What does a lapbook look like. Do-it-yourself lapbook "pets" for preschoolers. Forms and appearance

Lapbook "Spring" for preschoolers with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Kovalchuk Valentina Nikolaevna Educator. Kindergarten №90. City of Tyumen.
Description: IN given master- the class was told how to make a lapbook on the theme "Spring". The master class may be of interest to children and their parents, kindergarten teachers, and teachers.
Target: To develop in children cognitive - research and productive activities.
Teach children to take the initiative in order to acquire new knowledge. promote creative project activities individual and group character.
Expand and systematize knowledge about changes in nature with the advent of spring.
Develop free communication between children and adults. Develop speech components.
Bring up respectful attitude to nature.
Learn to see the beauty of nature. Continue to teach to notice the beauty of spring nature in painting, poetry.
Working process
The lapbook is a toy and a wonderful learning tool that children make for themselves or with parents and teachers.
Collecting material for a lapbook
Search for plot pictures, reproductions of paintings, pictures, photographs, poems, riddles, signs, etc. on the topic "Spring". Print, cut out.

Making a cardboard folder
1. For the manufacture of the folder itself, you can use: a cardboard box that folds in half for board game, A4 color double-sided paper, glue - a pencil, a ruler, a simple pencil, scissors with sharp and blunt ends.

2. We glue the folder with colored paper (we cut off the excess paper with scissors with sharp ends).

3. We make pockets of the right size and the right amount. A smaller pocket can be glued onto a large pocket.

4. Glue pockets on the folder, cut out conventions or inscriptions, stick them on the pockets to know what will be where.

We lay out what we have prepared in the pockets of the folder:
1. Signs of spring:

2. Signs of spring:
Long icicles - for a long spring.
Early spring- a sign that there will be many bad days in the summer.
Thunder in early spring - before the cold.
If lightning flashes in early spring, but no thunder is heard, the summer will be dry.
March is dry, April is wet, May is cold - the year of grain.
If the clouds float high - to good weather.
If a ring is visible around the moon - to windy weather.
Early arrival of rooks and larks - to a warm spring.
Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.
If in the spring there is a lot of cobwebs - by the hot summer.
If a lot of mice appear in the spring, the year will be lean.
The swallow flies low - to the rain.
If a white hare meets in the spring, then snow will surely fall again.
A lot of juice flows from a birch - by a rainy summer.
If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.
3. Trees:

4. Riddles:(we come up with it ourselves (stick it on the guesswork - coloring pages):

In the spring they hang from the roofs.

In the sun they shine and sparkle beautifully.
Cap - cap - they ring merrily.
Everyone is amused.
The day is getting longer
And the morning is brighter
The air is warmer.
The grass is growing.
Birds come from the south.
The sun warms up.
Snow darkens, melts -
Runs from the mountain with water
It murmurs merrily.
Kids are playing -
The ships are allowed.
Cold air comes in
Warm displaces.
The huge cloud darkened
A powerful discharge roared.
I am "milky flower"
I grow out of the snow in spring.
And others early flowers
They call me by my name.
On the stalk are bells in a row,
They house elves.
by moonlight flowers rub,
That's why they sparkle white.
Fragrant flower and beautiful,
But poisonous.
(Lily of the valley)
A huge cloud hangs
Everything in it boils and seethes.
Two different charges meet
An electrical discharge is obtained.
Yellow baskets with the sun open.
Parachutes - seeds scatter with the wind.
5. Migratory birds:

6. Flowers:

7. Poems:
V. Zhukovsky
In the sun dark forest blushed,
In the valley of steam, thin whitens,
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous.
A. Pleshcheev
The grass is green
The sun shines;
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
A. Fet
The willow is all fluffy
Spread around;
Spring is fragrant again
She waved her wings.
A. Pleshcheev
The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
F. Tyutchev
I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.
F. Tyutchev
Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say ...
A. Tolstoy
Now the last snow in the field is melting,
warm steam rises from the earth
And the blue jar is blooming,
And the cranes call each other.
S. Yesenin
Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
8. Insects:

9. Beasts:

10. Story pictures:

11. Landscapes, still lifes, paintings about labor in the spring:

There is an empty space on the folder for new ideas, and some of the pockets are still empty, but soon there will be something to put there, because the lapbook is designed for long-term work.

Presentation on the topic: Lapbook "Spring"

Lapbook is an exclusive invention from the USA. The concept of this item is extremely interesting. The point is to teach children through a variety of pictures and drawings. It is quite easy to make a Lapbook with your own hands, you can download the templates for free from the link at the end of this article.

And to begin with, I propose to understand in more detail what kind of invention it is, how best to create it.

Variety and purpose of the Lapbook

In order for our baby to explore the world, a variety of things have been invented: books, toys, applications on tablets and smartphones, computer programs. Also for these purposes, many people make videos on YouTube, where they tell children about different subjects and teach them arithmetic, spelling and otherwise prepare children for kindergarten, and then to junior classes schools. You can watch videos, buy expensive games and applications, or you can make a learning item with your own hands! Today we will talk about the second option for the assiduous and hardworking.

A lapbook is a folder made of cardboard, inside which different sizes pockets. You can put photos, visual drawings and applications in them. Such a presentation will help to conduct a lesson with a child in a visual, understandable form, and arouse children's interest.

A lapbook can be narrowly focused, specialized in some kind of science, for example, in ecology, in mathematics, in the development of speech, teaching materials, traffic rules. The goal of the lapbook is for the baby to learn something new, so the lapbook for the younger group and early age can be created from tales, wild animals or insects. Also popular options are My family, My city, Lapbook on safety, music, vegetables - for children 4 years old, kids and preparatory group.

Examples of lapbooks

So, you have prepared all the materials, showed all your imagination with regards to pictures, numbers, and you can safely start making a lapbook, which is quite easy to do with your own hands, starting from our examples available for download at the link below.

An example of a Lapbook folder plan for the first of September: in it we need to introduce the baby to the names school subjects; conduct a conversation about the rules of conduct with the help of pictures; tell you how to build a portfolio; some useful proverbs (exclusively for the development of the vocabulary); and most importantly, talk about the way to school and back home if the child goes without parents.

In general, lapbooks can be divided into several varieties:

  1. Festive.
  2. For study.
  3. Designed to tell with the help of pictures a brief autobiography of the child.
  4. Do original gift(By the way, musical accompaniment would be a huge plus).

Forms and appearance

When it comes to the shape of the lapbook, your creativity will play a significant role: in the end, you can get a simple book with original idea, folders of different geometric shapes and many other forms. By creating Lapbook folders, you accustom your baby to perseverance, he develops imagination and the child gets used to accuracy.

With the help of this game, the child will learn the alphabet, numbers, geographical location of countries, he will develop logical thinking, and soon you will see an interest in learning new things. Think, create, show your imagination and create masterpieces for the development of your child. Believe me, you will interest your baby and in the future you will make Lapbook folders together. The fact of joint creativity will be even more useful for children.


Abstract educational activities for children senior group using the laptop "Visiting the Dory fish"

Prepared by: teacher Fomina Yu.A.

Target: the formation in children of the initial forms of ecological culture.


  • educational: to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about water as an object inanimate nature, its significance for human life, role in the world around;
  • developing: develop curiosity and cognitive interest;
  • educational: educate careful attitude to water, economical use of water in everyday life.

Equipment: manual - laptop, globe, sectional pictures of water bodies (ocean, sea, river), soft toy- Dolphin.

Motivational-orienting stage.
A subgroup of children sits on chairs, in front of them on the table Toolkit- Lepbook on the topic "Water is the source of life."

Educator. Children, we have a guest today, and you will find out who it is by guessing the riddle. Listen carefully:
She lives in the water.
There is no beak, but it pecks. (A fish)
How did you guess that this riddle is about a fish?
- That's right, children, today we have a fish as a guest, her name is Dory.
The teacher demonstrates the fish on the background of the laptop.
- Dory has prepared many surprises for you - these are games and interesting tasks found in the pockets of this book.

The children look at the laptop.

Practical stage.

Educator. Children, in order to get to know Dory better, I suggest listening to a story about where she lives.

1. An informative story using a globe and pictures with riddles.
Dory fish lives in the sea, which is called Black.
- Why do you think it was called that?
The sailors called it Black because of strong storms, during which a gusty wind rises and waves of great height run through the water, then the water in the sea darkens, becomes as if black. It is also claimed that the sea could be called Black because of the black silt that remains on the shore after a storm.
I suggest looking into the pocket with pictures of different reservoirs. Dory asks to find the sea among them.
Children try to identify the picture with the image of the sea.
-Children, listen to the riddle that they came up with about the waves:
In calm weather - we are nowhere,
And the wind blows - we run on the water. (Waves)
-Look, do you see waves on the water in the picture?
- So, when the waves appear on the sea?
-Children, would you like to see where the Black Sea is?
-I'll show you this place with a globe. The globe is a model of our planet Earth, on which we live. With the help of a globe, you can find any place. First, I will show you the borders of our country - Russia. That's how big she is. On the territory of Russia there are a lot of different water bodies: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes.
What do you think, children, what color are they marked on the globe?
-The Black Sea is located in the south of Russia.
The teacher shows it on the globe.
- In summer, when the weather is hot in the south, the water in the sea warms up and then vacationers go to the Black Sea to swim in it.

2. Joint storytelling of the teacher and children using the pictures "Rules of behavior on the water in the summer."
Educator: Dory says that many Russians like to relax on the Black Sea coast.
-Children, which of you has been to the sea?
-What do you think, is it necessary to follow any rules of behavior on the water while swimming in the sea?
-I suggest looking into another pocket in which Dory prepared pictures for you.
Children take out pictures from the pocket and tell the rules of behavior on the water together with the teacher:
You can swim only on specially equipped beaches.
You can swim and even just go into the water only accompanied and under the supervision of adults.
Children who cannot swim or are not very good at swimming on their own should use swimming circles, armlets, mattresses or protective vests.
It is impossible to allow pranks on the water: dive under the swimmers, grab the legs, “drown”.
Do not stand or play in places where you can fall into the water.
You can’t dive in unfamiliar places - there may be melted logs, stones, driftwood, metal rods, etc. at the bottom.

3. Elementary experience "Properties of water".
-Children, how many of you know what water in the sea tastes like? (salty)
-Dori, offers to conduct a small experiment: to try the water from 2 different glasses and say what it tastes like.
Each child is invited to try salty and non-salty (fresh) water and answer the questions: what kind of water do you like? what kind of water is good to drink? Lead the children to the conclusion that fresh water can be drunk, this water has no taste.
Educator. It seems that there is a lot of water on Earth - there is so much blue paint on the globe! But the water that a person needs is actually very small.
What kind of water do we drink, salt or fresh?
We drink fresh water. It is found in rivers, ponds, lakes.
- Can we drink water directly from the river, lake? No, we drink purified water. First, the water passes through the waterworks, where it is cleaned by filters, and then it enters our taps. There is little pure fresh water left on Earth. There are countries where people do not have enough water even to quench their thirst. So we need to conserve water!
-Children, how do you think we can save water?
- Close the faucet tightly so that water does not drip, use it only for its intended purpose.

4. Didactic game "Water is our helper."

Educator. Have you heard of water? She says everywhere

We don't notice it. We are used to the fact that water

Our companion always.

- Dory has prepared for you the game "Water is our helper?", Let's look into the next pocket and get the pictures.

Rules of the game: Children choose the pictures they like on the table and give their explanations.
Water is needed to cook food.
Water is needed to wash hands.
Water is needed to water the plants.
Water is needed to drink it.
Water is needed to wash clothes.
Water is needed to wash your face.
Water is needed to wipe off the dust.
Water is needed for fish to live in it.
Water is needed to bathe and swim in the river.
Water is needed to feed pets.
Water is needed for painting.
Water is needed to make medicine and heal the sick.

5. A story about a dolphin.

Educator: Children, do you have friends? Dori also has friends who live in the Black Sea and she wants to introduce us to one of them. Does anyone know this animal? (showing a picture with a dolphin). Now Dory will tell us about her friend the dolphin. Dolphins are amazing creatures. They live under water, but breathe air, using a special hole at the top of their head for breathing. Their head ends in a mouth similar to a bird's beak. Their mouth is large with 80-100 teeth, teeth are sharp. The main food of dolphins is fish, shellfish and small marine animals. Regular dolphins are about 1.6 meters long. Their body is covered with skin. From above they are black or gray in color, and their stomach is white with black fins. They never leave the sea, their cubs are born here. The mother feeds them with milk, so dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are considered the most intelligent animals, they even know how to communicate with each other using various sounds in conversation: clicking, whistling, chirping. These animals swim very fast, so they often compete in speed with ships and have fun jumping out of the water and, as it were, smiling at people looking at them. Known facts of human rescue by dolphins. And dolphins with trainers show performances for people in dolphinariums.

- Dory promises us next time to record a video of her friend's performance in the dolphinarium and show it to us.

Educator: And now I invite you to play and find out what you remember about Dory's friend the dolphin.

6. Didactic game "Dolphin".
Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle. A toy is given in the hands - a dolphin. While the words are spoken, the toy is quickly passed from hand to hand. In whose hands the dolphin will be, when the words are over, I must say something about dolphins. For example: "the dolphin has a gray or black color", or "the body of the dolphin is covered with skin."
Now listen to the words and then repeat with me:
You swim, sea dolphin,
Fast, fast on the waves.
Who has a dolphin left
He will now tell us.
Educator: Children, there are many inhabitants in the water. Dory will still come to visit us to propose Interesting games and talk about your other friends.

III. Reflective-evaluative stage.
-Children, tell me which games and tasks of Dory did you like the most?
What or who would you like to ask Dory to talk about next time?
See you soon, Dory!

Lapbook (lapbook, lap - knees, book - book). If translated literally, then lapbook is a lap book. You can often find other names: thematic folder, interactive folder, project folder. But the bottom line is that a laptop is a home-made interactive folder with pockets, mini-books, windows, movable parts, inserts that a child can get, shift, fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic.

The lapbook is not only a powerful reference tool and special form organizations educational material, this is, first of all, the basis of the partner project activity of an adult with children (a teacher with pupils, a parent with a child). The basis of the lapbook is created by the teacher and supplemented and improved together with the children and their parents. As a result of this work, you get a well-designed research project.

Lapbooks help you quickly and effectively learn new information and consolidate what you have learned in an entertaining and playful way. These thematic manuals have a bright design, a clear structure, and ideally are developed specifically for a particular child with his level of knowledge.

Form of occupation

Lapbook is the final result of joint work with children on a particular topic. Its manufacture must be preceded by thematic classes and games, discussion difficult questions, completing tasks. In this case, the child will be ready to make a thematic folder with you, and it will really fulfill its role as a reinforcing, systematizing didactic and game aid.

Lapbooks can be made both individually and on group lesson. In the case of working with a group of children, two options are possible: either the teacher distributes tasks between students, and all together they collect and fill out one folder. Or the teacher shows a master class, and with his help the children make each copy of the folder.

The ideal option for making a thematic folder is together with the child, then he remembers the information in the process of creating a lapbook. In the course of working with thematic material, the child makes observations, performs tasks, studies and consolidates information. Subsequently, having a ready-made thematic folder at hand, the child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

Finished lapbook size standard de facto around the world - A4 folder folded and A3 open.
This size is ideal for a child to work with a laptop on their own: hold it in their hands, write and complete tasks in it, and after class put the folder on a shelf or put it in a briefcase.

Varieties of thematic folders

Depending on destination:
  • educational;
  • gaming;
  • congratulatory,
  • holiday;
  • autobiographical (folder-report about some important event in the life of a child: traveling, going to the circus, vacation leisure, etc.)
Depending on the form:
  • standard book with two spreads;
  • folder with 3-5 spreads;
  • accordion book;
  • curly folder.

Material organization:

  • standard pockets;
  • regular and curly envelopes;
  • accordion pockets;
  • book pockets;
  • windows and doors;
  • rotating parts;
  • protruding parts;
  • cards;
  • tags;
  • arrows;
  • puzzles;
  • blank sheets for notes, etc.

Why do you need a lapbook?

  1. It helps the child to organize information on the topic being studied at will and to better understand and remember the material (especially if your child is visual). Adult visuals will also like this form of training.
  2. This great way to repeat the past. At any convenient time the child simply opens the laptop and happily repeats what he has learned, looking at the book he made with his own hands.
  3. The child will learn to independently collect and organize information - good preparation to writing essays and term papers.
  4. A lapbook is well suited for classes in groups where children of different ages study at the same time. You can choose tasks for everyone (for kids - pockets with cards or animal figures, for example, and for older children - tasks that imply the ability to write, etc.) and to make such a collective book.
  5. Creating a lapbook is one of the types joint activities adult and children. Or it can also be a form of presenting the results of a project or a thematic week.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands?

For this you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard base (cardboard folder or sheet thick paper A3 format);
  • paper (white, colored, scrapbooking paper with different colors and textures);
  • printer and/or pens, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints;
  • regular and curly scissors;
  • glue and / or adhesive tape;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements as needed (buttons, sequins, brads, pendants, paper clips, dried leaves, stickers, themed pictures cut from magazines, etc.)

Ready templates pockets for lapbooks, which can be free downloadthe best way for newbies.

However, you can try to make something of your own, original.

1. We start by choosing a topic.

The theme of the lapbook can be any:

  • interesting events happening to the child;
  • children's hobbies;
  • topics of the week
  • literary works;
  • cartoon characters, etc.

Topics can be either general or specific. For example, you can make a general lapbook on the topic "Insects". Or you can take some specific insect and give it in a lapbook detailed information about him.

If you are making a laptop for preschoolers, then the topics and materials for them should be elementary, for schoolchildren you can choose more difficult material. In addition, if you are making a lapbook not for a team, but for one child, do not forget to focus on it: what topics need to be studied or consolidated, how advanced the child is in a particular topic. Consult with the child on what topic he would like to pick up material and make a folder.

2. Plan.

After we have chosen a topic, we need to take paper and a pen and write a plan. After all, a laptop is not just a picture book. Therefore, you need to think about what it should include in order to fully reveal the topic. And for this you need a plan of what you want to tell in this folder.

3. Create a layout.

Now we need to figure out how each of the points of the plan will be presented in the lapbook. That is to draw a layout. There are no limits for imagination here: any form of presentation can be. From the simplest to games and educational tasks. And place it all on different elements: in pockets, notebooks, mini-books, harmonica books, spinning circles, envelopes different forms etc.

How to create a folder? 3 options

Exists three main options: basic, basic with the addition of 1-2 extensions and double basic.

The manufacture of such bases is shown in detail in the pictures:

Draw some tentative layouts on plain sheet or in Word (Paint or design software), select best option to provide the necessary information.

Think about how your pockets (subtopics) will look and how information will be organized in them.

Lapbook templates

Now you can start making a laptop. At this stage, the child can join the activity. Study according to the thematic folder gradually: one lesson - one task.

This form of work helped teachers to create conditions for supporting children's initiative and creativity in the group. In the process of observation, the teacher learns what the child is doing with great interest. In the process of such creativity, the child becomes not only the creator of his own own book, but also a designer, illustrator, writer own stories, riddles, poems. Such a fascinating form of work creates conditions for the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of the child.

"Lapbook Passport"

The passport as a document determines the composition and meaning of the content of the lapbook, i.e. "lapbook passport" is Full description tasks, materials and games, rules included in the lapbook. A good addition is page drawings or a photo of the finished one inserted into the passport.


  • Lapbook as the latest way to systematize knowledge
  • Examples of lapbooks on maam.ru
  • lapbook store
  • Lepbook "Grey Crow"
  • Lapbook examples
  • lapbooks
  • https://practicalpages.wordpress.com/free-pages/free-lapbook/
  • TotBooksTotPacksALL


Flap Books


Petal Books

Graduated/Layer Books

Shutterfold, Shutterflap, Shuttertied


Milena Barbolina

lapbook is an amazing flip book with various pockets, windows, tabs and even moving parts, which contains materials on the same topic. This lovely way reinforce the topic with the children. lapbook helps children to better understand and remember the material. Therefore, in my work, I decided to use lapbooks as a summary and consolidation of the material covered. Recently we had a theme of the week « Fishes» in the second junior group. I introduced the children to the structure fishes, their habitat, and also introduced some unusual fish. And as a result of this week, I decided to do this lapbook.

On the first page lapbook I pasted a notebook where I pasted pictures of unusual fish with which the children were introduced, as well as brief information about them. There entered: the biggest fish in the world, the smallest fish, bigmouth fish, archer fish, hedgehog fish, drop fish, lion fish, Napoleon fish, stone fish, herring king.

On the next page I placed a picture with the structure fish and D/I"Find a Pair"

Game "Find the fish by silhouette"

D / I "Collect a fish"

Thanks for attention!

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