Popular gifts for the new year. New Year's greetings to the older generation. Exquisite gifts for relatives

Preparations for the celebration of the New Year and the anticipation of this magical evening usually begin a few weeks before the main night of the year. The greatest difficulties in this case are the selection of gifts, since this holiday is celebrated by all people without exception, and, therefore, you need to take care of loved ones and distant relatives, prepare presents for children and spouse, choose souvenirs for friends and colleagues.

It is best to think about what to give for the new year 2016 at least a month before the holiday. In this case, you will be able to pick up unique gifts for each family member, close friends and colleagues and save yourself from the traditional New Year's fuss and wasted time in queues.

The most optimal criterion for choosing a gift is the interests of the person for whom the present is being prepared, because a thing that meets individual needs is always valued much more than mass souvenirs or cosmetic sets.

By far the best way to do unusual gift- make it yourself. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for everyone, but only for people who have creative skills and developed imagination. However, today you can take the help of professionals and, for example, mount a movie from personal photos, record a personalized song or buy clothes and accessories with initials embroidered on them.

Most popular gifts or individual approach?

It may seem that with the modern abundance of goods, buying a gift is not difficult, it all depends on your imagination and budget. This is true, but not always and not everyone has enough time to visit stores and thoughtfully choose a present - especially in a series of urgent matters that usually accumulate before the New Year. In such situations, people usually choose cosmetics that are ready Gift Baskets, souvenirs with the symbols of the coming year or prefer to present money as a gift.

Do you want to make the upcoming holiday really magical and impress your loved ones with worthy presents, selected individually for each of them? To do this, firstly, make a list of recipients in advance and try to remember as much as possible more information about their hobbies. Secondly, plan your budget and take the time to buy gifts / order certain goods and decorate them beautifully.

It has already been proven that the greatest joy comes not from receiving a present, but just giving it to a loved one, child, friend. But this statement is true only if you have chosen the right gift, given personal interests donee. The reaction of a loved one in the form of sincere admiration and joy can be perceived as a part of New Year's magic and a return gift for you!

Gifts for spouse and children for the New Year 2016

Given the family nature of the holiday, it is especially important that all your family members do not go without a present and at the same time receive a lot of positive impressions. The practice, popular in times of scarcity, of giving only the things necessary in everyday life, today, fortunately, is receding into the background, giving way to new tradition: make magical presents at the very magical night of the year!

Try at least on this holiday to forget about practicality and donate not items necessary for everyday life or a car, but things that will support the atmosphere of a miracle and leave a pleasant impression on your wife / husband for a long time. Such gifts include exquisite Jewelry, accessories and stationery with engraving or something that your spouse has long dreamed of. We all love the New Year for the atmosphere of magic and the hope for a miracle. So make just a little effort, and give your closest person a real holiday!

The choice of gifts for children very much depends on their age. If the child does not go to school yet, the best present for him will be a toy, a scooter, a bicycle, or a bright book. At the same time, it is important to take care of how to present this present so that the children retain their faith in magic - for example, order Santa Claus at home or leave a colorful box under the Christmas tree. For the same purpose, try to give something that your baby has long dreamed of, because for him it will be the best confirmation of the reality of all New Year's traditions and signs!

Schoolchildren often dream of radio-controlled toys and complex construction sets or a fashion accessory that is popular among their peers. Teenagers will certainly be delighted with gifts that emphasize their independence and are traditionally considered “adult” things: for example, fashion clothes or a new model of phone, tablet, laptop.

Choosing gifts for relatives for the year of the Red Fire Monkey

The New Year is considered a family holiday, so not only spouses and children, but also parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters are waiting for gifts. When choosing a presentation, their age and personal hobbies should be taken into account. So, elderly relatives may like things and techniques designed to facilitate housework, beautiful tableware or home decorations. Great for young siblings as a gift fashionable accessories, a coupon for a photo shoot or a sum of money packed in beautiful envelope or postcard.

Gifts for parents are also better to choose based on their hobbies and needs. Moms will surely appreciate a colorful cookbook or a certificate to a beauty salon, and for dads, you can choose a set of accessories for fishing or barbecue accessories, a coupon for a car shop. good decision it could be buying tickets to a concert of your parents' favorite band or a famous classical theater performance. Believe me, a joint trip to cultural event will give them a truly pleasant experience and will diversify the usual everyday life!

What to give colleagues for the New Year 2016?

It is not customary in every team to prepare presents for colleagues, however, in this case, you will probably have a couple of colleagues with whom you support friendly relations. As a gift, accessories necessary for work are suitable for them: flash cards or sets of high-quality stationery, computer accessories, purses and business card holders.

It is better to present gifts for the head from the whole team, since an individual present from one of the employees may be misinterpreted. Here, too, it is better to give preference business accessories and avoid the slightest hint of the personal nature of the gift.

Impressions last longer than things!

If the person to whom you are choosing a gift is truly dear and close to you, pay attention to the so-called impression gifts. It can be a certificate for a master class Japanese cuisine or a coupon for free riding lessons, an invitation to lessons extreme views sports or a gift card to the spa.

Intangible gifts also include individual horoscopes and fashionable evidence today, which indicate the meaning of the name and surname, the history of their origin. If your relative or friend is fond of esotericism, he will certainly like such a gift and demonstrate your sincere respect for his interests.

If you choose an offer that matches the hobbies of your loved one, he will definitely appreciate your efforts to find a gift, and using it, he will get a lot of pleasant impressions!

Conversely, if you know that your spouse or friend is not an extreme sports enthusiast, you do not need to buy a skydiving certificate for him in the hope of helping him overcome his own fears. As you know, inappropriate gifts have ruined more than one relationship and spoiled many holidays, so it is better to strictly follow the minimum requirements of etiquette and culture in this area. At the same time, you can always make any present original by designing it. in an unusual way or accompanied by a postcard with warm wishes, written by hand and only for one addressee.

gift price

Because of the desire to give friends and family the most the best things many people put friends and colleagues in awkward position, presenting too expensive gifts. In this case, your loved one may regard this as a demonstration of your financial capabilities and feel embarrassed by the lack of funds for a gift of a similar level.

It has long been known that the best is not always expensive. Believe me, it is much more pleasant to receive a gift that is individually selected for you than to accept an expensive, but impersonal present, which seemed to have been bought on the run or, even worse, given away as an unnecessary thing.

However, there are things, the objective cost of which is quite high. Taking advantage of the pre-New Year fuss, many sellers additionally increase the price of them, wanting to extract additional profit. It is for this reason that it is recommended to choose gifts in advance, which will allow you to monitor prices and choose the best things at an adequate cost, without holiday extra charges.

Say no to these gifts

In the pre-New Year's fuss, it is not always possible to pick up gifts for all relatives, colleagues, friends. In such situations, people usually pay attention to standard gifts like cosmetic sets, figurines, scented candles.

Such gifts, unfortunately, absolutely do not reflect your attitude towards the addressee and do not have any personality that may offend your loved one. The exception is expensive perfumes - for example, selective perfume, but you can give them only to well-known people, whose tastes and preferences you know.

These presents also include various newfangled inventions or accessories, which every time on New Year's Eve huge quantities are thrown onto the market and sold most often through online stores, and small souvenirs with the symbols of the upcoming holiday. Despite their popularity, upon closer examination, they usually turn out to be low-quality goods that a person is unlikely to be able to use for their intended purpose and in best case will only accept them out of respect for you.

If you did not have time to buy a gift or simply cannot choose a worthy present, it is better to purchase a gift certificate to a store that your friend / colleague often visits. So, for example, a young family will definitely like a coupon for a store household appliances, and for women - a certificate to a jewelry boutique.

How to present a gift for the New Year 2016

An important role in the impression your present will make is how you organize its transfer. Even the most expensive thing, sent through a courier, will not bring as much joy as a personally presented, even if inexpensive, gift. On the contrary, if you and your loved one are separated by thousands of kilometers, even a simple postcard sent to him by mail will undoubtedly please him, like any other sign of attention.

Toys and books for children are best hidden under the Christmas tree - this method still pleases the kids and supports their faith in miracles. Some parents even create an imitation of the footprints of Santa Claus's snowy boots so that the child is completely imbued with the atmosphere of magic!

You can surprise an adult if you leave a gift in an unexpected place or decorate it beautifully and in an original way. You can accompany the present with a postcard self made and small New Year's souvenir or sweets.

IN Lately it is popular to arrange peculiar quests: write a few notes hinting at the location of the gift, or make up a couple of comic tasks, after completing which, a person will receive a present. In this case, in addition to the material gift, your loved one will also receive a lot of pleasant emotions associated with the anticipation of the holiday and the expectation of your surprise.

Addition to the article: what to give for the new year 2016

To pick up perfect gift There are a few things to keep in mind for the coming year. In particular, realizing that the Monkey has a mischievous, cheerful and cheerful character, you need to give the same gifts: original, unusual, bright, eye-catching. It can be interesting souvenirs brought from exotic countries, long-distance travel. The attention of children can be attracted by unusual sweets. Women will be delighted with perfumes with deep rich aromas, or jewelry containing bright stones.

Home decorations are also great idea for a gift for the year of the Monkey, which will come in handy if you are invited to the celebration of the New Year 2016 to visit. They can be exotic wines, as well as unusual, bright, rare collectible stones.

You can always make gifts with your own hands. The main thing here is to have more creative courage and imagination.

Examples of homemade gifts:

1. Beautifully decorated, decorated with bows, colored tinsel and other New Year's paraphernalia, a bottle of good champagne;

2. Christmas tree of sweets, or candy bouquet(a lot of things can be done with a bunch of candy on hand);

3. Homemade New Year's card (it will definitely become a touching and memorable gift);

4. An interesting homemade box, originally packed (but here you need to have skilled hands).

We do not forget about who is the symbol of the New Year 2016, and in honor of him we also give appropriate gifts. And the symbol is the Fire Monkey. And so the figurines of monkeys in different variations will come in handy. It can be knitted, soft toys, as well as made using technology. Figurines made of glass, silver, bronze, brass and other materials, as well as their combinations, will look appropriate and interesting. Colleagues at work can be presented with paintings or wall panels depicting the hostess of 2016 - the Red Fire Monkey.

Gift colors it is desirable that they correspond to the main colors of the upcoming 2016, or at least be packed in such a color. These are colors such as red in all its variations, orange, purple, lilac, gold.

Special gifts should be given to people who were born in the year of the Monkey. Here, one should take into account the information that the monkey is the most eccentric, independent and extravagant sign of the zodiac, endowed with intelligence, insight and a desire to know the world. People born under this sign have a great sense of humor, are inventive and original. Therefore, such extraordinary personalities should carefully choose a gift so as not to miscalculate.

Gift options for people born in the year of the Monkey:

1. A good interesting and not particularly thick book. Why is this? Because no one will be interested in reading a boring book. Not particularly fat due to the fact that the Monkeys do not have a sufficiently assiduous character.

2. Clock. Diary in original and beautiful cover. Electronic notepad. All these things will help to remove the minus in composure, which the Monkey lacks, and in the presence of which great advances in business or career await him.

3. Collections of discs with fun and funny videos, comedies.

For people born in the year of the Monkey, it is not particularly important whether you give them an expensive gift. Brightness, immediacy and originality are much more important for them.

There are many ways to please your relatives and loved ones. The main thing is a sincere desire to surprise a person and a willingness to spend a little time choosing a unique gift and its design.

Sites with options for gifts and surprises for the New Year 2016:

On these sites you can just look at the options for gifts, or buy something:

1. ozon.ru is one of the most popular and well-known online stores in Russia. By clicking on the link, you will be able to choose a gift or jewelry according to a number of criteria.

2. - site with discounts. And before the New Year on it you can find many discounts on different directions associated with this holiday. For example, for a New Year's video letter from Santa Claus, for the celebration of the New Year 2016 in a certain restaurant, for the New Year holidays in a certain place, for various things. In general, do not forget to register on it in order to be aware of new New Year's discounts every day. You can get discounts on services in many areas: health, beauty, restaurants, fitness, concerts, recreation, education, cars and others.

1. (article about different types gifts)

2. (specifically about gifts for the year of the Earth Dog)

The smell of pine needles and oranges, the chimes at midnight, fireworks, sparklers, laughter and jokes, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and, of course, gifts! Learned? Yes, we will talk about the most magical holiday of the year. Of course, you can celebrate the New Year in different ways, but you can’t do without gifts.

Therefore, with the approach of the New Year, we are increasingly starting to think about how to organize a holiday so that it is enchanting and fun, so that later everyone present on it with a smile remembers the pleasant New Year's Eve and gifts received from Santa Claus. And if you are looking for what to give for the New Year 2016, then this article will help you make your choice. After all, it contains the ideas of the best and original presents to match the charming winter holiday.

cool gifts

USB heated monkey gloves

The Fire Monkey is a funny and playful creature, loving everything extraordinary. Therefore, New Year's gifts in 2016 should be unusual. Now let's talk about one of them. There are situations when you have to work at a computer in an unheated room or sitting in a cold car, typing on a laptop. It is at these moments that the thought arises: "Oh, I would like heated gloves ...". New Year's Eve is the time of wish fulfillment. Therefore, USB gloves made in the form of funny monkey faces, presented as a gift, will help to realize this desire. They are very convenient to work at a computer, because the fingers are open in gloves, and the USB cable can be disconnected so that it does not interfere with typing. This indispensable gadget will definitely appeal to a person who has to work in cold conditions.

The hostess, as a New Year's gift, you can present a souvenir rolling pin, decorated with cool inscription type " Magic wand”,“ Do not talk nonsense ”,“ I give lessons female logic". This is very necessary thing in family life.

Another original and useful gift can be an apron with an interesting design. The theme can be different: from New Year's to erotic. The main thing is not to forget to put a small toy monkey in the pocket of the apron, so that in 2016 the gifted person will be lucky in everything.

Themed Christmas gifts

Sweet gift with the symbol of the eastern calendar

This is a great idea for a New Year's gift for 2016. After all, its symbol is a funny fiery monkey, which is not averse to eating sweets. Therefore, a huge box of chocolates and sweets, beautifully packaged and decorated with a funny monkey figurine, will delight both a child and an adult. By the way, a child can be presented with a beautiful soft monkey toy, in the middle of which he will be surprised to find a package of sweets. Of course, delicious sweets will be destroyed “at the speed of sound”, but the toy will remind you of the pleasantly spent New Year holidays for a long time to come.

Christmas decorations

Do you want to give a gift associated with the holiday? Then feel free to buy Christmas decorations - one of the main symbols of the New Year. Buy an expensive exclusive ball with the ability to insert any photo, beautiful set glass balls or light metal toys? The choice is yours. Every year, decorating the Christmas tree, your friends will definitely remember the person who gave such a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

Musical snow globe

Give your loved ones the opportunity to experience mysterious world located inside glass ball: whirlwinds of dancing fluffy snowflakes, a beautiful New Year's melody, the sound of bells ... Such amazing gift Both the child and the adult will be delighted. For to feel again Christmas mood, it will be enough for them only to start the ball.

monkey flash drive

The mistress of 2016 will be a fiery monkey. And so that luck is always there in the new year, you need to present gizmos that depict this cute and funny animal as a gift. The original monkey flash drive as a gift is a necessary computer accessory that will bring happiness and success to its owner in 2016.

The symbol of this year is a monkey, and not a simple one, but a fiery one. The color of the upcoming 2016 is red.

New Year's champagne

Is there a New Year without champagne? Of course not! After all, it has become a tradition after New Year's address president, to the sound of the chiming clock, take a couple of sips of this sparkling drink, while making a wish. Therefore, a beautifully decorated bottle of champagne is a great New Year's gift to friends and acquaintances.

gift basket

This is up-to-date and rare. practical gift. Fill gift basket you can do anything, depending on the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is intended: fruits, sweets and other sweets, tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, toys, etc. It is important to lay and decorate everything beautifully, and of course, do not forget about its most important element - a pretty monkey, the mistress of the coming year.

Original gifts

Wish Fulfillment Checkbook

New Year is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, such an entertaining book as a gift is exactly what you need. It is available in 2 versions: for him, and for her. Having opened checkbook wishes, its owner will find 18 completed wish checks and 9 empty ones, which he can fill in at his discretion. An original gift will pleasantly surprise and delight, especially if you temporarily become a magician who fulfills these desires.

Magnetic chalkboard for fridge

This souvenir will definitely not go unnoticed. He will bring a lot positive emotions both children and adults. It's so nice to leave notes to each other on a magnetic board with a slate coating, draw or write down, so as not to forget what you need to buy, for example, for gala dinner. When presenting such a gift, do not forget to write New Year greetings on the board and draw a funny face of the hostess of 2016 - monkeys.

Map plan to conquer the world in a tube

Travel lovers will love this gift. The traveler will immediately rush to hang the map on the wall. And all because this map of the world is not quite ordinary. She has her own zest: at first she is white. I visited a country, erased the protective layer on it with a coin and a colored corner appeared on the map. The more you travel, the more colorful the map becomes. Can you imagine how pleasant it will be to remember, looking at the colored sections of the map, past trips and dreaming about erasing another white piece? Give a card a plan to conquer the world in a magical new year's eve so that all dreams come true.

Gifts that give emotions

A ticket to a concert, an exhibition, a movie premiere, a party, a fashion show - the choice is huge and where exactly the ticket will be depends on the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is intended. Our helpful advice: buy two tickets at once, because the impressions received from an event shared with a friend or loved one become much brighter and more pleasant.

Thematic photo session

Love making surprises? Then present a little monkey holding a certificate for thematic photo session. Created in the studio, in a beautiful New Year's setting, photos are always different high quality, beautiful plot and originality. Such a gift will bring loved ones a good mood and a feeling of a real holiday.

Surprise for the New Year

There is always a special atmosphere for the New Year and all people in the depths of their souls expect something pleasant and unexpected. If you are going to celebrate this magical holiday cheerful company, then this fascinating idea New Year's gifts just for you: purchase a large packaging bag (preferably with the inscription "Surprise for the New Year") or make it yourself. Then, in small, beautifully designed boxes, pack small souvenirs-gifts with the image of the symbol of 2016 - fire monkey. Each of the guests, having lowered his hand into the bag, must independently find a gift in it for himself. Merry and festive mood during the procedure of presenting surprise gifts guaranteed!

Video with ideas for New Year's gifts 2016

Very positive video from the girls. They will present several original ideas handmade gifts. We look.

long and detailed video With detailed analysis gift options for the new year. Good to know.

Video in which Karina Nigaya will talk about gifts for the new year, while she will divide the ideas into several groups: for parents, relatives, friends, loved ones. Let's watch.

A useful video with a telling title "A lot of ideas for New Year's gifts." There are really a lot of gift options, it's worth a look.

1. Bank card
If you are a parent of a teenager, you may well start an adult money relationship with him. Give him a card with an initial balance, and tell him that the New Year is an occasion to start adulthood. Now he will receive pocket money on this card, and will be able to independently plan his expenses.

2. Certificate for the master class
Teenagers often dream of learning something relevant - club dancing, sushi cooking, skiing. skiing. Such hobbies are not cheap, and adults can help and give a master class.

3. Modern gadget
If a teenager dreams of a new phone or MP3 player, the New Year will be an excellent occasion for such a gift. Grown up children are still waiting for the visit of Santa Claus, and if you become one, they will be very grateful.

4. Certificate to your favorite store
Teenagers have their own preferences, which are sometimes difficult to guess. However, you probably know what kind of stores a teenager likes to visit. Someone is interested in fashionable sports items, someone is a collection computer games, and someone regularly updates the music selection. Give your teenager a certificate to his favorite store and he will appreciate your gesture.

5. Camera
Teenagers love posting photos. in social networks and can already master photography on their own. The camera is not only fashionable, but also useful gift. Taking a photo forms a sense of style and love for the world around.

New Year is one of the most desired and expected holidays. But along with joy, he brings a lot of trouble. For many, the eternal question arises: what to give to relatives and friends? After all, the present should be original, memorable and useful! We bring to your attention several ideas for New Year's gifts that will be relevant in the year of the Monkey 2016.

Idea #1
Gifts with the symbol of the coming year are always popular. We will not make an exception and turn our attention to traditional toys, figurines, magnets with the image of a monkey. Children will surely like knitted things with a funny face or toys with sweet contents inside. Adults can be given pillows, T-shirts, bed linen with the silhouette of an overseas guest. A good option- hand-made figure of the symbol of the year from papier-mâché; or finished - made of metal. After all, the monkey, unlike its predecessor, Wooden Goat prefers him! Or maybe you feel the strength to make a whole wall panel or a picture depicting a tailed naughty?

Options for New Year's gifts with the symbol of 2016

Bed sheets




Soft toy

knitted doll


Metal figurine

Idea #2
It's no secret that monkeys are very fond of everything beautiful, shiny, elegant and just love to admire themselves. Following this idea, it would not be superfluous to present a certificate as a present to a beauty salon, cosmetics, clothing store, underwear, a subscription to a solarium or a spa. It is better to do this in advance so that the gifted person has time to transform before the chiming clock. Gift certificates are good because a person can choose what he likes, and you will get rid of an extra headache. Gifts of the same kind include jewelry from precious stones. In 2016, red stones will bring good luck - ruby, garnet, opal, jasper, rhodonite.
. Idea #3
. Do not forget that the element of the coming year is fire. Use it for your own purposes, only very wisely. How? For example, for the second half, you can order the service "inscription from the fire." This is a very fashionable trend of the last time. Just imagine the eyes of a loved one when he sees from the window the burning words "Happy New Year, dear!". Hardly anyone will remain indifferent! Don't forget the fire drinks! Give your loved ones a bottle of good wine, cognac or champagne. Men who are fond of hunting or fishing will be happy with a camping flask and a set of glasses. On a frosty day in a winter forest or on a lake, they will remember you with gratitude.
. Idea #4
The monkey is a playful animal and is not averse to fooling around. Why don't you adopt this wonderful trait from her and arrange an erotic dance near the Christmas tree for your betrothed? And for friends, you can order Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Let them knock on their door and offer to remember their childhood and play a little! Do not hesitate - such a surprise will be received with a bang. And if the dressed-up hostess of the year comes to visit with the main characters, can you imagine what fun will begin then? For children, you can purchase exciting gifts as a gift. Board games, constructors, puppet castles. Collection of discs with the best films comedy genre will appeal to relatives of any age and gender. The main thing is to know their tastes.
. Idea #5
The homeland of the monkey is the hot evergreen tropics, so in the year of this animal it is appropriate to give each other green houseplants. It does not have to be a palm tree, although it would look very impressive, especially with symbol figurines sitting on it. A nice addition to any plant will be freely convertible "greens" with a face value of 1 dollar hung in its branches. Let there be few bills, but friends will be pleased. They will not forget your creativity for a long time!

Idea #6
The monkey is a selfish animal and loves when special attention is paid to her person. How do you like the idea to surprise your loved ones with an exclusive song in which everyone will be sung, and even in a playful way? Make happy the company in which you plan to celebrate the New Year with such a creative gift surprise! Or mount a video about your "gray" and not so everyday life, find interesting photos and videos from common events where your friends are captured in especially interesting and unexpected moments, add suitable music and make funny comments. And then, under the general laughter and delight, present your creation to the public. If you can't do this, leave it to the professionals. After watching, give everyone a disc with a recording, let this gift warm your loved ones on long winter evenings and give them a good mood.
. Idea #7
IN Eastern countries the monkey is a symbol of wisdom. Yes, and we will not argue that this animal is endowed with intelligence like no other. Therefore, gifts associated with this quality are only welcome. This includes tickets to a museum, a theater, an exhibition of contemporary art, as well as an e-book, a subscription to your favorite publication.
As you can see, this year preference is given to everything extravagant and original, but if for some reason you do not have time to buy or make exclusive gifts, do not be discouraged, because the main thing is attention and your love! Friends and relatives sometimes miss this the most!
Article author: Mukhambetova Irina Yurievna (bhbyfheckfy)

Copyright © Women's magazine

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What to give for the New Year
Tips for choosing a New Year's gift

. *What to give for the New Year 2016 | 7 Christmas gift ideas for the Year of the Monkey.
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*Six Christmas gift ideas. *What to give for the new year. * * . *. * * .

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old New Year
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* A wide selection of New Year's scenarios for children
*New Year's scripts on Google
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New Year stories, poems about New Year and Christmas, New Year in different countries:
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*"Now I know!". Christmas story
*Christmas fairy tale for adults
* First ball. Story
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The monkey is not bored, she celebrates the new year:
outfit, hairstyle, makeup for the holiday chooses


No matter how many holidays we celebrate, the most long-awaited and beloved remains the New Year. Winter days are fraught with a sense of magic, the promise of a miracle and the fulfillment of hopes. The older we get, the more clearly we understand that the creation of a truly festive atmosphere depends only on ourselves. Christmas tree, a decorated house, the twinkling of garlands and the smell of New Year's goodies - this is a simple recipe for a successful holiday. Seems like we forgot something? Oh yes, most importantly, gifts! What to give for the New Year 2016, which is about to knock on the door? The most original, pleasant and magical ideas already collected for you. It's time to go for gifts!

What to give for the New Year 2016 to friends

Do you want to please your friends? Then choose for them fun and funny gifts that will cheer you up!

  1. A set of 12 New Year's bottles in the form of Christmas decorations will help remind a friend that every month of the next year can and should be made original, unique and joyful. Fans of a sober lifestyle can also pay attention to this gift. It is quite possible to place honey, syrup or topping in souvenir porcelain jugs.
  2. Planetarium for home stargazing a great opportunity open the mind.
  3. Barbecue set in a compact package. Who said that the New Year is not the time for friendly picnics? We urgently refute this fundamentally wrong belief. Winter forest, a ski trip, a fire and the freshest kebabs in a light frost, under a glass of hot tea from a thermos! Romance and health in one bottle.
  4. Named thermo mug. Winter holidays are perfect time for warm gifts. Give a friend a cup in which his coffee or tea will retain its warmth and taste. So that no one encroaches on a fragrant drink, choose a gift with a laser personalized engraving. Comfortable and original.
  5. Individual snow globe. It can be ordered at any souvenir shop. A wonderful little thing that creates a feeling of New Year's magic. As practice shows, both teenagers and adults are madly happy with it, so you can let your imagination go free. Give this little thing without regard for age and social status, please your friends with New Year's magic.

New Year - A good reason for giving gifts with symbols or talismans for happiness, good luck or fulfillment of desires.

What to give parents for the New Year

Relatives and friends always deserve the best New Year's gift. What to choose for mom and dad?

  • Customized calendar. Use family photos to make it, parents will be happy to spend the whole New Year under the sign of their beloved family.
  • Warm and cozy blanket. May they always be warm, and how pleasant it is to watch funny comedies under it during the winter holidays or drink fragrant mulled wine!
  • Board game. A good choice, especially before a series of long New Year holidays. The gift will adequately serve the entertainment of family, friends and numerous guests.
  • Modular picture. She magically expands the space of the room, letting in the aromas of the tropics, the monumental grandeur of mountain peaks or the night lights of distant cities into the most ordinary apartment.
  • Aerogrill. A thing that will help you cook delicious and healthy meals, and not really straining at the stove. An excellent help in the household, especially convenient in new year holidays when the guests come in succession.

For parents, choose not only original, but also useful New Year's gifts.

What to give colleagues for the New Year 2016

Will we really leave our colleagues without congratulations and gifts? We have paid close attention to the selection new year surprises for those people with whom we are side by side most of our ordinary lives.

  • Symbol of the year. 2016 will be held under the sign of the monkey. As a gift to a colleague, you can choose a stand with a clip for papers, a paperweight or an ID cover. Of course, with charming images of a cheerful monkey.
  • Diary. A typical New Year's gift, but very necessary. It's good that you can choose not only boring standard covers, but also very creative ones. notebooks, which will become pleasant surprise people with a good sense of humor. Pay attention to anti-dailies, they are very popular now.
  • Desk calendar. Get creative and find this traditional gift in an original way. For example, with daily statuses that can be changed at the discretion of the owner or a calendar lamp. Maybe solve the problem with the calculation of the date once and for all by giving a perpetual calendar?
  • Kit Christmas balls to decorate the Christmas tree. An excellent surprise, both useful and pleasant. It will immediately make you feel the approach of the holiday. You can choose balls classical form or give preference to figured images of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, snow-covered huts and other cute attributes of the holiday.
  • USB gadget. A mug warmer, a laptop lamp, or a fun aquarium with floating fish for relaxation will do just fine.

New Year's gifts for colleagues should not be too expensive, the task of such surprises is to create a festive mood.

Children's Christmas gifts

No one family celebration not complete without children's gifts. Even if you have not yet acquired your offspring, you will certainly have nephews, children of friends or buddies. We choose gifts for them, remembering our own childhood!

  • Radio-controlled model aircraft or car. Suitable for a child of any age. Not only boys, but also girls will be delighted with the toy, because an endless series of dolls also requires variety.
  • Constructor. Very fashionable and useful gift. For kids, choose block options, like the well-known Lego. For older children, you can buy a magnetic or electric constructor, or find an engineering version of a model of a tank, car or railway.
  • Book. Be a little kind wizard and give your child a bright, interesting and useful book. For the little ones, you can choose options with voluminous illustrations, and for teenagers, find a good author who is able to captivate magical land. Krapivin, Prokofiev, Bulychev - the child will never forget about meeting with their heroes.
  • Wall Light. The theme and color can be selected according to the age of the addressee. Such a gift is the best suited for the New Year, because it will keep the lights of festive garlands even after the holidays are over.

Modern gadgets are good, but real fantasy and warmth come through in more personalized gifts. Consider the taste and hobbies of the little recipient when choosing surprises, he will definitely appreciate it.

Souvenir gifts for the New Year 2016

Small but cute souvenirs will be useful to everyone.

  1. Poster on the wall. It can be funny, original, stylish and unusual. There are also universal option with the image of a monkey - a symbol of 2016.
  2. LED tree. It can be placed on a table or bedside table, it does not require additional decorations, shimmers with different lights and does not need an electrical network. Such a gift is ideal for someone who wants to create a New Year's mood with a friend or comrade.
  3. Chocolate postcard. It can be one large or a whole set of small chocolates with new year wishes and instructions. They can decorate a Christmas tree or a New Year's table.
  4. Tea or coffee in gift box. Year by year, manufacturers are becoming more inventive in festive packaging. You just can't resist buying a tea set in a box, painted folk motives or coffee in a jar stylized as Palekh or Khokhloma.
  5. Monkey. Symbol of the New Year 2016 in the form of figurines, key chains, soft toys or candles, it is appropriate to give as a gift even to completely random people who accidentally find themselves on your doorstep on New Year's holidays.
  6. Poinsettia, she is the Christmas star - a flower that has become a symbol winter holidays. It is given in the form of jewelry, souvenirs or in in kind, in a small pot, decorated with rain and sparkles. A beautiful, unusual and bright surprise for a universal purpose.

In the New Year's gift wrapping, you can show your most unbridled imagination, everything is used, from blinding sequins to soft, multi-layered vintage-style jewelry. Don't forget the cute New Year's cards congratulations. All this will help create that very charming atmosphere of the winter holidays that we are so looking forward to from the upcoming 2016.