The better to treat the umbilical wound. Umbilical wound and its treatment in a newborn. Terms and stages of healing

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn is often associated with doubts and fears in young mothers. The fact is that in the first days of life, this place on the body is very prone to inflammation and injury. If you do not treat the wound in a timely manner and do not follow the process of its healing, there is a chance that you will eventually encounter serious infections. Therefore, you need to know how and how many times a week to carry out the processing procedure.

When the baby's umbilical cord falls off, a small wound forms in its place, usually healing within a few weeks. The treatment of the umbilical wound and further monitoring of its condition will help speed up the process and prevent bacteria from entering the body.

  • The wound toilet requires only hydrogen peroxide and any disinfectant solution - potassium permanganate, brilliant green. You will also need cotton wool (it is more convenient to use cosmetic sticks).
  • Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water, so as not to bring the infection to the baby.
  • Slightly stretch the baby's navel with your fingers and drop peroxide there with a pipette. It will soften the crust on the surface and the wound will be easy to clean. The trace from the umbilical residue usually has a yellow or bloody tint.
  • Start to clean up everything accumulated in the navel with a cotton swab when the peroxide finishes bubbling. The fewer bubbles formed, the better the wound healed.
  • Lubricate the wound with a disinfectant. Do not be afraid to harm the newborn, since such a procedure is safe.

Additional measures

  • Typically, processing is carried out after daily bathing baby. Use boiled water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in the bathroom.
  • Make sure that the diaper does not block access to air at the healing site. Today it is not difficult to purchase even special models with a cutout, and for a regular diaper, simply fold the edges.
  • Change diapers on time. From the ingress of moisture, the crust gets wet, slowing down the healing process. In this situation, the navel should be cared for by wiping with an alcoholized cotton swab.
  • Isolation of a clear liquid from the navel (ichorus) - normal phenomenon in newborns. The wound, which began to bleed soon after the separation of the umbilical residue, is also not worth worrying, such bleeding ends quickly.

Causes of problems

The most common concern of mom: what to do if the place in the navel of the baby is bleeding? First of all, it is worth determining what caused the process in the body of a newborn:

  • injury. In the process of swaddling the baby, changing diapers and clothes, you could touch the crust, and it came off, because this place bleeds. Similar situation does not pose a danger and does not last very long;
  • scream and cry. In a sobbing baby, the crust is also able to come off by itself. IN this case also no reason once again worry, there is no harm to the body;
  • wide wound. From a very thick umbilical cord, the trace remains large. Such a navel will heal much longer, so bleeding occurs more often. Make the toilet longer and more thorough, and then it will heal faster;
  • infection. The inflammatory process begins in the navel different reasons, for example, due to the foreign object. The baby's body weak immunity is not always able to cope with the problem that has arisen. In this case, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor;
  • granuloma of the umbilicus. Vessels and tissues often grow too fast, and capillaries often become tangled. Then the navel bleeds even from the most minor injury. The disease can be eliminated by cauterizing the navel with a special pencil with a silver rod.

Noticing that the wound does not just bleed, but exudes an unpleasant odor and after some time forms pus, then an appeal to a specialist is required immediately. Sometimes mothers notice how the navel is constantly getting wet. IN such a case Perhaps the water after bathing remains in the navel of the baby. Sometimes the selected disinfectant composition is simply not suitable for a newborn. Then it’s worth changing the green and potassium permanganate to alcohol tincture calendula, xeroform.


  • The best way to avoid problems is to handle it properly. Movements should be soft and careful and form a single algorithm.
  • In case of poor healing, try changing the navel treatment, for example, to chlorophyllipt. But the solution should be replaced only after consulting with a specialist.
  • Pay due attention to the bathing procedure, then inspect and process the navel. Water should be boiled, preferably with a low concentration of potassium permanganate. Monitor the temperature of the liquid and the level of humidity in the room, especially with a poorly healing and weeping navel.
  • Make sure that the navel does not sweat, and the clothes do not rub.

Summing up

  • Processing algorithm umbilical wound is extremely simple, but in case of doubt, it is better to consult a doctor or nurse for advice.
  • Caring for the navel is allowed using different means, but only with the permission of a specialist.
  • It is worth wiping the navel with peroxide after bathing, while the skin is dry and clean.
  • With a bleeding or weeping navel, try to reconsider the swaddling procedure, change the healing solutions. Be sure to pay attention to other symptoms of deterioration in the child's condition.
  • How long does the navel heal in a baby? Everyone is different. The wound usually completely heals in a newborn in 2 to 4 weeks.
  • In case of constant bleeding, pus, an unpleasant smell from the navel, be sure to call an ambulance.
  • An umbilical wound needs air. No need to stick a plaster on it, close tight clothes, diaper. In the case of sufficient oxygen supply to the tissues, the wound does not get wet, does not bleed and heals quickly.
  • It is not recommended to treat the skin around the navel with green paint. The drug stains the skin and makes it difficult to diagnose redness and inflammation.
  • Toilet wounds do not spend more than two times a day. Otherwise, the place simply will not have time to heal.
  • Give your child air baths. Fresh air accelerates wound healing.
  • It is better not to put the baby on the tummy until the navel has healed. The wound in a newborn is at first prone to injury, and diaper rash occurs on the skin around.
  • Watch how long the wound heals. If the umbilical cord fell off more than a month ago, and inflammation has formed around the skin, the temperature has risen and the baby is nervous for a long time, tell the doctor as soon as possible.
The content of the article:

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord, which connects the mother and child during pregnancy, is crossed by an obstetrician and fixed from below with a bracket. Just a few years ago, the remaining part of the umbilical cord was removed directly into maternity hospital on the second day of a newborn's life. At the time of discharge, the woman who gave birth received medical instructions for caring for the baby's navel. Everything looks different at the moment. Let's look at how modern pediatricians advise treating the umbilical wound.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in its recommendations from 1999 called for the preservation of the umbilical cord stump until its self-rejection. Numerous studies served as the basis, as a result of which it was found that with prolonged processing of the umbilical cord residue, the process of its separation is delayed.

Based on these data, babies are discharged from the hospital with the remainder of the umbilical cord, which is independently rejected during its first two weeks of life. Each case is individual. For some, this happens on the 5th day after birth, and for someone on the 15th day, it depends on the density layer of the umbilical cord. Umbilical cord treatment is included in the morning toilet of a newborn baby.

In order for the mummification process umbilical cord proceeded without infection, it is necessary to strictly observe following rules care for him:

2. When using a diaper, make sure that the umbilical cord remains open. To do this, tuck the diaper in front, or make it round neckline the required depth.

3. Healthy newborns should not treat the umbilical area until the rest of the umbilical cord falls off.

4. In without fail bathe the baby in boiled water and regularly spread it on the stomach. Neither the staple nor the rest of the umbilical cord will interfere with these procedures.

5. As soon as the rest of the umbilical cord falls off, it is necessary to leave the child with an open tummy, in the “lying on his back” position, so that the umbilical wound dries out.

6. You can treat the navel of a newborn with brilliant green no more than once. A solution of brilliant green is applied directly to the navel area, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin around this zone should not be affected.

Need to know! Newborn clothes should be made of high-quality natural fabrics that will provide air access and will not cause diaper rash. skin child. In order not to injure the navel area, it is advisable to use sliders with a weak elastic band.

Parents should be attentive to the healing process of the umbilical site. At the slightest change in the form of discharge, redness or swelling, you should seek the advice of your pediatrician. After the doctor examines the child and makes required appointment, you need to execute it.

Step-by-step instructions for the care of the umbilical wound

As a result of falling off the remainder of the umbilical cord, a wound is formed, which may bleed a little. Further, in the wound, crusts are formed that have a yellow-brown color.
In order to avoid the occurrence bacterial infection(and the above crusts are favorable environment for this), it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound area once a day, after evening bathing.

For hygiene procedure required:

Hydrogen peroxide 3%;

Brilliant green alcohol solution 1% (brilliant green);

Cotton sticks;

Cotton swabs;


This procedure must be carried out every day. It is performed as follows:

Pipette a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution into a pipette;

Drop a few drops into the umbilical wound;

Wipe excess solution with a cotton swab;

With two fingers of the hand, very gently, push the edges of the baby's navel;

With a cotton swab, previously moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, gently clean the umbilical wound from the formed crusts;

Wet the navel area with a cotton swab. The wound should dry out;

Soak a cotton swab in brilliant green and lubricate the wound or drip a few drops from the pipette inside the navel, surrounding skin should not be affected.

Important! Before carrying out the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands and observe sterility.

Possible complications during the healing of the umbilical wound

Approximately, the healing time of the umbilical wound is twenty days from the date of birth of the baby. That is, by this time the wound is tightened. During the healing process, it is possible slight discharge. They may be bloody or light.

Warning symptoms are:

1. The color of the discharge with green or yellow tints.

2. Unpleasant smell of fluid released from the umbilical wound.

3. Inflammation and swelling of the skin of the umbilical region.

The listed symptoms are a possible infection. If they occur, you need to urgently consult a pediatrician, since inflammation of the navel in newborns is serious illness which may require oral or topical antibiotic ointments.

Umbilical hernia in a newborn baby

This complication is not uncommon in newborn babies. Occurs due to muscle weakness abdominal cavity child. It manifests itself in the form of a tubercle in the navel during tension or crying. This is due to the exit of a fragment of the intestine through the existing hole. Most often, it disappears on its own, without the help of doctors.

Surgical intervention is indicated in the presence of an enlarged opening in the child's abdominal cavity and with large sizes umbilical hernia. So that the hernia does not increase in size, and it would not have to be operated on, it is necessary to try to prevent a long baby crying.

Na baby ru: caring for the navel in newborns

Immediately, after your baby was born, family life is filled with new experiences. For young parents, caring for a newborn in the early days is unfamiliar and rather difficult. From the first days of a baby's life, an incredible number of questions arise! One of the first questions for young mothers is how to properly treat the umbilical wound in newborn babies so as not to harm.

The umbilical wound in newborns is formed as a result of the fall of the umbilical cord residue on the 3rd-5th day of life.

How is an umbilical wound formed?

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is fixed with a clamp and tightly bandaged near the future navel. Next, the umbilical cord is cut off: the doctor makes an incision between the clamp and the ligation site. As a result, a small section of the umbilical cord remains, which later dries up and falls off on its own. In the place where the umbilical cord is separated, the so-called umbilical wound appears.

How to properly handle and care for a wound

What you need to have for the treatment of the umbilical wound:

  • Cotton buds;
  • Pipette;
  • Sterile gauze wipes;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution);
  • Zelenka (1% alcohol solution of brilliant green);

Step by step processing:

If you notice discharge from the wound or reddening of the skin around it, then the wound should be treated 2 times a day (morning and evening), it is also necessary to notify the patronage nurse or doctor about this.

Hygiene of a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Until the wound has healed, it is necessary to prevent possible contact of the skin of the navel with bacteria. To prevent infection from entering the wound, the following measures are taken to treat the wound:

But if your newborn baby has a navel bleeding, then check out

What should parents do with a long-term non-healing weeping umbilical wound in a newborn? Is it worth it to see a doctor? How to care for and treat an umbilical wound -

When does the umbilical wound heal?

Subject to hygiene recommendations and the rules for treating the wound, the navel heals no later than after 2 weeks (10-14 days) after birth. It should be noted that in the first few days after discharge from the hospital, the child observes visiting nurse from the clinic. She can demonstrate how to treat the wound if the hospital staff did not.

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How and how much the navel heals in a newborn, how to care for a wound - these questions are asked by parents to pediatricians when a baby is born and discharged from the hospital. To get rid of fears, to avoid the risk of developing pathologies, you need to know about care and the reasons why it can take longer to heal.

What's Happening at the Nursing Home

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is cut off, and closer to the tummy is clamped with a clothespin. Even in the maternity hospital, the doctor acquaints the woman in labor with the rules for caring for the wound: he himself processes the wound, thereby arming the mother necessary information, shows and explains how long the navel will heal in a newborn.

In the next 4-10 days, the tail with the clothespin should fall off at the place of pinching. Sometimes this takes more time. Remains open wound which requires further care.

After the umbilical cord falls off, the wound must be dried immediately. An ordinary air bath will help. If the belly button is clean and dry, no treatment is required.

If the clothespin dries up and heals, but does not fall off for more than 10 days, increase the amount air baths throughout the day, they will speed up the drying of the wound.

3 stages of healing

The umbilical cord is scarred in stages. To get acquainted with how the navel heals in a newborn and not to panic in vain will help knowledge about the stages of healing of the navel in a newborn:

Clothespin is sterile and made of safe material

During the first 5-10 days, the umbilical cord is a knot or tail, pinched with a clothespin. During this period, it dries up and falls off on its own.
The first 3 weeks the wound may bleed slightly, but this should not frighten the parents. An umbilical wound, like any other, takes time to heal.
During the period of life from 3 to 4 weeks, the umbilical cord of the baby is completely scarred.

Newborn care at home

When the clothespin falls off, newly-made mothers are interested: when does the umbilical wound heal? Subject to proper hygiene, umbilical wound heals quickly - after 3-4 weeks not a trace will be left.

It is important to observe hygiene standards and ensure proper hygiene, since there is a risk of infection in the wound, and this will lead to complications during healing.

Wound treatment: what and how to treat

The following medications can help prevent infection:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. A 3% solution will get rid of ichor and accelerate healing.
  2. Chlorhexidine- antiseptic, odorless and colorless, safe to use.
  3. Zelenka– excellent disinfectant if used in small quantities. Usage a large number the drug may cause burns. In addition, if redness appears on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin treated with Zelenka, it will not be possible to see it due to the bright color of this drug.
  4. Potassium permanganate. Solution of weak concentration - good remedy in the fight against infection and bacteria, but crystals should not be allowed to get on delicate skin baby around the navel.
In order not to injure the skin of the child and protect it from drying out or burns, brilliant green must be applied carefully and only on the wound.

Air baths

The ability to “breathe” the umbilical cord will help it dry and tighten much faster., do not fester. The duration of the air baths directly determines how long the navel heals in a newborn.

Air baths will not only help the speedy healing of the navel, but also harden the child, strengthen his immunity.

Air baths after bathing are very important. It is also good to do them between yourself or a diaper change.

The diaper should not come into contact with the umbilical cord, rub, block air. To do this, you can use special diapers with a slit for the navel.

In the absence of such diapers, the notch can be cut out yourself or simply tuck the edge.

Which diapers are best for newborns, read this.

Liseycheva E.A., pediatrician, City Hospital No. 2, Samara

Sometimes the navel looks like a tall stump. Do not think that this is a pathology or that it was poorly tied up by obstetricians. This is a skin tubercle, so the child got it.

Over time, its appearance will improve, the resulting fat on the abdomen will allow it to smooth out and a beautiful dimple will form in this place.

How to determine the condition and why healing is delayed

You can understand that the umbilical cord has healed by the following signs:

  • skin color does not differ from the skin;
  • no purulent discharge;
  • body temperature is normal.
With suppuration of the navel, antiseptics are selected individually

There are cases when the navel in newborns heals badly:

  • are formed purulent discharge or bad smell;
  • does not stop bleeding;
  • redness around the navel, swelling;
  • body temperature rises;
  • umbilical cord for a long time gets wet.

This is an example of poor healing when it is worth contacting a pediatrician.
Problems with the umbilical wound occur quite often. The reasons for this may be not only Not proper care, but also:
Granuloma. The reason is fast growth tissues and capillaries. Therefore, the vessels get mixed up, as a result of which the navel of the newborn does not heal well, the wound bleeds. The pediatrician will cope with the problem by cauterizing with a pencil with a silver rod that can kill germs.
Hernia. Parents are able to detect it on their own, since the umbilical ring in this case increases in size and looks like a bump. No worries. First you need to consult with your doctor. Often this can be done with a massage. Read about the reasons for the weakness of the umbilical ring.

Infection. Parents should be alerted by redness around the wound. The following symptoms can also confirm that the infection has entered the wound:

  • touching the tummy causes pain in the child;
  • the wound gets wet all the time;
  • the wound is festering and smells bad.

Very large umbilical cord. This needs more time to heal.

Reztsova E.M., pediatrician, candidate medical sciences, Kirov State medical Academy, Kirov

Do not be afraid when yellow or red discharge appears, as well as crusts on the navel. During processing, you need to carefully remove those crusts that have already exfoliated.

But if the navel has not yet fallen off, it is strictly forbidden to tear it off on your own.

Skin injury. Because of over-grooming mothers themselves injure the new skin and do not allow it to heal. Don't try to do anything on your own. Consult a doctor, as you will need special drugs to fight bacteria, and in case of complications, even surgery is possible.

Weakened immunity. This situation is common, especially when a baby is born prematurely. In this case Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the immune system, as well as to be more attentive to the issues of wound treatment.

When a baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord. The cord cutting and tying procedure is painless. Bandage it anywhere. Usually the distance to the umbilical ring is 2 cm - at this distance a knot is made with a silk thread. Doctors talk with a woman in labor: they explain how the umbilical wound heals in newborns, what proper care for children should be. It is important for mothers (especially primiparas) to know what can cause a long healing of the navel.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal?

Processing of the umbilical cord begins in the hospital. The initial process consists in lubricating the wound with brilliant green, and cauterizing the umbilical cord with alcohol. After being discharged from the hospital, further care carried out by the parents. In the first days of life, the wound must be cauterized with brilliant green or iodine until the umbilical cord falls off on its own. From day to day, the umbilical wound becomes drier.

How long should the navel in newborns heal? The healing time depends on immunity, the size of the navel, and also how correct the care was. After 21-30 days, the navel of the newborn should heal completely.

How long does it take for the belly button to fall off in newborns? Wound healing occurs in several stages:

  1. from 3 to 5 days, the umbilical cord looks like a small knot;
  2. with proper care, at the end of 5-7 days, the umbilical wound epithelizes;
  3. With medical point vision, the wound is considered quite deep, respectively, heals from 1-3 weeks. During this period, moderate bleeding is observed, so it makes no sense for parents to be in a panic - this state of the navel is considered the norm;
  4. the final healing of the umbilical wound in newborns occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Problems with the navel in a newborn can be avoided by any mother. She will be helped actionable advice, with which the navel will heal quickly, and complications will be behind.

What does a healed navel look like in a newborn?

  • after the birth of the baby, the wound is wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it takes time for it to stop bleeding. The best option will become latching cotton pad moistened with peroxide to the umbilical residue;
  • at the second stage, the formation of a crust is traced yellow color. To avoid microbial contamination, cotton swab moisten with hydrogen peroxide;
  • the navel must always be kept clean;
  • It is advisable to treat the wound before going to bed, after the bathing procedure. Once a day is enough. It is undesirable to disturb the wound unnecessarily. The exception is the navel big size. It is processed 2-3 times a day;
  • during the healing of the umbilical residue, the child should be bathed in a baby bath, adding potassium permanganate; temperature boiled water is 36-37 degrees;
  • make it a rule to ventilate the room;
  • make sure that the navel is always dry, exclude moisture;
  • the child should not feel uncomfortable because diapers or clothes are rubbed. Otherwise, the umbilical wound will be harmed: redness may form.

Poor belly button healing in newborns

When treating the baby's umbilical wound according to the rules described above, some complications may occur: severe bleeding, suppuration.

The reasons for poor healing may be the following:

  • The baby has a large belly button. Babies' navels can be different. For example, if the placenta was thickened, then the baby's navel is larger. Accordingly, the healing process is delayed. It will dry without fail, but more slowly;
  • there are cases when the wound heals slowly, and in addition to everything, a protrusion of the navel is observed. This alarm signal indicates the manifestation of an umbilical hernia. It is forbidden for the mother to take any action on her own. The child needs to be examined by a pediatrician;
  • due to suppuration of the wound, there is a possibility of infection. Accompanied bad smell and yellow discharge. The navel is constantly wet.

How does the navel heal in a newborn photo

Not all babies are born healthy strong men. It is possible that a child may be born with weak immunity, which means that he will be exposed to various microbes and infections. For a weakened body, it is difficult for mom and dad to decide similar problem. You have to go to the doctors. A competent examination of the pediatrician will give the correct medical treatment.

Mom's inattention during the treatment of the navel will lead to long healing. All parents are different. There are dust particles that blow off the baby, and vice versa, hygiene for mothers is not so important. All two cases are bad. Parents who are clean, carefully cleaning the umbilical wound, can harm the thin skin.

If hygiene is not observed, there is a possibility of introducing dirt, developing an infection. ABOUT rapid healing out of the question. Self extraction foreign body prohibited, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner;

Actions of parents with bleeding of the umbilical wound

Despite the correct care of the navel, it is quite possible to bleed. You can observe it with an accidental separation of the crust. Usually a few drops of blood are released, but such a problem cannot be left unresolved. Severe bleeding indicates the onset inflammatory process umbilical vessels.