Congratulations on Teacher's Day to a retired teacher. Congratulations on Teacher's Day to former teachers

The simplest and affordable way to congratulate teachers is to give them a postcard or verbally say wishes. Congratulations on Teacher's Day this year must be prepared by October 1 - this date is the Day of Education Workers.

Pleasant words are spoken not only to teachers, but also to teachers of universities and vocational institutions, as well as to other people whose specialty is teaching. Those who are no longer learning to do a pleasant surprise former teachers, send an SMS message or a letter. Also, do not forget about the employees of additional courses or extracurricular institutions - Teacher's Day is their professional holiday, which means that you need to please with funny or, on the contrary, sentimental wishes.

Traditionally, teachers are congratulated not only by schoolchildren and students, but also by their parents and other family members who participate in educational process child. In addition, it is worth saying pleasant words friend, acquaintance or colleague who works as a teacher.

We have prepared a bright and interesting selection short and long, serious and comic wishes for any occasion.

Beautiful and original words in prose

Non-rhyming congratulations are an easy way to celebrate a teacher's professionalism and thank them for their work. Such words can be no less beautiful and interesting than poems. Moreover, wishes in prose sound very sincere. For congratulations, you can use one of the proposed options. Also, based on these wishes, you can try to come up with something of your own.


I want to congratulate my favorite teacher on his professional holiday! I wish you creative strength for the implementation of all plans in your important and difficult profession, obedient students and understanding parents! We respect and love you very much! What a blessing it is to have such a mentor! Teacher's Day!


To the one who generously shares knowledge, to the one who does not tire of repeating, on Teacher's Day - our congratulations and best wishes! Let there be order in the magazine and in life, let them meet more often good books and people. And so that there is always a reason to smile truly happily!


Education is no joke, but without humor, such a useful work for society becomes hard. I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day! Let a sense of humor and patience help to take any height in the education of children, without losing the feeling sincere love to his important profession.


The uniqueness of the teacher's work lies in the fact that its results are visible only after decades. The greatest happiness for a teacher is to see that unintelligent first-graders have become honest, educated, wise people. I bow low to you and thank you for your science, patience and attention. Congratulating you on Teacher's Day, I want to wish talented students, generous harvests in the pedagogical field, health and well-being in the family.


Teaching is hard work. Here you need a clear mind and a warm heart. Thanks to your efforts, many guys have found their way in life, and today, on Teacher's Day, it's time to congratulate you and say "thank you" for your invaluable work! Be happy! Let nothing overshadow life, and love and understanding live in your house!

Such words from the students will be pleasant to everyone. And if you want to add your wishes to them, then we remind you that on this day it is customary to thank for wisdom and patience with mistakes and pranks, the ability to be attentive and fair. When composing the text of congratulations, you can recall important or funny cases from life, wish diligent and grateful students, respect for work and professional development.

Cool congratulations

Fancy and funny words it is worth writing on a postcard to a young teacher, class teacher or a subject teacher who humorously approaches school life. Comic Wishes is a way to congratulate, as well as to give good mood and smile. But for older teachers, those who are serious about their work, it is better to choose more formal and traditional options.

Today it will be quiet in the classroom:
Nobody breaks the window
With a foot the door will not knock famously -
This is not meant to be.
Today we congratulate together
Teachers with a professional day!
For this we really need
Lead on "five" yourself with him.


What words should you write now?
And what do you want on Teacher's Day?
Always stay on your horse
And more "fives" to the class and to me!


Again Vasya at the blackboard,
Again the lesson does not know
He is outside the windows of the raven
Thinks from longing
Just won't get a deuce
Vasya is ours in the end
Teacher's Day today!
Happy teachers!


Throw away the chalk and pointer
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!
Let coloring instead of notebooks today,
And if you want, we'll skip the lesson,
To take a break from school subjects,
And maybe ate a cake in the park
Let there be an endless summer in my soul
And more beautiful flowers and gifts!

SMS congratulations: concise and beautiful

If there is no way to express your gratitude in person, you can send a message. Parents of schoolchildren, friends, as well as former students often do this. SMS is usually small, which means that in a couple of sentences or a quatrain you need to have time to say the most important thing. We offer several beautiful options.

You teach children with love,
Find an approach to everyone.
So God bless you, good health,
Happy life without adversity.


Happy Autumn Teacher's Day,
Full of sun and warmth.
Let the heart suddenly fill
A feeling of happiness, kindness.


Few are given to teach children,
But you can take this path.
Let no worries torment you
Let it be easy on the heart.
Patience, fighting spirit,
And on holiday - nice to relax!


Congratulations on Teacher's Day -
Honor today for me.
You are an excellent teacher.
Happiness to you, love, kindness!

Beautiful poems for the teacher

This traditional way congratulations. Such words can be written on a postcard or said out loud, and best of all, learn by heart in a group and read in unison.

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!

Beautiful words for the first teacher

During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
Who knows what year, in what region -
We kind word don't forget to remember
Your first teacher!
That, like chickens, she carefully counted us,
When I took under my "wing",
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And solemnly led into the walls of the school.
Thank you for the word, for science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!

Poems for Parents to Read

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?
We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of ignorance
To teach a son or a daughter.
How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?
Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!


Dear our teachers!
On this holiday - Teachers' Day -
Forget all your worries
And look at the world more cheerfully.
You are always a source of light for us,
And the guys are all, as if by agreement,
They bring you beautiful bouquets.
And for them the radiance of your eyes -
Best reward for hard work
Better than any of the accolades.
And they have one desire:
Just to bring joy to you.
For your sincere smile
Both the student and each student
Instantly correct all his mistakes
And will not repeat them in the future.
You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,
The one that will never go out.
May your wishes come true
Let trouble not visit your house!

Congratulations for colleagues

On this day, workers of the sphere traditionally say pleasant words to each other, give cards and gifts. For this occasion, we have also prepared some beautiful verses.

Comic congratulations

I wish you easy lessons, colleagues,
Always understanding, without quarrels and reproaches,
Iron patience, a sea of ​​​​ideas,
Colleagues of interesting, diligent children.

In the family - only happiness, kindness and prosperity,
To live peacefully and work sweetly.
Always go to work with a smile
And to receive awards only in bags!

beautiful wish

We have chosen one path in the profession:
Teaching children is our daily work.
And in the rain, and in the snow, and in warm weather
Desks, books and children are waiting for us.

They don't let us grow old.
And they don't let you relax either.
And sometimes they confuse us,
What is the incentive for us to develop?

I wish you, colleagues, strength, health,
Patience and creative ideas,
Indifference to the subject, hobbies,
To inspire children to learn.

Let gratitude for past lessons
Reading in shining eyes.
After all, we not only teach them the subject,
But we open the best in our hearts.

I congratulate you on Teacher's Day, colleagues,
And finally I want to wish
Good luck not only at work,
Have a happy and friendly family.

Wishes in verse - not the only way do something nice. IN common days say “thank you” to teachers more often, treat them with attention and respect.

Good mood and interesting holidays!

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Good afternoon, our dear readers. Our teachers have a responsible job, because they not only pass on a huge amount of knowledge to our children, but they are also their friend, adviser, mentor, sometimes even a second parent, because children spend a lot at school, next to the teacher.

On this beautiful day, let's not forget to thank the teachers for their hard work and give them beautiful congratulations for Teacher's Day in verse or just send beautiful postcard. They will definitely be pleased.

Your modest work knows no price.

teacher, educator, mentor,
Your work is warmed by the warmth of the soul.
And on Teacher's Day we praise
All who give us knowledge light.

We are grateful to you beyond measure
For all the warmth, patience, work.
We wish you well and faith,
And let adversity all go away!

Dear our teachers! Congratulations on World Teacher's Day! We appreciate your generosity loving hearts, your patience and understanding, dedication and love for us - your students! We wish you good health, vivacity of body and spirit, joy from your hard work and every success in personal life! May you be surrounded by respect and love, benevolence and mercy, cheerfulness and our gratitude!


We are all so different
And we have to teach
To be beautiful like you
We should be experts.
We appreciate and love you
And know: it will be good,
And we won't forget
Your no lesson!
Desires of our personal
Today the meaning is:
We wish you great
You only students!

The profession of a teacher combines wisdom and youth of the soul, creativity and great energy, kindness and rigor! Your work is incredibly difficult to evaluate, it simply has no price! You put so much effort into your business that sometimes you take away your valuable attention from loved ones. We wish you to spend this holiday with your family. Love to you, patience, happiness and prosperity!

Behind every child's back
There is a special person
And he directs his hand
So that the sparkle in their eyes does not fade.

To be interesting to listen to
And it's interesting to think
To make our children better
Able to think and dream.

So that everything in life is beautiful,
And a lot of colorful ideas
May all of Russia on this holiday
Congratulations to all teachers!

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday, your profession is an example of virtue, philanthropy and wisdom. Your daily path is the path to the hearts of the younger generation, the path to the heights of knowledge. Be healthy, successful, prosperous, creatively active. May the gratitude of your students be a worthy reward for you.

Teachers, today is all for you:
Flowers, gifts, songs, congratulations.
You are the best, we love
You are a storehouse of knowledge, wisdom, patience!

So let your choice of life bear you
Kindness, love, health, prosperity.
Harmony reigns in the soul, warmth,
And in families - peace, love and understanding!

Happy teachers day today
Someone has graduated from high school
Someone goes to the first class.
You will find an approach to everyone,
Teach everyone with heart
Write a dictation beautifully
Untie example is great.
How to be friends and be brave
Run, jump above all
Make a paper plane
Get business success.
Be happy, healthy
Inspired every day
For smiles to have a reason
And not too lazy to work!


A teacher is a proud title that only the most deserved and worthy bear in life! So let the teacher's hard everyday life bring only joy and be fruitful. Let the students be diligent, diligent - those that can be proud of. And let happiness and comfort reign in the family. Health, love, prosperity and all the blessings of life!

All teachers and educators
All those who give us power of knowledge,
Who leads us on a bright path,
Who will always support and understand
Happy holiday today, congratulations,
And we wish you nice days
To work always with a smile,
With inspiration and fun
So that there is happiness in your life,
And a lot of success on the way
The school was a lot of positive
And a nice friendly staff!

Dear teachers, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Thank you for your wisdom and patience, thank you for your enthusiasm and resourcefulness! Thanks to your support and skills, our children fell in love with the world. Each of you has become an integral and very important part in the life of every child. Teacher's Day!

Happy World Teacher's Day,
We congratulate you
recognition, respect,
We sincerely wish you.

Let the children grow up
You are always remembered.
Health does not fail
May it be for many years.

Congratulations on world day teachers! Wish you easy work, excellent mood, successful undertakings and, of course, complaisant students. Let your work always be appreciated by right and with great respect for your personality. I wish you simple and close happiness, harmony in the family and a bright academic year.

Teacher is forever
After all, that work is not easy -
Teach always, everywhere everyone,
And even on weekends!

It is so important to give knowledge
For those who need
Raise good people
For the good of the whole country!

Let congratulations on the holiday
You Colleagues and friends!
Pleasantly children will surprise
And the day will not go in vain!

Congratulations on World Teacher's Day. I wish capable and talented students, worthy victories and awards in life. May everything that you have to fight for and everything that your heart aspires to come into your life without fail. I wish you health, all the best, brave ingenuity, comfort in the house, respect in the team and happiness in the soul.


How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
To teach children day by day.
Let bad weather not look into your house
And they will find dear illnesses.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your good work!

To everyone who makes planes soar into the sky, cities are built, discoveries are made and new technologies come into life, everyone who patiently led by the hand and helped take the first steps towards knowledge, congratulations on wonderful holiday- teacher's day. Thank you for the reasonable, kind, eternal. All the flowers of the world are at your feet. Happiness and prosperity to you, dear teachers.

The teacher knows better than anyone:
Waiting for us in life big success.
He believes in us and believes in us.
Praise and honor to teachers!

The teacher loves us and waits
When the new day comes
Once again, the school will be noisy and din.
Praise and honor to teachers!

Today is teachers day!
We hasten to congratulate them soon.
Let's say with a smile:
"Praise and honor to the teachers!"

Congratulations on World Teacher's Day. May, thanks to your efforts and efforts, the whole world every day become more literate, more educated, smarter and more enlightened. I wish you health and patience, inner peace and harmony, respect for others and sincere thanks for your great work. May your students achieve incredible heights of success together with you, may good luck accompany you in all, all, all things.

On this October day
school dressed up
Roses and asters
Instantly changed

Happy holiday, teacher!
Be always healthy!
Let them give you
Lots of flowers!

I sincerely congratulate you on the World Teacher's Day. May your work always be appreciated, may your efforts and hopes be certainly justified, may thanks to you children receive the right knowledge, may your life always be present Magic world goodness and happiness.

Congratulations to teachers today
With the world-famous Teachers' Day.
We wish you success and good
Talented, capable children!

Let your faces shine with a smile
And let the holiday be illuminated with good.
And a bird of happiness will fly to visit you,
Happy let him wave his wing!

We sincerely wish you success
And achievements of the highest peaks.
Let there be less grief in life,
More reasons for you to be happy!

I congratulate you on World Teacher's Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a blue sea of ​​hope, a bottomless ocean of happiness, an endlessly bubbling waterfall of success, a clear lake of love and a river of good luck that never changes its direction. May your efforts always bear fruit, may teaching always be only a joy to you.

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Happy World Teacher's Day! I wish every teacher recognition and respect. Great mental well-being, prospects and development. May all current, future and former students remember your merits and contribution to every young head. Happiness, success and peace!

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates Teacher's Day -
The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe it to teachers!

Congratulations on World Teacher's Day. Being a teacher is not just about giving children knowledge from books and textbooks, it means helping your students overcome all difficulties on the way to dreams, it means understanding children and believing in their success. I sincerely wish you to be the best and most beloved teacher for your mischievous people, I wish you the respect of colleagues, parents and all those around you, I wish inner strength and harmony, as well as the joy and happiness of your open soul.

teacher's day today
The whole country celebrates
Let the work be hard
But especially needed!

We wish you, teachers,
Inspiration every day
Let the road be bright
And the shadow will not touch the heart!

There is no kinder profession in the world. I wish you to stand firmly at the helm, opening the door for the child. You are the best and true friend who will not give out and help with advice, giving a helping hand in difficult times.


There are many good words
For you to read now
sincere wishes,
Good, extraordinary...

Let the soul sing with happiness
Bad weather flees from you,
A beautiful, kind laughter
May it bring you success!

May everything go smoothly for you
So that you live sweetly.
We love you, respect you
And congratulations again!

To the teachers of our dear school big hello and congratulations on Teacher's Day! We wish you, beloved and wise people, complete professional satisfaction from your difficult, but so interesting and the right job! Ebullient energy, patience and optimism, joy and beauty, understanding and love of children's hearts! May everything and always be just perfect for you!

Who teaches us?
Who is torturing us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and bright,
The heart is always warm.
And sorry if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
All of our teachers
And we wish you all good health
From pranksters of children!

Happy Teacher's Day! May the light you put into the hearts of your disciples kindle the stars and brightly illuminate your life path, and your kindness returns to you a hundredfold and materializes in the form of success and well-being.

Only those become teachers
Who is endowed with talent
Of those who don't know
Mint diamonds.

Those who are able to praise
And inspire to exploits
Not only excellent students,
But also complete rascals.

And so we wish you
Patience and strength
So that only Einsteins and Curies
They left the school.

Happy Teacher's Day! We sincerely thank you for this honorable and respected work. Thank you for our knowledge, for our future successes and achievements. Your words will forever remain in our thoughts, and your kindness in our hearts.

Teachers are the same angels
They just hid the wings behind the board.
They are harsh educators for children,
But with open, loving kindness.

All secrets, secrets are open to them,
They know the souls of the students by heart.
And that's why they get angry
And sometimes sadness stirs their hearts.

And on Teacher's Day we wish you heartily
A lot of health, the soul does not grow old.
Happiness, luck, love of course
And heavenly good, so that it was not counted.

I congratulate you on World Teacher's Day and with all my heart I wish you to always reveal your teaching talent in everything and always, to see only good things everywhere and live only wonderful moments. Let the respect of colleagues and students, the love of relatives and friends give self-confidence and new strength.

Smoothly red leaves fly
In the blue squares of school frames.
First-graders again leaf through the primer -
There is no time for teachers to grow old.
The sun's ray jumps across our desks,
Cheerfully winking at us.
We are growing fast, which means -
There is no time for teachers to grow old.
Pulls us from the school threshold
To new construction sites, to starships.
We need to know so much more
There is no time for teachers to grow old.
The vast world has become our legacy,
The road ahead is wide and straight...
Next to endless childhood -
There is no time for teachers to grow old.

On World Teachers' Day, I sincerely wish you worthy victories on the battlefield against illiteracy and happy Holidays for the heart in life. May every day be varied and fruitful, may every moment bring good luck and inspiration. I want to always be the best the best teacher worldwide!

Thank you teachers
For sensitivity and patience,
For the knowledge that you give
And explain skill.

Your work is priceless and great,
Always in demand everywhere.
Every student loves you
And tremulous, and devoted.

May health be strong
The students are diligent.
You are like parents to us:
Both strict and gentle.

Bow to you low to the ground
For demanding skill.
We respect you always
And we value your opinion.

The whole world has recognized your contribution to the development of society, dear teachers, you open up the world to people and help them see more! We wish you a lot of strength, an endless flow of energy and may life smile at you!

Updated: October 3, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
And our whole class of hearts
To you with love, kindness, gratitude
They want only joy!
And let the days be all in harmony
And fate is all in a major melody,
So that all your ideas and knowledge
They found in us a response, recognition.

The teacher has always been a special example.
The teacher's word has always been valuable.
Deservedly created a holiday once
Teacher's day is a solemn, important day.

We wish the teacher to everyone in the school
Happy teacher, joyful share.
And we promise that your knowledge
We will do everything to make life more beautiful!

There are many professions on Earth,
But only this one with a heart.
Your patience and wise kindness
The whole school planet is obliged.
It's always easy to go with a teacher
And conquer the expanses of new knowledge!

And we want to tell you, teachers,
You give us wings to the world of science and freedom.
We wish you always be able
Happy to be with us
And on Teacher's Day, we wish you to want
Always be our teachers!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Thank you teachers
For your good deeds.
Thank you all dear ones
For our young souls!
Thank you from all of us
For your spacious bright classroom,
For the long-awaited call
What brought us to the lesson ...
We will remember you, dear ones,
Storming gave blue,
On the farm, in the field, at the machine
We will never forget you.
May the sun give us smiles
And let happiness be in abundance!

Once opening the doors of this school,
We met in you wisdom, kindness.
And let learning be a new thing,
You gave us confidence and warm hearts.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day today
And we give you the recognition of the soul.
We wish you endless happiness
You are the light to which we will strive!

Few school holidays
But one is always special!
Teacher's Day, and again
We are ready to congratulate you!
We wish you a lot of happiness
So as not to meet bad weather.
So that the "weather" in school classes
Warmed us and you - all!
For good health,
To live easily, beautifully.
To make wishes come true -
Embodied in the joy of life!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
To teach children day by day.
Let bad weather not look into your house
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thanks for your good work!

Opening the hearts and knowledge of the world eternity,
Teachers give us wisdom, humanity.
There is no one whose work so saturates the mind,
That mankind delights with the discoveries of the epoch!

We congratulate you on the day of veneration, faith,
When bouquets, we give thanks to you without measure!
May Teacher's Day serve as a reminder to all of us,
How dear is a teacher to us and how much the world needs!

What a proud calling
Educate others:
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty fights.
After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Thankful congratulations to students on Teacher's Day

Years after years go by
We end class after class,
With your good deeds
You lead us through life
And we will warm you with words
And we wish you seriously
Spring! Or rather, many springs,
And with them many winters and years.
Let autumn not come to you,
He does not send his sad greetings.
Health, sun, silence,
We sincerely wish you!

You opened the doors of the school in September,
All students were greeted with a smile.
You gave so many warm days
And taught to correct mistakes.
Teacher, the most kind and dear!
We really appreciate all your efforts.
You are forever young, forever young
Always in our thoughts and minds.

And with them assurances
That in the world of English we are with you
Easy, bravely marched!
We wish you on Teacher's Day
All the best and happiness! Believe we know
That we are with you easily and quickly
Suddenly we will become aces in English.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from students

Thank you for your hard work and care
For tenderness, warmth of hot eyes.
Teacher is just a word for someone
But we will answer: “Definitely not for us.”
You and I have spent part of our lives
We learned a lot of useful things from you,
And thanks to you, we think clearly
And let's not forget the sparkle in your eyes.

Congratulations to all teachers
We are happy today.
The calling is to teach children
There is no nobler deed.
Your life choice is
And you can't help it
Good students to you
Health, happiness and good luck!

On this day we congratulate
All my teachers.
And with all our hearts we wish
Treat us a little better.

You will pass through the thorns of knowledge
all my students
And bring you to graduation from school
We are future graduates. (FROM)

No matter how many years pass
We will not forget teachers
And lives in everyone's heart
Holy feeling for these people.
And on teacher's day for them
Words of love and care are heard.
We wish you all the blessings of the earth,
For your hard work!

We don't have many teachers like you.
And you proved with your work more than once,
What a teacher, as they say, you are from God.
We sincerely congratulate you today.
We wish you even more successful work,
To be excellent result always, in everything
Students so you can be proud.
We want you to know that we won't let you down!

Congratulate the teacher on the holiday

Happy Teacher's Day, I want to congratulate
All native teachers.
And I would like to leave
This day is bright in my memory.

After all, the teacher will show everyone
The world of magical knowledge and systems,
He will successfully guide us
Through the turbulent paths of trouble.

I wish you with great gratitude
Happiness, joy, love.
Happy teacher's day, I congratulate
You, my teachers and mentors. (FROM)

We take the kids to school
To be a mentor.
To teach our children
Love, beauty and kindness.
Let them be happy with the result
Inspiring to the feat and work.
We congratulate you on the holiday!
Thanks for our guys!

Congratulations to your old teachers

How to congratulate Teacher's Day
The teachers who taught us?
Do not fall into banality, do not dissemble
In what words to glorify their feat?
And is there a harder field -
Of us, lazy and arrogant,
Prepare a shift, sentries,
So that in the coming year of Russia
Children's laughter did not stop everywhere.
We congratulate you today
On an autumn, glorious day and hour.
We so hope to be
That's just like you!

You were with us for a short time,
And now, go halfway,
But an interesting and easy way
We managed to get through.
You not only gave us
In terms of material,
We discussed life with you,
And for us you are the ideal.

Beloved teacher, mentor and friend,
Now it's time to take a break!
We all part, it's time.
Today will not be what it was yesterday.
Congratulations, teacher, today you
Congratulations with a smile, congratulations with love.
We will not forget you, and your orders,
In retirement, remember our class, all at once. ®

You have been in our class for so many years
And they gave us the knowledge we needed.
Now for your glorious labors
"Thank you" we should say.
You have done so much good!
You led into the future
Bridges and roads are reliable!
And everyone was able to teach us.

"Do not regret anything that happened" -
Here is the advice of one of the wise men:
There are no former teachers
As well as former students!
So what if time flies forward?
The main thing is to try to save friendship.
With retirement! Let it live in the heart
The joy of memories! See you soon! ®

Once upon a time you taught us
The most important and cherished.
We got a ticket to life
And we are grateful to you for this!
Our kind, beloved teacher,
We remember all your words.
May your abode in the future
Only joy will be filled!

Gone in different ways
Yesterday's students
But the memory of the teacher
We will always keep
Thank you for your knowledge
For our upbringing
We wish you health
For many years!

In any of us, students,
In addition to knowledge, there is a soul particle
That the teacher was ready to invest
Not for pay, it's only from the heart.
We wish you easy rest,
Let everyday life at home do not upset you,
Health, happiness, sea warm words,
That they only wish the closest people.

Let your head be gray -
Legal rest is not terrible for you;
And do not be sad - they say, years:
You are our wealth without them!
While the earth is spinning
Until the fate of the move is not calculated,
We will congratulate you all
Our wonderful teacher!

We will never forget happy years,
When you gave us knowledge.
What we can do now, all we can do today -
You have taught us all this.
And let many more moments fly by
We will always remember and love you.
And a million more poems
We are ready to dedicate to you.

Years passed, winters passed.
But the memory remained forever
School life is unique!
And we will never forget you!
And wishes of happiness and warmth.
And the path of the soul will be tireless,
The source of your strength and goodness.

Time flies by slowly
To summarize my thoughts:
There is no former teacher!
You are a real teacher!
In the order of knowledge and skill,
And the class hasn't gone anywhere!
Please accept our congratulations
With a legal pension from us!

On this beautiful day we gathered
To verse here to congratulate you.
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your kindness, mind, kindness, strength.
We want to tell you thank you very much
Thank you for teaching us so much.
Thank you for adding to our knowledge base.
For the fact that thanks to you we have grown people!

On this beautiful, bright day
We say "thank you" to you from the bottom of our hearts.
We know how hard it was for you
When you taught us, sparing no effort.
Trust us, we are sincerely grateful to you.
You have done a lot for us.
We are glad that you are. We wish you happiness
As well as strength, love and the whole world of good.

Teacher is truly a high title,
It contains knowledge, kindness, great work.
You revealed to us simple truths,
They will walk with us through life.
And let in adulthood everything in its own way
Not at all like it seemed in childhood.
simple truths what we have learned with you,
We were taught kindness and honor.

You have taught so many generations
They gave the school many long years!
There were successes, hundreds of achievements,
And also a sea of ​​colorful victories!

You deserve a rest, but now
Your holiday, congratulations!
We love, respect, appreciate you,
Always beautiful, live happily ever after!

You are retired, but still,
The teacher's spirit lives on
May he strength, inspiration
It certainly brings you.

On Teacher's Day, we wish
You health and good luck,
As a teacher, as before,
Everything in life is problem solving.

Thanks for the effort
On a special day, accept
In respect and care
Live positively.

There are no former teachers... Happy Teacher's Day to our esteemed pensioners! wish good health and indefatigably thirsty for knowledge, a living mind. Good mood, respect, support, understanding and order in all areas of life. Happiness, smiles and peace!

You are pedagogy-science
Many devoted years.
Harder mission in the world
Everyone knows it was not and is not.

Congratulate you on Teacher's Day
We sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts,
Yours is a treasure in the development of a generation
Huge and invaluable.

We really want to say on Teacher's Day,
That we appreciate you very much, respect,
Your teaching style is unique
Your lessons were just heaven!

We wish you longevity, health,
Smiles, earthly blessings and kindness!
Let every moment be filled with love
And come true cherished dreams!

I know firsthand
The hard work of teachers
How do they meet with a book
In schools for small children!

As they, again explaining,
For the hundredth time, looking into my eyes,
So responsive, knowing everything
Choose those words...

What will reach the heart directly,
Even the one who was stubborn
Ice in the soul will bring to "no",
A MAN will leave the school!

On this holiday, our teacher,
We wish you well
You are a winner in life
So let it be all the year!

Gratitude is limitless
Congratulations to you over a hundred,
You give birth to a PERSON in us,
Be happy, HURRAY!

You are already retired, but in your heart you are still the same brave teachers. We congratulate you on Teacher's Day and from pure heart we wish you to live in health and prosperity, to feel the love of relatives and the respect of all students, to feel like free birds in flight and to carry on any business to a victorious end.

You are a teacher in the past, but are now retired.
Anyway, Happy Teacher's Day!
The door is always open for you,
We love you immensely, we respect you.

Thank you for all your hard work
We wish you good health and peace.
May no misfortune happen in life,
Well, let the prosperity double.

Congratulations to you today
The disciples send heartily,
After all, the path of a teacher
This life is endless.

On the day of the teacher, accept
Gratitude and respect
Let it be clean over you
Certainly the sky.

Be happy, healthy, -
On Teacher's Day, we wish
In respect before you
We all bow our heads.

Let your eyes shine with happiness
May all goodness be reflected in them in response,
Accept the words of gratitude on the holiday,
We remember your lessons very well.
We wish you clear days and memories,
Warmth, fulfillment of cherished desires.