Facts about tall girls. Interesting facts and useful tips

Girls are unusual creatures, because they are able to simultaneously behave like little children and make wise, serious decisions. Sometimes men underestimate the mindset of the fair sex, not giving them a chance to open up and prove themselves. We have collected 10 facts about girls that will help you understand them better.

Girls are smarter than they look

In our society, it is generally accepted that women have no logic at all, and all decisions made unconscious and stupid. But let's be frank: if you do not separate people by gender, then the world will still remain stupid and smart personalities It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. The first of the 10 things you need to know about girls is that the fair sex is capable of being smart and wise, but some have to sacrifice their knowledge and self-control to make their partner feel stronger and more masculine.

The main thing is not to be "empty"

Did you know that girls just hate it when they go somewhere empty-handed? Even if this is a simple exit to the store, they should keep, if not a purse, then at least a phone.

Not all girls are mercantile

Of course, when it comes to serious relationships and pregnancy planning, women begin to think about financial situation, but this does not mean at all that they are mercantile and they only need money from men. Here is another one of the 10 facts about girls: they value intelligence, strength, determination, assertiveness, gallantry, upbringing, respect and knowledge. AT modern world most of the fair sex do not want to meet a rich, but a purposeful, interesting and, possibly, well-read partner.

Every second girl hates her body

And it's not just about the hump on the nose and broad shoulders. We included this item in 10 facts about girls, because the statistics are growing at an unfortunate progression. Every year, more than 250,000 women around the world increase and tighten their breasts, and the total number of women with implants is at least 20,000,000.

Girls are embarrassed to talk about their bodies

Girls don't court their causal places

Another of 10 amazing facts about girls. It's that women never name their genitals, don't worry about size, and don't compare them when they're in company. However, many girls simply adore their breasts, they are ready to touch them for hours, massage and admire them in the mirror.

The fair sex wants to try something new in sex

One of the 10 facts about the girl you like is that some, even the most modest ladies are open to experiments. Let's be honest: missionary and doggy style are already pretty fed up with everyone, so why not try something really new? For example, buy handcuffs and a whip, blindfold her, add to intimate life vibrator.

It's not green, it's green

Science has proven that female eye due to a certain genetic mutation, he is able to distinguish a million shades more than male organ vision. Now I understand why every girl argues that the sky is not just blue, but with a touch of turquoise, ultramarine and indigo.

Heels are not a feminine item

Believe it or not, heels were originally designed for men. And only a few centuries later, ladies wanted to look stronger and more masculine, so they began to prefer such shoes on high platform.

Children are a drug

Men, unlike women, are indifferent to the smell of newborns, while the fair sex is ready to inhale this aroma for hours. Scientists have proven that the brain of girls reacts to ambergris in the same way as a drug addict who has received a dose.

Women are mysterious and unpredictable creatures.

1. All girls love to flirt with representatives. strong half humanity.
2. If more than three ladies gather in the company, the conversation immediately turns to men.
3. Beauties are very touchy, you won't even notice what caused this.
4. If a girl is asked to show her hands, she will stretch them palms down, showing off her manicure.
5. They can do many things at the same time: paint their nails, watch a series and chat on the phone ...

6. When dressing, ladies first put on a jumper, and then jeans.
7. To evenly and beautifully make up your eyes (especially lower lashes), they open their mouths.
8. When girls shake hands, they keep it straight, without shaking back.
9. When women yawn, they cover their mouths with their palms, not with their fists like men.
10. When throwing, the ladies take their hand back behind their backs, but the guys swing it through the side.

11. They never take off their T-shirt, clutching it on their backs.
12. Pretty women prefer when their hands are busy with something, so a handbag or clutch is always at hand.
13. If a guy made a date for a girl at 19.00, she will start preparing for him in the morning, and still be late.
14. Ladies love to use items for their intended purpose: open beer with an opener, peel apples with an apple peeler ...
15. To look at the heel, women look behind their backs, and men lift their feet.

16. Woman's intuition exists, she feels when a man with friends watched football, and when he really stayed at work.
17. Many girls are sure that their former lovers still waiting for their return and hope for the resumption of relations.
18. If a beauty tells you that you are very good friend, then on romantic relationship don't even hope.
19. Ladies try to find out about former passion men, and even better to see her to make sure that they are really better than ex-girlfriends.
20. If a lover wants to know the name of your favorite football team, then she tries to guess the password to e-mail.

21. At the dawn of a relationship, girls often flirt with a guy's friends and colleagues so that they appreciate her.
22. It is easier for ladies to forgive a man a lack of finances or a slight unshaven than a lack of a sense of humor and imagination.

23. Women don't mind having sex on the first date, but because of principles they won't do it.
24. They are very important memorable dates, which you so rarely remember and do not even try to remember.
25. Some girls get a "backup friend" when they feel that the relationship with a man is reaching a dead end.

26. They hate computer games, football, gatherings with friends, just hates that the guy is not wasting his attention on her.
27. Everything that women forgive men, they remember in the midst of a violent quarrel.
28. Girls do all the styling, manicures, makeup, shopping, etc. not for themselves, but for their beloved.
29. They go to your page on social networks more often than you do it yourself, and God forbid they see your "like" under someone else's photo ...
30. Pretty women feel confident only in groups: they go to the toilet with a girlfriend, for a purchase - with two.

31. She is ready to accept one rose from her beloved, as the most exquisite gift, but from the unloved and 101 roses are not happy.
32. Girls love animals, especially soft and fluffy, so if they call you "bunny" or "cat", then only out of great sympathy.
33. If a woman quarreled with her beloved, then first of all she will call her friend to support her.
34. Every lady thinks that she has a couple of extra pounds, so once a season she goes on a diet.
35. If they see a spider (any beetle), they begin to squeal so that the insects themselves are frightened.

36. All girls love compliments, and if you haven’t heard a single one in a day beautiful word, then they simply wither on gases.
37. They look in the mirror many times a day, and they will never pass by a large shop window so as not to admire the reflection.
38. A woman will never prepare a gourmet dish with many complex steps exclusively for herself.
39. Girls under the age of 25 will not build a relationship with a guy who is a couple of years younger, they are more attracted to older men.
40. Very often, women keep letters, postcards, SMS from ex-boyfriends and re-read them from time to time.

41. Some have kept beautiful perfume bottles for years, gift packaging, original candy wrappers.
42. Ladies evaluate another woman solely on appearance without paying attention to smart data.
43. All girls, without exception, are not indifferent to cosmetics, even if she does not use makeup, she always has a lot of jars of creams.
44. After a breakup, they often cry at night and will be painfully worried for another year.
45. Many beauties buy trousers a size smaller so that they have something to strive for and lose weight quickly.

46. ​​Some girls have tried cigarettes at least once in their lives, but they will never admit it.
47. Almost all women discuss with their girlfriends their intimate relationship with men.
48. Ladies constantly check the gentlemen for "masculinity" and adjust some situations in order to make sure of this again.
49. When she moves in with her boyfriend, then all the shelves and lockers are filled with her things and various "very necessary" knick-knacks.
50. female brain more complex and capable of multitasking.

51. If a girlfriend has a new blouse, then the beauty immediately rushes to the store for new clothes.
52. There are ladies who believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but hope that it will grow into a relationship.
53. Any girl considers all her boyfriend's girlfriends her rivals and is jealous.
54. Women blink about twice as often as men.
55. And women's speech is more eloquent, their vocabulary richer.

56. A large percentage of beauties climb into the phone of their loved ones.
57. Girls have 10% smaller brains than boys.
58. If she insists on something, then it is better for her to give in to this, she will be grateful.
59. Women believe in horoscopes, predictions, beliefs and weather forecasts, this allows you to find the culprit (a black cat is to blame for breaking a nail).
60. If you don't notice her new hairstyle, then she will not forgive you for this and will pout for a long time.

61. Remember, your lover's friend is a valuable source of information.
62. Pretty women just don't know how to keep secrets, that's why they gossip with each other.
63. All girls love beautiful trinkets, they buy them and put them on the shelves of their rooms.
64. 95% of girls are complex because of their appearance.
65. They can buy a notebook they don't need just because the cover is pretty.

66. Bodybuilders and oversized bodies are completely unattractive. mature women.
67. Girls are very fond of "tearful" films and always cry in sad episodes.
68. When she has Bad mood, then it’s better not to talk to her (it will be even worse), it’s important to just hug and be around.
69. Women's hearts are 20% smaller than men's.
70. Girls love rough and aggressive guys, but they want to build relationships with kind and gentle guys.

71. They hate men who treat animals badly.
72. Almost all women are not particularly friendly with technology and are poorly versed in computers.
73. If a man knows how to fix something on his own, then he “grows” in her eyes by many percent.
74. Girls delete contacts of ex-boyfriends, after rewriting them in a notebook.
75. A couple of bananas and one sandwich is enough for a lady to satisfy her hunger for half a day.

76. As soon as a man meets a girl, she already imagines their wedding day and thinks about who the children will look like.
77. If you saw your beloved without makeup (for the first time in six months), then she now completely trusts you.
78. Women put bills and small change in a purse, so there is no ringing in their pockets.
79. If the varnish does not harmonize with the new blouse, then for the girl it is serious reason fall into despair.
80. If the girl is silent for a long time, then a quarrel is brewing.

81. Ladies just strive to feed their boyfriend, the more kg he gains, the better.
82. All girls dream of getting married and have been planning features since childhood wedding ceremony.
83. They have a very flexible neck, so turning around at the call, they just turn their neck.
84. Women drive a car much more carefully than men, their self-preservation instinct is more developed.
85. They are sure that after the first date, the man is obliged to call first.

86. Pretty women always focus on the little things (especially when choosing a wallpaper pattern).
87. Women distinguish more shades of colors than men.
88. There is not a single girl who is satisfied with the size of her breasts (you need either more or less).
89. At least a week your lady will experience the absence of a blouse in the store right size.
90. Girls wash dishes after eating, not like guys before.

91. They spend on average up to two weeks choosing a gift.
92. Women move sideways when descending or ascending a mountain.
93. Girls at the same party in the same dresses is a tragedy.
94. Straight hair they constantly wind, and curly curls- smooth out.
95. A woman should have a lot of bags: different sizes, colors, style.

96. When walking, girls wag their hips, because their pelvic bones are wider apart.
97. In a lifetime, ladies eat up to 2 kg of lipstick.
98. The fair sex sees better in the dark.
99. Average duration women have more lives.
100. Girls want to be respected, valued, carried in their arms and given compliments more often.

50 facts about girls.

1. No girl will cook complex dish for yourself alone.
2. 90% of girls are not happy with their figure.
3. Most girls under 25 can refuse a serious relationship with a guy if they are more than 2 years older than the guy.
4. Girls never envy the mind of a rival, more important indicator for them external data are considered.
5. Any girl will worry about a breakup. long relationship more than a year, even if she did not have any feelings for a partner.
6. When three or more girls get together, they talk about men.
7. Almost all girls occasionally smoke, but prefer not to admit it to their partner.
7. Girls are able to buy jeans a couple of sizes smaller, thereby acquiring an incentive to lose weight.
8. There are no girls indifferent to cosmetics. Even if a girl does not wear makeup, she has at home anyway great amount"jars and bottles".
9. Sometimes girls are more attracted to the original box than the gift in it. The girl keeps bows, ribbons, beautiful gift wrappers for years.
10. Most girls keep text messages, postcards, notes from their favorite guys.
11. At the age of 10-14, girls in flocks fall in love with the same boy, and notify each other about this, and jealousy has no place here.
12. If you think that a girl might be in love with you, ask her friends about it. Moreover, the more friends she has, the more likely find out the truth. Girls can't keep their mouths shut
13. Girls love notebooks, notebooks with beautiful covers and buy them even if they don't need them.
14. Be afraid if a girl is in a bad mood! If you try to talk to her, then she will find something to be offended by, if you do not pay attention to her, she will be offended even more!
15. All girls have complexes about their appearance.
16. Most girls don't like bodybuilders.
17. A girl can cry just like that. With no reason.
18. A girl can be upset by a phrase you throw at her with an unhappy or offended tone. Moreover, the tone can be neutral. She just thought so.
19. If a girl has a problem, she definitely needs to discuss it with her friends. It doesn't matter if it's a bottle of beer or a cup of tea. The main thing is to discuss!
20. Girls do not like young people who treat animals badly.
21. Girls like aggressive guys, but start serious relationship they prefer with kind
22. Repair the wiring or electrical appliance at the request of the girl and grow in her eyes to the level of a deity. Almost all girls are afraid of technology
23. Girls never keep contacts of ex-boyfriends. To avoid the temptation to call
24. Gaining 1 kilogram is fatal for a girl! At least a bad mood during the week is guaranteed!
25. Girls are able to fill up on muesli, fruits, oatmeal, that is, what guys do not consider food at all
26. If you just texted a girl just like that, be sure that she no longer just “knows” that she likes you, she is almost sure that you love her!
27. If you invited a girl on a date by 9 pm, know that she started getting ready at 5 pm, but she will still be late, because in last moment some naughty curl did not want to fit
28. You can date a girl for several months and still not see her without makeup. If, nevertheless, she seemed to you without makeup - know that now she trusts you!
30. It's hard to tear a girl away from a shop window in which there are a lot of all sorts of bright trinkets. There are magpies inside every girl!
31. Girls keep the flowers you gave for a long time. They dry them out!
32. When dressing, girls most often wear a jacket, and only then trousers. And the guys put on their pants first.
33. A girl can wear a thin blouse at -30. A thick sweater that visually makes her fuller, she will not wear even under fear death penalty
34. Every girl considers it her duty to feed her boyfriend to satiety. And what more weight you score, the more she will be pleased
35. If a girl is silent, it's bad. The storm is coming!
36. Almost all girls dream of getting married since childhood. And from childhood they plan a wedding
37. No girl wakes up at night and goes to the refrigerator. And generally speaking female half humanity sincerely does not understand how you can wake up at night, from what you want to eat
38. Most girls won't wait for you to make the first move. And until you tell her directly that you don't like her, she won't leave you alone.
39. If you didn't like what the girl cooked, it's a low blow. You may not even say it, but she will still guess in some incomprehensible way
40. Girls always focus on the little things. Down to the pattern on the wallpaper.
41. 90% of girls are sure that their every new love: "this is forever, this is love, I'm sure." And they have already mentally calculated their subsequent life with a guy until his death.
42. If the eyelashes of a friend longer eyelashes girls are a serious reason for envy
43. There are no girls who are satisfied with the size of their breasts. You need either more or less. Is always!
44. The absence of the right size of the blouse you like in the store can upset the girl for at least a week!
45. Beautiful earrings, ring, etc. a friend has a serious reason not just for hostility, but for real hatred!
46. ​​Not being able to dance for a girl - serious problem!
47. If you spoke unflatteringly about the external data of a girl, this may provoke the development of the complex.
48. Girls are afraid to go out without makeup even to a store 5 minutes walk from home.
49. Buying and choosing a gift for a boyfriend's birthday takes at least 2 weeks
50. Girls wash dishes after eating, not before, like guys.

If the company gathers more than three ladies, the conversation immediately turns to men.

If a girl is asked to show her hands, she will stretch them palms down, showing off her manicure.

Girls don't scratch their heads. Firstly, they do not like to show their confusion, and secondly, it spoils their hair.

Yawning, the girl covers her mouth with her hand, not her fist.

The girl is practically not annoyed when the underwear gets stuck between the buttocks. The fair sex is happy to wear all these torture devices called "bikinis". In addition, usually a girl does not try to discreetly straighten her underwear from behind, getting up from a chair.

When sitting down, girls compress their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore, in public transport having a lady neighbor is preferable.

They never take off their T-shirt, clutching it on their backs.

Turning around at the call, the girl usually turns only her head. The guy also turns the body, because he has a much less flexible neck.

Women's intuition exists, she feels when a man with friends watched football, and when he really stayed at work.

A woman is not against sex on the first date, but because of the principles they will not do this.

While having sex, a girl thinks about whether she looks beautiful.

The girls try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Guys just spread their legs wider.

Memorable dates are very important for them, which guys so rarely remember and do not even try to remember.

The Sumerians believed that the world was created by a woman - the goddess Tiamat.

Some girls get a "backup friend" when they feel that a relationship with a man is reaching an impasse.

585 words per minute says the most talkative woman - Fran Caro.

The belt on the dressing gown of the girl is tied above the navel, and the guys - below.

If a girl's fly is undone on the street, she will react rather indifferently to this circumstance and calmly button her trousers.

A trifle and large bills girls prefer to wear in the same place. Their pockets rarely jingle.

After sex, the girl wants not to sleep, but to talk and kiss.

Girls feel confident only in groups: they go to the toilet with a friend, for a purchase - with two.

Statistically, married women more than married men.

In Hong Kong, a wife who has been cheated on by her husband can kill him, but the law only allows this to be done with bare hands, without weapons. A mistress can be killed by anything.

When dressing, girls most often wear a jacket, and only then trousers. And the guys put on their pants first.

1 billion euros - this is the amount that J. Lo's body is insured for.

All girls love compliments, and if they haven’t heard a single beautiful word in a day, they simply wither on gases.

Some have kept beautiful perfume bottles, gift wrappers, original candy wrappers for years.

After a breakup, they often cry at night and will be painfully worried for another year.

There are ladies who believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but hope that it will grow into a relationship.

Girls have 10% smaller brains than boys.

A large percentage of beauties climb into the phone of their loved ones.

Girls like it very much when they are interested in their problems and experiences. They enjoy being taken care of.

Not all girls are interested financial position guys. There is an opinion among the male part of the population that the fair sex is more likely to pay attention to rich men.

No girl will prepare a complicated dish for herself alone.

90% of girls are not happy with their figure.

They may buy a notebook they don't need just because the cover is pretty.

Girls never envy the mind of a rival; external data is considered a more important indicator for them.

Girls love rough and aggressive guys, but they want to build relationships with kind and gentle guys.

Sometimes girls are more attracted to the original box than the gift in it. The girl keeps bows, ribbons, beautiful gift wrappers for years.

As soon as a man meets a girl, she already imagines their wedding day and thinks about who the children will look like.

Most girls keep SMS, postcards, notes from their favorite guys.

A girl can cry just like that. With no reason.

Repair the wiring or electrical appliance at the request of the girl and grow in her eyes to the level of a deity. Almost all girls are afraid of technology.

Girls keep the flowers you gave for a long time. They dry them out!

There are no girls who are satisfied with the size of their breasts. You need either more or less.