Dryness of the upper lip causes. Dry lips: what to do How to deal with dryness

Dryness of the lips is a symptom of a non-specific nature, which can be characterized by strong peeling skin, itchy. As a result of this, cracks form in the corners of the lips, jams. It should be noted that dry lips do not always indicate the development of one or another pathological process in the body. In any case, if this symptom is observed long time and there are additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice and further treatment.


Clinicians identify the following possible reasons dry lips:

  • allergic reaction in women for decorative cosmetics or the use of personal hygiene products;
  • prolonged exposure to cold air;
  • hypersensitive skin;
  • frequent or nervous strain;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • frequent temperature changes.

Also, the cause of dryness can be an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the pathological processes in the body, which can also lead to dryness and peeling of the lips:

  • dysfunction sebaceous glands;
  • gastroenterological diseases;
  • infectious processes in the body.

Prolonged dryness of the lips leads to cracking and erosion in the corners of the lips, which significantly impairs the quality of human life. Since this symptom can be a manifestation of a serious pathological process in the body, it is not necessary to independently compare the causes and treatment. The diagnosis with subsequent therapy should be established only by a doctor.


This symptom may be accompanied the following signs clinical picture:

  • local fever, burning lips;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of cracks around the lips and on the lips themselves;
  • pronounced redness;
  • bleeding.

The use of cream or similar cosmetic, medications for elimination given symptom without identifying the etiological factor, can lead to the development of complications. Therefore, you should consult a doctor for advice in a timely manner.

In the presence of certain pathological processes in the body, general symptoms can be supplemented by specific signs. The following symptoms may appear:

  • unstable body temperature, subfebrile condition;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • yellowness of the skin, pain in the right hypochondrium (with renal failure);

At dermatological diseases Dry lips can be accompanied by such specific signs:

  • the skin around the lips is flaky;
  • itching, burning;
  • rashes in the form of acne, flaky spots;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • , increased susceptibility to external stimuli;
  • , hair.

In infectious processes in the body, in addition to the general clinical picture, there may be signs of general intoxication of the body, characteristic rashes on the skin. Therefore, self-medication with the manifestation of such a symptom is unacceptable.


How to get rid of dry lips, only a doctor can say, after examination and identification of the etiological factor. The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • physical examination of the patient, with the collection of general and family history;
  • general and biochemical research blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • allergy diagnostics;
  • immunogram;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroenterological studies, if typical symptoms are present.

The exact diagnostic program is determined individually, depending on the current clinical picture, the collected anamnesis and the patient's health status.


When a pathological process is established, appropriate basic therapy is carried out. If dry lips are provoked external factors exposure, allergic reactions or not enough vitamins in the body, treatment may include such activities:

  • elimination of the provoking factor - decorative cosmetics, face care products;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • topical preparations to eliminate symptoms - ointment from cracks, lotions;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • exclusion of stress, nervous strain.

If hypersensitive skin has become the cause of dryness, then you should contact or in order for the specialist to select the optimal cosmetic products care. In windy, cold weather, a special protective lip balm should be used.

It should be understood that treatment should be comprehensive. Applications alone local funds to eliminate the clinical picture is often not enough.


As a preventive measure, it is advisable to apply in practice the following recommendations doctors:

  • the diet should include the required amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • with windy cold weather you need to use special protective cosmetic products;
  • timely treatment of all infectious, inflammatory processes in the body.

In addition, one should bear in mind the advisability of a systematic preventive examination at the doctors.

In winter, lips dry and crack for many, but sometimes this phenomenon is observed even in the warm season. There can be many reasons - from improper care to more serious problems.

Banal causes of cracked lips

If the lips burst, it causes quite unpleasant sensations - pain, irritation, burning. I want to lick them, but this usually aggravates the problem. For most people, the skin around the lips becomes dry in spring and autumn time and also in winter. It is not surprising, because the main cause of violations is the temperature difference.

When a person goes outside from the heat, sebaceous glands can't "realign" and start giving away more of the secret.

A decrease in the production of a substance that makes the skin supple, hydrated and regulates the evaporation of moisture leads to excessive dryness. If urgent action is not taken, lips:

Without early healing, there is a risk of infection and development of wounds inflammatory process. Therefore, it is impossible to peel off the peeling skin from the lips. There are other reasons if lips dry in men and women that are related to lifestyle:

If you stay in the cold or a strong draft for a long time, the mucous membrane of the lips (the area around the mouth) in a child and an adult can become weathered or frostbite literally at a time

Vitamin deficiency and allergies

If the sponges constantly burst, the so-called “jams” form in the corners, the cause may be a deficiency of vitamin A, E, D, group B. Usually such phenomena are characteristic of the second half of winter and spring, and most often a person has a lack of alpha-tocopherol and carotene.

The vitamins needed by the skin are listed below:

Why dry lips in women? Often the cause is the use of lipstick, which causes a type of contact dermatitis (allergic reaction). Note that the lips are very dry, and you can regular use lipsticks without a moisturizing function (“matte”), which should not be used in cold weather. An allergy can manifest itself on the upper or lower lip after brushing your teeth; the fault is inappropriate toothpaste with allergic components. In the summer, excessive sun exposure can cause excessive dryness of the lips.

Skin diseases

Why do the lips itch, crust, sometimes there are unpleasant-looking bubbles on the tip of the lip? All of the above features are classic symptoms herpes. It develops after infection with a virus and will continue to worsen regularly with a decrease in immunity. Clinical picture herpes is:

Fungal lesions of the skin of the lips are rare, but possible in people with a sharply weakened immune system. If there is a whitish coating on the inside of the lower lip, there is probably a candidiasis of the mucous membrane. Sometimes this happens during pregnancy, after a long course of hormones or antibiotics.

The skin around the mouth can itch and dry with cheilitis - inflammation of the red border.

The most common reason for this skin disease is the use of allergenic or low-quality cosmetics, and the main symptoms are pain, redness, burning, severe dryness.

Other reasons

A banal prerequisite for peeling and dry lips will be SARS, flu, colds, sinusitis. All these infectious diseases cause nasal congestion, so the person is forced to breathe through the mouth. This causes overdrying of the mucous membrane and the appearance of an extremely unpleasant sensation. In addition, a person is constantly thirsty, and at night the lips dry up so much that bloody cracks are visible on them in the morning. In children, persistently chapped lips can be a sign of adenoids.

Hard-to-treat cracks and dryness can be a symptom of a number of serious diseases:

Also, the cause of cracks and dryness sometimes becomes a violation of dental hygiene and malocclusion - it is worth contacting a dentist.

What to do to treat the skin of the lips?

If the problem is caused by systemic pathologies, it will not be possible to cope with dryness and cracks without taking them under control. After passing the examination by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, the patient will receive an appointment and begin therapy. Dermatological diseases are treated under the supervision of a dermatologist.

An integrated approach must necessarily include a diet with increased amount vitamins.

It is necessary to give up food that irritates the sponge - salty, spicy, sour, with chemical additives. Citrus fruits, alcohol, chewing gum, soda should also be removed. More fruits and vegetables, sour cream and cottage cheese, lean meat, cereals - this is the basis of the diet.

Very quickly helps to cope with the problem of regular lip massage. It is done with a soft toothbrush, after applying nutritious cream. in a circular motion massage for 2 minutes, which will accelerate cell recovery. There are also a number pharmaceutical ointments that heal the skin quickly and without a trace:

For herpes, Acyclovir, Panavir should be used in a course of 5-7 days, these ointments will relieve dryness and burning.

Alternative treatment

You can also smear peeling sponges with home-made products. These recipes should be adopted:

  1. Mix 2 spoons natural honey and any interior fat (if not, then take butter), apply carefully, use as an ointment up to 5 times / day.
  2. Combine equally peach oil, olive, sea buckthorn, apply as nourishing mask- apply for 30 minutes daily.
  3. Take fresh cottage cheese, mix with the same amount of sour cream. Make a mask on the lips, hold it for 20 minutes. Repeat 4 times/week.
  4. Melt cocoa butter (spoon) and wax (the same amount) in a water bath. Pour into a jar, apply as a hygienic lipstick before going outside.

Traditional methods will help with many causes of dryness and flaking, but if there is no improvement within a week, attention should be paid to conservative measures.


If your lips often dry out, then you are doing something wrong. Explore the reasons for this phenomenon. You may be developing some kind of disease:

  1. Dry lips develop with dehydration. Even insignificant.
  2. Unfavourable conditions external environment, bad weather(dry, windy, frosty, high temperature).
  3. Prolonged stay in a stressful situation.
  4. Bad habits. These include smoking, biting and licking lips.
  5. Eating hot food.
  6. Allergic reaction to care products.
  7. Allergy to pollen, food, sun radiation is genetically determined.
  8. Deficiency in the body of vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E.
  9. Side effects of drugs.
  10. Thyroid diseases (while the upper one also cracks), pregnancy, diabetes, fungal infections - purely medical reasons which, however, are the most serious.

Now you know why lips dry. These are the top 10 reasons, but there are others. Therefore, if the problem drags on and you feel excessive dryness all the time, it makes sense to consult a doctor. But try to practice first proper care, use effective natural cosmetics Eliminate factors that you can influence.

Proper lip care

If you notice dry lips, reconsider the process of caring for the delicate thin skin of this area. Here's how dermatologists and cosmetologists advise taking care of sponges:

  • Apply lip balm or lip oil before every outing. It is better to do this 15 minutes before the exit, so that useful components managed to soak. The balm can become the basis for lipstick, but you need to use it constantly.
  • Drink about 2 liters pure water everyday.
  • Make sure it's not allergic to cosmetics. The means used by a woman must be of high quality. Especially during pregnancy or hormonal surges due to other reasons.
  • The skin around the lips needs the same nourishment as thin skin under the eyes. Do not forget to treat it 2 times a day with a cream, preferably nutritious.
  • Perfectly affects the regular performance of gymnastics for the lips.
  • Massage once a week with a soft, clean toothbrush.
  • Exfoliate once a week on average.
  • Make nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

Many of these factors you can easily handle yourself. And we will help you with masks and scrubs.

How to quickly get rid of dryness

In the case when the lips dry and peel off, you experience discomfort on the skin around the lips, and there is sorely not enough time for deep therapy, you can hastily carry out rehabilitation activities that will help you to last the whole day:

  1. Apply Vaseline to the skin of the lips, massage the lips for 1-2 minutes, remove with a handkerchief dipped in warm water. After that, apply any vegetable oil or fat balm.
  2. While making your morning coffee, apply to lips in a thick layer. fat sour cream or cream mixed with honey.
  3. Lubricate the sponges for a few minutes with a butter. Excellent suitable oil cocoa or coconut.
  4. If the problem manifested itself the day before or at night, lubricate the lips several times almond oil. In extreme cases - olive or even creamy, or heavy cream.

If the lips are very dry, the scrub should be soft. Perfect for semolina oat flour or honey.

It is quite easy to remove dry lips and this must be done. Otherwise, soon you will have cracks.

Masks for dry lips

A mandatory item of self-care should be holding lip masks.

Your attention to the 3 most effective homemade recipes:

  1. Rub a small spoonful of fatty cottage cheese with a spoonful of cream, yogurt, carrot juice or any base oil (almond, olive, apricot, castor and even sunflower). Apply the composition for 15 minutes, remove with a napkin. Apply balm.
  2. Honey and melted pork fat(can be made from a piece of bacon by placing it in a spoon over the burner) mix in a ratio of 2: 1. Keep 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of apple, strawberry, banana, gooseberry, peach or melon pulp with the same amount of butter. Apply a thick layer on lips for 15 minutes.

The composition must be applied, covering the skin around the lips.

These masks are best used fresh each time, so the dosage can be reduced.

The funds are very soft impact deeply nourish and protect the skin. You will feel it immediately, but you need to carry out such a procedure once a week constantly.

Coconut balm for dryness and cracks

We are sure that you have a couple of store-bought favorite lip balms. However, you cannot be 100% sure of their quality. To check the composition and determine the presence of "unnecessary" components, you need to have special knowledge. We offer another option: a product 10 times cheaper, which consists exclusively of natural ingredients and the effectiveness of which can compete with the effectiveness of funds from the most famous and expensive brands. This is a dryness balm with coconut oil and cocoa:

  • coconut oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • cocoa butter - 2 teaspoons;
  • avocado oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • almond oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosehip oil - half a teaspoon;
  • calendula oil - 1 teaspoon.

In principle, the entire spectrum of essential and base oils(except cocoa and coconut butters) can be replaced with olive oil in the same amount. But if you want to get a remedy with amazing effectiveness, it is better to stick to the recipe.

Melt the first 2 oils on the list in a water bath, remove the container and gradually add the rest of the ingredients.

The product can be poured into empty lipstick bottles (they will turn out 5-6 pieces) or into any convenient container, and left to solidify. The balm can be used at any time of the year by all members of your family. It will save even when lips are very dry.

Properly care for sponges and forget about peeling, dryness and cracks. After all, there are so many pleasant things in the world that are worth thinking about.

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Dry lips in adults and children may be one of the signs of cheilitis - inflammation of the border and skin of the lips.

What can cause dry lips?

Contact with irritants

Upon contact with different kind irritants on the lips develop inflammation like an allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity lips can be triggered both by a single contact with the allergen, and by a long contact period (lasting several years or even decades).

Irritants can be:

  1. High or low temperatures, sunlight, strong wind (meteorological cheilitis). One example of such a reaction is the situation when dry lips appear in early spring (moreover, in this case, lips are most often dry in men, since women usually use cosmetics with protective properties). The main reason for this condition is an allergic reaction to ultra-violet rays, which is characterized by redness and dehydration of the skin of the lips with the appearance of small white scales on their surface.
  2. Skin contact with dental instruments and substances used in dental fillings.
  3. Lipstick ingredients. The surface of the lips and the corners of the mouth dry out due to contact with eosin, preservatives, mineral oils and other substances found in lipsticks (especially expired ones).
  4. Toothpaste with a high fluoride content dries lips significantly.
  5. Eating hot, salty and spicy foods, as well as citrus fruit juices (pineapples, oranges, grapefruits, lemons), leads to chemical attack on the lips, and as a result, dries them out.
  6. Smoking. It can cause smoker's cheilitis, often unilateral, where the cigarette is normally held (corners of the lips). This pitting dryness can for a long time do not disturb a smoking person, imperceptibly progressing until the onset of a precancerous disease (the first stage of skin leukoplakia).

Constant licking of lips

Frequent licking of the lips contributes to the occurrence of a disease such as exfoliative cheilitis. The disease is accompanied by redness, dryness and the formation of pale yellow or gray scales on the surface of the lips, when removed, a bright red border is exposed.

According to doctors, people who constantly lick their lips have manifestations of latent depression or are in a state of chronic stress. Therefore, in the treatment of this type of dryness, priority is given to reducing stress effects.

Causative agents of infections on the surface of the lips

Candidal (herpes or bacterial) cheilitis - fungal infection, which occurs most often in people with reduced immunity. Patients with cheilitis are usually concerned about dryness and burning of the lips. On the initial stages thinning of the skin occurs, then small scales appear (lips peel off), which can exfoliate and form bleeding erosion.

Sometimes severely dried skin leads to the formation of painful cracks on the lips, which cause a lot of trouble, because they interfere with normal eating and articulation.

In some cases, dryness appears during the recovery phase after blistering dermatitis, when the blisters and ulcers that have arisen on the lips heal and then peel off, exposing the dry surface. Also, in addition to the unpleasant subjective feelings, this symptom may indicate a more serious problem in the body.

Lack of vitamins in the body

The lack of vitamins A, C, E, as well as zinc and iron, is most often observed:

  • during pregnancy, when the body's needs for these substances increase;
  • when, due to toxicosis of the first trimester, their sufficient assimilation does not occur;
  • at unbalanced diet nutrition (for example, with protein-free diets for weight loss).

The habit of holding various objects in the mouth

Prolonged retention in the mouth various items(constructor parts, toys, ballpoint pen) can be common cause dry lips in a child.

General dehydration

When the body is dehydrated, the lips dry out, the elasticity of the skin decreases, the volume of urine excreted decreases, and the mouth dries. This condition is more common in children with increased physical activity without providing sufficient drinking regimen, as well as with fever in people of all ages.

Violation of the general metabolism

Lips often dry out diabetes increased production of hormones thyroid gland, systemic lupus erythematosus.

How to treat dry lips?

  1. To eliminate dry lips, it is initially necessary to eliminate the irritating factor - to establish an optimal drinking regimen(daily intake of up to two liters of water per day), as little as possible to be in the sun or strong wind, stop using low-quality cosmetics, change toothpaste, give up smoking and other bad habits.
  2. Topical treatment includes applying nourishing lip balms, moisturizing lipstick or lip creams containing cocoa butter, lanolin, petroleum jelly, paraffin and photo filters (UVA, UVB) to the lips. For achievement positive effect lipstick or cream should be applied at least 15-20 minutes before leaving the house. Such a nourishing balm can be either purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home. One example of a recipe is shown in the video below.

  1. Also, when lips dry, you can use traditional medicine recipes - masks based on fruits or sour cream. fruit masks are prepared from an apple, apricot, banana (optional), grated and mixed with vegetable oil. For cooking sour cream mask you need to mix 1 teaspoon of sour cream and lemon juice, then add a few drops of any vegetable oil. The resulting mask is applied to the lips for half an hour, then thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  2. Gymnastics for the face also brings good results - folding the mouth into a tube, imitation of the grin of an animal (exposing teeth) and exercises that imitate a fish grabbing air. Before gymnastics, lips can be massaged by lightly tapping them with fingertips.

  1. Purpose nicotinic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, A and E helps to reduce the manifestation of hypovitaminosis, improves microcirculation in the vessels of the skin of the face and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  2. If an infection attaches to dehydrated lip surfaces, doctors may prescribe topical combined preparations containing corticosteroids and antibacterial or antifungal components.
  3. With severe symptoms of peeling and dry lips with allergies, they resort to prescribing antihistamines;
  4. If the reasons that the corners of the mouth dry lie in obsessive licking of the lips, if it is impossible to provide independent control over this condition, tranquilizers and antidepressants are successfully used.

Like many other diseases, dry lips are easier to prevent than to treat. Constant care for this delicate area of ​​​​skin using moisturizing and protective cosmetics, the consumption of the required amount of fluid and the rejection of bad habits will avoid many discomfort and hassle.

There are so many reasons why lips crack, it is difficult to identify a specific case on your own. But usually this happens against the background of reduced immunity or dehydration of the skin - provoking factors characteristic of the off-season. What else contributes to drying and cracking of the lips, how to get rid of adversity?

Weather influence

If your lips are chapped, first look for the causes in weather conditions. Dryness and cracks contribute to:

    Wind. In windy weather, evaporation occurs faster: the air flow carries moisture from the surface of the lips with it;

    Frost draws life-giving moisture from the lips. Have you watched the water evaporate room conditions And outside in the cold? In the latter case, a thick veil of evaporated moisture is formed: there is so much of it that it does not have time to dissipate. Something similar happens with the skin of the lips;

    The sun is another reason why lips are flaky and cracked. The hotter the weather, the faster evaporation occurs, and from the skin too.

It is interesting! The delicate pink skin is thin, but a dense network of capillaries passes through it. Therefore, twice as much moisture evaporates through a unit area of ​​the surface of the lips than from any part of the skin on the face. And with a lack of moisture, dehydration quickly develops. You can know from experience: it is enough to walk to the store in windy weather, and the lips are dry.

If your lips are dry and cracked after walking down the street, then you have found the most probable cause misfortune. To confirm it, touch your cheeks: have they become rough? In the absence of protection in the form fat cream and hygienic lipstick, the skin of the lips and cheeks dry up together.

Because of bad habits

Why lips dry and crack even when outside good weather? Review your habits. Among them, you can find those that harm the integrity of the labial skin:

Licking. If it seems that the lips are dry, then there is a desire to moisturize them. The simplest way- lick them. But having done this, after the saliva has evaporated from the skin, you will notice that the dryness has only increased. And you try to moisturize them again, the result will be the same: the labial surface will respond with even more dehydration;

biting. In addition to wetting the skin with saliva, this habit provokes the formation of microcracks. Through them, evaporation occurs faster. Fungi, bacteria and viruses settle in small abrasions, from which the skin that is cracked on the lips heals for a long time;

piercing promotes the penetration of saliva through the holes on the labial surface, causing it to dry out. Metal jewelry can cause microtrauma to the skin, which will transform into cracks with further irritation;

Smoking. When the labial surface comes into contact with the paper, the skin tends to give up its moisture to a drier matter. Why is it dehydrated and cracked. One smoked cigarette will not be enough, lips will be damaged if you do it regularly. Especially in cold or windy weather;

Wrong drinking regimen. The skin is sensitive to the level of water in the body. It is she who suffers in the first place in order to protect against dehydration. internal organs. If you drink little, then correct it;

Breathing with an open mouth- the next factor that provokes dehydration of the skin;

Eating sour, spicy, salty foods, irritating delicate skin;

Probing lips with hands. Unwashed hands are a source of pathogenic microflora. As soon as you touch the skin with microcracks (if you have reduced immunity), a crack immediately forms. It may not heal for a long time, because medications are needed to fight bacteria and fungi.

Important! A kiss cannot be attributed to bad habits, but such a manifestation of love on the street threatens with dehydration of the labial skin. With a kiss, the lips are moistened with saliva, and with a passionate kiss, they are even slightly injured. If the street is too hot or cold, dry and the wind is blowing, then weathering is guaranteed to you. Similarly, the skin is damaged when drinking on the street.

Internal causes

The state of the body affects the lips. Therefore, withered skin may indicate internal problems with health:

Allergy ingredients in food, cosmetics or toothpaste. The latter irritates the lip surface even without allergies: therefore, it is better to spit out the excess foam in advance than it will drain from the mouth itself;

Dental causes. Bacteria that cause dental caries settle on the labial skin. But they begin vigorous activity only when the immune system. At this time, the lip corners begin to burst. And until carious teeth in the mouth are not cured, jams will appear again and again. But another cause of cracks in the corners is the result of excessive stretching of the skin while opening the mouth on the chair at the dentist;

herpes virus occurs in 9 out of 10 people. If it enters the body, which happens even at the time of birth, then it will remain there forever. He regularly makes itself felt in the form of blisters on the body. From non-lips crack and hurt, covered with a crust formed from the contents of burst bubbles;

Diseases gastrointestinal tract may have an indirect symptom in the form of dry labial skin. These include pancreatitis, gastritis with hyperacidity, intestinal dysbacteriosis;

Iron-deficiency anemia. Blood nourishes the surface tissues better when the hemoglobin level is in the normal range. With its lack, the skin is not fed enough, which is why it quickly dies, drying out;

Diabetes- a disease in which all body functions and water balance are disturbed. Therefore, dry skin for diabetics is a common occurrence. Lips constantly crack without any additional factors.

Important! Viruses and other pathogenic microflora, if they do not always live inside us and on the surface of the skin, then constantly communicate with us. Therefore, in order to get sick, contact with the sick is not necessary - you have the same bacteria and fungi. You will catch a cold only if your immunity is undermined, and it can no longer resist the pathogens that also affect the lips.

Causes in children

In a child, cracks on the lips most often occur due to a violation of the rules of hygiene. Dirt with pathogenic microflora constantly gets on the skin as a result of:

    Contact with the lips of dirty hands. Children touch everything in a row, fungi and bacteria remain on their fingers with palms. They colonize the skin and cause inflammation;

    Tasting various items. This applies to children under the age of one year - they drag everything into their mouths! And not all objects around the baby are sterile;

    Thumb sucking- another reason why children's lips crack. Due to saliva constantly wetting the delicate skin, constant evaporation occurs. As a result, the surface is dehydrated. A bad habit is characteristic not only of infants, it often persists even in school-age children.

If the baby received fungal infection, then he develops stomatitis: a whitish coating with small sores forms on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Lips dry and cracked, sore. The child usually at this time refuses juices and spicy, salty, sour foods, which cause him discomfort. With a progressive disease, a complete refusal of food is possible.

Allergies are another cause of dry lips in babies. If a child has tried a new product for him, and the body is not yet ready to assimilate it, then diathesis develops. A rash appears on the cheeks, and the lips dry.

What vitamins are missing?

With a lack of vitamin A, the course of the regenerative processes of the body worsens. Therefore, once a crack has formed on the lip, it may not heal for weeks, and through it all this time moisture will actively evaporate. This will lead to even more drying and cracking of the surface.

B vitamins are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, hypovitaminosis of this group of vitamins will manifest itself in you not only with a dry labial surface, but also with dull and weakened hair, which will begin to fall out profusely. Nails lose their hardness and become brittle.

Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of immune bodies. The more vitamin C will be obtained from food, the more will be the "army" of immunity, the better body will cope with fungi, bacteria, viruses and other foreign pathogens. As soon as it stops entering the body vitamin C, immunity decreases, health is undermined as a result of the colonization of pathogenic microflora. Lips react with dryness.

During pregnancy

In pregnant women, lips usually crack in the first trimester, when toxicosis develops:

  • The amount of minerals and vitamins that have entered the body decreases due to reduced appetite;
  • Anemia often develops, since meat causes nausea during toxicosis in most women;
  • Vitamin and mineral substances leave the body along with vomit.

The state of the body during pregnancy stabilizes in the second trimester. But the problem of dry lips can overtake towards the end of the term. Since it becomes difficult for a woman to walk, she becomes short of breath, and she opens her mouth to facilitate breathing. And this is one of the causes of cracked lips.


The question arises for anyone who has cracked lips: what to do to get rid of pain? To do this, use the general medicines(they are used for any pathogens and causes of cracks, because they immediately fight viruses, bacteria and fungi):

  • Miramistin - irrigate the affected skin surface with an antiseptic up to 4 times a day;
  • Fukortsin - twice a day, lubricate the jams with dye;
  • Stomatidin - twice a day, wipe the cracks on the labial surface with a swab dipped in a solution;
  • Metrogyl denta - use the ointment in the morning and evening.

If the drugs do not improve within 5 days, consult a doctor. He will tell you how to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth. Depending on the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe:

  • Viral infection - Acyclovir (ointment, tablets), Gerpevir (tablets or ointment);
  • bacterial infection - Tetracycline eye ointment or tablets, Trimistine ointment;
  • Fungal infection - Clotrimazole and Stomatidin (in the form of an ointment).

And how to smear lips to speed up the healing of cracks? For this traditional medicine recommends:

  • Aevit in capsules - crush, apply the contents to the jams;
  • Vitamin A in oil solution and sunflower oil, which contains a lot of vitamin E, which provides the skin with softness and elasticity;
  • Oil tea tree to fight inflammation;
  • Boric alcohol 3%;
  • Zelenka, iodine, fukortsin - up to 3 times a day.

Traditional medicine knows how to treat chapped lips. Use her recipes if you cannot visit a doctor to determine the exact cause of cracks. Lubricate lips:

  • Rosehip oil, carrot juice (contain vitamin A);
  • Sea buckthorn oil (contains vitamin C);
  • St. John's wort, calendula oil (have anti-inflammatory properties);
  • Cocoa butter, coconut, olive (heal cracks and moisturize the skin);
  • Almond, sunflower or wheat germ oil (contains vitamin E);
  • Aloe juice, plantain, Kalanchoe (natural antiseptics that soften lips and moisturize the skin);
  • Castor oil. The tool is effective even when the lip cracks in the middle and becomes inflamed;
  • Vaseline or melted butter(soften the skin, prevent drying).

The table below shows top five folk remedies struggling with cracked lips.




saline solution

  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Dissolve the salt in warm water.

In the evening, soak a cotton swab in salt water and apply to jams.

Rose petals in glycerin or milk

  • Rose petals - how much you collect;
  • Glycerin or milk - enough to cover the petals.

Pour rose petals with glycerine or fresh milk. Leave for 2 hours, remove and grind to a puree in a blender.

Apply daily for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Glycerine balm with sunflower oil

  • Glycerin - 5 ml;
  • Sunflower oil - 2.5 ml.


Apply to lips every evening.

Butter with honey

  • Honey - 1 part;
  • Butter - 1 part.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that the consistency softens. Mix with liquid honey.

Lubricate the damaged skin with the composition daily.

Homemade lip balm

Take equally:

  • Almond (olive) oil;
  • Cacao butter;
  • cocoa powder;
  • Beeswax.

Melt the solid components in a water bath, but do not overheat. Add chocolate powder and liquid components. Pour into an old tube of lipstick and refrigerate, store the balm there for 6 months.

enjoy as hygienic lipstick, several times a day lubricating sponges. Use the product not only when it cracks underlip, or jams appear, but also when you go outside - for prevention.

Cracks on the labial surface appear when conducting wrong image life (poor nutrition, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, bad habits). Therefore, to prevent chapped lips, include fruits and vegetables, red meat and liver in your diet. Before going out, use hygienic lipstick, and in the off-season, take vitamin and mineral complexes.