On October 30th. What to do when the moon is in Aries, and what is better to postpone for later? Chronology of lunar days

If you want to get acquainted with significant dates who celebrate different countries, then you should definitely read this article... Everyone prepares for any holiday with special responsibility. After all, it is on this day that many countries celebrate the most important events... Therefore, in this heading will be presented all the main events of this date.

Holidays in Russia October 30, 2019

Foundation Day of the Russian Navy

Back in 1696, on October 30, by order of Peter the Great, a decree was issued on the celebration of the Day of the founding of the Russian navy... This decree was adopted by the Boyar Duma. Several years ago, they started building warships in Russia. The construction of ships took place in Voronezh, Arkhangelsk and Ladoga. In turn, the Baltic and Azov fleets were created.

Thanks to the new warships, many Russian sailors have made important geographical discoveries. Even during the Great Patriotic War, the Russian fleet withstood severe tests. They smashed the fascists, both at sea and on land. Modern Russian fleet equipped with reliable military equipment. Available: powerful missile cruisers, nuclear submarines, anti-submarine ships, landing craft, naval aircraft.

Its useful to note important fact that the holiday of the navy is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July. On this day, all employees receive congratulations from their leaders.

Day of Mechanical Engineer in Russia

Annually on October 30, Russia celebrates professional holiday"Mechanical Engineer Day". All employees of engineering and technical specialties of various industries celebrate the main event in a friendly and cheerful manner. The decree on the celebration of this event was issued in 1996, however, the report was adopted back in 1854 since the formation of the Russian fleet.

All employees who have a higher technical education celebrate the day of a mechanical engineer. They can design, construct and operate technological equipment... The employees of this profession have high demands. It should be noted that this profession really in demand not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Rest of the World Holidays 30 October 2019

Day of Local Communities of Kyrgyzstan

Every year in last sunday Kyrgyzstan celebrates the Day of Local Communities. This holiday was established by the government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The decree was signed by the President of Kyrgyzstan “On the provision of state support local self-government bodies of the primary level ”.

The official reform of local self-government began in 1991, when the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan established norms and rules for organizing local government that were different from the practice of centralized government.

Other holidays 30 October 2019

Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression

By order of the Supreme Council, a decree was adopted on the reading of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims political repression... The order was signed in 1991 on October 18. This date was chosen on purpose, since in 1974, on October 30, on the same day, prisoners were starving at the camps in protest against political repression.

At that time, many people suffered from the totalitarian regime. To commemorate the victims of political repression, mourning actions and commemorative events are held. Laying flowers at the monuments to the repressed, to all those who suffered during the political repression.

October 30, 2019 in the folk calendar

Hosea Kolesnik

By church calendar the day of the prophet Hosea is coming. He lived in the kingdom of Israel. Hosea fought against idolatry and turned the hearts of the Jews to God. According to legend, the wife of Hosea cheated on her husband and then left him. After such a fact that happened, Hosea still more started to call the Israelites to true faith.

In Russia, Hosea was nicknamed the chariot because he paid much attention to the wheels. They put carts in the sheds and, in turn, checked the serviceability. If necessary, this type of transport was repaired.

Name days October 30, 2019

Julian, Anatoly, Kuzma, Joseph, Andrey, Sergey, Alexander, Anton, Leonty

Significant events of October 30 in history

  • 1653 - A decree was issued in Russia to abolish the death penalty for thieves and robbers
  • 1696 - At the suggestion of Peter the Great, the Boyar Duma adopted a resolution “ Marine vessels to be"
  • 1888 - On ballpoint pen first patent received
  • 1905 - Nicholas II signed the Manifesto "On the improvement of the State order"
  • 1941 - The heroic defense of Sevastopol began (1941-1942)
  • 1967 - For the first time in space, an automatic docking of ships was carried out
  • 1990 - A monument to the victims of political repression was unveiled in Moscow

Were born on this day

  1. Claude Lelouch 1937 - French film director, screenwriter, cameraman, actor and producer
  2. Diego Maradona 1960 - Argentine footballer, world football star
  3. Lyudmila Rogacheva 1966 - Soviet athlete, silver medalist Olympic Games, trainer
  4. Angelica Kaufman 1741 - Swiss artist
  5. Anastasia Lyukin 1989 - American gymnast, Olympic champion
  6. Dmitry Ustinov 1908 - Soviet statesman and military leader, Marshal and Hero of the Soviet Union
  7. Nikolai Ogarkov 1917 - Soviet military leader, Marshal and Hero of the Soviet Union.
Significant events in history
  • 1653


    The decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, issued on October 30, 1653, decided to release from the death penalty all robbers and thieves sentenced to it according to the laws issued since the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible (according to the Code of Law of 1550 and additional decrees to it), and according to the Code of 1649 ... All criminals awaiting executions are ordered to "give a belly." Death penalty replaced by punishment with a whip, cut off ...

  • 1696


    The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia was due to the country's urgent need to overcome territorial, political and cultural isolation, which at the turn of the 17-18 centuries became the main obstacle to economic and social development the Russian state. The first regular formation of the Russian Navy was the Azov Fleet. It was created by Peter I to fight ...

  • 1888


    The invention of the principle of operation of a ballpoint pen is officially dated to the end of the 19th century - on October 30, 1888, John Loud received a patent, and the next one in 1916 by Van Vechten Reisberg. In the late 1930s, a similar modern ballpoint pen was patented by the Hungarian journalist Joseph Laszlo Biro. In general, he was not only a journalist, but also an inventor. And Sharikov ...

  • 1905


    The first Russian revolution began (9) on January 22, 1905 with the execution by the tsarist troops of a peaceful demonstration of the people who had moved to the Winter Palace to ask Nicholas II for protection from oppression. Metropolitan authorities did not find better remedy stop the crowd, how to scatter it with buckshot. The death of innocent children, women, old people, with icons in their hands, heading for the tsar-father, led to a furious revolutionary ...

  • 1941


    Before the Great Patriotic War Sevastopol was prepared only for defense from sea and air. The Sevastopol garrison numbered about 23 thousand people and had about 150 field and coastal guns, 82 aircraft. Defense from the sea was carried out by coastal artillery and ships of the Black Sea Fleet. The city's ground defense system began to be created in July 1941. It consisted of three lines ...

  • 1967


    Great attention was paid to the development of cosmonautics in the Soviet Union. After carrying out an experiment connected with a man's entry into outer space on March 18, 1965, the problem of meeting and connection in space was put on the agenda. spaceships, i.e. docking. This task was brilliantly accomplished by Soviet scientists on automatic satellites: they were Kosmos-186 and K ...

  • 1990


    On October 30, 1990 in Moscow, on Lubyanskaya Square, in the park near the Polytechnic Museum, a mournful monument to millions of victims of political repression was unveiled - today also known as the "Solovetsky Stone" - as a symbol of victory over the totalitarian regime and a sign of the emerging democracy. The granite boulder was delivered to the capital of the "Memorial" society from the Solovetsky Islands, from those places where once ...

Will be easy to pull off. An analytical approach is also suitable for solving personal questions... The horoscope for October 30, 2017 does not exclude surprises that are of a material nature: many will receive cash receipts, valuable gifts, good deals... The day is favorable for romantic relationship... New acquaintances will quickly begin to feel mutual sympathy.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Aries

Aries should take into account that this day is not conducive to frankness. Straightforwardness and curiosity will be inappropriate in some situations. The most important thing can happen out of your field of vision, behind tightly closed doors... Not the best moment for rapprochement. Perhaps you will not be admitted to other people's secrets and current information sources, or they will not tell you something. If you want to gain admission to the "holy of holies", you will have to demonstrate an understanding of the key nuances and a willingness to keep a secret.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Taurus

Taurus today will not be hindered by qualities such as discernment and foresight. You should not miss a moment that allows you to join any idea or tempting project, join a private club or a team of an influential person, get access to a private part of the materials. The best pass to the world you want is trust. You shouldn't quarrel with a prospective client or a partner who has a great future. Getting closer to new people will help common hobby or an agreement on mutually beneficial services.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Gemini

Gemini stars are advised to adhere to flexible strategies and tactics. The condition for the success of the planned event can be secrecy, the ability to "read between the lines" is useful. You should not advertise your personal problems, plans, secrets of skill. If on duty you are privy to other people's secrets, it is advisable to justify the trust: your position in the coming months may depend on this, including, career... Frankness is appropriate only with a certain circle of people: a doctor, a lawyer, a tax inspector.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Cancer

Today Rakov is led by hope, faith or premonition. Perhaps a successful combination of circumstances, patronage from above. Chance to lay the foundation for exercise cherished dream about success, love, higher education, creative realization, spiritual growth, travel or emigration. Showy activity, vanity and loud advertising are inappropriate today, intuition will tell the subtleties of tactics. Depending on the degree of complexity of the task, you can eliminate obstacles in advance or reduce possible risks.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Leo

Leos should be more attentive to the hidden nuances of the situation, delve deeper into exciting topics. In some issues today, one cannot do without intuition, imagination, and an included sense of self-preservation. Attention to what is happening will help to avoid a looming crisis, get rid of suspiciousness, and open up tempting opportunities in a field that until now seemed to you dangerous, inaccessible or forbidden. Prospects related to real estate, finance, inheritance, taxes, security may open up.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Virgo

Virgo stars are advised to redouble their attention to behavior significant people, including in close surroundings. Even a regular partner or relative can be a mystery to you today, and his frankness can be a great honor. If you are not being shared with you, it is better to take it for granted: you may not yet be trusted, or you are being treated with suspicion. In broken relationships, there is a chance to restore harmony based on shared memories, emotional, sensory, or spiritual kinship.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Libra

Libra's attention can be focused on unusual elements of work or daily life, on financial or medical issues. New situation requires taking into account a lot of subtleties that you did not attach importance to before, or that you were too lazy to delve into deeply. It is possible to get acquainted with the secrets of the craft, with any ugly, delicate or exotic details. There may be a need for staff expansion or renewal, new spending, increased privacy, hygiene or security measures.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Scorpio

The day favors the self-realization of Scorpios and the growth of their authority, gives inspiration and faith, emphasizes charisma, helps to manifest individuality. The likelihood of happy omens and situations that are flattering to your self-esteem increases. Children's hopes may arise or be fulfilled. Right moment for a creative application, demonstration of talents, including the ability to play acting, reincarnation. Success or self-confidence will have a positive effect on your personal life.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, the day will tell you clear or hidden benefits from new role... Opportunities may emerge where negative scenarios previously prevailed, such as family relationships, in situations related to housing. Perhaps you can find a way to keep your privacy and secret passions a secret, be able to get shelter or asylum, hide an unseemly act or mistake. It is worth avoiding decisions in which you have to pay for the benefits received with a bad conscience and a dubious reputation.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Capricorn

Today, luck for Capricorns lies in the ability to be in time the right place catch your eye the right people... Active actions, open initiatives are undesirable. In most cases, you can rely on your intuition. If you and the person of interest are separated by a distance, you should subtly remind yourself of yourself. The chances of contact will increase if you have fond memories, or if a promising intrigue between you was interrupted at the very beginning. Having achieved success, it is important to stop in time.

Horoscope for October 30, 2017 Aquarius

Aquarius should be more careful not to miss material or career opportunities. The day is replete with "pitfalls", but it is quite realistic to determine the main direction of events and find your advantageous place in them. In the most crucial moments, one should not act openly and hastily; attempts to apply outdated straightforward strategies to ambiguous problems are especially dangerous. Discernment will come in handy. The help of a mediator or consultant will not hurt if he is trustworthy.

The lunar energy is unimaginably strong, because the moon is at a fairly short distance from us. Astrologers advise not to neglect the instructions of the lunar calendar if you do not want to fail.

Maximum relaxation will help you to complete the tasks you have begun and start new ones. Calming the nerves, relieving stress - this is the primary task of any person today. Of course, this is not so easy to do, given the constant ups and downs, turmoil and problems. You will succeed, because today is the day when everything moves easily and smoothly.

Moon phase: 11 and 12 lunar day will be held under the auspices of Pisces. It will be a good day as the energies of the stars and the waxing moon will blend nicely. Such days can be devoted to almost any business.

Magnetic storms on October 30: for the next couple of days, experts on solar activity did not notice any outbreaks. Absence solar wind means complete calmness of the Earth's magnetosphere.

What will bring good luck today:

What can scare off good luck on 11 and 12 lunar days:

  • unnecessary doubts;
  • mood problems;
  • abrupt change plans;
  • inaction.

Household chores October 30

It is better not to sit around at home, especially if you are not working for some reason. If you are too lazy to go to the gym, you can do physical exercises at home. Romantic dates will also benefit if they are at home. Comfort is the most important thing today. You do not need to strive to get home faster, but if you are already a prisoner of household chores, then try to get maximum pleasure from being at home.

What to wear today

Clothes should be pleasant not only for you, but also for everyone around you. People may expect some serious action from you. It is better to exclude the red color, but blue will do never better. Because of possible problems with mood it is better to use more green. When choosing a precious metal, give preference to silver or zirconium.

Finance, business and work on the lunar calendar

Money on this day can be earned or saved only with the help common sense, willpower and subject to the plans drawn up earlier. Make purchases only according to the list. Don't act spontaneously to avoid wasting money. Today it is better to save as hard as you can. At work, those who engage in physical labor, and not intellectual, although in the latter case it is better to simply devote a day to negotiations. If possible, astrologers advise you to rest properly.

Love and relationships on 11 and 12 lunar days

This day is the best for love in any of its manifestations, be it dating, flirting, dating, wedding and so on. It's easier together today, so if you have a soul mate, try not to fall into a state of complete detachment from the world around you. For those who have not yet found a loved one, it is better to cast a fishing rod from afar - try to meet someone in social networks. Real meetings with strangers may disappoint you.

Mood and health on Monday

Your mood will be threatened only by inconsistency in plans. You can do whatever your heart desires, but it should all bring you pleasure. Strictly speaking, you need to be a little selfish. Better to serve yourself now, but then you will not need to disentangle unnecessary problems... As for health, then everything is calm here too.

On this day, many people will be able to get rid of loneliness and succeed in business. You can easily find yourself among the winners. Try to radiate goodness, infecting others with it, so that luck is with you. Good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

30.10.2017 00:17

Lunar money calendar shows the most auspicious days and hours for various financial transactions and solutions. If you want to, ...

October 30, 2017 - Monday, 303rd day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. October 30 corresponds to October 17 Julian calendar(old style).

Holidays October 30, 2017 in Russia

  • Mechanical Engineer Day. Every year, on October 30, workers of engineering and technical specialties of various industries celebrate their professional holiday in Russia - this is the Day of the Mechanical Engineer. The commencement of the celebration was laid by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy from 1996. But it is customary to start counting from 1854, when a corps of mechanical engineers was formed in the Russian fleet.
  • Day of the founding of the Russian Navy. Foundation Day of the Russian Navy - memorable date celebrated annually on October 30th. It was on this day in 1696 that the first regular fleet of Russia was founded. The first ship built in Russia was launched in 1636, but there was no regular fleet in Russia for more than half a century. The Russian fleet was founded under Peter the Great. After the conquest of the Azov fortress during the second Azov campaign, the boyar duma discussed Peter's report on this campaign. As a result, on October 20, 1696, it was decided to start the construction of the navy (translated into new style turns out October 30).

Also read:

Holidays October 30, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Holidays on October 30, 2017 in Ukraine are absent.

World and International Holidays October 30, 2017

  • International Day of Orthopedic Nurses. International Orthopedic Nurses Day is an international professional holiday celebrated annually on October 30. Orthopedics is a branch of clinical medicine that deals with the study of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of deformities and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedics is most closely associated with such a branch of clinical medicine as traumatology. The logo of orthopedics is a rectifiable tree. Orthopedic nurses take care of trauma and orthopedic patients, which includes assessing the condition of wounds and caring for them, removing stitches, installing orthoses, installing and removing plaster splints, etc. Orthopedic nurses are required to possess special skills due to the specifics of their activities.

Orthodox holidays October 30, 2017

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of the Prophet Hosea;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Monk Martyr Andrew of Crete;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Anthony Leokhnovsky, Novgorod, abbot;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Arabia and their brothers Leonty, Anfim and Eutropius;
  • Transfer of the relics of righteous Lazarus, Bishop of Kitia;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Neophyte Lyubimov and Anatoly Ivanovsky, Presbyters, Martyrs Iakinf (Pitatelev) and Callistus (Oparin), monks;
  • Memorial Day Hieromartyr Alexander (Shchukin), Archbishop of Semipalatinsk;
  • The Deliverer; "Before Christmas and after Christmas the Virgin" - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays 30 October 2017

  • Hosea Kolesnik. The folk holiday "Hosea Kolesnik" is celebrated on October 30 (according to the old style - October 17). On this day, believers Orthodox Church honor the memory of the Old Testament holy prophet Hosea, who is one of the 12 minor prophets. Other names of the holiday: "The end of the summer journey", "Osiy Autumn", "Osiy the Gryaznik". According to legend, Hosea fought against idolatry and turned the hearts of the Jews to God. It was said that the prophet's wife was a whore, cheated on Hosea and, in the end, left him. After that, with even greater fervor, he began to call the Israelites to repentance and true faith. Hosea claimed that the Lord would turn away from the Jews and call the Gentiles into the kingdom who would believe in him. Many hundreds of years before the coming to earth of the Savior, Hosea predicted the appearance of the Lord God, his death and resurrection. In Russia, Hosea was nicknamed the Kolesnik because on the day of his memory they paid much attention to the wheels. The carts were put in sheds until spring, and before that they were checked for serviceability. If required, simple transport was repaired. In any case, the wheels were removed from the axles. "On Hosea, the wheel and axle part until spring," the peasants said, removing the cart and taking out the sleds, since the winter path had already been established in many regions by that time. And by the last creak of the wheels of the cart, they guessed about the harvest. If the wheels go quietly and do not creak - on next year a lot of bread and vegetables will be born. The wheel was considered a talisman and protector from evil spirits. This sun symbol was often used in various ceremonies. For example, if a person was bitten by a snake, then to save him (in addition to using herbs), the bite site was washed with water, which was then passed through the wheel. But the wheel was considered not only a talisman, but also a symbol of a witch: evil spirits could ride on it. The people told stories about how the spokes were torn out from the wheels rolling along the road, which made the witch, who turned into this wheel, lost an arm or a leg. On this day, children were asked riddles about wheels and carts. Known, for example, are: "The lady is tinted, belted across, and the back is smeared"; “The four brothers have agreed to chase, no matter how they run, they will not catch up with each other”; "One is walking, four of them are leading, and the fifth is sitting, looking with all eyes."

Holidays October 30, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Slovakia October 30, 2017 - Anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of the Slovak people. In Slovakia, an official memorable date is annually celebrated on October 30 - the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of the Slovak People (výročie Deklarácie slovenského národa). It was established in memory of the official annexation of the Slovaks to Czechoslovakia.