Washing a cashmere coat at home. Home washing coats from different materials: proven methods. Cleaning a polyester coat

As with other wardrobe items, coats need to be looked after with skill. I thought, is it possible to do without dry cleaning and do it yourself? It turns out that washing a coat at home is possible if you follow certain instructions.

How to wash a coat?

How to wash a coat? There are three ways: hand wash, in washing machine and dry cleaning. We clean laundry and dry cleaning immediately, as it takes a lot of time, and the price is usually too high. Therefore, I will talk about the first two methods.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the material, clothes must be properly prepared before washing.. Here are the main recommendations:

  • If on outerwear have fur cuffs or collar- unfasten them. If the design of the model does not allow this, fight back.

  • Remove large metal parts and all sorts of decorations.
  • You can't wash these things with cold water., us fit warm(about 40 °C);
  • Cashmere coats and wool products can be processed only with special detergents (example in the photo below);

  • Using manual way laundry, try not to use force.
  • In an automatic machine– only the delicate mode or the mode for wool.
  • Regardless of the method, the coat must be thoroughly rinsed after washing. to avoid streaks on the surface.

Method 1: Hand wash

Instruction, presented in the table, will tell you how to properly wash the coat, depending on the material:

Image Material

Cashmere coat
  1. Type in a bath of water (not higher than 40 ° C);
  2. Add a couple of scoops detergent for cashmere and mix;
  3. Lower the product into the bath and, holding it by the shoulders, move it from one side of the bath to the other;
  4. Then put the whole canvas in water and leave for 15 minutes;
  5. Finally, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Is it possible to wash wool coat manually? It is possible, but only if the product label says that washing is not contraindicated.

The conditions are the same as for cashmere.

Dip the sleeve in the water and check if the coat is shedding. If the villi "climb" abundantly, you cannot wash such a thing at home.


Wash drape coat includes 2 stages:

  1. Wet brushing with detergent ( Special attention give to the collar and cuffs);
  2. Wash in cool water (just like cashmere).


Polyester is the most unpretentious material, so it can be washed with the addition of ordinary washing powder and stain remover.

Method 2. Machine wash

If you decide to wash your coat in the washing machine, then first carefully study the labels for prohibition signs (crossed out machine, temperature limit). After clarifying these details, you can proceed to the process itself:

  1. If the size allows, put the clothes in the washing bag. So the fabric will wrinkle less;
  2. Fasten all buttons, zippers and snaps. Remove cuffs and collar;
  3. Add a standard dose of powder or, if the item is made of wool, products for woolen items. Add a cap of hair conditioner to the balm compartment;

  1. Put the item in the drum and start the wash. Attention: only a delicate (for wool) mode and a temperature of no more than 30 ° C are suitable. Spin and dry must be turned off.

After washing, the coat must be dried properly. Polyester is simply laid out on a flat surface or hung to dry on a coat hanger.

  • To iron my coat and don't mess it up appearance the use of a steamer is recommended.

    1. Carefully inspect outerwear for the formation of pellets and spots. It is much easier to get rid of any shortcoming if you start to eliminate it immediately.


    We found that coats made of any material can be easily washed at home. It remains to apply one of the described methods in practice. The video in this article will demonstrate how to wash a coat, visually. And I'm waiting for questions and suggestions in the comments.

    Outerwear saves us from cold and wind. Taking it out of the closet favorite coat, many wish to bring it into proper condition. First of all - clean from dust and dirt. Unfortunately, few people have access to dry cleaning services. Therefore, let's talk about how to wash a coat properly on your own.

    Rules for preparing clothes

    There are several rules, the implementation of which will avoid unpleasant consequences after washing. After all, the main task of this procedure is to rid clothes of dust and dirt, while the color and shape of the product should not suffer. So, how to wash a coat at home?

    1. First of all, you should study the information indicated by the manufacturer on the labels. Usually here you can find the answer to the question of whether this product can be washed in a washing machine. If a crossed-out basin is indicated on the label, it is better not to experiment.

    2. At the second stage of preparation, all fur elements should be unfastened: collars, cuffs. If the product is sewn in such a way that it is impossible to remove these elements, they should be carefully torn off. It is important that no holes remain on the product after this procedure, so do it very carefully.

    Some housewives wrap the fur with plastic wrap. Sometimes it helps. But if the film slips during washing, then the coat will be damaged forever.

    3. Large metal parts should also be removed: jewelry, buckles. During washing, they can catch on the fabric, resulting in puffs and even holes. For the same reason, buttons, locks, fasteners are removed.

    4. It is better to dry clean before washing. The product should be knocked out on the balcony, so most of the dust will be removed. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment.

    5. Grease spots should be sprinkled with starch or talc. If this does not help, for dark shades gasoline should be used. For light material, use a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.

    6. For some materials, it is better to choose a special detergent. It is better to prepare in advance the gel for cleaning cashmere, shampoo or baby liquid soap.


    Thinking about how to wash a coat correctly, you should pay special attention to the detergent. After all, not many people know what to use regular powder for washing delicate fabrics should not be. After all, the grains settle on the fabric and provoke the appearance of stains. It is better to choose a liquid detergent for washing such products. Today, in retail outlets, you can find such liquid detergents marked: for wool, for cashmere, for delicate fabrics.

    If there is no opportunity to purchase a detergent, you can cook it yourself. The powder can be diluted in water in advance.

    When purchasing a detergent, you should also pay attention to the recommendations for the color of the product. White fabric will not be harmed by the product for colored laundry. But the use of detergent for white fabrics when washing bright products will completely ruin them.

    You should also use conditioner. It removes static electricity and softens the fibers.

    Some housewives use hair conditioner. After this tool, the material becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

    Washing rules

    How to wash a coat at home? There are basic rules for washing outerwear:

    • All delicate materials must be washed at temperatures up to 40 ° C.
    • Repeated rinsing will eliminate the appearance of white stains from the powder.
    • It is necessary to dry outerwear hanging on hangers. You can also straighten the product and all the folds on a horizontal surface and leave the product in this way until completely dry.
    • At hand wash do not wash the fabric and wrinkle the product. It is better to raise and lower clothes in the water.
    • Do not iron delicate material. Better to use thin cotton fabric or gauze. Do not overdry the product, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the wrinkles.

    Material Features

    Looking closely at the information on the product tag, you can understand that washing in a washing machine is bad idea. But if you decide to refresh your coat in this way, you should pay special attention to the quality of the fabric. Cashmere, wool and polyester - each material has its own characteristics, and therefore requires special care. How to wash a coat in a washing machine, given the type of material from which the product is made?

    Wool coat washing

    Wool? After all, everyone knows that wool is prone to shrinkage. Woolen garments should be washed properly.

    Basic washing principles:

    • The product must be washed by hand or on a manual wash cycle.
    • It is necessary to use special detergents for wool.
    • The water temperature should not exceed 40 o C.
    • Do not wring wool products, they are easily deformed.

    To dry a woolen coat should be In order for it to retain its shape, it is better to hang the product on a coat hanger. Water will drain, but the coat will not stretch.

    Particular attention should be paid to the folds. They should be smoothed out, bends - straightened. A dried coat can be ironed through gauze.

    After drying, the coat must be hung on Fresh air to prevent musty odors.

    Cashmere coat

    Cashmere is a must in every woman's wardrobe. It is very easy to ruin such precious clothes, because they require special care. How to wash a cashmere coat correctly?

    Remember, this material cannot be washed in a washing machine. The fabric will deteriorate, because the material is prone to shrinkage and deformation. It should also be remembered that pellets are easily formed on the surface of this material. After such shocks, it will not be possible to bring your favorite thing back to life. Therefore, we will not take risks and give preference to hand washing.

    Stains on cashmere clothing can only be removed cold water without any means. This method is excellent for fresh stains. A old spots can only be removed using additional detergents. Only dirty areas need to be cleaned.

    Coat if the pollution is profuse? First of all, you should read the information on the label. If the fabric does not require dry cleaning, the coat can be washed in cold water. You need to take a full bath, add a special cleaner or baby shampoo. The product should be periodically raised and lowered, slightly kneading with your hands.

    Particular attention must be paid to rinsing. To do this, they fill the bath again and again and “bathe” the coat in it. This procedure should be repeated several times to accurately get rid of the cleaning agent.

    Remember cashmere coat Do not hang to dry on a hanger. The product should be carefully laid out on terry towel in a horizontal position.

    polyester coat

    How to wash a polyester coat? This material can be called universal for outerwear. It gets dirty badly, does not deteriorate after washing, wrinkle a little.

    Before sending the product for washing, you should also read the information on the tag on the inside. After all, if you are irresponsible to temperature regime, the product can also be damaged. With excessive heat, the bends can seize and no longer smooth out.

    Polyester is adversely affected by chlorine, so you should carefully study the composition of the bleaching agent.

    How to wash polyester clothes:

    • Delicate washing mode (no more than 40 ° C).
    • All zippers and buttons must be fastened.
    • Can be placed in a special linen bag for washing.
    • Any powder can be used.
    • You should use a conditioner that will give softness to the fabric.
    • Thorough rinsing of the product.
    • Don't press.
    • Hang to dry on a hanger.

    If you don't trust the washing machine, you can wash your coat by hand in warm water. Remember, you can not unscrew the product.

    How to clean a drape coat

    First of all, you should read the information on the label. You can first try to deal with stains with a damp, clean cloth. This method does not pose a risk to the material.

    Wet cleaning involves the use of a weak solution of detergents for washing delicate fabrics. The surface of the coat should be cleaned thick cloth or soft brush. Movements should be smooth.

    After the clothes should be rinsed and hung by the hanger to dry in fresh air.

    If this procedure did not give a result, then the same measures should be taken as when washing cashmere.


    As you can see, you can wash a coat in a washing machine, but you should pay special attention to the material of the product and the manufacturer's recommendations. So you can not only get rid of dirt and dust, but also keep the product in its original form.

    If you are not sure and do not know how to wash a coat at home, then it is better to turn to specialists. After all, poor ventilation will cause a cashmere coat to appear bad smell, A woolen can be pulled out from wrong position. And such washing results will not justify the absence of dust and dirt on the product. In this case, you will have to spend money on buying a new coat.

    Cashmere is an expensive fabric that easily accumulates dirt and loses its presentation. At the same time, it is quite difficult to clean it, since it is not always possible to wash it in a washing machine. Proven tips for cleaning and washing such products at home will solve the problem. They will help to restore freshness and cleanliness to cashmere clothes without spending time and money on a trip to dry cleaning and not spoil it.

    Caring for cashmere is quite complicated, so many women cannot do it right for a long time. This leads to the fact that after a few years stains appear on an expensive item and a lot of dirt accumulates. This is where laundry comes in handy. Favorite clothing must be carefully prepared for this procedure to exclude the possibility of any damage. This should be done according to the following scheme, which will subsequently simplify the cleaning procedure:

    1. If the coat has a fur collar or cuffs, then they without fail must be removed. If this cannot be done at home on your own, then it is better to immediately refuse washing in favor of dry cleaning. Any large metal elements are best removed.
    2. As a laundry detergent, dissolve baby shampoo or a special delicate gel in water. Allowed soft washing powder without any active additives.
    3. The water temperature should not be higher than human body so check with your hand to see if it feels hot.
    4. The washing method should resemble rinsing, so no effort should be applied, even in places where there are stains. In extreme cases, you can use a sponge.
    5. Cashmere easily absorbs powder and stains very often remain on the fabric. To avoid them, rinse the item at least 5 times.
    6. A washed cashmere coat should not be wrung out by twisting, it should be lightly wrung out and placed on a cotton cloth to dry. The material should be changed several times as soon as it becomes wet. When all excess water will leave and the fabric will become slightly damp, hang the coat on a coat hanger. Dry the product in a dark place away from sun rays and any heating devices. In this way, the coat will dry for a long time, but will not receive any creases or deformations.

    A dried cashmere coat should only be ironed through gauze. If this is neglected, then the coat is easy to dry out, causing it to lose its freshness.

    Cashmere Coat Cleaning Technology

    Before the washing procedure, it is necessary to assess how dirty the item is. If there are only a few small spots on it, then it is not necessary to completely wash it. It is enough to lightly wipe the stains with a sponge with a special stain remover, and then rinse several times with cool water so as not to leave streaks. If this cannot be done, then it will have to be done manually. Before washing, be sure to check the label on the product, which contains recommendations for washing and drying it. Very often such things shed, especially if the coat is black.

    To , you should adhere to the following algorithm:

    1. Take a full bath warm water with a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. After that, add a delicate detergent to it and dissolve it thoroughly.
    2. Dip the coat in water and let it soak for about 15 minutes. During this time, even a light coat should be free of stains. If they remain, then lightly rub the places with dirt until they are completely clean.
    3. Squeeze the product a little and drain soapy water. After that, dial clean and rinse the coat. Repeat this several times, constantly changing the water so that there are no traces of detergent on the coat.
    4. It remains only to dry and iron the thing. If necessary, you will also need to clean it from the pellets by gently walking over the surface of the fabric with a razor or a special machine.

    Washing the product in the washing machine

    The 100% mountain goat down coat is not machine washable. But if the product contains synthetic impurities, then the greater their percentage, the better thing undergo this procedure. The label indicates whether there is a ban on such washing. If not, the item can be machine washed. First, turn the coat inside out and put it in a special laundry bag. Or use a standard pillow case to place your clothes in and tie securely.

    As suitable mode select "Manual" or "Delicate" wash cycle. The powder must be special, so take a closer look at where it says " Cashmere". F the “Spin” function cannot be used, it will only ruin the coat irrevocably. After machine washing, dry the item in the same way as with hand washing.

    When washing a cashmere coat, it is very important to read all the manufacturer's recommendations. Only after that you should start washing itself, otherwise there is Great chance damage expensive thing. If you do everything very carefully and carefully, then you can cope with such washing at home.

    cashmere coat

    And yet about washing

    Grease spots

    wine stains

    tea stains

    beer traces

    coffee stains

    lipstick marks

    ink stains

    They can be removed in 2 ways:

    Only a purchased cashmere coat pleases the eye and causes a storm of positive emotions. And I want it to be always like this, however, life makes its own adjustments to our everyday life and sometimes throws up unpleasant surprises in the form of accidental dirt, stains and other formations on expensive fabric. Of course, such situations upset, but not all problems are unsolvable. Therefore, we offer you a selection useful advice how to clean up a cashmere coat.

    There are a lot of tips on how to wash a cashmere coat, but manufacturers of delicate outfits strongly discourage this.

    Few people know about the irreversible consequences of washing a cashmere coat, only those who decided on this experiment. Often, it ends badly: the product "sits down", the structure of its fabric changes, and in the worst case, it becomes completely unusable and its only way is to the sewing workshop.

    So that you don’t have to grieve about wasted a lot of money, if there is an urgent need to wash a cashmere coat, you should contact a dry cleaner, whose specialists know exactly how to return the soiled thing to its former beauty.

    And yet about washing

    If you are by a certain reason If you cannot use dry cleaning services, we will tell you how to wash a cashmere coat correctly, but try to carry out this procedure with the utmost care and care.

    Products made from fabrics containing up to 70-80% wool can be machine washed at delicate mode. Permissible temperature water at the same time - 30 degrees, no more. Wringing or twisting the coat is strictly prohibited! To dry it, you need to hang it on a coat hanger and let the water drain.

    If the house is not washing machine, you can wash the coat by hand. To do this, you need to dissolve the detergent in cool water (not higher than 30 degrees) and soak the coat in it. After an hour or two, you can wash the product by running your hands over it, gently squeezing soft tissue. Next, the coat should be thoroughly rinsed and hung to dry.

    You don't have to rely on cashmere coats to dry quickly, as any woolen fabric retains moisture for a long time. Do not rush the natural course of events and use various electrical appliances to speed up the drying, so as not to spoil the appearance of your coat. The only way to speed up this process is this: after washing, the coat should be laid out on a terry towel, rolled up without twisting. After - the coat is hung on the shoulders and dries by itself.

    All about cleaning a cashmere coat at home

    Often, outerwear gets dirty pointwise and there is no urgent need to wash the entire product. Depending on the nature of the stains, the method of getting rid of them is selected. Now you will learn how to clean a cashmere coat, taking into account the type of soiling.

    Grease spots

    An ordinary detergent, such as "Fairy" and baby talc. The latter must be poured, without sparing, on the place of contamination and give time for the powder to absorb fat. You just have to shake it off the surface of the fabric. It may take several approaches, it all depends on the complexity of the stain.

    Greased cuffs and collars

    You can eliminate them with ammonia and gasoline combined in a solution in a ratio of 4:1. Spots should be thoroughly moistened with the resulting solution, sprinkled with salt on top and wiped with a sponge. IN difficult cases you will need to additionally use a hard brush to clean clothes.

    wine stains

    Salt helps to remove traces of wine from wool. She must first generously cover the stain, then shake it off and rinse the contaminated area with cold water. True, there is a caveat - this method not applicable to garments made from light wool.

    tea stains

    Traces of black tea eat into woolen fabric dead if you don't take care of them in time. In this difficult matter, a solution of glycerin and ammonia (2: 1) helps well.

    beer traces

    To deal with beer stains on coats, use a 1:1 solution of vinegar and alcohol.

    coffee stains

    Traces of spilled coffee can be removed with a solution of glycerin and ammonia (10%) combined in equal proportions. The contaminated area must be soaked in the solution, rubbed lightly, then remove the remnants of the “cleaning agent” under strong pressure of cold water.

    lipstick marks

    Such stains are removed with alcohol. After the fatty substance is removed from the surface of the fabric, it is necessary to walk over the place of contamination with slightly warmed glycerin, which is then washed off with cold water.

    ink stains

    They can be removed in 2 ways:

    • with the help of mustard, which should be left on the fabric for a day, then rinsed with water;
    • using a solution of ammonia and soda.

    And the last tip: do not delay cleaning the stains on the coat. Remember, the fresher they are, the easier they are to handle.

    Many modern women in the wardrobe there is such an indispensable thing as a coat. However, such a thing, no matter what material it is made of, is prone to rapid contamination, and not every young housewife knows how each of them is cleaned. In this article, you will not only learn how to wash a cashmere coat at home, but also learn how to clean coats made from other materials.

    Preparing a garment for washing

    If you first take care to prepare your favorite coat for subsequent cleaning, it can be protected from unwanted damage. Below is a detailed universal algorithm preparatory procedure:

    1. If possible, unfasten or unfasten all cuffs and fur collars. If this is not possible due to damage to the coat, refuse the washing procedure and take the wardrobe item to the dry cleaner.
    2. If you plan to wash in a mechanical washing machine, large decorative elements(if they are) it is better to unpick. Such manipulation is carried out in order to protect the car and the garment itself from unwanted damage.
    3. The temperature for washing coats should be 35-45 degrees.
    4. If you plan to clean a woolen or cashmere coat, then it is better to use as a detergent or baby shampoo.
    5. If you want to wash your coat at home by hand, do not use force. In this case it's good fit way rinsing - it gives outerwear fresh look and get rid of small contaminants.
    6. After the procedure, the coat is rinsed several more times - this procedure helps to get rid of yellow spots and white divorces.
    7. Dry the coat by hanging it upright on a hanger or laying it out on a flat horizontal plane. The type of drying depends on the material from which the item is made.

    Important! Leave a slightly damp item to dry on a coat hanger or on a horizontal surface.

    Washing a cashmere coat

    Before washing your cashmere coat, assess how heavily soiled it is. If there are a couple of spots on it, then it will be enough just to process them special composition. To do this, it is enough to moisten the sponge with a weak solution of water with a special stain remover and wipe the places of contamination with it. Better yet, use . After that, the sponge is rinsed and the place of contamination is washed with clean cold water.

    If this method did not help, you can wash the thing by hand. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Fill a deep container with water, not higher than 30 degrees. A bath is perfect as a container.
    2. Add a few tablespoons to it delicate wash and stir the liquids.
    3. Lower the product into the container, after checking all the pockets, leave it there for 15-20 minutes.
    4. Weakly squeeze the product.
    5. Get rid of the solution in the container and fill it with clean cool water, rinse the coat in it.
    6. Repeat this procedure, changing the water 2-3 times - no cleaning agent should remain in the coat.
    7. Without squeezing the product, lay it out on a flat horizontal surface and wait for excess moisture to drain.
    8. Drying a cashmere coat can be done in an upright position on a coat hanger, wrapping it in a soft cotton towel - it absorbs moisture well.

    Important! Before washing this item of clothing, it is recommended to read the instructions on the label and check if the item is shedding. Machine wash cashmere coat is strictly prohibited.

    Wool coat washing

    Wash wool - always has been difficult task however, it will be even more difficult to wash wool coats. In order to effectively wash a woolen garment, several conditions must be met:

    • Only manual or is used. Others can do a lot of damage to things.
    • enjoy by special means for delicate fabrics.
    • Do not wring out a piece of clothing in a mechanical unit - it is better to let the water drain on its own, spreading the coat on a flat surface.
    • When the thing is dry, it must be ironed with a low power of the iron, thereby giving the product a shape.
    • At the end of the procedure, hang the item of clothing on a hanger.

    The procedure itself is carried out according to the same principle as washing a cashmere product.

    Important! To harmonize your autumn winter look and make it brighter, more spectacular, use our tips from the following articles:

    Cleaning a polyester coat

    Such material, like all considered, is not recommended to be washed mechanically, but there are exceptions. How to clean a polyester coat at home without washing in a washing machine? The first step is to read the instructions on the product label.

    Of course, there are rare cases when polyester can be washed in a washing machine, but even in this case it would be preferable manual cleaning. To clean a polyester product manually, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Pour warm water into a container that can fit a coat.
    2. Dilute the powder there, forming soap solution.
    3. Dip a piece of clothing into this solution, leave it there for several hours. During this time, the contaminants will be removed by themselves.
    4. Pour out the soap solution, rinse the item in it as many times as necessary. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess chemicals that adversely affect the skin.
    5. Squeeze the product lightly, hang it over the bath, allowing excess moisture to drain.
    6. After the item has dried sufficiently, you need to hang it on a hanger and let it dry naturally.