How to kiss a regular kiss. Learning to kiss, learning the ways and techniques of kissing. How to make me want to kiss

Every person wants to appear before a loved one in the best light... But how can you do this if you have no experience? Therefore, we propose today to talk about kissing. After all, the art of kissing is magical and very intimate. Do you think we are exaggerating?

Let's figure it out together. In the process of disclosing the topic in this article, we will show you how you can learn to kiss (techniques and methods), how to do it correctly in order to leave pleasant experience your girlfriend / boyfriend and what mistakes to avoid.

How to learn to kiss correctly?

In the process of life, we often kiss our loved ones, favorites, girlfriends / friends with children. But personal kissing is a different matter. A gentle lip touch is not enough here. In this version, this is not done in passing or just when meeting - this is an opportunity to express your feelings and show your partner / partner your attitude and, possibly, intentions.

And no matter how old you are 50 or 18, in order to learn to kiss there is no age limit. Therefore, we propose to learn how to kiss your loved one passionately and with the tongue.

The French believe that during a kiss, people touch not only body and tongue, but also soul. Therefore, the first tip is to include emotions, but do not forget about your partner. Don't just think about yourself.

If you are pleased, this does not mean that the girl is experiencing the same. Follow her reaction, she will tell you how to correct your actions and you can quickly learn to kiss your beloved and understand her better.

Another mistake guys often make is opening their mouths wide. This should not be done either. However, clenching your lips too much is also a wrong option. The girl herself will tell you how she likes it better, well, or you yourself will see by her reaction.

To help kisses will come a practice that has helped more than one generation:

Take care of fresh breath;
create a romantic setting;
take your time, a kiss is a sacrament that does not tolerate fuss;
do not be constrained during the kiss: connect your hands (for example, stroke the girl's back), allow yourself and the girl to surrender to emotions;
it is better to close your eyes during a kiss, this helps to surrender to emotions and better concentrate on the process and own feelings;
throw off the embarrassment even if this is your first "adult" kiss, you can start from the girl's neck or ear, gradually moving towards her lips;
you do not need to immediately try to stick your tongue into your partner's mouth, everything should happen gradually, start with parted lips and light teasing from the surface of the lips (along the contour), gradually moving deeper;
use several techniques alternately: there are several options; French (wet, with deep tongue penetration, passionate), shallow, biting or sucking. Combination and alternate application different kisses will allow both of you to enjoy the moment and feel the approaching passion.

How to learn to kiss a boyfriend lessons for girls

A girl during a kiss must also commit certain actions, by which the partner can determine her feelings. For example, if a girl squeezes her lips, averts her eyes or turns away, the guy must understand that she is either uncomfortable with what he is doing or that she is not yet ready for such a turn of events.

If we talk about the process itself, i.e. specifically about how a girl learns to kiss, then you can use a hackneyed technique: learn to kiss passionately on tomatoes. For these purposes any will do a ripe vegetable with a thin skin (you can replace it with a fruit). The purpose of the process is to get to the pulp without using teeth (only lips and tongue). This method can be used by girls, but also by boys.

Kiss passionately, kiss with tongue - how not to miss the first time

The technique itself french kiss(passionately) is not as difficult as it might seem, but for the first time always and everything seems more complicated. However, judge for yourself:

Make eye contact;
open your lips slightly;
start with a light touch of the lips, gradually moving the tongue from the lip contour inward;
play with your tongue with the language of a girl / boy, explore every inch of it;
remember the lessons with the tomato and get started, but take your time, do it gently and with feeling. The partner should get the impression that his tongue is pleasantly sucked in.

Kissing passionately is not difficult to learn if you want, but during the kiss, not only lips and tongue should be involved, but also the whole body (remember the French?). Let your partner feel that he is pleasant to you by stroking. It is permissible to iron your hair, face, back, hands, etc.

Video how to kiss correctly

A theory without practice is, of course, useless. Therefore, we suggest additionally watching a video on how to kiss correctly, how to move the tongue video kissing lessons (theory in pictures and videos step by step for beginners in Russian thanks to which they quickly learn to kiss well). Well, then, if this is your first time, you can proceed to practical training... However, we are sure that even if this is not the first kiss - practical experience in a free video tutorial step by step (photos and pictures) from a guru in their field will not hurt and will quickly teach anyone to kiss well!

After the first kisses, you did not become a professional? Or maybe you didn't kiss at all? So this article is for you.

Time to put the tomatoes aside and learn how to kiss!

All about kissing technique useful tips, types of kisses and basic mistakes of beginners.

Good kiss worth one more.
Marilyn Monroe

How to kiss on the lips


Do not neglect this point. Otherwise, you risk pushing your partner away.
  1. The lips should be soft and soft. Guys should pay attention to this too. For maximum softness, exfoliate your lips. It is not necessary to buy peeling products. Sufficient regular sugar.
  2. Moisturize your lips.
  3. Remember fresh breath. Goodbye, take a drop of time brushing your teeth. Bring breath fresheners with you.
And most importantly, try to relax. It's not easy to do if you can't kiss. But the success of the business depends on relaxation.


Try to create a calm romantic setting... To relax your partner, touch him / her.


Believe me, everyone is worried about not knowing how to kiss. Try to calm down. Strong tension can push your partner away.

In time

Make eye contact. Look at the eyes, then at the lips, then at the eyes again.

Important! Watch your partner's reactions. Ask yourself the question: "Does he / she like everything?"

Do not freeze in one position. Caress your loved one on the cheek, run through your hair.

Relax your lips as you kiss. Straining your lips is the most common mistake newbies make.

Kiss slowly. There is no need to rush into the first kisses. Do it gently, take your time. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. During the kiss, you can stop, look at your beloved (nu), then continue the kiss.

Note! Eye contact important. It provides trust and removes stiffness.

What not to do while kissing:
  • do not open your eyes;
  • don't try to talk;
  • do not open your mouth too wide.
In life, things may not turn out as romantic as in the film. Remember these little rules.

Often times, people don't talk if their partner does something unpleasant while kissing. They are afraid of offending their soul mate. Should not be doing that. Relationships can be a nightmare.

The evolution of the word was interrupted by a kiss.
Mila Waltz

How to kiss a guy the right way

Well, for now, guys, don't peep! Your point is next.

You have a boyfriend, and soon it will come to kissing? Do not worry. Now you will know all about it.
It is generally accepted that a guy should be the initiator of the kiss. However, girls can also take matters into their own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid.

First, remember, you just need to imagine how it's done. There is no point in memorizing special techniques. At that very moment, everything will be forgotten. If you constantly think if you are doing everything right, it will only get worse. Better to relax and surrender to the moment.

Many girls are interested in whether it is necessary to train? Laughter laughter, and if no one sees, why not? For this purpose, the palm or forearm is perfect.

Before kissing, be sure to make sure the guy doesn't mind. Otherwise, you can get into an awkward situation. Just look at his lips. He didn't look away? Act boldly.

Many guys love gentle kissing at first. They wonder what's next. But watch his reaction during the kiss. There is no guarantee that he will be among these guys. Everything is individual. What makes one crazy can be unpleasant for another.

Now get down to kissing. Touch his lips with your lips. Wrap your two around his lip. Suck on it gently. But don't overdo it.

Then try a tongue kiss. Part your lips harder. Find the language of your partner. If he reciprocates, you don't have to worry further. Not everything will work the first time. But with a little practice and you're a pro.

Remember, kissing isn't just about lips. Hug the guy lightly, stroke his neck, shoulders, run your hand over his chest.

Try the butterfly kiss. Move over to the guy's cheek and blink your eyelashes. It will turn out to be very romantic.

If you see the guy's interest, put the initiative in his hands. When he looks at your lips, he definitely wants to kiss you.

A couple of important points:

  • Watch your hair. Better to collect them. There is hardly a guy who likes your hair in your mouth. You don't want to ruin the impression of your first kiss, do you?
  • It is undesirable to paint your lips with bright lipstick or gloss. A greasy mark on the lips will ruin everything.
Try to choose a place as deserted as possible. First, kissing in public is indecent. Second, you might get embarrassed and things don't go according to plan.

How to kiss a girl correctly

Girls, close your eyes.)
Girls may not want to kiss on the first date. Someone will like fast development events, some do not.

It's important to understand that the girl doesn't mind kissing. If you are close to each other, look into each other's eyes, she does not turn away, does not move away - you can safely act.

If you accompany the girl home, and she is in no hurry to leave, then she expects a kiss from you.

Golden Rule! Excitement is normal. But try not to show intense concern. A man must show confidence.

Lightly touch your partner's lips and make sure she doesn't mind. Don't start kissing passionately. Continue hotter after stopping. Watch her reactions between kisses.

Do not overtighten. The duration should be short.

Be aware of compliments. No wonder they say - girls love with their ears.

In the end, she might want to say something. Girls love to talk about their feelings after kissing. Don't stop her.

  • Increase your strength gradually.
  • Constantly change the position of your head and arms.
  • Passionate kisses alternate with light ones.
  • The girl may like it if your tongue caresses her palate. If you don’t like it, it’s better to stop.
  • You can kiss the neck and ears: lightly suck on the lobes, bite the ears, kiss the neck and chin.
Keep an eye on her reaction at all times. If she agrees, you can act more passionately.

How to kiss the first time

The most important thing to learn is to different people like different kisses... Everyone has their own tastes, priorities, sensory zones. You may not be able to immediately understand your partner's preferences. You will recognize them through communication, kissing, touching. The main thing here is mutual understanding.

First of all, you need to know that the first kiss should be gentle. Take your time to kiss your tongue. Everything in order.

We have already talked about the situation and preparation. Now the technique itself:

  1. Make eye contact.
  2. Tilt your head and slowly move towards your partner's lips. Don't worry about your nose. Tilt your head back slightly before kissing.
  3. Open your mouth and touch your lips to your partner.
  4. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. The movements are soft, retractive.
  5. You can brush your lips with the tip of your tongue, but no more.
  6. It is important to stop in time. You need to feel your partner.
After kissing, say something warm. Don't forget to make eye contact.

Remember, most failures are due to intense excitement.
Don't be discouraged if you don't enjoy it. It happens to a few the first time. When you learn, you can feel how nice it is.

How to kiss the tongue correctly

The first kisses with the tongue should be calm.

If a kiss only with lips requires a response from a partner, then French even more so:

  1. To make sure your partner doesn't mind a French kiss, you need to lightly touch his / her lips with your tongue.
  2. If your partner responds in kind, you can start the language further. Do this slowly and gently. Rudeness can ruin everything.
  3. Let the first time be short. Alternate tongue kissing and tongue kissing.
Then you can experiment.

A smile is the kiss of the soul.
Minna Antrim

Tongue kissing options:
  • circular movements;
  • back and forth movements;
  • sucking on the tongue;
  • lip biting;
  • side movements;
  • light touch of tongues;
  • light pressure on the tongue;
  • light pressure on the lips with the tongue.
There are no strict rules. Get creative.

Try to figure out what your partner likes. Maybe he likes rough and deep kisses. You can only find out in the process.

How to kiss passionately

When kissing aspirated, lips are closed so tightly that you can only breathe through your nose.

The basic rules are the same as before: get ready, remember to be confident, don't kiss too passionately the first time.
1. Tilt your head slightly and touch your partner's lips with yours. Breathe evenly and calmly.
2. Start licking and sucking on your partner's lips. You can nibble, squeeze and grip them. Purse and unclench your lips. But stick to the rhythm so that the kiss does not become a set of chaotic movements. Try to act in sync.
3. Do not strain your lips, but do not completely relax.
4. Change the position of your head.
5. Try to feel your partner and set the pace of the kiss based on common desires.
Remember, do not suck on your partner's lips too much to avoid hurting him / her.

Find out if your partner enjoys kissing on other parts of the body, and on which ones.

Something that is usually overlooked by "newbies" in this business:
  • Don't hold your breath, at the very inappropriate moment you may run out of air. Breathe through your nose.
  • Do not think about something outside. Do not think about the correctness of the action. Extraneous thoughts can ruin a successful kiss.
  • Don't put your tongue in your partner's mouth if you are new to each other.
  • Be natural. Don't be too stiff or too cheeky.
  • Don't forget about your partner. You are kissing for general pleasure. Monitor your reactions at all times.
  • And most importantly - don't worry too much. You will see, it's not so scary.
Do not forget about preparation, and especially about freshness of breath.

And finally ...

Before you experience your first kiss, make sure you are ready and willing. Many are in a hurry for the following reasons: "girlfriends are all with guys"; "They will laugh at me that I have not yet kissed (kissed)"; "Boy / girl wants". Make sure you are prepared first. You don't have to follow fashion and force yourself.

What feelings did you experience during the first kiss?

You can kiss a beautiful woman endlessly, and never end up in the same place ...

Kissing is an integral part of expressing sympathy, affection and love. The kiss can be shallow and deep, "French" or in the form light touch... Everyone kisses and kisses everyone - from babies to old people. The most passionate, of course, is the kiss of lovers. But does everyone know how to kiss in such a way as to have fun and deliver it to a partner?

Alas, not everyone can boast of excellent kissing skills, but remember: anyone can reach unprecedented heights in this art. We hope our article will be of interest not only to those who have never kissed before, but also to those who already have some experience - perhaps here you will learn something new and soon apply your knowledge in practice.


The key to the perfect kiss fresh breath and oral hygiene!

Kiss hygiene

When you go out on a date, take care of your oral hygiene. Bad breath can not only ruin the whole kiss, but it can also make your partner wonder if you really need to date someone who is disgusting to kiss. Therefore, be sure to brush your teeth before a date, do not smoke, do not eat onions and garlic. Better refresh oral cavity peppermint gum.

Where and when?

If you are going to kiss for the first time, then it is better to do it in a secluded place - for example, in a park, and not in the middle of a crowded street. It used to be that the initiative for the kiss should come from the guy. Nowadays, girls can be the first to kiss their chosen one without prejudice to their reputation. But if you don't want to kiss, then you can safely tell your partner about it. Perhaps you are not in the right mood.

It is better to postpone the first kiss to another time than kissing unwillingly. Don't try to learn kissing with someone you don't like, otherwise you may have negative attitude to such an expression of tenderness. Only the lips of a person you like will be "tasty", and when kissing with an unloved one, you will feel all the flaws: the stiffness of the lips, and the unpleasant taste of someone else's saliva, and the inability or rudeness of your partner.


It takes a little practice to make the first kiss "sweet". Exercises will be at the end of the article. But, believe me, during the kiss you will have neither the time nor the desire to remember the technique and make the correct movements. Just surrender to the will of the senses and obey your instincts - and then everything will work out.

You can start not with kissing on the lips, but kissing on the neck. Instructions for young men: Girls love kissing the inside of the hand, from the wrist to the armpits. Great start to future passionate kisses- kissing the girl's fingertips. Light sucking and nibbling on the earlobe is more popular with men - they awaken passion in them.


Hugging is essential, but don't overdo it with physical strength!

During the kiss, try to press your body closer to the body of your partner, but do not pull him by force. If your partner does not go for rapprochement, do not insist, start with light kisses, and then, as events unfold, your bodies themselves will be attracted to each other. Don't try to set the record for the duration of a kiss right away. The first kiss should be gentle, leaving behind a desire to continue, not a feeling of satiety.

Make sure your kisses are not too wet. If your partner turns out to be squeamish, and after your kisses he needs a napkin to wipe his face and lips, then it is unlikely that the second will follow after the first date. Swallow saliva and avoid excessive splashing on your partner's face and mouth. But also dry kisses should not be, otherwise neither you nor your partner will get pleasure.

If, after a not particularly "wet" kiss, your partner wipes his mouth, then he does not like the taste or smell of your saliva. Unfortunately, this also happens. About too strong salivation you can consult your dentist, and with bad smell from the mouth will cope hygiene procedures... For the first kiss to be successful, young men should take note of some tips:

  • It is better to kiss while sitting - it will help to accept the most comfortable posture and not worry about falling.
  • If there is nowhere to sit, it is better to lean against the wall yourself or support your partner with your back - this will definitely provide you with balance.
  • Place your hands on the girl's shoulders or with one hand hold her by the waist and the other behind her back between the shoulder blades, or support her nape.
  • Do not hurry. You should kiss only when you are definitely ready to kiss and when you realize that your girlfriend wants it too.

Many beginners wonder where to put their nose during a kiss. As your heads come together, tilt slightly to the side so that your noses don't touch. It is also believed that you should close your eyes while kissing. This is what 2/3 of the world's population does, but if you like kissing open eyes- do it! Not sure where to put your hands when kissing? There are many options for how you can take them:

  • Hug, but do not keep your hands in the same position all the time: you can stroke your partner on the back, on the arms, and fiddle with his hair.
  • Gently run your fingers over your face with one hand, and hold your partner from the back with the other. You can grab his chin and turn his face into a kissable position.
  • Place your arms around your partner's neck.
  • Hold hands.

Separately, I would like to give advice to those who wear braces on their teeth: your fears that they interfere with kissing are completely in vain. Trust me - your partner will love kissing if he really likes you. True, if you both wear braces, there is a risk of snagging wires, but don't worry - it's easy to separate! Indulge in the pleasure of kissing just because you have braces.

Even if you want to swoop down on a girl with all your passion, stay calm. Hug her by the shoulders or waist, gently but imperiously draw her to you, slightly open your mouth and slowly touch your lips to hers. With your tongue, gently press against the cleft between your lips - as if asking permission. If the girl responds to your impulse and opens her mouth, you can continue the process.

For the first time, the tongue is only allowed to lightly run along the inside of her lips. Then pay attention to light kisses on the cheeks, forehead and neck, not going deep into the cleavage, then return to the lips and repeat the kiss. If the girl responds to your kisses for the first time, it is not recommended to kiss this method more than twice. Do not doubt - you have already conquered her, so continue tomorrow.

Never force things or go overboard with language!

But if you pressed your lips to the lips of a girl, and she pulled back slightly and asked, "What time is it?", Then this is a signal that there is no need to insist. Without further questioning and finding out what exactly she did not like, take the girl home. In no case do not let go of your hands, immediately starting to check the strength of her underwear. This can scare your girlfriend away from you - she clearly will not like the intemperate and anxious type.

You can't try, like a vacuum cleaner, to pull the girl's lips into yourself from the first kiss. There is no need to demonstrate your awareness of the existence of the French kiss. Most of all, girls value tenderness and affection - and over time, the turn of insane passion and hot kisses will come. There is no need to chew your partner's lips with your lips. Do what pleases you and your girlfriend, and watch her reactions closely.

Don't tense up and try to remember everything you've read about kissing - just relax and have fun. The guy himself must prove himself, and you can play along with him. If you like kissing him, then just press your body against him and open your mouth slightly. If not, stop kissing right away so as not to torment yourself or him.

If a guy is shy and you want to kiss, you can push him to action yourself. There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. You are standing opposite each other, your hands are not on his shoulders. He says something, and you look closely at his lips. Then slowly slide your gaze up his face and stop, looking straight into his eyes - the message about your desire to kiss has gone.
  2. Hug your boyfriend, gently ruffle his hair, run your finger across his face and stop on his lips - he will understand everything.

If you already have experience in kissing, then you absolutely should not tell your partner about it or show what you learned before him - this will badly affect your relationship.

Passionate kissing options

Having passed the stage of the first (most tender) kiss, you can proceed to more difficult and hot kisses. To gradually move from tenderness to passion, you need to start with light touches that cover your face. Sometimes you can run your tongue over your partner's lips, as if teasing him. Then embrace upper lip partner and suck it gently, alternating with gentle kisses. Then do the same with the lower lip.

When sucking and nibbling, the blood flow rushes to the lips, their sensitivity increases, and the brain receives special substances that increase energy and improve mood. Tender kisses best alternate with sucking and light nibbling. Then you can move on to pressing kisses. To do this, one of the partners captures the lower lip of the other, and the other, on the contrary, captures the upper one.

An important part of a passionate kiss is the proper atmosphere!

Do not overdo it with nibbling - if you do it too vigorously, it can create a hickey that will upset your girlfriend. Therefore, control your actions so as not to spoil your partner. appearance and mood. Further - the famous "French" kiss, which involves the penetration of the tongue into the mouth of the partner. The main thing is not to try to stick your tongue as deep as possible!

The meaning of a kiss is to "play" with your tongue: quickly circle it around your partner's tongue, run your tongue along the inside of someone else's lips, or arrange a whole "battle with tongues". The main thing is that it is pleasant and does not interfere with breathing. There is also a "gypsy kiss", when one of the partners takes a berry, a piece of chocolate or a sip of wine into his mouth, and in the process of kissing rolls it into his partner's mouth.

Exercises for training

  1. Pull the lips forward, open the mouth and turn the edges of the lips outward so that the lips form the shape of the letter O. Close and open the lips like a fish.
  2. Say 10 times sound O-O-O, collecting lips in a circle, and 10 times sound I-I-I, closing his teeth, opening his lips and stretching them into a smile.
  3. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Dial salt water into the mouth and roll it under the upper lip and back without opening the mouth. The salt water lets you feel where the lips are stretching. Spit out the salt water after exercise. Do 10 reps daily.
  4. The same as with salt water, do with air. This exercise perfectly massages the lips and prepares them for passionate kisses. Do 10 reps daily.
  5. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Put the salt water in your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other. The muscles in your cheeks should be relaxed. Do 5 times for each cheek in two sets.
  6. Direct water under the upper and lower lip alternately. In each position, count to 10 and roll over the water. Exercise will significantly improve lip mobility.
  7. Exercise for the tongue: stick it out as far as possible, roll it up, point it up, down, right, left, diagonally, describe a circle in one direction and the other. Repeat 5 times in each direction. Do it daily.


A large number people do not need any instructions or rules at all. The most important thing is that what is happening brings both partners pleasant sensations, and the technique of performing movements with the lips, teeth or tongue does not matter. It's so natural to follow your intuition and natural reflexes.

However, there are certain conditions that must be adhered to. General grooming and proper hygiene oral cavity play important role... Agree that kissing a person, scratching his flaky lips or three days of stubble, is a dubious pleasure. A bad smell from the mouth will make you think of only one thing: how to refuse without hurting tender feelings partner.

You should be comfortable with the person with whom you are going to exchange a long and passionate kiss. Nervousness and tension make the muscles tense, the lips become stiff and inactive. Try to walk without bending your knees. A kiss with tight lips is somewhat similar to this one not quite natural process.

Know how to feel your partner. Reacting too sluggishly to his attempts to make the kiss unearthly will likely upset him. A excessive activity will raise the suspicion that you want to eat it. If calm tenderness is not enough for you, try changing the pace, but do not forget that you are not the only participant. If your partner doesn't respond to your manifestations of passion, return to the original rhythm.

Control the salivation process. Swallow excess liquid, there is no need to irrigate your partner's face with it. Between the "approaches" you can always find a moment suitable for the body's natural reflexes. And most importantly, stop already thinking about that, otherwise you will spoil all your pleasure.

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Being on initial stage relationships with the opposite sex, often girls and guys are puzzled by the question "how to kiss passionately?" There is nothing particularly difficult in such a kiss, the main thing is to trust your feelings and intuition. And to avoid embarrassing situations, here are some tips to help you.

Getting down to kiss

So, you have already seen what a guy or girl has for you. romantic feelings and ready to kiss. First, look into the eyes of this person, gently hug and lightly touch your lips to his lips.

Take your time to start kissing until you see a positive response from your partner. After all, if he is not ready for such a turn of events, he can push you away. You need to start gently and delicately, then you can add more passion and temperament to your caresses.

At the first kiss, your partner opens up to you from the sensual side. And the gentle touch of your tongue on his lips will say much more than any words.

What to do with the tongue when kissing passionately

With such a kiss, the tongue plays the leading role. You can caress your partner's lips with it, as well as penetrate into his mouth. However, the classic is completely bypassed, only light bites and swallowing of the partner's lips are not allowed in it. But the technique of the French kiss involves the use of the tongue.

If the person you are kissing with has parted your lips with his tongue, you can consider him a rather experienced partner. But if after about a minute this has not happened, you can take the initiative. You can, for example, lick your partner's tongue with quick in a circular motion... This is especially gratifying. Be careful not to bite your partner's tongue.

Many erogenous zone is the inner side of the lips. Start licking her in a circle with the tip of your tongue. This technique can make your partner lose his head.

When kissing, you can experiment. As you do this, observe how your partner reacts and listen to what your intuition tells you. During the kiss, you can gently hug this person and caress your back, chest, neck, face and other parts of the body with your hands. This will create an intimate atmosphere as well as make your partner feel good.

How to breathe when kissing passionately

If you breathe frequently through your mouth, even your most passionate kiss is unlikely to last longer than a minute. You should get rid of such a habit.

Try to train yourself to breathe through your nose. Thanks to this, you will be able to extend your kiss for a long time. And you don't have to periodically pull away from your partner to gasp for air. The ability to breathe through your nose will give you the opportunity to completely relax.

How to learn to kiss passionately

Technique is important, but understanding how to behave correctly in the process of such caresses plays an equally important role. Be natural, simple, and perfect. Take care that the harsh scent of perfume or bad breath doesn't interfere with your kiss.

Relax. Get it all out of your mind unnecessary thoughts and complexes, fearful and fetters you. Try to relax with your loved one, focus on kissing sensually, giving and having fun.

Don't stand like a statue. Move. Remember that kissing is a lot like a two-person game. Therefore, change your body position, gently stroke your partner on the back, head and neck.

Trust. Do not get pinched or withdrawn in yourself, be open with your partner.

Do not hurry. Bend over slowly for a kiss to create a sense of dramatic anticipation. The more you and your partner expect the kiss, the more sensual it will be.

  • Start with short kisses to later move on to longer and more intense kisses. By starting small, you will create a special intimate contact with your partner.
  • Pause between kisses to look at each other without touching your lips. You can leave your hands on your partner's hips, shoulders, or caress your partner's face with your hands. By looking closely into your partner's eyes, you can show him or her that you are only thinking about him or her.

Leave slobbering kisses for your dog. There is nothing worse than a slobbering kiss. Actually. This will not only give the impression that you don't know how to kiss, but you will also spit on your partner completely. Well, maybe not completely.

  • Don't open your mouth too wide. This will leave too much saliva on your partner's precious faces.
  • Swallow frequently. Remember to swallow excess saliva while kissing. Your saliva needs to accumulate somewhere, so don't let it be your partner's face.
  • Let your lips tighten slightly. You want your lips to be soft and plump, then don't squeeze them too tightly. If you press your lips together hard and pull them out, they will lose their plumpness and will not be so attractive to kiss. (Ladies: this is the look you put on your lips with lipstick).

    Tilt your head slightly to one side or the other. Most right-handers naturally tend to tilt their head to the right, while left-handers tend to bend their heads to the left. The important thing is that you and your partner should tilt your head in the same direction (for example, both to the left or both to the right), creating a mirror-like effect and allowing your lips to meet.

    • Change the position of your head imperceptibly. You can make the process even more fun by changing the movement from side to side every few kisses. The change of position should occur at the end of one and the beginning of the second kiss.
    • Don't move your head from side to side too often. This will make the kiss too wet and uncomfortable.
  • Use your tongue to kiss passionately. Slowly and lightly run your tongue over your partner's lower lip, tongue, and gums. Start very gently and slowly begin to increase the pressure and continue if your partner responds to your kisses.

    • Do not stick your tongue completely into your partner's mouth; you only need to use the front third of your tongue. Use fast, sliding movements and make sure your tongue is constantly moving. It's not sexy at all if you just leave your tongue in your partner's mouth.
    • In this case, the kiss can easily turn too slobbering. Make sure to swallow saliva often rather than pouring it into your partner's mouth. If there is a clear line between sexuality and slobbering. Try not to cross it.
  • Stop kissing for romantic looks. Loosen your lips from time to time to pull away a little and look into your eyes. Pause will make your next kiss even more passionate. Plus no better way express your attention than with a cute look.

  • Be creative. Try various combinations nibbling, sucking, kissing and using your tongue to keep your sensations fresh and exciting.

    • Try kissing your partner's upper lip while your partner bites and sucks on your lower lip, then switch.
    • Alternate between nibbling and pinching kisses. Sensual nibbling lower lip partner can change the rhythm of the kiss in good sense... Watch out for that. To avoid biting your partner's lip too hard, you don't want to eat his face.
    • Alternate small kisses with long ones passionate kisses... This will make them more varied and take a break from long kissing.