Abstract of the lesson social communicative development middle group. Abstract of a lesson on social and communicative development in the middle group. children's activities. Application "Family photo"

GCD on social communication development"The Gray Kingdom" for children of the middle group (using the author's fairy tale "Where did the colors disappear?")

Scenario GCD on social and communicative development in middle group"Gray Kingdom"

Goals: acquaint with speech etiquette, continue to introduce "polite" words; consolidate ideas about colors; learn to listen carefully literary work evoke an emotional response to the story.
Equipment: magnetic easel, gray circles and circles different colors, a drawing with a wise Owl, flowers from cardboard of different colors, magnets, a gardener's pouch, white paper flower templates.
GCD progress:
The teacher reads to the children the fairy tale "Where did the colors disappear?". "... Once in the pink puppet kingdom all colors disappeared. Everything became gray and boring. There was no purple violets in the kingdom (the teacher on the easel changes the purple circle to gray and further on the story all colored circles are replaced), green grass, blue sky, yellow sun, red apples and even the pink horse turned gray. What happened? Where have all the colors gone?
And the reason is very simple. The girl Varenka, the princess of the kingdom, got up today angry. She didn't want to smile at anyone, didn't want to talk to anyone. Varenka stopped noticing how beautiful everything around was, how many interesting things there were, but only sat frowning and did not answer anyone. It seemed to her that everything around her turned gray. And then it happened. All the colors in the kingdom have disappeared.
"What to do?" - worried gray butterfly. "How is my beautiful holiday dress?" cried the doll in gray dress. "How am I going to distinguish flowers now?" - the gardener of the kingdom was worried. And they all decided to go together for advice to the wise Owl. The owl lived on the very roof of the royal house and always saw everything around and knew everything. The wise Owl said that the day before the disappearance of all colors, Varenka forgot all the polite words and her mother, grandmother, and brother were offended at her. And then the girl decided that since everyone was offended by her, then she would not talk to anyone either. That's why she was so angry and woke up. And her kingdom became grey."
The teacher addresses the children: How can we help Varenka? Can we help her remember polite words? Guys, what polite words do you know?
(children's answers)
Educator: Well done! You know the magic polite words. Well, now let's help Varenka and fix everything that she did wrong.
Situation one: When her grandmother came to visit her, she forgot to say hello to her. What should you have said to your grandmother?
(children's answers) The teacher clarifies: adults politely say "hello", and "hello" can be said to friends - boys and girls, in the morning you can say " Good morning", in the afternoon "Good afternoon", and in the evening " good evening", and at parting you need to say" Goodbye ".
Situation two: Varenka wanted to take the candy. She went up to her mother and told her: "Give me candy." What did the girl do wrong?
(children's answers) The teacher clarifies: when you ask someone to politely say "Please", and when they say "Thank you", you can also answer "Please."
Situation three: Brother drew for Varya beautiful flower. He tried very hard. And when he presented his flower, the girl only took the drawing and did not say anything. What was she supposed to say?
(children's answers) The teacher clarifies: you should always say "thank you", both for gifts and for help.
caregiver: We remembered the polite words and helped Varenka. And now let's help the inhabitants of the kingdom and return the colorful paints to them. (the teacher asks once again to name polite words and after each word named, he changes the gray circle on the easel to a colored one)
caregiver: We returned all the colors and the gardener decided to give us his flowers. (each child takes a flower from the gardener's bag; the teacher asks to name the color of the flower and reminds the children to say "thank you")
caregiver: Well done! You helped both Varenka and me today. We remembered how to be polite. And I think your kingdoms will never be grey. And now I suggest that you draw flowers for a multi-colored kingdom yourself (the teacher distributes white paper flower templates, the children choose colored pencils and color the flowers, then they are placed on an easel).

Target: shaping positive attitude to yourself.


- to concretize the initial ideas about oneself (feelings, actions, behavior);

- to promote the manifestation of the need to focus on the socially approved actions of adults as models of their behavior;

- to update the use of the information received in the game, speech activity.

Equipment: bear toy, board game"Good - bad", "flower of kindness", V. Mayakovsky's book "What is good and what is bad", pictures depicting good and evil heroes of fairy tales.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to a teddy bear that holds pictures in its paws.

Educator. What happened, Misha? Why are you so sad?

Bear. My mother read to me interesting book. (Shows the children a book by V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad.”) We picked up pictures with her about good and bad deeds. I really wanted to show them to you, but on the way to Kindergarten accidentally dropped them and they were all mixed up. Please help me arrange the pictures correctly.

caregiver. Misha, our guys will not only help you, but also tell you about what actions are!

Good-bad game

At the suggestion of the teacher, the children lay out the pictures on the flannelograph into two groups: to the left of Mishka - with the image of socially approved actions, to the right - with the image of bad deeds.

Educator. Guys, tell Mishka about what actions are considered good.

Children. Good deeds are to help other people, call them by name, take care of them, say kind words, say hello when they meet, say goodbye when parting, thank you for your help, take care of toys, furniture, wash your face in time, do not get your clothes dirty, undress, dress yourself neatly fold your belongings.

Why should we strive to do good deeds?

Children. They like other people, make them happy.

caregiver. Guys, what are the bad things?

Children. bad deeds- to call names, to frighten, to speak rudely, to be greedy, to be capricious, to be sloppy, untidy, sloppy.

caregiver. Why can't you do bad things?

Children. They do not like others, upset them.

Speech game "The best deeds"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites each child to think about the best thing he did today and talk about it. Children take turns talking about their good deeds.

The teacher invites the children to remember the previously learned proverbs and sayings about the actions of people.

Didactic game "Good and evil heroes of fairy tales"

Children lay out the pictures so that on one side there are good heroes of fairy tales, and on the other - evil ones.

Questions for children

Why do you like good heroes of fairy tales?

What good deeds did they do?

What is needed so that the evil heroes of fairy tales do not upset others?

Speech game "Flower of kindness"

The teacher says to the child sitting next to him good word and gives him a "flower bud" in his hands, he passes it to the next with his kind word. The teacher positively evaluates each participant, paying attention to the ability to speak a kind word with a smile and, looking into the eyes, thank you for it. At the end of the game, he shows the children a "flower of kindness" that has blossomed from a bud.

Educator. Guys, what did you learn in class today?

The children answer.

Well done! You correctly explained to Mishka that there are different actions: good and bad. Good deeds like other people, they make them happy, bad deeds do not like, upset them. Everyone wants to be needed by other people, to please them. People notice and appreciate it.

Target. Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.


1. To enrich with new knowledge and skills of conflict-free communication.

2. Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate and help, positive social behavior.

3. Educate moral foundations personality of the child in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Software content.

Fix the correct pronunciation of children, follow the full answers, activate adjectives in speech.

· Promote bonding children's team.

・Create a favorable psychological climate groups.

· To expand and deepen children's ideas about a benevolent attitude towards people around him. Encourage compassion and empathy for family and friends.

· Teach children to identify, analyze and evaluate behavior in terms of standards and samples.

· Develop a desire to help, support another person. Education of a humane attitude towards relatives and friends.

・Create awareness moral side deeds.

· Development of a sense of empathy, relaxation.

Materials and equipment.

· Parcel box with a letter from Snow White and a video camera inside;

A sheet of paper, with a center for a flower, petals

· Marker

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

Lesson progress

1. Ritual of greeting.

Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in good spirits. I really want to good mood you have the whole day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me.

Educator and children (together):

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello, strong oak tree!

We live in our native land

I welcome you all!

2. The main part.

Well done boys! Do you think we are all the same? Of course not! Although we all communicate together, live side by side, we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires and much more. We also have things in common that unite us.

3. The game "Listen carefully!"

We will verify this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you the task, and you will answer it with movements.

Hold hands those who love ice cream.

Raise your hands up those who love exercise.

Put your hands on your belt for those who like to walk outside.

stomp right foot those who love to visit.

Hold hands those who love cartoons.

You see how much we have in common, how many favorite activities unite us all together!

4. Surprise moment.

There's a knock on the door junior educator brings in a parcel box, says that the postman brought it to kindergarten.

(on the box return address: Forest Glade, from Snow White)

Do you know who Snow White is? (Yes)

What story is she from? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

I wonder what's inside? (children, together with the teacher, open the box and find a letter with a video camera in it).

What it is? (letter, camera)

Sit on the chairs, now we will read it

« Hello guys! All my dwarf friends quarreled among themselves. They don't want to be friends anymore. I do not know what to do. Help them reconcile, please!”

Snow White needs help. Can we help her guys? (Yes)

Guys, I don’t understand why you need a video camera? (to write down something.)

What do you think we will record? (How we play together and do not quarrel)

Sit on the chairs, and I will ask one of the guests to help us and record everything on video. (The teacher gives the video camera).

5. Conversation on the topic "What is friendship?"

Are you friendly guys? (Yes)

Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try to do so as not to offend each other)

Where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with an acquaintance, with affectionate word, from common interests etc.)

What color do you think friendship is? And what smell? (children's answers)

What can be compared strong friendship? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, lock, sun, song, etc.)

How much do you know about friendship, well done. And now let's show how friendly we are. (children stand on the carpet)

6. Exercise "Friend to friend."

In this game, you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase “to each other”, you should find a partner for yourself and shake his hand, and then greet those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say "to each other", you will have to find yourself a new partner.

Ear to ear;

nose to nose;

forehead to forehead;

knee to knee;

elbow to elbow;

back to back;

shoulder to shoulder (lose 3-4 times, sit on chairs).

Well done boys! Liked? Was it easy? Why?

In order for us to be friendly guys, we must not forget to say hello every morning, not only with children but also with adults. I would really like the forest gnomes to see our game.


And now we will have a rest and we will warm up

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - in the palm of your hand,

three cottons,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.

8 .Collective work "Flower of kind words".

We had a little rest, and now I ask my friends for work, it's time for us.

Guys, now we will make a flower of kind words, and send it to the forest gnomes and Snow White. So that they look at him, read our words and reconcile.

Each child receives a flower petal. The host speaks

Slowly sit down

And we'll make a flower

Take a petal

Say a good word

And attach to the middle

Children come up to the teacher and say a kind word, the teacher writes it down on a petal, and helps to glue it to the middle on whatman paper.

10. Bottom line.

What a beautiful flower we have turned out, what do you guys think, the gnomes will make peace after they watch the videotape and receive our magic flower? What do you think will be of particular interest to them? (children's answers)

11. Seal the videotape in a package and send it to Snow White.

And now, guys, we'll take a video camera and send it to the gnomes, let them see how friendly we are, and also learn how to be friends and measure.

12. Ritual of farewell:"Smile"

Children stand in a circle, put their hands on each other's shoulders and say the motto of friendly children: "A river begins with a stream, but friendship begins with a smile."

Look around, smile, hug, disperse.

Anna Shabaeva
Synopsis of GCD on socialization in the middle group "It's good to have friends"

Synopsis of the final direct educational activities on socialization in the middle group.

Topic: "How Okay, what have friends»

Priority: « social- communicative development»

In the integration of educational regions: « Speech development» , « cognitive development» , "Security".


Formation of an emotional - positive attitude towards loved ones friends.

Program content:


Reveal children's knowledge about professions: seller, doctor, driver, conductor, postman; What material are the objects made of? about the activities of adults; about the norms and rules of conduct in in public places; differentiated ideas about transport as vehicle about vegetables and fruits.


Develop the ability to reason, compare, draw conclusions, develop memory, imagination, logical thinking.


Teach children the rules of etiquette in public places; to promote the manifestation of attention and care in relation to other people.

vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary in words of greeting and farewell.

preliminary work: Learning poems, songs about friendship, c-r game "Shop", "Hospital", "Bus", "Family".

Materials and equipment: high chairs according to the number of children with pasted drawings, cards - drawings - tickets; "Shop" toys and vegetables, fruits; toy; letter, traffic light, crosswalk.

Organizing time.

(Children enter to the music "Friendship is strong..." stand in a semicircle.)


All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

caregiver: Children come to the table, there is a letter. How do you think. Who brought it to us? () Correct postman. Let's read what is written there. (the teacher reads the letter)

caregiver: Children, our friend Mishutka fell ill and is in the hospital. Children, what needs to be done so that he is not bored? (children's statements).

caregiver: Let's visit him. The hospital is far away. How are we going to get there?

Children: on transport.

IN: Which? (children name the types of transport)

IN: Children, since the hospital is in our city, I suggest going there by bus. Who drives the buses? (chauffeur)

Children, we need to take our place, for this we need to get a ticket from the conductor.

(children take their places).

IN: Go. Children, we need to buy a hotel for our Mishutka, but where can we get them? (in the shop).

IN: Stop "Shop". Children who work in the store? (salesman) Let's go out and buy a hotel for Mishutka.

Only we have an unusual store, the seller will sell us what we want to buy if we describe the item. I will be the seller and you will be the buyers.

Children, how should you behave in the store. () It is right to stand in line and buy in turn. Children come to the counter, talk about the item that they want to buy.

I want to buy a cucumber, it's a vegetable, it's oval. green color.

I want to buy a toy, a nesting doll, she is dressed in a colorful dress, she is made of wood.

IN: Children, you bought gifts for Mishutka, but did you forget to thank the seller?

IN: Children, the hospital is not far away, let's go further on foot.

Physical education minute

As we walk, and rest a little.

Let's have fun walking.

From friends keep up.

We clap-clap with our hands.

We kick top-top.

One here, two there

Well done, you kids.

We need to cross the road, how to cross it so as not to get hit by a car? (children's statements)

IN: That's right, you need to cross it through the pedestrian crossing to the green light.

IN: Children, we are approaching the hospital, let's remember how to behave in the hospital. (children's statement)

IN: Who works in the hospital? (doctor)

IN: Well done. Now we will ask him in which ward our bear lies.

Children ask the doctor in which ward Mishutka is lying.

Children come up to Mishutka, greet him, ask how he feels? They give him a hotel. Mishutka thanks them. He's so glad that friends We visited him and he is sure to recover quickly. And the teddy bear, as a token of gratitude, gives the children coloring book. So that they don't forget about him.

The children thank him.

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"Dictionary of Emotions"

Educational tasks:

    To consolidate and generalize knowledge about feelings of joy, sadness, anger, fear, calmness, surprise.

    Teach children to express their feelings and moods in a drawing.

    Enrich and activate the vocabulary at the expense of the words joy, sadness, anger, surprise, calmness, fear.

Development tasks:

    Develop the ability to understand and express the emotional state of another person.

    To develop children's interest in fine arts.

    Develop imagination, artistic creativity.

Educational tasks:

    Bring up respectful attitude to peers.


    Colored pencils and paints.

    Musical accompaniment.

    Sliced ​​pictures of clouds.

    Fairy tale characters with different moods.

Integration educational areas:

    Socio - communicative development.

    Artistic and aesthetic development.

Lesson progress

Stage 1. Organizational.


The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.

A light cloud floats in the sky

We have an adventure ahead of us.

Before we go with you,

Don't forget to greet your friend.

Hello (child's name)!

(Children greet in a circle).

Together with a cloud we will float,

We will find many interesting friends.

Stage 2. Motivational.

Educator. The cloud (faceless) has led us to the airy country of moods, while you travel through this country, the cloud will rest in our group. Clouds live in this airy country, and which ones, I will tell you now.

Here is a happy cloud

Laughing at me:

Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!

I also laughed with him:

I'm lucky to have you!

And for a long, long time I waved the cloud with my hand.

(The muscles of the face straighten out, a smile appears).

Not only a cloud can be cheerful. Let's do some fun stuff. Repeat after me.

Dynamic pause"Funny Monkeys".

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud

All hands clap

And we stomp our feet.

We puff out cheeks

We jump on toes.

And even to each other

We'll show you the languages.

Let's stick out our ears,

Tail on top,

Let's raise the finger to the temple.

And jump up to the ceiling.

Open your mouth wider "A",

We'll build faces

How do I say the word "three"

All freeze with a grimace.


And here is another cloud

Seriously messed up:

It's a breeze from mom

Suddenly carried away.

And raindrops,

It burst into tears...

And it became sad, sad so,

And it's not funny at all.

(Expression of sadness on the face: the corners of the lips are lowered, the forehead is wrinkled, the eyebrows are slightly shifted).

"Find a Friend" mission.

Clouds cut out of paper with different emotional expressions are preliminarily laid out around the room.

Educator. I will give you a cloud, and you will find a cloud with the same mood around the room.

And suddenly the sky is menacing

The scarecrow flies.

And with a huge fist

Threatens me angrily.

Oh, I'm scared, friends,

But the wind helped me

So blew that monster

It went off the rails.

(Expression of fear: eyes wide open, eyebrows drawn together, mouth in the form of the letter "o", face tense).

Task "Fairy-tale heroes".

The teacher prepares pictures depicting fairy-tale characters with different emotional states.

Educator. Fairy tale heroes I really want to visit the airy country of mood, but they don’t know how to get there, it is very high above the ground. Clouds are ready to help them, you just need to choose a cloud that suits your mood for each hero.

small cloud

Floats over the lake

And a surprising cloud

Opens mouth:

Oh, who is so in the smooth surface of the lake

Fluffy like this?

So fluffy, soft

Fly, fly with me!

(Expression of surprise: eyes and mouth open wide).

mobile game Freeze.

Educator. I will blow on you with a magical breeze, and you will turn into light clouds.

Clouds float once, clouds float two, clouds float three,

A cloud of joy (here called emotion) freeze in the sky!

(The child should freeze, depicting this emotion).

Music task.

Educator. Clouds in this country are very fond of listening to music. And the children of our group love to draw. Think about what you want to draw with pencils or paints. Prepare yourself workplace. I'll turn on the music for you now. Our clouds will listen to it, and you will draw a picture and the mood that this music will cause in you.

(Musical fragments sound different in mood, children guess and depict this mood).

Stage 4. Reflective.


Now it's time to say goodbye

Let's say "bye" to the country of moods!

The door to the country of moods is open to us,

Say goodbye to everyone now!