What can be used for headaches in pregnant women. Early pregnancy headache: what to do? Causes of cluster attacks

During pregnancy, women are often worried about headaches. According to statistics, 20% of pregnant women suffer from it.

The causes of it may be different, but the question invariably arises: what to drink with a headache during pregnancy?

Primary pain has no connection with other pathologies, secondary is one of the manifestations of the underlying disease.

Migraine is the most common reason headache that occurs in future mother... The attack is characterized by severe throbbing pain in one half of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances. In case of migraine with an aura, “flies” and flashes first appear before the eyes, skin sensitivity changes in certain parts of the body.

Factors contributing to the development of a migraine attack:

  • frequent lack of sleep, fatigue, physical fatigue;
  • stress;
  • a sharp change in climate or weather events;
  • external stimuli (harsh sound, smell, noise, flickering light);
  • use food products containing tyramine (citrus fruits, chocolate, cheese, etc.).

In some women, after pregnancy, the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks decreases (especially in the second half). This occurs as a result of a change hormonal background.

In addition to migraines, pregnant women often experience tension headaches. It occurs as a result of stress, overexertion (psychological or physical). An unpleasant feeling of a squeezing character, of a lesser intensity, captures the entire head.

At uncomfortable position caused by prolonged work, pain occurs due to muscle overstrain in the shoulder girdle and neck. It first appears in the occipital region, gradually covering the entire head.

Hypotension is another cause of headache. More often blood pressure decreases in the first trimester of pregnancy, complicated by toxicosis.

Hypertension (increased blood pressure) can be a manifestation late toxicosis... it serious pathology, often accompanied by edema, the presence of protein in the urine.

As a result of vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, headache may appear due to impaired blood circulation in the brain.

A significant increase in body weight during pregnancy can provoke an increase in blood pressure, resulting in a headache.

It happens that during pregnancy, headaches become the main symptom in diseases of the spine.

The load on him during this period increases, therefore, an exacerbation, for example, of osteochondrosis, will be accompanied by a headache.

Meningitis, glaucoma, inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses are accompanied by a headache, the symptoms of which are characteristic of each of these diseases.


What to take for a headache during pregnancy? Do not take pills without consulting your doctor. Some of them affect the development of the fetus. In severe cases, a pathology develops that is incompatible with life.

It is especially dangerous to accept such medications in the first trimester. For more later dates pregnancy, they can cause premature birth.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take a limited number of medicines (many drugs that relieve an attack have a negative effect on the fetus).

When urgent medical attention is needed

When a severe headache appears for the first time, an immediate visit to a doctor is required. Be sure to see a doctor if:

  • almost incessant headache, especially if its symptoms have changed;
  • with a symptom that occurs in the morning after waking up;
  • pain with a certain localization in the head area;
  • accompanied by symptoms characteristic of disorders of the nervous system;
  • pain with low or high blood pressure;
  • the appearance of impairments from speech, hearing, vision, motor functions.

Head pills during pregnancy

Let's figure out what to drink for a headache during pregnancy. To relieve an attack, you can use Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan. These drugs do not cause addiction. Reception of Panadol Extra is recommended only in case of headache resulting from reduced pressure(it contains caffeine).

The No-shpy tablet relieves spasm, slightly lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles. It is allowed to take no more than 6 tablets per day. Contraindication: isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

For the treatment of migraine attacks, there are special drugs, some are allowed for use during pregnancy. Solves the problems of high blood pressure, treatment, including antihypertensive drugs (prescribed by the doctor).

You can take Ibuprofen only until the 30th week (it affects the functioning of the lungs, cardiac activity). Prescribed by a doctor.

Do not use Citramon, Citrapar, Askofen, Aspirin in the first trimester due to high risk the occurrence of fetal malformations.

Taking Aspirin in III trimester increases the risk of bleeding during labor.

Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Baralgin, Analgin can cause changes in blood composition with prolonged use.

Pregnancy is an unpredictable process, and if you have never had a headache before, then during this period women often have migraines. This article presents medicinal and non-drug methods treatment of migraine in pregnant women.

How You Can Reduce Headaches During Pregnancy Without Medication

You should not rush to take medications to relieve the symptom. To reduce it, you can use folk methods:

  • try to relax and lightly massage your head;
  • wash your hair warm water;
  • apply a cold compress to the forehead or back of the head;
  • mash fresh cabbage leaves a little, apply to the head and hold until the pain disappears;
  • brew herbal tea(from chamomile, rose hips, lemon balm);
  • drink under reduced pressure strong tea with sugar;
  • meditation;
  • cold and hot shower;


In case of migraine, the causes of the attack (keeping a diary) should be identified and eliminated. If there is a connection between eating foods and having a seizure, you need to remove them from your diet.

Pregnant women need a full night's rest to prevent overstrain headaches.

It is advisable to spend more time outdoors; when working indoors, take short breaks every 30 minutes.

Try to avoid loud sounds, noise, pungent odors that can cause an attack.

Troubled headaches during pregnancy require medical advice. Only he can recommend the medicines allowed for taking during this period.

Pregnancy is special period in a woman's life, which gives her great joy. But he is also not devoid of discomfort, and some health problems. A woman in a position often has a headache. Moreover, its reasons can be completely different. However, it is necessary to deal with such a condition, since it significantly worsens the well-being of the expectant mother. But pills for headache during pregnancy can not be taken by all.

Why is there discomfort?

During the period of bearing a baby, all organs and systems of a woman experience a double load, so it is not at all surprising that a failure may occur in their functioning from time to time. Before taking any medication, you need to find out the cause of the discomfort.

So, there are different internal and external factors that provoke a headache in a woman during pregnancy. External include:

  1. Tobacco smoke as well not enough fresh air.
  2. Loud noise.
  3. Too much high fever air or cold.
  1. Strong odors.
  2. Improper diet. A woman's menu during pregnancy should not include such products: chocolate, smoked meats, citrus fruits, nuts and legumes, mature cheese. Also, you should not eat too many bananas, use sugar substitutes.

Chukhareva Natalya Alexandrovna, general practitioner, junior Researcher therapeutic department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Science Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov "of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation, will give you an interesting lecture on the problem:

Naturally, these factors can be quickly eliminated, with the result that the headache problem will go away on its own. However, there are cases in which taking pills for a headache in a woman during pregnancy is simply necessary. Internal factors can cause severe discomfort:

  • Dehydration of the body, as well as the prolonged presence of a woman in a stressful state.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • An increase in the amount of circulating blood.

If a woman had frequent headaches even before pregnancy, then during this period they will increase significantly and will appear more often. But here already the patient cannot take those pills or herbal preparations which she used before. Self-medication can harm your baby.

What remedies are allowed for a pregnant woman?

So, if a woman in a position needs to take pills from her head, she needs to figure out what remedies are allowed for her. Not all drugs are equally beneficial for the mother and her unborn baby. Now you can take a closer look at which headache pills can be used during pregnancy. The list includes:

  1. "Paracetamol". This drug, as well as its derivatives, are considered the safest. The use of the presented drugs is allowed from the first trimester until the onset of childbirth. However, during pregnancy, a woman should strictly observe the dosage of the drug. For example, it is allowed to drink no more than 6 tablets per day. The general course of therapy is no more than 3 days. With low blood pressure, pregnant women can use Panadol, as this drug is able to normalize it.
  2. "No-shpa" (). The presented agent well reduces vascular tone, relaxes muscle tissue, stabilizes high pressure... Pregnant women can take no more than 6 tablets a day for headaches. You should not use this drug if the patient has ischemic-cervical insufficiency.

  1. “Ibuprofen” and its derivatives are conditionally eligible. That is, you can drink the presented tablets only until the 30th week. Further use is not recommended, since the agent can negatively affect the activity of the lungs and heart. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 3 g. A pregnant woman must strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug. Always check with your doctor before using ibuprofen.

During pregnancy, many patients are interested in what can be drunk to eliminate headaches, in addition to the pills presented above. An excellent remedy is vitamin C in powder form. Its use will not harm the body of the mother or baby in any way. However, the disadvantage of this drug is that it does not help everyone.

Komarovsky E.O., pediatrician, doctor the highest category, TV presenter of the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky", talks in detail about the choice of drugs during pregnancy:

Despite the fact that these funds practically do not harm the baby, it is imperative to consult a doctor before using them. Individual characteristics the body has not yet been canceled, therefore, what suits one patient may not suit another at all.

From the use of what means is it better to refuse?

What can pregnant women drink is already clear. You should also consider a list of those tablets that are not recommended for use. It includes some of the drugs known to everyone for a long time:

  • "Citramon" or "Aspirin". These drugs can provoke serious malformations in a baby: pathologies of the circulatory system, anomalies of the upper palate. Aspirin can slow down the rate of birth.
  • Ergotamine. If a pregnant woman does not know which pills can be used for headaches, then the list of prohibited drugs must be learned by heart. "Ergotamine" can not be used, as it provokes uterine contractile activity, bleeding. Also, the fetus has a developmental delay.

During pregnancy, you need to take with great care medications, as many of them can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Be sure to check with your doctor

  • Triptan, Sumatriptan. These drugs can be classified as a new generation. They do a great job with migraine headaches. However, such pills should not be used during pregnancy. The fact is that they can provoke a miscarriage, as they have abortive properties.
  • "Amigren", "Tryptamine". These drugs are also effective against migraines, but pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using them, since they contain narcotic components.
  • "Depakote". The presented product may cause defects neural tube fetus, which is fraught with serious defects in its development.

Many obstetricians and gynecologists believe that not all medications are safe. Watching the plot:

  • "Motrin". If the medicine is able to relieve pain, then it is very harmful to the baby, as it provokes the appearance of heart defects.
  • Atenolol, Timolol. These drugs should not be used in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy. It is best not to use these pills at all. The child may experience growth retardation and a decrease in heart rate.
  • "Fiorinal". These tablets contain caffeine and barbiturates. They are not good for the development of the fetus.

It is necessary to be very careful with the use of folk remedies or vegetable medications... During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman, the work of her internal organs changes significantly. When using any remedy, you must first consult with a gynecologist leading a pregnancy.

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Headaches and Prevention

Before taking pills, you need to try to get rid of the discomfort with the help of available tools. For example, you can help a pregnant woman:

  1. Gentle massage of the temporal and frontal part of the head using the fingertips.
  2. Contrast or cold shower. In this case, it is necessary that the water temperature is as comfortable as possible so that the patient's well-being does not worsen even more.

  1. Cold or hot compress... Everything here is strictly individual. For example, cold helps someone, while heat makes someone feel better. It is enough to hold the compress on the head for 20 minutes.
  2. Recreation. In order not to use pills for severe headaches during pregnancy, you need to adjust your daily routine. Since the body is experiencing increased stress, it needs more rest. Naturally, it is not recommended to lie on the couch all the time.

Our video will tell and show how to do massage correctly:

To avoid headaches, a pregnant woman needs to walk more on fresh air especially in the evening. This will also benefit the baby, since the mother's blood will have enough oxygen for its normal development.

Also, a woman should eat right. Her diet should include only those foods that saturate the body. the required amount vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

When should you see a doctor urgently?

There are situations in which the health and life of not only the baby, but also the expectant mother depends on the timeliness of going to the doctor. It is necessary to urgently contact a medical facility if:

  • The patient has severe nausea and vomiting in the later stages.
  • There is a strong gain in body weight.
  • Flies appear before the eyes, the woman loses her eyesight for a while.

  • Headaches appear very often and are characterized by high intensity, and to eliminate them with resolved medications does not work.
  • The pregnant woman has an increase in temperature.

Any self-medication using medication is fraught with serious complications. In this case, harm will be done not only to the mother, but also children's body... Pregnancy is very important period, when the patient does not have to make decisions on her own, because the baby's health is at stake.

Expectant mothers during the period of carrying a baby are very often disturbed by migraine attacks. But not all pills for headache during pregnancy can now be taken. Most of the drugs available in the network of pharmacies are dangerous for the child and his development. Therefore, before using this or that remedy, you should carefully read the annotation to it, consult your doctor.

Migraine attacks can develop under the influence of not only internal, but also external factors... Before deciding on the choice of pills, you need to establish the reasons for the unpleasant discomfort. Among the main ones are:

  1. Emotional stress, depression.
  2. Overwork, lack of sleep.
  3. A sharp change in weather or climate.
  4. Vascular disease.
  5. Low or high blood pressure.
  6. Migraine attacks.
  7. Harsh, loud bangs or "sugary" scent, bright and flashing lights.
  8. Violation of blood circulation in osteochondrosis cervical or neurosis.
  9. Infectious disease of the meninges, meningitis.
  10. ARVI, influenza and pathology of ENT organs.
  11. Brain hemorrhage.
  12. Abuse of cheese, citrus products, dark chocolate, strict diet.
  13. Lack of oxygen, prolonged stay in a closed, stuffy room.

There are no completely safe drugs, and only a doctor will tell you which pills from the head can be taken during pregnancy, after comprehensive survey and determining the cause of the pain syndrome.

The doctor will definitely advise what is best to do

Preventing severe attacks will allow full, healthy eating, long rest, no stress. But if the pain does appear, you should start treating it and take pain relievers.

What drugs are allowed

Almost every medicine has contraindications and side effects, but the gynecologist or therapist will select which tablets can be used in the early and late stages of pregnancy, taking into account the nature of the pain, its intensity, cause, and the general condition of the patient.

The same remedy in different trimesters may pose less or more risk to the development of the fetus.

The drug "Paracetamol"

The medication belongs to a group of medicines that are safer while carrying a child. "Paracetamol" - anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug... Although it belongs to the "lightest" pain relievers, it is not worth using it without a doctor's recommendation, as well as taking pills for a long time.

The active substance does not have a negative effect on the development of the baby, but on the basis of the studies carried out, experts can argue that the medicine can penetrate the placenta.

Therefore, whether it is possible to use the drug or not, you should ask your doctor. You should also adhere to some recommendations:

  • you can drink no more than 3 g, that is, 6 tablets of 500 mg of the drug / day;
  • do not use the product for prophylactic purposes;
  • you should not take "Paracetamol" for more than 3 days.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not advisable to treat migraine attacks with drugs of this group, since early dates organs and systems of the fetus are formed. But, if the gynecologist decides that the benefits for the woman are higher than the risk for the baby, then he will allow a single dose of the medication, since it can be drunk by pregnant women, especially in liquid form.

You need to be careful with any medications.

The active substance is also included in the composition of other drugs created on its basis: Panadol, which reduces blood pressure, Calpol, Efferalgan. In case of diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver or hypersensitivity to paracetamol, it should not be taken.

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy must be carried out correctly, otherwise unpleasant side effects may occur:

  1. Hives, allergic rash.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Colic (renal).
  4. In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the drug can cause fetal death, miscarriage.

The drug is rapidly absorbed into the digestive tract. Maximum content active substance in blood plasma is reached within 30-50 minutes after application.

Medicine "No-shpa"

The most safe pills from the head during pregnancy, which many doctors prescribe to their patients. Among the reasons for such confidence in the drug are:

  • "No-shpa" contains drotaverine, which effectively, quickly relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscles;
  • pregnant women can drink 300-400 mg per day for 3 days;
  • "No-shpa" is an imported medicine, its analogues: papaverine or drotaverine, they cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

Contraindications - last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. Relaxation of smooth muscles can cause premature birth. The forbidden list also includes:

  1. Diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys.
  2. Lactose intolerance.
  3. Weakness of the sphincter (uterine).
  4. Individual reaction to the active substance.

Side effects - a decrease in pressure, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, weakness, insomnia, and tachycardia.

Medicinal product "Nurofen"

The drug is most often used for elevated temperature in babies, teething. But many doctors recommend taking Nurofen tablets for headaches during feeding and pregnancy.

Characteristics of the medicinal product:

  • the main component is ibuprofen, it perfectly eliminates pain syndrome, as well as the inflammatory process;
  • treatment with "Nurofen" can be carried out in the 1st and 2nd trimester, but in boys there is a risk of developing pathologies of the genital organs; in the later stages, the drug should be discontinued (increases the tone of the uterus);
  • the medicine can be used for 3 days up to 1300 mg / day;
  • substitutes - "Ibuprofen", "Advil", "Ibuprom".

Contraindications - an increased reaction to the active substance, liver and kidney pathologies, stomach ulcers, poor serum coagulability.

Among side effects are present:

  1. Hives.
  2. Stomach pains.
  3. Feeling nauseous, vomiting.
  4. Hypertension attacks.
  5. Headaches, cramps.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Cardiopalmus.
  8. Renal colic as well as anemia.

All medicines have contraindications

Exists a large number of medicines that contain ibuprofen, drotaverin, paracetamol, along with other active substances. Therefore, many women doubt which pills, drugs for headaches during lactation and pregnancy are better if active drugs quickly eliminate the pathological syndrome.

Expectant mothers with migraine attacks are allowed to use pain relievers without additives to prevent negative action on the body and fetal development (caffeine).

Any pill should be taken after a meal, following the recommendations of the attending physician, and also taking into account the likelihood of negative consequences.

Prohibited medications

Every person has taken painkillers at least once in his life, but many pills for the head, migraine attacks for pregnant women are prohibited. Safe drugs very few, so you should know which ones to watch out for.

List of prohibited medicines for pregnant women:

  • to begin with, you will have to abandon Citramon, since it contains aspirin - dangerous substance for the baby, penetrating the mother's body, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, thereby provoking mutations;
  • medicine "Ergotamine" or "Triptan". Medicines that contribute to an intense contraction of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage, premature discharge waters;
  • the drug "Fiorinal". It contains hypnotic, respiratory depression.

Prohibited drugs for migraines, headaches, cramps while carrying a baby can be enumerated indefinitely. But the medicines that are allowed for use are presented in limited quantities. It is impossible to prescribe treatment on your own, since some medications can be safe in the first trimester and carry a real threat in the last stages.

Headache during pregnancy of a permanent nature requires immediate, competent therapy. At the first signs of deteriorating health and suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Walks in the open air, full sleep, nutrition will help to cope with stress and anxiety, thereby reducing the likelihood of pain.

Every fifth pregnant woman faces a headache. This problem manifests itself most clearly in the first three months of bearing a child, but sometimes it also arises at a later date. There are many reasons for this - from natural hormonal changes in the body to serious ailments.

Should I worry if I have a headache during pregnancy? The answer depends primarily on the causes of the malaise. Consider the main factors provoking headaches in expectant mothers and harmless ways to deal with this problem.

The environment, the family climate, health problems, daily routine and diet all have a serious impact on the well-being of a woman expecting a baby. Headache of varying intensity, including migraine attacks, is both a reaction to individual stimuli and a consequence of a combination of factors.

Diseases and physiological changes

Post-conception hormonal changes affects the condition of the blood vessels. This is one of the most common causes of ailment. If the headache that occurs in the first trimester is unstable and mild, the situation does not require medical intervention and is the norm.

Low blood pressure accompanying the onset of pregnancy is another possible cause. The pain is combined with general weakness and dizziness. This picture is typical for.

In the second and third trimester, headache often causes opposite problem- high blood pressure. The condition poses a threat to the health of the mother and child, especially if there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys (protein in the urine, edema). In this situation, inpatient treatment is recommended for women.

Exacerbation of chronic ailments can cause a headache - cervical osteochondrosis or vegetative dystonia. It is also accompanied by viral infection, sinusitis, eye diseases and head injuries (concussion, bruises). Among the more dangerous reasons oncological and benign tumors brain, intracranial hematomas, meningitis.

External provoking factors

When carrying a child, a woman becomes more vulnerable to the effects of environmental factors.

Even a change in weather can cause a long-term headache for an expectant mother. Long trips, implying a change in climatic zone, have the same effect.

Headache during pregnancy occurs more often when a woman is exposed to physical stimuli - loud noise, strong odors, bright or flickering lights. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke, including passive smoke, exacerbates the problem, so smoking relatives or work colleagues should be asked to take into account the interests of the expectant mother. Stuffiness and lack of oxygen also provoke headaches.

Other reasons

Sometimes pain occurs due to the peculiarities of the woman's lifestyle. In this case, the situation can be easily corrected by making adjustments to it.

Probable causes of headaches in pregnant women:

  • insufficient fluid intake in hot weather;
  • long breaks between meals;
  • abrupt refusal from coffee;
  • availability in daily menu products with dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives;
  • not getting enough sleep or sleeping too long;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overexertion of the eyes when working at a computer.

Also, the provoking factor is constant stress... Conflicts at work or in the family during this period are unacceptable. They not only worsen general state women and cause headaches, but also harm nervous system unborn child.

Getting rid of headaches on our own

When the pain has already arisen, you can try to relieve the condition yourself. It is undesirable for pregnant women to take medications unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, it is better to use safe folk methods and recipes:

  1. If you are at home, create a relaxing environment in the room - draw the curtains, turn off the lights, let in fresh air. Place a cool compress on your head or massage your fingertips into the temples and back of your head, making light circular motion. Increased attention focus on areas where pain is felt more strongly. You can ask your husband or a relative to give you a back and neck massage.
  2. Washing the head with warm water and taking a shower gives a good effect. comfortable temperature better than cool. After that, it is recommended to drink a glass of herbal decoction - mint or chamomile. At low pressure, it is replaced with strong black tea with sugar. A persistent headache during pregnancy is easier to tolerate when a scarf or headscarf is tied tightly around the head.
  3. An emergency way to normalize your well-being is to wash your face cold water... To enhance the effect, a compress with ice or a damp towel on the forehead and temples will help. It is believed that the pain is reduced by attachment to the head. cabbage leaves... Before use, they are slightly crumpled so that juice appears, and they are kept in the form of a compress until the condition improves.
  4. Some women benefit from aromatherapy. Suitable oils for her are lavender, juniper, lemongrass, ylang-ylang. They are used in the form of inhalation using an aroma lamp. It is also useful to take warm baths with oils, if there are no contraindications from other organs and the doctor has not prohibited you from such procedures. But remember that essential oils can cause allergies.

What headache medications can pregnant women have?

Most analgesics for expectant mothers are prohibited due to the possible negative impact on the development of the fetus. Such drugs as "Citramon", "Aspirin", "Baralgin", "Spazmalgon" and their derivatives, when taken in the first months of pregnancy, can lead to the formation of heart defects in the child. In the later stages, they worsen blood clotting, which is undesirable for a woman preparing for childbirth.

If the headache is severe and folk methods it does not help, a single use of medicines based on paracetamol ("Panadol", "Efferalgan") is permissible. In the absence of individual intolerance to the active substance, they are safe and not addictive.

When purchasing preparations, keep in mind that Panadol Extra contains caffeine. For headaches due to hypotension (low blood pressure), it is better to choose it. It is also allowed to take "No-shpy", although it does not always give an analgesic effect.

When should i see a doctor?

Chronic headache during pregnancy should be treated promptly. Constant discomfort causes stress and depressive state, which negatively affects the health of the unborn child.

Therefore, daily ailments are a reason to consult a neurologist. Adequate treatment in such a situation, only a specialist can appoint after discovering the root cause that caused the problem.

The expectant mother should be alert and ask for medical help if the headache appears in the morning, is localized only at one point or is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of vision and hearing impairment;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • nausea combined with high blood pressure and swelling.

These manifestations may indicate pathologies. In particular, preeclampsia, intracranial hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, infection and brain tumors.

In this situation, emergency delivery is sometimes required to save the life of the mother and child. The sooner the pregnant woman goes to the hospital, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome.

Prevention measures

To normalize well-being with frequent headaches, pregnant women should pay attention to preventive measures. Identifying provoking factors will help prevent relapses.

To do this, a woman should keep a diary of headaches, in which she notes all cases of seizures and the circumstances preceding them. Having identified the pattern, the stimulus is excluded.

  1. Walk more often in the fresh air and ventilate the rooms daily.
  2. Normalize the daily routine so that going to bed and waking up always occur at about the same time.
  3. Do not overexert yourself and rest whenever you feel tired.
  4. Take breaks and light warm-ups every half hour of working at the computer.
  5. Eat often and in small portions, giving preference to natural products.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids.
  7. Do not stay in stuffy or smoky rooms or near sources of noise.
  8. Avoid stressful situations.

If, when carrying a child, a woman was diagnosed chronic diseases giving a prolonged headache before conception next children it is worth consulting with specialized specialists.

This will reduce the risk of the problem worsening in the future. With osteochondrosis, after consulting a doctor, you can visit the pool and perform therapeutic exercises.

In most cases, headache in pregnant women is the result of natural hormonal changes and exposure to various stimuli. But, if it has become unusually long and strong, do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Paying attention to the body's signals will help to avoid dangerous complications and keep healthy.

Useful video on the treatment of headaches during pregnancy

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Headache is common during pregnancy. But it should not be ignored by the doctor if it is repeated often and the intensity unpleasant sensations significant.
Every discomfort during pregnancy imposes on medical professionals special responsibility. It is necessary not only to alleviate the suffering of the expectant mother, but also not to harm the baby. After all, most of the drugs negatively affect its growth and development.
Headache during pregnancy 1, 2, 3 trimester is removed ("treated") in the same way. But if in usual time you could get rid of it with any pain reliever pill, now, before you take something, you need to think a hundred times.

The causes of headaches during pregnancy can be as follows:

  • changes in the female hormonal background, affecting the tone of blood vessels;
  • bad habits and changes in diet (there are foods that provoke similar pain. For example, some sweets, chocolate);
  • changes in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • hypersensitivity to climatic and weather conditions;
  • violation of posture due to an increase in the abdomen.

Headache is very diverse, so its treatment depends entirely on the type and cause of its occurrence.

Types of headaches during and outside pregnancy

1. Migraine. It is characterized by a one-sided appearance of unpleasant sensations and pulsation. Because of her, many women are deprived of the opportunity to do household chores, sleep, eat, and even maintain a conversation. For some expectant mothers, pain begins with flashes of light or circles in front of the eyes. Headache during pregnancy 1 trimester, if possible, should be treated non-drug, since almost any drug at such an early stage can provoke abnormalities in the development of the embryo and even spontaneous miscarriage... The main rules for migraine treatment are calmness, silence, sleep, fresh air and darkness. What specific remedy for headaches during pregnancy will help you - you need to figure out by trial and error. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the migraine sometimes lasts several days, however, the intensity of the pain decreases.

2. Headache caused by high or low blood pressure. Very often, pregnant women experience an increase in pressure, which leads to headaches. People suffering from hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, must necessarily monitor their blood pressure, measuring it twice a day and recording the result. These data must be shown to your doctor for the possibility of subsequent examination and treatment. This recommendation is also mandatory for women, who often have high blood pressure with minimal emotional and physical stress.
If there is hypertension, it is possible to relieve the headache during pregnancy and at the same time to reduce the pressure with the help of only one drug, approved for expectant mothers, called "Dopegit". A life-threatening reason for calling an ambulance is a pressure above 150 per 100.
On the other hand, if the pressure is low, there are many ways to get rid of a headache during pregnancy. For example, cleaning the house, doing laundry, taking a walk in the fresh air, drinking tea or coffee (you can have up to 2 cups a day), and eating. A pressure of 90 to 60 or less is considered low.

3. Tension headache. It is characterized by intense discomfort on both sides of the head and is more common in early or late pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, an antispasmodic can be taken from the head in this case. For example, "No-shpu". You do not need to be afraid of these pills, because they are very often prescribed with the threat of termination of pregnancy in the first weeks after conception. If you want to do without pills, you need to master several techniques of head massage. Should help relieve tension.

4. Taking some medicines. Many women begin to look for a way how and how to treat a headache during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester, without first trying to find a provocateur of these sensations. But almost all expectant mothers take certain medications, side effect which may be just a headache. For example, "Curantil" is a drug often prescribed to "thin" the blood and improve the blood supply to the fetus.

5. Problems with the spine, cervical spine. About this possible reason women who have had injuries have to think. Although, they can be so insignificant or long-standing that they are not remembered. However, an X-ray of the cervical spine will need to be done to make an accurate diagnosis. Well, this is done after childbirth. In the meantime, the headache can be relieved with paracetamol during pregnancy. This is very good drug, which is prescribed even to children with fever from the very first days after birth.

Seeking medical help for headache during pregnancy in the 1,2,3 trimester

It so happens that during the carrying of a child, conditions appear that need emergency care specialist. Sudden pain of a sharp nature that arose in the expectant mother can lead to cerebral hemorrhage and other serious consequences.

In particular difficult cases the best way treatments can only be premature birth... And you need not think about what you can take for a headache in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but agree to an emergency cesarean section... Such a measure is sometimes necessary, for example, when rapidly developing gestosis... Its other symptoms are flashing flies before the eyes, increased pressure, protein in the urine in high concentration based on the analysis result.
What pills can you drink for headaches during pregnancy in the early and late stages and preventive measures.

The first step is to properly organize your sleep and rest time. A pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, should sleep at least 8 hours. In addition, you also need to sleep during the day. Be sure to stay in the fresh air and exclude prolonged stay in front of the TV or computer.

In addition, hunger or thirst can provoke headaches, so you should eat well and properly.

To improve the well-being of a woman, you can listen classical music, put on loose clothes, watch comedies, thereby creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere around you.

You should also prohibit smoking near you, both outdoors and indoors. Secondhand smoke will negatively affect the child and may cause discomfort. If all else fails, you need to think about what pills you can drink for headaches during pregnancy in the early and late stages and in what dosages. Naturally, before taking the drug, you must at least read the instructions for it, or rather, the section on contraindications. Many annotations will indicate pregnancy. But everything is not always so categorical. For example, there is more than one drug that you can safely drink for a headache in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. For example, Paracetamol. Moreover, in a normal, not children's dosage. 1-2 tablets of 500 mg. Should help. By the way, these same tablets are drunk at elevated temperatures and even toothache. But the headache during pregnancy with citramone, others popular drug, it is better not to withdraw, as this medicinal product contains caffeine.