings are recommended to be removed from the lobes and pierced cartilage in such cases:

  • when going to the sauna, bath;
  • while taking a bath and washing your hair;
  • when swimming in open water;
  • at the time of sleep;
  • for cleaning jewelry.

When it comes to costume jewelry, not jewelry from noble metals, then it must be removed from the punctures immediately after the end of the event for which it was worn. Another option in which you need to remove the jewelry immediately is the occurrence of itching, redness, swelling of the auricle. This indicates the occurrence allergic reaction on the decoration material. If the signals of the body are ignored, complications will arise, which can be expressed by inflammation of the ureters and its spread to the hearing aid. Also, there is a possibility of developing Quincke's edema.

Fact! Even with prolonged continuous wearing of jewelry made of silver and gold, an allergy can develop, since it contains jewelry Nickel is present in varying proportions.

How to care for pierced ears

In order to prevent inflammation and subsequent suppuration, it is necessary to provide proper care for pierced ears. Key Rules care after a puncture are as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and wipe your fingertips with an alcohol solution before starting disinfection procedures. This will protect the wound surface as much as possible from the penetration of harmful microorganisms into it.
  2. To destroy the infection, which has not yet developed in wounds, it is required to treat punctures in the morning and evening. The decoration needs to be turned slightly - for the penetration of disinfecting solutions into the emerging channel, but not too zealous - so as not to injure the healing hole.
  3. Starting from 3-5 days, you need to rotate the jewelry in the hole - this will expand the channel and prevent the earring from growing into soft tissues ear. The procedure must be performed up to 5 times a day.
  4. It is recommended to sleep on your back for the first week. If this sleeping position is not possible, change the pillowcase daily.
  5. To increase the regenerative abilities of ear tissues, it is recommended to use wound healing compositions.

Subject to the rules for caring for punctures, it is possible to change the jewelry to something else after 6 weeks.

Important! For half a year from the moment of the puncture, it is not recommended to wear jewelry - the likelihood of developing an allergy to metal or inflammation remains elevated.

Punctures in the ears are quite capricious and anyone can provoke their inflammation. negative factor, including the common cold. For this reason, during periods of illness, it is required not only to treat the underlying disease, but also to carefully monitor the condition of holes in the ears and piercings in general.

What to do if the piercing in the ear is overgrown

When a puncture in the ear overgrows, it is necessary to determine what is better - to perform a re-puncture or to “open” the old channel. The second option is preferable for holes that have been punctured for at least 3 years. In this variant the procedure will pass quickly and virtually painlessly. It is enough to disinfect the ears, earrings with a thin bow, hands and insert the earring rod into the channel. At the same time, a rod consisting of dead cells will come out of the formed tunnel. After that, it is required to take care of the ears for 2 weeks, as with a new puncture.

If the piercing is “fresh”, or the period of absence of earrings in the ears is too long, which led to the virtually complete convergence of the edges of the hole, the best option there is an overshoot. To do this, it is advisable to contact the piercing master, who will quickly and painlessly re-pierce the earlobe a little away from the previous hole.

Is it possible to pierce at home

Puncture of the auricle - lobes or cartilage, is not recommended to be performed at home, as there is a possibility of hurting physiological point, get into a blood vessel or touch a nerve ending. Any negligence can subsequently lead to inflammation, suppuration and the need to apply for medical care to eliminate the consequences of the "experiment". But, with some skills, as well as careful preparation, you can try to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences to a minimum.

To avoid complications with a home puncture of the lobes, it is necessary to take into account the following facts:

  1. The best time to perform a puncture is early to mid-May. During this period, there is no heat, but the weather is warm enough so that there are no complications due to hypothermia.
  2. When performing ear piercing, it is required to bypass the reflex zones. To do this, before the puncture, you need to familiarize yourself with an approximate map of such points on the auricle.
  3. During the period of a cold or in a pre-cold state, piercing is prohibited, since in this state the risks of inflammation of the puncture increase to the maximum.
  4. It is recommended to pre-pass an allergy test for metals - to prevent the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Immediately before the puncture process, you need to make sure that the entire essential tool, medicines and jewelry present, disinfected or sterile. For an ear piercing, you will need the following:

  • hollow needle for piercing, the diameter is selected under the earring;
  • medical gloves, sterile;
  • cotton wool is sterile;
  • hydrogen peroxide - in case of damage to the vessel;
  • Chlorhexidine - for treating a hole after a puncture;
  • alcohol-disinfected jewelry.

At home, it is better not to use a gun - the needle is the best option, since when using it, the ear tissues are not subjected to such a hard one-time impact.

Fact! When the ear is pierced with a needle, the swelling goes down faster, and when it heals, there is less chance of complications.

The needle during piercing is located under 90 ̊ to the puncture site and then you need to gently press until the instrument exits from the other side. It is not necessary to immediately pass the needle through the ear - you need to insert jewelry into the hollow tip of the instrument and only then completely pass it through the ear tissues. After the puncture is completed, it is required to apply cotton wool, which is moistened with peroxide for 1-2 minutes, and then leave the cotton wool moistened with Chlorhexidine for 5 minutes.

After the puncture of the auricle has been performed, caring for the hole is the basis for their successful healing. But, rarely does anyone think about continuing the periodic care of punctures in the future. In the absence of periodic care and treatment of even “old” holes, they can become inflamed. To prevent such an outcome, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. V winter period, at high probability to damage the ear by catching on the earring with a hat, sweater or scarf, it is recommended to change the jewelry to a less traumatic one.
  2. When touching an earring or injuring a hole, it is required for 2 weeks regularly, in the morning and evening hours wipe them with a disinfectant.
  3. To prevent infection of punctures, it is required to clean jewelry once a week.
  4. To minimize the likelihood of a focus of inflammation when replacing jewelry, it is required to disinfect them, and wipe the ears with Chlorhexidine beforehand.

Also, wipe punctures, even those that have healed for a long time, is required after each bath, shower or shampooing.

V young age I want to try everything. Some experiments pass, like fashion trends, without a trace. But there are those who leave bad memories. Will the hole overgrow after the piercing, and what can be done to ensure that the process goes quickly and without complications?

How to remove a hole from a piercing?

What affects the speed of tightening?

Several factors influence the rate of overgrowth of the hole:

  • The duration of the procedure. If the process was carried out from several weeks to up to a year ago by the time the decision was made to get rid of the hole, tightening will occur quickly. In the case when several years have passed since the puncture, the tightening will take longer.
  • Individual characteristics. Different people heal and regenerate differently. For some, even large holes close quickly and without scarring, while for someone small ones can leave a noticeable scar. Whether the hole will grow after the piercing procedure depends on the speed of the regeneration processes.
  • Place. The holes on the nose are tightened depending on the dislocation. If the septum or wings of the nose are pierced, after a month the hole may disappear. In the case when the hole made its way through the cartilage, tightening can last up to two months. The tissues of the navel are tightened up to six months. Be sure to take this into account when planning a pregnancy. The same interval must be waited in order for the puncture site on the eyebrow to grow. Holes on the lips and tongue disappear within a month. Intimate piercing can be delayed from 1 to 6 months.

In most cases, the problem is fixed on its own, it is enough to get rid of the barbell. If the process is sluggish, try speeding it up in several ways.

Piercing hole: getting rid of puncture marks

You can try to influence these places with the help of traditional medicine.

  • Rubbing sea ​​buckthorn oil with a few drops essential oil tea tree accelerates metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Bodyagi masks are applied by lightly rubbing into the skin. The tool enhances blood circulation, activates the components that help healing, resorption of scars.

In the case when the old-fashioned methods did not bring success, contact a specialist. You may need to resort to laser resurfacing or surgical intervention.

If you really want to remove a hole from a piercing, there is always a way to do it. But it is better to think carefully before performing this procedure.

- puncture of the lip, as well as the upper or lower frenulum of the lip in order to attach jewelry to them. It is considered one of the simplest and safest, since there are no complex nerve nodes and large blood vessels in the lips.

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Types of lip piercing

Allocate the piercing of the lip itself and the puncture of the frenulum of the lip. Lip piercings are called labrets. They are of two types: horizontal and vertical.

Vertical lip piercing

The frenulum lip piercing is easy to install and completely heals in 6-9 weeks. Jewelry in this case small ones are used, they become visible only when you smile.

Lip frenulum piercing

Varieties of lip piercing:

  • Jellyfish- a puncture made in the center of the philtrum, below the nasal septum. Heals 3-4 weeks

  • Madonna and Monroe- types of puncture, when the decoration should resemble a fly over upper lip. Madonna is pierced on the right, and Monroe on the left. It heals in 8-12 weeks, sometimes faster - in 3-6 weeks. Such a piercing does not cause pain. This is due to the fact that in the puncture area the tissue is thin and there is no a large number nerve endings

  • Dahlia– piercing that imitates a gap in the mouth in the area of ​​the labial commissures

Lip piercing jewelry

To decorate a puncture, labrets (carnations) are used - an ornament consisting of a rod with a non-screw cap and a ball, as well as a ring.

Do not immediately put intricate decorations, especially jewelry with a stone - they prevent the healing of the wound. It is better to wait about a month.

The main stages of the procedure

Piercing can be done horizontally or vertically.

Horizontal- This is a puncture parallel to the lip. He heals for about a month.

Vertical- this is a puncture in the center from bottom point lips to the top. As a rule, labrets are used for such piercings.

The master makes a puncture in the center of the lip or slightly on the side. With a vertical puncture, the puncture in the center is considered the sample, as it is the most attractive. At horizontal piercing the lip is pierced deeper so that there is no rejection. The puncture is made parallel to the lip. Although, punctures are possible around the entire perimeter of the lip. No more than two punctures can be made at the same time, otherwise they will not allow each other to form freely.

After lip piercing

After the piercing, the lip swells up, which lasts from one to three days, sometimes longer. In this regard, the carnation, if you choose it, is put a little longer than necessary.

The period of complete healing lasts one to two months (for different variations the term is different, for some it has already been described above). During this period, the wound will completely heal and, thereby, eliminates the risk of infection getting inside.

  • Drink B vitamins
  • Do not eat, drink alcohol or smoke for 3-4 hours after the procedure
  • Stick to (cereals, yoghurts, other dairy products, pastries, fruits (excluding citrus fruits)). You can not eat salty, spicy, sour, spicy and hot
  • After each meal, you must rinse your mouth with special formulations.

  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial throat lozenges can reduce swelling and risk of infection
  • Every morning, you need to rinse the jewelry with a solution of salt water. It will speed up the healing of the wound, as well as clean the jewelry.
  • To reduce pain, facilitate healing and reduce inflammation, eat ice cream and other cold foods
  • It is necessary to remove stains formed on the jewelry with a toothbrush.
  • When chewing, you need to be careful not to damage the teeth with decoration.
  • Refrain from kissing the entire period of rehabilitation
  • Don't paint your lips, don't bite your nails
  • You can not "play" with jewelry and chew your lip - this can lead to the formation. This recommendation must be followed even after the healing period - playing with jewelry can damage your teeth.
  • Do not remove jewelry from the puncture. Putting it back in will be problematic.

And after complete healing of the wound, the puncture will quickly narrow. must pass more than a year before the jewelry can be taken out for more than one day.

Jewelry can be replaced only after the healing period. Only a specialist can replace the ring, since in order to remove the ball from it, pliers are needed. Carnation replacement can be done independently, but carefully, following the special instructions. If you cannot replace the jewelry due to the narrowing of the puncture, then contact a specialist. The masters have a special tool with which he will expand the puncture back. It is painless and harmless to the integrity of the lip.

Piercing is ancient way body decorations. V different eras people used earrings to indicate their status and stand out from the crowd. A puncture in the navel spoke of belonging to a noble family. Today it is a way of self-expression. In order for the procedure not to bring complications, it is necessary to know what kind of care for the piercing is required.

Features of the piercing procedure

Popular piercing sites are the nose, eyebrows, nipples, ears, and navel.

Never carry out the procedure with masters working at home or in small offices!

This is a serious medical manipulation, during which blood vessels can be damaged or nerve endings. Only a specialist knows where to make a hole.

Earlobe piercing is the most popular. The process does not cause difficulties, because there is a minimum of biopoints, and there are no vessels at all. The needle is inserted from the back. Using a catheter, an earring is inserted, which is pulled out from reverse side. The skin must be kept taut until the jewelry is in place. The easiest way to pierce is with a pistol.

When piercing the wing of the nose, the beautician pulls the nostril so that the fastener from the jewelry is located along the wall. The process does not look aesthetically pleasing, but the result more than covers all the inconveniences. Often people choose the septum between the nostrils as a place for piercing.

The eyebrow is pricked in the direction from the bottom up. It is important that the wound passes as close as possible to the edge of the eyebrow and at a sufficient distance from the bridge of the nose, because next to it there is an active biopoint, as well as nerves that affect visual acuity. The bar can be held in a horizontal or vertical position. If during work the patient experiences a sharp severe pain, the procedure is terminated due to damage to the vessel.

Language is one of the most popular but dangerous places. Large vessels are located under the tongue, so a hole is made from the bottom up right between them.

Puncture in intimate area, nipples and navel is done strictly in the salon by experienced piercers. It is important to take into account many nuances and take precautions.

How long does it heal

The healing time directly depends on the puncture site. Experts indicate approximate periods.

The wound in the lip area is delayed from 4 to 8 weeks. In the nose area (wing) - 4-6 weeks. The damage on the tongue heals the fastest - only 10-15 days. For eyebrows, this period stretches for 8-12 weeks. The genitals heal within 2-6 weeks, and for the nipples this time is extended by 2 weeks. longest rehabilitation period with a puncture of the navel - can last up to 5 months. A hole in the earlobe ceases to disturb after 4-6 weeks, but if the procedure was done in the cartilage area, then the pain will disturb on average 10 weeks.

It is considered normal if, within a few days after the procedure, slight redness, inflammation, and swelling are observed at the puncture site. In some cases, there is a secretion of a yellow-white color, which is evidence of rejection dead cells skin and their replacement with new healthy tissues.

If there were the following symptoms, then you should immediately contact a beautician:

  • fever and pain in the body and in the area of ​​the hole;
  • tissue hardening and swelling;
  • prolonged redness;
  • change in the color of the discharge to yellow-green.

How to properly care

Close attention should be paid to the piercing during the first days after the procedure, when the wound is still fresh and the tissues begin to heal. Minimize any contact with tap water and waterways and flush with sea ​​water. Twice a day, treat with antiseptics and healing ointments.

Tongue piercing requires constant treatment and careful care; negative consequences and complications most often appear in this area.

After healing, do not forget about the piercing and continue care. Each time you take a shower, you should clean the decorated area and clean it of accumulations of dirt and grease, which, with a small scratch or other damage, can enter the bloodstream and cause infection.

If you are allergic to metal, you should replace the metal jewelry with Teflon or stop wearing the earring.

If, during healing, an external puncture is accidentally damaged, followed by inflammation, it is necessary to wash the wound with Miramistin 3 times a day and make compresses with it.

Punctures in the mucous membrane require careful care, which consists in the obligatory rinsing of the mouth 5 times a day and after each meal. If keloid tissue growth is observed, seek immediate medical attention from a dermatologist. With an increase in body temperature, bouts of vomiting and dizziness, it is recommended to call ambulance These symptoms may indicate blood poisoning.

This general rules how to care for a piercing, but experts advise introducing special multivitamin complexes. This will help the body recover faster and heal the damage.

Antiseptics and ointments for wound healing

To heal a superficial piercing, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine medications are required. The drugs have a wide spectrum of action, their components have the ability to linger for a long time on skin acting against bacteria.

On the initial stage treatment, it is desirable to do washing twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed. Q-tip or wet a napkin with Miramistin and clean the puncture. Do not pull or pull the earring!

Regardless of the main wash, it is allowed to take care after a puncture with a weak salt solution - 1-2 times a day. Solution preparation: Dissolve 1/4 part of a teaspoon in 220 ml. distilled water.

For rinsing the mouth, solutions based on chlorhexidine are shown - Lizoplak, Periogard, Stomadin, Peridex. Processing is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedies based on herbs are contraindicated, they do not stop the reproduction of bacteria, but rather contribute to the development of infections.

If recommendations were given to lubricate the wound after piercing with ointment or cream, then Levomekol is best suited for this purpose. After a couple of weeks, it can be replaced with Liniment Sinomycin 10%. Baktosin has a powerful antiseptic effect.

Puncture Precautions

Allergic reaction and infection frequent complications piercing. According to statistics, every fifth puncture ends with infection.

This is dangerous! In case of suppuration, blood poisoning can occur. If you pierce the ear or nose, this can lead to deformation of the auricle and nostrils, and if you pierce the lips, you can lose a tooth. Suppuration in the tongue provokes swelling of the larynx and, as a result, an asthma attack occurs. Inflammation on the navel or genitals in women can cause difficult and difficult childbirth.