The difference in thinking men and women. Male and female thinking. Male brain treats voices in a different way

Men are simple, women are difficult. Do you know why? Mark Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to figure out the eternal theme of the characteristics of thinking in women and men. And that's what happened.

Mark explanation placed on the Tickld website. He explains this specificity to a completely different biological brain. So, in men, he compared him with a closet, in which everything is laid out in its place in perfect order. For example, sex - in one "box", work - to another, rest - in the third. There are such separate cells literally for all: car, money, plans. And even there is a box in which considerations are stored about women.

In Italy, men during the survey determined the main female flaws. Without looking at the common stereotype, the Women's Addiction to the Shopping - the phenomenon is peaceful from the point of view of men. It is much stronger than them annoying women's jealousy. This is spoken by the results of a survey of more than 3,000 men from Italy. 30% of respondents consider jealousy worst shortcomings in women. 22% of men from the survey allocate annoying.

There is one an important rule: While you are unloading one box, others cannot be touched. Therefore, if men discuss some one question, they simply "use the desired box. In women, everything is absolutely different. Gunvor sees their brain big Sharkon which the mental "wire" is wound. Therefore, women are all connected with everything: money with the car, the car - with work, children - with mother, mother - with grandmother and so on. And it is managed by all emotions.

Thus, it is not surprising that, as a rule, women remember everything. For example, if you take some event from their lives and connect it to strong emotionsThey will remember him forever.

In men, everything is wrong, because they often forget about some of their "boxes", while they are less emotional than women. But main Fishka The fact that men have a secret "box" - empty. Many men adore the moment when you can enjoy an absolutely "empty brain" for several hours. That is why they love fishing so much.

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A few years ago, the fact of the presence of such an "empty box" was confirmed by scientists of the University of Pennsylvania. In the course of the study, they found that men could really turn off for some period from the world, not to think about anything, and at the same time breathe :). There are no such skill in women. Their brain has no brake pedal. Therefore, so often women feel irritated. Especially in the moments when they see men with " empty box"They call idleness.

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In Italy, men during the survey determined the main women's shortcomings. Without looking at the common stereotype, the Women's Addiction to the Shopping - the phenomenon is peaceful from the point of view of men. Women's jealousy is much stronger than them. This is spoken by the results of a survey of more than 3,000 men from Italy. 30% of respondents consider jealousy worst shortcomings in women. 22% of men from the survey allocate annoying.

Provided women get more sex fun

Scientists have found that women with stable income get more pleasure from sex. Employees of the Network of Biomedical Research Centers in the field of epidemiology and healthcare conducted a survey in which 2365 women and 2532 men in Spain at the age of 16-44 were participating. In the course of the study, the experts studied three components of the sexual health of the Spaniards for last year: Satisfaction and safety in sex, as well as the number of sexual violence.

When the equality of the floors come

Annual report on global gender differences For 2014. Information appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum and was filed in the form of a rating, which reflects the level of welfare of women around the world. With its preparation, the availability of education and medicine for women was taken into account, their quality of life and the number of women politicians. Ukraine rose to the 56th place, leaving behind Russia (75), Poland (57), Romania (72), Slovakia (90), Hungary (93), but the neighbors of Belarus (32) and Moldova were better than us (25 ).

Scientists: Modern women suppress men

Tracy Cox, a British specialist in the field of study of sexual issues, concluded that modern women There are overestimated requirements for men in bed. Tracy conducted a study, during which the trend was discovered to increase partners in women throughout their lives. Men have a return trend, therefore self-esteem among representatives of heavy sex falls. As a result, about 20% of men feel less attractive and prefer to have sex when the light is turned off.

In the United States will produce Viagra for women

About Viagra for men have been heard for a long time, and now the time of the "magic tablet" and for women. In the United States approved the production of the drug Flibansenin, which has the properties of female Aphrodisiac. The discovery of the drug belongs to scientists from the US Food Control and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration, FDA). The medicine was called "Viagra for Women." Tablets will enter the market under the brand name ADDYI and will be accepted on the recipe. Production will be engaged in the American company Sprout Pharmaceuticals.

What makes men confess in love

Sometimes a woman can make confess in love awkward pause or suitable mood. Men such weakness are not known. If they are confessed in love, then: a) they decided that they love you; b) they pursue their motives. We will deal with what makes men pronunciation "I love you." The first reason is you. Women put on men. They themselves want to shout about their love, but they cannot say about it first, for "so not supposed." Therefore, women continue to terrorize men, forcing them to pronounce those words.

The long-awaited answer: why men are afraid of smart women

Psychologists from the University of Buffalo, the California Lutheran University and the University of Texas conducted an experiment, as a result of which it became clear that men consider smart women attractive, but only until they had to meet them face to face. In the experiment, 105 men and a group of women were involved. Participants took tests in mathematics and English.

What is actually men and women differ from each other

We all know about the main differences between men and women. We are different not only on the physiological, but also at the level of psychology. Scientists have shown that the list of differences is almost infinite ... Brain Bert Pakkenberg, Danish scientist, found out that there are four million cells in the brain for four million men. But, despite this, the tests that were held for men and women, the weak floor passed 3% better. And all because women have a so-called corn body. It serves as a "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Specialists: childless spouses happier couples with children

In the course scientific experiment An open university was found that childless couples are happier in contrast to the spouses with children. The results of the study caused a resonance in society, because children are considered to be the colors of life. But, nevertheless, the study of life more than 5,000 people showed that spouses without children live happier than couples with children. Independent state Careless more peaceful due to the fact that they are more satisfied with their relationship.



Male and women's thinking - Psychologos -

Accordingly, a woman understands a bad third position, a position from the part, and men poorly understand the second position. It is at this point, it seems that the male and women are radically different. The thinking of men and women (meaning gender, not biology) there is its own characteristics a man perceives logic and integrity, a woman - concrete and details. A man thinks according to the rules, a woman is guided by an internal feeling.

What is the difference between female and male thinking? -

I asked one smart man: "What is the difference in female and male thinking?" He replied: "nothing." However, I do not understand much, which is understandable to men, and they, accordingly, is not clear to me, which is understandable to me. Thoughts of our ancestors. Let's look at a few tens of millennia ago, when the cornerstone differences were laid in the consciousness of women and men. Look at the cave of primitive man. What did the man think about?

What is the difference between men's thinking from women | -

The difference of thinking men and women. Talk about thinking. Thinking, performance, training factor, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility to completely different. Some are trying to speculate on it. But what is interesting, the age brain men "olde", compared to the female faster.

Top 10 differences of female psychology from men's -

1. Processes of thinking men and women differ from each other. Men usually think large, well focusing in space. The thought of a man is lined more accurately and subordinate to general laws logical thinking. 5. Sexual activity Men and women differ. This is connected directly with hormonal processes in organisms and with what social role as ancient times is intended to play a man and a woman.

What is the difference between a woman from a woman: facts, psychology. -

The perception of the world in men and women differs fundamentally from each other. For example, it is worth paying attention to the clarity of the information received. She will be preserved at the ladies. But straightness is pure men's damn. Guys, as a rule, are not accustomed to keeping parts and unnecessary information in the brain. Thoughts are expressed directly, without hints. That is, "yes" is yes, "no" is not. And no deviations from these principles do not happen.

What is the difference between women and men thinking | Women's magazine -

What is the man different from a woman? 1.6. Strategic -

What is the man different from a woman? Alexander Biryukov. (From the book "Unreal Man"). The beginning here (I advise you to read it). 1.6. Strategic and tactical thinking. Passionarity. The main tasks of a man and a woman. The man is better developed strategic and abstract, and a woman has tactical and objective thinking. The main function of the man embedded in it by nature is activities aimed at studying and transformation of the world. Expansion of the effect of the form or its part, the team.

Features of men requiring a female patience -

I think it is clear than an externally a man is different from a woman. I hope you know it too well. But the most important difference lies in a completely different thinking in a man and a woman. The way of thinking, the vision of the world, the goals of men and women are very strong, it seems to me that you can not not think, you always have some thoughts in the head, probably, even in a dream, and the men are uncomclosed, they can really What not to think about. In no case do not brake it at this moment. Why?


Men are simple, women are difficult. Do you know why? Mark Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to figure out the eternal theme of the characteristics of thinking in women and men. And that's what happened.

Differences in Brain Device Men and Women -

They come across both women with a "men" way of thinking and men with "female". It is ugly to assign properties to a separate individual - at least rampant. There are different levels of the device, I consider the structure of a white substance in the brain, it differs in women and men. The functioning of the brain is explained by its device, if different functions, the device must be different. Evolution is difficult to judge, since this process is stretched in millions of years.

What is the difference between women and men's thinking / -

What is the difference between women and men thinking (in men) -

Differences of feminine and male psychology -

Differences feminine I. male psychology. Publication date on August 30, 2015. Published in articles on psychology. So it works that men and women are different in nature. These include the rules of conduct, social rolesadopted in society. We can talk about their decisive impact on the psychology of men and women. Men and women have differences in the process of thinking. A man thinks more logical.


What is the difference between women and men? Twitter. Facebook. Vkontakte. In men, everything is wrong, because they often forget about some of their "boxes", while they are less emotional than women. But the main chip is that men have a secret "box" - empty. Many men adore the moment when you can enjoy a completely "empty brain" for several hours.

What is the difference between women and men thinking | Women's magazine -

Oscar in Studio: Salma Hayek showed 4 types of male orgasm. What is the difference between women and men?

The difference between a man and a woman in psychology - Zhenomaniya.Ru

The difference of male I. female thinking. Undoubtedly, men and women are very varying among themselves in physical strength, brain activity, emotions and these differences not only on the genetic foundation, but also in socio-historical development. For a long time men and women were different rights, various social roles and postulates of responsibility. What is the difference? Let's look at the main differences between a man and a woman.

What is the difference between women and men? Supruses -

Mark Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to figure out the eternal theme of the characteristics of thinking in women and men. There is one important rule: while you break one box, others cannot be touched. Therefore, if men discuss some one question, they simply "use the desired box. In women, everything is absolutely different. Gunvor sees their brain with a big ball, which is wound by the mental "wire".

What is the difference between female and male thinking? -

I asked a smart one man: "What is the difference between women and thinking? Male" he replied: "nothing". However, a lot of things are not clear to me, which is understandable to men, and they, accordingly, not much clear what I understand. Some women things grab better, some things understand better man. Thoughts of our ancestors. Let's look at dozens of several millennia ago, when the differences between the cornerstone in the consciousness of women and men were laid.

What is the difference between women and men thinking | Female School - School120.Ru

The brave Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to figure out the eternal theme of the characteristics of thinking in women and men. And that's what happened. What is the different organic shampoo from the usual. 5 Mis dangerous species Alcohol for women and men. Doctors told what the varicose veins are dangerous. Female features The body is what the difference from men?

A man and a woman often do not understand each other. Starting relationships we expect our close person Thinks as well as we are very upset when it comes quite differently. Why is this happening? Let's talk about some differences between us.

What is the difference between a man and a woman?

I think it is clear than an externally a man is different from a woman. I hope you know it too well. But the most important difference lies in a completely different thinking in a man and a woman. The way of thinking, the vision of the world, the goals in men and women are very different, I would even say, dramatically.

For a common understanding, you can compare the male and female thinking with the road. Male thinking - This is one straight road. He goes on it just right and to go to another way, you need to stay, find the congress. And the female thinking can be compared with a complex automotive junction - solid loops and intersections, cars of there and here in all directions go.

One of my listeners joked that these are gyrus - these are not gyrus, gyms in men and women are the same, just different thinking, different tasks from nature. We are created for different tasks and we perceive the world in different ways. If you understand it, you can create a good relationship With a man.

Male thinking is a submarine

What does male thinking look like? Male thinking can be compared with a submarine, which is divided into a variety of compartments. Each compartment is separated from another hermetic, soundproofed partition. If a man is conditionally in one of the compartments, he does not know what is happening in other compartments.

How it is expressed in real life? A man can only deal with one thing at one particular time. You can still say that the male thinking is unplaced. For example, he reads some complicated technical literature and, if you communicate with him at this time, there is a very high probability that your communication with him will be useless. He will not hear you or will not adequately perceive what you are saying to him. Because at this time "is" in the compartment "studying some kind of complex technical literature", and you knock him into the partition, and he does not hear you.

Female thinking is an apartment without doors and walls

How is the female thinking? Female thinking is a huge apartment without doors and partitions. You, being at any point of the apartment - in the kitchen, in the bedroom or living room, hear and see everything that happens to you, that is, in your head everything is connected with each other, a huge large space.

And if the apartment is without walls and without doors, you can move very quickly, for example, you are in the bedroom, right there you are in the living room, in the kitchen. You are only a step to do, second, since once and just once and you have time everywhere. And for you it is natural, you live all my life and think. You can make several times at the same time, for you it is normal, you and women also communicate, you can immediately discuss a few topics, and in parallel something else to think about something. For a man it is impossible.

Men required time

When you ask for something to do something quickly, it is quite difficult for him. It is first necessary to go from one compartment from one compartment to another, called "I listen to what they are asked about." Through this transition can be represented as opening "Luke". You must first unlock the hatch, reset the pressure, open the lid, look, see, there is something there or it seemed.

In real life it looks like this. For example, a man is engaged in some kind of his own business, and you ask him about something "could you serve something or get it?" or something else that. At this moment, as a rule, you may not even think about whether it is busy or not. Because it doesn't matter for you than you do, you always see and hear if you turn to you, the women are multitasking.

And so, you voiced your request, as you think, has passed a lot of time, and he does not react. What a thought you can have: what he ignores you, does not pay attention to you, and it doesn't matter what you ask him about? And in fact, he could not hear you, but even if he heard, he takes time to reaction. This you can quickly switch, and the man is not.

If a man is engaged in some kind of business, he must first complete some stage, otherwise he then remembers where he stopped. The submarine is huge, she must first slow down, slowly start to unfold and the man takes out some time for it. You may seem like a lot of time, and from the point of view of a man - very little.

Therefore, take patience do not strive to do everything yourself after 10 seconds of expectation.

The consequences of ignorance of male thinking features

I sometimes watch a very devastating situation for a relationship when a woman asks a man about something and does not wait when he reacts.

I'll tell you an example from life. A couple sits, a husband with his wife, his wife asks him: "How long is it?". The husband begins to remember where he has a phone, starts looking for him. The wife, without waiting, the seconds in 10 stumps his hand in his handbag, pulls his phone and says that it is not necessary, she already looked at himself. By doing so, she devalued the desire of his man to help her.

Each man reacts with the speed that is capable of, it cannot respond faster. Worse situations No, when a woman asks for a man about something, and does not give him time to fulfill her request. In your life there were similar situations?

If such a situation repeated several times in a relationship, then the man accumulates very strong insults. The biggest resentment for a man is when a woman speaks directly or indirectly that I don't need you, I'll do everything myself.

After some time, a man stops doing something for a woman, because he does not feel that you need it. He may not even realize this, but on subconscious level It feels, as a result, you get a man who does not respond to your requests.

Compartment "Nothing"

Often, women are very upsetting such a man's behavior: a man sits, silent, staring at the TV and continuously switches television channels. And you see that perhaps he has bad moodAnd you ask: "What happened or what do you think about?" You want to understand what it is.

And the man answers "Nothing" ... It's true, a man has a compartment called "Nothing", and it is now that he is locked in him. Women, it seems to me, can not not think, you always have some thoughts spinning in my head, probably, even in a dream, and the men are single-baking, they can really do nothing.

In no case do not brake it at this moment. Why? Because the man in this compartment "Nothing", in this state of silence goes when he is tired or has stress. And the stress man and woman are experiencing in different ways. We will talk about it in the following articles.

Discussions on the topic of differences between male and female thinking are conducted for a long time. However, until recently, they were discussed only at the level of hypotheses. The point in the disputes put a study of scientists from Medical school Pennsylvania University (USA), who managed to prove: the structure of our brain really depends on the sexuality.

True, similar studies were conducted before. So, neurobiologist and journalist Mokheb Kostandy in the book "50 things about the human brain that you really need to know" writes that the male brain is 10-15 percent larger than women. If a medium weight The brain from the representatives of the strong sex is 1,378 grams, then representatives of the weaker sex - only 1,248 grams. However, these differences become apparent only when it comes to big group of people. Ladies are found, whose brain in dimensions exceeds a similar body in some men. Perhaps the fact is that men are simply physically larger, but whether the sizes of the brain have some influence on intelligence - big question

It is also impossible to deny that men have left and right cerebral hemispheres work alternately, so strong sex representatives are capable of simultaneously concentrated on one particular task. Women are also involved both hemispheres, and therefore a fair sex is capable of perceiving and analyze much more information. This allows them, for example, simultaneously trying to cook or clean, talk on the phone and watch TV ... The men's brain is not designed for multitasking.

According to Pennsylvanian specialists, the difference in thinking and behavior of the representatives of both sexes is explained by the fact that women prevail the relationship between brain hemispheres, and in men in men. And it managed to prove experimentally!

The team of researchers led by Professor Razhini Verma gathered a group of 949 volunteers - children, adolescents and young people aged 8 to 22 years. Their brain was scanned by the method of diffusion tensor visualization (DTV), which is a kind of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With it, it is possible to observe the process of diffusion of water molecules located along the myelin shell of the nerves, and to determine the nature of intracerebral compounds by their movement. It is from these ties, according to experts, the processing of the brain of information, the effectiveness of data exchange and so on.

As it turned out, at representatives of weak gender, intracereblocks are more dense in the zone of the ceremonic outcome, which includes the area of \u200b\u200bso-called inter-static contacts. Representatives of the same power above the density of conductive paths inside each hemisphere. However, at the cerebellum level (which is essentially a mini-brain with its own hemispheres) there is a completely reverse picture: women have more powerful connections inside hemispheres, in men - between them. Interestingly, these differences began to manifest themselves only as aggravated: for example, in children under 13, they were not so noticeable, like more older people.

The data obtained are fully explained why men are usually better about the coordination of movements: they are able to correct them faster in accordance with the sensory information coming from outside. Men are certainly reacting much more efficiently to abnormal situations (for example, related to car ride). Women can drive a car more accurately, but in non-standard situations are not always able to quickly take correct solution. But they can easily make conclusions at the level of intuition.

Experiments have shown that the ladies are more attentive to detail, it is better to remember faces and words, it is easier for them to establish social ties. However, the gentlemen better perform tasks for sensorotor skills and to the ability to navigate in space. However, the difference also began to appear only in 12-14 years old - before that, boys and girls demonstrated about the same results.