To always smell good. The more saliva, the fresher your breath. Smells good as always

People have long been concerned about the question of how to improve body odor, making it pleasant and attractive to the opposite sex. The use of perfume does not always solve the problem: if the natural aroma of the body is unpleasant, then in combination with perfume, only a repulsive “cocktail” can turn out. Fortunately, there are ways to enhance the natural scent of leather.

Unpleasant odors and how to deal with them

Subject to basic hygiene rules healthy body should not have any overt odor. Even fresh sweat does not smell of anything - the specific smell of sweat appears only with time. Therefore, suddenly appeared nice smell from the body - a good reason to see a doctor. Bad breath can be caused by diseases oral cavity, chronic diseases throat and even gastrointestinal tract; unpleasant odors of the genitals appear due to infection, and sweat acquires a repulsive odor in a number of diseases, including very serious ones. Deodorants in similar cases will not help, it is necessary to treat the underlying diseases from specialists. It should be noted that sometimes a pleasant body odor can signal a disease: for example, the aroma of honey in case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection or a sweet smell in some forms of diphtheria.

This will help you get rid of bad body odors. simple measure like quitting smoking. If the aroma of tobacco is attractive in its own way and is often used to create perfume compositions for men, then the smell of smoke on subconscious level causes anxiety and fear. Studies show that even heavy smokers disapprove of women who smoke, because the smells of smoke and tobacco are by no means feminine and attractive.

Attractants and repellents

In addition to obvious aromas, each person (as, indeed, any animal) releases odors in microdoses that attract or, conversely, repel other individuals. As a rule, such aromas are perceived only on a subconscious level: they are responsible for the sudden sympathy or seemingly unmotivated disgust for a barely familiar person.

Many perfume manufacturers have made fortunes on perfumes with pheromones, which are designed to subconsciously attract others. As a rule, such perfumes are not cheap, but as for the effect, it is not always observed - in about thirty percent of cases. Moreover, this applies to attractants exclusively of an animal or plant origin- synthetic analogues do not have any effect on others. Such a low efficiency is due to the fact that no matter how perfume with pheromones smells by itself, only the combination of perfume with a natural body scent has an impact on others. If this combination turns out to be harmonious, the perfume really attracts others, otherwise the money for a bottle of perfume is thrown away in vain.

A much more reliable way is to influence the natural aroma of the body. Human body increases the production of repellents in stressful situations Therefore, it is desirable to avoid worries and anxieties, creating the most comfortable atmosphere for yourself. In nutrition, overeating and strict diets should be avoided (these are also stresses for the body), preference should be given to dishes of plant origin, if possible, give up smoked meats, pickles, and canned food. Periodically it is worth arranging fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits.

A raw food diet significantly improves body odor, but not everyone will decide on such a drastic change in eating style.

The male body produces more attractants if there are enough onions, tomatoes, carrots and other red vegetables in the diet. A woman's scent improves if she eats citrus fruits, sweet fruits, green vegetables. It is also believed that regular use pineapple gives body odor a special tenderness and attractiveness - while pineapple is shown to both men and women. Help and various herbal teas, for example, infusions of sage, angelica, tenacious bedstraw. However, before using herbal teas, you need to consult a doctor: herbs have many contraindications.

External means

Even before the invention perfumes women used infusions of herbs and fruits to give the body a particularly attractive aroma. Baths with herbal infusions not only very beneficial for the skin and nervous system, but also allow you to give the body a delightful aroma. It is only important before using such baths to make sure that the recommended herbs do not cause an allergic reaction.

In particular, infusions of angelica, lovage, thyme, yarrow, chamomile, mint, and lavender are commonly used to improve body odor. It is very effective to rub the skin with lemon juice. This procedure is accompanied by a burning sensation, but the skin as a result becomes very smooth and acquires a delicious citrus aroma. For sensitive skin Lemon essential oil can be used instead of lemon juice.

Even in ancient times, women took With rose oil, and to this day, bathing in water with rose petals is considered romantic and exciting. natural oil roses are not cheap, but just a few drops added to water or body lotion are enough to give the body a magical aroma . Mixed with the natural scent of the skin, the smell of roses becomes especially gentle and perfectly emphasizes feminine attractiveness.

Maria Bykova

It happens that no matter what thing you take from a person, it smells of his perfume. Perhaps there are spirits with such strong smell Or maybe they should be used in some other way? 10 meters. people will run away from you in the hope of taking a sip of even freshly gassed, but air. but in general, you need to choose exactly PERFUME, where the inscription Parfum will be. And by the way, that's why (because of the concentration of valuable ingredients) it's the most expensive. (from 4.000). and he obviously will not be compote.

The question of how a girl smells delicious is relevant for most ladies. Probably the first thing that comes to your mind is perfume. But this is far from the only option.

How to make your body smell pleasant.

2007-07-03 11:59:00 (link) I am allergic to pungent odors (including perfume), I do not announce this at every crossroads, including to all kinds of nurses. 2007-07-03 14:16:00 (link) In that case, I would say! What kind of smell? Go melon-cucumber some? 2007-07-03 20:40:00 (link) how not, if the smell of perfume gives you a headache, nausea, and so on?) I would very gently say “sorry, but for some reason I have such a smell on your perfume reaction". Only it is necessary not to vlob, they say, Marivanna, I am allergic to your perfume, but carefully drive up carefully for some time. They smell under my breath so that I pass out, those around me do not feel them at all. For example, some oriental sweet-sweet stink is incredible for me, but for someone the smell of passion .. Or is there a dress code?

Of course, wash your hands often, not only because of the smell, but also for hygiene reasons. It is possible to use diluted lemon juice. You will find that the smell will be much less than from care using deodorants. Store clothing in a place with free access to air so that the clothing does not musty smell. Be aware that body odor can be caused by foods high in sulfur (such as eggs and garlic). Always carry a pack of dry and wet wipes, they will help you remove excess sweat in time, refresh your hands and armpits. They absorb sweat and therefore smell. Does not leave marks on clothes, unlike many deodorants.

10 ways to make your home smell good

1. The easiest way to give a room pleasant aroma- drip perfume on the lamp. When you turn on the light, the apartment will be filled with your favorite smell. 3. You can prepare a pleasant smell for the house in advance. To do this, in the summer, collect the petals of strong-smelling flowers whose aroma you like (roses, jasmine, lilacs). 4. Coffee not only has a pleasant smell, but also perfectly cleans the air. Fill the jar with water to the brim. In order for the mixture to begin to give off aroma, it must be constantly heated. 10. There is nothing better than the smell of freshly baked goods.

1. First, let's pay attention to the everyday way of "extracting" a pleasant gentle smell from a person. 2. The most common way to achieve pleasant smell from the body and hair - natural essential oils. But they "work" only on a clean body and hair. If you want the body to smell, you need to apply oil (literally a drop) in three places: behind the ear, on the fold right hand, and in the umbilical cord. 3. Another way interesting care for body and hair - yogurt! Half used starched clothes, half did not. Four women said that after a shower, the smell of the shower gel lasted up to 6 hours, the rest did not observe this.

We remember very well how loved ones smell, what aroma was in the apartment where you met in childhood New Year, what is the smell of a cake that was cooked at home on weekends. That's what my niece says when we pass our favorite pastry shop, around which, within a radius of two meters, the divine aroma of freshly baked cakes reigns. The loved one says the same thing, swiping wet hair a girl who has just come out of the shower. But for a date flavor will suit perfect! But in the summer you can do without toilet water or perfumed talc. Also retains flavor well. clean hair, natural fabrics- wool, leather. If you are changing perfumes but not clothes, be careful as this can introduce unwanted mixing of scents. By the way, no fragrance smells the same - for each of us, it mixes with the smell of the body and gives rise to a unique combination.

There are people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. Incidentally, food that affects your natural scent can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the scent's development. The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, as all women know the main places most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. If you want the fragrance to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed rather than toilet water, whose consistency is much stronger. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced.

There are people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. What do they do to achieve this effect? Rose petal bath? In fact, everything is much more trivial. Good smell, like good digestion, for example, has its own formula. How good you smell often depends not only on how often you shower and what exquisite products you apply to your body, but also on your lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a lot of tips for achieving natural beauty, and we have selected the most effective ones for you.

1. Stick to the right diet

The phrase "you are what you eat" can finally be justified by the facts. Indeed, everything that your body absorbs during the day, it also emits as a smell, so you need to watch what you eat. Eating spicy food, onions, garlic and even red meat is, of course, pleasant and healthy, but not for smell. Depending on the intensity of your daily activity, the release of odor from these products can take up to 48 hours.

Incidentally, food that affects your natural scent can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the scent's development. Therefore, the diet fresh produce, fruits, vegetables and pure proteins - the key to good smell. The skin becomes cleaner and softer, and this is an excellent base for any fragrance. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the natural smell, during the use of which sugar is released from the pores, creating a cloying aroma that is completely far from pleasant. So, more natural juice.

2. Don't Forget to Moisturize

Water should be yours best friend and not only because it is in principle good for health. Water is a natural humectant, and if you want your perfume to last longer, your skin needs to stay hydrated throughout the day. Dry skin absorbs the applied fragrance much faster, especially if it consists of natural ingredients rather than synthetic ones.

3. Use the right powder

This point seems too obvious, but there are some nuances that many are not aware of. It is clear that your clothes should be clean, only then your natural smell will be fresh, but the most interesting thing is that what you wash your things with is much more important than perfume. The right powder and a good rinse can make all the difference in creating a scent that lasts all day long. Choose products with additional fragrances, from which the clothes will be fragrant with freshness for much longer, and the fragrance itself will be more pleasant and subtle than from ordinary Tide.

4. Apply perfume correctly

The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, as all women know the main places that are most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. But in reality, there is a certain system in how you spray perfume on yourself. The fragrance applied to the body tends to open up, and this process occurs from the bottom up, that is, it makes sense to apply perfume not only on the neck and hair (and the latter is not recommended at all, unless you are preparing to conquer everyone on the dance floor waving your hair) and pay attention to the lower part of your body. As Coco Chanel said, put perfume where you want to be kissed.

There is some truth in this, because your erogenous zones partially coincide with areas of the skin where the smell is revealed to the maximum, and all because of the blood flow and thinness of the skin in these special places. So, let's go from bottom to top. Apply perfume is better in total on the following places: ankle, area under the knee, pubis, abdomen, chest, areas under the lobes, back of the head, wrists and, of course, temples. These places are considered the "hottest" because of the constant circulation of blood, so every time your pulse changes, the smell will begin to spread. This amount of perfume on the body can seem excessive, so you can skip some places, while maintaining a bottom-up pattern, and most importantly, apply perfume half an hour before leaving the house.

5. Experiment with layering

You can get lost in the amount of perfumes these days, but instead, use a variety of products to highlight your scent. When choosing a perfume, you might want to consider getting a body lotion, cream, or spray with the same scent to make your scent layered and longer lasting.

In order not to distort your natural smell, it is better to abandon perfumes with preservatives or synthetic additives, and replace them with aromatic oils that perfectly complement your chosen perfume. Universal option- it's muscle. It is great for any season, harmoniously combined with perfume, and also serves as an aphrodisiac, making your fragrance deeper, persistent and sexy.

6. Reapply perfume

Our skin is a living organ that absorbs moisture and oils, so the fact that the smell disappears during the day is due to physiology. If you want the fragrance to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed rather than toilet water, whose consistency is much stronger. Also, you should pay attention to such natural notes as sandalwood, tobacco and vanilla, which are more sugary than, say, citrus fruits. This scent will last longer. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced. All you have to do is reapply the scent throughout the day, three times is more than enough to keep your scent lasting no matter how intense your life is.

7. Spray not only on the body

Your smell depends not only on whether you apply perfume directly to the skin, but also on how the things smell with which it comes into contact your body during the day. Spray a small amount of perfume for clothes cold weather- it can be a good idea to always keep a pleasant smell, and also, you can add fragrant notes to the elements of your decor: sprinkle a couple of drops on bed sheets during drying, acquire scented candles and smelly sticks, all this will bear fruit.

The main thing to remember is that almost any perfume contains alcohol, which means you need to be careful when giving fragrance to objects around you. In order not to spray priceless perfume into the wind, get a fragrant spray and use it to create and maintain the smell in your apartment.

8. Make the right choice

Well, the main point, in creating perfect flavor who can be yours calling card- this is right choice. You will have to spend some time to correctly select the smell that is ideally revealed on your body, combined with others. cosmetics that you use, and not out of your image and style. Determine what exactly you like about your perfume. Before buying new ones, carefully study the ingredients that are repeated in all your perfumes, and do not forget that there is a smell for each season, but for the rest - do not be afraid to experiment.

Sometimes you walk along the streets and suddenly you realize that you start to suffocate. It was a seemingly quite adequate woman of pleasant appearance, but with such ... aroma, as if pouring half a bottle of perfume on herself.

It happens and vice versa, like and no pungent odor, and you turn your head after and try to enjoy a light, slightly noticeable aroma.

How delicious to smell, so as not to push people away from you and not cause them aggression, but, on the contrary, to enchant and captivate with your aroma?

First secret how good it smells. It's not like it's a secret, but everyone known fact, everything seems to be simple and elementary, but for some reason from some girls like that .... smells like sweat. So the first secret to smelling good is to not smell in the first place. Observe body hygiene, take a shower every day. And before going outside, use body deodorant, preferably roll-on odorless.

Second secret to smell delicious. It's not like pouring half a bottle of perfume on yourself or toilet water. Often this is done by older ladies. Do not do this. From the fact that you will stink all over the street, no one will feel better.

Third secret. In order to smell delicious, you need to follow the diet and the drinks that you consume. Yes, paradoxically, the food and drink that we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant odor. If you eat fatty, fried, spicy food, this is clearly not a plus for you.

Secondly, heavy food gives a heavy smell.

Thirdly, the drinks you drink also contribute. If you drink a lot of coffee, you have bad breath coming out of your mouth that you most likely don't even notice. I'm not talking about alcoholic drinks, everything is clear here.

If, however, everything is in order with nutrition, personal hygiene and relationship with spirits, i.e. you take a shower every day, eat healthy food, do not drink or smoke, drive active image life and do not pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself, then let's get down to the main secrets of how to smell delicious.

Fourth secret. Before going outside, especially if you have a significant meeting ahead of you,
put one drop of perfume on the palm of your hand. This will give your palms a light, subtle fragrance that
will remain in the palm of the interlocutor and will remind him of you.

Sixth secret. Open your wardrobe, take out the hangers and spray them with your perfume or eau de toilette. It is better if the hangers are not plastic, but at least wooden or velor.

The seventh secret of how to smell delicious. Perfume a cloth bag or handkerchief and place
it in a drawer or box with linen.

When rinsing clothes after washing, drop some perfume into a basin of water.

Eighth secret. Before going to bed, put a drop of perfume on the sheet. Just do not overdo it, otherwise your head will hurt in the morning. One drop is enough.

Ninth secret. When taking a bath or shower, put a few drops aromatic oil on the floor of the shower room or on the wall near the bathroom. Thanks to the steam, the aroma will smoothly envelop your entire body. And when you get out of the shower, a light and pleasant aroma will come from you.

Use these secrets, and you will leave behind a delicious, pleasant, barely noticeable trail of aroma.

Beauty and health to you, Alena Morskaya!

A woman should always smell delicious, only her aroma should be light and refined, and not heavy and suffocating. Sometimes you just start to suffocate (on the street, in a store, on a bus, etc.) when beautiful lady pouring half a bottle of perfume on herself.
I even wonder how such ladies themselves do not faint from the aroma of their own perfume. The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, slightly noticeable and in no case aggressive. It should attract, excite, turn heads, seduce, but not suffocate or knock down!
So how to smell delicious to fascinate and enthrall, and not repel?

Women's scent- the secret weapon of seduction
1. No need to pour on yourself great amount perfume, there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. It's a sign in bad taste and bad taste. Always remember that even if you can no longer smell your perfume, other people feel it very well.
2 . It so happens that some women do not smell of perfume, from which you can suffocate. But then they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such platitudes.

3. It is necessary to monitor not only hygiene, but also your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food and the smell becomes heavy. In addition, it negatively affects the figure.
You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it’s clear that they don’t add the aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, then you will have a not very pleasant smell coming out of your mouth, which you may not even notice.

So, if everything is in order with your personal hygiene and nutrition, that is, you eat healthy food, take a shower every day and do not have the habit of pouring half a bottle of perfume on yourself, then this is just wonderful. Then let's go further and learn a few more secrets about how to always smell delicious.
4. Before you go out, especially if it's a date or important meeting, drip one drop of perfume on the palm of your hand. This will give your easy on the hands aroma, and if you touch the hands of the interlocutor, then this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind you of you.
And if it will exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be bought only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell. In our club “I want to get married”, the perfume “Pyramid of Love” has become a hit of sales. They last for a very long time, as they are very resistant and exclusive. There are five different unique and magical scents in the set. You can find out all the details about perfumes with pheromones Here.
5. Spray some eau de toilette on your comb before brushing your hair. Pleasant and light scent for the whole day.
6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or toilet water.

7. Put a handkerchief or a woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it before this perfume of yours.
8. When taking a bath or shower, put a few drops of aromatic oil on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon, the aroma will gently envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, you will radiate a pleasant and light fragrance.
9. And, of course, do not forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbows, area under the knees).
Take note of these tips to always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.